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Date Posted: 17:43:47 02/18/05 Fri
Author: consciousness, equal in quality, unique.
Subject: Consciousness is pi.

philosophical truths, are obvious facts, based in concrete evidence:

God does in all fact exist, is the only reason all
our emotional problems are absolutely false. (chased by a tiger, worried about making ends meet, are not emotional problems; to actually be occurring, they are real).

self-esteem is true? first, do we exist at all? i am self conscious of myself proves i do exist.

Consciousness is what i am. Consciousness is made out of eternal essence, is the only way self-esteem can be the plain fact of it.

the essence of our consciousness: am i unique? the only one of my kind?

how could i be unique, the only one of my kind? this eternal essence, our consciousness is made out of, is either One literally, or merely figuratively. figuratively, says we are not actually connected at all.

We are One literally, leads to the question, are we to be connected ultimately, to whoever, it does not matter? auntie, your child, whoever, is technically,
anyone and everybody is exactly as you. none of us,
unique? or is our other half a very specific person?, because we are unique.
facts are, it is only one way or the other. mere conjecture, is not this.

unique. can we be known, even if each of us, visually in appearance, looked exactly alike, as stars in the sky. this is why our very creative efforts, in itself, will show all others who did it,--ultimately, to know exactly what those unique qualities exactly are.

we are unique, is why we can understand Why we exist. Consciousness as a whole, is you and every i put together. this eternal essence, an actual dot of an essence that is eternal. the congruient whole, as One unit, our potential future is; yet, we are not even unified yet, to make a decision as a singular unit.

yet, God this Fellow, who is One singular consciousness in his own right, just like you and i, a Guy. Is a singular consciousness, can think, and act. He personally exists, is why he sees that he can self-replicate His very personality. (make a copy of what does exist.) Thus, he sees the potential for everyone of us, is every possible personality that can be made, is capable of existing, even before we do exist.

because we can exist, our potential to exist, is exactly, why it would be cruel not to create who can exist. our uniqueness, is why our potential exists;
and love is why God makes us.

in consequence, it would be equally cruel, if God's very specific consciousness, is His size, can exist, is sure rude to pretend God the Guy doesn't. As this stands true for other personalities, so huge that we live in them also, even if they are not the Biggest Guy of all, for whom we all live inside of. Rather, huge people, not born on an earth, of a larger personality/i.q. order. ...for a fellow from a much larger order to come to earth and say, "i am He, your Dad/father": either he is, or he is a deciever,--as honest schitzophrenics know they are schitzophrenic, and would clearly say so; is certainly able to see where any symptoms he has comes from, to look honestly, is honest. Which is why it is rude to suggest, for a fellow to say, "He who has seen me, has seen the Father.", that he is anything but who he says he is. ( prophets of old, except for jesus of course: none said they were a bigger, much less biggest guy in our Universe, as Jesus did say. they were all honest to be chosen is so by the same source, is God). (Gabrial, came to Jesus' mother, and also came to the prophet Muhamid.)

why is it fair everyone who can exist, does, or will?
because i care. fairness is to care, is love.

i would never hurt in a million years on purpose. go with that, or reject your soul knowing you are, to know not going with that IS your soul, LITERALLY.

belief in god would never hurt anyone on purpose.
is our soul's essence IS conscience, is love, literally.

temper is why one chooses to decline empathy forever.
temper is based only in false viewpoints. to believe this, is to believe in God.

reject one person rejects yourself, is how you feel. just as not believing in rejection at all, is why we feelingly know absolutely, God's existence, has no loneliness in our soul.

emotional health depends upon consciousness is eternal.

God is love literally. our conscience, is love, our soul, is where the actual feeling of love/care comes from.

our physical body can only bring us excitement's lust, caused by the idea of self-worship,--all of us can tell this for ourselves, who prefers (is honest) to look at their own daydreams/and experience, and see it is so. lust, learned away, not felt now. real love, cares about everyone equally, is true only. who does agree wholeheartidly with this, is well meaing only: feelingly knows that real love grows, to such a degree, that the feeling of real love is far superior to mere sex/lust/egoes self-worship, is what he agrees is true, to grow it. does grow it therefore; thus, always succeeds.

real love, cares about everyone really, equally,--does not agree ego is true at all! i didn't agree romance was being very nice to prefer one over another. and that is why i eventually earned my soul mate revelation 14 years ago; after i learned/earned a chunk of my ego away. although i had never even heard of "soul mate" idea until i had this revelation.

but first, consciousness, is unique, how? now proof of personalities uniqueness, is of course every I.Q. level, for every type of personality exists, is one such obvious reality.

