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Subject: GBMO...part two

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Date Posted: Sunday, October 24, 02:35:10pm
In reply to: Fairyt 's message, "GMBO..part one" on Thursday, October 21, 10:48:08am

Phillip Jones sat in his office, in a building of six stories high. Only the two top floors were offices. Below the offices was the actual factory, in which they produced the utensils and other products.

There was a grim expression on Phillip's face. Since he'd found out about his illness, he never told anyone except his lawyer. Through all those years, it had been a very heavy burden to carry.
His plans concerning his family were designed and soon set in motion, if Charles succeeded in his efforts.

He looked down at his hands. In them was a letter from the schools principal. Another complaint. He's had many of those, since she's gone. They wanted to send her back. But Phillip's huge donations had helped to keep her there. She must have driven them to insanity by now.
He didn't look forward to have her home. His fatigue was starting to show in his face. She would surely try to make him mad, so they could lock him up in an institution for live. But hopefully, his planning and plotting would help him to resolve the problem soon.

The child must be about twenty years now. Strange that she'd never expressed the need to come home in all the time she was away. Once, she said that she was having too much fun. Sorry for her, because all this fun will come to an end now.

It took some months, but finally Phillip had found and contacted the victim to his plotting scheme. The young man was the grandchild of a woman he once was in love with. Her name was Adrian. She'd encouraged him to start a business so they could get married afterwards. But her parents decided differently and married her of to some man named Samuelle. Right after, she and her husband left to a destination lost to him. After all these years without contact, Phillip wanted to know what was become of her.
He'd given his lawyer the task of looking for the woman and her offspring, if she happened to have any. And that's how he found Michael Samuelle.


Michael Samuelle, twenty-seven years old, was raised by his grandmother.
He lived in France the first ten years of his life, than moved to Canada. His mother ran away from the family. He never got to know her.
Today, Michael is a business associate with Paul and Renee Wolfe. Together they owned a firm of building contractors. How come?

Michael's father was the founder of the company. But poor management had brought it down before Michael was old enough to help him and take over. By the time he was eighteen, a terrible accident at work had caused his father's death. With an ill managed company and no money to spend, Michael looked for help with the Wolfe's. At that moment they were the top competitors in that area, and what was better than to become one with your biggest opponent?

But Michael didn't have any idea what he was getting in to. A young man, barely nineteen, with no experience in business, was an easy target for these two. Before he could even ask to reconsider, they made him sign every necessary piece of paper. Telling him it was the best he could do.

So they started and for several years things went well between the partners. There was good understanding and co-operation, and everyone tried to be reasonable to one another.
Paul and Renee were handling administration and Michael was working at the building-site, under a senior named Walter. They were very successful. The orders in contracts increased and the company started to make good money.

But ever power hungry, the Wolfe's took every opportunity to expand, to conquer and maintain the lead position in the whole country. Of course, not everyone would appreciate their moves.
Suddenly another contractor, Perry Bauer, started to offer cheaper projects against the expensive rate of the Wolfe's. Confronted with the loss of clients in a rapid pace, Paul and Renee started to use devious methods to keep their clients and maintain control.

As a result of all this, Michael unexpectedly found himself working with inferior materials. One of their projects had collapsed, but luckily there were no injuries. Alarmed, he and Walter investigated immediately, to find out who was at fault. He couldn't put the blame anywhere else than at the top, with his own partners.

From then on, the co-operation went down hill. Michael was always arguing that he couldn't work with the material they ordered. If they wanted to deliver quality work, they'll have to give him good stuff. But it always ended up with Michael complying, and doing whatever he could to satisfy the clients.

Michael was unhappy to say the least. He’d never expected this. Very often he would try to reason with them, but to no good.
One day he found himself in opposition with the Wolfe's. They'd been scheming to buy him out and to sign a contract with the competition. Michael decided to fight them about this. They wouldn't get away with this. His father had died on the job, and now they were robbing him of his company. 'This couldn’t be happening to him', Michael thought.

When at home, he at least could talk with his beloved grandmother, even if she couldn't offer him much of an advice. She was a good listener and that was enough. Not many people were able to set his mind at ease as his Nana.

After months of fighting in court, Michael decided to give them the victory in exchange of a respectful settlement. The nasty things that had been said in court got him thinking. It wouldn't matter if he won. They could and would make his life as miserable as hell, if there truly was a burning hell. It was time to end these brutal confrontations and get on with his life. Also for the sake of his grandmother, he didn't want to make things more difficult than they already were.

Meanwhile, the Wolfe's and Perry Bauer were celebrating their luck. Now they were ready to do big business at the top in their world of treason and ruthlessness.

At home, Michael was debating with himself again. It was just bad luck that you couldn’t see one through at first sight. But maybe this was a useful experience for the future.
When he got back to the building-site to gather his belongings and to say goodbye to the crew, he received a letter from Walter. The letter was addressed to Michael Samuelle and came from London, England

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Subject Author Date
Glad that I checked today and found another chapter!!! Thanks!! (NT)MyrnaSunday, October 24, 04:21:23pm
Thanks for the new chapter! (NT)MichelleBMonday, October 25, 08:37:05am
Thanks for the chapter.... More soon? (NT)signme1Monday, October 25, 10:45:38am

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