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Date Posted: 16:49:44 01/11/05 Tue
Author: No name
Subject: The D's Seem to Finally Get it
In reply to: 's message, "I'm sick of hearing about Bob Casey" on 10:16:29 01/10/05 Mon

I think the D's are finally when it comes to "choice" (as they like to call it despite the very lack of choice in the matter for the unborn baby). Basically, it appears as though many D's in leadership are going to allow for pro-lifers to exist in the party in the same way pro-choicers are in the R's. The dominant view is in favor of choice but the party will be open to different views. This is long, long overdue. I hope we can rebound some of the momentum ceded to the R's based exclusively on this issue. For years I've felt as there are many D's who would rather have pro-life Republicans get elected than pro-life Democrats.

>I'm sick of hearing about Bob Casey. The reason he got
>so many votes in the last election is 1) everyone
>knows his dad's name and 2) nobody cares who the state
>treasurer is. What were the issues surrounding the
>treasurer's race? None. And he faced an opponent with
>no name, money or hope. A far cry from Santorum.
>(P)Rick will paint him as a professional political
>opportunist with no experience on the issues, which he
>is. The only time he ran a real race he lost to a
>liberal because he had nothing to run on and he still
>doesn't. "I'm a lot like Santorum but not enough that
>you should just vote for him again" won't work.
>The worse case is T.J. Rooney running. What business
>does this guy have mentioning his name in the same
>breath as the U.S. Senate?
>Can we just unite around Hafer? She can appeal to
>liberals, blue collar Ds, and moderate Rs, has good
>name rec. and a record. Let's not stake our hopes on a
>guy who doesn't want the job and doesn't deserve it.

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