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Welcome to (www.voy.com/40560/): Also see: www.voy.com/241710/(Principality of Doggerland) We have created an image of an omniscient, invisible, all powerful, magical old man in the sky, we call "God". The truth is there is more evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials then there is for the existence of God. There have been many recent eyewittness accounts of UFOs. Anyone seen God lately? However, I do believe in God. Why? Because absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Do I believe my distant uncle, Jesus, was the son of God? In a manner of speaking, yes (Matthew 13:55). But, I also believe he was the genetic son of Joseph, King de jure of Judaea. **Fundamentalism** (There is nothing fun about fundamentalism) Jesus was voted a "God" by the Council of Nicea in 325AD. The present Bible was put together in 367AD and those who chose what books were to go in it were the disciples of the teachings of Paul, Saul of Tarsus, and thereby chose books that reflect Paul's ideology. The earliest Gospel is considered to be that of Mark. Mark's Gospel is considered to have been written between 66A.D. and 74A.D. either during or shortly after the jewish revolt. I have a very different idea of bible history from the norm taught every Sunday. In much of fundamentalist teaching a literal interpretation of the Bible is required, not allowing for the possibility that many Bible stories were written by persons who were at an event but put pen to paper many years after the event had occurred. Many more stories were surely written by scribes being dictated to by persons who were at an event, but many years had passed since the event or, handed down as oral history. This is not even to mention the possibility of intentional changes being made to a story to make one's self or one's family group or tribe look good or another tribe look bad or, to have one's own point of view, such as that of Saul of Tarsus, be put forward in place of the truth. Therefore, in the fundamentalist doctrine, any attempt to even discuss the possibility that any part of the Bible is inaccurate is viewed as an act of the Devil and, the inquisitive person is viewed as an instrument of the Devil. It is an attitude that crosses into the level of the insane. The Bible, as it exists today, is a product of not only an arbitrary selective process but of drastic editing, censorship and revision. In 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' a story of how one Professor Morton Smith of Columbia University discovered a letter containing a missing fragment of the Gospel of Mark in a monastery near Jerusalem in 1958, pages 318 to 321. In a letter from an early church father, Bishop Clement of Alexandria, to one Theodore. Commenting on Theodores suppression of a Gnostic sect that was interpreting certain passages of the Gospel of Mark. He writes **"You did well in silencing the unspeakable teachings of the Carpocratians. For these are the "wandering stars" referred to in the prophecy, who wander from the narrow road of the commandments into a boundless abyss of the carnal and bodily sins. For, priding themselves in knowledge, as they say, "of the deep (things) of Satan," they do not know that they are casting themselves away into "the nether world of the darkness" of falsity, and, boasting that they are free, they have become slaves of servile desires. Such (men) are to be opposed in all ways and altogether. For, even if they should say something true, one who loves the truth should not, even so, agree with them. For not all true (things) are the truth, nor should that truth which (merely) seems true according to human opinions be preferred to the true truth, that according to the faith." In the following Clement goes on to discuss the "misuse" of the Gospel of Mark by the Carpocratians. "(As for) Mark, then, during Peter's stay in Rome he wrote (an account of) the Lord's doings, not, however, declaring all (of them), nor yet hinting at the secret (ones), but selecting those he thought most useful for increasing the faith of those who were being instructed. But when Peter died as a martyr, Mark came over to Alexandria, bring both his own notes and those of Peter, from which he transferred to his former book the things suitable to whatever makes for progress towards knowledge (gnosis). (Thus) he composed a more spiritual Gospel for the use of those who were being perfected. Nevertheless, he yet did not divulge the things not to be uttered, nor did he write down the hierophantic teaching of the Lord, but to the stories already written he added others and, moreover, brought in certain sayings of which he knew the interpretation would, as a mystagogue, lead the hearers into the innermost sanctuary of that truth hidden by seven (veils). Thus, in sum, he prearranged matters, neither grudgingly nor incautiously, in my opinion, and, dying, he left his composition to the church in Alexandria, where it even yet is most carefully guarded, being read only to those who are being initiated into the great mysteries. But since foul demons are always devising destruction for the race of men, Carpocrates, instructed by them and using deceitful arts, so enslaved a certain presbyter of the church in Alexandria that he got from him a copy of the secret Gospel, which he both interpreted according to his blasphemous and carnal doctrine and, moreover, polluted, mixing with the spotless and holy words utterly shameless lies." Clement acknowledges the authenticity of the secret Gospel of Mark. "To them (the Carpocratians), therefore, as I said above, one must never give way, nor, when they put forward their falsification, should one concede that the secret Gospel is by Mark, but should even deny it on oath. For "not all true (things) are to be said to all men."** It should be remembered that Bishop Clement did not intend for this letter to be read by anyone but Theodore. Thanks to the monks in the monastery we now have this important document to show us how the New Testament was rewritten, added to and subtracted from to be the book it is today. If the Bible has been rearranged, it can not be said to be inerrant. Therefore which sections of the New Testament can we trust as being "untampered with, unsullied, untarnished?" It seems to me with this knowledge, much of the N.T. must be suspect. For more insight I recommend reading 'Bloodline of The Holy Grail', by Laurence Gardner. A little about me, in case you're interested. I am a heterosexual, caucasian, married man and a former active duty U.S. Marine. The truth is I'm about as ordinary and boring as the day is long. My connection to this religious debate has to do with my Great Grandmother, Mary Ada Puryear Dugger, the mother of my grandmother, Rosa G. Dugger Barnes. Mary Ada was one of four daughters of Solomon S. Puryear, of Macon Co. N.C.,(Solomon S. born 1847). The name has also been spelled as Puryer, Peryer, Purrier, Perrier, Perere, Parar and many others; "Neferkheperure". Also, Saxeby-Perers (Shakspeare). Before 1066AD Perers came from Periers, now Ferrieres-Haut-Clocher, near Evreux, Normandy. They are descendants of Budic I, Count of Cornouailles, Brittany France, ca. 900 AD.(Reference,'The Norman People' by Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 21202, pages 360-361.) It seems that Budic I, was the Great Great Grandson of Argant the Prince of Brittany, France (Reference,'The Plantagenet Ancestry' by Lt.-Col. W.H. Turton, same publisher, page 188.) It also seems that Prince Argant is the descendant, Great x 25 grandson, of James, the younger brother of Jesus Christ. (Referance, 'Bloodline of The Holy Grail' by Laurence Gardner, pages 184-186, Chart, Descent of the Rulers of Wales and Brittany.) This is how I am connected to it. If anyone wishes to contact me they can do so at, P.O. Box 98 Hollywood, Ala. 35752. I can be identified by two red birthmarks on the back of my right hand and three more under the same wrist, and two more very small ones on the wrist for a total of seven. All of which looks like a mape to something. It is only my wish to find truth. I am Michael D. Barnes, a.k.a. teltalheart.Consider it Copyrighted

Subject: Post 281 A: As Predicted, continued

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Date Posted: 03:36:19 08/11/11 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 281 A: As Predicted, continued

Well, as I sit here I wonder about the state of the world. The problems are so simple it's mind boggling. However, what makes things difficult is people such a conservative think-tank gurus such as one I saw on CSPAN much earlier today. A caller called in a said "there are an finite number of jobs in the U.S." This think-tank moron says "no there's not."

There is a finite number of jobs because there is a finite number of people and a finite number of employers. As a matter of fact there is a much less number of employers now then there was twenty years ago due to NAFTA and GATT. This was Bill Clinton and Al Gore's baby. It was almost pushed through Congress by George H.W. Bush before Clinton. George couldn't get it through so Bill, the stalking-horse for the Republicans, pushed it through for them.

The caller went on to intelligently state that the reason jobs are hard to find is because there are to few jobs because so many have been taken out of the United States and fewer jobs and too many people was the new reality. The moron being interviewed on CSPAN said "no, it's not." He suggested the problem was because there is too many regulations on business in the U.S.

It's interesting to watch an average, sane person say, "the grass is green." Then watch a stooge working for big corporations say, "no it's not, the grass is blue."

This is the big business answer to everything. It's always "Give us more freedom to mess-up things worse then we already have." The reason we are in this mess was because of de-regulation under George W. Bush.

Corporation ran to China during Clinton and George W.s administrations. George W. waved a flag and called the American business exodus to China, India and South Korea and the unemployment of American Workers patriotic. After 9/11 he called anyone who disagreed with his policies a traitor. That's odd, it would seem to me these business leaving U.S. shores are traitors. But that's just me, and what do I know?

In the late 1960s or early 1970s China played the 'MAD MAN CARD.' If there's a weapon that exists, the person who is willing to use it in the most extreme measure emerges the winner. China's Deng Xiaoping made a vailed threat to the west. That China was so broke they were going to have to start selling nuke weapons technology to third world nation and terrorist nut jobs. The wealthy in the west, which included politicians, peed their panties. They said "ho no, don't do that! We'll help you." Then they realized if they moved U.S. business to China they could avoid U.S. taxes and pollution controls, also workers right issues.

Which brings up the question. If China was so broke, where did they get money to loan to anybody, let alone how many billions they supposedly have loaned to the U.S.? The simple truth is business wanted to expand. They would have told the public that they borrowed the money from leprechauns in a hollow tree in Ireland if they could have gotten away with it. But, China seemed more believable. In truth it was a sham. It was just money on paper only in the beginning. Business grew at 10% to 15% a year which is phenomenal considering business growth in good time is only 3% to 5% a year average.

Thus what was had was a business bubble. And, as all bubbles do, they eventually burst.

Well, that's all the time I have in this round. Until next time, be safe.

End post 281 A: www.voy.com/40560/
teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes, date and time is now Thursday August 11, 2011 3:34 am central standard time.

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Subject: Post 280 A: As Predicted

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Date Posted: 17:19:04 08/06/11 Sat
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 280 A: As Predicted

Well, as I predicted Obama caved in and gave the Republicans 98% of what they wanted. The Rich, corporate insiders, will pay not one cent more in taxes. Yesterday I found a notepad where I had joted down a post I was working on several years ago. It was a rant of mine about $106,000,000,000 (106 Billion) dollars being cut from the tax burdon of the wealthiest 1% of U.S. citizens. The tax burdon would then have to be taken up and paid by the Middle class. The same thing is still going on. The Rich get richer and the middle class become the poor.

Everyone has the same suspicion. We all have this suspicion that there is this 'Star Chamber' made up of the wealthiest one tenth of one percent (.01%) that interviews new congressional and possibly Presidential candidates. All candidates, Republican and Democratic. Their main focus is whether, when push comes to shove, the candidate will support the cause of business and especially the extremely Rich. If the answer is 'YES' they get money to run their campaign.
You've heard it before, "I'm going to make you a proposition you can't refuse."

Thus what we end up with is a show in Congress, Capital Hill and the White House. It's nothing more then political WWF wrestling. It's a show, paid for by the wealthy. Thus the vote becomes a scam as does truth, justice, and freedom of every United States citizen. They keep small minds busy with flag buring, gay rights, Casey Anthony, and whatever weapons of mass distraction they can drum up. One can't even watch CNN and get any real news. Before long there will be computer animated news castors allowing them, the wealthy, to control the news in it's entirety. The American public is being made into slaves.

The wealthy have also decided they have the right to patent (own) certain, if not all, human DNAs. And the Supreme Court has allowed them to do this. To say someone else owns any part of a human being is to permit slavery. Thus the highest court in the land is allowing corporations to commit slavery. If they say they own your DNA it's the same thing as saying THEY OWN YOU. Get my point!

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Subject: Post 279 A: Political Truth

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Date Posted: 21:55:14 07/20/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 279 A: Political Truth

It seems Jonh Boehner and Pres. Obama are at odds over the budget debate. But appearances can be deceiving. I believe what is happening is a show for the general public. I believe the main focus of this whole thing is to possibly put the public in a panic mode. Or at least to represent to the public that the government is in a panic mode.

They are hoping the public will buy this crap when the public sees their Social Security and Medicare reduced by 7%. You will also notice that Big Business will end up paying not one penny extra in taxes. No wonder General Electric made thirty billion ($30,000,000,000) dollars and paid not one penny in tax!

As George Carlin said, "The rich have all of the money, do none of the work, pay none of the taxes. The middle class do all of the work, pay all of the taxes. The poor are there jut to scare the shit out of the middle class, keep them showing up at those jobs... And their coming after your Socail Security to, and their going to get it!"

So there you have it. This whole thing is cooked up to steal a part of your Social Security. It is WWF Wrestling political Style at its best. If they can get this little bit they wont stop there. They'll keep going and going until they have it all and there will be NO Social Security. But, you will still have to pay it. So when do the corporate traitors to the U.S.A. who ran to China have to start paying? NEVER!

Oh, but it will hurt business and job creation! Where? In China? Or India? Or Mexico? Because that's where they bastards ran to!

End post 279 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes. Time 09:55 pm Central Time 7/20/11

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Subject: Post 278 A: De Graal, Revealed History

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Date Posted: 00:18:58 07/10/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 278 A: De Graal, History Revealed

As was discussed in post 277 A:, Geugon, son of Periou, may be the true Gawain of Grail Legend. w. Thus Periou is the historical Peredur/Perceval/Parzival. voy. This idea is bolstered even more by the fact Gwgon Gwron was the son of Peredur. com/ Compare the name 'Gwgon' to 'Geugon'. four Now compare the name 'Gwron' to 'Gawain'. zero There is more, much more.
five History does not tell us the name of the mother of Geugon/Gwgon/Gawian. six But, one can figure it out. zero/ The mother of Gawain is Gawain-ivier/ Gawain-evere/ Gawain-hwyfar. w.voy.com foreward slash four zero five six zero foreward slash. Thus the mother of Geugon/Gawain is Guinevere/Gwinivier in old Welch Gwenhwyfar meaning 'The White Enchantress' or, The White Fay/Ghost. Thus it is truely Parzival/Periou who is married to Guinevere and not King Arthur, a.k.a Budic I, father of Periou/Parzival.

Budic I, Count of Cornouaille, Brittany France must thus seem to also be known as Elliffer (Old Welch-'of the great warband'), a.k.a Eleuther, a.k.a. Arthur. This person, my ancestor, was a scion of the Coeling dynasty. Time at post 12:16 am Central Time, July 10th, Sunday.
Until next time.

End Post 278 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 277 A: De Graal Revealed!?

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Date Posted: 02:05:14 07/05/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 277 A: De Graal Revealed!?

In post 276 A: I have shown Geoffrey of Monmouth's work in his book, 'The History of The Kings of Britain' concerning Porrex and Ferrex probably came from the commonly join family Perer and Ferrer (same family under different names) and use as an allegory in his book. W.voy.com forward slash four zero five six zero forward slash. It is rather obvious that the character of Gorboduc, king of Britain is a combination of the names of Budic I, Count of Cornouailles and his Guegon, son of Periou.

The linage of the Grail story goes thusly:
Utherpendragon, father of Arthur, whose nephew is Gawain.
I have been wondering if Guegon is the actually Gawain, Gwgon and or Gwron (Bron?). Thus is Periou, father of Guegon, actually Perceval, Parzival, Peredur and Peri-dur. Is Periou also Roi Perdu, meaning the "Lost King?" Is he also thus Rio Thomas, or Rio Thomas Peri-dur or; Rio Thomas Periou - Roi Perdu? In such Budic I, becomes King Arthur. Diles, Count de Cornouailles thus becomes Utherpendragon.

The names Geoffrey of Monmouth uses are so common to this family, such as the use of Judon, it could be no one else but this family group, my ancestors.

End post 277 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 276 A: Perer, Ferrer / Norman or old Breton

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Date Posted: 23:09:31 06/26/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 276 A: Perer, Ferrer / Norman or old Breton

To begin with about my previous post 275 A:, the Normans (Northmen) Vikings were indeed a thieving, robbing, raping, murdering group back then between the 8th and 11th centuries. But, it is also a true that 98.9% of us descended from western European stock have their DNA in us as part of our ancestry. My Puryear (Perrier, Perers) may very well be the line of Ferrers; as in Henry de Ferrers, a Norman knight from the baronial family from Ferrieres St. Hilary, near Bernai, Normandy. In fact an allegory between the separation of the common named families of Perers and Ferrers may have been written of in Geoffrey of Monmouth's book 'THE HISTORY OF THE KINGS OF BRITAIN.'However, they could also possibly be old Breton as well.

In part two of his book the chapter 'Before The Romans Came' Geoffrey writes:
"After the death of Cunedagius, his son Rivallo succeeded him, a peaceful, prosperous young man who ruled the kingdom frugally." (One wonders if this could have been Riwal a.k.a Rivallous a.k.a. Hoel I King of the Bretons and founder of Domnonee or Dumnonia abt.520 A.D. in Brittany France; this would also be the ancestor of Budic Count of Cornouailles ca.900, whose younger son, Periou, is said to be the ancestor of the family Perer, Perrier, Purrier, Purryer, Puryer etc.). "In his time it rained blood for three days and men died from the flies which swarmed. Rivallo's son Gurgustius succeeded him. Sisillius came after Gurgustius, then Jago the nephew of Gurgustius, then Kimarcus the son of Sisillius and after him Gorboduc." (Budic?). "Two sons were born to Gorboduc, one called Ferrex and the other Porrex. When their father became senile, a quarrel arose between these two as to which should succeed the old man on the throne. Porrex was the more grasping of the two and he planned to kill his brother by setting an ambush for him. When Ferrex learned of this he escaped from his brother by crossing the sea to Gaul. With the support of Suhard, King of the Franks, Ferrex returned and fought with his brother. Ferrex was killed in the battle between them and so too was all the force which had come over with him. Their mother, whose name was Judon, was greatly distressed when she heard of her son's death. She was consumed with hatred for Porrex, for she had loved Ferrex more than him. Judon became so unbalanced by anguish which the death of Ferrex had caused her that she made up her mind to avenge the death upon his brother Porrex. She chose a time when Porrex was asleep, set upon him with her maid-servants and hacked him to pieces.
As a result of this the people of Britain were for a long time embroiled in a civil war; and the island came into the hands of five kings who kept attacking and massacring each other's men in turn."

In the book: 'The Plantagenet Ancestry' by Lt.-Col. W.H. Turton, D.O.S. it shows on page 188 the descendency of the rulers of Brittany France and the Counts of Cornouailles. Judon, presumably a male, is the son of "Urbon (Congar), C. de Cornouaille." The son of Judon is Constantin C. de Cornouaille who married Barilie. They appear to have had two sons, Argant, Prince of Brittany and the second son was Justin. The successor of Justin was Alfrond, whose successor was Ulfret C. de Cornouaille, whose successor was Diles C. de Cornouaille who married Alava the great granddaughter of Prince Argent. Their successor was Budic I, Count de Cornouaille whose younger son was Periou. The son of Periou was Guegon de Perieur.

To those interested in the Grail Legend; the line of the Grail blood was said to be descended from Saint James The Just, the brother of Jesus. Thus the line of the Grail is Hebrew and or Jewish. One should note 'Judon' is the old High German word for Jew. It was used in a time when the use of Biblical names was not yet in vague. The Isle of Avalon has been said by many and suspected by more to be the peninsula of Brittany, France. w.voy.com forward slash four zero five six zero forward slash. Some have also suspected it to be the Isle of Sein which is near Carnac just off the coast of Brittany.

It should be remembered that Geoffrey was writing a story of a history of Britain that they wished was true. It was a piece of political propaganda as much as anything. It was designed to find the Normans, and in particularly Henry II who was king of England at the time, blameless of any wrongdoing and nothing less than selfless saviors of England. The truth was he, Henry, launched a war and won the throne by force. Henry's mother Empress Matilda was to be Queen regant of England. But her cousin Stephen usurped her claim. To my knowledge his book was the first modern mention of Utherpendragon and Arthur. The story during Henry II's time became so popular Henry made a great show of supposedly "finding" the grave of King Arthur. The fourth son of Henry II, Geoffrey II (1158-1186) was duly married off to Constance of Penthievre (Pendragon) the only child of Conan IV, Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond. Their only son was Prince Arthur, who was murdered by his uncle King John of England, after the death of his father, Geoffrey II. Thus this English side of the supposed Royal family secured the throne of England for themselves and their descendents once again. For a further exploration of this I suggest reading 'Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings' by Amy Kelly. As Mr. Peter Harradine of The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty put it "For example 80% of all European stock are descended from royalty, yet they 99.9% are all commoners." So who decides who is royalty and who is not? Apparently it's a good ol' boys club. They are only royalty because they have all gotten into agreement with each that they will "recognize" each other as being royal. One cannot be a king if one is illegitimate. This was the ruling of William the Conquer. Yet before he was William the Conquer he was William the Bastard. He created this law in England after he had fought his way to the throne. This rule should have excluded James I, the illegitimate son of Mary Queen of Scots and Rizzio thus making the entire "Royal Family" illegitimate, and should exclude Prince Harry of Wales, son of Lady Diana and Major James Hewitt. Just another example of those in power doing whatever they damn well please.

End post 276 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 275 A: Clan Gregor, 'The Children of the Mist' part 2

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Date Posted: 22:59:31 06/07/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 275A: Clan Gregor, 'The Children of the Mist' part 2

Clan Soil Alpin: The destruction conspiracy.

There are traditionally seven original Scottish Clans descended from King Alpin MacAchai, (King of Dalriada 833-841 A.D.), who is said to be the 28th and last King of the Dalriada Scots. It is usually through the first son of King Alpin, Kenneth MacAlpin (first King of Scots 841-858); the second son was King Donald I; the third son was Prince Gregor, (Giric mac Dungail, Modern Gaelic: Griogair mac Dhunghail - King of the Picts or King of Alba, c. 878-889).

These Seven Great Clans are:
MacAulay, MacFie, Grant, MacGregor, MacKinnon, MacNab, and MacQuarie.
Also amoung the old Pictish (Scot) Clans are the families of Brodie, Murray, MacNaughton and MacKay.
During the time they were outlawed members of the Clan MacGregor had changed their name to Murray and Grant.

There are many associate families under each Clan.
Under Clan MacGregor are: Black, Brewer, Caird, Comrie, Dochart, Fletcher, Gregor, Gregorson, Gregory, Greig, Grier, Grewar, Greierson, Grigor, King, Lectie, Lecky, MacAdam, Macara, Macaree, MacChoiter, MacCrowther, MacGrigor, MacGrory, Macgrowther, Macgruder, Macgruther, Macildny, MacLiver, MacNee, MacVie, MacVish, - from R.R. McIan's book, 'The Clans of the Scottish Highlands'.

The Seven Great Clans share the same origion and are part Scota-Irish Dalriadic (Argyll) Royalty. Many Norman (Northmen/Viking) families settled in Scotland and Ireland. From the great misfortunes and turmoil that befell the Seven Great Clans one would think there had been a conspiracy to disinherit them from their land and titles; break their clans; enslave and beggar them down to their last crust of bread and, eventually, destroy them altogether.
A plan put in place by Normans; a race known for their burtality as Viking raiders, a.k.a thieves, murderers and rapists.

But who were these Norman settler? The Norman names will reveal how the Clan MacGregor was almost broken and how the Clan MacFie, MacAfie, MacCaffey, MacHaffie, MacGuffie, MacPhie, MacDuffie was completely broken and became a "broken clan" without land. Some MacFie "migrated to Lochaber and followed Lochiel, others settled around the Firth of Clyde." This was after the loss of their Island home of Colonsay in 1623 to the brutal thieving Coll Kitto MacDonald who was spured on by the Campbells. Collkitto took Colonsay for himself after murdering the last Clan Chief Malcolm and several of his kin.

The Normans of Scotland:
Bruce, Stuart, Sinclair, Chisholm, Cummings, Macleod, Morrison, Gunn, Fraser, Gordon, Hays, Graham, Lindsay, Manzie, Maxwell, Ramsay, Montgomery, Rose, Campbell and Stewart.

Thus when Robert the Bruce granted the barony of Lock Awe to the chief of the Campbells he was giving land that belonged to a rightful descendent and claimant to the throne of Scotland and Ireland to a member of his own Norman collision. It must also be remembered that it was the English king James I & VI of Scotland who issued an edict proclaiming the name of MacGregor 'altogidder abolished.'

As in the tradition of a thief and a robber?
The Sinclairs/St Clair have recently spuriously claimed descent from Jesus Christ via a mistaken reading, understanding and gullibility on the part of the authors of 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail,' page 183.
"In our previous research we had found a number of important links between Sion's alleged grand masters of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and European Freemasonry. In the course of our study of Freemasonry we discovered certain other links as well. These additional links did relate to other aspects of our investigation.
- Thus, for example, we encountered repeated references to the Sinclair family - Scottish branch of the Norman Saint-Clair/Gisors family." - Holy Blood, Holy Grail.

The Sion grand masters list was of course a hoax planted by Pierre Plantard and his retinue. Pierre Plantard had once changed his name to Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair. The authors also misunderstood lapis ex caelis - "stone from the heavens." They wrongly interpreted it as "There is Peter (Pierre or 'stone' in French) - the 'stone' or 'rock' on which Jesus establishes his church." - 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail', - page 297.

Because they were being lead astray by someone who had convinced himself of his and his families own greatness they simply could not understand that Joseph, James and Jesus were described in the Greek as 'ho tektons' or 'Masters of the Craft,' in Masonry this was and is a Third Degree Master Mason. Thus the 'stone from heaven' was the Royal bloodline of the Kings of Judaea and was thusly interpreted in the French as Perrieur, Perrier, and also Perryer, Peryer, Purrier, Purryer, Puryer, Puryear and the latest derivation from Judaea the Cohen branch of Pereira. It means in French "one who cut or quarried stone." Thus the name of a stone cutter or Mason. This is the name by which the family was known is southern France.

"They live from a stone of purest kind. If you do not know it, it shall here be named for you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes gives him life again." - 'Parzival' by Wolfram von Eschenbach.

Jesus also describs himself as "the keystone neglected by the builders."

Some say Scotland does not derive it name from Scythae. It's said to be "The ninth name [of Ireland] was Scotia; and it is the son of Mileadh [Gathelus] who gave that name to it, from their mother whose name was Scota, daughter of Pharaoh Nectonibus..."

Some say the father of Princess Scota was Pharaoh Smenkhkare, who some believe to be Aaron of biblical reference. The name of Smenkhkare, some say, was recorded as Achencheres in Maneth's 'Egyptian King List'. It's said this was corrupted into Cencheres and, Cinciris in the Gaelic. It's said Aaron held "The ritual of the serpent-rod and the withered hand." - Genesis of the Grail Kings.

That's all I have time for at this point. I hope it was informative. P.S., see wikipedia - Rosslyn Chapel, on page 5 of 8 "With regards to a possible connection between the St. Clairs and the Knights Templar, the family testified against the Templars when that Order was put on trial in Edinbourgh in 1309."

End Post 275 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes.

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Subject: Post 274 B: The MacGregors, 'Children of the Mist'

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Date Posted: 17:56:55 06/01/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 274 B: The MacGregors, 'Children of the Mist'

It is a fact that religion has little to do with documented historical fact. It has much more to do with superstition than fact.

'It has served us well, this myth of Christ.' - Pope Leo X

It was argued by professor Hermann Samuel Reimarus, between 1744 and 1767, of Hamburg, that Jesus was little more than a failed Judaic revolutionary.

Nineteenth century German biblical scholarship has dated the Gospels to having been composed at least a generation after the events had happened. This date is still deemed valid today. How hazy do memories become in the mind of man twenty five or even fifty years after the day they occured?
On April 27th 2011 the great tornado outbreak destroyed several churches in the southern U.S. Would anyone care to say that was the work of God? Or that God, for whatever reason, was angry at churches in the south? No?

Why then should it be deemed the work of this same God when something happens to someone or, some group or organization that is not of the same ilk?

The Scottish Clan MacGregor is descended from Giric, or Grig, (Modern Gaelic: Griogair mac Dhunghail; King of the Picts or King of Alba, born abt. 855 A.D.,. Giric was the possible son of (father) Doungallas and (mother) Spontana, daughter of Kenneth mac Alpin, King of Scotland (Cinaed mac Ailpin, King of the Picts from 841 to 858). Spontana has also been said to be the dau. of the High King of Ireland.

Doungallas is said to be the son of Prince Gregor, the son of King Alpin (King of Dalriada 833-841 A.D.). No evidence of the existance of Prince Gregor has ever been found. However, During the English occupation of Scotland at the end of the 13th century Edward Plantagenet, King of England, ordered the destruction of all public records of Scotland, probably to ensure only his line and or only his descendants could claim the throne of Scotland and Ireland. This is also what the Romans had done to the public records of the hereditary line of the Kings of the Jews. Possibly leaving a young Prince, Jesus, without a claim to the throne.

Thus the Clan Gregor had a royal claim on both Scotland and Ireland. This would probably have been the underlaying reason for their great misfortunes and turmoil during the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries; courtesy of and engineered by the English Crown. The Clan Gregor apparently had a true claim to the throne. It is the only thing that explains the reason for their extremely harsh treatment. It first began with the first claimant to the throne of Scotland, Robert the Bruce. The Bruce granted the barony of Loch Awe to the chief of the Campbells. This barony included much of the MacGregor lands. In April 1603 James VI, Stuart (1567-1625) issued an edict proclaiming the name of MacGregor 'altogidder abolished'. James I of England, James VI of Scotland was the first to incorporate the arms of Scotland and Ireland into the arms of England as his possession. The MacGregors were hunted like animals. Bloodhounds were used to flush them out of the heather. They took to hiding in the Highland, thus acquiring the name 'Children of the Mist.' The MacGregors, despite their savage treatment, fought for King Charles II Stuart during the civil war.

The Crown of the Picts (Scots) was first lost due to religious superstition in the year 885 A.D. due to, of all things, a solar eclipse on St Cyrus's day, June 16th.

Because the line of descent becomes murky, depending on what source is used, I have included both versions of the line of descent.

End Post 274 B: The MacGregors, 'Children of the Mist.' www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 274 A: Religious Dogma

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Date Posted: 03:14:20 05/24/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 274 A: Religious Dogma

It is a fact that religion has little to do with documented historical fact. It has much more to do with superstition than fact.

'It has served us well, this myth of Christ.' - Pope Leo X

It was argued by professor Hermann Samuel Reimarus, between 1744 and 1767, of Hamburg, that Jesus was little more than failed Judaic revolutionary.

Nineteenth century German biblical scholarship has dated the Gospels to having been composed at least a generation after the events had happened. This date is still deemed valid today. On April 27th 2011 the great tornado outbreak destroyed several churches here in the south. Would anyone care to say that was the work of God? Or that God, for whatever reason, was angry at churches here in the south? No?

Why then should it be deemed the work of this same God when something happens to someone or some group or organization that is not of the same ilk?

The Scottish Clan MacGregor is descended from Giric, or Grig, (Modern Gaelic: Griogair mac Dhunghail; King of the Picts, born abt. 818. Giric, a.k.a Prince Gregor) was the son of King Alpin (King of Dalriada from 833-841 A.D.) a.k.a Domnall mac Ailpin, King of the Picts, and possibly a.k.a Eochaid.
The son of Giric (a.k.a. King Gregor the Great) would possibly have been Doungallas who married his cousin Spontana, daughter of the High King of Ireland.

Thus the Clan Gregor had a royal claim on both Scotland and Ireland. This would probably have been the underlaying reason for their great misfortunes and turmoil during the 15th and 16th centuries, courtesy of and engineered by the English Crown.

The Crown was first lost due to religious superstition in the year 885 A.D. due to, of all things, a solar eclipse on St Cyrus's day, June 16th.

End Post 274 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 273 A: Clan Mac Gregor History: Part 2

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Date Posted: 22:43:57 05/18/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 273 A: Clan Mac Gregor History: Part 2

The severity of the laws under which the Mac Gregors were at this time suffering, is unparalleled. Those who might kill a Mac Gregor, were not only held "scaithless," but were actually rewarded by a gift of their "haill moveable goods and gear!" In 1603 they were commanded to change their name under pain of death, and prohibited from carrying any arms, except a pointless knife to use at their meals: subsequently, no greater number than four of the clan was permitted to meet together. It is even alleged that bloodhounds were employed to track them in their retreats, and had their countrymen been as hostile as the law required, the Mac Gregors had been speedily exterminated. The Camerons, being stirred up to this service, agreed to attack the Mac Gregors, who, reinforced by a party of their friends, the Macphersons, marched northward, and gave battle in Brae Lochabar to their enemies, who met a signal defeat.

The loyaly of this clan was remarkable, for, although suffering from a proscription so severe, they took the field under Montrose with their whole strength. That general did, indeed, assure them that when his majesty's affairs were settled, all their grievances should be redressed, and on the restoration, Charles II., in reward for their inflexible fidelity, annulled the statute which prohibited them from bearing the name Mac Gregor, and restored them to all rights and privileges, but the advantage of this act they unfortunately did not long enjoy, for it was insidiously rescinded by William III.

John, who was chief in 1715, adopted the name of Murray. Like his ancestors he maintained the claim of the Stewarts, but he did not deem it prudent to appear publicly in arms. The famous Rob Roy took the field, a hero of the Dugal Ciar branch of the clan, but he posted himself in sight of the field of battle at Dunblane, and, believing victory secure, he did not advance, remarking to a messenger sent from the Earl of Mar, with pressing orders to charge, that if he could not gain without the Mac Gregors, he could not gain with them.
Robert, the succeeding chief, was so zealous a partizan of the exiled family, that he mortgaged his whole estate to support it, and commanded his clan in the Princes's army, 1745. When they were in the north, the Duke of Cumberland employed Mr. Gordan, minister of Alva, in Strathspey, to treat with them to lay down arms, offering restoration of their name, and other considerations, to which they replied that they could not desert the cause, but chose rather to risk all and die with the charactor of honest men, than live in infamy, and disgrace their posterity. When the war was determined on the moor of Culloden, the clan marched off the field with banners flying, and dispersed in their own country, which was thoroughly ravaged by the victorious army. The chief was long confined in Edinburgh Castle: and on his death, in 1758, the honour developed on his brother Evan, who held a commission in the 41st regiment.
John of Lanrick, who also bore the name of Murray, was created Baronet, in 1795. When the act which proscribed the Mac Gregors was repealed, he resumed the family name. On which occasion 826 clansmen of mature age, subscribed a judicial deed, acknowledging him to be chief, an honour which is disputed by Mac Gregor of Glengyle, of the "sliochd Gregor, a chroic," who are descended from the twelfth chief who died about 1413.
Sir John died in 1822, and was succeeded by the late distinguished officer and patriot, Sir Evan Murray Mac Gregor, who died in 1840, leaving as his successor Sir John Bannatyne Mac Gregor, who died in 1851.
The military power of the Mac Gregors, in 1645, was 1000, and 700 when last mustered in their national independence, 1745. Colonel Alexander Mac Gregor Murray, in 1799, raised the first battalion of Clan Alpin Fencibles, 765 strong, and a second battalion was embodied making together 1230 men.

The old Armorial Bearings are, argent, a sword in bend dexter, and fir tree eradicated in bend sinister, proper, in chief a crown, gules. Crest, a lion's head crowned with an antique diadem. Motto, "E'en do bot spair nocht." The dexter supporter is a unicorn denoting the royal descent, arg. crowned and horned, or; the sinister a deer proper, tyned azure.

The SUAICHEANTAS, or Badge of the Clan Alpin, is Guithas, Pine, Pinus Sylvestris.
The CATH-GHAIRM, Ard-choille, the wood on the hight.
The PIOBAIREACHDAN, are the Mac Gregor's salute, and the battle of Glenfruin.-Gleann Bhraoin, the Valley of Grief.
- R.R. Mc Ian., published 1845 and 1847, see part 1.

End Post 273 A: The Clan Mac Gregor History: Part 2, www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 272 A: Clan Mac Gregor History: Part 1

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Date Posted: 20:18:40 05/18/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 272 A: Clan Mac Gregor History:


"Is Rioghal mo dhream," i.e., my race is royal, is the proud boast of this indomitable clan, and the descent is traced to Griogar, third son of Alpin Mac Achai', king of Scotland, who commenced his reign in 787. Donngheal, the eldest son, gave the patronymic Mac Gregor to his posterity, and his brother, Guaria', was founder of the clan, since distinguished as Mac Quarrie.

Malcolm, who died about the year 1164, appears to have been the first who is designated of Gleann Urchai'. Malcolm, who lived in the time of Bruce, supported his interest with the utmost power of the clan, and fought bravely at Bannockburn; he also accompanied Edward, the king's brother, in the invasion of Ireland, and having been severely wounded at Dundalk, he was afterwards alluded to as being "am Mor'ear," the lame lord.

Campbell of Lachaw, in the fifteenth century, incited the Mac Nabs to quarrel with the Mac Gregors, who meeting their enemies in battle at Crinlarach, cut them off almost to a man. Lochaw thereupon received a commission to proceed by martial law against both, when they made common cause, but, after repeated skirmishes, with different success, they were forced about 1500 to obtain peace by ceding a considerable part of their lands to their too powerful neighbour.

Alastair, of Glenstrae, was celebrated for his martial prowess, and signally avenged a galling quarrel with the Colquhons, who had attacked him by surprise, at the battle of Glenfruin, in 1602. The vanquished, excessively mortified, accused the Mac Gregors of having stained their laurels by the commission of acts of atrocious cruelty. Colquhon endeavoured to "entrap and ensnare" the unfortunate victors "within compass of law," which he effectually did by a grevious complaint to the Lords of Council, when the whole clan were denounced rebels, and the Earl of Argyle was ordered to fall on them with fire and sword, a process by which, if successful the Mac Gregors' land would be his reward; various collisions consequently took place.

Argyle at last succeeded in persuading the chief that he could procure his pardon if he accompany him to the court in England, engaging to conduct Mac Gregor, who was outlawed, safely into that country. The latter part of the agreement he truly performed, for he conveyed his charge across the Tweed, but by an act of gross perfidy, he had the old Alastair immediately seized and carried back to Edinburgh, where he was executed with thirty of his followers!* On his death, without lawful issue, the clan, then in a state of disorder, elected a chief; but the head of the collateral branch reversed this arrangement very unceremoniously, by dragging the expectant of the honour from his inaugural chair in the kirk of Strath Fillan, and placed therein a more acceptable ruler in the person of Gregor, natural son of the late chief.

*He left an affecting declaration of the base purpose for which Argyle had sought to employ him, and for which he had met so sad a reward.-Pitcairn's Crim. Trials.

From the book: 'The Clans of the Scottish Highlands', - R.R. Mc Ian. Text by James Logan. First published 1845 and 1847.
End post 272 A: part 1, The Mac Gregors www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart = Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 271 A: Catherine Goodhart

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Date Posted: 18:43:50 05/18/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 271 A: Cathrine Goodhart

Apparently Cathrine Goodhart is the first wife of Johann Wilhelm (William) Bost and the mother of Mary Magdalena Elizabeth Bost, wife of Daniel Killian. She is also my great, great, great great grandmother. I have yet to find her parent. If anyone knows anything of them please post a message on this web site. Thank you,

End post 271 A: www.voy.com/40560/, teltalheart, a.k.a. Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 269 A: I survived the big tornado outbreak of 4/27

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Date Posted: 21:27:23 04/29/11 Fri
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 269 A: I survived the big tornado outbreak of 4/27/11

I was 500 to 600 yards from the tornado that hit Harvest, Alabama. It blewout three side windows on my Town Car. I was lucky. But, a lot of people were not. Thank you so much those of you who have helped the survivers of this great tornado outbreak. A lot of North Alabama looks like a war zone. The devastation is amazing. But, it does not compair to the Black Sea Flood, ergo the The Great Glacial Meltdown of 5,000 B.C. which was the greatest natural disaster of man kinds history. Must get of now. We only have power for two hours a night.

End Post 269 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 268 A: The Great Wash Theory

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Date Posted: 18:30:50 04/21/11 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 268 A: The Great Wash Theory

For the Record: I, Michael D. Barnes 52 of Scottsboro, Alabama am the original creator and author of The Great Wash Theory.

The Theory states the river Atrahasis, Utnapishtim, Noah was on was a great wash or overflow between what is known today as the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

The Theory further states that the cities of Khashuri and Mtskheta are the most likley resting places of the great boat.

It was stated in ancient written record of the Flood of Atrahasis that "Like dragonflies they have filled the river" and that Atrahasis and his wife were resettled at the "mouth of the rivers." Given this ancient clue of "rivers" the most likley and logical place to be the resting place of the Ark is between Kura and Aragvi Rivers, possibly at the Monastery of Jvari.

I first made public my theory 03/20/11 (post 262 www.voy.com/40560/). I have known about the great wash since 1997 when I bought a world atlas of satellite photos in the "bargain book" section of Barnes and Noble in Huntsville Alabama. I had always intended to make it part of my book.

To those who do not already know, the aka's:
Alulim/Adam, Alalgar/Seth, Kidunnu/Enos/Enosh, Alimma/Kenan/Cain/Cainan/Canaan, Enmenluanna/Mahalaleel/Mahabeel, Dumuzi/Jared/Jered/Irad, Enispazianna/Enoch/Henoch/Mehujael, Enmenduranna/Methuselah/Methusael/Methusala, Sukurlam/Lamech/Akalem, Atrahasis/Ziusudra/Utnapishtim/Noah/Tubal-Cain Tobalkin the Vulcan/Mes-kalam-dug.

End Post 268 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 267 A; Post Office Nightmare.

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Date Posted: 16:27:26 03/29/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 267 A: Post Office Nightmare.

A few weeks ago I started getting mail in my P.O. Box 1617 for p.o. box 1616 (Servpro). There was a lot, about fifteen letters.

I returned them to the p.o. clerk and explained how they were put in the wrong box.
Yesterday I found my p.o. box locked to me!
i waited in line until I could ask the same clerk what the problem was. He said the box was "pasted due."
I told him I never received a notice.
He tells me they had put three in the box.
I remind him of all the mail I had received that was for box 1616 and ask if they could have put my notices in box 1618? He would not comment, as if the Postal Service makes NO mistakes!

I come back the next day and ask to see the Post Master, William S. cummins (william.s.cummins.gov), and also asked again if it was possible that they had made a mistake. I was told by the same clerk that I had to leave because I was being "abusive"!? I had always been calm and had never rased my voice. I felt like saying "motherf*****, you have NO idea what I do for a living, you haven't seen abusive yet!" But, I was calm and held my tongue. I then asked for a complaint form. Apparently pointing out that the Post Office could be wromg and or made a mistake constitutes "abuse!"

He tells me "we have no complaint forms."
He gives me the business card of the Post Master.
I then ask for a application to repurchase box 1617.
Long story short, I got my P.O. Box back, for $50.00.
I called the post master who was out on a route with a carrier. I explained everthing to him he told me he would "get back to me", which he has yet to do.

No wonder the Post Office is going broke!
I suspect they've hired someone new who has no idea how to read a number! I can see why Fedx and UPS is eating into their business. I wonder what the prize is for incompetence?

End post 267 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 266 A: Where are my glasses, and my post?

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Date Posted: 22:03:28 03/24/11 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 266 A: Where are my glasses, and my post?

Post 265 A: was my version of "where are my glasses?" when they're on top of my head.
Post 117 A: is on post 116 A: as a rewrite.
It's hell getting old.
End post 266 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart=M.D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 264 A: Teltalheart.com is mine and always was.

