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Date Posted: Thu, May 29 2003, 3:55:26
Author: Hey!
Subject: Re: Quack Buster Busted/reply
In reply to: Terry Polevoy, MD 's message, "Re: Quack Buster Busted/reply" on Sat, Feb 01 2003, 6:39:30

>Carlos Negrete, is a California attorney who is coming
>up here to Canada soon to depose me in the lawsuit
>against his clients.
>The full story on my site is here.
>Follow the links to Patrick Timothy Bolen and might
>have an answer to your question about who is credible
>Please check with your local bookstore to see if they
>are still selling The Cure for All Diseases and her
>other books. Remember, the FTC didn't charge her, they
>only charged those who were selling her devices and
>recommending certain dietary supplements. Hulda Clark,
>who basically has no recognized degree from an
>accredited naturopathic college has been prevented
>from practicing alternative medicine, even in Tijuana.
>Check on the Penni Crabtree stories in the first link
>above for confirmation.
>Now, why would the government in Mexico really care
>about cancer quackery? Could it be that there have
>been serious problems with the clinics down there?
>Could it be that the forces who are backing them have
>somehow come up short in terms of monetary backing or
>I as those of you who post hate against people like
>Dr. Stephen Barrett, or myself come forward and
>present your evidence in public, or in court so that
>we can answer them directly. I am sure that Mr.
>Negrete is just chomping at the bit to hear from you
>Terry Polevoy

EXCUSE ME, BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US who are deeply saddened by the lack of compassion towards children shown in a scathing article against Peter Breggin? HOW MANY CHILDRENS LIVES have been RUINED by doctors influenced by reading the Quackwatch article against Breggin and so prescribing mind altering, profit-making pschotropic neurotoxic drugs such as Ritalin? Do you care? If there were no LEGAL form of amphetamines would you stoop even further into the gutter morally (and step over the legal boundaries too) and promote the ILLEGAL version for children's use? Is it money, power, position before each individual child's life?

I find it frightening that people exist that can damage lives without a twinge of conscience or remorse. That their own interests come before those of innocent children. Their lives are far more important than yours, they are innocent victims who have harmed noone.

The quackwatch site goes on and on and on about perceived 'quacks', with an almost unbelievable arrogance. I have no idea how much is right or wrong in alternative issues. But what WORSE HARM CAN BE DONE than that of neurological damage from which it is SO difficult to survive, and even more so in developing children? And that, Mr Polevoy, is what Quackwatch promotes in its Peter Breggin article.

What goes round comes round. Unfortunately, it cannot undo the tragedy of those children who have suffered permanent neurological damage. I have absolutely no sympathy for illegal drug pushers or pharmaceutical drug pushers - all have blood-stained hands.

May you reap what you sow.

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