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a D.steel y toda su familia.FATIMA --ESPAÑA -- Anonymous, 07:46:39 10/15/07 Mon
hola soy escritora desconocida y lectora de hace muchos años de D.STEEL.Por estar muy interesada en el tema del trastorno bipolar;me leí la historia de nick.que tristeza y que alegría ;es la vida que a cada uno le toca llevar.
Lo que más me ha gustado es la templanza y el cariño , con el que lo pudo llevar.Esta mujer luchó por su hijo,sin poder remediar nada;COMO SUELE PASAR SIEMPRE.Tengo 35 años y de una cosa me he dado cuenta : nadie se salva....
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Times hard need cash try this out -- Anonymous, 20:35:37 01/27/08 Sun
almost nothing (NO JOKE, NO SCAM, AND VERY
LEGAL) Please read on! You will be very
thankful you did!
A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups,
just like you are now, and came across an article similar
to this that said you could make thousands of dollars
within weeks with only an initial investment of$6.00! So
I thought,` Yeah, right, this must be a scam`, but like
most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it
said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and
address stated in the article. You then place your own
name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and
post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are
thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about
trying it. I figured what have I got to lose except 6
stamps and $6.00, right? Like most of us I was a little
skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of
it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office
(1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed
legal! Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!...
Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I
was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money
just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00.
By the end of the second week I had made a total of over
$1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and
it`s still growing. This is now my fourth week and I
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it`s still
coming in rapidly. It`s certainly worth $6.00, and 6
stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let
me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it
works.... also, make sure you print a copy of this article
NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need
Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on
each piece of paper `PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST`
along your name and address Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and
place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the
bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent
thievery. Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes
and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes,
each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your
name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is
creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! This
program remains successful because of the honesty and
integrity of the participants. Please continue its success
by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now
become part of the Mail Order business. Your product is
simply a service of helping develop mail lists. Mail the
6 envelopes to the following addresses:
T Gibson
8244 Hydra Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89128
J. Willard
2845 Rockford Rd
Boonville, NC 27011
Carlos Ramos
115 kitetown rd.
Seale, AL 36875
Markarabee Fields
1580 Belleville Rd
Orangeburg, SC 29115
S. Gibbon
P.O. BOX 2454
Ken Engle
3612 Anglin Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Now take the #1 name and address off the list that
you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes
5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name and
address as number 6 on the list.
Change anything you need to, but try to keep this
article as close to original as possible. Now, post
your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups.
(I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you
need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the
more money you make!
Step 1
You do not need to re-type this entire letter to
do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the
beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to
the bottom of this document, and select `copy` from
the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into
the computers memory.
Step 2
Open a blank `notepad` file and place your cursor at
the top of the blank page. From the `edit` menu
select `paste`. This will paste a copy of the letter
into notepad so that you can add your name to the
Step 3
Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you
want to do your postings in different sittings,
you`ll always have this file to go back to.
Step 4
Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try
searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums,
message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
Step 5
Visit these message boards and post this
article as a new message by highlighting the text
of this letter and selecting paste from the edit
menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header
that everyone sees as they scroll through the list
of postings in a particular group, click the post
message button. You`re done with your first one!
Congratulations...THAT`S IT! All you have to do is
jump to different newsgroups and post away, after
you get the hang of it, it will take about 30
seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE
250 That`s it! You will begin receiving money from
around the world within days! You may eventually
want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount
of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay
anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long
as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL
THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**don't for get to post like
crazy the more poeple that get this letter the more
money you will receive:)
----NOW THE WHY PART-------
Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies
(a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with
my name and address at #6 on the letter. Now, each
of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the
MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name and address
at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the
original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those
25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name and
address at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring
in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons
turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name
and address at #3 and only receive 5 replies each,
I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is
the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a
MINIMUM 200 letters with my name and address at #2
and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made
me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver
this message to 200 newsgroups with my name and
address at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200
newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an
original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When
your name is no longer on the list, you just
take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send
out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your
name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The
thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands
of people all over the world are joining the
internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST
LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see
if it really works?? I think so... People have said,
`what if the plan is played out and no one sends you
the money? So what! What are the chances of that
happening when there are tons of new honest users
and new honest people who are joining the internet
and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a
try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users,
every day, with thousands of those joining the
actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY
and this will work.
Go to and search for MAKE MONEY FAST AND EASY$$ and
you will find alot of message boards!
