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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 08 2002, 17:52:06
Author: Dr. John
Subject: Re: Scope of Practice
In reply to: Vincent 's message, "Re: Scope of Practice" on Tue, Dec 11 2001, 17:33:22

>Well I think what the good Doctor was trying to get
>at, is MOST of the profession now would like to become
>a physician, rather then a TECHNITION. Sure there are
>a few people in that are completely duped into the
>Palmarian idea of one cause one cure (hard to believe
>but I was one of them) but as the entrance
>requirements slowly climb, we wont have students nit
>witted enough to buy into that anymore. Chiropractic
>is going places, and it's not back to the backwoods
>philosophy that was invented to allow for practice
>rights. Lets not tie our hands with the "philosophy
>of chiropractic, instead lets do what we can to heal
>our patients. I'm not going to school and learning
>things to just throw it away and become an
>irresponsible "subluxation" based practitioner.

Although I can understand your frustration, it always amazes me how one can believe Palmer's idea's were one bone one cure. DD was much more progressive then that. As a strong subluxation based doctor I never believed that was an option, nor do I believe I am irresponsible. I certainly don't believe that our philosophy is backwoods, if anything is is ahead of it's time. If you bother to look up current research, they are repeating today what chiropractic has said 100 years ago.
Your frustration may lie with mine in that we are limited in this state with our options of care allowed. Boy, I would love to have a cold laser in my office for some of my shoulder patients, or the ability to do other things that the PTs do instead of sending them down the street.
I do believe in our philosophy, but understand that people come in with NMS complaints that, although adjusting helps most of them, would certanly benefit from other services.
As far as becoming a physician, I don't need that title to impress my patients, they know what I'm capable of.

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