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Date Posted: 09:43:17 10/08/08 Wed
Author: .
Subject: SELF-EVIDENT ECONOMIC FACT is short and simple

owed work that pays a living wage is allowed a way to be safe is secure. does not need your charity. everyone learns exactly what they need to learn when they do, self corrects, unless they are a true sociopath. just won't work is a sociopath only. "it would have been anyone in your exact circumstance" is your bad and good circumstance both, unless one actually is a true sociopath just won't. forgiveness, faith that you will self-correct, fact; conceit untrue.

ECONOMIC FACT ~~~true living wages can afford extras = businesses are healthier then they have ever been = secure money markets that are booming; because business really is making great profits = a permanently secure government surplus. proper credit rules made into law will prevent hyper-inflationary trends in housing. interest rates should stay at the same rate; raising them causes inflationary trends. rate of return is interest rates. business is too bankrupt to raise wages as substantially as needed, in order to make the economic engine run correctly, creates a permanent surplus: thus, government needs to compensate businesses present wages to make the salaries adhere to real living wages will afford extras. when business surpluses occur, amount government pays is lessened. permanent surpluses creates early retirement; yet, people are prone to our meaning of life: to cultivate consciousness.~~~

if a guy can just not be allowed work that will support him, is supposed to go beg off people who feel duty, not true caring, to stay with: too vicious. True, prefer to do right anyway, self corrects to realize you were thinking wrongly, does not need the eternal threat
is fair if viciousness is. economic fact is self-evident.

cannot tell a person's character by their bank account; you can only tell that he did not have the true opportunity to go to college, or is not bright enough, and/or has Attention Deficit, learning disabilities. ambition = I.Q. level. slow people are capable of learning everything the rest of us can, if but merely slower; will make great employees to be properly taught. retarded as a term is fine if you are; is animal I.Q., -- are not supposed to "work"; but they are as important to exist as all other I.Q.'s; they are the bridge of understanding between people and the animal kingdom; they are us; but people experts. they are more important then that.

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