I.Q.: consciousness, a dot of varying sizes, is i.q. the quality of this dot is equal.

charming are the retarded, is the animal kingdom.
animals are Conscious, foreverlasting.
animals are not of our order; yet, they are the
only reason we are not the tiniest order.

animals are a piece of the eternal pi,
just as you and i.
animals either are, or are not,
we cannot have it both ways.

we do full well know,
to know an animal personally,
he IS Charming baby special.
to know an animal, we can tell he is "better
then everybody", resolute in truth without
choosing to prefer first.

i am conscious of the fact that indeed i am conscious,--unlike the animals, who take that for granted anyway, even if they are not smart enough to think, "i think therefore i am." is not retarded, thinks about what i might want to do next week, without being reminded.

the slowest of our order, are seriously charming, have an equally grande destiny, as the smartest.
the goal for everyone, is to learn/earn all there is to know,--the slowest of our order, merely earn more slowly. to learn, to become cultured is the should for every human being, who grows.

God replicates himself, in every concievable personality type, in every concievable i.q.
and in every possible sexual type.

sexual preference is proof that personality itself is indeed unique. we have this proof even before learning what the other traits are.

sexual type: what the heck is that? my "other half" is the same exactly as me, except he is dominant. +,-/dominant, recessive. could be nothing other. the only way my "other half" and i differ, is +/-.

i love everyone equally should feel that way; growers make certain they do feel this way really.
earn reality, my urge, is all who would never knowingly hurt on purpose/well meaning always, has the urge.

ego is self-worship only. the kinetic feel derived from this attitude, is caused by your over excitement as to just how wonderful you know you are. to believe in god really, does agree you will grow real love, and real love will simply feel better then sex.

sex is not immoral between consenting adults; touch bathroom area, is sex. what is ammoral, is to adore one person more then another. real love is equal. only growers prefer to be with who you are with.

grower, experiment, worship god, thinks of rolling hills, or thunder, while you masterbate (also)? does agree you will grow real love simply feels better then sex. (there is nothing immoral about pretending to have sex with someone, so long as it isn't betrayal; yet, it will slow you down, if you "believe in" ego needs sex, as if true. why ego is false, look at your daydreams, grows.)

kinetic feel, we know is self-worship only; yet, kinetic feel, is also who is so close to me? listen everyone, who cheats on his spouse, does not feelingly believe in god, much less soul mates. only who will not commit adultry, prefers to learn ego away,--is very glad hearted that your twin soul is the old shoe for which you must earn, is fair; because it is all about feelingly adoring everyone equally; and the grower is grateful this is so.

what will encourage my view, that you are "my type",where "my type comes from": is my sexual type, (bi-sexual in my instance); and/Or, the way me and my "other halfs" spouses (are together), look in appearance: is, who is similar in appearance, i did believe to be "my type". (our purpose is to earn everyone who exists. 2 includes me, 4, 8, 16, 32, at a time, so on, i assume in strict common sense. 4 is who i refer to).

sexual preference is, the way i actually am: i am a male personality who is very feminine, is not the "dominate" one, is why i am in a ladies body is correct for me. i cannot be any other way. it would be revolting to be a female personality.

"above sex", thinks about this, instead of touching someones body: how exactly i am "one" with my other half, to actually be. is What sex is derived from, actually! yet, discovering who i really am, is now absolutely certain, moves beyond "above sex", consideration, is the way i am anyway; and now is to move onward, and earn to really be, absolutely, "on the spirit line" earned, forevermore. does not think about myself at all, unless to solve a real and true issue. (i do know "who i am" exactly now, absolutely; on the edge of earning the spirit line.)

sexual type and i.q. is placement of all people, in whatever series of traits yet unknown, (in conjecture i liken this placement to the genetic code, instead of atoms).

"intuition" is our soul, is the receptor for which God the fellow hears, speaks to us. "intuition" is shared, is our holy spirit. on the spirit line, it is the holy spirit alone who is credited for all intuitive hearing.

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