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Subject: Re: hey Coward Hater. What's your name tough guy, lol.

Coward Hater
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Date Posted: 18:02:07 10/27/09 Tue
In reply to: also what is "use a spell check"? 's message, "hey Coward Hater. What's your name tough guy, lol." on 19:27:46 10/14/09 Wed

No shit. I don't even know where to begin. First off, I never asked for a name. A pussy like you will shit on people all day online, but in person, you will act like a friend. I have seen your kind for a while and I know that you will never have the balls to confront a person face to face. Again- feel comfortable behind your computer. Second, a "spell check" is a common tool on your computer that would prevent you from saying "dael" rather than "deal". That would stop you from looking like an illiterate coward, rather than just a coward. Congratulations; you are both. Finally, it suddenly occurred to me that I am responding to a teenage girl, and not a screw, as the only people still using "LOL" also have a chat going on the Hanna Montana chat line. LOL= LOSER ON-LINE. As you read this, thinking of your next witty comeback- remember this- you are a coward, who will never have the balls to confront the people you fuck with online. You are a coward. You are the guy who all of a sudden needs to take a shit when the shit hits the fan and needs to send their partner to respond. You are a coward, period.

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Coward Hater your my hero. (NT)Nice to see you stand up for the phonies.22:53:37 10/27/09 Tue

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