If u really need extra cash you need to post like crazy. :)
This is :)perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to
Title 18 Sec. 1302 & : 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy
these steps for yourself : and, whenever you need money, you can use
again, and again. PLEASE : REMEMBER that this program remains
successful because of the honesty and : integrity of the participants
and by their carefully adhering to the : directions. Look at it this
way. If you are of integrity, the program will : continue and the
that so many others have received will become yours. NOTE: You may
want to retain every name and address sent to you, : either on a
computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This :
VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a
good : idea to wrap the cash in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail
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Make Alot of Money Fast, Risk Free -- Anonymous, 00:11:44 01/19/04 Mon
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Posted by Sean Thompson on October 16, 19102 at 20:19:38:
In Reply to: MAKE ALOT OF MONEY, FAST AND RISK FREE!!!! posted by LEASA TRAVIS on February 10, 19102 at 15:24:19:
: : Turn Six Dollars Into Thousands!!! : HOW TO TURN SIX DOLLARS INTO THOUSANDS OR MORE IN : LESS THAN A MONTH!!!! READING THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! IT DOES WORK! : JUST GIVE IT A CHANCE!! : : I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little : : while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are : now, and came across an article similar to this that said you : could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an : initial investment of $6.00! : : So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like : most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said : that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address : stated in the article. You then place your own name and : address in the bottom of the list at #6, and that was it. So : after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I : thought about trying it. I figured:"what have I got to lose : except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly : $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!?... within 10 days, I started getting : money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, : but the money just kept coming in. By the second week, I : made about $25.00. By the end of the third week I had made a : total of over $1,000.00! In the fourth week I had over : $16,000.00 and it's still growing. It's certainly worth $6.00, : and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! : Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY it : works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, : so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I : promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you : will start making more money than you thought possible by : doing something so easy! --Suggestion: Read this entire : message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow simple : directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. : And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage) IMPORTANT: : This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is : 99% risk free it really works! If all of the following instructions : are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. : PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and : $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program : remains successful because of the HONESTY and INTEGRITY of the : participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering : to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order : business. In this business your product is not solid and : tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing : Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big : bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the : mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from : people like you and me asking to be included in that list. : : Here are the 4 easy steps to success: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the : following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR : MAILING LIST." + name and address. Now get 6 U.S. : $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper : so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent : thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes : and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each : with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and : address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a : service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a : legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I : was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal : aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office : (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal. : Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:#1) Shane Mike, P.O. Box 363 ,Houck, AZ. 86506 #2) "SNOWBOOARD DOCTOR" , 2764 Jefferson (rear) ,OGDEN, UTAH 84403-0110#3) Mr Nathan W. Jones, PO BOX 1241 :Ogden, Utah 84402#4)C.MURO,1200 brookside dr,san pablo,CA 94806.#5) Sean Thompson935 E. 3000 N. #56Layton, UT 84040.#6) Michael M. Trotter, 3227 Unruh Ave. Phila.PA 19149. STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see : above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) : and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this : article as close to original as possible. Now, post your : amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are : close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the : more you post, the more money you make! You won't get very : much unless you post like crazy. NOTE: If there is a non-U.S. resident on the list and YOU are : sending from the U.S. please use a 64 cents stamp. No big deal. The : participation of non-U.S. residents helps to spread this : information worldwide and by doing so this means MORE : MONEY FOR EVERYONE! This is perfectly legal! If you have any : doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal : lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, : whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. : --PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful : because of the HONESTY and INTEGRITY of the participants and : by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this : way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the : money that so many others have received will come your way. : NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent : to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes : people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. : So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully : followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation : as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move : up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the : #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in : CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of : the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own : name to the list and you're in business! ---DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do : your own posting. : Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter : and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and : select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire : letter into the computer's memory. : Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at : the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. : This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you : can add your name to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want : to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have : this file to go back to. Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching : for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat : sites, discussions.) Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a : new message by highlighting the text of this letter and : selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will : be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the : list of postings in a particular group. Be creative but not : deceiving. Click the post message button. You're done with : your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! : All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post : away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 : seconds for each newsgroup! : *REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU : WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's : it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within : days! : You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large : amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay : anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the : postman will deliver it. : **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** : Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make : the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons : respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for : me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my : name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional : $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the : MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies : each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the : fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 : letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 : replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons : will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name : at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will : receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! : AMAZING! When your name is no longer : on the list, you just take the latest posting in the : newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, : putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. : The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of : people all over the world are joining the internet and reading : these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can : you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People : have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends : you the money? So what! What are the chances of that : happening when there are tons of new honest users and new : honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups : everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at : 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of : those joining the actual internet. : Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will : really work.
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payday cash advance orchard bank mastercard -- Anonymous, 17:56:58 01/28/06 Sat
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Re: payday cash advance orchard bank mastercard -- Anonymous, 02:14:37 09/25/06 Mon
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Re: payday cash advance orchard bank mastercard -- Anonymous, 16:15:14 09/30/06 Sat
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Re: payday cash advance orchard bank mastercard -- Anonymous, 09:49:47 10/01/06 Sun
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Re: group health insurance great american life insurance -- Anonymous, 15:51:50 10/02/06 Mon
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Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 20:15:48 07/31/02 Wed
I am not really sure if I believe in you, so many different opinions. Although if I didn't have any faith in you then I guess I wouldn't be writing this letter. Well I read this book by Danielle Steel, about her son that suffered from manic depression, and in the end that was the reason for his death. The book has touched me in so many ways and made me cry. I am only 14 but know have a better outlook on life, and how much people go through, and they don't even show it. And I thought I had it bad. It makes me so sad just to know the things that some people have to go through. And although I would love to make the world better in every aspect, it just isn't possible. Well about Nick. It is very weird but I feel like I have known him for so long, and I feel that I have almost fallen in love with him. So please all that I ask for is a hug. If it's only in my dreams at night that will be fine, or maybe there is such a thing as being able to see an angel. That's what he is to me. I almost feel that when I have that book around me, he is almost looking over me, like a guardian angel. Well I hope you can do that for me.
Love Forever and Longer,
[ Edit | View ]
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 09:10:06 02/25/03 Tue
> I am not really sure if I believe in you, so many
>different opinions. Although if I didn't have any
>faith in you then I guess I wouldn't be writing this
>letter. Well I read this book by Danielle Steel,
>about her son that suffered from manic depression, and
>in the end that was the reason for his death. The
>book has touched me in so many ways and made me cry.
>I am only 14 but know have a better outlook on life,
>and how much people go through, and they don't even
>show it. And I thought I had it bad. It makes me so
>sad just to know the things that some people have to
>go through. And although I would love to make the
>world better in every aspect, it just isn't possible.
>Well about Nick. It is very weird but I feel like I
>have known him for so long, and I feel that I have
>almost fallen in love with him. So please all that I
>ask for is a hug. If it's only in my dreams at night
>that will be fine, or maybe there is such a thing as
>being able to see an angel. That's what he is to me.
>I almost feel that when I have that book around me, he
>is almost looking over me, like a guardian angel.
>Well I hope you can do that for me.