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Date Posted: 02:55:44 03/23/11 Wed
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 264 A: Teltalheart.com is mine and always was.

After goggling myself I realized the post where I had stated "Teltalheart.com is not mine anymore" was still on the net. It was a mistake between myself and the provider which is now strighted out. Just to clear up that point. Also, somebody who is going by "man of his word 40560" is NOT me. I don't know who that is. My e-mail has also changed it is no longer yoohoo@hiwaay.net. If you want to find my e-mail go to my Facebook page. Michael D. Barnes
End post 264 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 263 A: Per-Deluge; continued from post 262.

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Date Posted: 22:44:56 03/20/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 263 A: Per-Deluge; continued from post 262.

If you will but look on my Facebook page you will find a chart supplied to me by FamilyTreeDNA. This will show the many DNAs that came from this very small region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. There are no less than twelve of the known twenty four mtDNAs that come from this small area. They are mtDNA: J, T, RO, HV, H, V, U, K, B, F, R, and X.

If one discounts Africa and the Middle East, this Khazaria area between the Black and Caspian Seas becomes the cradle of civilization; the Garden of Eden if you will, for the Caucasian and Asian races.

Interestingly enough this time line of the flood occurring (7800 to 7200 years ago) does fit well into Plato's sinking of Atlantis saga.

The Black Sea deluge theory is the work of William Ryan and Walter Pitman - 1996. The theory of the flood washing into the Caspian Sea and that being the "river" Noah/Atrahasis/Utnapishtim was on is my own theory.

I also wonder if the Iberians who later invaded the east coast of Spain, France and Italy didn't also bring that DNA to western Europe around 3000 to 5000 BC?

Until next time
End post 263 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart - Michael D. Barnes.

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Subject: Post 262 A: Pre-Deluge; The Ancient Mizrahi Monarchy

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Date Posted: 03:02:31 03/20/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 262 A:Pre-Deluge; The Ancient Mizrahi Monarchy.

During the last ice age, which could have covered as much as a third of the earths surface with precious fresh water, making the very thing life depends on for survival hard to come by. This would have pushed people from several tribes into close contact with each other. This would have brought people with different DNAs in close contact with each other around the few remaining fresh water sources such as the Blask Sea in the pre-flood days when it was a much smaller fresh water lake.

As the world began to warm the ice melted. As the fresh water flowed into the oceans, the oceans level rose. As the water in the Mediterranean rose it began to pour over the Bosphorus Strait and into the large fresh water lake that would later be known as the Black Sea. This occurred about 7,600 to 7,800 years ago or about 5600 to 5800 BC. People living on the distant edge of the lake would have had to run for their lives. Those nearest to the falls would probably have been doomed from the outset.

I have a theory that Atrahasis=Utnapishtim=Noah was the elected king of his area and or tribe. I also have a theory that he was a fisherman. I suspect that this is where the original idea of the "fisher-king" comes from. If Noah/Atrahasis had a large boat, say 40 cubits (60 feet) in length, and knowing the deluge was coming. He stocked it with livestock for food provisions. He and his family may just have survived the deluge.

I have a book of satellite photos. I can clearly see an extremely large wash extending from the Balck Sea through the countries of Georgia (Lasika/Iberien) and Azerbaijan (Albania) and into the Caspian Sea. There are river valleys in the region, most notably that of the Kura River. Although, the water may have had to pass over what is the present day city of Khashuri, elevation 695 meters. This is also the most likely resting place for the Ark. The second most likely place is the city of Mtskheta, elevation 300 meters (984 feet). Who knows, the Ark may have even landed on the site of the present day Jvari Monastery, at the intersection of the Kura and Aragvi Rivers.

This is the Flood epic of Gilgamesh, and the even earlier Epic of Atrahasis. In the Atrahasis version there is no mention of the Hebrew god Jehovah. But there is mention of the Anunnaki gods Ea/Enki, Anu, Enlil, Ninurta, and Ennugi.

It sounds very much like the retelling of an old, but true, story passed down from generation to generation. Is it possible the family and or descendants of Noah/Atrahasis traveled by land, after the grounding of the Ark, down stream away from the direction of the flood into what is now Azerbaijan? Could the J2 haplogroup found at its highest concentration in Azerbaijan be the surviving remnants of the worlds oldest pre-flood monarchy?
The J2 Mizrahi Jews are uaually from this area.
"Khazar royalty and much of the aristocracy converted to Judaism.""Khazar" is the Turkic verb meaning "wandering." Could this be the "wandering jews?"

I had done some work on this in earlier posts: Post 119 A on 5/27/03, Post 117 A on 5/20/03, and Post Pharaoanic Race and Secession on 4/01/02 - back before I had started using post numbers.

I will have more on this at a later date.
Until next time
End Post 262 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/ M.D. Barnes

I believe this wash was the great "river" mentioned in the flood epic, "Like dragonflies they have filled the river." Utnapishtim and his spouse were transported by the gods and resettled at the "mouth of the rivers."

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Subject: Post 261 A: 260 continued

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Date Posted: 20:18:06 03/06/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 261 A: 260 continued

As for my comments on post 260 are concerned, I'm sure we have all at some time or another been snubbed.

I know I always enjoy it when someone who works for a government contractor thinks they know more about the military then someone who has actually served in the military.

You all know military contractors, the war mongers of our world. The merchants of death and misery that live as a succubus on the human population, for a profit, of course!

The worlds problems can be solved. But, there are too many people and, more specifically corporations, that make loads of money by not solving but causing the worlds problems. We have seen poverty, strife and homelessness increase these last few years with the collapse of the world financial markets, all of which was planned.

When Bill Clinton was Pres. the Republicans in congress came to him and asked him to sign away the Glass-Steagall Act, a law introduced the separation of bank types as one part of it because there were found to be "conflicts of interest and fraud." The Republicans would vote for some of the things Bill wanted if he would remove that part of Glass- Steagall that stood in the way of preventing them from doing what they do best, FRAUD.

They knew that Glass-Steagall was like a block under the wheel of a car that was parked on a hill. When the block is removed the car (the economy) is giong to roll down hill and crash. The plan was to make as much dirty money as possible and get out before the crash. And boy did they! There are billions if not trillions of dollars that were made and hidden. Some of it was invested in China. Much of it is waiting until the rest of the world reached rock bottom in poverty and desperation to swoop in and buy up the world for pennies on the dollar. This is your government at work. The government by and for the rich. This is referred to as an 'Oligarchy.'

Oligarchy: A form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, corporate, or military control.

In our country it's distinguished by family ties and corporate ties intermingled with military contracts. The stench of dirty money reaches all the way up to influencing the Supreme Court. A member of the Supreme Court can be removed on grounds of treason. In my humble opinion this is exactly what should happen to five of the nine justices. Since 1878 most of the cases in which the rights of the people are pitted against the rights of the corporations, the Supreme Court has judged in favor of corporations. Corporations are NOT people. They should not have the same rights as a person. They should certainly not have greater rights than a person. Which is exactly what the have at this time.

A lot of scared little people are afraid to effect a corporations bottom line. Afraid it will "cost American jobs." Haven't you noticed? They've already decided to screw you anyway. Any extra money they make, say from lower taxes, is going to built factories in China anyway! They have decided to screw you and abandon you and, also leave you with the bill!

Obama is doing nothing about the high gas prices because that's what they want him to do. What he could do is use the anti-trust laws that were used to breakup the rail roads in the 1940 to breakup OPEC. But he want. Because that is not what the rich, his handlers, want.

Well, Ladies and germs, that's enough for now. Until next time. P.S., I hope post will be on Noah's flood (Black Sea flood). I did a small post on it a few years back. I would do it tonight but, no time, I work tomorrow.

End post 261 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart, - M.D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 260 A: Templars is du craziest peoples!

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Date Posted: 02:39:29 03/01/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 260 A: Templars is du craziest peoples!

I have recently read an article in Knight Templar Magazine, Volume LVII, March 2011, Number 3.

"The Fermi paradox has been described in the scientific community as the contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
The age of the universe and its vast number of stars centainly suggest that if the earth is a typical planet, extraterrestrial life should be quite common. In 1950, the physicist, Enrico Fermi, questioned why, if such advanced civilization exist within just the Milky Way galaxy, evidence such as spacecraft or probes are not seen.
Since its inception in 1984, the mission of the SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) Institute is to explore, understand, and explain the origin, nature, and prevalence of life in the universe.
One possible method to resolve the Fermi paradox would be for an organization such as the SETI Institute to find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, to date, no such efforts have proven successful.
The great silence remains.
Is there a Masonic paradox? And would it be defined as the contrdiction between the belief in the existence of what was once a great Fraternity and the lack of proof of its existence in the 21st century?
The age of the Fraternity and its large number of members suggest that Freemasonry was once a place of great fellowship, joy, and enlightenment. However, today it is better described as a place where the perfection of ritual is stressed, behavior control of its members (for their own good, of course) is emphasized, the advancement of charities that benefit the secular world is the norm, and few of its members ever attend.
Some day, our Masonic leaders will realize that they alone can advance the renaissance of our Craft by stressing the importance of fraternity and the vows we all took at the alter of Freemasonry. At the same time, they must understand that the recitation of perfect ritual and maintenance of the scred landmarks are not our core values and will never attract new members. Throughout the ages, good men have petitioned the Masonic Fraternity and will continue to join our Craft, because they see value in belonging to a great organization where they benefit from these important lifelong friendships.
While there is yet time, as Jim Collins in his Built to Last book, the Masonic Fraternity must eliminate our misalignments, those that drive our members away from the core ideology of our Craft and those that impede progress toward the envisioned future.
If the Fermi paradox is ever resolved, future generations might spend ages discussing its scientific implications and details, but the issues within the Masonic paradox must be resolved much sooner. In Ecclesiastes 3, we read that there is a season for everything. May all of our Masonic Leaders have the wisdom to realize that the season for renaissance is now.
Let us hope and pray that those who come to join the Masonic Fraternity in future ages will still understand that the core values of the Masonic Fraternity are a belief in God, the assistance of a worthy Brother in distress, and the care of his widow and orphans.
Are we alone? - Sir Knight John William McNaughton, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander for the AASR/NMJ"

To begin with he has already pissed me off because he's stepping into my extraterrestrial territory. I do the Knight Templar thing on E.T.s around here, buddy!
He is also WRONG as wrong can be. The very first time SETI hooked up their dish they intercepted what they believed was a transmission between ships. Shortly thereafter they were read the riot act by a branch of the U.S. Government and explained how anything they find is to go to Uncle Sam first and foremost; and how SETIs real mission is to constantly say "no, no contact so far" no matter what they see or find.

As far as retention of members go. Imagine you drive 45 miles one way to make meeting. No one ever has the decency to contact you and tell you what's on the agenda for the next meeting, so you have to wing-it. When you get there to the last meeting you ever attended you find it's an indiction ceremony for junior officers of the Lodge (Helion). The only people there are the eight or nine officers being inducted the guy swearing them in, and you. One particular individual (egroeG) raises the back of his suit-jacket as if he's blowing a fat at you or showing you his ass.
Since that day I have not returned to keep from stomping someones ass, which we are sworn not to do!

If McNaughton is saying to believe in E.T.s negates belief in God, then he couldn't be futher from the truth. Once I knew a co-worker who told me he didn't believe in E.T.s because it didn't say anything about it in the Bible. I refer to that as pure ignorance. It also doesn't say anything about viruses in the Bible. Do you believe in those? Or do you still believe evil spirits cause disease?

We are not contacted by E.T. because we have nothing to bring to the table. We are the backwater mudhole peduncles of the universe. Get used to it!

End post 260 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart - M. D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 259 A: Azariah = Khazaria

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Date Posted: 00:34:37 02/14/11 Mon
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 259 A: Azariah = Khazaria

Azariah was the son of Ahimaaz (1 Kings 4:2) and grandson of Zadok, the High Priest in the time of King David (II Sam. xv. 24-29; comp.35).

Khazaria is the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It is the area already mentioned in Post 258. It is also the area many writers and scholars have proposed as the true homeland and beginning of the Jewish race. One wonders if Azariah didn't lend his name to this region. I personally wonder if most of the story of the Old Testament didn't take place in this region instead of the supposed "holy land."

As was discussed in Post 258 there really is no specific "Hebrew DNA." However there are DNAs that are most often found among the Jews. they are as fallows: Haplogroups G, J, L, T, and E. But one may have one of these haplogroups and not be a Jew at all. Then again it might show a heritage from a distant ancestor who was a member of the race of people that became known as the Hebrews.

The Y-DNA is as follows with the amount or number of thousands of years ago each came into being and migrated:
A 60, B50, CT 50, D 50, E 50, E1b1a 20, E1b1b 20, C 50, F 45, G 20, H 30, I 25, J 25, K 40, L 30, M 10, N 10, O 35, O3 35, P 35, Q 20, Q1a3a 10, R 30, R1a 10, R1b 25, S 10, T 10.

A, B, D, E, and C are usually the oldest "out of Africa" DNAs. F, G, H, I, J, and K are usually Middle Eastern and Near Eastern DNAs. R is most often found in Western Asia and Europe. This is, however, a gross generalization.

I do not know about all the factors of all the DNA groups. But I do know a little about J. It seems the phenotype of mtDNA J persons produce higher body heat. This is why it's thought this group can be found in northern Europe, particularly in Norway.
Also as one report put it: "The T150C mutation, which is exclusive to but not definitive of, the J2 subclade of Haplogroup J. May be part of a likely nuclearly controlled general machinery regarding the remodeling and replication of mtDNA. Controlling a remodeling which could accelerate mtDNA replication thus compensation for oxidative damage in mtDNA as well as functional deterioration occurring with old age related to it."- (A Comprehensive Analysis of mtDNA Haplogroup J, - Jim Logan. September, 2008).

End Post 259 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 258: mtDNA J2b1b, cont., The Jewish Question

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Date Posted: 18:56:54 02/06/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 258: mtDNA J2b1b, cont., The Jewish Question

As everyone who knows anything about me knows my Y-DNA is R1b1b2 and my mtDNA is J2b1b.
The question is, who is a Jew? Since the second century A.D. it was deemed that anyone born of a Jewish mother was considered a jew.

It seems strange that the Y-chromosome from the male line should be used to identify the supposed "Y-chromosomal Aaron" line or line of the descendents of Aaron and or the genetic line of the Zadok High Priests of Israel/Judah (Numbers 25:11-12); particularly when the remains (body) of Aaron or Phinehas, his grandson, is not around for us to DNA test.
However, there are some who believe the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten is the biblical Moses. Aaron was said to be the brother or half brother of Moses. The Egytian Antiquites Authority have done DNA tests of the mummy is KV55 (Akhenaten), but will only tell the world who is related to whom in the Royal Egyptian pantheon. They will not give the world the exact DNA results in fear it may strengthen someone's claim other than themselves, especially that of Israel.

The supposed Y-chromosomal Aaron line also known as the Kohanim (singular "Kohen, "Cohen") line is said to be by a pattern of values for 6 Y-STR markers, which have been named the Cohen Modal Haplotype by researchers, (CMH) they fell into Haplogroup J. But, it was found that many men in many communities that were not Jewish were also J Haplogroup. The J Haplogroup has been around since its emergence about 30,000 to 40,000 years ago.

More recent research shows the Y-Haplogroup among the supposed (CMH) is J1c3 (J-P58). Another group claiming descent is J2a (J-M410) which occurs at a rate of 15% among the supposed Kohanim Jews.

Others included are the J1e and J2a possible supposed Cohen group from the Sephardi (Spanish/French) background. Their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) lived between year 1 B.C. and 3,500 B.C.. The group known as the Ashkenazis are estimated to have an MRCA from 400 A.D. to 3,000 B.C..

Prof. Karl Skorecki tested the Y chromosomes of Jewish priests in 1997. Prof. Skorecki published The Cohen hypothesis in the journal Nature. It was found that the Kohanim "share a different probability distribution compared to the rest of the Jewish population for the two Y-chromosome markers they tested (YAP and DYS19)." It was found that both Ashkenazi (German Jews) and Sephardic Cohens share a common ancestor before the Roman diaspora (scattering) of the Jewish race.

It also seems the J2 subgroup contains lineages that have similar genetic markers to the Cohen Modal Haplotype. Though they exist in a low frequency among the Jewish Kohanim they do not descend from the supposed Y-Aaron ancestor.

There are several groups which have a Cohen religious tradition: Haplogroup J2, J2a4h (L24), R1b.

Indeed the J Haplogroup developed in the Near East. The odd thing about this is the scientific evidence that supports the idea that it (J) is most common and seems to have developed at the base of the Caucasus Mountains in the Caucasus Region. The J haplotype is found at its highest concentration in the areas of Azerbiajan (east of Eden/east of Ararat) and former soviet Georgia.

Khazaria is a region that touches Azerbiajan to its north edge and extends northward to city of Sarkel (Volgodonsk), northeast to Volgograd and westward to the Black Sea.
It also extends along the northern slop of the Caucasus Mountian Range.

There is a theory that the Ashkenazi Jews might be descended from peoples of the Khazaria region. This theory dates back to late 19th century Europe. Ernest Renan, a racial-theorist, first publicly proposed this theory on January 27, 1883 in a lecture titled "Judaism as a Race and as Religion." Racial-theorist Lothrop Stoddard popularized the idea in an article in 1926 in the Forum titled "The Pedigree of Judah." Professor John O. Beaty, Southern Methodist University, published "The Iron Curtain over America" in 1951 in which he states Khazar Jews were responsible for all the world's ills icluding World Wars I an II. He described it as an attempt to subvert Western Christianity and establish Communism throughout the world. It seems many Fundamentalist Christian groups have made the Khazar theory a firm article of faith.

Shlomo Sand, Israel historian of cinema and French intellectual historian, delved into the Khazar theme in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People," published in 2008.

Haplogroup R1a chromosomes (Eu19) were found at a rate of 54% to 60% in Eastern European populations and at a rate of 12.7% among Ashkenazi Jews according to a 2001 study by Nebel et al. It was determined that Eastern Europeans and Ashkenazi Jews might carry some partial Khazar ancestry.

Ashkenazi Levites make up approximately 4% of Ashkenazi Jews. In the Ashkenazi Levites it was found that they have a rate of Haplogroup R1a1 over 50%. In general 11.5% of all male Ashkenazi were found to have Haplogroup R1a1 (R-M17).

Interestingly I personally thought that since it's the mother who decides if a child is a Jew or non-jew it would have been her line of DNA that would have been tested. But what do I know? It just seems to me that the facts are skewed in whatever direction anyone, Jew or Gentile, wish to turn them. Certainly the jews cannot be blamed for all the world's ills. For that one needs to look a the greed of man. One definitely needs to look at the greediest of the greedy, ergo the richest of the rich to find the true cause of all the world's ills.

Or, just maybe somewhere in the process look at the enablers of the processes of the greediest of the greedy. That would be Ronald Reagen, George H.W. Bush, William (Bill) Clinton, George W. Bush; and a half-black, not so black, half white professional politician (Obama) that began doing everything but dancing the old soft-shoe for the Republicians when they got the majority in congress.

What is also of interest is the scientific fact that Y-DNA R1a began right around the area of what is now the city of Kirov in persent day Russia. Now there's one for you!

End Post 258 A: (www.voy.com/40560/) teltalheart

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Subject: Post 256 A: Elfin Blood, "elf"="alb"="albino"="shining one"

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Date Posted: 04:32:06 01/17/11 Mon
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 256 A: Elfin Blood, "elf"="alb"="albino"="shining one"

The "alb" or "alba" comes from Old High German alb- "elf." It comes from the character of Alberich, a sorcerer in the legend of the Merovingian dynasty. The French translation of Alberich is Oberon, the brother of Meroveus, Merovius or Merowech. "Elbe-rex" translates to Alberich as ""elf-king."

Alberich had the power to become invisible. Thus Oberon is Alberich. Also, as "king of the fairies" or elfin, Oberon is also the Norse god Freyr. Freyr is probably another name for the Old Norse god Tyr, because of the way it could possibly be pronounced (Tyr = like "tire" or Freyr or "fray" or "frayer". Tyr seems to be another representation for the god Zeus.

Merovech (Marwig-"famous fight"), brother of Oberon, was said to be the son of King Chlodio's wife, but was fathered by a sea-god or sea monster (Quinotaur), bistea Neptuni. Merovech is said to be the founder of the Merovingian dynasty. This has been said to be an allusion to the family and descendants of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, her family and friends, Mary Salome (Helena) and Mary Jacob (wife of Cleophas) are said to have came ashore at Marseilles or Ferrieres in the region of Provence, Languedoc France 44AD "in a boat with no ores". Being of two bloodlines, from a beast of Neptune and the Frankish royal blood; the miraculous properties in their blood was supposed to enable them to heal by the laying on of hands, made them capable of clairvoyants and possibly of telepathic communication with animals and the natural world in general. They are supposed to have worn magic necklaces that contained powerful spells that gave them protection and great longevity. They were said to possess a birthmark. In later years the legend changed to become a birthmark of a red cross found either between the shoulder blades or over the heart.

The very description of Oberon and Merovech place them as members of the Peri.
Peri [Per peri fairy,...] 1: a supernatural being in Persian folklore descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is accomplished.

It has become politically incorrect to bolster the Caucasian male in any way. He is now the only creature that is acceptable to mocked, belittled and insulted in the popular media and in general. It would thus come as a shock to many to realize that the root of elf is "alb" and "alb" is the root of the word "albino", meaning "white." And these elfin are the descendants of the "shining ones", a.k.a. the Anunnaki. According to Wolfram when speaking of the "heathen, Flegetanis" - "He said there was a thing called the Grail, whose name he had read clearly in the constellations. A host of angels left it on the earth."

There were two persons known as Merovee in ancient times. One of these is known to have been a Sicambrian chieftain who was living in 417 AD. It has been suggested be a few historians on this period that this Merovee visited Rome during this time. He was noted for his long yellow hair.

Well that is all I have at this time. See you soon.
End posr 256 A. www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 255 A: Noblis Decurion, the metal minors

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Date Posted: 04:17:34 01/09/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 255 A: Noblis Decurion, the metal minors

Dear Friends Of the Grail, you may be wondering what "Pirou, un Chevalier de"(post 254 A:), Ferrieres-Saint-Hilaire(post 253 A:), Ferrieres-Haut-Clocher (post 253 A:) and Henry de Perrieres (Perrieur, Perers, Perrier, Peryer, Puryer, Puryear) all have to do with the story of the Holy Grail.

Joseph of Arimathea (Saint James the Just, younger brother of Jesus) was described by Maelgwyn of Llandaff (450CE) and Gildas III (516-570) as a "noblis decurion."

The title 'Decurio' means "an official under Roman authority who was in charge of metal mining." It was a very lucrative and coveted position. The Roman writer, statesman and orator Cicero (106-43 B.C.) remarked "that it was easier to become a Senator of Rome that a Decurio in Pompeii." It was title that originated in spain where Jewish metal workers had lived since the 6th century B.C.

Joseph of Arimathea (St. James) was is Somerset, Glastonbury and Cornwall because of the tin trade between Briton and Rome. Tin was mixed with copper to produce bronze.

Jesus, the King de jure of Judaea, was described as a "ho tekton" (in Greek) which meant "Master of the Craft." This designation alludes to a Master of the Craft in what some have referred to as a "mystery cult" but was what would later be call 'The Masonic Lodge.' The trem Master of the Craft is still used in the Lodge. It referes to a Third Degree Mason, or Master Mason.

The term "Perrieur" referred to one "who cut or quarried stone." In other words, a mason. It could also refer to one who was engaged in the large scale commercial mining of stone, such as would used in the tin trade.

The term "Ferrer" in French is said to mean "to bind with iron" or "to shoe a horse" (cf. farrier).
Ferrieres is also said to relate to the mining and smelting of iron. Thus the two, (Ferrieres, Perrieur), are synonymous.
What would the descendants of Saint James the Just (Decurio) and Jesus, King de jure, be doing in the county of Eure, Normandy? And earlier in Brittany, France?

It seems the area of Eure was known for its large deposits of iron ore, hence the "ferrieres" term found so often . Brittany also had some iron deposits.

In Brittany, France many of the descendants of the Grail line are found from 507 A.D. to about 930 A.D. as thr lords, (Princes, Dukes, Counts, Barons) of Cornouailles.
It's interesting to note that "Cornouailles" in old Gallic/Breton means "Cornwall."

Well, dear friends, that's all we have time for this evening. Until next time, be safe and secure in the knowledge (gnosis).
teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/ M.D.B.

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Subject: Post 254 A: Pirou, "un Chevalier de," 1. 13,557.

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Date Posted: 02:05:14 12/30/10 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 254 A: Pirou, "un Chevalier de," 1. 13,557.

The Conqueror and His Companions, by J.R. Planche, Somerset Herald. London 1874

"Pirou is near Lessai, but ""a chevalier of Pirou"" might not be the lord of it. It would be idle to speculate as to the person alluded to by the poet. William, Lord of Pirou, is said by Orderic to have perished in the fatal wreck of the ""White Ship,"" in 1120. In a later charter, however, a ""Gulielmus de Pirou, Dapifer,"" appears as a witness.--Mon. Ang. vol.ii,p. 973."

A knight of Pirou was present at the conquest of England, his family was rewarded with an estate in Sommerset, where they founded Stoke-Piro.

It is difficult to say whether the name 'Pirou' is from the town of "Pirou near Lessai" or whether they may be descended from Periou, younger son of Budic, Count of Cornouailles, Bretagne, France. This is from the book 'The Norman People,' found on page 361. It also states "...Periou gave name to Perieres, Bretagne. A branch came to England 1066,..." Thus it seems Periou is the most possible ancestor of Walkeline or Walchelino de Perrieres or de Ferrieres. However, the genealogical search continues.

End Post 254 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart.

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Subject: Post 253 A: William Peverel de Ferrers/ de Perers

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Date Posted: 03:50:16 12/26/10 Sun
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 253 A: William Peverel de Ferrers/ de Perers

William (Guillaume) Peverel:

It's stated that Henry de Ferrers' elder brother, William de Ferrers, "fell in the battle" of Hastings in 1066 A.D.
I'm beginning to doubt this. According to at least one online researcher, Carol/Evergreen, she writes:

"Herbert de Rie and his wife Albareda de Preaux had four sons: Herbert Jr., Adam, Ranulphus/Ralph, and Eudo (who became Eudo Dapifer)... Their son Ralph was known as Ranulphus de Praers PRIOR to 1066. J.R. Planch relates the story about Ralph, Herbert Jr. and Adam rescuing Duke William in his flight prior to 1066.
The Battle Abbey Rolls list Herbert de Rie and Herbert de Rie le Jeune one or two names that MIGHT be Adam de Rie, Edues Dapifer Sire de Preaux and Le Sire de Praeres (Prous). It's my belief that this last name must refer to Ranulphus de Praers - is there any reason to believe otherwise?
Next, J.R. Planch in talking about the booty received by these four sons refers to ""Ralph, whom he made Castellan of Nottingham."" Spiffy! Except it looks as if somebody else promply made off with our Castellan of Nottingham:
""William Peverel, one of the Conqueror's followers and castellan of Nottingham, gave the church along with St Mary's and St Nicholas as part of the endowment of the Cluniac Priory of Lenton, which he founded between 1109 and 1114.""[from Claves Regni, the on-line magazine of St. Peter's Church, Nottingham]
Annoyed with this Peverel fellow for making off with my ancestor's castle, I read all I could find about him. The Battell Abbey Rolls include a Ranulf Peverel and a William Peverel. Most folks seem to think William was the bastard son of Duke William because of all the lands he received from the Invasion for no other discernible reason, but there seems to be no other evidence for this conclusion. I can also find no evidence that William Peverel left any heirs.
Ranulphus de Praers had two de Praers sons (presumably before the Invasion) the eldest of which inherited the vil de Stoke - a tiny nothing little place in Cheshire except that I believe it sits right on the Roseline. But Ranulphus' eldest de Stoke son (presumably after the Invasion) was William de Stoke, knight.

What would get thrown at me if I wanted to speculate that Ranulphus de Praers was one and the same as Ranulf Peverel, and that William de Stoke was one and the same as William Peverel? There are several other factors suggestive of this hypothesis, but I don't know what contary evidence is out there. Does anyone know who DID inherit all of William Peverel's lands?
Thanks as always, Carol/Evergreen"

I personally have some reason to believe the Henry de Perers who was seated at "Dalby and elsewhere in Leicester in 1086 (Domesd.)" and Henry de Ferrers of Derbyshire and Leicestershire are one and the same person. Henry de Ferrers is said to come from Ferrieres-Saint-Hilaire in Eure, Normandy. Henry de Perers is said to come from Ferrieres-Haut-Clocher in Eure, Normandy. They are less than nine miles from each other in Normandy. It was written "The family Perers came from Periers, near Evreux, Normandy." - The Norman People

It's stated in Wikipedia and elsewhere:
"Henry de Ferrers (also Henri de Ferrieres) was a Norman soldier froma noble family who took part in the conquest of England...His elder brother William fell in battle. William and Henri were the sons of Walkeline de Ferrers (d.c. 1040)Seigneur of Ferrieres-Saint-Hilaire, Eure in upper Normandy.
Henry became a major land holder and was granted 210 manors throught England and Wales, but notably in Derbyshire and Leicestershire, by King William for his conspicuous bravery and support at Hastings."

Of William Peverel it's stated:
William Peverell (c.1040-c. 1115)
William Peverell the Elder was probably the illegitimate son William the Conqueror and a Saxon princess named Maud Ingelrica ( daughter of the noble Ingelric) although this cannot be supported by the historical records. Maud Ingelrica was later married to Ranulph Peverell, from whom William took his surname. William married Adelina of Lancaster, who bore him a daughter Adeliza, born circa 1075, and a son, also named William, born circa 1080.

Since Le Sire de Praeres (Prous), found on the Battle Abbey Rolls, seems to be the name the family de Perers (Perrier, Perryer,Peryer, Puryer) seems to be descended from and either Ranulphus/Ralph de Praers or William de Parers appears to be the progenitor of the name. However, the book 'The Norman People' states on page 396 that Henry de Perers is the progenitor of the line. So, this would possibly be Henry de Ferrers. It seems alos possible that Henry de Ferrers and William Peverel (de Ferrers/ de Perers) are at least half brothers. This tale follows along the line of the tale of king Arthur, who was raised in a home not that of his fathers. The name Peverel is also very similar to that of Perceval.

Found in:

46 Northampton
De Johanne Basset pro xvj tm parte j.f.m. in Russheden, Quondam Willelmi Bradson, et tenetur de comite de Ferariis de honore Peverelli.

A.D. 1284 EsTPURI.- Richardus filius Jonannis, tenet manerium de Estpuri de comite de Ferrers, et hoc honore de Tuatburs per j.f.m. et idem comes de rege.

14 Northampton. 1428 41.
Strixton.-Henricus de Prieris tenet j.f.m. in Strixton de comite Warrewici, et idem comes de rege i.e.

Until next time: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 252 A: Terdelaschoye

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Date Posted: 22:05:53 12/09/10 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 252 A: Terdelaschoye

The following should be considered copyrighted material.

Terdelaschoye was the fairy or otherworldly supernatural being in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival.
In the story the marriage between the Jewish mortal Mazadan and Terdelaschoye produces in its descendancy Utepandragun, Artus and Gawan; also Gandin, Galoes, Gahmuret, Parzival and Feirefiz.

Late in the story the Grail family appears in the form of Parzival's mother and her ancestral line. Parzival is the embodiment of the two great lines. This is in much the same way Jesus (Judaea) and Mary Magdalene (Israel) would have produced a conjoined Hebrew kingdom under one non-Roman power.

What has not been know until I had discovered it is that Terdelaschoye is an around about anagram of the name 'Chretien de Troyes.' Wolfram von Eschenbach may have taken or mistaken Chertien's name to be the teltalheart name 'Chretien del Troyes.'

In order to fit an anagram of a sixteen letter name into thirteen letter name some double use of some letters were necessary. The 'T' is used twice, also the the 'R' is used twice. The 'a' in Terdelaschoye and the 'n' in Chretien are oddly not used at all. Perhaps Eschenbach was indicating the fairies' true name was 'Terdelaschoyi' or 'Teridelaschoye.'

Terdelaschoye is a pseudonym which I will reveal in my upcoming book. By the was, Terdelaschoye is a Peri and is more at supernatural or otherworldly than the inaccurate use of the word "fairy."

An interesting note, an anagram of Terdelaschoye was in the movie 'Kind Hearts and Coronet' in the use of the name of the Dukedom as "Delaschoye" and or "De Laschoye."

End Post 252 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart Michael D. Barnes.

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Subject: Post 251 A: The Shining Ones (Continued)

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Date Posted: 23:48:59 12/07/10 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 251 A: The Shining Ones (Continued)

The Nephilim were apparently the descendants of the Anunnaki (Anak) that were also known as the Elohim, the plural noun for Eloh or El meaning "Lofty One".

Numbers 13:33 "And there we saw the giants ('giants' was a word that was used in place of 'Nephilim'), the sons of Anak,"

The Nephilim are thought of in some respects as the descendants of Orion. This due to the fact that in Aramaic culture the term 'niyphelah' refers to the Constellation of Orion. As is already know one of the two false shafts in the Great Pyramid through which the Pharaoh's soul is said to ascend is directed at the Belt of Orion.
Thus they are the descendants of the Elohim, the "gods."

The descendants of the Nephilim are the 'Peri.'
Peri: "A supernatural being in Persain folklore descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is accomplished." - Webster's

The Peri (Peris) were said to be targets of a lower level of evil creature called a 'Daeva.' They were supposedly persecuted for their "lack of sufficient self-esteem" because they failed to join in the rebellion against God.
However, this cannot be possible because the Peri were the "descendants" of the fallen angels and thus had not yet been born.

Sometimes the term Peri can be seen in names such as "Khepri" and "Kheper" also "Khepera." The Khepri was the younger form of the Egyptian god 'Ra' also 'Atum.'
The god Khepri regenerated himself in what todays science would refer to as "cloning." It is used in the Pharaohnic names of Akhenaten (Neferkheperure) and Tutankhaten (Nebkheperure).

End Post 251 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart.

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Subject: Post 250 A: The Shining Ones

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Date Posted: 05:23:10 12/02/10 Thu
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 250 A: The Shining Ones

The Babylonian word "Ellu" which meant the "Shining Ones," was the possible root word for the term "Elohim." Elohim is a plural of eloah. Thus it literally means the "gods." It is also the term use in the older Hebrew Bibles. The title "Ari" meant "Shining Ones" in Sumeria. One of the Elohim is "El Elyon" meaning "God Most High." In the old day just the word "El" (Lofty One) was often used. It can be scene in Hebrew names such as "Michael," "he who like unto the Lord." Thus "El Elyon" to the Hebrews and Canaanites was synonymous with "God Almighty." The son of El Elyon, by the way, was Baal. Thus Baal was the literal "Son of God." It seems God could have a Son in the early days because God had a wife; and her name was Ashtoreth and or Asherah. El Elyon is also refered to as El Shaddai in the earliest Bibles. El Shaddai (Lord of the Mountain) is the name by which Abraham addressed God. Enlil, of the Anunnaki, was called "llu Kur-gal" or "Great Mountain Lord." So El Elyon and Enlil appear to be one and the same. The Son of Enlil was the god "Sin". Thus God is the father of SIN.

The father of God, Enlil, was Anu (Anum); chief or leader of the Anunnaki. The term Anunnaki means "those of Royal blood." There was said to be three hundred Anunnaki in this world and three hundred in the netherworld or other world. The three hundred Anunnaki seem to be synonymous with the number of "fallen angels." However, in the Enuma elish the Anunnaki were not "thrown down" instead they "came down." The Nephilim were "the sons of God," or rather the "gods" as in the "Elohim" plural. If one says the Anunnaki are extraterrastrials (humans) from else where. One paints a whole different picture of mans origin.

It's said in the Enuma elish that the Anunnaki created "lulu" human kind, apparently through the genetic engineering of a high functioning primate. This was a creature whose purpose it was to till the fields to provide food for the Anunnaki. These humans were refered to as the "Black Headed" people in the Enuma elish. In contrast the "Shining Ones" or "Ari" or "Elohim" are said to "have hair as white as snow, pale eyes, and pale skin which seemed literally to glow and fill the room with light."

Enki, the brother of Enlil, donated his seman for a genetics experimant to his sister Nin-khursag, apparently a geneticist, to create homo sapiens-sapiens from fourteen female of the "Black Headed" people. This was to create seven male and seven female hybrids, a breeding population. Thus the "adamu" was created, this from the Hebrew word for blood.

End Post 250 A: www.voy.com/40560/ (teltalheart)

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Subject: Post 249 A: Bought to the manor and title via paper.

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Date Posted: 16:42:03 11/13/10 Sat
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 249 A: Bought to the manor via paper.

Am I a Royal Prince or King, or a Noble of any kind, type or grade? Are the descendants of the Ancient Royal House of Judaea and Israel through the bloodline of King David (c.1040-970 B.C.) and King Saul, now considered Uradel (old nobiliy) as opposed to Briefadel (nobility by patent who owe their origin to documentary grants that began being issued as early as the fourteenth century) to be considered nobility? Briefadel families received patents for money, goods or services rendered. Ergo, bought to the manor via a paper patent.

Are those of more ancient nobility as noble or more noble than those of more recent nobility? Requiring a patent from those of the Uradel class (old nobility) is like requiring the Wright Brothers to have a pilots license before their first flight. It does not make good sense and just is not done. In the age of the Vikings (Norsemen) all that was required to be eligible to be a king was that one be a descendant of a king.

Organizations such The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty seems to wish only to recognize members of more recent Briefadel families. Perhaps this is because their lines are more recent and thereby easier to trace. or there could be political reasons. But does the sparkle, spangle and shine of the new (nouveau riche) make one noble, or just a flash in the pan; the happening thing at the time? I contend that rich does not equal Royal or Noble. The ancient Royalty and Nobility bore their titles because as they themselves said the were "descended from the gods," the Nephilim.

One need only look at the conspiratorial treachery with which Pepin d'Heristal engineered the death of king Dagobert II and the takeover of his kingdom of Austrasia. This was done with the help and support of the Church of Rome because Dagobert had the gall to have been "scorning the churches of God together with their bishops" due to his taxing them. Thus the Carolingians replaced the True Blood Royal of the Merovingians.

The following is from The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty:
...'"de jure" as well as reigning constitutional kings and princes still bear the full, complete and absolute sovereign privileges of their ancient forebears in full power, whether that sovereinty is dormate because they are non-reigning or because a constitution has permitted.

...In recognition of this important truth, an international court of arbitration in Italy (also the Italian Supreme Court of Appeal) on May 9, 2003, decided that "for an unlimited period" ..."the sovereign prerogatives known as jus majestatis and jus honorum, with the ability to confer nobility titles, with or withoutpredicates, noble arms, honorific titles and chivaloric distinctions relating to their hereditary dynastic Orders."

...This implication of this are extremely important and far-reaching. Legally making a pretender to an ancient throne that no longer exists comparable to a current, reigning, royal head of state is extraordinary and amazing, but it fits perfectly with the law and the eternal and unending nature of hereditary rights, especially as they related to sovereignty.
Professor Stephen Kerr - "Under the rules of the Congress of Vienna heads of former ruling houses are considered equal to heads of state."

...Sovereignty, according to international law, could be and was, indeed, bought and sold. If these conveyances were a transfer of property or territory only, and not the full right of sovereignty, then Alaska would still be under the authority and power of Russia. And much of the United States would be ruled by France and Mexico.

...These practices were so prevalent and common place that in order to protect the country as a whole, in the 13th century, it became a fundamental law in France, as powerful as Salic law, that the kings of France could not, under any circumstances, alienate, sell or dismember the kingdom. It was to remain permanently intact and not follow the pattern of bartering sovereignty for money or favors.'-
- The International Commission on Nobility and Royality.

I contend that Salic law was a transplant of Judiac law and traition. I further contend the ancient Royal House and Families of Judaea and Israel never abdicated their lands or their titles.

Salic Law - Tilte 45, "De Migrantibus" - see the book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail', page 389.

End post 249 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart=Michael D. Barnes, Knight Templar of the York Rite.

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Subject: Post 247 A: Happy Michael Mass Day

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Date Posted: 02:45:35 09/28/10 Tue
Author Host/IP: 98-159-200-219.scottsboro.org/

Post 247 A: Happy Michael Mass Day

It's almost my 52nd birthday. I've taken a week off from work to hopefully relax. I try not to work on my birthday.

I had recently e-mailed the Knight Templar magazine, 5909 West Loop South, Suite 495 Bellaire, Tx 77401-2402 (ktmagazine@comcast.net). I wrote an artical to be published in the magazine. The e-mailed me back and told me they had heard the same theories before. I basically told them that this was impossible because the theory of the Perrier/Puryer is mine and mine alone, since it is my family.

They also suggested I site any other authors. I stated that the only other author to use the term was Laurence Gardner and he only used the name "Ferrieres" AFTER I had contacted him on September 28, 2002. His book 'The Magdalene Legacy' came out in 2005. He obviously looked on this web site (voy.com/40560/) and used my material and gave me, M.D. Barnes, not one shred of a reference. "So" I wrote the the Templar magazine "should I give him reference, or should he give me reference?"

They never answered that one back! Gee, I wonder why?
Being in the Templars is a lot like being in any other fraternity. There are some members that all the others gather around. They just can't seem to wait to faun over them. Just as there are some members who constantly put artical in the Templar magazine.

It's a lot like watching actors at an Award Show. They faun over each other and kiss each others butt. You wonder if at any minute they're going to breakdown and just start blowing each other on stage!

Well, I guess every organization has its problems. Some of the older brethern have gone out of their way to make me feel at home, I will say that. And a small cadre of young people have gone out of their way to make me feel not at home, George. Sorry, can't cure stupid!

Enough about that crap.
I am trying finish this book I'm writing. But finishing is still a long way off. A word of caution: anything I say that's in my book from here on is Copyrighted.
It seem most of the members know little about the Grail and only slightly more about the Templars.

As far a my book goes: Jesus once asked other who were asking him about stoneing a man who had been caught working on the Sabbath. He said "the Sabbath was made for man, man was not made for the Sabbath."
Thus I say: The Lodge was made for the Grail, the Grail was not made for the Lodge. Just in case I say more then some think I should.

Hello to the two ladies I meet today at Unclaimed Baggage. I hope you'll become fans. Have a drink me on my birthday.
Until next time: www.voy .com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 246 A: What Happened to America?, Part II.

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Date Posted: 21:10:53 06/13/10 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 246 A: What Happened to America?, Part II.

As most of you know Pres. Nixon opened up China to the west in the early 1970's. Did you ever wonder why he did that?
There's this story, I won't call it a lie just yet, about China's Premire Dung Chow Ping (Deng Xiaoping) and 18 farmers. The story goes, these farmers formed and illegal farm co-operative to make extra money and grow more food for their own families. The farmers were founded out. But, Dung Chow Ping not only didn't punish them but let them keep going as they had been and encouraged other farmers to do likewise. This was in, I think, 1978.
Starting about 1992 jobs and companies started going to China. The pace increased in about 1999.

But why? Why was all this happening? Oh sure, the Chinese work for a dollar a day. Where the Mexicans wanted three dollars a day, (a mere survival wage). The companies would also escape U.S. pollution laws.

