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Date Posted: 10:31:41 09/16/06 Sat
Author: .
Subject: social justice is liberty better be right.
In reply to: deny grew hard, was accidental, if you now hear: 's message, "the true definition of what is selfish is not up to you at all." on 13:34:15 09/15/06 Fri

Social justice is liberty, is not right? Moral truth is not up to you. any law that breaks the golden rule is unlawful. Who will be “for” viciousness, is the definition of a sociopath: He who answers, he can so allow harms way for others, and he knew he rejected his soul to answer: will never allow in god who he hurt. To care is our soul literally.

So answer: a human being is not allowed a wage that will support him, which is why he must depend on others, or go homeless. You can be fired for no reason at all,--zero job protection, zero equal opportunity employment; in consequence, a fellow can be afraid he will be fired for no reason at all, at any moment. Afraid all the time you may go homeless if. …not allowed a test, or operation you need; is murdered. …stranded; you can just afford a car, then, be safe. Demand a poor person pay liability, or else be given a heavy fine! Or even have your car stolen by the government? Or go to jail for not being able to afford insurance? = go to jail for being poor. No fault insurance would have cared. …. Charge the poor more for being poor!...Get off on it, (is spite), if viciousness is “okay”. The line is drawn in the sand. If you just can be vicious, -- has a bind for you. this is so who is good will self-correct, will no longer treat morality as if some sort of opinion / political issue. Will correct the situation. Correct the situation, and I am good with you.

~~true living wages can afford extras is moral only = businesses are healthier then they have ever been = secure money markets that are booming; because business really is making great profits = a permanently secure government surplus~~

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