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Subject: maria

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Date Posted: 06:08:18 03/24/06 Fri

Is a nice site.
Subject: maria

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Date Posted: 16:47:14 03/28/06 Tue

Is a nice site.
Subject: maria

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Date Posted: 08:57:44 04/14/06 Fri

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Subject: maria

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Date Posted: 20:19:31 04/16/06 Sun

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Subject: maria

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Subject: sdfsdf

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Date Posted: 08:22:45 04/21/06 Fri

Is a nice site.
Subject: sdfsdf

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Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet
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Date Posted: 03:44:11 05/30/06 Tue


Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

This CD-book is about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation. The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (490 pages).
This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some them, pictures and maps and much more.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

In schools, children are deceived and indoctrinated with "Greek" history, mythology, Gods and literature instead of being taught the truth.

Before 1860, "Greece" did not exist. Neither did any "Greek" nationality. Before 1913, no Serbian "Albanian" or "Bulgarian" nationality or country existed. Before the Second World War, no Montenegrin, Croatian, Bosnian or Slovenian nationality or country existed. All of this is old Macedonian territory. As evidence, there are ancient historian maps presented in book 1.

The media of the western world has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda.

During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western world's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I want to warn the readers about the shocking pictures in the book, of young Macedonians, some tortured, others massacred in the spring of 2001 by "Albanian" Nazi fascist extremists and terrorists and with the help of corrupt Macedonian traitors, who call themselves politicians and the Western World's organizations the NATO, the UN and the EU.

This is an echo of the Second World War when Hitler's nazis and Mussolini's fascists occupied Macedonia and gave the "Albanian" terrorists and fascists permission to massacre, murder and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Now the NATO, the UN and the EU are the barbarian, performing the same task as Hitler and Mussolini did. We Macedonians will never forget nor forgive this.

The price of the CD-book is 36 Euro including shipping. Would you like to be a distributor? The price is then 26 Euro per CD-book including shipping, if you order 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet TREPET_1@hotmail.com

I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Från: support@se.b-one.net
Skickat: den 15 maj 2006 11:43:52
Till: Ljupco Mircevski Ljupco_Mircevski@hotmail.com
Ämne: Vi har stängt av för tjänsterna www samt FTP gällande domänen (trepet.com)

Vi har temporärt stängt av för tjänsterna www samt FTP för din domän.
Vänligen uppmärksamma att ditt abonnemang inte har tagits bort vilket betyder att abonnemanget fortsätter jfr. våra affärsvillkor.

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Från: Ljupco Mircevski ljupco_mircevski@hotmail.com
Skickat: den 16 maj 2006 12:05:52
Till: support@se.b-one.net, support@b-one.net, support@dk.b-one.net, robot@dk.b-one.net, salg@dk.b-one.net, salg@se.b-one.net, regnskab@dk.b-one.net, robot@b-one.net
Kopia: Ljupco_Mircevski@hotmail.com
Ämne: RE: Vi har stängt av för tjänsterna www samt FTP gällande domänen (trepet.com)

Ni har stängt min hemsida men jag vet inte varför ni har gjort detta.

I ert mail står det att:

Den temporära avstängningen beror på någon av följande orsaker:
- Överträdelse av våra affärsvillkor.
- Webbhotellabonnemanget har missbrukats.
- Säkerhetsmässiga grunder.

Jag har inte överträtt några affärsvillkor, inte missbrukat webbhotellabonnemanget, inte heller finns det några säkerhetsmässiga grunder till att hemsidan skulle ha stängts ner. Så varför har ni då stängt ner min hemsida?

Jag önskar svar snarast möjligt.

Ljupco Mircevski

From: support@se.b-one.net
To: Ljupco_Mircevski@hotmail.com
Subject: Vi har stängt av för tjänsterna www samt FTP gällande domänen (trepet.com)
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 13:43:52 +0200

Vi har temporärt stängt av för tjänsterna www samt FTP för din domän.
Vänligen uppmärksamma att ditt abonnemang inte har tagits bort vilket
betyder att abonnemanget fortsätter jfr. våra affärsvillkor.

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- Överträdelse av våra affärsvillkor.
- Webbhotellabonnemanget har missbrukats.
- Säkerhetsmässiga grunder.

Detta meddelande har genererats automatiskt. Vid tillfälle av att ni ej
vet orsaken till att ert webbhotellabonnemang temporärt är avstängt
skall ni kontakta oss.

För ytterligare information ber vi er att kontakta: support@b-one.net.

