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Date Posted: 06:51:38 06/01/14 Sun
Author: GoodWillTalking
Subject: Raven Message 5/29/14

Happy Throwback Thursday! My heart is so full right now. Still trying to absorb so much. John and I have shed so many tears together, but tears of joy and understanding. I have had quite the awakening here lately (a reading, but not from a charlatan). From someone that changed my life and put absolutely everything into perspective for me. So many "no wonder's" that it boggles the mind. I was right about where all this suffering came from and continues to come from, and it most definitely NEVER came from God (if anything, he has cried with me).

Another was far angrier. My Soul is firmly panted in God's garden now. Nothing can tear me away ever again. Not even a foolish, misguided moment in time from years ago. I belong to God. He can hurl away at me, as he has done, and continues to do so in great anger, but God will keep me standing, and deflecting as much as he can. The love I have for the Archangel Michael is almost overwhelming. So many things make sense now. I know you will see this, and thank you so much for what you shared with me (and you know who you are). Dear God, it all makes sense now. No wonder. The light always wins......

Please forgive me for not getting out here more, as I wanted to do by now. I have been distracted with fevers and fighting this tenacious Shingles. It is exhausting and makes you feel like just lying in bed and sleeping as much as you can. I am just not feeling the Internet here lately with what I have going on. Please know that every post you leave is a gift. Every prayer is a jewel that you have given me. I never say what I don't mean. I love you for all of this and so much more. I need to heal now. My body needs to catch up with the news, but it is still fighting the Shingles and the pain. Now I know for sure where all of this is coming from, but having Michael at your side ought to scare the hell right out of him.......

Another note (an important one) is this. If you are going through your own pain and suffering that is breaking your spirit or making you feel that life is no longer worth living, if there is someone in your life who is making you feel that it is some bizarre form of punishment from God, or that you must be a bad person, hence the suffering, or that you are being singled out for the many mistakes that we, as human beings, are going to make our in our lifetime, hence the lessons we must learn as part of our journeys here, get that toxin out of your life! Remove those people from your life, whether they are family or friends. GOD does not work like this. Most of the pain and suffering we receive in life is not deserved nor earned. It is given to us as a means to break our spirit and turn us away from God (even blaming him). It is sent to us to make us rise and grow stronger from it (to show the darkness that the light is always stronger). God is not doing this to us, as bad as it may get for all of us. Lucifer wants you to turn away from God and blame him for all of it. He wants you in complete despair.

Please know that you do not deserve it. You can make a million mistakes and you would still not deserve it. It's not from God. If you are hurting right now because of a person, or you are being bullied by a group of people claiming to be your friends, please wake up and see it for what it is. God is pure love. The angels are here for us to turn to. I swear on my soul that they are not characters in a fictional book to help us get through this life. God is real, Jesus is real, and the angels are watching you right now as you read this because they are so very real! Call on them and give it a try. What do you have to lose? You have everything to gain! You do not deserve the pain you are in. It's not from God. Instead of turning away and fearing he must not love you, turn towards him, and throw your heart and soul at his feet. We are all his children and he loves us with a love that is hard to even put into words.

Please let him fill your spirit even if it's the first time in your life that you have decided to pray. Your heart will fill with light that you cannot imagine over time. Please let the angels into your life. Please trust me on this. Do not shed another tear thinking you are worthless or that there is no hope because some human told you that your time is up, that can all change in God's hands! Beg him for more time and give your heart and soul to the light.

An 80's moment in time.......I love you! XOXOXOXO!

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[> Re: Raven Message 5/29/14 -- Reklat (joyful), 22:54:06 06/01/14 Sun [1]

I usually check news/email before church, but today I felt led to search for "ravenbeauty" instead. (I haven't had TV in quite a while, so I don't look for celebrity gossip or spoilers much these days.)
WOW! What a beautiful testimony of faith & endurance I found here this morning! I am SO happy for you!

The only thing I saw that stressed me just a teeny bit was when you said you wanted to get "back" to your life. Raven, I don't want that for you... I want you to look FORWARD!

That is the way God designed this earth realm to operate. Heaven exists on a different time zone and time will likely go in several dimensions. On Earth, however, we stand facing the future and it comes at us. As long as you keep that God-designed perspective, past mistakes are not just in the past, but also constantly receding. That is the 'mentally healthy' place that God wants us to live in.

Keep eating your veggies, filter your water, and give glory to God! WooHoo! Remission! I'm sure God has His plans for your re-mission in life!

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[> Re: Raven Message 5/29/14 -- Sue, 13:26:58 06/02/14 Mon [1]

In witnessing your faith in God, you have not only blessed yourself, but bless those of us who read it. Stay strong in The Faith.

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