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Subject: GMBO..part one

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Date Posted: Thursday, October 21, 10:48:08am
In reply to: Fairyt 's message, "News about GMBO..." on Thursday, October 21, 10:34:47am


Sometime around 1900
in England

Phillips Jones sighed heavily. He didn't have much time left. The doctors had been very frank with him and he was glad for that. There was no cure for his problem, at least, not in the near future.

What was troubling him was, the spoiled brat his daughter had become. This failure was hard to digest. His mistake was the fact that he had never taken the opportunity to learn to know the girl.

He'd been married for twenty-one years, but he’d lived separate from his wife Roberta for many years now. Phillip had been very busy with his company in hardware products, which had made things difficult between them. He had not allowed himself to waste his valuable time to wife and child.

And Roberta, being a very demanding woman, couldn't take it. Very often she would seek out the wrong kind of company to avoid loneliness. Never mind the fact that she had a child to care for, it was simply not enough. She wanted to enjoy life as much as possible and in as many ways she could.
With the wrong company she'd encountered, men like Sparks and Suba, she soon was a drunken addict and drug user. A shame and disgrace for Phillip Jones' reputation of successful businessman and 'honourable' gentleman.

Phillip had tried to get some help for Roberta, but she refused. So he’d decided that if she went on like this, he would make shore she wouldn't turn him to poverty. They were going to live separate, at great distance from each other, but still in the same country.

Than there was the problem of his daughter. Since both the parents had neglected the child, she'd been raised by a maid. The maid’s name was Helen, not a very trustworthy one. The woman had a companion who'd steel from Phillip whenever he got the opportunity. He encouraged the woman to break in into the safe in the house, with the result that Helen got caught and fired immediately.

For some time, Phillip had tried to take care of the girl himself. But somehow, it seemed that the child was determent to make things as hard on him as possible. And Phillip was away too often to do a good job of raising his girl. Not only Helen, but the visits to her mother as well, had made her a difficult child to handle.

In her heart, Nikita wasn't a bad child. The thing was that her parents never communicated with her. They never told her they loved her. It was always: "Nikita don't do this, Nikita don't do that, Nikita it's not ladylike!" No wonder she became a rebellious teenager.

But Phillip wasn't one to put up with that for long. He sent her abroad, to a boarding school, to teach her manners and how to behave like a lady, very much to Nikita's dismay. She pleaded, cried, raged, but all in vain. Even her mother wasn't of very much help, if she even cared at all. So Nikita left to another country, Switzerland.

And Roberta? Well, she was enraged. Just recently, her husband had reduced her allowance. She didn't have to pay the monthly expenses anymore, because he would. She only got just enough for food and clothing. She was informed by his lawyer of all these changes. So if she wanted to maintain her costly addiction, she'd have to find the money elsewhere. Still, she should be glad that Phillip didn't want to divorce her, for things would get worse.

With all of this on his mind, and the fact that he was terminal, Phillip found himself in a bad position. He regretted that he didn't have a son to inherit the company. And he was sure Nikita wasn't interested. Nikita's own statements were: "What's so interesting about nails and screwdrivers? I'm a girl!"

He didn't have much to be proud of. What could he do? Was there a solution for his problem? With whom could he discuss this matter at all? And yet, there was one person he could ask some advice from. That man was his lawyer, Charles Sand.

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GBMO...part twoFairytSunday, October 24, 02:35:10pm

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