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Från: Ivan Jovanov Vardarec@icqmail.com
Skickat: den 23 maj 2006 22:40:50
Till: Gjorce Petrov-Vojvoda gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com

Abe da se super ama rabotata e sto ne mi ja otvara stranata. Aj pisete sto e problemot i do kaj e celava ovaa rabota. Inaku utre 24ti, se igra derbi kup finale vo fudbal pomegu nasi i "siptari" pa ke bide haos niz celo Skopje.
Pa pozdrav braka kaj i da ste.

<-----Original Message----->
>From: Gjorce Petrov-Vojvoda
>Sent: 5/14/2006 10:48:52 AM
>To: MakPolitics@yahoogroups.com;
>MakPolitics-subscribe@yahoogroups.com; MakPolitics-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com;MakPolitics-
>Cc: support@boardhost.com;
>dmca@boardhost.com;admin@bg-history.info; rita.steyaert@standaard.be;komap@bg-
>This is not a commercial (not Spam). This is about a nation that has
>suffered deeply, a nation the world has forgotten about.
>If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation,
>please visit the web site Macedonian Books Macedonia for the Macedonians for
>more information: http://www.trepet.com

ICQ - You get the message, anywhere!
Get it @ http://www.icq.com

Från: Gjorce Petrov-Vojvoda gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com
Skickat: den 27 maj 2006 17:13:46
Till: "Ivan Jovanov" Vardarec@icqmail.com
Kopia: trepet_vmro_mnm@hotmail.com, vmro_mnm_trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com, gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com

Zdravo Ivan!
Web stranicata na Vojvodata TREPET izdrzha samo dve nedeli i ja zatvorija neprijatelite na makedonskiot narod, dushmanskite neprijateli od brisel i taka narechenite amerikanci i se razbira okupatorskite neprijateli, pa makeodnskite izrodi. Na tie neprijateli im smeta za da se kazhuva vistinta za makedonija i za makedonskiot narod. Na tie neprijateli im smeta ako nekoj negativno gji kritikuva za nivnite zverski zlostorstva shto gji pravat nad makeodnskiot narod. Se snaeshe deka Vojvodata TREPET im beshe trn vo ochi na neprikatelite a sega on im ja zaboduva sabjata vo srce i zatoa tie nashi neprijateli se plashat od Makedonskiot Vojvodata TREPET i toa e golem znak deka on e STRAH I TREPET za nashite neprijateli.

So komitski pozdravi


From: "Ivan Jovanov" Vardarec@icqmail.com
To: gjorce_petrov_vojvoda@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 15:40:50 -0700

Abe da se super ama rabotata e sto ne mi ja otvara stranata. Aj pisete
sto e problemot i do kaj e celava ovaa rabota. Inaku utre 24ti, se igra
derbi kup finale vo fudbal pomegu nasi i "siptari" pa ke bide haos niz
celo Skopje.
Pa pozdrav braka kaj i da ste.

<-----Original Message----->
>From: Gjorce Petrov-Vojvoda
>Sent: 5/14/2006 10:48:52 AM
>To: MakPolitics@yahoogroups.com;MakPolitics-
>Cc: support@boardhost.com;dmca@boardhost.com;admin@bg-
>This is not a commercial (not Spam). This is about a nation that has
>suffered deeply, a nation the world has forgotten about.
>If you want to know the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian
>please visit the web site Macedonian Books Macedonia for the
Macedonians for
>more information: http://www.trepet.com

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Get it @ http://www.icq.com


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Date Posted: 19:20:54 06/06/06 Tue

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Robert Allen Lead Mentor
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Date Posted: 16:43:45 05/02/07 Wed

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Building one of the largest internet booksellers in the world requires a powerful and experienced executive team. To run this new company, Richard assembled a group of leaders from various industries. These are the BookWise Founders:

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Robert G. Allen, Founder, Co-Chair
Robert G. Allen is one of North America's most famous and most influential financial advisors. After graduating with an MBA from Brigham Young University in 1974, Robert began his real estate investment career and turned his successful experiences into the #1 bestselling book, Nothing Down, with forty-six weeks on the New York Times national bestseller list. He followed that success with four other major New York Times bestsellers with sales in the millions: Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income, The One Minute Millionaire and Cracking the Millionaire Code: Your Key to Enlightened Wealth. He has appeared on hundreds of programs including Good Morning America, Larry King and Your World with Neil Cavuto. He has also been featured in such national publications as The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Barron's, Money Magazine, Redbook, and Reader's Digest. In addition to his publishing career, Robert and his wife of 30 years, Daryl, have enjoyed extensive success in the network marketing industry as one of the top 25 associates in a major company for the past ten years. On his decision to become a founding member of BookWise, he says, "When I sense that something major is about to happen, I don't question my intuition. I simply jump and ask questions later. BookWise is such an opportunity. I said to myself, 'Bob, you'll kick yourself if you miss this.'" Mr. Allen is thrilled to add his name and expertise to BookWise—a company that is destined to transform the lives of people all over the world.

