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Date Posted: 03:03:48 01/27/05 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Printing costs
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Costs and Profits of UBF Daily Bread" on 19:48:54 01/26/05 Wed

Currently, UBF members are charged $9.00 quarterly for each Daily Bread. That is one page for each day for three months plus some introductory pages for a total of 95 pages. If printing costs are five cents per page that is $4.75. Further costs include binding the booklet and shipping. I estimate that binding and shipping should not cost more than $2.25 per book. Tht leaves $2.00 per book left over.

I want to give you a comparison:
A daily devotional for a year
Cost: $5, they charge you $1.70 for shipping if you can wait for a week...

And consider tht DB isn't NEARLY as nicely layouted (no gloss color cover for instance, that makes up for a BUNCH in production costs!), is smaller (size costs money, you know...), has less pages (95 pages vs. 365 pages?), then I would assume DB production cost to be anywhere between $.50 and $1.
Actually, you look at the size of DB, you can xerox 2 pages on 1, and you end up with 45 xerox copies plus a softback.
Given the quantity, it should be easy to get 3 Cent copies, so even IF you make xeroxes, which is probably the most costly alternative, you COULD get the job done below $2 total.
Given that they don't ship each DB to your home, but load up a bunch of 20 or so at your local chapter, shipping costs per piece should be WAY below $2 per piece, I think $.50 would be more appropriate. I can send you 50 booklets of the size of DB for around $20, so I assume...

And if we consider that they print large quantities and use good logistics (who wouldn't optimize profits?), I fathom the production and shipping costs per DB are below $1.50.
That would leave $7.50, or 500% as a profit margin.
Not bad...

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