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Date Posted: 20:38:36 03/16/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Specter's Deal Sec 1706 Cost US a Space Shuttle
In reply to: 's message, "In Memory of Sen Arlene Specter's Deeds" on 07:10:59 03/16/05 Wed

Blanket Purchase Orders on High Tech Contracts. The result was destruction of US Small Business to bid on Federal and Later State/Local Contracts. Who got the to be the prime vendors were some of Specter's Mafia Cronies. Why at NASA Goddard via this law. They told 400 Small Businesses and 700 US workers that work was given to a prime vendor. No one was permitted to keep their small business and continue work with Goddard. They walked off the job 10 weeks prior to the space shuttle Columbia Accident. Word on the street is if they were able to remain the accident would not occur. Applied Physics Lab procurement mgrs stated they knew organized crime sponsered the law. To this day they say the current generation of technologist is not up to the prior standards of technical achievement. Go down and vist Goddard one will see what this is shell of what was their before. One will also see real fast the MAFIA vendors do quiet well with getting all the contract deals.

Spector Supports Section 1706 of the 1986 Tax Reform Act
when he was lobbied via CDI www.cdicorp.com A family business owned by Greyhound Bus with ties back to the Hoffa Detroit Teamsters and Vegas Money. US Sen Moniyhan was the author of the bill on behalf of Computer Horizons. A principal of the firm was his Relative (Uncle). He was lobbied via Frank Viggiano owner of Ashbach Consulting back in 1986 located at 599 Broadway NYC. Frank asked Monyihan to sponsor the bill to force IT professionals to become employees rather then contractors. Frank was also President of the NYC chapter of the DPMA, Data Processing Management Assoc., Some leaders in the NYC Chapter of ICCA www.icca.org. indicated Frank is FAmily solider!!.. NASA Goddard went to Congress asking them not to pass this bill ..The result would be they would lose their top talent in the technical fields. After the bill was passed In Codes 500/700 Greenbelt MD they issued blanket purchase order agreements killing about 400 small businesses and about 700/800 contractors jobs. They got so mad they walked off the job 7/10 week prior to the Space Shuttle Columbia Accident. Rumors have it if they were on the job the Shuttle Mishap could have been stopped.

Another supporter of the bill was the Tad Group (Adecco, EDP Temps, MicroTemps, Tech-Aid) <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://tacnationwide.com">http://tacnationwide.com</a> .. One of their recruiters Tammi Wilson of MicroTemps in Greenbelt MD...stated when asked about the issues with their firm being a Family owner business..replied only the NYC Office EDP Temps is Family run! In Jan 1987Karen Ross of Sharp Decisions www.sharpdecision.com at 33 Vessey St. NYC behind the WTC Bldg. She and her assistant were shaking like crazy and both chain smoked after an encounter with Frank Viggiano Frank said if she deals with any more independents she would be in the East River!. An additional Sponsor was Volt www.volt.com They are the exclusive vendor of Lucent, AT&T, Microsoft, Bell South, Caterpillar, etc. In an investigation deal with contract fraud via Defense Contract Audit Agency www.dcaa.mil they put the VP in jail for contract fraud..They noted that Volt was tied into the FAMILIES also. In a chance meeting with a Navy Seal from Upstate New York..He said that he was involved with the covert activities in Sicily to deal with the mob when they were blowing up the Judges...during the Regan Administrator. He said they NSA www.nsa.gov records on Sen Monyihan both him and his Uncle were tied to the Rackets. Note: During this time frame Italy put away many of the Top Family leaders into jail. The new administration that came into power recently released all but three of them backout! Most has prison terms that would go for another 40-50 years! Spector slips out of the US at time to meet people in Naples Italy…Wonder what he is doing over here?. Remember the French Connection where Lucky was deported back to Italy at the end of WWII. He settled into Naples. when the NY DA Rudolf Gulianni found out about the Pizza connection, the CIA records showed they gave them power over Italy and Sicily. Spector was head of the US Senate Intelligence Committee…I wonder who was gaining the intelligence? Now another supporter of Herb Barness Con Greenwood may head up the House Intelligence committee. In 1987 Con Dick Schultz talked about the 1706 issues..His assistant (Graham Hartwell) stated to me they knew the Mob sponsored this tax code In an interview on Larry King in Nov 2002 with Nelly Connelly wife of TX Gov John Connelly. She was asked about Arlene Spector’s single bullet theory presented to the Warren Commission. She stated I was in the car this story is bunk. Perhaps when one realizes one of Spector’s power brokers was Herb Barness. PA family Don with many political officials under his influence..This makes it harder to believe his Single Bullet Theory

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  • Specter Protects Bensalem PA Narcotics Trade -- No name, 20:39:44 03/16/05 Wed
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