No one ever seems to talk about the real reason.
It seems Dung Chow Ping had let it be known to the west (U.S.A.) that he was going to start selling nuclear technology to anyone, third world nutcase or terrorist organization, that wanted it.

It seems the very rich, this includes politicians, couldn't bare the thought of their very wealthy, very plush life style ending in a mushroom cloud.

The very rich also knew there would be advantages to closing down factories in the U.S. and parts of Europe and moving them to China, as I have stated above.

The U.S.A. signed so many agreement with China, at the behest of the WTO, that I wonder if the U.S.A. didn't end as a sovereign nation in 1992, or at least 1999? Is it now just a satellite state of China?

One could say China, Dung Chow Ping, threated the west in an around-about way.
No agreement made under the threat of violence is legal. It seem to me we, the west, could get out of this agreement, and out debt, easily.
But, that's not likely happen. there are just too many people making a lot of money on this.

The only thing the very rich had to do to make a ton of money was to through the working middle class under the bus.

Unfortunately there is no political party that represents the majority of working Americans. The rich are represented by the Republicans. The minorities are represented by the Democrats. There is nobody to represent the working middle class white guy that makes up the majority of the workers in the U.S.A., it's just a fact.

But it's odd, isn't it! The rich couldn't or wouldn't standup to the Chinese. Yet here we are in Iraq and Afghanistan defending their "liberties." So, when we do pull out, if we ever do, they can go right back to killing each other and blaming us, as in U.S..

See you next time.
End post 246 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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[> Subject: Re: Post 246 A: What Happened to America?, Part II.

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Date Posted: 23:40:00 07/25/10 Sun
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

>Post 246 A: What Happened to America?, Part II.
>As most of you know Pres. Nixon opened up China to the
>west in the early 1970's. Did you ever wonder why he
>did that?
> There's this story, I won't call it a lie just yet,
>about China's Premire Dung Chow Ping (Deng Xiaoping)
>and 18 farmers. The story goes, these farmers formed
>and illegal farm co-operative to make extra money and
>grow more food for their own families. The farmers
>were founded out. But, Dung Chow Ping not only didn't
>punish them but let them keep going as they had been
>and encouraged other farmers to do likewise. This was
>in, I think, 1978.
> Starting about 1992 jobs and companies started going
>to China. The pace increased in about 1999.
>But why? Why was all this happening? Oh sure, the
>Chinese work for a dollar a day. Where the Mexicans
>wanted three dollars a day, (a mere survival wage).
>The companies would also escape U.S. pollution laws.
>No one ever seems to talk about the real reason.
>It seems Dung Chow Ping had let it be known to the
>west (U.S.A.) that he was going to start selling
>nuclear technology to anyone, third world nutcase or
>terrorist organization, that wanted it.
>It seems the very rich, this includes politicians,
>couldn't bare the thought of their very wealthy, very
>plush life style ending in a mushroom cloud.
>The very rich also knew there would be advantages to
>closing down factories in the U.S. and parts of Europe
>and moving them to China, as I have stated above.
>The U.S.A. signed so many agreement with China, at the
>behest of the WTO, that I wonder if the U.S.A. didn't
>end as a sovereign nation in 1992, or at least 1999?
>Is it now just a satellite state of China?
>One could say China, Dung Chow Ping, threated the west
>in an around-about way.
>No agreement made under the threat of violence is
>legal. It seem to me we, the west, could get out of
>this agreement, and out debt, easily.
>But, that's not likely happen. there are just too many
>people making a lot of money on this.
>The only thing the very rich had to do to make a ton
>of money was to throw the working middle class under
>the bus.
>Unfortunately there is no political party that
>represents the majority of working Americans. The rich
>are represented by the Republicans. The minorities are
>represented by the Democrats. There is nobody to
>represent the working middle class white guy that
>makes up the majority of the workers in the U.S.A.,
>it's just a fact.
>But it's odd, isn't it! The rich couldn't or wouldn't
>standup to the Chinese. Yet here we are in Iraq and
>Afghanistan defending their "liberties." So, when we
>do pull out, if we ever do, they can go right back to
>killing each other and blaming us, as in U.S..
>See you next time.
>End post 246 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 245 A: Met-Life Comes through, Allstate - so-so.

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Date Posted: 02:59:31 05/15/10 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 245 A: Met-Life Comes through, Allstate -so-so.

Why, whether because of my post, 243 A, or what I do not know. But, Met-Life came through with a check for $992.73. That left me having to pay only about $700.

Allstate: My auto insurance Co.

About the middle of April I received a latter, nasty note, from Allstate stating they would not be renewing my insurance. They sited four dates. Two of which were the same date 01/07/10. This was the date of the big ice/snowstorm. I was doing about 40 MPH across Flint River Bridge (it's three seperate bridges) when ahead of me was someone I just refer to as "Special Ed." Special Ed was going bicycle speed across the last bridge. I started to pump my brakes gently and my old 93 Grand Marquis started to fishtail. The more I tried to correct it the worse it became. I exited the bridge sideways. I then slid off the road and jumped a ditch, landing on the other side and rolling into a field. It broke the fram making it totaled. They sited this accident twice and stated I had "hit fixed object."

The other two dates they sited were both dates when I had struck two different deers. They stated I had "hit parked insured." I wrote them back a letter and said "unless the deer were siting in a parked car and had insurance this is an outright lie and is at most fraud and at least libel."

Allstate saw the error of their ways and corrected their mistake.

I could not have had Allstate jailed on fraud charges because a corporation is not a person.
Take that, Supreme Court.

P.S. It seems that when the Dr. gave me a clean bill of health concerning prostate cancer, he may have been wrong. I may have a battle ahead of me yet.

End post 245 A:

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Subject: Post 244 A: What happened to America?

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Date Posted: 01:10:20 03/20/10 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 244 A: What happened to America?

In the early 1970's the Bilderberg Group had decided to have Pres. Nixon open up China to the west. The national security forces (CIA) having seen some weakening in our old foe/friend the Soviet Union it was decided that the very rich would hedge their bets in case our old nemesis and reason for continuing to keep the Military - Industrial Complex churning to make the weapons of war, and thereby making money for the very rich, collapsed they, the very rich, would have a way to keep the money coming in and maybe even exercise more control over the U.S. Government.

After the collapse of our reason for the giant cold war works project better known as the U.S.S.R. the plan was implemented. H.W. Bush tried to push NAFTA and GATT through a Democratic Congress, without success. So, H.W. ran a lackluster campaign anainst golden boy Bill Clinton. One of the first things Billy boy does when he gets in office is push the very same bill, NAFTA & GATT, through the Dem. congress, which he knows will send American jobs overseas.

Republicans in that congress also came to Clinton and told him they would vote for some of the things he wanted to get through congress if he would take the restrictions off of banks which had been imposed by congress after the 1929 stock market crash. The removal of those regulations is the very reason, by the way, why the stock market crashed here recently. And what's more, they knew it would happen!

On we to the twisted sister of all reality, W. Bush. He accuses the Democrats of causing the biggest government in history, while he goes on the create a much bigger government. He puts America in the deepest debt hole in history, while at the same time balming it on the Democrats. He start two very expensive wars for no good reason, supposedly to get the guy who is the son of a friend of his and his dad's, that his dad, H.W. Bush used to do business with, Binladen.

America is deeply in debt to China. Why?
Because if those jobs had stayed here they would have provided jobs for American workers. Our government could have taxed those businesses and the workers. Those products those corporation are making in China are still being allowed to come into this country and are not being taxed at the same tax rate they would have been. Thus our country is not getting the money it needs to run.

We are borrowing what should have been our tax money from China, to run our country!

W. Bush got anything he wanted pushed through congress after 9/11. If anyone dared raise as much as a finger he called them a "Traitor".

What should have happened, and what should happen now is these companies that have left our nation for China and Mexico should be daclared as TRAITORS to our nation. Their products should be banned from import into our nation. This is the ONLY way we are ever going to become solvent again.

So, what is happening?
Have you noticed ever so often we have an economic collapse or down turn?
It makes your money worth less or disappear entirely, doesn't it.
In the old days there were bands of raiders. They would raid a village and rape and plunder. But they would leave the villagers enough to rebuild. The next year they would raid a different village. About every five or six years they return to raid the same village, after they had rebuilt and had enough crops to steal. It's like sheering sheep ever so often.
Every now and then I listen to some big mouthed republican pundit, like Rust or Rush. I like to listen to them accuse the Democrats of the very same thing the Republicans have been guilty of in the past.
But, they don't tell their audience what they 'SHOULD' be thinking. They tell their audience what they 'DO' think. They say "you believe this" or "you believe that". I'm just amazed at what kind of sheep someone would have to be to follow that.

I think you know what happens to sheep. They get sheered. Sometimes they get killed. That, unfortunately, would be our young men and women in uniform. Don't be a sheep.

I believe this religious fundamentalist war was created just to keep this kind of thing going. Anyone who knows anything about brain washing knows it's easy for a charismatic religious teacher to get someone, someone who is searching for answers, to blow themselves up for a cause. It's been said these Islamic mullahs are getting rich at this. I've also heard it said the money is coming Saudi Arabia. What happens to oil prices the longer the war drags on (^)? Exactly!

End post 244 www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 243 A: My Surgery

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Date Posted: 23:42:31 03/06/10 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 243 A: My Surgery

It has taken me some time to get back on line, for which I do apologize. I just have not had much to say or didn't quite know how to convey it.

My surgery was a D4273 subepithelial connective tissue graft procedure. This is where they cut tissue from the roof of the mouth and graft it around the gum and tooth to add more tissue to receding gum lines. It is some what of a Frankenstein of a procedure. It cost $2503.00. The great BCBS insurance covered $923.76 of it. My wifes dental insurance, Met-Life, covered -0-, nada, as in nothing of it. After the surgery $78.00 was still yet to be paid. Within two weeks of the surgery I started getting billed and called by the Dr.'s admin staff. The Doctor, who earns $500,000.00 a year doing this surgery, wanted his $78.00 from me, and they had yet to even file it on my wifes as the secondary insurance policy. So, within a couple of days I went to his office and paid the bastard in cash.

It's odd that in this country where we have this preconceived idea and we think of or refer to someone as a "toothless moron" we have such a poor excuse for dental insurance.

I guess that at the age of 51 I'm lucky that I'm missing only one tooth. That would be my lower left last molar. I lost it due to a local dentist by the name of Patterson. About fifteen years ago he convinced me that if I didn't have my wisdom teeth cut out they would give me trouble later on in life. He remove one on the lower left. He did such a botched job that it killed the wisdom tooth next to it.

I went to another dentist, Barrilleaux, to have a root canal on the dead tooth. During the procedure he pierced the tooth through and through making a root canal impossible. Leaving as the only option to have the tooth pulled.

P.S. I'm now on facebook.

Well that's all for now.
See you next time.
End post 243 A www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 130A. The Brotherhood of the Serpent/ A Satan Myth

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Date Posted: 11:15:45 01/08/04 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-37.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 130A. www.voy.com/40560/

In post 129A. we learned that the E.T. known as Enki, brother of the E.T. Enlil, was attempting to free mankind's true self, the spirit, from physical bondage to mortal bodies that they had been traped in by the Anunnaki in order to serve the Anunnaki for all time, reincarnation after reincarnation.

Enki had created the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent' to teach and free mankind, only to have it infiltrated and taken over by the agents of Enlil and the other Anunnaki. Enlil and the other anunnaki continued the Brotherhood in the guise of seeking spiritual freedom only to enslave humankind even futher.

We have learned that Enlil, a.k.a. Jehovah, was not good, at least to human beings, and Enki the Wise Serpent was not evil and didn't want to harm mankind but to set them free of their bondage.

Now we go on:
Garbled mysticism and blind faith are hallmarks of Brotherhood organizations and societies under Enlil. This is, of course, to prevent mankind from bonding togather and to foster religious hatred and war, something the Brotherhood secret societies use to great effectiveness, to keep man's tiny little mind busy so he can't think clearly. Let alone, shall we say, "see the forest for the trees".

In a Brotherhood fostered religion inspiration is said to be a supernatural force or 'God'.

The belief in one "God" is a necessity.

Physical immortality is sought in the same human body.

Followers must believe in doctrine based on blind faith and blind obedience without much or any proof.

Followers must believe that "God" controls the fate of individuals and that the individual has no control over that power and must yield to it.

Followers must believe that the Supreme Being alone created the universe and the spirit of each individual played no part in it, for man and his "spirit" were created by "God".

Followers must believe that those to whom bad things happen must have "deserved it" in the eyes of "God" for some transgression the other are unaware of. People must suffer for in the end it will bring salvation and freedom to the obedient who endure it. Other Brotherhood religions taught predestination. The idea that ones soul is condemned or favored before birth and that one could do nothing, good or evil, to change it. Naturally these "Elect" or favored people would be born in mostly the "high society".

Followers are expected to believe that spiritual salvation depends entirely on the will of "God".

The Satan Myth:

One must try to free ones self from the Christian dogma of the myth of Satan.
Nowhere in the Genesis story of the Garden of Eden is Satan ever mentioned yet it is the common practice in the Church to portray the serpent as the emissary of evil, or Satan himself.
St. Augustine developed and promoted the story of Eve's original sin from the above story as being both involving sex and being in league with the Devil. It reflected the early Church leaders unhealthy paranoia about sex and women in general. I suppose it reflected the fact that women brought new life to the world and thereby pain and suffering for another human being to endure.
Christian bishops rewrote the story of Adam and Eve as well as a few verses of Genesis to portray Satan as having been involved.
The Hebrew Bible does not portray Satan as he is portrayed in the Christian version. In the Christian version Satan and his minion of dark-angels wage constant war on God for the souls of mankind. The Old Testament mentions 'satans' (Plural). They are shown as the obedient servants of God or the 'sons of the gods'.
The Hebrew root word STN, from which satan is derived, simply means adversary, accuser or opposer. A 'satan' would obey Gods command, (Numbers 22:22)

A chief magistrate could also be a 'satan', accuser. (Zechariah 3:1-2)

Our modern idea of Satan was collected from a number of corruptions of passages. In Isaiah 'How are you fallen from heaven, day star, son of the dawn! How are you fallen to earth, conqueror of nations!'(Isaiah 14:12)
Many centuries later St. Jerome's 4th-century Vulgate Bible associates an evil satan as 'Lucifer', because the 'fallen day star'(Venus), has been redefined as 'light-bearer' and translated into Latin as 'Lucifer'.

John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' sealed the idea of a single Satan.

"Of Lucifer, so by allusion called,
Of that bright star to Satan paragon'd."

The Christian Church needed the modern Satan to have an opposing force to the idea of God. The idea of a Satan provided a convenient being on which blame could be placed when things didn't go right or when a congregation needed a good scare to keep them in line.

Some feel people need the 'fear of God', or the Devil, to keep them in line.

I say, if the lack of the fear of God will cause you to do the wrong thing, instead of the right thing, then you weren't a very good person in the first place, now were you!

In conclusion:
Brotherhood organizations use War, Religion, Poverty and Strife in order to keep human being preoccupied and fighting amoung themselves. In this way they gain power and control, amoung the obvious advantages for their Anunnaki overlords.

How many of you are conserned about your jobs?
How many of you are concerned about the war in Iraq?
How many of you are concerned about terrorism?

See how well it works!

It should now be easy for you to pick out Anunnaki backed, Brotherhood secret society governments.

So long for now! End Post 130A. teltalheart

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Subject: Post 242 A: Classic Washington

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Date Posted: 10:52:33 12/17/09 Thu
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 242 A: Classic Washington

Well it's happened again. We were told we were going to get something out of Washington, a healthcare bill, and what we got or are going to get is or was worse than what we had.

Joe Lieberman, playing the part of the tradional Hebrew spoiler, has positioned himself as a independent so he could play both parties. Joe, with the under the table backing of the Insurance Companies, doesn't want the Public Option. That's because he can't sell it to somebody for a sheckel or two. No, we can't be giving anybody anything.

In fact, as I understand it people who are of age fifty-five or older will have to pay three times the amount of money for their health care insurance as everybody else?! Does that make any sense to anybody? You mean to tell me the people who can afford it the least will have to pay the most? Now isn't that 100% typical Washington.

We're in two wars for no good reason and with no good outcome that has wasted enough money that could have paid for health care one-hundred time over.
Yes but the government contractors couldn't have gotten their payola for slipping money under the table to back this politician or that politician. At least Joe's re-election campaign will be fully funded for the next one-hundred years.

Jews like Joe Lieberman are the reason my ancient Desposyni ancestors, the Perure/Perrieur, left Judaism and married into the Merovingian line.
The story goes, the family had been informed by Herod-Agrippa II (age seventeen in 44 A.D.) who had once been the student of Paul a.k.a. Saul of Tarsus, of a coming Roman crackdown. He had arranged passage for the Holy Family to the Hebrew kingdom of Septimania in southern France.
Over the preceding years the family had received funds from their estates in Judaea and Israel. The hope was that the Romans would be driven out or lose interest and the family would return to power as King and Royal family of the Jews.
The families estates were left in the hands of Jewish overseers, it may have been the Sanhedrin Council. Funds came in until around 167 A.D. At that time something had happened. I'm not exactly sure what happened. They may have tired of the struggle against the Romans. Or some one may have seen a financial opportunity. The estates were sold off and the money never came to the family. I think they call it 'theft'. At that time the family turned its back of Judaism and focused on the west.

But, come on! Did you people really think you were going to get a GOOD health care bill? Silly rabbi, tricks are for yides! The idea is to take away from you, not to give to you. These politicians look out for the rich because that's who butters their bread.

P.S. about Paul, you know, Saul of Tarsus, he was a Roman spy. He took what was a revolutionary movement and turned it into peaceful, loving, non-threatening movement that would let the Romans keep what they had stolen. In a strange way he kind of, unintentionally, preserved Christianity.

I have surgery today. My insurance will pay $1,000. I have to come up with $1,500 out of pocket. This is the kind of the world the politicians left us with so far.

Wish me luck. End Post 242 A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 241 A: Baphomet

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Date Posted: 21:38:15 12/14/09 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 241 A: Baphomet

J O. Y. F (B) E C. (H) C. O J (I) J. M. (K) D.

V. E P. P. (L) C. O O (N) V. M O O. O (P) P. O Y. D (Q) E C.

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Subject: Post 240 A: Robin Williams Steals My Work!

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Date Posted: 02:24:52 12/08/09 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 240 A: Robin Williams Steals My Work!

I never thought I'd ever say that!
I guess I should me flattered. They say imitation is the greatest compliment.

Two nights ago, Dec. 6th 2009, Robin did his latest HBO special. In it he made a sexual joke about "the ol' jezzum trail." Sorry Robin, but that belongs to me. See Post 153 A: dated 8/16/05.

As I have always said. If you're going to use my work I don't ask for money. All I ask for is that you give me recognition as to where it came from. He didn't even do that.
P.S. I do still own "teltalheart."

End post 240 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 239 A: Gnosis II

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Date Posted: 23:42:47 11/24/09 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 239 A: Gnosis II

A story has recently come to light about a certain Simon of Peraea who was a well educated and comely slave of the house of Herod the Great. When Herod died in 4 B.C. he led a rebellion against Rome and Herod's son, placed a diadem on his own head and burn Herod's palace to the ground. It's said Jesus might have modeled himself on this Simon.

I have a different theory.
I theorize this same Simon of Peraea was also known as Simon Peter. He is said to have been named 'Peter' by Jesus. Peter is a nickname meaning 'Cephas' the stone. It is akin to the word 'Rock' meaning solidity or solid-as-a-Rock, or "Rocky" as in tough. Some think he may have been Jesus' chief bodyguard.

The question is, was he killed in 4 B.C. or not? If not then he may have indeed been with Jesus. It is also possible that the chronology of the date of Jesus' existence is wrong by about thirty years.

If indeed he is this same Simon Peter, "The Rock", and Jesus live thirty years later than that Simon Peter, than Paul, Saul of Tarsus, the true architect and creator of the New Testement, had put someone at the head of the new Christian Church that he, Paul, had created who was an imposter that he, Paul, had selected for that purpose. Paul was a David Koresh type of character that saw a opportunity to take over the new religion and twist it into his own vision of Jesus.

Paul was not a Mason. But Jesus and his brother James were. James had brought Paul into the new religion when everyone else had shunned him for his former occupation as a bounty hunter for the Hebrew Synagog and thereby the Romans. James taught him some of the new religion, but not all, not the Masonic portions. Paul, thinking he knew everything put two and two together and came up with eight. He was sent back to his hometown of Tarsus to preach. Paul went on his own throughout the Mediterranean world preaching his, Paul's, new religion. Paul, being well educated, knew that those who get their own ideas out get heard and noticed. Paul, acting as a reporter who has shown up after an event has occured, interviews people about what they can remember about Jesus and the events that occured. Paul puts it all together and writes the now elusive 'Q' Gospel. Paul, years later, has his more educated followers write Gospels and dedicate in the names of Jesus' Apostles. Paul places a fake Simon Peter at the head of the Church so he can control him like a puppet master, because he knows he, Paul, would never be acceptable to the masses because of his former occupation. Thus the New Testement was born!

As I said, it's only a theory. But, it's my theory.
Until next time.
End Post 239 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart.

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Subject: Post 237 A: Happy belated Halloween/Samhain & All Saints Day

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Date Posted: 20:42:55 11/01/09 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 237 A: Happy belated Halloween/Samhain & All Saints Day.

I hope your Halloween and All Saints Day were pleasant. I was home for Halloween; which has not always been the case. I gave out candy to the children, the usual, Hershey Bars, Nestle Crunch, M&M's, and Snickers. I also ate a few myself which provoked a two and a half mile run this morning. I later visited my mother's grave for All Saints Day and left a lit candle. I kept my Halloween tradition, which is to watch the last episode of Dead Like Me - 'Haunted'. I love this time of year more than any other. The colors of the leaves have as close as I have ever come to a magical quality.

I don't much care for the winter. But I do love Christmas. I especially love christmas carols; the old one from centuries past;(Robert Shaw is the best) The Holly & The Ive, My Dancing Day, I Wonder as I Wander, Shepherd's Carol, Carol of the Bells, Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella, Patapan, I Saw Three Ships - which I have always suspected is about the Holy Families arrival at what would later be named after them - Ferriers (Perriers) on the coast of Southern France.

Some day soon it will be realized that Jesus was a Master Mason, a "Perrieur" and not a carpenter. Jesus was a "ho tekton", a "Master of the Craft", a term which all Masons of the Masonic Lodge know well.

Paul, Saul of Tarsus, was told Jesus had been raised from the dead. Paul, thinking he knew something, and thinking he knew the new religion well enough went through the Mediterranean world teaching 'his' newly created religion to the masses. He was teaching what he did not know to people who did not understand or know better and had no reason to question. Until we got what is now the Christian Religion, with all it's mistakes, mis-translations and falsities.
Jesus was, by the way, the True King of The Jews; a descendant of the Royal Line of David.

Sinclair - Shimenclair; the True descendants of the line of Christ are the Perrieur/Perrier/Peryer/Puryer/Puryear!

Peace be with you all, until next time, be safe and try to find joy in this life.
End post 237 A: www.voy.com/40560/...teltalheart

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Subject: Post 235 A: Biopsy Results.

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Date Posted: 01:13:46 09/06/09 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 235 A: Biopsy Results.

I don't have cancer. I do have a prostate that's %50 larger than it should be.

Reading a Reader's Digest artical from the April issue 2009, page 88 "What's Wrong with Cancer Tests"? The story in this issue states ""Some tumors spread extremely early,"" he says. "They begin metastasizing when they consist of only a few million cells, which sounds like a lot but is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence - too small to detect with most screening tests. By the time this kind of cancer is big enough to be sceen ...,it's already sent seeds to other parts of the body."

So, I wonder, why all the testing? I suppose Doctors are trying to do what they can, and making a buck doesn't hurt, them. And after all, isn't that what we're all here for, to make Doctors richer!
End post 235 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 233 A: Teltalheart.com is not mine anymore. SOCA!

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Date Posted: 15:17:43 08/04/09 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 233A: Teltalheart.com is not mine anymore.

I didn't update my domain name for teltalheart and some comapany, that had waited until I built up a reputation, came in and bought it.

I, like all of you, have been trying to cut back on expenses. My spouse, you know, the one that cheated on me with Dr. Charles M. Pendley, well, she never had any faith in me in my online endeavors anyway. She would always roll her eyes every time I updated my online domain name. This even after I found out here recently that she had put us into almost $28,000 worth of credit card debt.

As you may or may not know the story, about six years ago our house burnt. We had gotten a P.O. Box to get our mail at while the house was being rebuilt. Well, we never canceled the P.O. Box. She was having all these bills sent to that Box. Since she gets off work before I do she was picking them up before I ever saw them.

She was paying off one credit card with another for years and only paying the minimum. She continued to spend until about 2003 or 2004. She has never been able to explain fully where the money went. She says appliances that we lost in the fire and vacations. Well, we received a nice check from the insurance company that could have taken care of that debt. So why didn't she come to me then and tell me? I can only conclude that there were other things on it that she didn't want me to see, such as hotel bills, local hotel bills. She also admitted she wanted to continue spending and that she had a problem with spending, which she has never bothered to get help for.

I have had to mortgage my home, again, to pay off these credit card companies. As we all know credit card companies are the Devil Incarnate, and Congress will not stop them because Congressmen and women have stock in many of these companies. Yes, the United States has the best political system money can buy. It's ripe with bribery. Why else would people making millions of dollars a year chose to run for office for positions making little more than $100,000 a year!

As you may also know, after she begain cheating on me I didn't care about much anymore. I ate anything and everything I wanted. I got to a weight of 230 lbs. at one time. That's a lot for a guy 5 foot 7 inches. I've lost a lot of that weight, mostly due to weight watchers. As of today I'm 156.6 lbs. I like being about 155. I do work out and jog, by the way.

I had at one time seen a psychologist about the depression she, the spouse, had put me in. The Psy. gave me a psy. evaluation test and also gave one to the spouse. The Psy. said the spouses test was "normal"?! Well, couldn't the test tell the spouse had a psychological problem with spending? Either the Psy. didn't give her the test or the test is faulty, as is a FAILURE. Basically, I tend to think Psychologist think anyone coming to see them must be crazy. Why else would someone pay good money to sit there and listen to some Psychologist say "and how does that make you feel?". I do think there is some good science behind psycology. I also think there is some bullshit and quackery behind it. It will never be much of a science until Psycologists get over their own perconceived notions.

I have also recently bought a new 2009 Toyota Tacoma. The advertisements promised 25 miles per gallon on the highway. It get 22.25 miles per gallon on the highway. A corporation lied, what a shock!
My old 1993 Grand Marquis get 23 to 24 MPG on the highway at 65 miles per hour and with the air-conditioner going. With the A.C. off it's gotten as much as 26.76 MPG.

So, now I have to cross my fingers and hope like hell she or I din't get sick or lose our jobs in the next four years. Yes, oh yes. I am most definitely one of you, an SOCA, a screwed-over common American. So, what's goin' on, SOCA?

End Post 233A: the real teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 232 A: My Y-DNA, R-1b1b2

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Date Posted: 18:13:44 07/21/09 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 232 A: My Y-DNA, R-1b1b2, Shorthand:R-M269
37 marker Y-DNA of Michael D. Barnes

DYS# 393, 390,19/394,391,385a,385b,426,388,439,389-1,392,389-2.

DYS# 458,459a,459b,455,454,447,437,448,449,464a,464b,464c,464d.

460,H4,YCA IIa,YCA IIb,456,607,576,570,CDY a,CDY b,442,438.

The Alleles should be placed directly under their associative DYS#. As in the first DYS# being 393, its allele is '13' and should be placed directly under 393. That is how it is supposed to be read.

Allele: one of the different forms of a gene that can exist at a single locus. Since mutations in the allele value occur very slowly with time, one should see the same allele value for a male and his great-grandfather for example.

DNA Y-Chromosome Segment (DYS): a numenclature system which assigns DYS numbers to newly discovered markers. They are the "names" of each marker.

The "R" haplogroup came into being about thirty (30,000) years ago from around western Kazakstan or northwestern Kazakstan. If I had to hypothesis I would say the "R" haplogroup originated around Lake (Ozero, Issyk-Kul'); or around Lake (Kapcgajskoe-Vodohranilisce); or Lake Balkhash.
The "R1b" haplogroup came into being around twenty five (25,000) years ago with its beginning being probably around the southern Ural Mountains. The line spread from there through eastern Europe and into southern Europe.

End post 232 A: See you soon, I hope. www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 231 A: mtDNA Haplogroup J2, Mesopotamia

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Date Posted: 00:27:40 06/13/09 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 231 A: mtDNA Haplogroup J2, Mesopotamia

I have recently received my packet from Family Tree DNA.
My "Certificate - mtDNA" states that I am of the Haplogroup J2. The "mt" stands for mitochondria. That is what one inherits from their mother, who inherited it form her mother, who inherited it from her mother, and so on. The mitochondria DNA test is much more accurate than is the Y - chromosome DNA test.

The J2 haplogroup is apparently from the "Biblos" area, or as most know it the Biblical area around the Fertile Crescent. You know, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Palestine and Israel.

The J2 haplogroup bloodline shows up most, outside of the holy land, on the southern coasts of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. This seems to indicates it may have been spread by Greek colonization or Phoenician colonial and commercial activites.

It is found in the following ratio: Lebanese 30%, Iraqis 29%, Palestinians 17%, Sephardic Jews 29%, Syrians 29%, Kurds 28%, Jordan 14%, Oman 15%, Italians 20%, Turks 17%, Greeks 18%, Azerbaijanis 36%. Anyway, you get the idea. You might want to look 'J2 haplogroup' up on wikipedia.

1st Segment 16069T, 16126C, 16193T, 16519C
2nd Segment 73G, 150T, 152C, 263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, 489C

Well, that's all for now. See you soon.
End Post 231: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart, M.D. Barnes

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Subject: Post 230 A: Shakspeare, Saxeby-Perers

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Date Posted: 17:19:12 05/31/09 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 230 A: Shakspeare, Saxeby-Perers.

The ancestry of William Shakspeare was researched by Mr. Halliwell, in the Life of Shakspeare. The family Shakspeare had been one of the middle class. John, the father of William, settled in Stratford in c. 1550 where he combined commercial employment with agricultural pursuits. Richard was the father of John Shakspeare. Richard and his brother Henry came from two miles north of Stratford where they had occupied the lands of Snitterfield. The family had been residing in the parishes of Rowington, Wroxall and Packwood ten miles futher north. Richard Shakspeare died before 1460 (Halliwell). He had been a resident in Woldiche, or Oldish, in Temple Balsall. Those facts indicate the family had been seated in that area for some time. No other records of the family Shakspeare have been found in the area of Warwick.

However, three centuries earlier the name 'Shake-espee' or 'Sacespee' is found in the records of Normandy between 1180 and 1200. They appear to be a French form of the English name 'Saxby' or 'Saxby-Perer', 'Shakspeare.'
Rodger Sake espee paid a fine of 10s in the bailifry of Caux, near Lillebonne in 1195. William Sake espee occurs in the same bailifry in the year 1198.

The name 'Saxby' is derived from the manor of the same name in Leicestershire, which passed into the hands of the Norman family of De Perers from Hugh Musard who held it in 1086 only in part. William de Perers of Saxby appears to be the same as William Sakespee mentioned in the records of Normandy in 1195 and again in 1198. William de Pirariis had a dispute over the lands of Saxby with Henry de Perers, or Pirariis in 1174 (Nicholls, Leic. ii. 308).

The arms of this one branch of the family De Perers or Perire is: Argent, a bend sable, charged with three pears. The arms of Saxby are: A bend engrailed sable, on a field barry. The family Perers came from Periers, near Evreux, Normandy. Periers seems to be now called Ferrieres-Haut-Clocher. This brings up the fact that the family Ferrers of the Warwick, Leicestershire area seem to be a branch of the family De Perers. In 1156 Hugo de Periers owned estates in Warwick (Rot. Pip.). In 1165 Geoffry de Periers or Perers held a fief in Stafford. In the 13th century Hugh de Pererers held a fief at Sixtenby, Warwick and Leicester from Roger Mowbray (Testa).
Sir Richard de Perers was a Member of Parliament for Leicestershire in 1311; for Herts in 1316 to 1324; and Viscount of Essex and Herts in 1325.
Source reference; the book 'The Nornam People' Originally published in London, 1874. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.

End Post 230 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 228 A: Abnormal Protein

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Date Posted: 23:46:58 04/08/09 Wed
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Post 228 A: Abnormal Protien

On Post 227A I forgot to mention that the Lp (a) Extended Range (mg/dL) of at risk (54) when it should ideally be under 30, is genetic. It's an abnormal protein in my blood. Simply meaning there's not much I can do about it. Exercise helps as does taking B-3 Niacin. Every time I say that I think of the movie 'Young Frankenstein'.
Frankenstien - "who's brain is it?"
Igor - "Abby somebody."
Frankenstien - "Abby who?"
Igor - "Abby normal."
Well, that's it for now.

P.S., I did tell you that I'm a Mason in the Masonic Lodge didn't I? Did I tell you that I'm also a Knight Templar in the York Rite, also a Knight of Malta and Knight of the Red Cross?
See you all soon.
teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 227 A: P.E.T., C.T., Guesswork in a white coat. Re.

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Date Posted: 18:14:02 04/05/09 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 227 A: P.E.T., C.T., Guesswork in a white coat. Rewrite.

Well, my doctor sent me for a C.T. scan. It found a "1 1/2 cm pulmonary parenchymal nodule" in the upper right lobe and that it more likely reflects fibronodular complex from prior granulomatous infection. It also stated that "carcinoma is not definitely excluded."

So, my doctor scheduled me for a P.E.T. scan. That's where they do the same test but, they inject you with a radioactive dye. This dye shows areas where cells are dividing rapidly, which is what cancer cells do. Beforehand my doctor told me "this test does have a slight chance of causing renal (kidney) failure. I got to the outpatient clinic technician told me "no, this is not the kind of test that causes that." The result was (1)"...metabolically inactive with no uptake of the radiophamaccutical. This suggests against malignancy. (2) No other abnormality demonstrated."

The only thing I have to worry about now is, as I heard on NPR radio (89.3FM), everytime you get a scan it's like getting the amount of solar radition you would absorb in four years.

So, I'm fine for now. Now if I can just get the other guys's insurance (ALFA) to settle the damn claim. My insurance agent tells me the rule of thumb is three times medical bills. ALFA is offering an insultingly low amount.

The only other factor I have is the fact that I don't have much "good" cholesterol. My doctor uses a testing facility called Berkeley HeartLab, Inc. for advanced bloodtests. According to Berkeley I have "Lp(a), Extended Range (mg/dL) of at risk (54)" when it should be below 30. My doctor tried to put me on Niaspan which is a B3. But, it gave me severe headaches. So now I take Niacin over the counter. This factor is found in all races but, is most often found in Blacks and Mexicans (American Indians). I thought to myself, "yep, there goes that Hebrew and Egyptian heritage again."

Now I live with the loss of my beloved Chevy Silverado 1500. You have probably heard of the love affair between good ol' southern boys and their trucks.
"I love my truck,
it's right outside,
it don't give much love,
but I sho got a ride,
and it's always there to greet me." - Glen Campbell

I apologize for not putting anything on at the beginning of the new year, 2009 or 5769 if you're a jew. I was under the weather at the beginning of the year. My birthday was almost on Rosh Hashanah last year. The new year did not start off good for me. I have hit two deers in two different vehicles. One was my old Grand Marquis. Almost no used parts are available for older vehicles. Most of the old cars have been crushed into scrap metal and sent to China where they're using it to build their infrastructure. This was the same thing Japan was doing just before World War II. They bought up our scrap metal and through it back at us as weapons.

The Communist Chinese have figured out that without a gold standard to back up our currency it's based only on good faith and good will, ergo - pie in the sky. So, they have figured out that they can loan us money that they don't have and that does't exist in exchange for real money and assets back from us. As soon as the world realizes that there is no there there the world will go into total economic collapse.

I'll see you, my loyal readers, soon.
P.S., As you know deer on the side of the road get startled by the headlights and run directly into the oncoming vehicle. My nightmare is that one will run into me on my motorcycle. Yes, I ride. I have a 2008 Suzuki C-50T, 805cc, black. I love my bike. I think it's the best therapy one can have. The whole world just goes away when riding. The reson we wear leather chaps and jackets is to keep us from getting torn up if we go down. It's not a fashion statement.

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Subject: Post 226 A: Dead Like Me, Bye - Bye Miss American Pie!

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Date Posted: 00:58:34 01/13/09 Tue
Author Host/IP: rcluster.propel.com/

Post 226 A: Dead Like Me, Bye - Bye Miss American Pie!

It's amazing how you feel when you first hear it.
"But, we found something..."

Where to start? From the beginning. A few days ago I was driving to work. A guy pull out in front of me. He came across a four lane road and a median directly into my path. I tried to avoid him as best I could. But, as a witness stated "He (I) never had a chance." I slammed into the side of the bed of the truck.

Apparently, I had tried to cut to my left and go around the tail-end of the truck. My vehicle was smashed on the front passengers side the most. My vehicle slid sideways to the right and struck a guardrail on my, the driver's, side. I was taken to the hospital with neck and back pain.

I was X-rayed for broken bones. None were found. The Doctor came in, "Well, we didn't find any broken bones. But, we found something else." That's about the time your brain goes into suspended animation. "You have a spot on your right lung." And that's about the time you feel the blood drain from your body.

Today was the day of my C.T. scan. Now I get to wait. I get to wonder if I'm going to be here in 2010.
I'm not afraid of dieing. I would just prefer there to be as little pain as possible. Lung cancer is not the preferred way to go. What pisses me off is I don't smoke. I have never smoked. But, a lot of the people I work around do. Hey, thanks guys. Nice way to begin the new year.

When you get to be around fifty years old you get the feeling your apartment shopping every time you pass a cemetery. "Now, where do I want to be put?" you ask yourself. Especially if your hobby is like mine, genealogy, you spend an inordinate amount of time in cemeteries.

For some strange reason for the past year I've been feeling as if time is running out. Did I tell you I'm attempting to write a book. I just hope I have enough time to finish. No matter what we achieve in life all we ever really have is thoughts and memories, and those we leave behind.

End post 226 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 225 A: P.P.S. for Post 224 A:

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Date Posted: 23:15:38 11/10/08 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 225 A: P.P.S. for Post 224 A: .

I should have said, "to those to whome it need apply, Now, take that and stick it where the sun don't shine!"

She rared back and laughed and said, "he beileve in Martians!" I said in my defence, "Nobody said anything about the planet Mars or Martians." She repeated her slur, again she rared back and laughed and said, "he believe in Martians!" All this from an ignorant woman trying to impress an even more ignorant cadet.

It is unfortunately the case that many ignorant people try to discredit those with enough intelligence to realize that there is something beyond us that has nothing to do with a little old man with a long white beard that grants wishes and lives in the sky, by using that old stale term "Martians."
It was the case with me that seeing was believing.

She further went on to insult my bloodline, the Puryear/Perrier/Purrier/Peryer/Neferkheperure, the root word of which is 'Peri', meaning :a supernatural being in Persian folklore descended from fallen angels excluded from paradise until penance is accompished. It's akin to the word 'Nephilim'.
End Post 225 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart/Peri/Nephilim

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Subject: Post 224 A: I will not be told who I am by idiots! The VOTE!

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Date Posted: 23:02:21 11/03/08 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 224 A:I will not be told who I am by idiots! The VOTE!

On his program, Real Time, Bill Maher made a statement back about three programs ago that inferred that if you didn't vote for Obama you were prejudgice. I think that is, was wrong and belittling to the voters and the voting process in so many ways.

Today a black female co-worker told me I was prejudgice because I said I was thinking about voting for the third party candidate, Ralph Nader. Speaking from a point of ignorance she went on to belittle both myself and this my web site.

Congratulations! Now you've done it! I've been made ill just enough to push me over the edge. For the first time since 1980 and 1984 I'm voting for a Republican and a True American Hero, Senator John McCain.

Now, take that and shove it where the sun don't shine!
Sir Michael D. Barnes

P.S. I hope Bill Maher has made enough money stealing jokes for his show and possibly information for his tawdry little documentary from my web site. I'm looking into trademarking and moving my web site.

End Post 224 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 223 A: Maher steals my work!

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Date Posted: 02:33:54 10/26/08 Sun
Author Host/IP: rcluster.propel.com/

Post 223 A: Maher steals my work!

That hack, Bill Maher, can't come up with a joke on his own so he stole a joke from my site, www.voy.com/40560/, on Post 211 A. The joke was "Republicans like the idea of a woman or a black man cleaning up after them". Maher used the joke in his monologue on his show, Real Time, on the episode that appeared just previous to the last one that aired. I see not one penny, Maher gets the credit. Much as everything else that's been stolen from me. Time now is 1:00 am October 26, 2008. Yes, along with all the other things that have been made about my work with no credit given to me, "The Muse", "Bruce Almighty", only to mention a few.

Poly-Ticks = Many Bloodsuckers:
It seem the Republican are trying very hard to LOSE this election. Palin!, get real, if McCain really wanted to win he would have reached across the aisle to Hillary Clinton as a VP. This coupled with a hundred other things the republicans have done to make sure they lose; from the infuriating mail-outs to their own people to conveniently forgetting how we got into this economic mess.

We got into this economic mess because of Bill Clinton.
After the Crash of 1929 rules were put into place to keep Banks from investing in the kind of get rich quick schism that caused that crash and this one.
Bill Clinton removed those rules and allowed banks to, once again, invest in these kinds of risky ventures.

So, why aren't the Republicans bringing this up in their political campaign? Because they want to lose! Which means Obama is being set up. Perhaps it's to get us into our next World War, with China.

End Post 223 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart.

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Subject: Post 222 A: Who's in charge? Is the big attack next?

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Date Posted: 23:45:26 10/05/08 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 222 A: Who's in charge here? Is the big attack next?

So, $800,000,000,000.00 of the public's money, which will end up being $3,000,000,000,000.00 when all is said and done, is going to go to bail out billionaire gamblers. Well, isn't that special! As you can probably guess this was probably planned. It's not because they need the money, hell, I suspect these are the same group who own and moves all of the factories out of the United States to China. First buying up land in Mexico and not building the promised factories, so the peasants would have no recourse but to come to the U.S. thereby undercutting wages and causing Union Busting to be much easier. It's to weaken you, the general public even more than you already have been. Thereby causing and almost complete destruction of the middle class.

Next, they're going to tell you your Social Security system is too expensive to maintain. Then they will want to privatize it so they can steal it.

I also wonder, is G.W. Bush going to pull an October surprize? Is their going to be another convenient colossal terrorist attack and he suspends the election until, whenever?

I'm paint, no, not a picture, the house. Getting ready for winter. Winter is coming, in more ways then one. Must remember, wipe my feet so I don't track any paint indoors, take off my hat indoor - so no one will thank I'm a Jew, which I am. So no will kill me for being a Jew, after all, we killed Christ (Greek, Christo 'King'). But how can that be? If I am a descendant of Christ, how could I have killed Christ? Now, there is preponderance for you Christians. If I am a descendant of Christ am I more than mortal? Ah, there's the rub! Are they, the descendants, the Puryer/Perrier more than mortal, if indeed Christ was the Son-Of-God? If this is the case, where should we, the Desposyni, be in life? Should we be under those who have all the money and power who make policy and control the destiny of nations? Or should we be over them, for the good of the people? This would never happen, though. They know justice would be served swift and cold. Nope, no power for me, unless I want to end up like J.F.K.!

