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Subject: Dukie, I know you are having a great time at Rainbow Bridge. I can't wait to meet you!

Mercedes ( message inside)
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Date Posted: Sun, August 23, 2009 1:15:59

I've been BUSY the past few days, shopping up a storm. I just got home from visiting a few more stores in San Antonio. This past weekend is TAX FREE on clothes, school supplies, and shoes. I try to buy as much as I can and save the 8.25% of tax. I spent a small fortune, but me, Chato and my husband are all set with clothes, shoes and paper for the next year! I must have saved at least $45 in taxes, plus most everything was on sale, too. I figure I saved at least $150 off everything.

I didn't get a chance to see "Meet the Press" this morning. It was probably more of the same--the Republicans screaming about 'death panels' and 'pull the plug on Grandma' and the Democrats fighting back these idiotic LIES.

I did get a chance to see that Betsy McCaughey get 'creamed' by Jon Stewart on his show a few days ago. Boy was that good! She looked like an absolute moron, looking for her so-called 'proof' in that huge binder of denying seniors healthcare. I wish that Jon Stewart would have confronted her more, especially since she was the main source of the 'death panels' and 'pull the plug on Grandma' crappola that the Republicans having been trying to use to get people upset.

If anyone uses a tenth of their brain power, they can see right through the baloney and all the hype of those who have been screaming at the Townhall meetings. They are now being told to sit down and shut up. It's about time! And Enough Already of showing Obama as a Nazi, and saying he's like Hitler. That makes me sick!

I just am so mad about people walking around near where President Obama is, carrying loaded guns. My God, they should be Arrested! It's not a matter of their 'rights as gun owners' it's a matter of why the heck would anyone in their right mind bring a loaded gun to a public gathering, especially near the President. The Secret Service shouldn't have to stand nearby--these gun toters should have their guns taken away and be lead off to the nearest jail. I have a dreaded feeling that one day some moron is going to get one of those loaded guns out of the holster and start shooting at the crowds.

Well, got to get ready to go back to San Antonio for the work week.

I love you Dukie!


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Once again Mercedes...we think alike!PeggySun, August 23, 2009 2:18:19

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