> Love Forever and Longer,
> Fawn
[ Edit | View ]
[> [>
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 01:40:41 04/01/03 Tue
>> I am not really sure if I believe in you, so many
>>different opinions. Although if I didn't have any
>>faith in you then I guess I wouldn't be writing this
>>letter. Well I read this book by Danielle Steel,
>>about her son that suffered from manic depression, and
>>in the end that was the reason for his death. The
>>book has touched me in so many ways and made me cry.
>>I am only 14 but know have a better outlook on life,
>>and how much people go through, and they don't even
>>show it. And I thought I had it bad. It makes me so
>>sad just to know the things that some people have to
>>go through. And although I would love to make the
>>world better in every aspect, it just isn't possible.
>>Well about Nick. It is very weird but I feel like I
>>have known him for so long, and I feel that I have
>>almost fallen in love with him. So please all that I
>>ask for is a hug. If it's only in my dreams at night
>>that will be fine, or maybe there is such a thing as
>>being able to see an angel. That's what he is to me.
>>I almost feel that when I have that book around me, he
>>is almost looking over me, like a guardian angel.
>>Well I hope you can do that for me.
>> Love Forever and Longer,
>> Fawn
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Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 18:42:23 06/07/03 Sat
No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
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[> [>
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 10:50:56 02/27/04 Fri
É muito assustador identificar-me com o nick, é assustador saber que provavelmente o meu fim vai ser o mesmo que o dele.
Sejamos sinceros que por mais dificil que possa ter sido para ele, para todos os outros que não tem as mesmas possibilidades que os pais deles lhe poderam dar tornasse muito dificil lidar com o facto de termos noção que um dia acabaremos por fim á nossa propria vida.
Nick, talvez nunca saibas como lamento não ter tido a possibilidade de te conhecer, talvez tivessemos muita coisa para partilhar, talvez eu te podesse ajudar enquanto tu me ajudavas a mim, a mim só me resta aguentar o quanto poder, tal como tu o dia os meus proprios demonios virão para me buscar...eternamente...
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[> [> [>
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 10:41:01 04/29/05 Fri
>É muito assustador identificar-me com o nick, é
>assustador saber que provavelmente o meu fim vai ser o
>mesmo que o dele.
>Sejamos sinceros que por mais dificil que possa ter
>sido para ele, para todos os outros que não tem as
>mesmas possibilidades que os pais deles lhe poderam
>dar tornasse muito dificil lidar com o facto de termos
>noção que um dia acabaremos por fim á nossa propria
>nenhum fim é igual
>Nick, talvez nunca saibas como lamento não ter tido a
>possibilidade de te conhecer, talvez tivessemos muita
>coisa para partilhar, talvez eu te podesse ajudar
>enquanto tu me ajudavas a mim, a mim só me resta
>aguentar o quanto poder, tal como tu o
>dia os meus proprios demonios virão para me
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[> [> [> [>
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 12:40:28 12/23/06 Sat
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[> [> [>
Nita -- Anonymous, 11:35:15 03/05/06 Sun
Tbm me edentifico mto ctg Nick... sinto me assustado por um lado mas feliz por saber k lutaste.... apesar d todo o teu sofrimento...
Adorava ter a tua força, pois sinto angustia e meio mundo a cair-me em cima e tento com todas as minhas forças nao chorar...
A tudo o k sofreste devo-te um enorme sorriso... se tiver k morrer... agora morreria com um sorriso...
[ Edit | View ]
[> [>
Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 14:41:22 12/04/04 Sat
>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 11:04:31 01/15/05 Sat
>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
hola -- Anonymous, 13:18:15 09/22/06 Fri
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 10:20:10 10/26/06 Thu
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 20:03:05 04/20/07 Fri
>>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 07:49:43 11/18/07 Sun
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 08:12:40 02/19/08 Tue
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
kaiina -- Anonymous, 15:58:04 12/27/08 Sat
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
ola -- Anonymous, 09:44:50 09/13/09 Sun
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
Re: palabras de nick -- Anonymous, 12:48:33 06/27/10 Sun
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
hamsa -- Anonymous, 10:41:13 10/16/10 Sat
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [> [>
Re: the -- Anonymous, 07:53:01 09/20/11 Tue
>>No se como hablarte porque nunca lo he hecho. No se
>>como debo empezar. Nisiquiera se si alquien leera
>>estas palabras. Pero ahi quedan... He leido el libro
>>de Nick varias veces, pienso que cuando llegas al
>>final quieres conocer todo sobre él y duele saber que
>>ha existido alguien como Nick pero que por mucho q lo
>>desees nunca podras disfrutar de su compañia...porque
>>ya no esta...nos ha dejado a todos.Y eso duele. A mi
>>me duele.Me duele no poder acudir a ninguno de sus
>>conciertos para bailar y saltar al compas de sus
>>palabras (de sus pensamientos). Me duele no poder
>>estrecharle la mano y decirle q en Madrid teine una
>>AMIGA. Pero le agradezco a Danielle que nos haya
>>brindado a todos la oportunidad de saber que Nick ha
>>existido, y ha conseguido que exista siempre. Espero
>>verte algun dia Nick. Aunque solo sea un segundo.
[ Edit | View ]
[> [>
Re: Nick Traina 2 -- Anonymous, 01:48:07 03/28/08 Fri
yo tambien he leido el libro vrias veces y me cuesta creer que una persona tan autentica ya no este.Estaba lleno de vida,pero leer este libro m a servido mucho para valorar lo q tengo
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[> [>
hola -- Anonymous, 19:47:54 11/13/09 Fri
me gusto mucho esto que escribieron...realmente, estoy leyendo la historia y m pasa eso q estoy leyendo arriba
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Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 08:48:10 09/03/03 Wed
> I am not really sure if I believe in you, so many
>different opinions. Although if I didn't have any
>faith in you then I guess I wouldn't be writing this
>letter. Well I read this book by Danielle Steel,
>about her son that suffered from manic depression, and
>in the end that was the reason for his death. The
>book has touched me in so many ways and made me cry.