Dennis Webb, Founder
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Mark W. Hurst, Chief Marketing Officer
Within a week of learning about BookWise, Mark sold his interest in Utah's most award-winning advertising agency—where he served as the President and Chief Creative Officer—to join the BookWise Executive Team. In Mark's 30-year career in advertising he has won hundreds of awards for his work and is considered a world-class leader in strategic and creative marketing. Mark spent five years in San Francisco working as Director of Brand Planning for DDB—the largest ad agency organization in the world. Mark has assisted many well-known businesses including Microsoft, Novell, Deloitte Consulting, Jiffy Lube, Evans & Sutherland, and Megahertz (now 3Com). He has been a featured speaker around the country on business-to-business branding and has authored a book on that subject.

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BookWise is a complex, online business model because we are buying and selling thousands of books each month through associates all over the country. It requires the skills of a highly trained expert in software and internet management to make it all run smoothly. Blair Williams is the perfect fit. He is a skilled technology guru with experience as a software developer and web manager. He manages people and code equally well. He comes to BookWise from Franklin Covey where he worked as Chief Systems Architect. He has managed a successful Enterprise Web Hosting company called Caseproof and has led software development projects for major US technology corporations including DuPont, EDS and McAffee.

The BookWise Founders are more than a dream team of business leaders and authors, but a group committed to helping hundreds of thousands of individuals realize their greatest potential through books.

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Noman Amin
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Subject: The best of christopheranton's "Off The Wall".

christopheranton (Wickedly Witty.)
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Date Posted: 08:33:39 11/12/10 Fri

Sometimes it is nice to take an "off the wall" view on life. In these writings christopheranton gives his unique take on life, on contemporary politics, and on history. one minute you will weep at the pathos, next you will fall of your seat laughing at his hilarious take on our past, our present, and our future. Every minute your mind will be stimulated, and your horizons broadened.
Take the plunge today, and never look at the world the same way again.
Subject: The zombie that came to live in my house.

Francis Meade. (chilled.)
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Date Posted: 15:43:02 02/20/11 Sun

christopheranton has written some brilliant stories over the years, but the series of "Zombie" stories just has to be among his best to date.
The accounts of the hapless writer, and the zombie that came to live in his house in Wimbledon, must be among the most chilling, and hilarious examples of the comic horror genre yet published. I, for one, was on the edge of my seat with suspense all through the whole series. I have to sleep with the light on as well.
The addition of the well chosen music videos only add to the effectiveness of the stories.
Julian Faversham,(the Zombie),Will be counted with Count Dracula, The Mummy, and Frankensteins monster, as one of the all time icons of horror fiction.
I hope we have not to wait too long for some more tales in this enthralling series. If you do nothing else this week, make time to read these hilariously chilling stories.
christopheranton is a true original, and these stories are unique.
Subject: A bad Pussy that only licked her own dirty pussy juice. Good Pussy Best.

Nurse Pussy Juice. (Wild and Insane)
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Date Posted: 07:21:12 04/25/11 Mon