Ah yes, it's painting season. My wife and I are painting, arguing, arguing, painting.

We fell out, my wife and I,
O we fell out, I know not why,
And kissed again with tears,
And blessings on the falling out
That all the more endears,
When we fall out with those we love
And kiss again with tears! - Lord Tennyson

Flash Of Genius:
I invented something back early last summer.
It's something that will save about 10% to 15% on the average utility bill. I have never patented anything before. I'm not sure what I need to do. I know it's not something the oil companies want produced.

Though we, Maher and I, share some of the same opinions I'm tired of hearing him whine and gravel when speaking to any person of color that comes on his show, Real Time. He has all the grace, charm and wit of a prison buttboy.
Maher fails to see that belief is what gives people the the fortitude to persevere and go on in this maddening world where nothing is quite what it seems.

It's my one great failing. Maher seems to think if a man wants children he's "whipped". I have no descendants, no children. I have resigned myself to never having children. The only way I could have children is by doing something very unmasonic. Maher is an idiot.

That's all I have time for now. Goodbye.
End Post 222 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart.

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Subject: Post 221A: 'Rich do none of the work, pay none of the taxes..'

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Date Posted: 22:56:44 09/05/08 Fri
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 221A: "The Rich do none of the work, pay none of the taxes, have all of the money. The Middle Class do all of the work, pay all of the taxes. The Poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class, keep 'um showing up at those jobs!" - George Carlin

It's interesting how people at the lower end, common people, are now expected to have see-through backpacks, clear lunch boxes, and see-through transparent lives, as if they are suspected terrorists. While those at the top of the food chain, the wealthy and influential, those who run the country and reap most of the benefits from the supposed "free" society, live lives shrouded in secrecy. They live lives where underhanded and or illegal business deals are made and the common people, who are treated as suspects, pay the price, financially and emotionally (psychologically).

Those who have something to hide do hide. It is the nature of power and Leaders to be more afraid of their own people than of any foreign invader, ("keep your friends close, your enemies closer"). Unfortunately, when one is focussed on ones own as an ememy one looses track of a true threat. This is the case, unless there is no true threat other than that which those in control have manufactured as a distraction.

It is unfortunate that most rank and file working class conservatives have had the wool pulled over their eyes. They dutifully listen to Republican mouth-pieces such as the drug-addict, Rush Lumbar, jabber on about "the public" owning and controlling the stockmarket. The public may own the majority of the stock, but they certaintly do not control it.

If one owns, I believe, more than two and a half or three percent (%) of a particular stock one must file a takeover bid. There is the belief, which I share, that the very rich in this country , na the world, control the government and the economy through the stockmarket. The way this works is, if you are a wealthy investor who owns one percent of a particular stock, and I am a wealthy investor who owns one and a half percent of that same stock, together we own two and a half percent of that stock. If we get together with other wealth investors who own large percentages of that same stock we can buy and sell that same stock to control the market, as far as that stock is concerned. If we have our tentacles in every major stock we can conceivably control the market and there-by the future of a country, the prospeity of its people and weald political influence enough to get those elected which we wish to be elected that would be "favorable" to our fake and fixed imitation of a Capitalist system. This kind of "collusion of investors is, of course, illegal.

End Post 221A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 220 A: Weight Loss, continued post.

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Date Posted: 18:07:57 08/16/08 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 220 A: Weight Loss, continued post.

What has the highest amount of calories and is the easiest and healthest to cut back on is fat. I choose low fat over low calorie any day. Low fat products are uauslly lower in calorie than low calorie products, strange isn't it?

Next, I choose higher fiber foods, whole wheat and whole grain products.
A product which has high fiber my have lower points than its calorie content suggests. Example: Bran Flakes have 110 calories, add 1/2 cup of skim milk it comes to 150 calories. With 0.5g fat and dietary fiber of 5g it's only 2 point on the weight watchers scale.

My breakfast usually consists of:
One boiled egg, 2 points.
Bran flakes with skim milk and Splenda, 2 points (add two sliced strawberries).
One slice of whole wheat toast with one pat of Smart Balance light, 1 point.
One or two cups of coffee with Splenda and a teaspoon or two of non-dairy creamer, 0 points.

Tip: When you feel hungry between meal, it may be thirst instead of hunger. Drink something low calorie and wait 20 minutes. If you still feel hungry, then it is hunger. A half an apple or half a banana makes a good, health between meals snack.

Remember, after you eat it takes 20 minutes for your brain to tell you your stomach is full.

End Post 220 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 219 A: Weight Loss

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Date Posted: 10:29:00 07/23/08 Wed
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 219 A: Weight Loss

I use to look like a famous western hero, Fat Bastardson.

What are you laughing at? Have you looked in the mirror lately?

I had, subconsciously, been eating myself into an early grave since my wife cheated on me with Dr. Charles M. Pendley. After coming to realize what had happened to me and what I was doing to myself I joined Weight Watchers. At that time I was about 200 lbs. Which is a lot for a man of 5 foot & 7 inches. I was down from my highest of 220 at that time.

This morning I was 155.8 lbs. Weight Watchers had given me a goal weight of 160 lbs. My Doctor gave me ten extra pounds for muscle mass and clothing. So, my offical goal weight became 170 lbs. I am now 14.2 lbs. under my goal weight. I feel much better and I think I look much better. I am also now a Life Member of Weight Watchers. Which means I no longer pay dues and I have to weigh in once a month instead of once a week.

Weight Watcher, I think, is the best program going. You don't buy ready made food. You're given booklets on low calorie, high nutrition foods and you go to the grocery store and buy your own food. I do exercise and I do watch what I eat. Any simple exercise is better that no exercise at all.

Rule No. 1, Don't stop, weight loss takes time.
So, you only lost one pound this whole month? If you lose only one pound a month for 12 months how many pounds is that? Twelve!

If you lose only one pound a week for 52 week how many pounds is that? Right, fifty-two pounds!

Weight Watchers flex plan works on a point system. One point is about 45 calories. I count it as 50 calories, it's easier for me to keep up with.

How many points can YOU have a day?
If you're female you get 2, nursing mom 12, male 8.

17-26 years, 4 points.
27-37, 3.
38-47, 2.
48-58, 1.
over 58, 0.

Your weight now:
Use the first two digits of your weight. If you are 190 lbs. add the 19 as points.
If you're less that 100 lbs. you would use only the first single digit, 99 lbs. would be 9 points.

Your height:
If under 5'1" add 0 points.
5' 1" to 5' 10" add 1 point.
Over 5' 10" add 2 points.

How much exercise do you get in a day?
Sitting down at work, 0 points.
Mainly standing, some sitting, add 2 points.
Mostly walking, add 4 points.
Doing hard physical work, add 6 points.

Now you would be able to get your points. Come to Weight Watchers and get the booklets that will tell you how many points are in each food. Example: a steak the size of a deck of cards, 5 points. One slice of thin crust pizza, 6 points.

P.s. You should speak to your Doctor before beginning any diet.
End Post 219 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 218 A: Scandalum Magnatum

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Date Posted: 21:36:16 07/19/08 Sat
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 218 A: Scandalum Magnatum

This English Law, The Statute of Westminster of 1275 A.D., provided that "from henceforth none be so hardy to tell or publish any false News or Tales, whereby discord, or occasion of discord or slander may grow between the King and his People, or the Great Men of the Realm." It was both a tort and a criminal offence. Peers could recover damages in civil trials without proving any harm to their reputation. Punishment in criminal trials was often arbitrary. They usually consisted of minor fines and short jail sentences of one month, give or take. Scandalum Magnatum was repealed in 1887 by the Statute Law Revision Act.

The point around which all this turns is the segment "false News or Tales." How does one know if a "Tale" is false if one is not provided with evidence, for or against?

Who rules? Who has the right to rule? Where is the evidence of such right?
The Bible? Is the Bible the evidence of such right? Does the Bible tell us who is to rule?

The old Testament is a book of tales and stories which follows a certain genealogical line. But, which line, where is the evidence, where is the D.N.A. evidence? Many of the tales are falsehoods and fiction; 'God created the world in seven days,' and such. Some of it appears to be the effort of people, barely out of the stoneage, to interpret things of a technical nature which they obviously could not explain.

The line in question seems to come out of the northern Iran, Caucasus Mountain region. From there, in the tales of Adam and Eve, it travels south to the city state of Ur in old Mesopotamia, with the tales of Abraham.

With Abraham the line goes into exile from Mesopotamia and travels to Canaan. From Canaan the line goes to Egypt with Joseph of the coat of many colors, son of Jacob, grandson of Isaac, great grandson of Abraham. The grandson of Joseph is believed by many to be the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Tiye, daughter of Joseph/Yuya and Thuya.
This line from Akhenaten is also believed to be the line that descends down to King Saul and King David. From there the line descends down to Joseph and Jesus as well as James, Joses, Simon, and Judas, as well as the sisters of Jesus; Mary, Salome and Joanna.

So what of the ossuary (bone box) of the Lost Tomb of Jesus, recently discovered? They were D.N.A. test for mitochondria. Then they were hurriedly reburied in a secret location by the Jews, once they finally realized what they had.

Did you know it's illegal to do a D.N.A. test on an Egyptian Pharaoh's mummy?
It's also illegal to do a D.N.A. test on a member of the Royal Family of England. Maybe it would show the paternal line of the Royal House of England is from Riccio the fiddle player, (Piedmontese secretary - David Riccio), and lover of Mary Queen of Scots, and not Lord Darnley. Perhaps it would show the world the paternity of Prince Harry is from the stable hand and not Prince Charles. Perhaps it would show that the Royal Family is not the Royal Family. How can anything be determined if no evidence is allowed?

I would be more than happy to supply a sample of my D.N.A. for testing.

If everything is on the up-and-up, why all the secrecy?

'As a sinner I am truly conscious of having often offended my Creator and I beg him to forgive me, but as a Sovereign, I am aware of no fault or offence for which I have to render account to anyone here below.'

'Without Law there can be no freedom. Without justice there can be no Law.'

End Post 218 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 217 A: Hoof Hearted

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Date Posted: 21:56:00 06/26/08 Thu
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 217 A: Hoof Hearted

"And they're going around the outside turn and it's Hoof Hearted in the lead..." (sniff!)! My Salute to George Carlin.

Someone mentioned to me something about a week ago. It had something to do with "swinging." It was about people in my home town. I got the impression this person had the impression we were into that. Well, I asked my other half, after she cheated on me, if she wanted an open marriage. She said "no."

I told her that by doing that to me she gave me the eternal right to do the same thing to her. A friend named Debbie from Tanglewood, 'Tanglewood Tales', once told me "when a woman cheats it's "'YEA, I cheated!'" when a man cheats it's "oh no, I cheated."

When a woman cheats it seems to me other women are quite easy on her. It seems that women seem to be pissed-off at men in general. It's as if they're saying "Damned man, he probably deserved what he got."

Other men are EXTREMELY easy on a woman who cheats. Thats probably because they want to hurry up an get in line to be the next one to screw her. But, they are very hard on a man who cheats. That's because, it seems to me, they are secretly worried that their wife or girlfriend will be the next he goes after.

Anyway, the justice system is not the least bit fair to men, or so it seems to me. It seems to me women accept no responsibility in this world, now days anyway.

In the time of Christ a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, even if being raped, was brought before her husband for judgement. He, being the half of the bond that had not sinned, would have to cast the first stone. Such as if a Princess and heir whose family controled the northern half, known as Isreal, and a Prince and Master Mason or Perrieur/Neferkheperure, and heir whose family controled the southern half, known as Judaea were to marry. Something the Romans did not want and tried to break up even to the point of raping his wife in front of the Jewish Sanhedrin. And then draging her in front of her husband for judgement. 'He that is without sin amoung you, let him first cast a stone at her.' - ST. John 8:7
They could not, because it was her husband, Jesus', responsibility.

What did Jesus mean in ST. Matthew 5:28, Post 216 A:? 'But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.'

What Jesus meant was, do not judge your brother for something you yourself are guilty of.

Most of Jesus' ministry was about forgiveness and non-judgement. Particularly in defense of his wife, Mary Magdalene. It took Paul, Saul of Tarsus, to twist the message and create punishment and discipline. I have always equated Paul to a Davis Korish type. Someone who took over an already established religion and twist it to meet his own end and purposes. I get this image of Cheech and Chong's "Buggery On The High Seas." And I think that would fit Paul.

Forgiving my spouse for her infidelity has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life, thus far. It would have been much easier to have walked out, a.k.a. "cut and run." I can forgive, however, so far, I can't forget.

Anyway, about "swinging". I know some people who were into that. Who they are, if they wanted you to know they whould tell you. I don't know what my spouse was doing when she was cheating on me. I hope it wasn't that. But, I have never been asked to join. Not that I would.
If there's a dance, it's nice to be asked, even if you're not going.
Maybe they're scared? I'm only 5'7". I'm not as tall as most guys, but then I'm not as short as most guys.
Well, that's all I have for now. I have to go water my garden. You see, I'm a grower, not a show-er.

End Post 217 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 216 A: 'whosoever looketh upon a woman ...'

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Date Posted: 23:27:59 06/18/08 Wed
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 216 A: 'But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart' - Matthew 5:28

So it seems I have committed adultery probably every day of my life since I was thirteen.

Apparently being a red blooded, heterosexual male is evil!
Apparently we are not to think about the natural urges we were born with. It should be kept in check, I agree.

"How do we be fruitful multiply without thinking about it? We could sing hems during it. One stroke at a time, sweet Jesus, one stroke at a time." - Bill Hicks

So there you have it, the conundrum.

P.S., In case you didn't get it. Post 215 A: was about hypocrisy.

End post 216 A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 215A: It goes as it goes.

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Date Posted: 03:04:56 06/01/08 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 215A: It goes as it goes.

"How would you like it if I did the same thing to you?" I asked her. She said, "well, I would understand, I just don't want to know anything about it." That was the conversation after I found out my other half had cheated on me.
It happens all the time. Human nature being what it is, we are all obviously going to be attracted to somebody else at some time. None of us want to think mom may have cheated on dad, or dad cheated on mom. But, as we get older we realize it may have happened. The idea of "complete" monogamy in a marriage is, I think, a fallacy for the vast majority of people.
This idea of the "good girl" image has got to go. It denies the sexuality of women, the simple fact that they have as strong a sexual desire as do men, and makes any hint of female sexual desire seem as if it's something evil and corrupted.
I wonder if Jesus was married. Did it happen to him? Perhaps that's the whole idea of "forgiveness" he was trying to teach us.
Someone once said the secret of life is that all sins are forgiven. That the idea of "hell" was a phantasm to scare people into doing what the majority "preceive" as being the "right thing" to do (peer pressure). Yet, this same majority will cheat on their own spouse at some point in their marriage. It seems the right thing to do is not the same for all people at all times. One of the differences seems to be if one gets caught or not. It goes as it goes, like the river flows.
Discretion; discretion; discretion!

www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 214 A: Nationalize the Oil Companies

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Date Posted: 07:24:16 05/27/08 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 214 A: Nationalize the Oil Companies.

With gas prices at or above four dollars a gallon and oil companies raking in billions of dollars in unearned profit. It's time the United States Government to quit sitting on it's hands and do what must be done to save the American public. All oil company property within the U.S. must be nationalized. And the Oil Companies will have only their own greed to thank for it.

Most Americans don't realize that the U.S. only gets a very small part of it's oil from Saudi Arabia. The truth is most American oil companies are making billions in unearned profit by "piling on" in this artificial or fake oil crisis.

Such a move would knock the leggs completely out from underneath the Republican Party which gets most of it's money from oil corrupted slush funds.

I suspect that if Obama wins Democratic nomination, this would drive many unsure American voters into the hands of the Republican Party. Which is exactly what the oil gluttons, pardon me, oil compaines want.

Who am I to say? I am he who sits in an unoccupied chair at a table round, not square, yet on the square.

Post 214A: www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

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Subject: Post 213 A: God Bless the Child That's Got His Own, (part 3).

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Date Posted: 00:45:39 05/07/08 Wed
Author Host/IP: rcluster.propel.com/

Post213 A: God Bless the Child That's Got His Own, (part 3).

I must say the Idea of raising another man's child or even marrying a woman who already has a child is a sore spot for me. You see, way back when, when my spouse was slipping around with Dr. Charles M. Pendley, president of Northeast State Community College, we thought she might have been pregnant at one time. I suspect something wasn't right even then. I told her if she was expecting I would have the child D.N.A. test when it was born. She said, "you'd really test our child?" To which I said, "You're damn right I would!" Two weeks latershe wasn't pregnant any more.
I don't know if it was a false pregnancy or what. But, I didn't get stuck with somebody else's grotesque growing on my dime. Call me hartless if it so pleases you. But, I'm really not. I'm rather softhearted if you want to know the truth. I am a Mason and therefore I do believe in chaity and benevolence. Charity, however, has it's limits.

However, the Merovingians were always true king. Never were they coronated king, created on the bases of some falsehood or lie such as the "Donation of Constantine". The Idea was, the old idea, a king who SERVED the people. Not the people who served the king. It's an old idea and we have yet to see it in our time.

Eleanor of Aquitaine: "Surely you don't think Richards going to allow your grotesque to grow"

Alice: "You wouldn't let him murder our child."

Eleanor of Aquitaine: "Let him! I'd push him through the nursery door." - (movie) The Lion in Winter.

The purpose of civil law is to make someone who has suffered a loss as a result of another person or institutions actions. To make the plaintiff "Whole" again. I have still to this day never been made "Whole" by Charles Pendley's estate or Northeast State Community College.

Now, to beat all, the person, a former teacher at said Jr. college, who had what I call a "passion for Pell Grants" and is said to have traded Pell Grants for sex to young women, and is a former Scottsboro city councilman, is running for the chairmanship of the Jackson County Commission.

I have thought about running against him on the Republican ticket. Why Republican? Because I'm not stupid. I know where the money is. Even though no one from the Republican party has ever won in Jackson County, to my knowledge.

People depend on those in charge having good moral character. When they don't you end up with some monster like Dr. Charles M. Pendley, (now dead, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy). Pendley was little more than a date rapist. He destroyed a lot of young women and their families, and, Northeast, where many of the instructors knew what was going on, never said or did anything to stop it. These people have never been held accountable. From what I have heard this practice is still going on today.

My spouse said she didn't think anyone would believe her because he was the college president. Titles mean very little to me. I don't care it you're a Doctor, President, Police Chief or Warden. You put your pants on the same way I do. I myself have several titles. I'm legally a Reverend. I have an honorary Doctorate of Divinity. I am a Kight. I'm the descendant of a Baronet, as best I can tell. I connected to the Earls of Beauchamp, Lords of Madresfield Court, through the family Ligon or Lygon, with which the line of Puryear has crossed more than once.

I also own a small, very small, piece of land in Scotland. Ownership of land in Scotland gives one, by ancient tradition, the right to style oneself Lord or Laird. Rev. Dr. Sir Michael, Lord Barnes - now there's a title for you.

I would hate to be one, but I have seen it. I once knew a man that, even though he could retire, wouldn't. Because he ruled the place he controlled somewhere between a demigod and a tyrant. If he retired he would become just an everyday Joe Shmo Nobody. So, the place he thinks he loves, the place he feels power keeps him trapped there like a prisoner. Squeezing the last ounce of life out of him 'till they close the lid on his coffin. How sad.

To David Letterman: David, what would you think if someone said, "your mother is a whore!"? But, you see, David. I have more respect than you do, you snaggledtooth piece of shit!

Post 213 A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 212 A: God Bless The Child That's Got His Own, part 2

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Date Posted: 23:16:25 04/28/08 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 212 A: God Bless The Child That's Got His Own, part 2.

Due to several spelling errors on my part I had thought of re-typing post 211. But, what the hell! That would just be a waste of effort when I could be doing something better.

Yes, yes, I know not all black people are voting for Obama because he's black. But, most are. It doesn't matter if it's Clinton, Obama or Bush. These politicians are not calling the shots. It's the power that's behind them that's calling the shots. That would be the international world corporate complex. If you want to go beyond even that, it's something most people don't even have the ability to grasp. Something referred to in ancient times as "God" or "Gods".

A short while back I was staying in the top floor of a hotel on vaction. I looked out at the people in the parking lot below. I watched them go about their business, coming and going. They never even noticed me, or the security camera on the roof thirty feet from me.

I thought "how oblivious they are". God was often referred as "coming from above" or "watching from above". Perhaps we are being watch. We just never bothered to look up.

Obama will probably be president. But, if it follows the usual patters, and he's a good solider and keeps his mouth shut, it will probably be eight years from now.

White people are voting for Obama because they want to appear "progressive". Notice I said "appear". This kind of young, white, liberal is easy to fool or shame into doing just about anything. We live on Life Boat Earth. When it comes down to it whose genetic pattern survives depends on who eats and who doesn't; on who kills and who gets killed. I don't really care because I don't have any children. I have been shit on some much in this life that early on I decided I was not going to spent one penny of my money, that I didn't have to through taxes, to raise another man's children. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE UPKEEP OF ANYONE ELSE'S SPERMATOZOA PRODUCT!

I have nothing to apologize for. I have never owned a slave. My father never owned a slave. My grand fathers never owned a slave. My great grand fathers never owned a slave. My great great grand fathers, one of which was Anthony G. Barnes C.S.A., never owned a slave. By the was that's Confederate States of America , C.S.A. for short. My great great grand father fought because this sacred land of the South he considered to be his and foreign soliders were on it, though nether he nor his father, John Barns, ever owned a slave. His father, John Barns, was a southern loyalist loyal to the Union.

It has also occured to me that perhaps the goal of the present Bush administration is to prevent the Russians from running a pipeline from the vast Caspian Sea oil reserves through Iran, or Zerbaijan and former Soviet Georgia to Black Sea or the Arabian Sea. Such a move would bring down the price of oil with so much oil flooding the market. That would hurt the oil rich Saudi Royal Family, which has always been a great friend of this administration and the Bush family. One must also remember that the U.S. Government, the citizens of the U.S.A., owe a huge debt to Saudi Arabia, a.k.a. the Saudi Royal Family, due to this Bush administration.

In my youth I was trained as a draftsman. I have also, from time to time produced a painting or two, as I have also tried my hand as an artist. I have thought I might soon offer some of my paintings for sale on ebay. I will let it be know here on www.voy.com/40560/ when I do. A painting or two of mine has been sold in the distant past. They will be on sale for between $ 100 and $ 1000 each.

End of Post 212 A:

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Subject: Post 211A: 'God Bless the Child Whose Got His Own'

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Date Posted: 04:19:27 04/15/08 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 211 A: 'God Bless The Child Whose Got His Own'.

"Them thats got shall get,
Them thats not shall lose,
so the Bible says, and it still is news,
momma may have, momma may have,
but God bless the child who's got his own,
he's got his own"

So you wonder "what is going on!" during this crazy political/Economic time, huh?
Well, here's how I see it.
As always, the fix is in by the powers that be and your vote counts about as much as a two ounce sack of sand. This time they really have a show going for us. A half black, half white guy against a woman.

I know if I were to make a big mess I would want a janitor (Barry Obama), or a maid (Hillary Clinton) to come in and clean it up for me. You know, if I were to do something disgusting like jump up on the dinner table and take a big dump right in the middle of it. You know, what the American people have had figuratively happen to them.

Here's an answer for ya. War is BIG Business. Thus, nobody is going to get us out of this thing any time soon.

Black people are voting for Obama because he's black. They have the right to vote for one of their own. They have the right to be given false hope, like an apple dangling just out of reach of a starving man, just to have it snatched away at the last minute. By the way, Barry Obama is not the second coming. No matter what anyone thinks. Even thus, no one will question the fact that no one seems to know what he stands for, because he's black! Certainly the offical apologist for the white race, Bill Maher, wont attack him.

If you're balck, I have nothing to apologise to you for. You say you grew up poor! Take a good look at the house of Charley in the movie 'Charley and The Chocolate Factory'. I grew up in a house only slightly better then that. With an absent father I was raised by my mother and grand mother. I grew up in the same house also with my cousins. I am also partly a jew, as are all Puryear, Perrier, ect.

A few days ago I had a good small town experience. I was getting out of my car in front of the local Hospital when some jerk riding down the road in front of it leaned his head out of his truck window and yelled "hey! you mother f***in' Heb!" at me.

Now let's see. I have blond hair (turning white). I'm caucasian with blue eyes. I was raised in a Baptist Church atmosphere and consider myself to be a Baptist. I wonder what gave me away (haw!). I guess I just didn't pass. No matter that that side of my family hasn't been Jewish for two thousand years and were the first Christians. Nope! none of that matters. I'm still a Heb, to some people. P.S., And damn proud of it.

So why are the troops in the middle east? They're there to try to put China and Russia in check. Both are growing and demanding more and better food and oil. They're there to try to force Russia to share a portion of the vast oil reserves discovered under the Caspian Sea in the early 1980's. No doubt by now you know of the vast oil strike in the Dakota's. They keep it out of the public eye as long as they could to keep the price of gas artificially high.

If all the oil in both the Dakota's and Caspian Sea were released, the price of gas would be about $ 1.20 a gallon.

Food Prices:
Isn't it interesting how many Senators and Congressmen own stock in the vast industrial farms? Did you know there are only TWO major granary companies in the U.S.A.? There used to be hundreds. All others have been bought out or forced out. Can you say "MONOPOLY"? I'll bet you can!
Now they charge what ever they want.

Around 1994, the time my weight gain started, high fructose corn syrup started being introduced into breads. Particularly the breads of fast food chains. It's been said that h.f.c.syrup tricks the body into thinking it's still hungry when it's full. Thus the customer buys and eats more. Thereby getting fatter and more unhealthy.

It's also interesting that these same Congressmen/women own stock in health care facilities. They get your money getting you sick. Then, they get your money getting you well or maintaining you until you die, while draining you of every last penny.

Alternative Fuels:
It takes about five gallons of corn to make about six gallons of gas. It's hardly worth the effort. On the other hand, Brazil uses sugar cane to turn, I think, one gallon of sugar cane into five gallons of gas. But then look who owns stock in the vast corn crops across the U.S.A.

The fuel shortage is artificially. The food shortage is artificially. The powers that be noticed some extra cash in the U.S. economy and THEY WANT IT, AND THEY WANT IT NOW!
And, they're going to get it.

Do you know the one thing that scares the shit out of the powers that be?
The memories and images of The French Revolution.

The French:
Why do you suppose some political parties hate the french? Did you know there was a time, the middle ages, when Gothic ment the same thing as Hebrew? In the south of France, from about the time of Christ to the middle of the fifteenth century there exist the kingdom of Septimania. It existed in the south of France between France and Spain. See, the Septimanian Midi. Historically, Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi was the 5th century ancsetor of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. By the time of the middle ages the Jews had become a genetic part of much of the french heredity. Particularly, the line of David had become part of the Royal Line of France. It's easyer for them to say "I hate the French", instead of what they really mean, which is, "I hate Jews". "I hate Jews" sounds much more bigoted.

Christianity, like all religions, is a human created thing. The seeds of destruction of all religions are sown in their text. Modern Christianity was not created by Jesus. It was created by Paul, (Saul of Tarsus).
Galatians 1:11 'But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither recieved it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.'A.K.A.

"I reject your reality and sudstitute my own." - Jamie Hyneman, Mythbuster.

Until next time my friends, I'll leave you with this. The falling off in the rate of technological innovations in the ancient world. A cause ignored by historians, "the appearance of a very mediocre and often dishonest class of lower-grade administrators and civil servants into whose hands was put the running of industry, commerce, and agriculture. Their business, as they interpreted it, was to see that the output of workshops and farms was adequate, and that any commercial enterprise such as shipping ran at an acceptable level of profit" - 'Technology in The Ancient World,' by Henry Hodges.

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Subject: Post 210: The Legend, part 1.

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Date Posted: 22:58:17 03/02/08 Sun
Author Host/IP: rcluster.propel.com/

Post 210: The Legend, part 1.

Joseph of the Coat of Many Colors was sold into slavery in Egypt by his envious brothers. The Egyptian, not being able to speak his hebrew name refered to him as Yuseph or Yuya. he became the High Vizier of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh himself.

Yuya married a woman, a hebrewis, by the name of Thuya. When her mummy in 1903 it was found she had long blond hair reaching all the way down her back.

Their daughter, Tiye, married Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV's son, who became Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

Her father had such power it was determined that if she became pregnant, the child should be killed at birth rather than have a half Hebrew king whose grandfather was already High Vizier rule the kingdom.

When she became pregnant she went to her summer palace at Zarw. When she had her baby it was indeed a boy. She had her handmaids float the child the short distance downstream in a reed basket to the house of her father's half-brother Levi, who lived in Goshen. The child, named Aminadab, was faised in the home of his great uncle and educated by the priests of Ra. It was later revealed to the Pharaoh that he did have a living son to take the Throne as Amenhotep IV, later to call himself Neferkheperure-Wa'enre Akhenaten.

He ruled Egypt for seventeen years. Akhenaten closed all the temples of the Egyptian gods and commanded his people worship at the temples he had built to his new god, the Aten/Adon in Hebrew/Jehovah. His closing of the temples didn't set well with the priests of Ra. So they devised to get him off the throne. They angered him to the point where he killed an Egytian. His hands being soiled, he could no longer be Pharaoh. He was forced to abduct his throne and was then summarily exiled into the Sinai desert. When he departs most of the Hebrews in Egypt depart as well. He and his two wives had six daughters and one son, Tutankhaten/Tutankamun. Tut was probably murdered. Two of Akhenaten's daughters died young leaving four daughters that departed with him into the desert. From these four daughters comes the Judges of Isreal as well as the early kings, Saul and David.

The line of David is traced down to Joseph the father of Jesus, who may have been the True King of The Jews. One must remember the Romans were there and they had their Arabian puppet Herod on the throne.

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Subject: Post 209 A : Wink

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Date Posted: 00:49:51 02/20/08 Wed
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 209: Wink.

I have left you some family pictures and some information on my web site at wink.com/p/michael_barnes.

On it you will find some pictures of my mother and father, my grandmother - Rosa Grace Dugger along with a copy of her birth certificate, and pictures of her three daughters; Ruby Kathryn (Mom), Bertha and Louise.
You will find also a few pictures of me. One of which was taken about six years ago when I was much heavier than I am now. I have been on weight watchers for a while now and have gone from a high of 220 lbs. to my present weight of 175 lbs.
You will also see a picture of my Great grandfather and mother, Linville Andrews Dugger and Mary Ada Puryear Dugger. The gentleman in the beard is my Greatgreat grandfather Hardin Dugger.

There will also be some information on my wink page that will help you understand some of the information I have for so long been talking about. Go to wink.com/p/michael_barnes

End post 209 A: teltalheart

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Subject: Post 208 A: On Christmas and Christians

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Date Posted: 22:54:49 12/23/07 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 208 A: On Christmas and Christians.
This was close to forty years after the crucifixion of Jesus. In the writings of the 2nd-century Palestinian chronicler Hegesippus, we read that Vespasian commanded 'the family of David to be sought, that no one might be left amoung the Jews who was of the royal stock'. In one way or another, therefore, the family of David was known to be extant at that time in AD 70...

Africanus related that, even before Vespasian, during the lifetime of Jesus, Herod-Antipas (son of Herod the Great) had ordered the destruction of all aristocratic genealogies. But, Africanus continues,'A few careful people had private records of their own...and took a pride in preserving the memory of their aristocratic origin. These included the people...known as Desposyni because of their relationship to the Saviour's family'...

Succeeding Vespasian was his son Titus, whose brother Domitian followed in AD 81. Domitian detested the Christians even more that his father had done,...

"Hegesippus reported in his Hypomnenata (Memoirs) that Domitian ordered the excution of all the Desposyni inheritors of Jesus. But, although many were seized, some were released and 'on their release they became leaders of the churches, both because they had borne testimony and because they were of the Lord's family...

Given that so many books were excluded from the New Testament when selection was made at the Council of Carthage in AD 397, it is quite remarkable that, of all books, St John's Apocalypse escaped close scrutiny at that time. The Church has done its best to put people off this book ever since by propaganda from the 1662 Congregation for the emblematic of disaster. The fact is, however, that John's writing (esoteric as it is in some respects) is precisely what its title conveys. It is a 'revelation'.
--In considering John's account of the Magdalene flight into exile, it is appropriate to recognize that prior to discussing the Imperial persecution of 'her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ', he relates that she was pregnant when she fled: 'And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered'. ...

Genesis 3:16 relates that the pains of pregnancy and childbirth were a punishment by God for the fact that Eve had sinned. Consequently, the bishops maintain that the woman of The Revelation 'must have been a sinner'!...

In the medieval tridition of France and Flanders, the Mary Magdalene was traditionally known as Notre Dame de Lumiere (Our Lady of Light). In this regard, she was associated with the ultimate wisdom of Sophia, and was sometimes portrayed in early and medieval times wearing Sophia's halo of twelve stars, as referred to by John in the book of The Revelation. A good example is the famous Black Madonna statue at Verviers, near Liege....

Black Madonna veneration emanated in AD 44 from Ferrieres in the Languedoc region of Provence." excerpts from the book 'The Magdalene Legacy' by Sir Laurence Gardner, pages 22-25.

I thought I would let Sir Laurence tell it, rather than attempt it myself. He does it so much better than I ever could. However he still has not gotten comfortable with the idea of accepting us, the Perrieur; Perrier; Puryear, as part of the bloodline of the Holy Grail. He does give us a slight "allusion" in the use of the name "Ferrieres". I still can't figure out if we're being protected, or slighted. After all Akhenaten's pharaonic name was Neferkheperure, as in Neferkhe-perure. It was not neferkhesinclair or even Neferkhestewart. Oh well!

Here's hoping that one day Sir Laurence and the rest of the world will see the light.
To you and yours, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
End post 208 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 207 A: The House Of The Aten

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Date Posted: 23:33:27 12/10/07 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 207 A: The House Of The Aten.

In post 206A I told you of the tomb which was discovered in Jerusalem in 1980. The tomb contained ossuaries with names carved on the side of the bone boxes of those family members listed in the Bible as being Jesus' relatives. It wasn't until recent that they figured out what they had. --Above the tomb was carved a figure like a upward pointing cheveron or compass with a circle in the center of it like an all seeing eye.

There is another possibility. The upward pointing chevron may reresent a roof, like the roof on a house or temple. The circle my represent a sun disk, like that found in the religion of Akhenaten, a.k.a. Neferkheperure, or Neferkhe-perure. This could be the earliest symbol for Freemasonry.

Akhenaten/Neferkheperure was very beloved by his masons. He had allowed them to build using Talitat stone. Talitat are stones small enough for one man to carry and handle. Pharaohs had typically required masons to build in massive stone block.

Could Akhenaten have been so beloved that his masons used this symbol to represent their allegiance to him and his family? Could it have later become the square and compass? Could the descendants of Akhenaten have used this symbol in the time Christ to distinguish their hereditary descent from Akhenaten/Neferkheperure/Moses?

Masonry has no religious requirments other that one must believe in a supreme being. However, many religious institutions have issue with Freemasonry. I believe it to be usually through ignorance. People don't trust what they don't know. Such as this "...while Masonry is not anti-Catholic, nevertheless the Roman church has itself set up the ban of excommunicationon any of its members becoming Masons, which edict has been repeated by the Popes since the year 1738." Mosonic Handbook.

I suppose the Church of Rome still considers us Knight Templars under another name.

Well, it's something for you to think about.

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Subject: Post 206 A: Perspectives

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Date Posted: 21:02:27 12/09/07 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 206A: Perspectives.

I should apologies to my audience. I was wrong in bring my tiff with my friend before you. Each person, he and I included, brings their own past; opinions, prejudices, hurts, insults, anger, and wrongheadedness to every situation.

If one should say something like, "in my opinion, only women wear aprons," to his friend who happens to be a Freemason, his friend should not lash out. Masonry is about taking a good man and making him a better man. Masonry teaches tolerance, understanding and brotherhood. There is always hope that a closed mind might be opened. But, as a wise instructor in Masonry once told me, "you can't teach a fool." He is my friend, and will always be so. But, I don't have to listen to him.

The only thing of a religious nature that is required of one in Masonry is that one believes in a Supreme Being. Atheist are not made Masons.

I believe Jesus was the hereditary son of his father, Joseph, and his mother, Mary. I also believe he was the Son of God. To me the divine is found in the soul, not in the physical body.
I quote one of the highest authorities, as I have done to my friend Timothy many times, George Burns in the movie 'OH GOD', "Jesus was my son. Mohammed was my son. Buddha, Krishna, even the man who said there's no room at the inn was my son, and so is the man who charges ten dollars for a steak in this one."

As far as religion is concerned, I have no problem with nativity scenes, christmas carols or any of that. Why should I? If you all want to venerate my ancient ancertor, great.
Now to my opinion.

The Magdalene Legacy, by Sir Laurence Gardner
"...Father Martin let loose a Greek word which had been logged in Imperial records before the Roman Church ever came into being. The word was Desposyni. ...Desposyni was the most hallowed of distinctions in early Christian times, an for a good while thereafter. It meant 'Heirs of the Lord' and, as Father Martin explained, 'it was reserved uniquely for Jesus' blood relatives'. He further qualified this by saying that 'only those persons in the bloodline with Jesus through his mother qualified as Desposyni'. Page 20

...This definition has long posed a problem for the Church because it can only mean one of two things:

1. If Jesus were the one and only son of Mary, the Desposyni could only be his personal descendants.

2. If there were some Desposyni in descent from Mary, but not from Jesus, then Mary must have had offspring other than Jesus." page 30.

Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by L. Gardner
"...The portrayal of Jesus as the son of a 'carpenter' is yet anotherexample of how later language misinterpreted an original meaning. ...The word translated into English as 'capenter' represents the much wider sense of the ancient Greek ho tekton, which is in turn a rendition of the Semitic word naggar. As pointed out by the Semitic scholar Dr Geza Vermes, this descriptive word could equally well define a scholar or teacher. It certainly did not identify Jesus and Joseph as woodworkers. More precisely it defined them as men with skills, learned men, who were masters of what they did. Indeed, one translation of the Greek, ho tekton, relates to 'a master of the craft', as may be applied to modern Freemasonry." page 35.

You know, Masonry, as in the old French word Perrieur.
A tomb was recently discovered around Jerusalem. It was highlighted in a documentary called 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus'. On several ossuary in this tomb were found all the names carves on the sides in Aramaic of Jesus' family members. Interestingly, there is a symbol carves in the rock face above the entrance to the tomb like an upward pointing chevron or compass, with a round circle in the middle of it like an all seeing eye. Humm! I wonder what it could be? They can't figure it out. Can you?

End post 206 A: Perspectives. www.voy.com/40560/
teltalheart (-;

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Subject: Post 205 A: The Forbidden Secret of The Church

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Date Posted: 16:26:07 11/23/07 Fri
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 205 A: The Forbidden Secret of The Church

The idea that Jesus was married and had a family scenario that doesnot concur with established church doctrine.
The church had and has much at stake in people believing Jesus was a godman rather than just a man with a claim to the throne of Judah in the south and his wife's claim to Isreal in the north. Being a direct descendant of the line of David Jesus may have been heir-apparent to the throne of Judah if his father Joseph was the true king of Judah, but had been supplanted by a Roman puppet and pretender to the throne, namely Herod. The only thing more dangerous to a pretender to a throne, than the true king, is the true kings eldest son.
In 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln, they write:
--"We were well aware, of course, that our scenario did not concur with established Christian teachings. But the more we researched, the more apparent it became that those teachings, as they have been passed down through the centuries, represent only a highly selective compilation of fragments subjected to stringent expurgation and revision. The New Testament, in other words, offers a portrait of Jesus and his age that conforms to the needs of certain vested interests--of certain groups and individuals who had, and to a significant degree still have, an important stake in the matter. And anything that might compromise or embarrass these interests--like the "secret" Gospel of Mark, for example--has been duly excised. So much has been excised, as a matter of fact, that a sort of vacuum has been created. In this vacuum speculation becomes both justified and necessary." page 360.

One should not think that because I am a Freemason that these are the views of the Lodge. In the Lodge each member is allowed his own personal belief. We do believe in the right of free men to think freely.

End Post 205 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 203 A: Happy Halloween/Dios da la Moretosee

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Date Posted: 03:14:01 11/01/07 Thu
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 203 A: Happy Halloween/Dios da la Moretosee.

I hope you have all had a happy Halloween.

"It's not so bad, being dead like me."

Why do I like the show Dead Like Me so much? I think it's because I can identify with it. Once someone you loved so dearly cheats and betrays your trust, and basicly proves to you they don't give a damn for you or your love, you become somewhat dead inside.

I have always been a very ordinary guy. I try not to lie, if I can help it; I don't cheat people, and I don't steal. I don't drink but about three beers a year. I've never had a taste for alcohol. I'm a boring ordinary guy who likes to sit at home and watch the History channel. I suppose I'm just not an exciting guy, and not what a lot of women want. I suppose I have stayed where I'm at because I have nothing to look forward to otherwise, but a lonely existance. I just live every day praying for some kind of relief, her death, or mine. No, I not going to harm her, if that's what you're thinking.

"If most people knew how many times they brushed by death, they'd probably stay inside the rest of their lives, or at least they wouldn't knock on this dark door. ...

I'm not supposed to be here, but I am. I don't know if I'm supposed to watch over them, or haunt them. Either way I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be here, walking through a graveyard the day after Halloween, on a quiet and beautiful November morning. It's not so bad, being Dead Like Me." - Epsode Fifteen HAUNTED, Dead Like Me.

End Post 203 A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 202 A: The Bris of Michael/teltalheart

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Date Posted: 09:10:39 09/26/07 Wed
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 202 A: The Bris of Micheal/teltalheaet.

As of yesterday, 4 to 5 pm, I was brised, a.k.a. circumcised. So here I sit high on oxycodone with a side order of ciprofloxacin HCL and ready to sleep. My doctor did a wonderful job and I would like to thank him and his P.A. and staff. He is my Urologist here in Scottsboro. I'll speak to y'all later, shalom.

End post 202, teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 201 A: A policy for the future

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Date Posted: 23:58:03 09/17/07 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Post 201 A: A policy for the future.

Should Christians take on a similar policy as is practiced in Islam? In the Koran Mohammed tells his followers to make a treaty with an enemy if they don't have the military force to take over that enemy and force them to convert to Islam.

Mohammed tells them to make any treaty necessary to lull the enemy into a false sense of security. He tells them to wait ten years while all the time building up their military force. Then, launch another invasion; no matter what kind of treaty or promise of peace and mutual friendship they had made.

One must remember, Mohammed was a man of war. While Jesus was a man of peace. Mohammed was a practical warrior who would stop at nothing to conquer then convert, enslave or kill his victims.
Am I mistaken, or have we had enough of being victimized?

