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Subject: Dying Fabric

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Date Posted: 15:42:55 03/15/01 Thu
In reply to: K 's message, "Fabrics" on 15:41:14 03/10/01 Sat

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[> Subject: Satin

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Date Posted: 18:14:22 03/15/01 Thu

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[> [> Subject: Best Satin Types

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Date Posted: 18:16:30 03/15/01 Thu

I am trying to decide what kind of satin to use for a dress lining and cape and cuffs. The dress is Gaberdine and I am TRYING to make it hand washable. It is a fairly simple school dress, (blue) with white lining. In the past the dress maker has used Bridal Satin, which says it is washable. It seems fairly heavy. Will that be hard to work with as I try to line the skirt? should I possibly use the bridal satin for the cape and cuffs, but a thinner material (also much cheaper) like acytate (spelling?) for the skirt lining? The Bridal Satin is $20 a yard at our local Joann's. Is that a reasonable price? Someone suggested that I use "slipper satin" but I can't find that around here. Is there another name for "slipper satin"? It seems that the people who work at the Joann's here aren't any better informed than I am.

-$20 is way tooooooo much to pay, Walmart sometimes has it and so do home decor fabric stores. Use the heavier weight because it helps the skirt hang better.

-Don't use acetate lining if you want to wash the dress. Polyester ONLY. The heavier weight is better for applique because your base color can show through the light weight. $20.00 is too much . we don't spend that much even here in Canada

-Avoid the acetate -- totally unwashable! Look for a fairly heavy weight polyester satin -- you should be able to find it for 8-10 dollars a yard. Heavier weight will help the skirt and cape fall better and avoid show through. $20.00 a yard is way too much to pay -- perhaps the price is high as it is designated Bridal. JoAnn's has a few different satins -- look around the store and you'll probably find a better choice.

-I pay $5.99 a yard for our satin. The biggest problem with satin is that it "water stains" making it hard to press with an old iron like mine. You can, however, wash the whole peice and eliminate most of the staining. I have lined our beginners dress, gaberdine, lined in satin and the soft satin shawl in the washing machine in cold water, and then hung it up to dry...it looked perfect!

-Vogue Fabrics in Evanston, Il (on Main Street) has slipper satin in tons of colors for less than $5.00 per yard. It is what I use for the dresses that I make and it works and hangs very well. (It's heavy.) I plan on dry cleaning mine, but you should ask them if it is washable. Can't hurt to ask and I would not be supprised if it is because our school uses it on the simple school dresses. You do have to iron it!

-Slipper satin is also called baroque satin. It's usually around $9.99/yd at the JoAnn's in our area (S Florida). You might also try the dutchess satin from bridalfabric.com. I ordered from them. The service was prompt and the material fabulous!!

-Does Vogue Fabrics have a website? Will they send a swatch card?

-Vogue Fabrics does have a website. They are located in Evanston, Illinois, which is a suburb just north of Chicago. They told me their website is www.myvoguefabrics.com If you have other questions, their phone number is (847)864-9600.

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