There once was a bad pussy who was very lazy. She lived on a farm in the countryside, half way between the towns of Hentai and Milf. She was content enough to hunt the tits, although the best tits often got away, but the farm was getting overrun by rats and this useless pussy just wouldnt do her job. She just lazed around all day as if she were Pamela Anderson lying on a beach in the sun, or Paris Hilton contemplating the purchase of a new handbag. Of course she didnt have Pamela Anderson's body, or the wealth of Ms Hilton so she was very little use to the farmer. That was one of her biggest boobs, or boobies. The man who owned the farm lived there with his wife and three girls, and he was getting increasingly frustrated with the pussy. They decided that something had to be done about the problem. If they had wanted to have Jessica Simpson or Jenna Jameson or even Carmen Electra living on their farm they would have invited them, but they were stuck with this lazy pussy and thousands of rats. The farmer decided to look on his computer for a solution to the problem. Perhaps he might find something on e bay. "My three daughters will be girls gone wild if I cannot rid the farm of rats", he thought. " No more playing games". Being a loving father and husband he confined himself to looking for solutions to his problem. He did not linger on porn sites, nor was he tempted to type in "sex" or "lesbians frolicing". If he came across any nude pictures he quickly clicked to a different page, especially if he could hear his wife coming. The only real indulgence he allowed himself was to look at the Eminem website, because he had a passion for that rapper. He was tempted to look at his daughters' Myspace pages, because like all good fathers he wanted to check what sort of person his children were consorting with on line. But he didnt know their passwords so he had to leave that for now. He did sign up to a games cheat page, as he was a keen gamer, who always wanted to win. The free porn was a temptation which he resisted
So after trying Google, Yahoo, MSN, and a host of other websites, includng 89.com he finally found what he was looking for in a little known site called mapquest. While he didnt want to just go around the 50 cent end of the market, he couldnt afford to spend too much. But he found what he wanted in an ad from a homeless animals shelter. It said "Dogs available for good homes".
He knew this was exactly what he needed. If the useless pussy objected she knew what she could do.
So he got three terrier dogs. Within two weeks all the rats were gone. As for the lazy pussy, she has not been seen around the farm from that day to this, but being a pussy you can depend on it that she ended up ok.

To really read some properly great articles, and brilliant stories, not just on pussy, check out this link.
christopheranton is without doubt one of the most controversial, and entertaining authors writing on the internet today. He is also blindingly brilliant, as you have just seen.

Check him out today.

Subject: The most provocative and compelling writer on the internet today.

Francis Meade. (Enthused.)
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Date Posted: 15:39:47 06/06/11 Mon

I have to say that I have never come across such provocative writing on the internet in all my years.
christopheranton gives a new meaning to the term "shocking" in almost every line that he writes. There seems to be no subject that is immune from his scathing wit.
Everyone from Barack Obama to Napoleon Bonaparte, from Julius Caesar to Andrew Jackson recieves lashes from his pen.
The most annoying thing about his writings is, that even when you disagree with him, his arguments are so persuasive, and his style of writing so compelling, that you find yourself applauding anyway.

In this collection his insightful, and wholly original, views on a range of topics can, one minute transport you to laughing at the pretensions of our political masters in "Area 51. The final truth about it", or weeping at the cruelties unfolded in the opening of "The Death of Joseph Stalin".

Undoubtedly christopheranton is a light to look out for in the twenty first century.

Some opinions on christopheranton's work.

"Lady Wordsmith 2 hours ago

You're proper nutty Chris - what a wonderful brain you have, with a very special imagination contained therein!

I love these hubs, they almost make me wee with laughter :D


Nellieanna 2 days ago

"As ever, your vivid imagination and elegant wording are compelling".

N.E. Wright 4 months ago

"OMG!!! LOL!!!

You are so damn funny. I just busted out laughing at the end.

I cannot stop laughing now.

Thank you so so much for sharing. LOL.

Take Care,


Wesman Todd Shaw 5 months ago

"I'm starting to like you more and more, Christopheranton, because I love pot stirring individuals".

Get your introduction to his compelling work here.

Subject: A brilliant new look at the private life and perversions of Adolf Hitler.

Christopher Meade (Sincere)
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Date Posted: 02:23:16 09/19/12 Wed

Finally a great novel of the twenty first century and about Adolf Hitler too.

I am one of those readers who yawn at the prospect of reading either science-fiction or historical novels. My notion of hell would be to be forced to spend an eternity wading through books that purport to take me into a realm that I could never enter myself. My horror would be further increased by being told by the devilish librarian that the book portrayed a parallel universe. Satan will now have to think again. That torture no longer holds any fears for me. I've just read a volume that is a historical novel and also takes the reader into a parallel universe. I have to say that this book is one of the very best I've read and I'm penning this short review, in order to introduce it to the wider readership, that its quality and breadth of vision undoubtedly deserve.

A really good book about Hitler, for a change.

There have been many novels written about World War II and the characters that were the leading lights in that great conflict. The Pyramids of Giza could probably be wallpapered with the books which have been written about Adolf Hitler alone. How often has a publisher not sighed in exasperation when yet another tome about the Second World War lands on his desk? What is needed to set the publishing and reading world on fire is a book that treats the last great worldwide conflagration with some imagination and originality. I have to tell you that such a piece of literature has at last been completed. The book which I am about to review is one of the most startlingly original of anything that it has been my pleasure to peruse in recent years. I am speaking about The Autobiography of Frau Adolf Hitler, born Countess Christina Bernadotte, translated and edited by historian and novelist Frank Sanello.