My first meeting with a Moslem was in London, yes, London England. He was a hotel employee. He looked dirty, unwashed, oily, greasy. He looked as if he hadn't had a shave in two days. He sneered and scoffed at the book I was reading, a book on ancient religions. Probably because it wasn't a book on Islam, and to him Islam would have been the only true religion. I got the impression he hated me because I was an american, and he would have like to kill me. Rarely ever have felt such hatred coming off an individual before. This was about September of 1991.

Chris Hedges writes in his book 'American Fascists' that christians of the right wing movement have the dominionist idea that they are the new jews because the jews failed to build God new kingdom and rejected Christ.w.voy.com/40560/
This may actually be literally truer then just something simply metaphorical.

Consider this; if the spouse of Jesus and or his brother James came to southern France (Gaul) and raised their families there and this bloodline had actually been introduced into the Merovingian bloodline, this seemingly "jewish" bloodline, then, as the the case truely is, is that almost everyone; nine out of ten, people descended from Western Europe can trace their lienage back to a member of the nobility. This means at least nine out of ten people of Western European descent are blood relatives of Jesus Christ. Nine out of ten people of Westen European descent, when they go to church on Sunday, are worshiping a blood relative in Jesus Christ. All religion, at its heart, is ancestor worship.

My purpose has always been the return of the rightful heir to his place on the throne of Christ.

P.S. Who has the right to forgive a married woman who has committed adultery? Answer: Her husband.

"Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?" :11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more." - John 8:10-11

My cousins in Christ; I wish farewell for now.

Post 201 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 200 A: Veritas Vos Liberabit

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Date Posted: 21:11:57 09/14/07 Fri
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 200 A: Veritas Vos Liberabit

Truth, it's an interesting concept. Unfortunately, it seems to be something politicians try to avoid at every turn. Preferring instead leather boomer jackets on flight deck, (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED) with a cartoon character strutting about.

Every American Moslem should sleep soundly. Little George has nether the means nor the ball to comitt anything anywhere near a genocide. Truth be known the civilized world doesn't have the stomach for it. It would probably take someone reared in a mud hut surrounded by camel dung to do such a thing. Besides, Little George would have to get his lilly white Kennybunkport Maine rich boy patrician hands dirty.

I'm sure there are many Moslem who wish nothing more than to live peaceful lives and watch their children grow up. People are always missing the point. They always take religion to be absolute truth. When, in fact, religion, all religions, are not. They are a metaphor for an unsolvable mystery. It's as simple as this; politicians lie. Whether their Republican or Democrat; American or Iraqi; Christian or Moslem; Syrian or Saudi Arabian, all politicans lie and kiss babies. And when their not kissing babies their stealing their lolly pops. It's one big club. And one has to sell their soul to get in it. Peace.

Post 200 teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 199 A: From where do you come?

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Date Posted: 15:30:04 09/13/07 Thu
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 199 A: From where do you come?

LIGHT 1. a: something that makes vision possible
5. a: spiritual illumination b: INNER LIGHT c: ENLIGHTENMENT d: TRUTH

War 2. a: a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b: a struggle between opposing forces or for a particular end. - Webster's

Christian Fundamentalist claim to believe in a complete and literal interpretion of the Bible. The truth is Christian Fundamentalists are not literalists, as they claim to be. They cherry-pick what they will and they won't believe.

The Bible itself is a contradiction in several areas.
There are two Gospels that say Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, but the Gospel of Luke says John the Baptist was already in prison at that time. There are also three different versons of the TEN COMMANDMENTS (Exodus 20, Exodus 34, and Deuteronomy 5). My personal favorite is where God made the sun and moon stand still so Joshua could finish a battle. It was the idea of ancient people that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the earth. If one insists the Bible must be read as literal fact then one must say that all the knowledge of science gaimed from the time of Galileo to the persent day is false. If one says that the writters of the Bible just got it wrong then must concede the fact that the Bible was written by man and not by God. Therefore, if that is the case then man, being man and fallible, makes errors, falsehoods. Either the Bible is correct and infallible or it is not. One cannot have it both ways. Either God did not know how his own universe worked or fallible man wrote the Bible.
To the ancients it could have been a literal truth. Consider the possibility that there could have been two great lights shinning down and giving light so the Israelites could finish off the Amorites. This could entail the possibility of an outside technically advanced force using its technical abilities to assist the Israelites in their war of conquest. One must then ask the question, is this outside force the ancient God of the Israelites?

"Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel. - JOSHUA 10: 12-14

American Fascism
The scholar Robert O. Paxton writes of fascism as "a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cultures of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboraton with traditional elites, abondons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."

The problem with this definition is some of it is so general it could fit any people or persons of any race, faction, nationality or ethnicity at a given time in their lives. Particularly when some, if not most, might be true for a section or group of people.
I do see a need for a return to a more ethical way of life. I see a truth in many of the of the old laws, no matter what their true origin might have been. I see a need to reture to true justice.

"For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adultress will hunt for the precious life." - Proverbs 6:26

"So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. 30: Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; 31: But if he is found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house." - Proverbs 6:29-30

"For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. 35: He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts." - Proverbs 6:34-35

"And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." - Matthew 19:9

By the way, one good Congressman with noble intentions introduced a bill to make adultery punishable by fine and or imprisonment. His bill, apparently, went nowhere. This points out with clarity the hypocrisy one finds amoungst our nations Law Makers. If they truly were for "family values" they would have voted the bill into law. I would have liked to have seen that bill voted into law. Adultery is the thing which destroys more marriages and families than anything else.

People say "you can't legislate morality." Actually, you can. We do it all the time. We make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors, as indeed we should. This is legislation of morality.

My beef with this new rightwing Christian Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Dominionist movement is the litmus test of absolute "truth," as if they have it and have a corner on the market for it. I think they have no more of a corner on truth then do they have on an identity of God. I do, by the way believe in God. How God chooses to enforce his will from afar is his own business.

About genocide and war:
I see this whole thing, this war of religion, coming from the same source. I see it as coming from the collaboration between the Bush administration and the Saudi government. Fifteen of the ninteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. O. Ben laden was, is, a Saudi, isn't he? He's never ben caught, has he? His father was a friend of G.H.W. Bush, wasn't he? What is the purpose of war to arms dealers and oil producers? The purpose is to make money.
If you're going to commit genocide on a people and a religion (ideology) you consider fatally dangerous, then do it. Either shittsky or get off Der pot.

From the Light.

End post 199 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 198 A: Truth, as is!

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Date Posted: 23:28:11 09/01/07 Sat
Author Host/IP: rcluster.propel.com/

Post 198 A: Truth, as is!

In post 197 A(3), I asked the question, if what we are told about Islam is true, that they believe they have a mandate from God to make the entire world Moslem or enslave or kill those who will not convert, then do we not have the right to exterminate them, at least those who are trying to kill us?

The problem is, those Moslems who say they don't intend us any harm give passive approval to those who do intend us harm by their silence when terrorist strike. They don't speak out against those radicals of their own faith. Therefore, is a genocide in order. I'm not saying I approve of one. I'm just asking the question; is a genocide in order?

I don't believe G. W. Bush would ever order a genocide because G.W. Bush never did anything about anything. It should have become painfully clear to even the most stanch republican by now that the only reason we're in Iraq is to make money for Haliburton and the Carlyle Group.

About killing, I was trained as a solider (Marine). The purpose of a solider is to kill.
Some think the idea of Dueling to be funny. A Duel is a lot of things. Funny isn't one of them.

The Duel with pistol gives each opponent an equal chance. That's why big men don't like it. They have been used to using their size to bully people around all their live. So when it comes down to the fact that they might get killed in a fair fight by someone smaller then themselves, their true nature comes out. The nature of a coward.

Unfortunately it has become the normal nowdays for five street punks who beat up one guy to represent themselves as "brave men." It's no different when you have one guy who is twice the size of another. The big guy is NO brave man.

A lot of stupid women think that kind of bully, punk, gang violence to be manly. It's the same kind of low class street trash women who want "A thick pair of lips to kiss you with and a thick pair of boots to kick you with - Henry Higgins" for themselves.

Or rather I should say they want a man with a thick pair of lips to kiss them with and a thick pair of boots to kick them with. The kind of woman with no class or breeding.

End Post 198 A: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Date Posted: 01:59:03 06/03/07 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/


I, Michael D. Barnes, ask you for just a few minutes put aside the quaint, simplistic, almost childlike idea of an omniscient, invisible, all powerful, magical old man in the sky zipping around with something akin to a magic wand; granting wishes here and punishing those there who dare to question his infinite love.

Imagine that all you have to go on is science; the study of things that are now known of in this our known universe.

Does life exist here? Yes.
Can it exist out there in the universe? Yes.
What are the odds that life exists our there? Almost any reputable scientist will give you any odds you like that life, even intelligent exists out there, somewhere, in that vastness.

Have you ever wondered how man went, in a very short time, from apeman, to homo sapien sapien man?
I wonder what was that spark; what was that single gene that caused all this, this creature that we are now, for better or worse.

What is the Grail; Whom does it serve?
"The Grail is you, my Lord. As you prosper, the land will prosper. As you fall, the land will fall."

The Grail is a Bloodline; moreover the Grail is a Gene.
Whom does it serve? The Grail, the Bloodline, ergo the Gene, serves the human race.

It has been speculated that the gene, in time, turns ape-man into homo sapien man; homo sapien man into homo sapien sapien man; and eventually homo sapien sapien into a type of "superman" able to spread his species into the known galaxies.

Indeed, it has been suggested that this "Gene," this "stone from heaven," this "Holy Grail" is itself not from this world. Consider the legends we have been left with, those by the ancient Mesopotamians of the Anunnaki gods from the sky and, the biblical account of the Nephilim.

At that the sons of the gods saw the daughters of man, that they were good; and took them for wives, of all which they chose. The Nephilim were upon the earth in those days, and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabited with the daughters of men, and they bore children unto them. They were the mighty ones of eternity - the people of the shem (Genesis 6:1-4).

Shem - an ingested substance or something taken within which produced long life. (Bread of Life); *(Eucharist)*; Shem-an-na transmutes base metal into gold, akin to the Philosophers Stone. "They live by virtue of a stone most pure."

What has happened to those who left "a stone most pure?"
As Charles Hoy Fort (1867-1923) in his work 'The Book of the Damned'put it: "I think we're property. I should say we belong to something:
That once upon a time, this earth was No-man's Land, that other worlds explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession, but that now it's owned by something:
That something owns this earth - all others warned off....I suspect that, after all, we're useful - that among contesting claimants, adjustment has occurred, or that something now has a legal right to us, by force, or by having paid out analogues of beads for us to former, more primitive, owners of us - that all of this has been known, perhaps for ages, to certain ones upon this earth, a cult or order, members of which function like bellwethers to the rest of us, or as superior slaves or overseers, directing us in accordance with instructions received - from Somewhere else - in our mysterious usefulness."

Perhaps fear exists that we may indeed spread out into "their", those that now own us, galaxies. Perhaps they know in order to stop the spread of mankind they must locate, root out, sterilize and ultimately destroy this "supergene."

Closer to the Grail bloodline then any other, including the Sinclairs, is the line of the Puryers, Perriers, Puryears, periers, Parar, NEFERKHEPERURE, the Fruit of the Tree of Life. The Masons; the stone from heaven.

However, nothing is ever said of us by any author. I don't know if we're being protected of slighted by those authors who have a vested interest in promoting the lines of their wealthy european investers and or retainers.

Notice all the emblems that represent the Grail. In the feminine is the cup or chalice and the platter. In the masculine is the spear or lance and the sword. Among the bloodline itself is the Tree of Life and The Fruit of the Tree of Life.

The Puryer family is represented on their many family coats-of-arms by fruited trees, pears, grapes and lances. Knowing the story of the Grail Quest one would have to be a complete imbecile to miss it.

P.S. Neferkheperure, as in Neferkhe-perure, as in Neferkhe - Perure, as in "PERURE", as in Akhenaten, as in Amenhotep IV. PERURE, get it? Perure, Perure, perure, PeRuRe, pErUrE. Now somebody please tell me, what is so damned hard about that??
End post 193: teltalheart on voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Perrers Name

Ben ASpinall
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Date Posted: 05:17:51 05/07/07 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

My mothers maiden name is Perrers, and it is very rare in the world today. I am trying to research the history of the name and have come across a cluster around 1367 - 1400 with Alice Perrers, Edward Perrers and James de Perrers. I am interested in finding our much more. As far as I know there are only 18 people born with the surname Perrers still alive in the world today 5 in Scotland, 1 in New Zealand and 12 in AUstralia - all related up to 3rd cousin coming from the one descendant from Devon born 1820 - Jonathon MArshall Collins Perrers. ANy info would be reatly received.

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Subject: Post 192: THE PURYER ORIGINS; A partial review list.

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Date Posted: 00:51:53 04/30/07 Mon
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 192: The Puryer Origins; A partial review list.
The surname Puryer and its variants Perrier, Perryer, Peryer, Puryear, and Purrier may be of an origin in France of an occupational origin. The name may be derived from the Old French word "perrier or perrieur" indicating "one who cut or quarried stone". It is also possible that the name is of local origin, indicating "one who came from Perrier (stone quarry", the name of places in England and France.

'Holy Blood, Holy Grail'
Page 297.
"According to Wolfram, then, the Grail is a stone of some kind. ...Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of Lapis ex caelis - "stone from the heavens." It might also be a corruption of Lapsit ex caelis - "it fell from the heavens"; or of Lapis Lapsus ex caelus - "a stone fell from heaven"; or, finally, of Lapis elixir - the fabulous Philosopher's Stone of alchemy. ...And as we had discovered, Jesus, in the New Testament, explicitly equates himself with the "the keystone neglected by the builders" - the keystone of the Temple, the Rock od Sion."

This name can also be found in England, having been brought there during the Norman French invasion of 1066. Here it may also be derived from the Old English word "pirige or pyrige" meaning "a pear tree".

Notice the carving on the backrest of the Throne of St. Mark in Venice. The Tree of Life is shown with four rivers of Paradise flowing from its roots.

From the Book; 'The Norman People', Page 361.
"That of Perier was of P. in Bretagne (Des Bois), and descended from Budic, Count of Cornouailles c. 900, whose younger son Periou gave name to Perieres, Bretagne. A branch came to England 1066, and Matilda de Perer was mother of Hugo Parcarius, who lived t. Henry I. The name continually occurs in all parts of England: hence the Perys, Earls of Limerick. There was also a Norman family of Perers (see Perrier, Shakspeare), which bore different arms.

Book: 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail',
page 263. Chart; (Continuation of The Merovingian Dynasty - "The Lost Kings")
The line of ROTILDE, daughter of Charles the II, the Bald, of France, and SIGISBERT VI, "Prince Ursus" son of Helderic I, Count of Razes.
The line is indicated as being, "Line exiled to Brittany after failure of uprising against Louis II in 881."

Book: 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail', page 222 in the new book, page 268 in the old.
Slaughter in Languedoc; page 223 ...At that time, Provencal Languedoc was not part of France but an independent state. Politically, it was more associated with the northern Spanish frontier, having the Count of Toulouse as its overlord - a remnant of the Septimanian Kingdom.

Page 185 in the new book: 'King of the Jews',
The Jewish kingdom of Septimania (The Midi) was then established in 768, from Nimes to the Spanish frontier, with Narbonne as its capital.
Pages 111 and 112 in the new book: Mary Magdalene; Lady of the Lake,
"...The family was prominent in Aquitaine - an area with a name that also has roots in acquae ('waters') or acqs, as indeed does the town name of Dax, west of Toulouse, which stems from d'Acqs. Here, Merovingian kingly branches that evolved from the Fisher Kings became Counts of Toulouse and Narbonne, also Princes of the Septimanian Midi (the territory between France and Spain).
Another family branch, related through the female line, was granted the Celtic Church heritage of Avallon, with Viviane del Acqs acknowledge as the hereditary High Queen in the early 6th century. Subsequently, in Brittany, a correspounding male branch of the Provencal House del Acqs became the Comtes (Counts) de Leon d'Acqs in descent from Viviane I's granddaughter Morgaine."

Book: 'Armorial General - Riestap'
page 415,
Perrier (Barons du) - Lang. D'azur a la bande d'or, ch. de trois poires de gu., tigees de sin., posees dans le sens de la bande. les tiges en haut, la bande acc. d'un soleil d'or, pose au canton sen. du chef.

The same coat of arms appears in England under the name "Puryer", Azure, a bend or, charged with three pears gules, leaved vert, posed in bend the leaves up. In chief sinister canton a figured sun in splendour or.

P.S., The "Lang." stands for "Languedoc". And,
Azure is Blue;
Or is Gold;
Gules is Red;
Vert is Green.
End post 192: teltalheart/Michael Barnes, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 191: Ceci Perrieur, qui est-ce?

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Date Posted: 16:22:52 04/24/07 Tue
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 191: Ceci Perrieur, qui est-ce?
So, it is the opinion of many a man that at least six out of ten woman are whores. And they're probably right, if you consider the biblical definition of a whore as being a woman that has sex outside the bonds of marriage. Whether that be pre-marital, or cheating on her spouse or lover.

'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'
Many women would say men are a lot worse; and they would probably be right. But, I have never seen a man cheat without someone to cheat with.
Why was this particular sinful woman brought before Jesus, for him to judge? This woman long time thought to be Mary Magdalene?
She may have been an adulteress, but I don't think she was a prostitute.
Who know, maybe Jesus was married and had a wife and children.
Maybe the adulteress had been caught cheating on her husband.
Why did some of the disciples seem to despise Mary so?
Perhaps the villagers brought the adulteress woman before her husband, for him to judge her.
Is the picture becoming clearer? Good!
Now put it into Context.
This would bring into question the legitimacy of any bloodline existing from Jesus and, put the line of his younger brother back into the spotlight as a line of legitimate descent.
End post 191: teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 188: A Continuation of post 187

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Date Posted: 11:32:23 03/16/07 Fri
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 188: A Continuation of post 187.

By allowing someone on my site, such as Sasa, does not mean that I necessarily agree with their opinion. Everyone has the right to speak, and provided one doesn't get too preachy I will allow them to speak here. I have the right to allow you on or remove you if I feel it necessary. Remember; "you can speak your mind, but not on my time."

Getting back to Iraq and the way the war has been conducted, Bush and most of the world knows what needs to be done and, no one will say the words. If you have an enemy that is determined to kill you then you have to kill the enemy first.

It was a waste to send troops into Iraq to topple a dictator we had helped put in place around 1968. I can only suspect it must have been a war by proxy for Saudi Arabia. The very place 15 of the 17 911 hijackers came from. All I have seen the war do is make Haliburton even richer, and give Bush a excuse to do whatever he liked and pass whatever silly bill to benefit the rich he wanted. From what I see Bush is just playing at what really needs to be done.

Think of it, if you have an enemy who wants you to convert or die; you have a fundamentalist with whom you can't speak rationally. Just try talking rationally to a christian fundamentalist sometimes. But, at least the christians won't want you dead. To put it in simple terms, you can't put a collar on a mad dog and make it into a pet. The answer has always been simple; make three separate nations for the three separate factions and give them each a portion of the oil wells.

But, that still leaves the question of what do we do with a people of a religion that see it as their duty to kill the rest of the world that does not follow their faith. I think it leaves only one answer: If you will not live in peace, then you must die.

End Post 188A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 187 A: An answer for Pahu, and a question for you.

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Date Posted: 10:49:35 02/15/07 Thu
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post 187A: An answer for Pahu, and a question for you.

Pahu, I completely understand your frustration with Islamists. We keep being told that there are only a handful of these "extremists" by various western governments and those chosen by these western governments to represent Islamists. These are the show pony Islamists that are trotted out for news interviews in front of cameras. They always represent Islam as a truly peaceful religion. Yet, these "peaceful Muslims" they never seem to public stand against their more radical brethren, thereby giving them tacit support and embolden them.
--I'm still trying to figure Islam out. I have heard and read that Islam is a religion of peace. I've heard and read that Islam is religion that tells its followers that all non-muslims are infidels and deserve and or are required to be killed or enslaved by true believing Muslims. I have also read and heard that Islam is a peaceful religion, but only to other Muslims.

Just before and during World War II Nazism became a full-scale and very real religion. But, to my knowledge, it never required caucasian Germans to join the Nazi party or follow that religion. It was brutal and repressive and demanded its citizens not interfere. But, I cannot recall it killing anyone for not joining.

The "so-called" free world saw fit to destroy Nazism in its entirety in Germany. Because, apparently, it was so dangerous.

If Islam teaches its followers that non-muslims are to be killed, how is it any less dangerous? If Muslims see it as their duty to kill non-muslims, and to make the entire world muslim, or else, would it not be required of the entire "so-called" free world to exterminate the Islamic religion, on the grounds of self preservation?

Or, do we take the route of Jesus, "Love thy neighbor as thy self?" To love thy neighbor as thy self, carried to its fullness would mean depending on the kindness of an enemy and risk being killed or made slaves. So, either we shouldn't be in Iraq, or we aren't doing near enough. I guess the answer would depend on the entire western world's resolve.

All I can say, Pahu, is any religion that permits, demands, or requires its followers to kill and or enslave and subjugate non-followers is completely and totally evil. I just wish we didn't have a moron at the wheel of the greatest nation in this world. :-)

End post 187A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post: 181, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Date Posted: 16:46:50 12/24/06 Sun
Author Host/IP: 67-72-98-45.propel.com/

Post: 181, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Though it may seem odd coming from ourselves, here's to wishing the Lord of Hosts blesses and keeps you and yours this Christmas and in the coming New Year; Salute! - M.D.B./teltalheart
End Post 181. www.voy.com/40560/

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[> Subject: Re: Post: 181, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Date Posted: 13:23:45 12/25/06 Mon
Author Host/IP: proxy-3246.bay.webtv.net/

Thanks for hanging in there and Merry Christmas toy you and yours as well. btw I post at 64855

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Subject: Islam is the Enemy

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Date Posted: 19:29:22 12/09/06 Sat
Author Host/IP: 01-204.033.popsite.net/

A Letter From An American Airlines Pilot

This well-spoken man, who is a pilot with American Airlines, says what is in his heart beautifully Read, absorb and pass on. It's time to get answers from those who claim their terrorist members do not represent them. Why are their leaders not LOUDLY AND FIERCELY AND CONTINUOUSLY condemning their visible murderous brethren?

YOU WORRY ME! By American Airlines Pilot Captain John Maniscalco:

I've been trying to say this since 9-11 but you worry me. I wish you didn't. I wish when I walked down the streets of this country that I love, that your color and culture still blended with the beautiful human landscape we enjoy in this country. But you don't blend in anymore. I notice you, and it worries me. I notice you because I can't help it anymore. People from your homelands, professing to be Muslims, have been attacking and killing my fellow citizens and our friends for more than 20 years now. I don't fully understand their grievances and hate but I know that nothing can justify the inhumanity of their attacks.

On September 11, nineteen ARAB-MUSLIMS hijacked four jetliners in my country. They cut the throats of women in front of children and brutally stabbed to death others. They took control of those planes and crashed them into buildings killing thousands of proud fathers, loving sons, wise grandparents, elegant daughters, best friends, favorite coaches, fearless public servants, and children's mothers. The Palestinians Celebrated. The Iraqis were overjoyed as was most of the Arab world.

So I notice you now. I don't want to be worried. I don't want to be consumed by the same rage and hate and prejudice that has destroyed the soul of these terrorists. But I need your help. As a rational American, trying to protect my country and family in an irrational and unsafe world, I must know how to tell the difference between you, and the Arab/Muslim terrorist. How do I differentiate between the true Arab/Muslim-Americans and the Arab/Muslims in our communities who are attending our schools, enjoying our parks, and living in OUR communities under the protection of OUR constitution, while they plot the next attack that will slaughter these same good neighbors and children?

The events of September 11th changed the answer. It is not my responsibility to determine which of you embraces our great country, with ALL of its religions, with ALL of its different citizens, with all of its faults. It is time for every Arab/Muslim in this country to determine it for me. I want to know, I demand to know, and I have a right to know whether or not you love America. Do you pledge allegiance to its flag? Do you proudly display it in front of your house, or on your car? Do you pray in your many daily prayers that Allah will bless this nation, that He will protect and prosper it? Or do you pray that Allah with destroy it in one of your "Jihads"?

Are you thankful for the freedom that only this nation affords, a freedom that was paid for by the blood of hundreds of thousands of patriots who gave their lives for this country? Are you willing to preserve this freedom by paying the ultimate sacrifice? Do you love America? If this is your commitment, then I need YOU to start letting ME know about it.

Your Muslim leaders in this nation should be flooding the media at this time with hard facts on your faith, and what hard actions you are taking as a community and as a religion to protect the United States of America Please, no more benign overtures of regret for the death of the innocent because I worry about who you regard as innocent. No more benign overtures of condemnation for the unprovoked attacks because I worry about what is unprovoked to you. I am not interested in any more sympathy. I am only interested in action.

What will you do for America—our great country—at this time of crisis, at this time of war? I want to see Arab-Muslims waving the AMERICAN flag in the streets. I want to hear you chanting "Allah Bless America " I want to see young Arab/Muslim men enlisting in the military. I want to see a commitment of money, time, and emotion to the victims of this butchering and to this nation as a whole.

The FBI has a list of over 400 people they want to talk to regarding the WTC attack. Many of these people live and socialize in Muslim communities. You know them. You know where they are. Hand them over to us, now! But I have seen little even approaching this sort of action. Instead I have seen an already closed and secretive community close even tighter. You have disappeared from the streets. You have posted armed security guards at your facilities. You have threatened lawsuits. You have screamed for protection from reprisals.

The very few Arab/Muslim representatives that HAVE appeared in the media were defensive and equivocating. They seemed more concerned with making sure that the United States proves who was responsible before taking action. They seemed more concerned with protecting their fellow Muslims from violence directed towards them in the United States and abroad than they did with supporting our country and denouncing "leaders" like Khadafi, Hussein, Farrakhan, and Arafat.

If the true teachings of Islam proclaim tolerance and peace and love for all people then I want chapter and verse from the Koran and statements from popular Muslim leaders to back it up. What good is it if the teachings in the Koran are good and pure and true when your "leaders" are teaching fanatical interpretations, terrorism, and intolerance?

It matters little how good Islam SHOULD BE if large numbers of the world's Muslims interpret the teachings of Mohammed incorrectly and adhere to a degenerative form of the religion.

A form that has been demonstrated to us over and over again.

A form whose structure is built upon a foundation of violence, death, and suicide.

A form whose members are recruited from the prisons around the world.

A form whose members (some as young as five years old) are seen day after day, week in and week out, year after year, marching in the streets around the world, burning effigies of our presidents, burning the American flag, shooting weapons into the air.

A form whose members convert from a peaceful religion, only to take up arms against the great United States of America, the country of their birth.

A form whose rules are so twisted, that their traveling members refuse to show their faces at airport security checkpoints, in the name of Islam.

Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because our women proudly show their faces in public rather than cover up like a shameful whore? Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because we drink wine with dinner, or celebrate Christmas? Do you and you fellow Muslims hate us because we have befriended Israel, the ONLY FRIENDLY CIVILIZED SOCIETY in the Muslim/Arab area, that thinks and acts like most Americans? And if you and your fellow Muslims hate us, then why in the world are you even here? Are you here to take our money? Are you here to undermine our peace and stability? Are you here to destroy us?

If so, I want you to leave. I want you to go back to your desert sandpit where women are treated like rats and dogs. I want you to take your religion, your friends, and your family back to your Islamic extremists, and STAY THERE! We will NEVER give in to your influence, your retarded mentality, and your twisted, violent, intolerant religion. We will NEVER allow the attacks of September 11, or any others for that matter, to take away that which is so precious to us: Our rights under the greatest constitution in the world.

I want to know where every Arab/ Muslim in this country stands and I think it is my right and the right of every true citizen of this country to demand it. A right paid for by the blood of thousands of my brothers and sisters who died protecting the very constitution that is protecting you and your family. I am pleading with you to let me know. I want you here as my brother, my neighbor, my friend, as a fellow American. But there can be no gray areas or ambivalence regarding your allegiance and it is up to YOU to show ME where YOU stand. Until then, you worry me!

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Subject: Post 154 A: Answers To The Nature Of The Idea Of God.

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Date Posted: 06:33:04 10/07/05 Fri
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Post 154A: Answers to the nature of the idea of God. A.K.A., why can't some who post on www.voy.com/40560/ read the many posts and get the answer they seek rather than asking a question already answered?

1. Gravity - the gravitational attraction of the mass of the earth, moon, or a planet for bodies at or near its surface.

2. Conspiracy - the act of conspiring together. an agreement among conspirators. anything that is not an act of God, by the terms very meaning, is a conspiracy.

On 09/08/05 I received a post on this board from someone calling themself 'Truth Telling Ted' or was it 'Tall Tale Telling Tim'? Whatever, asking me a question already answered on this board. The following is to the writer, and that's using the term liberally, of that post.

Dear Ted, or Tim:
Since you obviously didn't read much of my posts, or were not able to comprehend them, I must assume either your educational level is not up to par or, you just wanted to hear yourself talk. The former is forgivable.

The post went like this:
"Subject: Is Gravity a Conspiracy?
In an attempt to research religious history, I came across this page by sheer happenstance. Although I firmly believe you have engaged in a pasttime of trememndous researchable proportions, there are many flaws in the noble cause of your endeavors. I was quite taken aback by some of your claims, including those of religion and politics. For instance, the "Howard Honeysuckle 7th Grade Science project" example smirks of ..well..atheism. I disagree with but respect those who rationalize atheism through a strong belief in science and often a firm belief, if you will, in nothing. Which is in and of itself a paradox. If an atheist believes in nothing, then the existence of "nothingness" would include the nonexistence of belief. Therein lies the nonbelievers day to day life of an oxymoric of: "My belief is simply to not believe." Humankind has attempted to explain the scientific mysteries of the universe ever since early humans were able to utter gutteral Uhgs and yawts. there are many Praticulars of physics, math, chemistry, biology in which the greatest thinkers in history of the world have not been able to explain. Explain to me, sir. What is gravity? Yes, I know you will explain that it is a force of attraction of 3 dimensional bodies of mass..bada bing, bada boom, blah blah. Insead, I ask you explain..Why it exist? Where did it come from? Where did electrons come from? Protons? Neutrons? Are they an experiment of your fictious "Howard Honeysuckle?" Come now. There is a degree of acceptance..or should I dare say..belief that these things simply exist as they are, and we do not have the cerebral advancements to explain them accuratelyor understand them yet. I Personally have never seen gravity. I do konw things fall down to the earth. I have witnesed it. Where, however is gravity? I don't see it? I feel it though. Do you feel it? Is it real to you?
--Sir, you are welcome to write whatever you please in your forum. However, from some of your posts, it seems you have experienced workplace conflicts. The realm of free speech often ends where the right to exist in peace for others begins. To explain the creation/evolution of all that exists as some science project of an E.T. instead of a God, or the God, creating life and the laws of Physics, chemistry, biology etc., is as bizarre as trying to say gravity does not exist because you cannot explain why gravity exists. That Howard Honeysuckle has conspicuously created gravity as an invisible force. Therefore in alll the Renaissance art of the past, including Leonardo Davinci's, gravity has been conspicuously absent in the artwork. Therefore, there is a secret society of Gravity Lore. There exists societiies..secret ones..who wish to destroy the true knowledge of gravity..geez. Open your mind..and your heart..you willabsolutely feel him. Especially after you've fallen..the thing that lifts you is HIM. Try it sometime."

HOW DARE YOU TAKE THE NAME OF HOWARD HONEYSUCKLE IN VAIN!, ha ha, just kidding. You obviously didn't read or understand anything about any of my posts. I assume it was just because all you really wanted to do was make a speech and hear yourself talk. You wanted to sound intelligent. You're not. Instead of gravity you should have used 'String Theory'. It's much more mysterious. Einstein called it "spooky." You called me an "atheist." I have NEVER said I was an atheist. That was a lie on your part. All I have ever said is the existence of God cannot be proven. If you can prove the existence of God, by all means do so. But you can't, can you. So it remains what it is, someones opinion.

In your minds eye if something can't be explained it MUST be the work of God, and thereby prove the existence of God. Since we can't explain where viruses come from it must be the work of God, and if some poor soul should contract viral pneumonia we should let him/her die. After all, it is the will of God. Perhaps the diseases are actually DEMONS, and instead of using medicines we should gather around them and chant and pray and have an exorcism. Since God visits bad things on bad people and good things on good people, the executives of Enron, World Com, Global Crossing, Exxon, and the George W. Bush administration must be some of the best and most righteous people of all especially with Karl Rove's penis filling up Jeff Gannon's anus, (see my last post, post 153A: Neo-Con Cowboys Riddin' the ol' Jezzum Trial).
--The charater of Howard Honeysuckle was a character I created as a comedy parody on the idea of God. Instead of creating him to be a wise old man with a long flowing white beard, I created him as a temperamental, spoiled child.
--I have always found it amazing and amusing when dour, right-wing, fundamentalist christians say they have a "personal relationship" with God, something of which they have not the slightest evidence of its/his existence. How does one have a personal relationship with something one does not know and have never met, something completely alien to oneself? Such a relationship is not possible and does not exist and, is only the delusion of he/she who imagines he/she has such a relationship with the great unknown and unknowable.
-- I believe that my reverence for he/she that is the unknown and unknowable is much more in line with what would be expected and accepted than the average fundamentalist, who speaks of God with the same words (adjectives) one might use to describe a warm puppy. You have obviously not read my writing on Enlil or, the book, Genesis of the Grail Kings. I suggest you do so before approaching the subject again.
--What disgusts me about fundamentalist christians is that instead of revering the great unknown and unknowable, they try to personalize him/it in such a way as to put the great unknown in a box to make him/it manageable, as one would do with a product. Because, what we are actually dealing with are managers. Nothing more than a bunch of little small-minded grocery clerks. They are fearful of the Great Unknown, they feel they must categorize it, give it a face, and be able to tally it up like they would a sack of flour.
--What fundamentalist christians actually have is a personal relationship with a old book compiled about 500 B.C. to 64 A.D. The writers of which believed the Sun revolved around the Earth, as is pointed out in Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
--If the Great Unknown, categorized as God, by small minded men, cannot be categorized, given a stamp of approval, given an SKU number, relegated to some file somewhere, put away in a small box for safe keeping and trotted out every Sunday like some show pony to prove man still has control over the Idea of God, aka, the Great Unknown, so man need not fear the great unknown for he has it firmly under control and in its place where it should be.
--Fearful man has even given the great unknown a voice through an old book witten by other fearful men of long ago who imagined what the great unknown would or might say if it spoke. Man peered into the darkness and found nothing looking back at him. Perhaps there was something evil in the darkness, something that would come out of the darkness and kill him. Still, nothing came out of the darkness. Perhaps what was in the darkness was benevolent. After all it hadn't harmed him. Still, nothing came from the darkness. Perhaps, thought man, the great unknown being within the darkness actually loved him, as a father to a son, or a creator to a creation. Other fearful men of long ago wrote down what they imagined the great unknown being might say if he/it spoke to man. It naturally told man that he was good but, man imagined, the great unknown being would tell man to stay on the straight and narrow path (the path of conformity and nonquestioning), that of his right thinking ancestors, and not to stray from the narrow path or allow doubt to enter his mind as to the existence of the great unknown & unknowable being and, to sternfully admonish, chastise and vilify anyone who should show the slightest sign of doubt. In creating such a book ancient man gave justification to those followers of the three western religions Judaism, Christianity & Islam religions of latter centuries a basis with which to marginalize, bully, harass, ostracize, segregate, unemploy, impoverish, enslave and kill anyone who dares to have a difference of opinion with their accepted dogma.
--I find your comment on my disagreements with others, in or out of the work place, interesting. You have immediately cast me as aggressor/offender without any evidence to substantiate that claim, other than the fact that my view on religion differs from yours. It's what I've come to expect from people like you, you know, people who pre-judge. In fact I was not, and never have been, the aggressor in these disagreements. But, if someone chooses to pontificate their religious beliefs in my presence I have the right to voice my opinion/belief on the subject without being screamed at "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" I find it the case that a large group of small minded people in this world believe that everyone, with the exception of themselves, should be FORCED into silence. They feel, without any evidence to support their position, that they have the "right" to silence any opinion contrary to their own, particularly any opinion that brings up evidence that disproves their claims.
--If there was to be only one accepted opinion and it was to be the original one then, my distant uncle, Jesus, would have been silent and would have fell in behind the teachings of the Pharisees and or the Sadducees.
--Christians have the idea that their religion is the original, the first and only directly from the Garden of Eden, which is obviously wrong. The christian religion started with its creator, Paul, Saul of Tarsus, who misrepresented, mismanaged and misinterpreted the message of Jesus.

"We want to think about God. God is a thought. God is an idea. But its reference is to something that transcends all thinking. He is beyond being, beyond the category of being and non-being. Is he or is he not? Neither is nor is not. Every God, every mythology, every religion is true in this sense. It's true as metaphorical of the human and cosmic mystery. He who thinks that he knows, doesn't know. He who knows that he doesn't know, knows. There is an old story that's still good, the story of the quest, the spiritual quest, that is to say to find the inward thing which you basically are. All of these symbols in mythology refer to you, have you been reborn, have you died to your animal nature and come to life as a human incarnation? You are God in your deepest identity. You are one with the transcendent." - Joseph Campbell
End Post 154A: teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 153 A: Neo-con cowboys riddin' the ol' jezzum trail.

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Date Posted: 19:42:58 08/16/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Post 153A: Neo-con cowboys riddin' the ol jezzum trail.

Christian conservatism, now what the hell does that mean, anymore? It seems to mean, now "we do what we want and we shroud it with the mantel of Jesus so nobody can question it."

About two weeks ago Jay Leno, on his late night show, kept saying "did you hear the rumors, Karl Rove has got a girlfriend." He said that three nights straight in his monologue. Don't you wonder why that came up in his monologue, three nights straight? White House pressure?

Karl Rove does have a girlfriend. His name is Jeff Gannon, or so I'm told.
They say Gannon was at the White House some thirty eight time, when there was no press conference being held and no reason for him to be there, in the middle of the night. In case you don't know, Jeff Gannon was a reporter for Talon News service. But before he was a reporter it's said he was a gay male prostitute. Karl Rove is said to be the person who got Gannon the press passes to the White House. Karl Rove is also the Republican wonder boy who dreamed up all the ways to try to make the Democrats look like a weak, sissified, femininish, whinning, homosexual-loving, pink parasoled bunch of wussies. When in actuality, and this is so cool, it's actually Karl Rove who's in the pink parasol brigade. Karl Rove, the brains of the Republican party. So it seem some of the Republicans are not what they pretend to be, lies by lying liars. Some are just rough-riddin' cowboys riddin' that ol' homosexual jezzum trail.

So Republicans, how does the image of Karl Rove with his penis buried ball deep in Jeff Gannon's anus, perhaps in the Oval Office itself where it was so holy holy holy that Reagan wouldn't even take off his coat, fit into your Christian conservatism, and your Christian coalition?

The White House has tried to sweep all this under the rug, which is what republicans and conservative Christians do to anything that doesn't go their way.

An example of this "amnesia" that Christians seem to have can be found in the first chapter of the book 'The Messianic Legacy'. I have read this book several years ago, and am now rereading for the purposes of research.

In 'The Messianic Legacy' it's pointed out that great strides have been made in biblical research in the past sixty years, but when presented to the public it makes an impression, sometimes akin to "shock-horror", like footprints on a beach, and is almost immediately washed away in the mind of the public as if the discoveries and new information never happened.

Those in seminary and the professional side of the church are taught these new discoveries and are taught different ideas on Christianity. They're familiarized with all manner of books on Christian ideas, from 'The Last Temptation of Christ - which was written way back in 1954, 'The Passover Plot' (1963), to 'The Messianic Legacy' (1986) and 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' (1996), but none of this new information seem to be taught by church clergy to their laity.

"According to several participants, the prevailing ignorance of New Testament scholarship is in large part the fault of the churches themselves and of the ecclesiastical establishment. Anyone in the ministry, anyone training for the ministry, is, as a matter of course, confronted with the latest developments in biblical research. Any seminarian today will learn at least something of the Dead Sea Scrolls, of the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, of the history and evolution of New Testament studies, of the more controversial statements made by both theologians and historians. Yet this knowledge has not been passed on to the laity. In consequence, a gulf has opened between ecclesiastics and their congregations. Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite. They react to the latest discoveries with blase aplumb, remaining unruffled by theological controversy...Yet nothing of this sophistication has been transmitted to their flock. The flock receives virtually no historical background from the shepherd - who is believed to be the definitive authority in such matters. - 'The Messianic Legacy'

well, that's all for now. Remember, I am only on this page, www.voy.com/40560/, no where else on the net.

End post 153A: teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 152A: Son of the Bloodline, The Seventh and First Born.

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Date Posted: 14:08:08 07/24/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Post 152A:Son of the Bloodline, The Seventh and First Born.

In the last post, 151A:, I told you of someone who interprets the will of God by what pops into her mind while she's "prayin' 'bout it." Who interprets the will of God?
Who has the 'right' to interpret the will of God, if he even exists?

Surely, everyone interprets things by what their individual brain tells them. Everyone has their own opinion and interpretion. Should we use the Bible as a guide, rewritten though the New Testament was by the Peter and Paul, especially Paul, and their later disciples. It seems everyone can interpret the Bible their own way as well. Certainly David Korish, Jim Jones, and others have done so, to the horror of everyone. So it seems who you believe depends on who you, the individual person, listens to. There is the overall agreement on the subject, if you're Christian, and then there is the minute details. Dancing, good or bad? Women wearing their hair in a certain style on their head, necessary or not, to be a godly person, or to enter Heaven itself? Once saved always saved, or not? I could go on and on.

Where should we start? How about at the starting point!
GOD: There is not one shred of evidence that supports the existance of a one great overall being we call "God." If you could prove God exists you would be the most famous person on this world, forever. No one has done it yet. That should not be suprising. If God exists, no human being could prove Gods existance. If God does not exist, no human being could prove Gods existance. Only God can prove the existance of God.

I saw sign on a church marquee a few days ago about being a "Son of God" by being "saved." It was sort of hinting that one would be the same as a descendant of the 'Bloodline' if one were to become saved. Perhaps it would make one eligible to enter Heaven, according to one's church, but being a descendant of 'The Bloodline' (Bloodline of the Grail) is completely different I assure you. I have live with it all my life and I can attest that some of what has been said about it is very true.

From the book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail', by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln: "BLOOD ROYAL",
"Although Merovingian culture was both temperate and suprisingly modern, the monarchs who presided over it were another matter. They were not typical even of rulers of their own age, for the atmosphere of mystery and legend, magic and the supernatural surrounded them even during their lifetimes. If the customs and economy of the Merovingian world did not differ markedly from others of the period, the aura about the throne and the royal bloodline was quite unique.
--Sons of the Merovingian blood were not "created" kings. On the contrary, they were automatically regarded as such on the advent of their twelfth birthday. There was no public ceremony of anointment, no coronation of any sort. Power was simply assumed, as by sacred right."..."According to one modern commentator: We may be in the presence of ancient usage of polygamy in a royal family - a family of such rank that its blood could not be ennobled by any match, however advantageous, nor degraded by the blood of slaves...It was a matter of indifference whether a queen were taken from a royal dynasty or from amoung courtesans...The fortuna of the dynasty rested in its blood and was shared by all who were of that blood.7" - Wallace-Hadrill, 'The Long-Haired Kings, p. 203ff.

