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Date Posted: 10:32:38 10/08/08 Wed
Author: .
Subject: credit and the one and only true economic cure
In reply to: . 's message, "SELF-EVIDENT ECONOMIC FACT is short and simple" on 09:43:17 10/08/08 Wed

~~true living wages can afford extras = businesses are healthier then they have ever been = secure money markets that are booming; because business really is making great profits = a permanently secure government surplus~~

of course the only true cure is wages. even if a great big gold mine is discovered, and they pay off the federal deficit, but still, they keep wages as low as they possibly can, as "they" have done all along: still, suffering in poverty and no permanent surplus would be the outcome. and while business did not realize they were stealing to pay as low as possible; of course it is stealing to have such little regard for people who keep your business running for you, that you would not care if they cannot survive on the salary you give. now we know this is so actually. investor's investments simply are not secure unless the real cure is addressed is wages.

CREDIT: the reason people default on a loan they could afford in the first place, is loss of income.

JOB SECURITY: a person can be educated, unless he is a real "just won't do right" type of person, is looking like a real sociopath. firing suggests he is actually a real sociopath, or that he just cannot do a job, -- in which case he would not want the job. is slander, if not true. a moral employer signs on to this, assures the employee will be able to afford what he presently affords. can be trusted with credit.

THE JOB WILL ALWAYS BE THERE: will, to address the real economic cure. a guy is just not allowed to support himself. my credentials aren't. still, i'm quite capable of being trained at work, at what my i.q. = ambition level is, better be allowed to work. (lousy resume, yet the person is obviously intelligent, is treated as if this is not so vs. you had a contact to get that job). we are bankrupt is the inability to pay someone enough to support himself, without having to live with brother, --can survive on what i make, doesn't need to live with brother. i will beg none, has no bro, will not be allowed to work at all, much less a survival wage, is murderer vicious. yes who is being murdered through neglect needs to go to the police for help. charged on high with murder, if i can just be refused a way to make a living is okay: government meets the real living wage affords extras requirments for all businesses, until business can pay higher salaries, as the surplusses occur actually. we will be an impoverished nation, with the bailout, unless, government compensates bad wages, now. every nation will become wealthy with the cure; the cure turns a buy out into great financial profits.

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