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Subject: Justin to SJ

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Date Posted: 06:40:41 12/06/20 Sun
In reply to: SJ 's message, "Re: Advice" on 05:35:24 12/06/20 Sun

I am sorry SJ, it has never been my intention to offend anyone on here. What I was saying was primarily directed at Carrie, but I should have been more sensitive that everyone on here can read my posts. I never post with the intention of offending anyone. And I was certainly not looking to take a stance on what the Bible says about spanking, because even within Scripture arguments could probably be made both for an against spanking. Honestly this is a whole huge topic that I for one am not qualified to tackle. I for one am a Bible believing Christian, but that doesn't automatically mean that I would one day spank my kids should I have any. I myself was spanked by my Christian parents, but nowhere near what you read on here on what a lot of these girls get. 6 to 10 smacks on my clothed bottom would have been about it and that stopped around 13 to 14 years old. Now, I am also not saying that these girls on here are being mistreated, because I don't think that is the case at all. Different parental backgrounds lead to different views on consequences and discipline.

As far as what the church or Christianity as a whole believes about spanking; I think you would find there are just as many books and well-read Christians against spanking then there are those in favor of it. I think it still has to be a decision by the parent or parents. And it absolutely must be done with love. If you told me you knew people who were abused by their parents with excessive spankings by their "Christian parents", I would not debate you on this. Humans are flawed, and Christian or not we all make mistakes. I guess I am reminded of the verse in Scripture that says,

"Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

All this to say, that I do not believe the Bible would condone abuse of children. In fact I can find other places in scripture that would also support this. Have people used the Bible to support their own beliefs that hitting children in an abusive way is right, yes most definitely. I am sure some wife or women abusers would say they were doing what they did because they thought God would look favorably on this action. My point is, people are flawed, even or maybe especially Christians. My own reading of scripture has only led me to see how flawed I really am and how much of in need of a Savior I am. When Christians have a holier than though attitude, as if they are better than you, that really bothers me. We are all flawed, broken people. Some people may have things more together then others, but at the end of the day, none of us is perfect.

You are correct though, the Bible should never be used for an excuse to hit or abuse others, children or otherwise. I know within my own church their are different beliefs on corporal punishment. I cannot forget one the last Mens Breakfasts I went to at our church. I overheard one of the men there say that he and the previous Pastor of the church had once had a disagreement on spanking. The Pastor having used it a few times on his own son and this other gentleman being against spanking kids. I think what he was really against though, was that the Pastor had talked openly from the pulpit about using spanking on his own son. This other gentleman said that this could be a strong endorsement of spanking, something of which you probably shouldn't endorse from the pulpit.

Sorry for the long winded reply. I hope you are not further offended by anything I have said here. In all honesty, I probably should just keep my mouth closed on this whole topic. I am not looking to start any kind of argument at all. Again, my message was primarily aimed at Carrie, since I know her community is a primarily Christian based community. I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone else with my comments.

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Date Posted: 07:24:43 12/06/20 Sun

Hi again SJ,

I hope we can still have a healthy discussion. I always want to respect others on here and it has never been my intention to offend anyone.

My own feelings about spanking are very complicated. I was spanked as a kid, but that is in the past and I hold no ill will to my parents for it. But now today, I have a bit of an obsession with spanking, I will openly admit it. Do I blame these obsessions' on my parents and their use of spanking on me? Absolutely not!! I don't actually think my spanking interests started until my teen years, after my parents had stopped spanking me. Now, could the interest been there before that, maybe but I certainly don't blame my parents for these desires. Would I have a spanking fetish now if I wasn't spanked as a child? Maybe, then again maybe not...it is really hard to say. I know there are many spanking models for instance that were spanked growing up, but just as many that were not spanked growing up. So you cannot say that spanking your kids would directly lead to a spanking fetish or not. If that were the case that everyone that was spanked as a kid developed a spanking fetish, then our community would be millions not thousands. I admit I often struggle with the moral implications of having such desires, enjoying reading about girls being spanked, watching spanking videos. Should I delight in the suffering of others? Probably not. If you were to ask me right now if I would want these desires to be taken away from me, I would probably say no. While a part of me recognizes that maybe life would be simpler if I didn't have these desires, and I could move forward and have a life with a wife and kids one day, where these thoughts don't plague me. But the truth is, I don't want to be without these desires. I feel like they are so much a part of who I am today, that if anything I want to embrace them even more. I want to find a healthy outlet with a partner, someone I could share these desires with in a healthy consensual relationship. I would like to experiment with both spanking and being spanked and I just want have the chance to experiment in a healthy relationship with someone else who is also into this.

So yes, my own feelings on spankings are very complicated. I even realize that my desires may go against what the Bible says, but I will be the first to admit, I am not the perfect Christian. I just know that I have these desires, for whatever reason, and I honestly don't want them to go away.

Would I one day use spanking on kids, if I were ever to have any? That is a super tough question. I do know that Michael Masterson who owns and operates the Real Spanking Network group of sites does not advocate the spanking of children. Now that was kind of surprising to me, the first time I read this. But upon closer examination, I completely understand it. I am not sure of the exact reasons he doesn't spank his own kids; if it is just because he personally doesn't believe in it, or if his own strong spanking desires have led him to conclusion that he doesn't want to subject his own kids to this kind of treatment. I have watched hundreds of his videos and that is not the impression I would get from him. But obviously he recognizes the difference between fantasies and using spanking on discipline on real kids. And as much as the discipline that you see in such videos is no doubt a real spanking, you always have to keep in mind it is consensual. What you are viewing at the end of the day is paid actresses or spanking models being paid to be spanked on camera for our enjoyment. Yes, it is quite possible some the scenarios they present might closely mirror some real life situations. I just find it interesting that the owner of one of these sites does not believe in using spanking on his own children and I think I respect him all the more for that.

Well, I think this has been a rant and really off topic at that, but once again, I am always happy to have a healthy discourse with anyone on here and I realize we do not have to agree on everything. As long as we keep things respectful, than it is all good!!

Good Day to you SJ!!

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