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Date Posted: 09:09:08 12/02/04 Thu
Author: Joe Chung
Subject: Re: Thoughts
In reply to: UBF member 's message, "Thoughts" on 02:08:13 12/02/04 Thu

You probably know me, so I hope you can understand some of my skepticism.

>I was totally shocked to
>see the fear tactics used and the amount of influence
>Dr. Peter Chang had.

Not really that shocking, is it? Considering that you saw the same thing in Chicago under Sam Lee? Or was it even worse than the orchestra "training" under Sam Lee?

>I was probably more angry and
>worried that these children, some not even teenagers,
>whom I would consider my brothers and sisters were
>being told what to do and how to do something, even if
>it did not make sense.

Was it really worse than being made to sit for 2 or more hours straight as Sam Lee went through Rarick, "Happy" Sarah and Dewitt over and over and over again?

>However, I was probably most
>angry because this was not the character of UBF that I
>knew as a child, teenager and adult.

This is Chicago UBF you're talking about, right? You didn't see the kind of authoritarianism that you saw in N.J. also displayed in Chicago?

>I know many people dont like UBF, no wait, many people

I realize that "hate" is an unpopular word, and that UBF likes to dismiss its critics as "hateful." But please let it be known that hating harmful and destructive practices is a good thing, even a duty. Otherwise, there is no hope for change.

My comments on the rest of what you wrote, including what you see as positive changes:

* The type of "non-arranged" marriages that you speak of sound familiar and have occurred in the past in Chicago UBF. That "JH" presided over the marriages indicates that these non-UBF-arranged marriages were not officially blessed by UBF.

* If "JH" is the same "JH" that I am thinking of, then based on recent testimony, "Light and darkness can definitely be at the same place at the same time."

* That people in UBF were allowed to participate in ritual baptism does not impress me as a particularly substantive change.

* I am more interested in whether the core problems have changed, whether the rotten pillars of UBF have changed, e.g. "spiritual order," insane numbers emphasis, "marriage by faith" (as rule, rather than exception), opaque finances.

* I'd be interested in hearing about other positive changes that you and others see or saw happening.

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  • Thanks for writing -- Chris, 09:23:25 12/02/04 Thu

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