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Date Posted: 10:44:04 09/13/06 Wed
Author: the very essence of emotional health
Subject: Philosophical Truth -- Self-Evident Fact

Every conscious being is made from the Great Conscious Being; Who is a “Guy” in His own right. In consequence, every "guy" has a personal relationship to hold dear and honor with every conscious being in existence, is true only. Consciousness is One is true literally.

I feel I own my soul to keep, if I do prefer to honor every human being equally, is really the way I am. (prefers to be, live with everyone equally, is true only.) This is what high self esteem is actually, -- feels no doubt regarding God's existence.

*every person's interests are equally important as your own, is true only; is your intent only, feels loved within. Would certainly rather be inconvenienced so that another will be okay. is honored, not resentful (mere duty) to do the right thing.

if a fellow is wrong in the way he believes/behaves, then certainly, to be truly understood, he can be educated. either a fellow learns better when he learns better, is self-correcting, or he knew he was rejecting his soul literally; which is why he means it; he will never be sorry for what he did.

*to care, is loved, is our soul literally, prefers to have faith one is a good guy, will learn better to learn what he needs to learn, would rather be there for him. *real love is how we feel for everyone equally.

prefer to care about all fellows, no one left out, feels self love, is not capable of feeling lonely. feelingly feels destiny awaits, which is why he feelingly knows all ambitions, true desires will occur. purposely seeks for ones own short comings; purposely addresses every negative emotion: the facts will set you free from all emotional upset. seeks the facts, sees they are so for yourself, feels the facts, thus earns the facts. the consequence is, you earn a deepened feeling of adoration for everyone equally; you see the difference in your earned contented happiness, upon the passing of each season.

purposely deepen the feeling of real love, feels more in love with humanity as you do. yet, there is no happiness for who must have a mate, or extra money, or looks, or they will not be happy. there is no love for humanity if these things are more important to you then people. ego excitement's euphoric lust, is merely excited about your own self. no one can feel excited about you. easy to see one is merely believing that good looking person adores me. Ego is mere delusion. look and see, gets rid of ego / euphoric lust, instantly; and augments real love. now you know. feels more in love with everyone equally, including “your old shoe of a spouse”, (who you do know darn well does not worship you; familiarity feels certain.) marriage is only for emotionally stable people/non-egoists.

effort to grow real love, earns your soul replete, feels far superior, above body feeling, (including sex). earn real love, earns the spirit feels loved, literally. Is “on the spirit line”, is earned, is merely rid of an actual deficit. earn every person really; for we are One is literally so. earn all there is to know. this is the long term goal.

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