>I am only 14 but know have a better outlook on life,
>and how much people go through, and they don't even
>show it. And I thought I had it bad. It makes me so
>sad just to know the things that some people have to
>go through. And although I would love to make the
>world better in every aspect, it just isn't possible.
>Well about Nick. It is very weird but I feel like I
>have known him for so long, and I feel that I have
>almost fallen in love with him. So please all that I
>ask for is a hug. If it's only in my dreams at night
>that will be fine, or maybe there is such a thing as
>being able to see an angel. That's what he is to me.
>I almost feel that when I have that book around me, he
>is almost looking over me, like a guardian angel.
>Well I hope you can do that for me.
> Love Forever and Longer,
> Fawn
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Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 21:41:12 01/23/04 Fri
I went to a wake to see a young man loose his life to depression. I phoned his mother the other day and she told me someone advised her to read the book. His Bright Light.
She told me this book is really helping her with her sons loss and she is having a hard time putting the book down.I would like to thank Danielle Steel for sharing her lifes story to help the many men and women who has lost a son or daughter to depression.
God Bless you Danielle
Michael Lee
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Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 03:37:28 03/02/05 Wed
Hi.My name is Lora,I'm 20,live in Middle Europe.
When I woke up this morning,the sun was shining at my face.Tissues,papeltowels everywhere and my stuff,my mess all around me.I woke up just the way I fall asleep.Tears were streaming down my face but I didn't care.Not anymore!I don't know the real reason for my sorrow just feelin it's killing me so slow.Okey,so many tragedy happend to me lately but I feel like I'm dead.
I can say I'm a lucky,popular girl with wonderful friends,who's got "everything" but I'm not happy.I have maniac depression.I read this book "His Bright Light" last summer and I felt like I know this guy from somewhere.Is he my hidden brother,My Soul Mate?Every time when I am down I play Runaway Train(Soul Asylum) on my CD Player."Runaway train never goin back,wrong way on the wrong way on the wrong way track..."When I feel like I cannot do this anymore I always read Nicky's stora over and over again.I keep the book under my pillow.
Well,Danielle,You're a strong woman and an amazing mother.Nicky,I am so proud of you.I'm sure he is watching his family with his naughty smile as a STAR from the Sky.
I wish I could be that strong as you were on My way.
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Re: Nick Traina -- Anonymous, 01:54:13 06/13/06 Tue
> I am not really sure if I believe in you, so many
>different opinions. Although if I didn't have any
>faith in you then I guess I wouldn't be writing this
>letter. Well I read this book by Danielle Steel,
>about her son that suffered from manic depression, and
>in the end that was the reason for his death. The
>book has touched me in so many ways and made me cry.
>I am only 14 but know have a better outlook on life,
>and how much people go through, and they don't even
>show it. And I thought I had it bad. It makes me so
>sad just to know the things that some people have to
>go through. And although I would love to make the
>world better in every aspect, it just isn't possible.
>Well about Nick. It is very weird but I feel like I
>have known him for so long, and I feel that I have
>almost fallen in love with him. So please all that I
>ask for is a hug. If it's only in my dreams at night
>that will be fine, or maybe there is such a thing as
>being able to see an angel. That's what he is to me.
>I almost feel that when I have that book around me, he
>is almost looking over me, like a guardian angel.
>Well I hope you can do that for me.
> Love Forever and Longer,
> Fawn
That was soo beautiful written! I'm almost as old as you, I'm fifteen, and I just read the book too and I also feel just as I know him, even though it's totally bisarr.. he seemed to be an amazing person and I actually didn't know what the book was about from the beggining, I just fell when I saw his face.. not because it was beautiful (but it was really beautiful too), but because he had something really special over him..
He wasn't like anybody, he was something special and you can just see it on him!
I know what you mean about loosing faith in God when you read these kind of things..
It's so horrible that one so wonderful person leave earth so early.. we need more of those people, we definitely don't need to loose them..
I just hope that Nick is happy wherever he is now!
I hope that you're happy too, by the way, fawn..
By reading your letter, You also seem to be one of those wonderful persons!
Take care//
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Nick Traina .. -- Anonymous, 07:23:17 02/07/07 Wed
I have allso read the book, and i am going trough the same thing. This book helped me! I cryed! God dosent exist.. I'm Antichrist..
I was you all luck Nick!
- Malle
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The ultimate conspiracy theory book. The truth is in here -- Anonymous, 09:11:43 09/30/12 Sun
Book review by Frank Sanello
Not since a reporter interviewed a certain Louis about his relationship with a vampire by the name of Lestat has the living dead come so alive as in Christopher Antony Meade’s vividly imagined new novella, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”.
Because a plot turn or twist seems to appear on just about every other page, it’s difficult to describe the story and its protagonists without becoming a spoiler or tease, as in “Rosebud is a sled” or “The girl in “The Crying Game” is really a guy.”
Meade takes the reader down a horrific rabbit hole that would have traumatized Alice. During the trip, the author somehow manages to link the myth of flesh-eating zombies to Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire Cat, Pres. Obama’s ancestry, what the government is hiding at Roswell’s Area 51, the actual perpetrators behind the recession and global warming, the Three Little Pigs’ intergalactic origins, 12-Step programs, what really went down when Osama bin Laden was killed, and the “real” source of Hitler’s anti-Semitism which some readers may find a bit too gallow humorous.
Unlike most monster tales from Greek mythology to Lindsay Lohan, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” leavens its Grand Guignol style with mordant humour reminiscent of Hitchcock. (Watch Meade’s YouTube video. His voice is identical to Hitchcock’s and perfect for an audiobook version.)
A reviewer of Anne Rice’s third vampire chronicle, 2002’s “Queen of the Damned”, hailed the author for creating “universes within universes.”