The mumblings I've been hearing lately from different places, including my work place has been, "you're gone'a get it." It's what I would expect to hear from people who understand nothing of the dichotomy and or metaphoric nature of religion. they seem to understand even very little about their own religion, its borrowing from Mithraism. Many of the ancient gods were said to be born of a god and a virgin, such as Adonis, Osiris and Zoroaster. From Mithraism comes the idea of "an apocalypse, a day of judgment, a resurrection of the flesh and a second coming of Mithras himself, who would finally defeat the principle of evil. Mithras was said to have been born in a cave or a grotto, where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts. Baptism played a prominent role in Mithraic rites. So, too, did the communal meal. There is a passage in the Mithraic communion which is particularly interesting: 'He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.'" - The Messianic Legacy

I like to believe God exists. Thought I admit can't prove it at all. But, I don't believe he wrote the Bible. Some of the teachings there, I believe do reflect the spirit of God. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,' etc. Unfortunately the Bible is now used as a hammer for those who want to be in charge to beat other into submission with.

It's, unfortunately, what happens these days with christian who understand little of their own religion that they threaten anyone however they can, who will not walk in lock-step with them. "We'll take away his livelihood, that'll show him," is the attitude.

But, No, that will not show me anything. I am of the Bloodline, and no matter what anyone does nothing will ever change that. We who are of the Bloodline will always be of the Bloodline, and nothing will ever stop or change that. We will always exist. The Bloodline can't be bought away. The Bloodline can't be bartered away. The Bloodline can't be slandered away. The Bloodline can't be hidden away. The Bloodline can't be politicized away. And, the Bloodline can not be prayed away. So everyone can expect us to be around, no matter what.

End post 152A: www.voy.com/40560/
teltalheart, M.D. Barnes.

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Subject: Post 151A: Salutations.

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Date Posted: 15:06:45 07/10/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Post 151A: Salutations.

As most of you out there know I have always tried to be as truthful and correct as possible. I have never intentionally told you anything that was false, and anything that was rumored or was just my opinion I have always tried to indicate it to be as such. Unlike some, such as imbeciles who wish to be superheroes or any number of corporations. Some of which might tell you that they're truthful when, in fact, they are guilty of digging large trenches in their back yard and burying tons of waste in it. That is until the EPA found out.

The fact that I have never intentionally told you anything I knew to be false does not mean others will not lie with absolute abandon about me. If someone has said anything about me and you wish to know if it's true, by all means ask me here of this site(www.voy.com/40560/) and I will tell you the truth.

I have always tried my best to be truthful. I suppose that's why in my youth I always wondered about people who talked, sometimes incessantly, about a being of whom they had not the slightest shred of evidence of his existance. For a while I wondered if there was something wrong with me, when in fact, the problem or "fault" did not lie with me. No one would be happier to find that God exists then I. If true, thing could be set back to right that which has been made so terribly wrong, particularly in the last five years.

While driving through a small town in northern Mississippi last winter I noticed a new church. Next to the new church sat a new bank, about thirty yards away. I observed that the new bank and the new church were made out of the same kind of brick and sat on the same plot of land. I drove on down the road another half mile or so and noticed another church. On the billboard outside the church it read "Have You Opened Your Account In Heaven Yet?" This so typifies what has happened to christianity. It has almost become Corporate Christianity, of which if the stock goes up, the Lord is pleased. It's what Sir Laurence Gardner calls "Churchianity" in which the true meaning of the ideals of jesus, which he wished to foster, love, kindness, generosity, understanding, tolerance, and charity are greatly diluted or ether whitewashed away entirely and replaced with self-centeredness and greed as a core motivator. It reminds me of an SUV driving upper middle-class soccer-mom who finds name brand trendy clothes in a mall store and considers it a minor "miracle."

There's this sister-in-law I know of, I'm not going to say who's sister-in-law, who "prays" about things. Whatever inane and imbecilic idea that pops into her head while she's "praying about it" that must be "the will of God" and she follows it. It should be fairly obvious that this is also how many fanatics and religiously influenced serial killers get their "messages from God." Well, that's all for now, folks. The last few posts, Gobber in the Gulch, will probably be removed some time in the near future. There is no reason why you should have to suffer through my personal problems. I was just trying to put up a truthful defence against part of the myriad of lies told about me.

Until next time I will leave you with this idea. Ways to improve your mind: 1. Under no circumstances should you watch Fox News 2. Don't listen to the Hick & Blubber show 3. Don't listen to the John Girl & Billie Jean show, it's a joke (-;

End post 151 A: www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 148A: Bush, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich!

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Date Posted: 12:07:16 05/01/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Post 148A: Bush, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich!...IS NOT THE ACT OF ANY TRUE CHRISTIAN ON EARTH!
(teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/)

I apologies to all, the post I have been writing a rough draft for is not yet ready. I have been working almost constantly while at the same time trying to recover from an auto accident, with the exception of a week I was off work following the crash. At that time I had not yet come up with the idea for the post I am working on. But this post, 148A, is something I felt I just had to say.

How can George W. Bush justify giving $106,000,000,000.00 ($106 Billion) dollars of the poor and middle-class people's money to the Rich? At the same time he is going to cut $10 Billion from the Medicare health insurance for the poor.

It is an absolutely indefensible position for ANYONE to try an defend Bush's actions. Bush is NOT a Christian, and anyone who tries to defend his actions is an assistant to and a practitioner to and of evil. And, yes, even to the Devil himself.
"Well, it's the rich people's money they've paid in!"
No it's not!
The rich don't pay taxes.
I'll give you a sort-of example.
Any time in the past that taxes have been raised on corporations, what is the main complaint you hear from them? "We'll have to raise the price of our product, and the cost will be passed-on to the consumer."
The Rich don't pay taxes, you pay taxes. Ergo, the money that the rich will not have to pay, will be paid by the poor and the middle-class.

Anyone who tries to defend Bush's actions is not a christian, does not have christian values or christian virtues and is merely using the title as a sheepskin to cover whatever evil he or she wishes to do.

I guess one could say Bush is just streamlining the process. No longer will there be the shadowboxing pretence that the Rich actually pay taxes, like you and I.
The only reason corportion don't like higher tax to be placed on them in this country, the U.S.A., is that it does actually hurt the in the world market overseas.

What will happen now that the corporations, the rich, no longer have to pay taxes?
Stocks will rise rapidly!
What will happen when stocks rise rapidly?
Even the most hard-nosed opponent to Social Security being placed in the stockmarket will want to get in on it.
What will happen to the money when it's in the stockmarket, unsecured?
Hum! why would very Rich people to whum the paltry sum of their Social Security check means nothing, be interested in a BIG pile of money (everybodies S.S.) just sitting there? Puzzling, isn't it!

Then the money is stolen, cashed out, ripped-off, disappears, while the market crashes! Why? Because all Bush is doing is running a confidence game, and all he is building is a pyramid scheme. It's designed to do nothing more than steal your money!

George W. Bush is the closes thing I have ever seen to the Anti-Christ. For all I know, he may be the Anti-Christ. He has fulfilled every tenant that the Anti-Christ is supposed to fulfill, thus far. He has done nothing in his time in office but harm the poor and middle-class and help the Rich. And yet, even with all this evidence to the contrary, he has managed to convince one half of the United States population that he's just a good, honest christian man.

It is truly as if a spell of delusion has been cast over half the nation. The only thing left, for those of us that can see, is apprehension and fear; fear for this nation and the world. Apprehension of the destruction devastation we see looming in the future for those who cannot see.

Those who have made a deal with the Devil have, at the end, always been tricked and offered up as a sacrifice.

End post 148A:, teltalheart, www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 146 A: Slander of the 1st and 7th son. Rewrite 03/10/05

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Date Posted: 14:47:03 03/10/05 Thu
Author Host/IP: connector.propel.com/

Rewrite of Post 146A: Slander of the 1st and 7th son. Feb.06,2005,11:30 A.M. CST

All of you who kmow anything about comedy know what was necessary to setup the Alfred E Newman joke on post 145A.

But it is also, unfortunately, all too true. Howard Dean looks like the all American boy, and George W. Bush looks like a used car salesman. At least that's what my wife tells me about Dean, and I can see that about Dean and especially about Bush. (would you buy a car from this guy!)
Like it or not we are a nation whose Presidential elections are beauty contests with the talent portion being mudslinging and lying.

As I have said on my Header, there are those who try their best to slander me in the eyes of the public. Never let yourself be fooled by those kind of people.
I tell the truth as I see it and a lot of people don't like that.
As I have said, I am a typical heterosexual married man.

Someone attempting to slander me has put something on the google search engine for teltalheart from Bill Maher's web page. The post was:
"Hey Guys, Do You Suck Dick?!" from Dan-S.
Dan-S put this post on the Bill Maher message board because Dan said the husband of a co-worker of his (wife?) had turned "weird" after the birth of he, the co-worker's husband, and his wife's first child. My response was:
#65198 - 10/21 02 07:13AM, "Dan, with all due respect that co-worker is one sick puppy, in my humble opinion!
Heterosexual men are NOT attracted to other men, period. I'm myself am in hot water with my old lady because I'm attracted to other women."

#65688 - 10/23/02 12:30 AM, "Dan, what I meant to say was that husband of hers is "one sick puppy". The world is a crazy place. With all the heterosexual men who are looking for a good woman to be a wife, and that girl, the co-worker of your wife, goes and marries a gay guy. Sick,sick,sick.

The thing about the fish hooks, man that's beyond sick.

Edited by teltalheart (10/23/02 12:26 AM)"

I may have misspelled something an edited it to be correct.
But you can see the length somebody went to in order to discredit me, dragging something up from all the way back to 10/21/02.
As far as Dan-S goes, whether his (wife), or the co-worker or the co-worker's husband ever existed at all is the guess of the reader. I'll just say this, if some people tell you it's sunny outside, you had better bring an umbrella.

I admit to being somewhat homophobic. I see it as unnatural and disgusting and the idea of it makes my stomach turn. But I don't let it cloud my judgment enough to vote for a simplistic moron with a 95 IQ who walks around with his hands out to his sides like he's in the old west and he's gettin' ready to DRAW at any second. I used to do the same thing many years ago, BUT I WAS 6 YEARS OLD and had a new set of Roy Rogers cap-guns. I wonder why somebody doesn't slap him and say "you're a grown man, stop acting like that!" But then I realize, his handlers have taught him to act like that. It's all part of keeping that lie of the "cowboy" mystique going. Do you want to see what kind of world Bush really comes from? Watch the documentary 'BORN RICH' by Jamie Johnson.

This is a documentary of the rich, how they live their daily lives and their myopic little view of the world and how the rest of us don't understand them. How they spend hours a day with their taylor. How the main focus of their lives are the functions they go to, thrown by others of their kind within their 'exclusive' circle. How the go out drinking within their exclusive circle to their exclusive clubs and spend an average of $800 an night, EACH.

Have you noticed it seems G.W. Bush has had a nose "fixed." It looks as if he's had plastic surgery to make his nose hook slightly downward to make it look like an Eagle's beak. Something, no dought, his handlers have had him do. Bush, "The Eagle!", it makes me laugh every time I say it. Go back and watch 'Animal House'. Bush, "The Flounder!"

A, what I suspect to be, Republican backed documentary recently came on the scene. It tries to explain away the JFK as the same old magic bullet single shooter theory.
It's the same old message, "There is no secret society running the nation, and thereby the world."
I was in the USMC. I have been hunting and target shooting many times. Upon stricking a body, human or deer, a rifle bullet mushrooms. It does not have a slight dent tip and sife of the bullet.
How was that 'dent' in the bullet made? Most police department and military instillations have ordinance barrels or drum filled with water to discharge pistols into. They're made to slow down pistol rounds well enough, but they're usually not made to slow down high powered rifle rounds. Such a round might even strick the side or bottom of the barrel. It could even crack the drum causing the water to leak out require a department or unit to replace the barrel or drum.

Some scientist have recently said that the Egyptian king, Tutankamen, was not murdered. Nope! no plotting against the Grail line here! Not even a single shooter.

In post 145A: I reported, perhaps mistakenly, that the introductory story in the book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail', known as 'Village of Mystery', had been exposed as a fraud. The information came from a documentary Produced by Weller/Grossman Productions for the A&E T.V. Network. Exective Producers, Rob Weller and Gary H. Grossman.

It is obvious that the Tower (Tour) Magdala was built and stands today. It is obvious that the Villa Bethania was built. Money to build things doesn't come from nowhere.
Follow the money, it always leads you back to the truth. Whether it's money coming from the Bin Laden family to Maj. James R. Bath then to Arbosco Oil, owned by George W. Bush, or money to build the Tower Magdala.

As far as Pierre Plantard, when someone tells me they're a "lost king", my BS detecter starts clicking away.

In the documentary Dan Burstein, Editor of Secrets of the Code, said: "I think Plantard and his circle were right-wing intellectuals and French nationalists who were trying to create a modern myth by using history and bits and pieces of facts and legends. It's completely clear to me that their creation of the Prieure of Sion is a modern organization, their writing of these secret dossier, their spinning of this myth of the Prieure of Scion and this whole legend was an intentional act."

This line, the line of Jesus' relatives, is supposed to go back to King David and even to Moses, who is believed to be the Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten's pharaonic name was Neferkheperure. It's said the line still bears the suffix name, "Perure" in one form or another. Such as Parar, Perier, Perrier, Purrier, Purryer, Puryer, and Puryear.

End Post 146A: Rewrite from Feb. 06, 2005.
teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/ P.O. Box 1617 Scottsboro, Alabama 35768

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Subject: Post 143 A: Proof of God? 2 of a series. Idiots at the gate.

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Date Posted: 15:58:30 10/01/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-189.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 143A: 2 of a series.

The existance of God can not be proven or disproven. Therefore, all religious institutions are "castles in the air" without foundation.

A man sitting in a restaurant gets up from his table and throws his plate against the wall. He points at the plate and yells, "THE DEVIL IS IN THE SPAGHETTI! THE DEVIL IS IN THE SPAGHETTI!"
_He picks up a fork and starts to stab a woman in the throat who is sitting at a table next to him, yelling, "THE DEVIL IS IN HER!"
_The born-again religion storm-troopers rush in and arrest the man, not for murder or exhibiting symptoms of complete insanity, for executing the woman without a proper Witch-Trial to prove she had been consorting with Satan.
_The court rules the woman should have been taken to a place of dunking and there tied to a chair and dunked in the water. If no confession was extracted prior to death, than if her body sank to the bottom after death, than she was guilty of consorting with the Devil. If her body floated after death than she was innocent of the charges. But, the court had done her a great favor by speeding her to her final reward in the next life, to the side of the Lord.

Such is the world of christian fundamentalism. How it once was, and could be again, it we all don't watch out.

The average fundamentalist would say, "we wouldn't do that kind of thing if we ran the nation."
No, you would simply have anyone who disagreed with your fundamentalist position fired from their job. Then you would float a memo to all businesses and agencies to not hire that person, thereby putting them out on the street, "that'll show 'em!"
Discouraging anyone else from speaking out.

Thus ends a nation of free speech.

I recently spoke to a woman who happen to be a tour director. She claimed she was a Democrat. She said she couldn't vote for Kerry because he had gone in front of Congress and said American soldiers had commited war crimes in Vietnam.
I said "war crimes were commited in Vietnam."
She said "I know, it's called the fog of war."
I said "what about Dick Cheney accepting twenty million dollars shortly after becoming Vice-President from a company he had worked for?"
She said "they call that B.R.I.B."
I "so you won't vote for a man who told the truth, but you'll vote for a man whom you deem guilty of accepting bribes, a criminal offence?"

I gather she was mad at John Kerry because he "TOLD", and he wasn't supposed to tell. Americans want that nice warm feeling that everything is peaches 'n cream and cotton candy. Many fundamentalist I have spoken to believe he shouldn't have told something that should have been kept secret (...and the truth shall make you free). This as compared to George w. who is a spoiled brat, but has kept all his skull and bones and dirty business deal secrets and gotten away with anything he wanted to do for years without being corrected, and is now the problem-child of the United States, a nation of people who are still not willing to correct him.
Of course, like any parent-child relationship the problem exists within the parent, that of the United States itself, a nation of people who don't want to believe its Bible thumping, praying President could do anything wrong. It boils down to, as most things do, narcissism. A nation that doesn't want to believe its leaders could do anything wrong, because they don't want to believe that they could have done anything wrong in following a leader who starts a war that didn't need to be started. A war that was ultimately a war of Mass-Distraction designed to keep the publics attention while it, the administration, loots the nations coffers. Looting by any way possible, from no-bid contracts for Haliburton to public tax money being used to help corporations set-up in China. As is typical of a narcissist, many Americans refuse to find any fault in themselves, and as such I expect many, if not most, will vote for the biggest liar on November 2.

George W. Bush seems to have taken up a position as the leader of the white christian fundamentalist. He has, in my opinion, given the winking eye to the white right-wing. There seem to be this subtle under-tow of thought amoung many right-wing caucasians that of, "George is going to return the nation to white people," as if it had ever left.
_It is of course a notion that is a fallacy, a fake, and fraud. Much like that of George Bush being a "cowboy" from Maine. George W. Bush is only interested in the rich, what he can do for them and what they can do for him.

There is, however, what seems to be a strain of fascism running through the Bush administration.

"Communism is when Government controls industry. Fascism is when industry controls Government."--Robert F. Kennedy

"We need no priests. We can communicate direct to God through Adolf Hitler." --Mayor of Hamburg, 1930's

'Hitler's word is God's law, the decrees and laws which represent it possess divine authority.'--A conclave of German Christians, April 1937

"At a mass meeting...thought is eliminated. And because this is the state of mind I require, because it secures to me the best sounding-board for my speeches I order everyone to attend the meetings, where they become part of the mass whether they like it or not, 'intellectuals' and bourgeois as well as workers. I mingle the people. I speak to them only as a mass."--Adolf Hitler

"In all these cases one deals with the problem of influencing the freedom of the human will. And that is true especially of meetings where there are men whose wills are opposed to the speaker and who must be brought around to a new way of thinking. In the morning and during the day it seems that the power of the human will rebels with its strongest energy against any attempt to impose upon it the will or opinion of another. On the other hand, in the evening it easily succumbs to the domination of the stronger will...The mysterious artificial dimness of the Catholic churches also serves this purpose, the burning candles, the incense..."--Mein Kampf

The problem, as I see it, of our nation is the control of our Government by large Corporations, a.k.a. Fascism.
Our nation will never be free until the people are willing to elect leaders who are willing to say to ex-patriot American that have left for foreign lands:
"No, since you have left our shores for another country you will not be allowed to bring your foreign made products back into this country. And if any foreign nation tries to sell your products to the United States as their own rather than that of an ex-patriot former American company, it will have a moratorium of six years placed on it where it will not be allowed to sell any of its products in the United States as punishment."
_The idea of the need for a global is a fallacy. The United States could be self-sustaining, if it wished to be. This would also mean full employment. This would not be what industry wants. But since when do the people of the United States have to bow to the wishes of industry? Does not the Constitution read "we the people?" It does not say "we the Corporation," regardless of what George Bush wants it to say.

I fear this will never happen until the public is reduced to a state of poverty and servitude that is almost thraldom. I see this beginning to happen already with the wearing away of public rights.

Politicians, as you have seen, seem to be selected from a small group of very wealthy secret society members. Some of these members control large corporations, investment houses, banking, main-stream media, etc.

Oddly enough, there are a great number of Christians fundamentalist who believe thraldom, poverty, and a fascist world Government is exactly what the world needs, for it would mean Armageddon would be coming soon and Christ would come beck and snatch them away in the Rapture, and take them to Heaven.

Large world corporations have found a way of playing on these people's religious ideology. A way in which not matter how bad George W. Bush makes things for them, and everyone else, their opinion is that of, "he's just hurrying up the coming of the Lord!"
So no matter how much he screws things up it's seen as "a good thing" and "meant by God." To me it seems to be nothing less than a death wish. But this death wish will affect more than just them. It will affect the rest of us as well, and that is the problem I have with religion. With George W. Bush being a professed believer in this, it becomes a self-fulling prophecy.

It is a case where the world is held hostage by the dogmatic belief of a few.
One will not find a minister teaching his congregation that the Ten Commandments can originally be found in the pharaonic confessions from Spell Number 125 in the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead', or that well known Proverbs were translated from the works of an Egyptian sage called Amenemope, who had copied it from a much older work called 'The Wisdom of Ptah-hotep', or that the Lord's Prayer was from an Egyptian prayer to the State-god, as in 'Amen, Amen, who art in Heaven'...

Knowing the truth of it, most ministers would no relate it to their congregation. So where is truth in religion?

End Post 143A: rewrite

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Subject: Post 141A: Proof of "God"?- no. 1 of a Series.

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Date Posted: 12:24:47 08/29/04 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-210.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 141A: Proof of "God".1

The existance of God cannot be proven.

Proof that God does not exist can never be found.

If you can prove that God exists, congratulations, you are able to do something no one in history has Ever been able to do.

What if I tell you that I believe the earth and everything on it is a science project of a twelve year old in the 7th grade named Howard Honeysuckle from another galaxy, what do you think of that?

You don't like my idea? I have the same amount of proof that you do of the existance of God, or Howard Honeysuckle. None!

All hail the holy name of Howard! Oh merciful Howard we prase thy holy name!

Our father who art in heaven, Howard be thy name.
You get my point!

You say, 'well, we have this old book that tells us God exists'. Yeah!, Did God write it himself? Oh!, it was "inspired" by God.
Well, I'm writing the first book of Howard, he "inspired" me to write it.

Did God sign your book? Do you have any photos of God, any film footage of God, any evidence at all?

I have film footage that points to the possible existance of extraterrestrials, surely there must be something on God!

Even before the time of Moses, Tuthmosis III mentions the sky being filled "shield" shaped objects.

Say! You don't suppose they're the same, do ya. You don't suppose these people were thinking these beings were "God"?

If it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, why are so many rich, fat, white conservative rightwing men, christians? Where thy wealth is there too is thy soul, and there aint no way around it!

Why would a caring compassionate conservative christian businessman fire American workers and send there jobs to China?
Answer: He isn't caring or compassionate and not much of a christian. He's a lowlife business slug who only thinks of a buck and doesn't care one damn whether your mortgage gets paid or your children get feed.

True christianity has true action to it, not just mouth movement.

My philosophy of God has more of a eastern idea to it. In the east they believe that the life force of all the living
things creates God. I tend to think of all creation AS God. This compaired to the rightwing conservitave idea that all of creation was made for them to poison, pollute and destroy at will.
They tend to have a lottery gamblers attitude, that of "there is no reason to save the earth because we're going to be caught away in the sky during the rapture" leaving everyone else with the crap they've created. Just like the lotto gambler believes there's no reason to save for tomorrow because any day now he's going to hit the Big One.

I'll leave you with some food for thought, God is said to be the only thing that is indestructible, the human soul is said to be indestructible. It shouldn't be too hard to do the math.
It's something I've been trying to teach my young friend, T. Cross. (He's not the person I've had trouble with.)
You are the divine in your innermost self, try to act like it.

End Post 141A. teltalheart

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Subject: Post 134 A.: Secret Societies & The Bush Dynasty

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Date Posted: 14:08:31 02/28/04 Sat
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-56.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 134A. www.voy.com/40560/

George W. Bush was, is, a member of Yales 'Skull & Bones'.
George H.W. Bush was, is, a member of Yales 'Skull & Bones'.

According to; www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbonesintro.html, espionage, drug smuggling and secret secieties are the threads of American social history that intertwine at Yale University with Skull & Bones.

On Old Campus at Yale a statue of Nathan Hale,"I regret that I have But one life to give for my country", can be found. It's a copy of the statue that stands out side of the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.

The Chief of operations for Russell & Company was one Warren Delano Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt. Other partners included, amoung others, Archibald C. Coolidge, co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Samuel Russell with Perkins of Boston made a fortune on the 'China Trade'. The China Trade was the exportation from Turkey of OPIUM. And the importation (smuggling) into China of that OPIUM.


A cousin of Samuel Russell, William Huntington Russell, while studing in Germany in 1831-32 was introduced to the "scientific method" of human behavior set forth by John Locke and Jean Rosseau, which declared that people from the earliest age should taken over by the state and taught how to think and what to think. This was the foundation of the philosophical roots of both communism and fascism, usually given credit to Georg Wilhelm Frierich Hegel (professor) at the University of Berlin, see (Hegellianism).

Russell returned to Yale and formed the senior society of skull & bones with Alphonso Taft. It's said that skull & bones is a chapter of a corp in a German University. It has also been said that this order is known as "The Brotherhood of Death".

It's interesting to note that one can see the symble of a skull and crossed bones on the cap badge of an SS officers hat.

Info from an early breakin at Yale's skull & bones was said to have noted in lodge-room 322 was furnished in red velvet with a pentagram on the wall.

This is apparently the foundation of our, so-called, christian president. One wonders what it is he truely believes and who or what it is that he truely worships?

The list of bonesmen reads like a list of who's who.
*James Buckley
*Archibald MacLiesh
*Senator David Borden
*Senator John Kerry
*George H.W. Bush
*George W. Bush
*Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser
*Harold Stanley, founder of Morgan Stanley, investment banker
*Senator John Heniz
*Pierre Jay, first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
*Dean Witter, Jr., investment banker
*Amory Howe Bradford, husband of Carol Warburg Rothschild and general manager for the New York Times
*Winston Lord, Chairman of CFR, Ambassador to China and assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton administration

Having spoken to a few republicans lately, I asked "Don't you think it's a terrible thing that a company like Halliburton, whom the Bush administration presented to us as an American Company, is actually incorporated through the Cayman Islands to avoid paying American taxes"?

I was told, "Heck no, if I could do it and keep from paying taxes I'd do it too".

I asked "Don't you think it's everbodies responsibility to pay their far share, is'nt that how things keep working"?

I was told "Not if you can get out of it"!

A little insight into the republican mind.

I didn't have time to mention everything I would have liked to. But there will be more to come.

End Post 134A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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[> Subject: Re: Post 134 A.: Secret Societies & The Bush Dynasty

Ann Jones
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Date Posted: 08:01:31 08/06/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: host81-134-209-130.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

The most complete coverage on Bush family corruption is at:

Three generations of Bushes have started wars because they own weapons and oil companies - the biggest being Halliburton and the Carlyle Group, both controlled offshore from the Cayman Islands.

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Subject: Post 139A. : An answer to a Question-----------------------------------

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Date Posted: 12:03:09 07/26/04 Mon
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-131.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 139A. An answer to a question.

Randie Kay Harring of Ft. Worth TX. writes, "You cited your genealogy chart as being within the book," (Bloodline of the Holy Grail), "why is the chart missing from the book? What led you to believe your chart would be on those particular numbers? Regards."

Well Randie, to answer your first question, PART of my families genealogy chart is in the book. It is on the chart in the book entitled, 'Descent to the Rulers of Wales and Brittany'.
In the first publication it was found on pages 184 to 186. On the latest publication of 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' it has been moved to pages 342 through 348. It was never removed at all, I just saw that it was not on the pages it had been and thought it had been removed. These pages covers my genealogy from 1 A.D., from James the brother of Jesus, to 790 A.D.,to Argant, the Prince of Brittnay France.

The book, 'The Plantagenet Ancestry', by Lt.-Col. W.H. Turton, will show on page 188 that Prince Argant's son was Judael, Count of Cornouaille, and that his grandchild was Louvenam, and his great granddaughter was Alava who married her third cousin, Diles, Count of Cornouaille, in the same family line. Count Diles and Alava's son is Budic I, Count of Cornouaille.

The book, 'The Norman People', Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., will show on page 361 that Budic, Count of Cornouailles, Brittany France, ca. 900 A.D., had at least two sons, the younger of which was named Periou and gave the name Perier,(which also includes Perrier, Purrier, Puryer, and Puryear) to his descendant family line.

My great grandmother was Mary Ada Puryear. She married Linnville Andrews Dugger, my great grandfather, and produced my grandmother. Mary Ada was the daughter of Solomon Puryear, Solomon can be found in the 1860 cesus of Macon County, North Carolina at the age of 13, the son of Alexander S. Puryear and Mary P. Butler Puryear.

There are other books which show Knight from the family Perere and Perrers coming to England with William the Conqueror in 1066 A.D.

A branch goes from England to the Colonies around 1635.

I hope this answers your question, Randie.

End Post 139A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 137A. Truth: The Great Communi/ Prevaricator Dies

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Date Posted: 12:55:22 06/13/04 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-170.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 137A.

Ronald Reagan, the great "communicator", has died. His lasting legacy is that he communicated 2,000,000 citizens of the United States out of their jobs.
--He was also the politician responsible for starting the trend that continues to this day, under President Select George W.(NAFTA) Bush, of rich people using the U.S. Congress and the White House to steal money from poor people and telling them "it's a good thing, and good for the country".

In short, he gave billions of dollars collected from U.S. tax paying citizens to rich multinational corporations, giving them the ability to build factories in cheap labor foeign countries. Such as Ford Motors did when it shut its doors in Flint Michigan an moved to Mexcio, putting thousands of workers out of a job, not to mention secondary service jobs that depended on the income of those workers.

Ronald Reagan didn't understand much about politics. But what he did understand early on was that the Republicans had all the money and if he wanted some of it he had to change parties and become a Republican.

Unfortunately in todays world most people think NAFTA was Bill Clinton's idea because he signed the thing and the Republicans in Congress, and a few Dumocrats, voted it in.
--Most people forget that NAFTA was George Herbert Walker Bush's baby back in 1992 (http://support.lexis-nexis.com/lawschool/record.asp?ArticleID=sample_searches_nafta).

George H.W. just couldn't get it pushed through Congress. That's where the need for a Democrate stalkinghorse (Bill Clinton) came in.

The United States has always been a problem for the wealthiest 1%. On one hand it's the greatest economic market in the world in one country. But a combined Europe has at least as great a market, and China, when its economy get going, will have a greater market.
--The buying power of the U.S. citizenry has always been weighed against the demands of, what the 1% consider to be, the excessively free and well armed U.S. populace.

What happens when you remove the great buying power, via NAFTA, of the U.S.A.?
You remove the need for the richest 1% to keep them around!

Let's get something stright right off the bat. The CIA is not an entity that responds to the needs of John Q. Public average American. The CIA is an entity that responds the the needs, wants, and wishes of the largest corporate entities.

It's been said Prescott Bush had three business seized by the U.S. government during WWII for "doing business with the Enemy. It's also been said that Prescott Bush was a "good friend" of Himler, head of the Nazi SS. Some have said that after the end of WWII when the U.S. was setting the CIA, it went to Prescott Bush to locate Nazi SS intelligence officers to train the new bureau of spies.
--I think it was Prescott Bush, but it could have been George Herbert Walker. I can't find my notes, so I'm writting it from memory.

How do you eliminate a people?
First you take their rights away under the law. You start with something small, something that anyone would understand, given the right circumstances, something relating to "terrorism", something like Patriot Act I & II.

Al-Qeada was a CIA invention, or should I say, creation.

From the Movie 'Bowling for Columbine':

"1953: U.S. overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq of Iran.
U.S. installs Shah as dictator.

1954:U.S. overthrows democratically-elected President Arbenz of Guatemala.

1963: U.S. backs assassination of South Vietnamese President Deim.
1963-1974: American military kills 4,000,000 people in Southeast Asia.

September 11, 1973: U.S. stages coup in Chile.
Democratically-elected President Salvador Allende assassinated.
Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed.
5,000 chileans murdered.

1977: U.S. backs military ruler of El Salvador.
70,000 Salvadorans and four American nuns killed.

1980's: U.S. trains Osama bin Laden and fellow terrorist to kill Soviets.
CIA gives them 3,000,000,000 (3 Billon) dollars.

1981: Reagan administration trains and funds "Contras."
30,000 Nicaraguans die.

1982: U.S. provides billions in aid to Saddam Hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: White House secretly gives Iran weapons to kill Iraqis.

1989: CIA agent Manuel Noriega (also serving as President of Panama), disobeys orders from Washington.

U.S. Invades Panama and removes Noriega. 3,000 Panamanian civilian casualties.

1990: Iraq invades Kuwait with weapons from U.S.
1991: U.S. enters Iraq.
George H.W. Bush reinstates dictator of Kuwait.

1998: Clinton bombs "weapons factory" in Sudan. 8 dead.
Factory turns out to be making aspirin.

1991 to present: American planes bomb Iraq on a weekly basis.
U.N. estimates 500,000 Iraqi children die from U.S. bombing and sanctions.

2000-01: U.S. gives Taliban-ruled Afghanistan $245,000,000 in aid.

September 11, 2001: Osama bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3,000 people."

In case you haven't noticed, it's all about money and power, and the people of the U.S. don't have a say in it.

End Post 137A.

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Subject: Post 136A. The book:' Bloodline of the Holy Grail'- changes

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Date Posted: 13:39:22 05/08/04 Sat
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-199.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 136A. The book:'Bloodline of the Holy Grail'- changes to it, (rewrite).

I picked up a copy of one of my favorite books a few days ago and noticed some startling changes to it.

At first I turned to pages 184-186 and noticed the chart which connects my line to that of Joseph, the younger brother of Jesus, missing. I bought the book anyway, as a gift for someone, but couldn't understand where the genealogical charts had gone. I feared that Sir Laurence's publishers might have caved in to pressure from the evangelicals and or the Bush right wing mafioso conspirators. But then I thought "why would the evangelicals have any problem with the brother of Jesus?". The fact is they wouldn't, they are followers of the word, not the bloodline. James and his descendants would have meant very little to them.

That left the Bush/Mexican mafioso or the publishers themselves. But, after posting the first Post 136A I went back and checked. To my chagrin I found my chart on pages 342-347. Yes, I do make mistakes. I'm not infallible, and, unlike some, I don't pretend to be.

The missing chart was most disturbing to me because if I tell you the reader to turn to this page or that I intend to give you only the most truthful of information which you can rely on.

Without showing the existance of and bloodline from the Perrier, Purrier, Purryer, (Perure), the whole story can't be told. The Perure are the ultimate earthly root of both Judaism and Christianity. But the existance of the bloodline would not matter to most American christians who claim to be followers of the word, rather than the bloodline, even if their actions don't reflect that.

One should learn as much about James and his brothers and sisters now before George W. Bush can get enough Catholic people from Mexico into the U.S. to change the political balance. I can imagine in 100 years from now and very mention of Jesus ever having had brothers and sisters will have to be done in secret because it could result in arrest. This will cause what the skull & boneyard likes most, STRIFE, ATTACK, COUNTERATTACK, BLOODFEUD, WAR (think of Northern Ireland!) Who do you think you're dealing with anyway! Why would their 'sanctum sanctorium' their 'holy of holies' be a RED ROOM WITH A PENTAGRAM ON THE WALL !!!

Imagine it, Christains putting the closes thing to Satan into the highest office in the land.

What happened in Mexico with NAFTA? What did it REALLY achieve?
Before NAFTA the mexican peasant farmers were barred by law from selling their land to Big American Corporations. This was done so as not to destroy the staple crop production their nation depended on, Corn.

In order to join NAFTA they were forced to change their Constitution to allow foreign corporations to buy large portions of peasant farmland. The Mexicans were promised jobs in the large factories and industrial farms that were to come.

What happened? Only a few large factories were built, paying an average of $4 a day, poverty wages even by mexican standards; and only a few corporate factories were built, which didn't cause corn prices for the mexicans to go down - as promised, but made them go up causing the mexicans even more poverty and starvation.

What did the big Corporations do? Why they went to China, of course! Where they could pay the workers another slave wage, $1 a day.
What happened to the mexicans? A vast number of mexican peasant farmers now had no land on which to grow a crop to feed their families. They can't get jobs in mexico because they never materialized, never were created, INTENTIONALLY!

Now vast numbers of mexicans have but one option to survive; illegal immigration to the United States. What does this do to U.S. citizens at the lower middle class level? It forces down wages! Why hire a citizen for $6 an hour when a business jerk can hire a mexican (off the books) at $2 an hour! Or hire a citizen at $8 an hour when the busy-ness jerk can hire a mexican at $5.15 an hour! Who does this whole thing help? Why, the busy-ness jerk-coughs, of course!

You have to get it in your mind that this didn't just "HAPPEN"! This was planned from day one.

One must become skeptical of things that just "happen", or happen at just the right time.
Whether it's the subversion of the Mexican economy,
or why there's a 'war on drugs' but the drugs keep coming in, www.almartinraw.com/book.html, or how two planes fly into two buildings and turn an idiot into a wartime president.
Little george wants to play with his toys. Little george wants to play like FDR in time of war. Now little george wants to play JFK and go to the moon. Please somebody, "to the moon, Alice"!

Of course, this only my opinion! (-;

End Post 136A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 135A. teltalheart's Truth: We the People

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Date Posted: 11:55:14 04/25/04 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-239.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 134A. 4/25/2004 11:03AM We the People

Do WE THE PEOPLE of The United States of America have the right to freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Or are are we simply servant or slaves of major corporation, cogs in a wheel to be ground down and thrown away when we are old, injured and or no longer usefull?

Do we have the right to decide for ourselves our life our future our earnings and what to do with them?

Do we have the right, as the general public, to decide structure and course of commerce within our nation?

Do we have the right to stop major corporations from leaving our nation for other nations such as China?

If we do not, do we then have the right to stop these traitorous corporations from importing their cheaply made products into our country?

Do we the people have the right to remove the use of the corporate structure as a type of business entity within the United States?

The corporate structure as we have seen as of late is being used as a means of hiding responsibility and culpability of these business entities so the government and the public would have dificulty in finding who is responsible. It allows others to invest money and cast corporate without worry as to being held responsible for their actions. In effect it produces a small governmental entity within the nation which thereby competes with the Federal Government for control. The Federal Government is supposed to control corporate entities, not be subservient to them or an initiator and springboard for them. We have seen over the last three years what happens when major corporations have control over the White House and its ploicies.

REMEMBER FOLKS, The Constitution reads "WE THE PEOPLE", not 'WE The Corporation'.

------------------Article I---------------------------

Section 1.
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

End Post 135A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 133A., is on www.voy.com/59713/

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Date Posted: 10:43:40 02/13/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-245.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 133A., is on www.voy.com/59713/

59713 is the Satanists site. I went there just for a visit,(and to put my 2 cents in).
I am not a satanist, since I don't believe in the existance of one great satan. The old Hebrew Bible clearly points out that there were many satans, (accusers), and that they were loyal to and under the control of Jehovah,(Enlil).

P.S., Any message from me always has a 'post' number and they are always in order. If it's not, it's not from me.
End Post Direction 133A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 132A: Truth about Corporations& teltalheart takes IQ test

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Date Posted: 19:38:10 02/06/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-211.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Beginning Post 132A.

After watching about five minutes of G.W. Bush's 'State of the Ruin' speech I am now recovering from a near fatal dose of, what I like to call, BUSHIT!

And on top of that, while switching channels I ran upon Congolingus Rice telling the American people what a good and necessary thing going into Iraq was. (sigh)...Want they ever learn when to stop lying!

I recovered enough to take an I.Q. test on http://web.tickle.com
Also known as 'Tickle your brain'

My score: I.Q. 127.

My intellectual type is 'Visual Mathematician'.

It stated, "This means you are gifted at spotting patterns - both in picture and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence makes you good at understanding the big picture,..."

I have taken a standard I.Q. test before and came up with an I.Q. test score of 123. The I.Q. test can variate as much as 5 points.

The average I.Q. is between 95 and 105.
The average High School graduate has an I.Q. of 105.
It's been said that the genius level starts at 140.
The average College graduate has an I.Q. of between 110 and 125.

Now on with the Big Picture!

As we all know George W. Bush is a Corporate Loving Presdent. Everything he, Bush, has done in office has injured the working people of the United States of America.

Just exactly what are corporations like and what do they stand for?

Nazi Germany's "Final Solution" of anyone they considered as "undesirable" was the gas chamber, as we all know. Most German concentration camps were setup beside large factories, so that slave labor could be utilized. But what company ran those factories? It turns out that a German chemical combine called I.G. Farben ran most of those slave factories.

(The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, by Joseph Borkin)

I.G. Farben contracted, in a very businesslike fashion, for slave labor rates with the Nazi SS.
The SS received direct funding from German industries, anong which was I. G. Farben, the German subsidiaries of I.T.T. and General Electric.

Paul and Max Warburg were I.G. Farben directors. They had also been instrumental in setting up the United States' Federal Reserve system, ergo the inflatable paper money system.

The former director of the Bank of Manhattan, H.A. Metz, was at that time working for I.G. Farben.
It was a bank of the Warburgs in the U.S. and became a part of Chase Manhattan Bank later on.

The director of the New York and of National City Bank, C.E. Mitchell, was a director of American I.G. Farben.
While Ford Motor plants in the United States built products for the American army, Ford Motors of Germany turned out military vehicles for the Nazis. No matter who would win the companies and the Banks would make a big profit.

It has also been alleged that Herbert Walker, who sat on many corporate boards and is the great grandfather of George W. Bush, laundered money for the Nazi party around 1927.

End post 132A teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 131A. Truth: What is to happen next.

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Date Posted: 15:36:11 01/20/04 Tue
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-92.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Beginning Post 131A. 01/20/04

As you have no doubt seen, John Kerry moved to 38% leading Howard Dean, who fell to 18% of voters in the Iowa caucus.

I wonder how that happened? Do you suppose John Kerry's being a member of the secret society, Skull & Bones, had anything to do with it?

How many members of the common secret society do you suppose were contacted and instructed to vote for Kerry?

(George W. Bush and John Kerry are both members of Skull & Bones.)

This is the way it will work: John Kerry will beat out Howard Dean, because Bush desperately does not want to run against Dean, and in the last month or two of the final election some kind of scandal will come out about Kerry or he will say something stupid or slanderous that will throw the election to Bush. That's what I figure will happen.

One must realize these secret societies already have this figured out ahead of time. They have already laid out the battle plans for how they are going to steal the next election, like they did the last election.

They can't stop now, they've tasted how good it is to steal money from the poor and middle class and give it to the rich.
64,000 students thrown off of Pell Grant

25,000,000,000 (Billion) dollars given to the air lines.

Regulations almost completely removed from how much pollution corporations can pump into the air, water, and soil. Corporations used to have to pay according to how much they pollute. Bush removed that requirment and placed it on us the public. Now WE have to pay more the more a corporation pollutes.

87,000,000,000 (Billion) to support a war in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that were never there in the first place and this administration knew it because Saddam's son-in-law defected to the west and told the CIA there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq years before this war ever started.
Let us not forget the 100,000,000,000 ($100 Billion) that went into getting this war started in the first place.
That's a bill of $187,000,000,000 to you and me.

The $300,000,000,000 tax cut that was just a tax deferment that our children and grandchildren will have to pay.

Let's not forget the fact that we'll all have to BUY an HMO plan to cover us when we retire, instead of having Medicare to rely on, thanks to George W. Bush.

