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Date Posted: 22:00:46 06/01/07 Fri
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Space Frenzy, 8/10

Space Frenzy is a clone of Star Fury, one of the earlier talking games ever, having the famous/infamous alien appearing at the beginning of each game and saying "a creature for my amusement; prepare for battle!"

The rest is like Asteroids on steroids, having quarter sections of aliens form together; shooting a segment causes the alien, once the remaining pieces join, to make a beeline straight for your ship. A fully formed alien won't chase you, but it'll shoot at you. Survive a wave, and you get to dock with one of three ship shells to increase your firepower with.

As usual, John Dondzila made this harder than the arcade original, since the alien segments (actually he's called them ship segments, which makes more sense) would originally pass through the player's ship with no problem; here, they're lethal, which makes the game more difficult. Sometimes a new segment will appear right on top of you as well, which destroys you instantly (and with no warning), which is annoying, but at least it doesn't happen too often.

Speaking of which, there's a few minor problems, like some slowdowns when there's a lot of segments onscreen, no two player option, and no bonus ship at a score of 10,000, unlike how the instructions promise. The sounds and graphics are pretty good though, and the controls perfect, plus this is also VecVoice compatible (if you choose the option where the alien actually talks, the graphics can be distorted, although this varies per machine as to what happens).

Also includes the unfinished Super Spike World demo. Worth the money, as per Dondzila usual, to say the least; S. Frenzy's simple, but addicting!

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