The same kudos go to the multiple, interconnected universes of the Oval Office, Zombies Anonymous meetings, Buckingham Palace, bin Laden’s unlikely fetish and other surprises Meade has created and which I will try not to spoil.
WARNING: Skip the next paragraph if you don’t want to find out one of the novella’s plot twists.
Before he’s killed, Osama in Howard Hughes mode indulges his yen for school girls in uniform by watching marathon TV screenings of the St. Trinian’s film series (1954-2007) about a fictional English boarding school for delinquent girls.
Osama’s behavior out grosses a similar but tamer (!?) scene in the South Park animated feature film where Satan and Saddam Hussein have anal sex in hell.
Julian Faversham, the title’s zombie, is a gentleman of the old school who happens to be a member of the living dead cohabiting with Meade’s alter ego and narrator. The fictional Meade, which a police inspector’s report says “claimed to be some sort of a writer, although neither of us had heard of him,” unwittingly invites Julian to share his apartment.
Faversham pays the “rent” by playing Chopin nocturnes and Mozart sonatas on his music-loving roommate’s piano.
“The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” follows the style of classic gothic novels but adds modern-day anachronisms that lend the book its unexpected wit.
The description of Julian is reminiscent of Anne Rice’s blood-sucker Lestat’s – only more nauseating – and I mean that in a good way:
“The figure at the piano got up…and gave me an old-fashioned, courteous bow. He was not a pretty sight. The skin seemed to have dried out and it was shrunken, so that it barely covered the outlines of the skull. If there were any eyes, they were sunk so far into the sockets as to be invisible. Some of [Julian’s] parchment-like epidermis clinging to his neck had come away and was hanging loose like wallpaper…
The hand the cadaver extended to me to shake was green with mould, and the skeletal tips of the fingers emerged from the crumbling remnants of skin that covered the palms and wrists.
“Julian Faversham at your service,” it said.
I declined to shake the decaying appendage”.
WARNING: The next paragraph has another spoiler.
Like all zombies, Faversham craves human flesh, which Meade recasts in 12-Step Speak as an addiction rather than cannibalism. While the clueless author/narrator presumes Faversham is having a “one-night stand” with a female cadaver he’s invited back to their apartment from the local cemetery, it turns out that poor Julian has had a relapse and has resumed eating humans instead of Zombies Anonymous’ recommended alternative, cat food. Julian’s literally cadaverous sex partner turns out to be a fellow member of ZA who sits with him until the urge to cannibalize passes.
One final spoiler I can’t resist: The narrator informs us that Gulliver’s Lilliputians are real and migrated to colonial America, where their descendants commit identity theft and other white-collar crimes.
Meade uses this “historical fact” to satirize the corruption of post-Soviet Russia’s Wild West Capitalism where even the treasures of the Kremlin Museums are for sale to the highest bidder – or stolen by clever Lilliputian thieves.
A series of laugh-out-loud appendices in the book satirize conspiracy theorists by blaming most of the world’s crises on various villains, among them Santa Claus’s psychotic sibling, Anti-Santa.
(Tim Burton needs to read this book. The Anti-Santa story within the story would make a great animated segment in a live-action film about the other characters.)
My only disappointment was that Meade hasn’t given us more. “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” is one of those books that you wish would never end.
Contact the author and urge him to write a zombie trilogy. It may outsell Anne Rice's!
Available on Amazon.
United States.
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United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
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Weirdly funny book. This will really make you laugh -- Anonymous, 08:34:20 02/26/13 Tue
When I first saw this book advertised, I was reluctant to buy it. I'd never heard of the author Christopher Antony Meade and I was reluctant to spend any of my hard earned funds on his novella. After reading the excellent review that accompanies the advertisement, I decided to take the plunge and buy the book. It was a decision I have not regretted. A book of 95 pages should take about four hours to read. “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” occupied my time for about 10 hours. It was just so funny I had to keep putting it down in order to recover from the laughing.
I'm not sure whether the author really is telling the truth when he makes his outrageous claims. You can be certain, though; that there will be very embarrassed faces in the homes of the great and good if this book gets widespread circulation.
It starts off as a conventional enough zombie story. The actual zombie is a cut above the usual run-of-the-mill graveyard refugees. For one thing, he's a very talented classical pianist. When he moves in with a rather naive writer in Wimbledon in South London, he sets in train a series of events that will ultimately bring him to the highest house in the land and an encounter with a rather hapless Barack Obama. Suffice it to say that American brains are on the menu.
Barack Obama also figures large in this book. The story of his ancestry is as strange as it is funny. Osama bin Laden is revealed to have been a schoolgirl fetishist. The tale of how he met his end is very far removed from the official version. It makes the Navy seal’s account seem rather pallid as well.
The reader is also treated to some very original and hilarious explanations for such modern controversies, as the real purpose of area 51, or the very surprising cause of chem trails, among others.
I have to say that this book is an imaginative and comic triumph. My only regret about it is that it came to an end. I hope I don't have to wait too long for the sequel. Mind you, I will have to find some way of stopping this laughing. Otherwise, I will be suing Christopher Antony Meade for putting me into this state in the first place.
Read the complete reviews and
Sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a>
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a>
You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.
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Don't have fear of the Illuminati global conspiracy. Laugh at it instead -- Anonymous, 09:24:22 02/27/13 Wed
There is a continuing fascination with the Illuminati and their all pervasive influence on world affairs.
There was an organisation called the Illuminati, which was founded in Bavaria in the eighteenth century. This is not the sinister organisation that aims to gain ruler ship over the world.
Only very few people can reveal the true facts about this sinister “society above society”. I am one of those with full knowledge. No doubt you are wondering how deep my insight goes.
To find out read my latest e-book The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama. It tells the story of the brilliant pianist, but loathsome zombie, Julian Faversham and his attempted assassination of Barack Obama.
It contains information on the history and power of the Illuminati that is not detailed anywhere else.