I'm sure I've left a lot out, but there's just too much Evil for me to count. So I'll give you some web sites.

www.projectcensored.org (go to title "The Neoconservative Plan for Global Dominance)

Or you might like to try www.deanforamerica.com

You might like to know that George W. Bush has something called 'Free Trade Area of the America's (FTAA) trade agreement planned. It's NAFTA in hyper drive.

FTAA will demand privatization of services.
It will remove licensing standards for medical doctors so a doctor who is eligible to in, let's say, Mexico could practice in the United States no matter what their level of training.
The privatization of all public schools making them "for profit". The privatization of all U.S. prisons (one wonders if this wouldn't be tantamount to a "get out of jail free" card if a criminal has enough money). The Privatization of the U.S. Postal service.

Because FTAA has extreme corporate-friendly language for large pharmaceutical firms, generic drugs could become obsolete. FTAA would give a company in one country, a monopoly in all countries, so making a cheaper generic drug would be considered an infringement of property rights.

W. Bush is now trying to put his "No Overtime Pay for Workers" bill into another he is trying to pass off.

So U.S. workers would have fewer rights, earn less, work longer hours and have less health care. Welcome to the world of Bush.

Let us talk about true capitalism and what it truly is.

Most people equate 'Capitalism' with 'Free Enterprise', which they should not, for the two are not the same thing.

Free Enterprise is the unrestricted buying and selling of goods and services in a free and open market.

Capital is equipment or goods used to make other goods to sell in a market place. A piece of machinery used to stamp a design in leather, to make a belt, would be a capital good, as would be a machine used to cut the leather to size.

However, Financial Capitalism is completely different.
Financial Capitalism, or a Finance Capitalist is one who control and influences resources through investment and movement of money.
A finance capitalist invests his and or other peoples money in company stocks. This, of course, influences the market place, as much as anything by the finance capitalist decision about what resource he will influence by his investment.
A finance capitalist may be the head of an investment house or may band together with the heads of many investment houses controlling trillions of dollars. They may make investments that could boost a sluggish economy thereby influencing an election by making an incumbent President look good.

This could only be done if the economy has been kept artifically sluggish to allow investment groups to buy out competitors and smaller businesses who could not compete with mega-corporations.

(See my posts "Phony Money 1 & 2")
A Banker could also be a finance capitalist. Thereby being able to 'create' inflatable paper money. The banker, who is able to create inflatable paper money to loan out, can, by what he is will to lend money on, influence the use of resources.

The finance capitalist most often benefits from monopolies. He doesn't require a free enterprise system to survive. A Monopoly is, of course, "exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action". A monopoly does not drive prices down, it drives prices up. It will drive prices down to put a competitor out of business...and then prices will skyrocket.

Communism is ultra-capitalism, a monopoly on everything.

Ultra-Capitalism can only exist when a hand full of Mega-corporations control virtually everything. This can only take place when an artifically created sluggish economy is created to allow capitalists to buy up competitors.

Welcome to the Bush White House!

"Most of our imports come from other countries"-George W. Bush. And the answer is...what do you get with a president who has a 95 IQ.

Well, goodbye for now, see you soon. teltalheart
End Post 131A.

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Subject: Post 129A. Truth Against the world: Enki's Adam

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Date Posted: 04:00:10 01/02/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-114.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 129A.

The Anunnaki are said to have created the first of mankind, the "black-headed people". They are said to have created them from some type of advanced anthropoid. The "black-haired people" were said to have been created to serve the Anunnaki.

The god and goddess, Enki and his sister Nin-khursag, are said to have thought man deserved better. They took an egg from a female of the "black-haired people", and the sperm from Enki and created the race of Adama, Adam, A.K.A. Priest-king Sanga-Lugal of Kish, Priest-king Atabba, Adapa, Atab.

(Kish is a city immediately east of Babylon.)

What did this creation of the race of Adam mean? It seems that Enlil, a.k.a. El Elyon, Jehovah, brother of Enki, was limited to what he could do to his own kind, the Elohim/Anunnaki.
By creating a race that was part Anunnaki, part human it limited the destruction Enlil could visit upon man, to a point.

Some writers, theologians and others say:

The Sumerians left written clay records of humanlike beings of extraterrestrial origin that had ruled over the Earth as the world's first monarchs. These extraterrestrial were often thought of as gods.

At first Ea, Enki, was the ruler over the Earth in the farflung extraterrestrial empire. Ea was the son of Anu, who was said to rule over another planet.
Ea, Enki, lost his dominion over large parts of the Earth to his brother, half-brother, Enlil during one of the great many rivalries that preoccupied these E.T.s .

When man was created, he was created as a spiritual being. Man is more than an animal. The spirit, however, is not something that lends itself to being placed under a microscope for study. It seems the spirit is the true source of humankind's awareness, intelligence and personality. Without it humans would be little more than an animal reacting to outside stimulus.
The early Mesopotamians understood the nature of a spiritual being connected to human flesh. They wrote:

"You have slaughtered a god together
with his personality (spirit)
I have removed your heavy work,
I have imposed your toil on man."
-Lambert, op. cit., page 59.

In order to animate human bodies the E.T. overlords apparently found a way to keep spiritual beings permanently attached to them. The E.T. have apparently fostered present day religions upon man. Religions that state the body must be connected to the flesh in order to 'meet God'.

Take the christian religion for example, where the body will rise from the grave, whole, complete and pure on the day of judgement.

In ancient Egypt people were made to believe that if they kept they're mummified bodies in tact they would join the "gods" in heaven.

It was said that prince Ea, Enki the Wise, was traditionally depicted as the Serpent or Serpent-Lord of the Euphrates River valley. He is also the one who gives understanding to man.

"With wide understanding he (Ea) had perfected him
to expound the decrees of the land.
He had given him wisdom, but he had not given him
eternal life."

'Nahash' was the biblical term used to denote the word 'serpent'. It springs from the them 'NHSH', which means 'to decipher' or 'to find out', 'to divine'. You might also notice the Sumerian coiled serpent, Asklepios, around a staff, the symbol of the medical associations.

It was said that prince Ea founded the Brotherhood of the Snake in order to disseminate spiritual knowledge and strive for spiritual freedom. It is believed to have sought the liberation of man from the E.T. created bondage to the human body. It's written that Enki's Brotherhood of the Serpent was quickly infiltrated and taken over by the agents of Enlil and the other Anunnaki in order to prevent mans escape from bondage.

The Brotherhood still held great appeal for many and so it was kept in existance. Controled by the very forces Enki hoped to free mankind from.

In order to prevent Enki from ever being able to gather another following his name and title was slandered from 'Prince of Earth' to 'Prince of Darkness', in order to hide the truth.

As I have said at the top above, the above is what some have written. The belief or disbelief is up to the individual.

That all for now. End Post 129A. teltalheart

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Subject: Post 128A. Truth Against the World: Robberbarons Revisited

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Date Posted: 15:27:08 12/18/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-15.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 128A. Truth Against the World: Robberbarons Revisited.
Before we get started, I would like to point out that someone, not myself, has tried to link my name, teltalheart, with the site "Strangers in Paradise" and the site "www.connexions.net/$webmsg.list.7UFO.-10.10".

I haven't been on the site, connections, in years. The time I was there I used the name 'Michael Aten Ra CXXV'. Why? It was sort of a private joke. CXXV is the number of generations between myself and Akhenaten, a supposed ancestor.
If you wish to see the link just scan below to my Post 118A (Akhenaten to James - Jesus' brother) and "Descendancy Chart:1", (Periou, younger son of Budic, Count of Cornouailles and ancestor of the line of Puryear, to James, younger brother of Jesus)

As you have seen, George Duh-byall Bush has signed into law a bill that will futher limit medicare for seniors and others and require them to buy HMO plans to cover the cost of health care.

More private industry raking the public over the coals, courtesy of the Bush Administration.

It's been said this was a boon for the Hmo industry worth, initially, 100 Billion Dollers, and possibly $trillions latter on.

What might happen? Or, how it looks to me, personally.
When a senior can no longer pay their monthly HMO installments they might be forced to sign over their homes to their HMO for coverage. When their medical bill goes over the price of their homes they might be kicked out of the Hospital and off the HMO provider list and forced into indigent care facilites for the poor.

Therefor, HMO's could be in a position to snatch up the homes of American citizens before Nursinghomes get a chance to. They will get a chance to forclose on the lifes work and investment of an entire generation. Making the HMO's one of the wealthiest corporations in the nation.

And yet, not one word has been said by the Bush Administration about the lowering of the prices of medicines in the country, which is what we really need.

One has to wonder how the Bush Administration and those they work for (it certainly isn't the American people) got SO greedy? Bush and some of his "coleagues" represent a small portion of the (Brotherhood), if you know what I mean. One should not think they, the ( ),are all like that.

It seems some powerful members of () have abandoned all ideas of helping thy fellow man in favor of pure greed and profit taking.

As it seems to me:
I know, you, the public, believe you have the same rights as the wealthy and are equal in the eyes of the law and God. They, the wealthy elite and that part of the (), don't believe that you do and are angry that you dare think of yourselves as equal to them.
So they're going to Show You!
They are going to take all the good paying factory jobs that pay, or used to pay, $10 to $25 an hour out of the U.S.A. and send them overseas to third countries, China, to poorer people willing to work for $1 a day, or 12.5 cents an hour; Four dollars a day in Mexico.
Thus destroying the lower middle class, the stepping stone for the poor, and making a hell of a profit by exploitation of more and poorer people.

Next, they're going to place all middle class and upper middle class in corporate organizations, to even include Doctors, effectively binding them to the organization to the point that if they should ever dare to go against the "organization" they will become outcasts, blacklisted, and never be able to find another job in their chosen field again.
If they don't make waves, they'll be eventually pulled into the upper class, maybe.

What you are witnessing is the intentional destruction of the middle class, the power base of the United States of America, by the wealthy. In order to create two distinct classes; the Poor ( the many, the servants) and the Rich ( the few, the Masters).

So, factory workers that can no longer find factory jobs are now forced to find work in the "Service Sector".

Let's call it what it is, the "Servant Sector". That's what the Rich like, Servants. Servants to do their bidding. Servants to be at their beck and call.

Those lowlife, kickable servant. "Come here, boy! Don't look me in the eyes, you look down when I'm speaking to you, boy!"

"Come here maid!" "Go wait in my bed chambers, I'll be in there in a minute." "Go on in there, don't worry about what your husband thinks, get on in there!"

That is what is happening to our nation and the whole world as a result of the greed and evil that has taken hold in the highest office in the land.

But, how did it get this way? How did, some members of, the Brotherhood lose faith?

In 1947, the same year the Taft-Hartley Act was passed, the bill that Harry S. Truman denounced as a "slave-labor bill",
the brotherhood discovered the "God" they had feared, obeyed, and worshipped was no "god" at all.
You will recall that 1947 was the time of the Roswell crash.

The Brotherhood has been said to have existed from the time of early ancient Egypt. They were said to have always made sure the bloodline of the Pharaohs, the bloodline of "God", was kept alive.

Due to the discovery by the select "few" in 1947, these few begin their long march to subjugate all of mankind and make themselves Masters over the Earth, no longer fearing any "god".

I hope you Christians don't get Too happy about this, because it's, or was, your "God" also. Remember, the burning bush, the pillar in the sky that lead Moses (Akhenaten) into the wilderness, etc. etc.

Evil has taken hold in the White House. Pretending itself to be good and "Godly".

Much of the Bush Administration's bill passages, it seem to me, are illegal. If you are forced to sign something because of a threat or because of coercion then that document is fraudulent, if you are charged with a crime you are allowed to defend yourself.
The Medicare/HMO bill was discussed with not one Democrat Congressman, or Congresswoman, being in the room. They were intentionally kept out. This action negated almost half of the elected representatives of the American public.

Unfortunately, much of public will never know about it. Due to the fact that the only news some people get is from such sources as a big chinned hydrocephalic moron of a talk show host or from the laughable Un-fair and Un-balanced reportings of the Fox News network. It seems to me that even NBC is engaged in a bevy of Bush butt kissing.

It seems obvious to me that George W. Bush is an elitist. A person who has no connection at all to the common person. This is a guy who has never held an ordinary job, or any job at all from what I can see. And yet the American public was convinced to vote, almost, into the highest office in the land a rich, spoiled daddies boy who had never even held a job! How the hell did that happen! Are some people that stupid! Apparently, YES!

If it weren't for the twin tower destruction he, Bush, would have ended up being another Jimmy Carter, only without the compassion. Something still smells very funny, and very wrong about that whole thing.

If one goes back to the time of Adolf Hitler, after becoming chancellor he convinced the German Cabinet to give him total power after the destruction, by fire, of the Greman Parliament Building, the Richstig. Hitler blamed the destruction on a twenty-four year old communist dutchman. It was later discovered that the Nazis themselves had started the blaze.

I find it eerily similar to the Twin Towers destruction.

Where is "God"? Read Post 119A. Post 116A.

Abraham came from Ur with his family to Canaan. With him he brought the stories of Mesopotamia, the stories of the Great Flood, the stories of Adam and Eve. The same stories are told in Mesopotamian writtings on clay tablets. In any investigation one usually finds the original story to be the most accurate. By the time the stories had been written down years latter by Abraham descendants they had changes a little.

Gone were the two brothers Enki And Enlil, the two gods that were the sons of Anu, the "sky god".
Anu, also called Amun and Amen, is entitled as "the one who came down".

Down from where?

It's written the "gods", the Anunnaki, found rudimentary homanids and geneticly altered them to create "the Dark Haired people" to be their servants and to tile the soil.

Two Anunnaki, Enki and his sister Nin-khursag, thought man deserved a better fate. The two took a female of the Dark haired people and introducer into her the DNA of Enki himself. When the egg had been fertilized it was removed and placed into Nin-khursag's womb. Where she carried it to term.

This first of a race, this halfling between man and "god" was called Adama (Adam). There isn't much written about how his race differed from that of the "dark haired people", however, Francis Owen, author of "The Germanic People, Their Origin, Expansion and Culture" does write:
"Most of the gods and heroes of the Iliad and the Odyssey were blond; Athena was blue-eyed, Aphrodite was described as having golden hair, Helen had silken blond hair, light-colored eyes, a dazzling white skin. The Greek word iris meaning rainbow was used to describe the human eye. It would be very strange indeed if a dark-eyed people had made such a comparison."

Indeed, most of the people of the Mediterranean were dark-eyed and dark haired. But their gods are represented as being blond with blue eyes.

So, all man is a subjugated race. Not knowing the truth of where he come from or the why of it.
I wonder if the "gods" are still here or are we left alone whith those incharge whose motivation is pure greed.

That's all for now.
End Post 128 A. Rewrite, Robberbarons Revisited.

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Subject: Post 127A. Truth Against The World. Part 4-------------------------

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Date Posted: 19:24:12 11/13/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-229.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 127A. Truth Against The World. Part4. That old Bush Freedom, the freedom that isn't, isn't free to dissent against George W. without being arrested.

This is my first time on the net, anywhere, since my post of Post 126A. on 10/23/03.


I recently ran across a news artical on Salon.com.

It seems people who want protest George W. Bush (President Select) with signs along his motorcade are not allowed to express their Freedom Of Speech where they can be seen by him. In a case involving a retired Pittsburg steelworker who wished to express his freedom of speech to Bush with a sign that read "The Bushes Must Love The Poor - They've Made So Many Of us" (3,000,000 new poor in the last two years) was told by a police detective that because they were protesters they had to move to a "free speech area", on orders of the Secret Service.

The detective pointed to a small area enclosed in a "chain-link fence" filled with protesters. The retired steelworker said...
"I see these people behind the fence, with their faces up against it, and their hands on the wire. It looked more like a concentration camp then a free speech area to me, so I said, 'I'm not going in there. I thought the whole country was a free speech area.'"

He was arrested and handcuffed and taken to a firehouse that was being used as a temporary headquarters for the secret service and ploice during George's little visit.

To put it bluntly, our own citizens are being arrested for expressing their right of free speech.

I don't know whether this is to protect little Lord Fontleroy Bush from knowing that a lot of people just don't like him or his policies, so he will continue to do the bidding of those who put him in office ( the Corporate world). Or so the T.V. camera wont focus on these people in this cage, (which you would think would make a good story),. Whatever the case, citizens rights are being violated, and the T.V. News networks are not even bothering to tell the truth.


Which are you? Republican? Democrat? or Idiot?

Are you a Republican?
Do you have a personal income of $100,000 or more a year after taxes? And a family income of $200,000 a year after taxes?
Do you have a family home worth $500,000 or more?
Do you always drive a new BMW, Merecdes or other high end expensive vehicle?
Do you come from a family that has a family fortune of $3,000,000 or more?
Do you make your living from the sweat and toile of others?

If you've answered "yes" to all of these questions you just might be a Republican.

If you've answered "NO" to all of these questions then you should be a Democrat.

If you've answered "No" to all of these questions and still vote Republican then your an "IDIOT".


Let's play, 'What's the Bush damage tally'!

$425 Billion give away to Big Corporations(tax-you)
$ 15 Billion Airline giveaway. You pay- they don't!
$100 Billion Afgan & Iraq war (initial cost only)!
$ 50 Billion spent that the Clinton era had in saved.
$ 87 Billion more of Iraq, (probably for Haliburton).
$127 Billion planed giveaway for Big business.
$804,000,000,000 total, and that's a Conservative estimate

A 3,000,000,000 trade deficite,
3,000,000 new people in poverty, 1,000,000 of them are children.
1,000,000 jobs lost to third world countries in the last two years.
The erosion of the freedom of citizen, the vast increase in power of the executive branch, to the point of making dissent to it's policies almost invisible.

And all of this because of the attack on 9/11!
The attack on 9/11 made George W. Bush. It was the best thing that could have happened to him.

I'm not a big believer coincidences.

Do you suppose the Bushes and the Bin Ladens are connected in any way?

Michael Moore said that the Bin Laden family, allegedly, had financed George Bush when he drilled his first oil well.

It's been said that George Bush sr., allegedly, stayed once at the Bin Laden's palace when he was president.

Other that Air Force One, the Bin Laden's family jet was the only plane allowed to fly in the U.S. on 9/12. It picked up members of the Bin Laden family in different cities and took them to Europe.

Saddam Hussan became president of Iraq in 1969, I believe George Bush sr. was the head of the CIA about that time.

Our CIA was once again supporting the Afgan rebels against the Russians in the 1980's. Providing a connection to Bin Laden.

A coincidence? Smells funny doesn't it.

Remember, they say a fish starts to stink at the head.

until next time(-:

End Post 127A. teltalheart...www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 126A. Truth Against The World-part 3.--------------------------

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Date Posted: 13:42:59 10/23/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-54.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 126A.

I was going to remove my post of 125A., quoting Al Martin www.almartinraw.com/book.html on the illegal drug empire of the Bush family, because it was not in keeping with the religious theme and the descendants of the Grail Bloodline (the Desposyni) on which I have been working. But then a little bird told me about how I was being insulted and basicly lied about by the supporters of the Bush regime, since my posting of 125A.

Someone, other than myself, has seen it fit to try and link me with the 'strangers in paradise' web site. The creator, writer and artist of the SIP comic book is Terry Moore. He's an excellent writer and artist. He's also from Huntsville Alabama, about 35 miles from me in Scottsboro. So it's more of a case of "hometown boy makes good".

He weaved togather a tale of two young women who are best friends, their trials and tribulations. One is a tall slightly heavy set dumb brunette who can never find the right guy. The other is a short petite blond who has hints of bisexuality (because of being sexually assaulted by her step-father).
--I suppose Terry was looking for some kind of 'edge' in the market place. Something that no one else was doing.
--Unfortunately, the gay and lesbian group has tried to take it and run with it claiming it as their own, as they do with anything they can get their hands on.

My wife and I first noticed the magazine when passing a comic book store window in Huntsville Ala. It was the issue that showed the two characters as Xena and her sidekick. It's believed by many that the Characters of Xena and her sidekick Gabraiel, were taken from Terry Moore's early comic books.

My wife and I liked to watch that show, Xena. So we stopped in the store and bought the issue, and on the issue was the web site address. That's how I came to be on that web site.

I meet some good people and I meet some people with the agenda I spoke of above. So I got the hell off that web site.

I do not agree with or approve of the gay and lesbian agenda and or life style. I consider it to be immoral and unnatural. I do not wish them harm or wish them death. I, quite simply, don't know what to do, if anything, about them. (But, to that organization, please stop trying to link me with your organization.)

The only illegal drug I have ever used is marijuana. You will please forgive me when as a young Marine in the summer of 1977, I took a puff off of a joint my Marine buddies were passing around.

Much was made of Bill Clinton smoking (but not inhaling) from a marijuana joint.

But, amazingly, very little was made of George W. Bush dropping cubes of cocaine into his drinks.

If Al Martin is correct then George Bush sr. is or was the worlds biggest illegal drug dealer. $350 Billion in cocaine was enough to supply 1,000,000 drug addicts in U.S. for the life of their addiction. So, in other words, it was enough to destroy 1,000,000 lives in the United States alone.

Compare that to the 3,000 lives lost in the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11.

By the way, why was the Bin Laden's private jet the only plane, other than Air Force One, allowed to fly in the U.S. on 9/12, picking up members of the Bin Laden family and flying them to Europe?

To George W.:
I have heard some crap about me being a 'Snake in the Grass'.
Let me tell you bud, my family, the Perure, founded the Masonic order a long dammed time (centuries) before your family joined the Skull and Bones!
Just because you newcomers have taken over the order from the founding family doesn't mean crap to me!

One small footnote before I go. I have heard the opium crop in Afghanistan is expected to be the largest crop ever produced. It's as if they were given the best fertilizers and pesticides available. Next year an enormous amount of heroin is expected to flood the illegal drug market.

End of post 126 A. teltalheart..www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 125A. Truth Against the World. 3----------------------------------

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Date Posted: 15:43:05 10/16/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-54.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 125A.
My first post on the net since post 124A., on 8/31/03.

Thank you, nadia, for your post on my web site. But I can't allow your message to be posted unless I know you personally. The last time I post someones message a program, that I didn't ask for, started downloading into my system. Send me your 'True' E-mail address and I'll communicate with you, and I might reconsider. P.S., put the address in a short message. I promise it won't be posted on my board.


There used to be a time in the western world when people tried to become better than the circumstances into which they were born or the class into which they were raised. It was a time when Honor and integrity were everything. Unfortunately that time has past, and now many, including, it seems, he who occupies the highest office in the land merely feign honor and integrity.

I have noticed amoung middle-class young people these days to model their ignorant selves after the lowest form of ghetto street-trash culture, if it can, using the most liberal of terms, be called a 'culture'. This to include the most brutal, selfish, ignorant, arrogant, hurtful, and destructive trait of 'gang' life.

It has become the case where amoung many young, and not so young, people see brutality, selfishness, and evil as a 'good' thing and honor and integrity as something silly, something a 'sap' would be concerned with.

ALL of this is fueled by DRUGS, and the drug trade, legal and illegal. We know where the legal drugs come from, but how are the illegal drugs still getting here with our 'WAR ON DRUGS'? Could one gang be fronting and funding others? But what gang?

If you had a gang, and were uccessful in getting your 'gang' into the highest office in the land what would that enable you to do, (while still keeping the public in the dark)?

How could you get your own illegal drugs in while destroying the competition?

You could have a 'WAR ON DRUGS' to destroy your competitors, while suppling the masses with your own illegal drugs, making tons ($350 Billion) in cash in the process.

That's just what Lt. Commander Al Martin alleges has happened to our nation, the U.S.A. . (http://www.almartinraw.com/book.html)

If true, this is the worst disaster our nation has ever had, far far worse than 9-11 could have ever been.

I personally believe that drugs and the vast amount of money involved with it are is the second largest problem in our world today.

Al Martins web site states:
"The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider by Al Martin"

"The Rosetta Stone of Bush Family Crime"

"What if a criminal cabal took over the U.S. Government and used its operations for its own profit? Before they stole the White House, the Bush Cabal was the First Family of Fraud."
"Al Martin's account include first-hand knowledge of US Government drug trafficking, illegal weapons deals, as well as wholesale fraud by government perps--securities fraud, real estate fraud, and insurance fraud."

"When Iran Contra finally fell apart, they had ended up using 5,000 operatives and making $350,000,000,000."

Its been said that most of this money, that wasn't funneled into covert Black operations, was laundered by major Corporations and shown on their books as 'profit', making their stock rise and attracting stock buyers (investments) making their stock rise even further. Remember the stock BOOM of the 80's! It has been said that much of this 'laundered' money was funneled back to that political party via Corporate political donations.

Now you know.

End post 125A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 124A. Truth Against The World:---------------------------------

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Date Posted: 12:20:35 08/31/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-159.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 124A. 8/13/03 11:19 AM Truth Against The World...Teltalheart

"And the companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said unto him, Why do you love her more than all of us? The Saviour answered and said to them, Why do I not love you like her?...Great is the mystery of marriage - for without it the world would not have existed. Now the existence of the world depends on man, and the existence of man on marriage."
- The Gospel of Philip

You will notice you don't find the Gospel of Philip in the "authorized" version of the New Testament. Anything the was in opposition the Paul's version of the events were summarily removed or just not allowed into the formation of the book, including the "Marriage Evidence" of Jesus and the Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene speaking to Jesus,
"Peter makes me hesitate. I am afraid of him because he hates the female race."
- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
(which also doesn't appear in the New Testament)

"Paul was regarded as a heretical fanatic by Jesus's brother James,..."
- 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' by Sir Laurence Gardner, page 97.

End Post 124A. (rewrite) teltalheart...www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 123A. Truth Against The World: 1-----------------------------

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Date Posted: 11:37:05 08/17/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-247.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 123A. 08/17/03 10:14 AM, Teltalheart on line.

Please pardon my absence, but I have been quite busy. This is the first chance I have had to come online since my post of Post 122A. For the last weekmy tower has also been in the shop. My modem was fried by an electrical storm. some might say that it was a sign from 'GOD'. I would say it's a sign that I needed a better surge protector.

Of course, those are also the same people that say some people are poor or suffer from disasters because they were "bad people". Yes, something happens to someone and that small Bible beating group of hypocrites immediately start to search for "why' it happened. And they always come up with the same answer. "They didn't believe the right way, not like "WE" do!

In their analogy the richest must also be the most devout! That seens to go against that "camel through the eye of a needle" thing my distant uncle (Jesus) proposed.

What we see is business going out of the United States, and yes, even away from Europe to third world countries and putting people,who have made the world economygreat,into poverty. It's no secret that certain events that have transpired over the last two and a half years have been a boon to the wealthiest 5% and a bust to the common working people. The masters of hate have tried to stir up hatred against the French and anyone else they could point a finger at in order to get the spotlight off of their own failings.

The comedian Bill Hicks said once "Let me show you politics in America, 'I believe the puppet on the left shares my belief' - 'I believe the puppet on the right is more to my liking', Hey! Wait a minute! The same guy is holding up both puppets!!"
It's a show folks. There is only ONE political party in America.

About haters, Mel Gibson has decided to stir some hatred toward the Jews, balming them for the death of Jesus. The truth is, when the New Testament was being written, edited and rewritten again by Peter and Paul's disciples, Paul was playing to a Roman audience. If he was trying to convert them he couldn't very well tell them that "they" were the people who kill Christ. So he needed a scapegoat. What better of a scapegoat could he have found then the Jews!

Paul didn't like or trust the Jews anyway. He himself was a Roman citizen. The Jews didn't much like Paul, Saul of Tarsus, or his way of life either. It's been said that Paul was a homosexual. It was something the Romans could understand and accept, but something the Jews were strongly against. I suppose the New testament makes for a real good read, providing one truely knows what one is reading. Those who read it and don't know what they are reading should perhaps step back away from the pulpit until the do understand. Who knows,they might just decide to shut the hell up.

End Post 123A. teltalheart...www.voy.com/40560/ M.D. Barnes-
Scottsboro, Ala.

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Subject: Post 122A. Freedom of or from religion.

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Date Posted: 10:13:41 07/13/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-113.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 122A.
Freedom of or from Religion is a Right of free speech which requires free thought, not just spouting "the party line", and is the basis for the separation of church and state. Without this we would have a talibanic state, which is exactly what some want.
--One must think, who would want the continuation of the thing that has caused most of the worlds wars and strife? How often do leaders keep themselves in power with the tactic of fear, the perceived threat of attack, real or imaginary. Usually religion is a big part of this, if not the main part.
--We argue amongst ourselves oblivious to their existance while they watch, incite and orchestrate.


What is more likely, that we were created by an invisible, all powerful, omniscient, magical old man in the sky?
We were created through genetic engineering by technically advanced beings that are genetically like ourselves who came here from another world?
Which is the more logical?

As I stated in my header on this page, w.voy.com/40560/, I believe in God. But I don't believe what the Hebrews communicated with in the desert was 'God'. I don't believe what all these prophets spoke to was 'God'.

If one asks the question "well, who do you suppose created the E.T.s" the answer will eventually lead back to the great unknown or to 'GOD'.
I cannot explain my belief in God and I certainly cannot prove his/her existance. It's just something that I feel, I feel it mostly in nature. I suppose that's the supporters of the false god are so keen to destroy nature.

I believe all those who claim to have spoken to God or claims to speak to God and have God speak back to them are liars. No one speaks for God. God speaks for God.

P.S. When on the 'Stranger Than Paradise' more than two years ago, I let my password for that site slip when asking to be removed from that #@%*! page. Some little #@*^! took my password and started pretending to be me. That's the reason I'm so careful to let you know when and where and if it's truely me on the net.

This is the first time I've been on the net since posting Post 121A.

End post 122A.

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Subject: Post 121A. I have no businesss agreement with anyone.

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Date Posted: 21:45:10 07/01/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-113.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 121A.

Due to a recent unusual phone call I have a statement to make.

I am not in business with anyone I have made no agreement nor signed any contract with anyone or any business entity.

I recently recived a phone call on my answering machine in which a womans voice is saying to someone else what sounds to me like; "Michael Barnes marked an 'X' by the..." the next word is unaudible.

I have marked no 'X' by anything and or any contract.

Once when I was on the 'Stranger than Paradise' web page about two or more years ago my posts were taken off the board by a moderator I had been arguing with over the unfair treatment. A message came up on that board that stated if I wanted to view my posts I would have to click on the box shown. No agreement or contract was visible or implied.
My wife was interested in what was behind the box so she clicked on it even though I had told her not to. If there was any agreement or contract behind this box which she clicked on, it is a fraudulent contract and should be considered null and void.

Also, no one except myself has my power of attorney.

I am not in business with anyone.

I have no business connection with the place where the phone call was made from, Pinky's Spirits, or it owner or its employees.

Anyone wishing to contact me should do so directly at: P.O. Box 1617 Scottsboro, Alabama 35768

End Post 121 www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 120A. The Extraterrestrial Possibility.

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Date Posted: 21:05:33 06/25/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-42.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 120A. Rewrite www.voy.com/40560/

'How absolutely ridiculous, the idea of intelligent beings on another planet evolving from lower lifeforms to become able to build spaceships and go to other worlds. What childish nonsense.'

The above statement is the opinion of many. They are usually those to whom the idea of our history being something other than the accepted academic view is unthinkable, and to whom the idea of intelligent beings from other worlds is terrifying at best. For if true, then things are not what they seem and their little world comes crashing down. They refuse to even consider the very real possibility that aliens have been here, perhaps long before our creation.

These are the people who also fail to understand that the beings I spoke of in the statement above is mankind himself, for we have built spacecraft and gone to other worlds.

Let us explore the possibilities:

1. Why isn't there hard evidence of UFOs?

Hard evidence consisting of a piece of a UFO or an alien body might be difficult to come by.
We ourselves have millions of jet airliners that takeoff everyday around the world. Of those millions of flights a day very few ever end in a crash.
How many people have ever come upon a crached jet airliner? The answer to that is less than one in a million, and with millions of flights daily.

Are we to believe an E.T. would have a worse safety record than ours? If they have the same exact safety record as we ourselves do, they could make 5 flights a day over our world an into our atmosphere and only suffer one crash every 500 years. That would be 4 crashes since the birth of Jesus.
Small objects have been found such as a small electrical device that was found by a group three rockhounds in a southern California desert. The device had been encrusted in a lava flow that was estimated to have occured 300,000 years ago. It's also well known that such finds that come to light are quickly spirited away by a special branch of the U.S. Government.

2. Has there ever been a sighting of a UFO that couldn't be explained as natural of human phenomenon?

It's possible to explain anything as something else. I suppose I could explain away the sun as God's nightlight, but that doesn't make it true or real. You might see something flying at distance of a mile away. It might be an airplane, or it might be a ship from another planet. Then again, you might see a diskshaped object flying 150 feet away from you, that would be a little harder for you to dismiss. In that instance your eyewitness testimony would be very difficult to refute, so your character and credibility would be attacked instead. One must wonder what is SO threating to them that they should have to resort to this tactic.

Our government found that the trick was to be selective enough in choosing what evidence could be explained away by using a perselected set of explanations one of which could match almost any sighting, swamp gas, Mars, Northern Lights, etc.

It's a little harder to explain away many eyewitness sightings that was backed up by photos and video film of a mass sighting as the one which occured in Mexico over several months around 1991. One should note not one single newspaper or T.V. station in the U.S., that I know of, reported the sightings. It was simply ignored in hopes that it would "go away".

3. Is eyewitness testimony of UFOs reliable?

In cases of mass sightings with many witnesses, more than 65% of the eyewitness testimony matched exactly. However, there is always a small percentage of people who read more into what they see than is actually there.
But the sighting of a daylight disk shaped object which is totally silent and moves faster than a jet and at angles that would kill a human pilot, what other explanation can there be?

4. Shouldn't we be able to pick up their signals with our sophisticated listing devices designed to pick up radio waves?

Perhaps they are using a method of communication which we won't discover for another 1000 years yet. Communications can also be carried along many other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as microwaves.

5. Aren't most people who see and believe in UFOs suffering from mental problems?

This is often the analysis of many armchair amateur psychologists Sigmund Freud want-a-be's. They eventually show themselves to be more of a Sigmund Fraud than a Sigmund Freud.
These type of critics are absolutely certain that there have never been extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies. So in their minds eye the problem must be with the eyewitness. They ignore the fact that 98.9% of the people who witness a UFO sighting are perfectly sane, rational and normal. An argument could also be made that these same skeptics are terrified of the idea of beings from other world, something perhaps which they could not control in their own little circle.
Another explanation of those scientist which "debunk" this sort of E.T. idea is that they often work for the U.S. Government, sometimes in a covert manner, so one must look at where their loyalties and paycheck lie.

This brings about the subject of the U.S. Government. Most citizensof the U.S. believe there is more to this subject then the government is telling them. About 50% to 60% of the public believe that E.T. have visited our world at some time. So why is the government so secretive, what could they have to hide?

If extraterrestrial have come here, could they still be here? Yes they could.

If they are still here, where would you expect to find them, at the top of the society or at the bottom of the society? At the top, of course.

What could they look like? They could look like normal human beings, because they could be normal human beings. Rich powerful normal human beings.

One should ask oneself what is more likely, we were created by an invisible, all powerful, omniscient, magical old man in the sky.
We were created by beings like ourselves who harnessed science to the point of being able to cross the galaxy at faster than light speed, or create a blackhole effect transporting them across the universe. Perhaps they came here and found an apelike creature not quite human yet and advanced his evolution using their own DNA.

"History would be an excellent thing if it were only true."- Tolstoy

End Post 120A. Rewrite, posts run from 101A. to 120A. I no longer post on the internet without a post number. If someone claims to be me on another sight but does not produce a post number in this sequence or produces a post number that has already been assigned, guess what, it's not me.
teltalheart, M.D. Barnes - P.O. Box 1617, Scottsboro, Ala. www.voy.com/40560/
End Post 120A.

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Subject: Post 119A - Possible Answers: 241,000 to 5,000 BC.

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Date Posted: 07:45:23 05/27/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-101.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 119A. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

Answers to post 117A.

The story of Noah:
The story comes to us out of Mesopotamia as 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. There are also five Sumerian poems related to the flood entitled 'The deluge' that were discovered at Nippur. This poem seems to be unrelated to Gilgamesh, it is concerned mainly with the survival of the flood by King Zi-u-sudra (Uta-Napishtim/Utna-Pishtim/Noah). In the story one of the 'gods', the Anunnaki, called Enlil decides to destroy human kind because they had multiplied in numbers as to be out of control because of the lack of a regulated society to control the people and their out of control sexual mating habits.

A vote was taken amoung the Anunnaki, which are said to consist of 600 in the 'Netherworld' and 300 Anunnaki 'of the Heavens'. The majority of voted with Enlil to destroy mankind.
All of the 'gods', however, did not vote with Enlil. Enki the wise and Nin-khursag chose to defy the councils decree and save King Ziusudra by giving his advanced warning and instructions to build a boat. King Ziusudra builds the boat and stocks it with ox, sheep, fowl, and other beasts for food provisions. I believe the dimensions of the boat have were stated incorrectly. Since the area of the Black Sea was then a much smaller freshwater lake it's probable that King Ziusudra was also a prominent fisherman and the first "Fisher King". He probably escaped the flood in his largest fishing boat, which may have been 40 cubits in length.

As I stated in post 117A., there were at least two Great Floods in the lives of these people. The first and greatest flood was in the Black Sea around 5,550 BC. The second great flood was in Mesopotamia itself around 4,000 BC. The first Great Flood drove these people south into what would later be known as Mesopotamia. The clay cuneiform tablets of the Mesopotamians tell us from the 'Sumerian King List' that different 'gods' ruled over different areas of Mesopotamia before the Great Flood. If the true Great Flood was actually in the Black Sea, then it appears the Mesopotamians themselves had forgotten their ancestral homeland in the 1,500 years that had pasted since that terrible time and were adapting the story to fit their present surroundings. It seems the had forgotten all but the flood itself, that they remembered. In the Mesopotamian original version of the story creation, the flood happens before the creation of Adam and Eve.


It's now believed an area about 300 miles southeast of the Black Sea in northern Iran to the west of Tabriz in an area of a once fertile plain just east of the Daryacheh-ye-Orumiyeh Lake may have been the area of the true Garden of Eden. I believe this to be correct, and if so then after the Great Flood at a few people, or one or two people, made it to this fertile plain. This area also has the advantage of being surrounded by high mountains on almost all sides. It would be an excllent place in which to set out perimeter alarms for the purpose of keeping someone inside for some reason, such as genetic engineering experimentation. Adam may have been the last in a long series of genetic engineering experiments and improvments on human beings, homo sapien sapien.

It is said all humankind share the same basic genetic code that can be traced back to around 200,000 BC.
There were eight Nephilim Kings in the pre-flood age that were said to have reigned for a total of sixty-seven 'sha'. A 'sha', according to Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, is an earth time of 360 years. Berossus, a Babylonian priest from 275 BC, says it's a time of 3,600 years in his manuscript known as 'Babylonica'. The 360 year estimate would place the beginning of the rule of the Nephilim 'gods' around 29,600 BC. Roughly the same time modern man enters Europe and the Neanderthal start to disappear. The 3,600 year estimate would place the beginning reign of the Nephilim 'gods' at least 241,000 years by the time of Adam, or around 246,200 years ago.
But where was the great flood of around 250,000 years ago?
It's possible that there had been an even greater flood. When the sea level dropped due to the ice age, it dropped as much as 300 feet. This may have left the Mediterranean Sea dry or almost dry. It's possible that a very great flood could have happened in this once fertile valley around 250,000 years ago as the ice sheet receded between galcial periods. Adam just may have been the last in a long line of genetic engineering experiments on homo sapien sapien.

If we think these 'gods' were actually E.T.s we must think of the possible fact that they might have been able to arrest the aging process in themselves. It's said if we humans could do the same it might be possible for each of us to live as long as 100,000 years. I think that estimate is overreaching it a bit. But I can see man living 3,600 years.

Unfortunately now that an age of truth and understanding is drawing near an age of political deception is upon us. I believe we have entered a new Dark Age in which truth is substituted for politically correct propaganda.
End Post 119A. teltelheart...www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 118A.- Jacob (Israel) to King David.-----------------------------

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Date Posted: 02:26:10 05/25/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-98.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 118A.

It may have been noticed that on post 117A. I had left out Anu, the Great father of ,or from, the sky (Anum/Amun), as the Mesopotamians put it, from the family line. It should have looked like this:

Apsu = Tiamat
Anshar = Kishar
Anu, (Anum/Amun) = Antu
Enki, (Ea - The Serpent Prince) = Nin-khursag
Adam = Eve

Jacob to David:

(father)Jacob, (Israel) = married. Leah (mother)
(son) Judah (Judas) = Tamar of Kadesh, Widow of Er.
(son) Pharez = Barayah
(son) Hezron (Ezrom) = Kanita, grandDau. of Jacob

------------From the 18th to the 14th century BC generations are missing, according to the Bible, ...--------

Caleb = Ephrath
(son) Hur = ? unknown wife
(son) Uri (Ben Hur) = ? unk.
(son) Bezaleel (Master of the Craft) = ? unk.
(Dau.) Rachad (Rahad/Saphila) = Salam (Salmon), son of Nashon and grandson of Aminadab and Thehara (Tara), and greatgrandson of Rama (Aram/Amram) and Kiya-tasherit - (Kiya-tasherit is the Dau. of Mery-kiya and Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt, a.k.a. Miriam and Moses)
Salam = and Rachad's son was Boaz
(son) Boaz = Ruth
(son) Obed = Abalit
(son) Jesse = Habliar
(son) David, (King of Judah c.1008 BC - King of Israel c.1001 BC) = Bathsheba, widow of Uriah the Hittite
(son) Solomon (King of Israel) = Naamah
(son) Rehoboam (King of Judah) = Maachiah
(son) Abijah (Abia) (King of Judah) = wife unk.
(son) Asa (King of Judah) = Azubah
(son) Jehoshaphat (Josaphat) (King of Judah) = wife unk.
(son) Jehoram (Joram - King of Judah) = Athalia
(son) Ahaziah (King of Judah) = Zibiah
(son) Joash (King of Judah, 878 BC) = Jehoaddan
(son) Amaziah (King of Judah) = Jecoliah
(son) Uzziah (Oziah - King of Judah) = Jerushah
(son) Jotham (Joatham - King of Judah) = Unk.
(son) Ahaz (Achaz - King of Judah) = Abija
(son) Hezekiah (King of Judah) = Hephzibah
(son) Manasseh (Manasses - King of Judah) = Meshullemeth
(son) Amon (King of Judah) = Jedidah
(son) Josiah (King of Judah) = Zebudah
(son) Jehoiakim (King of Judah - taken hostage to Babylon, 609 BC) = Nehushta
(son) Jechoniah = Unk.
(son) Shealtiel = Unk.
(son) Pedaiah = Unk.
(son) Zerubbabel = Unk.
(son) Rhesa (Abiud) = unk.
(son) Joanna (Jehohanen) = unk.
(son) Joseph = unk.
(son) Semei (Shimei) = unk.
(son) Mattathias = unk.
(son) Matth = unk.
(son) Nagge (Nogah) = unk.
(son) Esli (Azaliah) = unk.
(son) Naum (Nahum) = unk.
(son) Amos = unk.
(son) Mattathias = unk.
(son) Joseph = unk.
(son) Janna (Johanan) = unk.
(son) Melchi = unk.
(son) Levi = unk.
(son) Matthat = unk.
(son) Heli (Jacob) = unk.
(son) Joseph = Mary
(sons) 1. Jesus,2. James,3. Joses,4. Simon,5. Judas.
- The Book of Matthew 13:55
My Reference for this are the books 'Genesis of the Grail Kings' and 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' by Sir Laurence Gardner.