There is also some fascinating, but very embarrassing, information about the ancestry of Barack Obama.
Osama bin Laden was not killed in the way we have been told either. Read the true account of his demise here.
There is a royal connection here also, (or at least a Buckingham Palace connection).
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Christopher Antony Meade.
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Original, outrageously irreverent satire. The writers choice -- Anonymous, 08:22:47 03/01/13 Fri
What other writers say about “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”
"The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama" follows the style of classic gothic novels but adds modern-day anachronisms that lend the book its unexpected wit.
My only disappointment was that Meade hasn't given us more. The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama is one of those books that you wish would never end. If you loved "The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama," contact Meade and urge him to create a zombie trilogy.
Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker and Anne Rice, watch out! There's a new Gothic horror novelist on the scene”!
Frank Sanello, author of "The Knights Templars: God's Warriors, the Devil's Bankers"
“It's a fun read, full of interesting twists and turns that NO WAY you will see coming! It's got something for everyone - laughs, tragedy, fantasy, zombies, the recession, Hitler.
You'll recommend this book to your pals because they will want to know the true story of history too. It's outlandish and scary”!
Lela Cargill, author and homemaker.
“Mr Meade has an uncompromising view the world that almost defies discussion and is unlike any other. For the squeamish, be prepared and warned that this is not the usual. Behind it all is the brilliant mind of Mr Meade who is always a step ahead of all those fortunate to be in his presence. Get ready for a wild ride that will leave you wishing for more. Let' hope this is the beginning of a string of novels that will stand the test of time”.
Reynold Jay, author of “Born to be Rich” and “Lean against the Wind”.
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Horrific Zombie attack on Barack and Michelle Obama -- Anonymous, 04:53:44 03/03/13 Sun
To be attacked by a flesh eating zombie can be a very frightening thing. I know that when Barack and Michelle Obama encountered one of the ravening undead they were terrified out of their wits. Did the monster eat their brains? The president’s political opponents would say that he had no brains in the first place and the zombie would be faced with an empty skull.
So how this this horrifically gruesome episode occur in the lives of the First Couple? Did the zombie succeed in his nefarious aim of dining on the presidential grey matter? The answer to this question can be found in the amazing new book, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by that master of political satire, Christopher Antony Meade. The answers to some of the other great questions of the age, such as how the Illuminati conspiracy really works and what the secret is that Barack Obama keeps hidden in his trousers.
Don’t be kept in the dark about the things “our betters” would like to keep hidden. Get this book and then laugh at their pretensions instead.
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Michelle Obama and her embarrassing secret. -- Anonymous, 14:40:56 03/03/13 Sun
When Michelle Obama sleeps, she snores so loudly that the walls of the White House almost shake.
Her nocturnal eruptions especially caused embarrassment during the state visit, which the presidential couple paid to Queen Elizabeth II in London last year. Nobody at Buckingham Palace could get any sleep. The Queen and Prince Philip had to hammer on the bedroom door, in order to command some peace. The snoring of the First Lady was not the only problem that had to be dealt with, that night in the palace. When Michelle started screaming, things really were becoming very dangerous.
What caused Mrs Obama to yell like a baby on that fateful night? Was it something to do with the secret that Barack keeps hidden in his trousers? What is that big secret?
The answer to these and a host of other intriguing mysteries can be found in the devastatingly funny political satire, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by Christopher Antony Meade. You’ve probably guessed, but there is a psychopathic brain-eating zombie in the book as well and it is neither Mitt Romney nor Hilary Clinton.
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At home with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace -- Anonymous, 08:09:32 03/04/13 Mon
It can be difficult enough to get to sleep at Buckingham Palace, what with the noise from marching bands rehearsing the latest royal ceremony, not to speak of the myriad of servants trying to do their cleaning jobs around the palace while the Royal Family try to snatch some rest. Somebody is always managing to knock over a Ming vase, or drop some silverware, just when Her Majesty is about to drop off. A maid once trod on the tail of a corgi one night and the startled yelping of the dog made sleep an impossibility for the much tried monarch and her long suffering consort.
But all these disturbances were as nothing compared with the shenanigans that occurred the night that President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle stayed overnight in the palace. The snoring of the American First Lady was likened, by those unfortunate enough to hear it that night, to a combination to the drone of a Lancaster bomber allied with the chuffing of an old fashioned steam train. When this cacophony was succeeded by ear-piercing screaming and shouting coming from the suite occupied by the presidential couple, it was more than the elderly royal couple could endure. Her Majesty, accompanied by Prince Philip, stormed down to the guest apartment and hammered on the door.
What was causing the disturbance? What awful sight met the eyes of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness when the door was opened?
The answer can be found in “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”, the outrageously irreverent political satire by Christopher Antony Meade. The answers to many other questions of the age, such as, what really happened to Hitler’s body and what embarrassing secret is hidden beneath Barack Obama’s trousers can be found there too. You will probably be surprised and you will definitely be entertained.
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Cleaning the White House. The problems in maintaing a historic building -- Anonymous, 09:52:32 03/05/13 Tue
Cleaning the White House has become quite a problem since Barack Obama became the chief executive of the United States. It’s not just that the vibrations at night, from the thunderous snoring of Michelle Obama, shakes the entire building and sends flakes of loose plaster to the floor, for the hard-pressed cleaners to get rid of in the morning; but the President himself has taken to prowling around the executive mansion at night, to mark his territory with tom-cat spray. (This is because Barack Obama is one quarter cat on his mother’s side). There are few things so difficult to clean off as tom-cat effluvium. So, what with this, plus the snoring-displaced plaster, the position of White House cleaner is far from an easy posting.
You may ask why Barack Obama has feline DNA and if Michelle’s snoring really is so unbearably loud. To find out the back story, you need to read “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by that master of political satire Christopher Antony Meade. Prepare to be taken on a very bumpy, but entertaining, ride. The answers to many more mysteries are to be found within the pages of this outrageously irreverent novella. Read about the odd origin of the Illuminati and about what really happened to the body of Adolf Hitler after his death. You may be convinced or you may just roll about laughing. Either way, this book is one everyone really ought to read.
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Zombie terror. Attacked by a brain-eating monster -- Anonymous, 08:46:10 03/06/13 Wed
An encounter with a brain-eating zombie is one of the most terrifying and often lethal experiences anyone can expect to endure. The process of having the top of the head bitten off and the “grey matter” chewed on by one of these revolting un-dead is not something that any sane person would relish.
That is exactly the fate that was planned for United States President Barack Obama and his fragrant wife Michelle, during their state visit to the United Kingdom last year. The creature that attacked them had been hiding in their rooms at Buckingham Palace. Of all the trials suffered by this international statesman, this must surely have been the worst. Debating with Mitt Romney would be a picnic compared with this life and sanity threatening encounter.
So, you may ask how the President and First Lady came to be the intended dinner for the brain-eater in the first place and did the zombie succeed in chomping at the hippocampus of the chief executive. (Some say it’s obvious that he did). The answer can be found in the very funny political satire “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by that master of the comic grotesque, Christopher Antony Meade.
I won’t give away any more info on the comic delights of this very funny book. I can guarantee, however, that you will never look at the world the same way again after reading it.
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Original, outrageous and very funny book. A classic of political comedy -- Anonymous, 08:58:09 03/09/13 Sat
“The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by the alternative comedy writer Christopher Antony Meade is a book that will give you great entertainment. If you are the kind of person who likes to laugh at the pretentions of those who call themselves our betters, this is certainly the book for you. Among those lampooned, in this savage satire, is a rather hapless Barack Obama. The chapter explaining the bizarre details of his ancestry is a classic of political comedy.
Do you want to find out the true use of Area 51, or the origin of the Illuminati? All that is revealed here as well.
I won’t spoil your enjoyment of this original and startlingly outrageous novella, by revealing any more of its secrets. It’s better that you discover them for yourselves. It is definitely well worth the exploration.
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Take good pussy into your bed but avoid bad pussy -- Anonymous, 04:39:25 03/11/13 Mon
Not every pussy can be a pleasure to stroke. The pussy that attempted to get into the bed of President Barack Obama was definitely not a very lovely pussy. This was a shape-shifting zombie pussy that had designs on the presidential brain, rather than on any more pleasure-inducing organ.
The fact that this decomposing, but alive, monstrosity launched its attack while the President and First Lady were staying in Buckingham Palace just added to the terror caused by this mouldy pussy. The last thing any man, or indeed woman, needs is to be sharing their bed with a smelly and ravenous pussy.
So how did this evil pussy get to be in Buckingham Palace in the first place and what made Barack Obama so attractive to the devil-spawned feline?
The answer to this and many other pussy related questions can be found in “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”, the outrageous satire on politicians and pussies, by that master of macabre pussy related literature, Christopher Antony Meade. Many other topical subjects are covered in this totally “off the wall” book. Some involve pussy and some do not, but all will have you falling off your seat from laughing.
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Best political satire. Funniest and most surreal book ever written -- Anonymous, 16:27:37 03/22/13 Fri
“The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” is the rather odd title of an outrageously irreverent novella that is set to become a cult classic and one of the most original and funny political satires ever written. The author, Christopher Antony Meade, will surely find himself counted with such greats from the world of lampoonery as Jonathan Swift and Pelham Grenville Wodehouse.
This book, which is unlike any other I have ever read, begins as a standard zombie book, except that this mouldering undead monstrosity is a rather talented classical pianist by the name of Julian Faversham. Later on, with the addition of a bizarre collection of characters such as Adolf Hitler, the Cheshire cat, Osama bin laden, the Illuminati and a rather hapless Barack Obama, the reader is drawn into an ever more surreal and absurdly funny world. The chapters on the ancestry of Barack Obama and on the real secret of Area 51 are only some of the delights which should keep the reading public laughing until their jaws hurt.
I won't spoil things by revealing any more about this weird but totally funny book. I just hope it won't be a one-hit wonder and that Christopher Antony Meade brings out a sequel before too long. This reader wants to be first in the queue if he does.
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Outcry over banning of embarrassing book about the Obamas -- Anonymous, 02:51:24 03/24/13 Sun
At a recent emergency Cabinet meeting held in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington DC, the subject under discussion was how to counter the embarrassing revelations about the private life of President Barack Obama that has been made public, by the publication of the book “The Zombie the Cat and Barack Obama”, written by that arch whistleblower Christopher Antony Meade. The placing into the public domain of such information as that the President of the country is descended from a shape shifting alien has been creating larger and larger ripples in the body politic of the United States of America. The embarrassing rumours about the appendage Barack Obama keeps in his trousers and the stories of how his wife’s snoring is starting to cause the plaster to fall off the ceilings in the White House are also starting to cause governmental disquiet.
Accordingly a resolution was adopted that this shameful book should be banned in the United States and that an extradition request, for the offending author, should be made to the British government, (Meade is resident in the United Kingdom).
This means that there is probably only a limited time left for people to purchase and enjoy “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”. I urge everyone, who reads this, to get and enjoy the book. Then petition your local representative, (no matter which country you are from), to oppose this attack on free expression.
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The really funny side of politics and history. Satire at its best -- Anonymous, 08:38:36 03/31/13 Sun
When the writer Christopher Anton consented to share his home with a mouldy brain-eating zombie, he set in motion a disastrous train of events that resulted in his being carried off to a mental asylum. There are also two rather gruesome deaths at the hands of his undead lodger.