End Post 118A. ...teltalheart...www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Post 116A. Rewrite to Post 117A. (Apsu & Tiamat)

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Date Posted: 06:59:17 05/20/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-115.dialup.hiwaay.net/

Post 116A. Rewrite, Now Post 117A.

Apsu, (The Primordial Father) and his consort Tiamat, (The Dragon Queen). Parents of Lahmu & Lahamu, also Anshar & Kishar.

Anshar & Kishar's children were Anu & Antu.

ANU & ANTU were the parents of Enki, the father or creator of Adam & Eve.

Apsu = Tiamat
Anshar = Kishar
Enki (Ea) = Nin-khursag
Adam = Eve
Seth = Kalimath, a.k.a (Azura/Kali)
Enos (Anosh) = Neom

Legend has it the children of Apsu & Tiamat were born in pairs. One might notice how similar this is to the legend of the pairs of twins that ruled the fabled Atlantis.

The Mesopotamians wrote tens of thousands of cuneiform clay tablets about their daily lives and beliefs. The Mesopotamians were writing down their history, probably from actual events. Much of the history of the Mesopotamians was carried by Abraham from Ur to Canaan. Much of this would later become part of the Bible, such as the story of Noah (Uta-napishtim). The flood story occurs as 'The Epic of Gilgamesh', in which Gilgamesh (King of Uruk) travels to meet the great Uta-napishtim who has lived a long lifetime because of surviving a great flood.

In the story told by the Mesopotamians, Adam & Eve were not created by 'God' until after the Great Flood had occured. There were possibly two Great Floods. The first which occured around 7550 years ago (5550 BC), and a flood which occured in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC according to the eight foot to 18 inch clay layer in Mesopotamia, (8 foot in the north to 18 inches in the south).

The first and greatest flood occured when the last of the Ice Age glaciers melted and raised the sea level of the Mediterrian enough to spill over into the Black Sea. The Black Sea was at that time a fresh water lake and probably had been for at least two hundred thousand years. this fresh water lake is probably the ancestral homeland of the Caucasian race. The Caucasian race could have existed there along the shores of this fresh water lake for two hundred thousand years if not more prior to the Great Flood. This Black Sea region was probably the launching point for the Caucasian migration into Western Europe and Asia.

The writing of the people of the Black Sea (Scythia) has been connected to the people of Mesopotamia. The word 'Ur', such as the city state of Ur in Mesopotamia, stems from the Scythian word 'Ur' meaning 'Lord'.
It appears some of the people that escaped the Black Sea Great Flood of 5550 BC migrated south to later become the Mesopotamians.

On their cuneiform tablets the Mesopotamians wrote a 'Sumerian King List'. In the first part of the list it names Kings of different regions of Mesopotamia that are listed as 'gods'- 'the lofty ones from the sky', the Nephilim, during the Antediluvian world (pre-flood). Later it's stated that the 'kingship had been lowered from heaven' to man. The first successful earthly king is said to be Adama (Adam).

As was said above, the Mesopotamians were writing their history as fact. The history of the Mesopotamians was later rewritten to form the basis of a religion, or two, namely Judaism and later Christianity. So the history was retold inaccurately and became corrupted religious Dogma. The actual Mesopotamian history is now referred to as "mythology". While the State sanctioned religions, taught from the history of the Mesopotamians which has been rewritten, is taught to the religious community as fact.

It's interesting that in schools children are taught about Greek, Roman, and Egyptian history, but little or nothing at all is said about the history of the oldest civilization on earth. In an attempt that is said to be "shielding children from the romance of mythology". It come across as a strategic attempt at manipulation from the estabilshed authorites. One wonders what they have to fear? Is it true that truth in the hands of learned people is the greatest threat to a Government established by the continues subjugation of its people into thraldom? How could a wealthy ruling elite, elected officals or those behind elected officials, rule for long with the public knowing that these select few have intentionally duped the public in order to stay in power, and have been for a very long time?

These 'gods', or Anunnaki, the Mesopotamians wrote about were never portrayed as "immortal". In some stories a few of these 'gods' are said to have been killed in war or through violence. These 'gods' are never scene as idols of worship.

It's quite certain that Adam was not the first man. But he may have been the first of a type of man, or human. It's stated that the Anunnaki created man in their own image. This may refer to genetic engineering using their own DNA. It's specifically stated that this was done by Enki, a.k.a. Ea, the "snake". The biblical word for snake is 'nahash'. It come from the rootword NHSH, which means "to decipher" or "to find out". Some say it was Ea's intention to free man from his bondage. But the other 'gods' had other plans.

Mans absence of ancestry:
It has been found of recent that homo erectus, once said to be mans ancestor, lived as far back as 800,000 years and as late as 40,000 years. This makes homo erectus living at the same time as homo habilis, 800,000 years ago. If they are living at the same time one cannot be the ancestor of the other.
Likewise, if homo erectus lived to 40,000 years ago at the same time as Cro-Magnon, (homo sapien), then homo erectus cannot be the ancestor of modern man. We are a new and entirely different species whose ancestory is not fully identifiable. However, if we listen to the wisdom of our Mesopotamian ancestors they tell us that we are a created hybrid, created by a 'god'. And we are destined to exist somewhere between animal and god, somewhere between earth and heaven, or however much a god as our ancestor truely was.

My reference for this is the book, 'Genesis of the Grail Kings', by Sir Lauerence Gardner.

End Post 117A.

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Subject: Post 115A. - The Line Continues; Anum (Amun) To Abraham

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Date Posted: 03:19:54 05/16/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-31.dialup.hiwaay.net/

'And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there'-Genesis (11:31)

'And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, Isaac.'-Genesis (21:3)

'And Issac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife,'-Genesis (25:20),(25:26)'And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob:'

'And she called his name Joseph; and said, The Lord shall add to me another son.'-Genesis (30:24)

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, Genesis (37:28), to latter become High Vizir of all Egypt, second only to Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV (ruled c. 1413-1405 BC). Joseph's name was known by the Egyptians as 'YUYA'.
Mesopotamian Line:
Abraham, son of Terah a.k.a.(Thara/Azer/Zarah/Athar), and (=married) Yawnu (Yuna/Edna). **Terah, son of Nahor of Ur (Nachor)=Iyosaka (Ijosek) of the Chaldees.**Nahor of Ur, son of Sorogh of Ur and =Melka.** Sorogh, son of Reu (Ragau/Ragev) and = Ora, daughter of Ur-nammu, King of Ur 2113-2096 BC, Builder of the Ziggurat.** Reu, son of Palag (Peleg/Phalek) c.2450BC.**Palag, son of Abhar (Heber/Eber), and = Azura, dau. of Cainan.

Abhar, son of Shalah (Shelah/Saleh), and his wife = Muak.**Shalah, son of Arpakhsar (Arphaxad), and=Rasuja, dau. of Elam.**Arpakhsar, son of Shem (Sem), and= Seduka-tel-bab. (Shem's brother, Canaan, was the founder of the 1st dynasty of Babylon)***Shem, son of Noah (Nur/Noe/Uthna Pishtim), and =Emzarah, dau. of Enoch and Rakel.**Noah, son of Lamech and= Bilanos.**Lemach, son of Metushlah (Methuselah), and=Edna.**Methuselah, son of Enoch, and= Edna.**Enoch, son of Jared (Yared), and= Baraka.**Jared, son of Mahalaleel (Mahlalail), and =Sina.**

Mahalaleel, son of Cainan (Kainan), and=Mualet.**Cainan, son of Enos (Anosh), and = Neom, Dau. of Kalimath and=Seth,(Kalimath,Dau. of Enki(Samael),and= Lilith).
**Enos, son of Seth (Set/Sed/Sheth).**Seth, son of Adam (Adama-The Earthling), and = Eve (Khawa/Ava/Hawah - The Lady of Life).****Adam, son of Enki, and an unknown mortal woman (Surrogate Mother: Nin-Khursag).*****

ENKI, (Lord of the Earth/He of the Sacred Eye/Ea/Nudimmud/), son of Anu (An/Annum/Amunn), and Antu (Antum).

And there you have it.

The Information is from Sir Laurence Gardner's Book; 'Genesis of The Grail Kings', Published by Fair Winds Press, 33 Commercial Street Gloucester, MA 01930.

I have Posted this as post 115A. I have had to, unfortunately start numbering my post on the internet to keep anyone from posting something and claiming it to be posted by me. It starts with post 101A., through post 114A., all of which are on www.billmaher.tv/. This is the first post off of that board since the numbering started Wed. April 30, 2003.

M.D. Barnes

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Subject: Ancestry Chart: Update

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Date Posted: 21:52:25 09/25/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-246.dialup.HiWAAY.net/


31-Brinsley Barnes, B. 1705 Chester Pa., d. Wilkes Co. N.C.

29-Soloman Barnes, B. 1752 Orange Co. N.C., d. Feb.9,1807

32-Sarah _______, B. Abt.1726 Orange Co. N.C.

39-William Barnes, B. Abt.1679 Donegal Ireland, d. before 1731 Chester Pa.

31-Brinsley Barnes, B. 1705 Chester Pa. or 1715 County Down Ireland.

40-Elizabeth Key, B. Abt.1696 Ireland.
41-Thomas Barnes, B. Abt.1655 Ireland, (probably in Donagel)

39-William Barnes, B. Abt.1679 Donegal Ireland.

42-(mother yet unknown)

Sir William Barnes, B.1568 Woolwich, Kent, England

(Wife) Anne Sandys

1. William Barnes, B. 1593
2. Robert Barnes, B. 1594
3. Thomas Barnes, B. Abt.1596
4. Miles Barnes, B. 1600
5. John Barnes, B. 1601
for further information go to Ancestry Plus at Ancestry.com

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Subject: Pharanoic / Hebrew line:

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Date Posted: 23:34:23 11/28/02 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-146.dialup.hiwaay.net/

..........................Tuthmosis I, Pharaoh of Egypt

Abraham = Sarah...........Tuthmosis II, Pharaoh
Isaac = Rebekah...........Tuthmosis III, Pharaoh
Jacob (Israel)............Amenhotep II, Pharaoh
Joseph (Yuya) = Thuya.....Tuthmosis IV, Pharaoh
Tiye (Queen Tiye)....=..Amenhotep III = Sitamun(half sister)
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)&(Moses) = Nefertiti (Daughter of Sitamun and Akhenaten's father, Amenhotep III, Akhenaten's half sister)
six Daughters, (two died young) and one son, Tutankhamun
("Nebkheperure" was the Pharanoic name of King Tutankhamun)

According to Sir Laurence Gardner, author of 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail', The hieratic Pharaoh, Akhenaten, demanded of his people that they worship the one god, Aten, much to the anger and consternation of his people and the priests of Amun. After ruling for 17 years he was finally forced off the throne of Egypt into banishment, to wander in the Desert of the Sinai with his four remaining daughters and his Hebrew relatives. He states that Akhenaten is the most likely candidate for the Biblical "Moses".
According to Gardner, at least one of the four royal daughters probably married and became the matriarch of the line of Kings of Judaea, including King Saul and King David, the ancestor of Joseph, the father of Jesus and James.
("=" means "married")

teltalheart, Michael D. Barnes www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Mistake Correction:

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Date Posted: 22:36:44 11/10/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-122.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

Mistake Correction of the Descendancy Chart below. Penardun is the mother of King Coel I, not his daughter.

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Subject: Descendancy Charts:1

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Date Posted: 22:20:41 11/10/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-122.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

(1.Book, The Plantagenet Ancestry, By Turton)

Periou, younger son of Budic, Count of Cornouailles,
Brittany France; Reputed ancestor of the Perrier,
Perier, Peryer, Purrier, Purryer, Puryer, Puryear,
Perers, Perrers, Perire, etc.
Budic I, Count de Cornouailles, father of Periou.
Diles, Count de Cornouailles, father of Budic I, = Alava, Mother of Budic I.
Louvenam, Parent of Alava.
Judael, Count de Cornouailles.
Argent, Prince of Brittany France.
Constantine, Count de Cornouailles = Barilie, his wife.
(2.Book,) I
Judon, father of Constantine.
Urbon, (Congar), Count de Cornouailles.
Urien, (Urbeen), father of Urbon.
Saint Judicael, King of the Bretons and Domnonee, ca.658
Hoel III, King of the Bretons.
Alain I, King of the Bretons, d.580 = Dau. of lord of Brest
Hoel II, (Vychan) king of Bretons, d.546
Hoel I, (Rivallous) King of Bretons, founded Dumnonia, 520
Buidic I, (Emyr Llydaw), King of the Bretons, d.513
Aldroenus, = Married the sister of St. Germannus d'Auxerre
and Duke of the Armorican Tract. she was also
Dau. of Decimus Junius Rusticus, Prefect of
St. Salomon = Married Patricia Flavia
Urbien, father of St. Salomon.
Conan Meriadoc (Cynan), Duke of Armorican Frontier
First King of the Bretons, =
married St. Darerca
Caradawc II, father of Conan Meriadoc
Cynan of Ewyas, father of Caradawc II.
Eudes (Euidaf), Warlord of the Gewissi = married Dau.
of Count Carausius II of the Saxon Shore
Caradawc Vreichvras, Ruler of Gwent and Archenfield
Bran, father of Caradawc Vreichvras.
Llyrn Llediath, father of Bran.
Parar, father of Llyrn Llediath.
Keribir, father of Parar.
Lleiffer Mawr (King Lucius)
Coel I, (Old King Coel)
Penardun, Dau. of King Cole I, = married Marius, King of
Siluria and son of King Gwenivyth (Arviragus)
and his wife Genuissa (venus Julia), Dau. of
Emperor Claudius Caesar AD 41-45.
Anna, mother of Penardun, = Anna married Bran (Bron)
High Druid Priest of Wales, and father of
Joseph Of Arimathea, (Saint James the Just)
d. AD 82, younger brother
of Jesus Christ
(2.book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by L. Gardner)

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Subject: Ancestry Chart 2:

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Date Posted: 13:35:04 09/22/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-204.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

(father) 27-John Barnes, B.1771 Orange Co. N.C., Died=(d.) Feb.1822 Wilkes Co. North Carolina

13--John Barns, Born 1804
Wilkes Co. N.C.; Died Valley Head,
(Head Spring) Alabama, after 1876
(Book-Southern Loyalists in the Civil War:pg.33)
(Commission No. 4194)

(mother) 28-Nancy Brown, m. Jan.09/1800 Wilkes Co. N.C.
29-Soloman Barnes, B.1752 Orange Co. N.C., d. Feb.9, 1807 Orange Co. N.C.

27--John Barnes, B.1771

30-Elizabell Isbell, m.1769 Orange Co. N.C., (daughter of Ebenizer Isbell) She was B. Abt.1756
31-Brinsley Barnes, B.1705 Chester Co., Pa. , d. May 05/1796 Wilkes Co. N.C.

29--Soloman Barnes,B 1752

32-Sarah, WFT Est. 1732-1765(first Wife)
33-(father) B.Abt.1679 from Donnegal Ireland

31--Brinsley Barnes, B.1705
34- mother unknown
35-(grandfather unknown)
33-(father) B.Abt.1679 Donnegal Ireland ,According to www.familysearch.com/ Ancestrral File v4.19
36-(grandmother unknown)

37-(probable) Sir William Barnes, An Undertaker of the Ulster Plantations of Charles II, Station at County Donnegal, Barony of Raphoe, Precinct of Liffer (now Lifford) 1623, Son of Sir William Barnes of Woolwich, Kent, England.

35-(grandfather unknown)
38-Anne Sandys

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Subject: Rama-Theo; 'Highest of God', aka 'Royal Highness'

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Date Posted: 01:29:12 12/25/01 Tue
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-143.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

Recent T.V. documentaries have attempted to explain the life of Jesus without ruffling to many feathers. They have avoided many issues and stuck to the old standby of Christian doctrine on others. One incidental sideline subject is 'who was Joseph of Arimathea'? Joseph of Arimathea is usually described as an old man of wealth and one of Jesus's sometime followers. Arimathea is sometimes presumed to relate to the village of Arimeh on the plain of Gennesareth. Arimathea is in fact a discriptive title like many others. Arimathea is a title of particularly high status. Like Matthew Annas (brother of Jonathan) who held the priestly title of 'Levi of Alphaeus' (Levi of the Succession) so Joseph was 'of Arimathea'. "However (as with the style, Levi), Joseph was not his true Baptismal name, and 'of Arimathea' was yet another descriptive term". From 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' by L. Gardner. The term 'Arimathea' is derived from both Greek and Hebrew word elements. From Hebrew we get 'ram' or 'rama' (height,top). From the Greek we get 'theo' (of God) as in the word theology. Both words added together give the meaning 'Highest of God' and as a title it is 'Divine Highness' or 'Royal Highness'.

In the Royal succession of the Hebrews, otherwise known as the Davidic succession, the eldest son, the heir apparent, is known as 'the David'. The 'David' would have been Jesus. The second born son, and next in line, would have held the title of 'the Joseph'. So we find that 'the Joseph' is none other then Jesus's younger brother, James, the 'rama-theo'. www.voy.com/40560/ teltalheart

Just a word before I go. In the past some slanderous things things have been said about me. They tend to come from a few very right-wing conservative Christians, though I have been attacked by the left, also, because I do not support the Gay rights issue. How could I support something I see as unnatural, and the very thought of is stomach turning. Back to the Christians, I know not all Christian conservatives are like this. The slander has been spread by a minor few individuals who see it as the best way to minimze the effectiveness of someone who does not share their particular ideology, is by telling lies on them. It is especially the case when the few individuals are deathly afraid of the one or his message. I don't think it's a very 'Christian' thing to do. And by-the-way even thought I am of Jewish descent my family has not practiced the religion for two thousand years, as far as I know. I am also part Irish, part English, part German, part Egyptian, part Italian, and part French. What will they do now, slander these people as well? Or, is it just there own prejudices and hatred coming out? I by-the-way was baptized a Christian and a Baptist. I just believe there is more to be learned about the Bible then just what is in the Bible. As far as my ancestry goes, you could never tell it. I have white skin and blond hair. Two thousand years of European ancestry will do that to a person.

To set another record stright, King Herod was a Arab, and a Roman puppet, not a Jew.

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Subject: Perier Descendentancy:

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Date Posted: 21:36:40 09/18/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-65.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

Book - 'The Norman People'
Page 360.

Perrier. Odo, Robert, Hugh, Ralph, &c. de Periers, Normandy, 1180-1195 (M.R.S.) 'Magn. Rotul. Scaccarii Normanniae in the Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de la Normandie, t. 15-17'. Robert de Pereres, England c. 1198 (R.C.R.) 'Palgrave, Rotuli Curiae Regis (Recorded Publiaction)

Page 361.

That of Perier was of P. in Bretagne (Des Bois) "of the wood", and descended from Budic, Count of Cornouailles c. 900, whose younger son Periou gave name to Perieres, Bretagne. A branch came to England 1066, and Matilad de Perer was mother of Hugo Parcarius, who lived t. Henry I. The name continually occurs in all parts of England: hence the Perys , Earls of Limerick. There was also a Norman family of Perers (see Perriers, Shakspeare), which bore different arms.

teltalheart - Michael D. Barnes

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Subject: Ancestry Chart:

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Date Posted: 17:43:22 09/15/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-146.dialup.HiWAAY.net/


1--Dave Franklin Jackson, Summerville, Ga

Michael D. Barnes--
B. Chattanooga, TN

2--Ruby K. Barnes,B. Stevenson, Ala. 8/9/29

3.--Charles William Jackson,B.17/01/93 Louisiana

1.D.F. Jackson--

4.--Annie Lively, B. Alabama 1896

5.--Charles Franklin Jackson, B. Texas Abt 1869

3.-C.W. Jackson--

6.--Susann (Susie) Osborne
7.--Wiley Sanford Barnes, 26 Jan 1902,

2.-Ruby Barnes--

8.--Rosa G. Dugger, 1904
----------------------------------------------------------------- 9--John Wesley Barnes, B.1870 Stevenson, Ala.

7.-Wiley S. Barnes--

10--Kathryn (Kizzie) Wilson B.1877
11.--Anthony G. Barnes, B.1843, 9th Alabama (Malone's) Cavalry Co.I, C.S.A.

9-John W. Barnes--
13.-John Barns, B.1804, Wilkes Co. N.C.
died. Valley Head, Alabama, after 1865
11.-Anthony Barnes--

14.-Sarah Barnes?
15.-Andrew Linnville Dugger, B.1872, Sweetwater, TN. (son of Hardin G. Dugger)

8.-Rosa Dugger--

16.-Mary Ada Puryear, B.1876, Scottsboro, Alabama, (sisters - Amy, Minnie, Carrie, no brothers)
17.-Solomon S. Puryear, B.1847, Macon Co. North Carolina

16.-Mary Ada Puryear--

18.-Betty Tate
19.-Alexander S. Puryear, B.1813/1814, (probably in Granville N.C.)

17.-Solomon Puryear--

20.-Mary P. Butler
21.-Robert Puryear, B.1755, Lunenburg Co. Virginia

19.-Alexander Puryear--
22.-Rebecca Sneed,
23.--William Puryear, B.1725, Warwick Co. Virginia

21.-Robert Puryear--

25.-Samuel Puryear, B.1694, Warwick Co. Virginia

23.-William Puryear--

26.-Elizabeth, (probably) Ligon (Lygon),

The surname Puryer and its variants Perrier, Perryer, Peryer, Purrier, Purryer, Perier, and Perure, etc. is said by the 'uninitiated' genealogical researcher to be a occupational name. From the Old French word "Perrier or Perrieur" indicating one who cut or quarried stone. In other words, a Mason.

There is no less the fifteen families of Perrier and Perriere in the 'Armorial General' - Riestap, H 929.8 RIE V2.

The Perrier/Puryer of England are descendants of the family listed in the Armorial General as "Perrier (Barons du) Languedoc".

The family came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066 A.D. as part of his contingent of knights. They can be found in the book "My Ancestors Came With The Cononqueror" by Anthony J. Camp. They are found under the name 'Perere'.

teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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Subject: Phony Money:2

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Date Posted: 22:29:17 05/03/02 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-169.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

The method of the inflatable paper money system was first used on a national scale by the Dutch, during the Dutch and Spanish Eighty-Years War, circa 1609 truce. A group of private investers got togather to form the Bank of Amsterdam in that same year. They were going to pool their gold assets togather and, with a prior agreement with the Dutch government, loan the government four times the amount of their gold assets, in paper money the assets. This was, of course, done to renew and support the war.

An era of great inflation is produced by printing more and more paper money, especialy during times of war. The result is those who have paper money, which has become worth less as a result, are poorer. Those who have true capital assets, realestate, business equipment, manufacturing equipment, inventory assets, land, ect., ect., are richer.

The present "terrorist war" that we're involved in will expend large amounts of paper money assets requiring even more to be produced. The inflation bomb might not hit us anytime soon, especialy if the money printing presses are running at full speed for the next three years. But it will strick us sooner or later, perhaps during the next administration. In short, the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer.

You should have noticed that each time the average person gets a little bit ahead, something happens to drain away his built up assets. It's a dangerous thing for the average person to have true assets, because true assets are true power, political as well as economic power, and they just can't allow that to happen.
Oh sure! they will wave the red, white and blue, make grand speeches, kiss babies, shake hands, talk about family values, morality, justice, the American way, but it's not to their advantage that you get any richer or more informed, unless your in the "chosen" group. Why do you think you never seem to be able to make ends meet? Why do you think the T.V. news media keeps spitting out the same pabulum it always does? You're not in the group and you're not supposed to know. You are not important, to them. Keep that in mind when the next election comes along.

(If you're so important to them why do they keep letting, even aiding in, your job going overseas)? Remember NAFTA and GATT! You will notice you don't see Bush doing a thing to change it. Do you think that could be because his rich corporate buddies are profiting from it?

The paper money inflation system we're in is like a man stumbling forward, as long as he keeps his feet moving forward he won't crash. But, sooner or later gravity is going to catchup!


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Subject: Phony Money: 1

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Date Posted: 19:13:00 05/03/02 Fri
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-86.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

Phony Money:

In ancient times barter was the way value was assigned and business was conducted. A pig farmer came to the local market and traded two piglets for three bushels of pears, if he did not bring his piglets with him he could write a note to the pear grower entitling him to come up to his farm and get two piglets.

The pear grower wants one of the new bronze axes that have just come in from the coastal region, what we now call the Steppes of Russia. He trades five bushels of pears and the "bearer note" from the pig farmer for one of the axes.

In this manner the bearer note can keep circulating as money. The pig farmer notices only 10% to 20% of his notes coming back for redemption at any one time. The pig farmer gets greedy and starts to put out more bearer notes then he can cover. As long as the notes can "float" throughout the market with no more then 25% ever comeing back for redemption at one time he's okay.

The pig farmer has saturated the market with his pig notes to the point where no one wants them anymore. He must now offer more piglets for the same amount of goods to make buyers feel it's worth their while. The more the piglet notes are circulated less and less valuable they become. The less valuable they become the more he has to issue to get what he wants. This is the downward spiral of inflation.

The more notes there are outstanding the more notes there are that will start coming in for redemption. Even though only 20% of the numerous notes that have been issued have come back for redemption, the farmer is overwhelmed and cannot pay and still keep him true wealth, his pigs. In order to protect his true wealth the farmer will have to devaluate his notes by saying they're worth less then the note states, perhaps three-quarters or only one-half. In doing this he risks of a run on his assets. At any rate he'll be, no doubt, unpopular in the market place. (Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. The goods, being rarer, become worth more and the dollars become worth less). (Recession is too many goods chasing too few dollars. The dollars, being rarer, become worth more and the goods become worth less).

Faith in the farmer's pig notes will be destroyed. In order to trade in the market he'll have to go back to bartering or acquire someone else's notes in order to keep trading in the market.

Metals, since their discovery, have always been traded as currency. In early times they were mostly traded as weapons or jewelry. In later times as rare, valuable, virtually indestructible metals, such as gold. It used to be that silver was traded at one-sixth the rate of gold, in other words, one once of gold was worth six onces of silver.

The village goldsmith usually owned the strongest lockboxes. As such, people would deposit thier gold with him for safe keeping. The goldsmith would issue receipts to the depositors enabling them to come back and collect their gold at any time. Once again, the goldsmith noticed only 10% to 20% of the notes ever coming back at any one time. The goldsmith found he could lend out the unredeemed metal and charge interest on the loan. In time he found out he could convince borrowers to accept paper notes instead of metal coinage. Even if he did have to redeem all of his depositors notes with metal, those who had made loans would still owe the loan and its interest. In other words, owing on nothing.

The typical goldsmith would issue notes four to five times in excess of the actual amount of gold he had. The goldsmith was owed four to five times the gold he actually had to lend out. The public debt owed to him demanded an ever increasing share of the public wealth and resources. He becomes a parasite on the economy and ultimately on society. As long as people had faith in the gold notes and the goldsmiths,(bankers), did not extremely overextend the amount of notes produced they could stay ahead of the enevitable inflation they had created and make huge profits for themselves. This also had the effect of bestowing a great amount of unearned power and influence on them.

With paper notes issued out instead of gold, when an overabundance had been issued and inflation was inevitable, the paper notes could simply be devaluated, even in a gold standard market place.

With the process of printing paper money with nothing to back it up but faith, then slowly destroying the value of that paper money with inflation, one can stay ahead of the game and make enormous profits. This has the effect of dramatically increasing the difficulty of mankind's existance due to the debt factor caused by a parasitic system. The poor, who try to save their money, have it eaten away by inflation while the rich, who have their money in true assets and capital, a.k.a. realestate, grow ever increasingly wealthy.

The banking system can then be used as a tool to control the poor and to an extent, the middle class.


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Subject: Pharaoanic Race and Secession:

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Date Posted: 01:29:29 04/01/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-209.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

The race of people that exist in Egypt today are probably not exactly the race that existed there in ancient times. Though they have a genetic link to them. In the very earliest of mans down of history there was still the great ice sheet covering much of the northern hemisphere. before this began to melt what is now the Mediterranean Sea may have been a fertile plain on which man could survive. Melt waters may have trickled down from the mealting glaciers of Europe. Forming streams that run togather to form rivers that ran to the middle of what is now the Mediterranean Sea.
One can imagine colonies of humans living along this river.

The ice began to melt faster and before long water was pouring over what is now the Strait of Gibraltar. Villagers both north and south of this river, or lake, began to flee the rising waters. Spliting families, both close and extended, apart. Some family members would have escaped to Southern Europe, others to Northern Africa. Those that went to Nothern Africa are what I believe to have been the begining of the early Egyptian race. The ancient Egyptians may have made their way from watering holes in, what is now, the Qattara Depression to the Nile Delta. Northern Africa has been separated from southern Africa by a great wet land known now as the Wadi Halfa. Pharaoh Snofru, of the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom-2650 B.C.to 2134 B.C., sent a military expedition into Nubia and it returned with gold and 7,000 captive nubians probably as laborers. In time this may have had the effect of changing the genetic and racial make-up of the common egyptians forever.

Around 1663 B.C. kings of foreign Semitic origin invaded Egypt. They brought with them things the Egyptians had never seen before, compound bows, horses and chariots. These invaders, known as the Hyksos, also came wearing woolen tartan kilts. After about one hundred and fifty years of rule by Hyksos kings, the egyptians were able to overthrow them and drive them out. But, many people who were descended from the Hyksos were still living within the country.

The overthrow of the Hyksos was the begining of the New Kingdom. It started with Pharaoh Amosis, the begining of the 18th Dynasty in 1570 B.C., . The Egyptians had no love of being ruled over by foreign kings. They set about with a 'never again' attitude. Amosis sealed the borders with Syria and Nubia.

The 18th Dynasty includes; Amosis, Amenhotep I, Tuthmosis I, Tuthmosis II, Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), Tutankhamun, Ay, and Horemhub. It lasted from 1550 B.C. to 1070 B.C.
The Biblical 'Moses', (heir/born of), probably existed during the 18th Dynasty. The only 'prince of Egypt' to go missing during the 18th Dynasty was the hieratic Pharaoh Akhenaten, who insisted on believing in one god.

Joseph is traditionally believed to have been sold into slavery around the 1770s B.C.,. Joseph was made Governor of Egypt about a decade later. Joseph, known to the Egyptians as Yuya, married Thuya, a woman with long blond hair said to be of Semitic origin, probably of Hyksos origin.voy. Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV died and his son married sibling sister Sitamun, as was Pharanoic tradition, so he could inherit as Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III also married the Tiye, the daughter of Joseph and Thuya. Due to Joseph's overall power, that by then the Egyptians were begining to fear, an edict was made that when Tiye became pregnant that if her child should be born a male that it should be killed. Tiye did become pregnant and and so went upstream to her summer palace at Zarw to have her baby out of the prying eyes of the court and the priests. She did have a male child that she named Aminadab, later to become Amenhotep IV (Akehenaten). Tiye and the royal midwives conspired to float the child down stream to her Hebrew relatives to the house of Levi, her father's half brother.

I have always found it interesting that Pharaohs married family members, usually a sister. This also became the habit of the common class.com. I think the commoners were probably just imitating the royals. It is said that the royals did this to keep the power within their own family. I think it was for another reason. The Pharaohs always said they were descended from the 'gods'. If a horse mates with a donkey it will produce a mule. Mules are sterile, incapable of reproducing. Could another race of humans from somewhere else be slightly different enough to be incapable of producing a fertile heir? Thereby being capable of reproducing only with their own kind? Until, of course, another human is found with a similar genetic pattern?

Sitamun had given birth to Nefertiti, whom Akhenaten married being his half-sister. They had six daughters and one son, Tutankhamun. Two daughters died young but the other four probably left with their father, Akhenaten, when he was forced to abdicate the throne in the seventeenth year of his rule, by the priests of Amun.teltalheart.
Throne was taken by the royal vizir, Ay, who ruled for only about three years. The throne was then occupied by Horemheb, general of the army. But Horemheb was not of royal blood. He tried to remedy this by marring Nefertiti's sister. But no heir was produced. He then nominated his trusted Vizir and probable partner in crime, Ramesses for the job. But Ramesses I, never had or married and link to the royal line. Ramesses tried to make up for this by building large monuments to himself.

This would mean if any of the four daughters of Akhenaten, who had left with their Hebrew cousins, had born children then that child or children would be the true Pharaohs of Egypt. This line is believed to have become the Kings of Judaea. The line of Saul and David. (David married Saul's daughter). Pharaohs are considered living gods, being the descendants of the 'gods'. If Joseph, the father of Jesus, was considered a living god then Jesus would be 'the son of god', and also god himself.
It is said in the Bible that Herod killed the first born trying to destroy Jesus. But there is no evidence of this in history. This is the reason that is given as to why Jesus was taken to Egypt. I purpose the reason Jesus was taken to Egypt was to show those who were still faithful their new Pharaoh.


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Subject: Magdalene: Continued

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Date Posted: 14:31:15 03/28/02 Thu
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-96.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

First I will correct a few clerical errors I made.

I left out the word (seen) in the sentence, "Jesus had actually lived and some people had actually (seen) him, as compared to Zeus and Apollo". Also, "A bit of character assassination has also been used to desyroy the image of the Magdaline (Magdalene). It has (been) falsely propose(d) that Mary was the prostitute that Jesus had saved from a stoning."

I had mistakenly left out a comma(,) after 'Jesus' in the sentence. "Joseph, the brother of Jesus (,) and his wife, Ann, and his daughter also named Ann were left out." That made it sound like 'Ann' was the wife of Jesus. When actually Mary Magdlene is the most likely to have been the wife of Jesus. (I was mistaken in my date of 44A.D. for James and his family's exodus from the Holy Land to Gaul. They left around 63 A.D., nineteen years behind Mary and Martha.)

Much is based on old tradition going back, oddly enough, to about 44 A.D. on the coast of France. Ratis, in Provence, is the point of Mary Magdalene and Martha's disembarkation, which later became known as Les Saintes Maries de la Mer. From such traditions came the book 'The Life of Mary Magdalene' by Raban Marr (776-856), the Archbishop of Mayence (Mainz) and Abee of Fuld, who incorporated many traditions from the 5th century, (the 400's) and earlier, into his work.

St. Bernard specifically mentioned a requirement for 'the obedience of Bethany, the castle of Mary and Martha' when he drafted the Constitution for the Order of Knights Templars in 1128.

One proof of this exodus of the Hebrew royal family, a.k.a. the descendants of the line of king David, can be found in my own family linage, being a descendant of James, also known as Joseph of Arimathea, the brother of Jesus. In the book 'The Plantagenet Ancestry' by Lt.-Col. W.H. Turton, D.S.O., Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., published in 1928. On page 188 is the bloodline of the royal house of Brittany France. You will notice jewish names like Jonas, Judual, Judhael, Urbon, and Judon. 'Judon', by the way, means 'Jew'. One has to ask oneself why jewish names are being given to princes and kings of a costal region of France as far back as 520 A.D. on Turton's chart.


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Subject: Paul-Pseudapostolorum:

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Date Posted: 01:18:40 03/27/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-117.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

Saul of Tarsus was a cruel instrument of the Sadducee Jews. The Sadducee were well known as Roman collaborators in those times. The Sadducee were at odds with those known as the Essenes, a.k.a. Nazareans, who were trying to drive out the Romans as they had the Syrians during the Maccabeean war in 168 B.C.
Saul had probably taken part in the stoning of the first offical Christian martyr, Stephen. After Stephens murder Saul and his bodyguards,(Saul was basicly an offical bounty hunter for the Romans), inhis gleeful fanatic fervour, left for Syria headed for the town of Domascus to root out more Nazareans for his Roman overlords. He also carried with him a fist full of arrest warrants issued to him from the Sadducee High Priest.
While traveling through the hot, dusty, arid land between Jerusalem and Domascus, in the mid-day sun Saul has a tramutic experience. Some have interpreted it as everything from a UFO contact, a mystical vision, an epileptic seizure, a near death experience, to heatstroke. Saul says he sees "light from heaven", and hears a voice saying "Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?". "I am Jesus the Nazarean and you are persecuting me". The voice tells him to continue to Damascus where he will be told what to do. When Saul comes out of this experience he finds he is blind. When he reaches Damascus the Nazareans restore his sight. It sounds very much like sun blindness, what skiers call 'snow blindness'. Saul, who never personally knew Jesus, interprets it as a message from Jesus. He now turns his fanitical zeal to the cause of the Nazareans and joins them. Saul abandons his former occupation and his former name and becomes 'Paul', zealot for Jesus. In Paul's, Saul's, letter to the Galations, he tells how he was not enthusiasticly welcomed into the Nazarean party by its members who distrust him and often avoid him.
James, the brother of Jesus and later founder of the Celtic Church of the British Isles, begrudgingly accepts him into the party and sends him to Paul's, Saul's, hometown of Tarsus to preach the word of Jesus. Paul does go to Tarsus to preach but he continues on at his own behest for 14 years across the Mediterranean world preaching his own version of the word. We find that James and the Nazareans are displeased about reports coming back to them about what Paul, Saul, is teaching. In his attempt to convert people to his brand of Judaism, which by then had become Christianity, Paul had turned Jesus into a magical man/god which could compete with the other gods people worshiped around the Mediterranean at that time. But Paul had a further advantage. Jesus had actually lived and some people had actually him, as compared to Zeus and Apollo. James finds it necessary to send out emissaries behind Paul to correct what Paul has taught people in his preachings. This compromises Paul with his own converts. This angers Paul and he returns to, basically, have it out with James. Before returning, Paul had dispatched his own missionaries out to the Mediterranean world to preach his new 'Christianity' and set up his Church. When Paul returned to Jerusalem a heated argument ensued between Paul and Jesus's brother James. Soon afterwords Paul's actions draw the attention of the Romans and he is arrested. Using his status as a Roman citizen Paul demands to be taken before the Emperor for a hearing. Paul is taken to Rome where he dies sometime between 64 A.D. and 67 A.D.

Jesus was not trying to start a new religion. He was trying to reform Judaism so the Gentiles would feel welcome and join their struggle to push the Romans out.
One should note that before anything in the New Testament was allowed to be included it had to be approved of by the followers, disciples, and leaders of the Church which Peter and Paul had set up. Many changes to the book had already been made by 180 A.D. as the letter by Bishop Clement of Alexandria to Theodore, states. The final draft and selection of books to go into 'the book' was made at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., at which time Jesus was also voted a god. It should be also noted that many books which contained valuable information were excluded, one of which was 'The Gospel of Mary' The Magdalene, in which is stated that Peter challenges Mary's relationship with Jesus, saying "would he really have spoken privately to a woman , and not freely to us? Why should we change our minds and listen to her?" When Peter complains about Mary preashing Mary also states "Peter makes me hesitate. I am afraid of him because he hates the female race." Jesus replies, "Whatsoever the Spirit inspires is divinely ordained to speak, whether man or woman".

Angry at the Nazareans, and the Jews in general, much of the New Testament was arranged as to create a story by which the Romans are absolved of the crucifixion of Jesus and the blame is placed squarely on the head of the Jews. One must remember that the New Testament is a book playing to a Roman audience. A bit of character assassination has also been used to destroy the image of the Magdaline. It has falsely propose that Mary was the prostitute that Jesus had saved from a stoning.

In the work Legenda Aurea (Golden Legend) by Jacobus de Voragine, published in 1483. It is stated, 'St Martha, hostess of the Lord Jesus Christ, was born into a royal family. Her father's name was Syro, and her mother's Eucharia; the father came from Syria. Together with her sister (Mary) by inheritance through their mother, Martha came into possession of three properties: the castle Magdalene, and Bethany, and a part of Jerusalem. After the Ascension of our Lord, when the disciples had departed, she, with her brother Lazarus and her sister Mary, also St Maxim, embarked ina ship, on which - thanks to its preservation by our Lord - they they all came safely to Marseilles. They thereafter proceeded to the region of Aix. where they converted the inhabitants to the faith.'

'Magdalene' (or Magdala) derives from the Hebrew noun 'migdal' or (tower).
What is not stated is that with her Mary Magdalene brought her two of her three children; her first was a girl child born A.D.33 called Damaris (Tamar) which was not onboard, the second was called Jesus II, the third was called Joseph or Josephes.
Joseph, the brother of Jesus and his wife, Ann, and his daughter also named Ann were also left out.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying 'all' of the miracles were made up by Peter and Paul. I have personal reasons to believe some weren't. But I find it sad that one should hinge ones faith only on miracles. It just makes the distance between us that much greater.


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Subject: King of Kings, i.e. , Pharaoh-God King:

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Date Posted: 09:22:18 12/15/01 Sat
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-89.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

The 'dragon' concept, in celtic mythology, emerged directly from the holy crocodile (Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. Crocodile fat (oil) was used to anoint the Pharaohs of ancient times. By being anointed the new Pharaoh would attain the fortitude of the Messeh, (ergo, Messiah-The Anointed One). If Akhenaten were Moses (heir/born of) and he and his daughters had been forced out of Egypt with their Hebrew relatives and at least one of his daughters has survived and born children who would become the Kings of Judaea, and Jesus being eldest son of the Royal House of Judaea would have been both The Rightful King of Judaea and Pharaoh of Egypt. Teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/, From Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Sir Laurence Gardner.
In Acts 2:30, Peter, referring to King David, calls Jesus the 'fruit of his loins, according to the flesh'. Also see; Acts 13:22-23, Matthew 22:42, Jesus is said to be the 'Son of David'. Modern religious teachers would have you believe that Jesus was born of an 'immaculate conception' this is not the case. Jesus was the son of his father, Joseph. There is an old pagan tradition that states a 'god' must be born of a virgin. This is what has been put in place.

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Subject: O Rosslyn

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Date Posted: 09:02:22 12/12/01 Wed
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-48.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

23.- San Greal=Holy Grail
Sang Real=Blood Royal

"Joseph and Mary did not call their son 'Emmanuel' (Hebrew, 'Immanu-El'='With us (is) God'); they called him Jesus(Hebrew, 'Yehoshua'='Jehovah saves')." Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

The Semitic word that is translated as 'virgin', in the New Testament, is the word 'almah' which, in Hebrew, means no more then 'a young woman'. The Hebrew word meaning a physical 'virgin' (virgo intacta) is the word 'bethulah'. In Matthew (1:25) Jesus is said to be Mary's 'firstborn son'.
'Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren, James, Joses, and Simon, and Judas?' (Matthew 13:55) /-/
Translated into the English word 'carpenter' the ancient Greek word 'ho tekton' has a much wider sense in its native Greek. It identified Jesus and Joseph as 'learned men', men with 'skills', who were 'masters of their craft'. The term 'Master of the Craft' is a term that is also used in modern Freemasonry. (www.voy.com/40560/) teltalheart

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Subject: Books:

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Date Posted: 13:29:42 12/09/01 Sun
Author Host/IP: tnt1-216-180-80-176.dialup.HiWAAY.net/

If you wish to view any of the books I have mentioned in my header you can do so without spending a small fortune. Simply go to your local public library, to the genealogical section, they should have it there. If not you can ask them to borrow them from another library. teltalheart www.voy.com/40560/

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