You might wonder how somebody could make a really funny book out of such a horrific tale. Christopher Antony Meade manages to do just exactly that in his hilarious horror/political satire, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”. This fantasy, which begins when the zombie comes to live with the hapless writer, brings the reader on a helter-skelter gallop through such topical subjects as the real ancestry of Barack Obama, what happened to the body of Adolf Hitler, the surprising and shocking purpose of Area 51 and a host of other mind-bending events. The totally disrespectful and anarchic humour, which Meade displays throughout this novella, makes it one of the most memorable political comedies I've ever read. I make no hesitation in recommending it to anyone who enjoys laughing at their political masters.
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Daily Horoscope -- Anonymous, 23:58:09 07/23/14 Wed
A horoscope is the picture of the planets during the birth of any person which differs from people to people, due to the continuous movement of the planets. Astrological analysis of a person begins with the preparation of a horoscope which requires exact date, time and place of birth of that person concerned. The abstruse meaning of a horoscope keeps similarity with that of the pack of a medicine.
A horoscope is also like a STAMP from the manufacturing company of NATURE, which incorporates these features, just like in the case of a pack a medicine. Horoscopes hold the positions of the planets during the birth of a person. To prepare a horoscope three types of information are mainly required, viz.:
- Date of birth
- Time of birth
- Place of birth
For the preparation of a horoscope we need astronomical data, which provides us the exact positions of the planets on their respective orbit of movement during the date and time of birth of a person, which is different for everybody. From the place of birth of a person, we can find out the geographical latitude and longitude and also can calculate their differences from the celestial (Topocentric) latitude and longitude.
The word Zodiac literally means animals and refers to the patterns or configurations of creatures as seen in the twinkling stars at night. The Zodiac belt is the great circle around which our luminescent Sun apparently moves month by month throughout the year, transcribing the energy of those different constellational signs and thereby transmitting the celestial radiations to our Earth.
Astrology is the study of correlations of celestial events with behavior on earth, particularly correlations which cannot be explained by gravitation, magnetism, or other forces that are well-established in physics or other sciences.
A "celestial event" is any event in the sky. For example, the Sun rising is a celestial event, or any two planets appearing in the same place in the sky is a celestial event. The celestial event can involve any celestial body, whether it is the Sun, Moon, a planet, an asteroid, comet, star, black hole, quasar, or other celestial object.
There are many possible answers and I will not go into those now. Note that the lack of a clear explanation of why the correlation should exist, or the fact that the existence of such a correlation seems absurd to many scientists and non-scientists alike, does not in itself make astrology unscientific. Scientists can analyze correlations and perfect their ability to predict based on these correlations without knowing why the correlation exists. Experts in scientific methodology emphasize that science ultimately is about making observations and theories help us understand the observations.
The ability to predict that an apple will fall to the ground if dropped is a scientifically verifiable statement and it does not require the theory of gravitation to make it more scientific. However, the theory of gravitation allows us to understand not only why the apple falls to the ground, but also a myriad other phenomena such as why planets revolve around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth. The power of a scientific theory is that it expands our ability to make predictions about other phenomena, but the lack of good theories does not make a replicable experiment less scientific.
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LEARNING A LESSON THE HARD WAY. MOTHERS KNOW BEST -- Anonymous, 04:11:59 09/04/14 Thu
For the first time, I found myself on the inside and it was not the wonderful place I had imagined when I sniffed the delightful food aroma, from my home, just behind the bath panel. I regretted now that I hadn’t paid more heed to the warnings of my mother.
“You just be careful if you go outside” she was always saying. “Be especially careful if you smell food. It may not be what you think. The monsters often use food to lure us to our doom. You don’t want to end up like your poor grandfather, who just went out one day and never came back.”
The story of my late grandparent had been repeated so often that it was becoming like a joke among us younger ones. We used to laugh behind our mother’s back every time she gave her dread warning. We didn’t really believe her anyway and, even if it were true, the overconfidence of youth convinced us that we were invulnerable. We would never come to any harm.
So it was with a frisson of excitement that I smelled the delightful smell of oatmeal and honey wafting over my nostrils on that fateful morning. I had just woken up and was feeling ravenous. Oatmeal and honey was my favourite food. We only really got it very rarely. I’d first tasted it when one of the monsters had spilled some, from his breakfast, on the floor one morning. Later in the day, when the house was quiet, our whole family had had a delightful picnic from the remains of his carelessness. Since then I had a craving for this beautiful food. I envied the monsters, who got to eat it every day.
The smell of the food was so enticing and I was so peckish, that all notion of obeying my mother’s warnings went out of my head. I’d had a tiff with my brothers and sisters, the previous night, over some cheese crumbs they had refused to share with me. I decided therefore, not to tell them anything about this latest treat. They would be so jealous, when they were told about how I had scoffed all the lovely honey and oatmeal on my own.
So they were all fast asleep when I went outside, to be confronted by a long rectangular black tube, situated right in front of the entrance to our home. I’d seen one of these before. My mother had warned us all never to go near one and, at all costs, never to go into one. I laughed, silently to myself, over the silliness of over-protective parents. What could possibly be dangerous about a stupid tube? Besides I could smell my delicious breakfast and the gorgeous treat was inside. I eagerly scrambled into the inviting interior, my mouth watering at the promise of the great feast. The oatmeal and honey was smeared on the end wall. I ran to it eagerly.
That’s when everything went disastrously wrong. There was a crashing sound behind me and I found myself in total darkness. It seemed that some sort of door had slammed and I was TRAPPED. There was no way I could get out. How I wished my wise mother’s warnings had not gone unheeded. I squeaked as loud as I could but, even if any one of the family could hear my anguished cries, it was unlikely that they would be able to release me from my prison.
Then I heard a sound that sent tremors of dread into my very soul. One of the smaller monsters had come into the room and this is what he was saying excitedly.
“Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! We’ve got one in the trap. Can I give it to the cat to play with?
The awful truth of why Grandfather Mouse hadn’t come home dawned on me then.
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