What you will be acquiring, if you purchase this book, is a panoramic and intimate insight into the world surrounding Adolf Hitler. This will be presented to you through the words of the evil dictator’s wife. I am not talking about the insipid and frivolous Eva Braun. Rather the genius of Mr Sanello has told the story of the Third Reich from the point of view of the wife, which nobody knew Hitler had. Countess Bernadotte, according to the story, was forced to wed Adolf by her ambitious Nazi loving mother. She detested her husband for more than just his political ruthlessness. He had some pretty disgusting sexual depravities as well, the details of which are portrayed graphically in the book. I will only say here that the words “walking”,”dog” and “brown” figure in the description of this perversion.

I don't wish to give away too much of the story. But I will tell you that Countess Bernadotte, or Mrs Hitler, if you prefer, proceeds, from her position at the centre of the evil conspiracy to conquer the world, to try and mitigate some of its worst excesses. She sets up an organisation to save as many Jews as possible from the Holocaust. To help her do this she has to flatter some seriously odious characters. Hermann Goring is among the more evil of them. Towards the end of the book there is a chapter which shows this loathsome Reich Marshal in all his absolute odiousness.

The more minor characters are no less well portrayed in this gripping novel than the central participants. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are shown to us in all their ridiculous and idiotic vanity. The intrepid countess also has a meeting with the less than sympathetic Pope Pius XII. I must at this stage take issue with Mr Sanello regarding the picture he paints of this great Pontiff. Pope Pius has been disgracefully treated by some ill-informed historians in recent years. It takes away somewhat from this, otherwise excellent, book to see the libel being repeated yet again. Still it is a very well crafted, if inaccurate, picture.

The saddest part of this book is, that while its heroine exhausted her strength and risked her life, in trying to save thousands of the victims of this evil time, she was not shown the gratitude or the appreciation that she should have been, by the co-religionists of the people she helped. To find out what happens you will just need to read the book.

The touching relationship between the book’s central character and her son by Hitler gives an engaging story within a story to this epically scoped book. The terror of and detestation for his evil wicked father scars the young boy for life. But his existence is made tolerable by the great genius that germinates within his youthful soul. The love which Countess Bernadotte has for her son also elevates her stress filled life.

Read no more books about Adolf Hitler until you read this one.

I will bring this review of the “Magnum Opus” of Mr Frank Sanello to a close by urging you, if you spend your money on nothing else during this recession haunted era, to purchase your copy immediately it becomes available. Read it, and then give it an honoured place, either on your bookshelf or your hard drive, (depending on whether you buy the printed or the digital version). You may be stultified at the prospect, of being faced with the ordeal of reading yet another book about World War II. But people, you haven't read this one yet.

The Autobiography of Frau Adolf Hitler is available now I am publishing the Amazon link below.

_ (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008E78B9S)
Subject: An Instant Classic in the Tradition of Frankenstein and Dracula, not Wikipedia or FaceBook

Frank Sanello (Totally floored)
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Date Posted: 04:18:48 09/28/12 Fri

Book review by Frank Sanello

Not since a reporter interviewed a certain Louis about his relationship with a vampire by the name of Lestat has the living dead come so alive as in Christopher Antony Meade’s vividly imagined new novella, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”.
Because a plot turn or twist seems to appear on just about every other page, it’s difficult to describe the story and its protagonists without becoming a spoiler or tease, as in “Rosebud is a sled” or “The girl in “The Crying Game” is really a guy.”

Meade takes the reader down a horrific rabbit hole that would have traumatized Alice. During the trip, the author somehow manages to link the myth of flesh-eating zombies to Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire Cat, Pres. Obama’s ancestry, what the government is hiding at Roswell’s Area 51, the actual perpetrators behind the recession and global warming, the Three Little Pigs’ intergalactic origins, 12-Step programs, what really went down when Osama bin Laden was killed, and the “real” source of Hitler’s anti-Semitism which some readers may find a bit too gallow humorous.

Unlike most monster tales from Greek mythology to Lindsay Lohan, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” leavens its Grand Guignol style with mordant humour reminiscent of Hitchcock. (Watch Meade’s YouTube video. His voice is identical to Hitchcock’s and perfect for an audiobook version.)

A reviewer of Anne Rice’s third vampire chronicle, 2002’s “Queen of the Damned”, hailed the author for creating “universes within universes.”

The same kudos go to the multiple, interconnected universes of the Oval Office, Zombies Anonymous meetings, Buckingham Palace, bin Laden’s unlikely fetish and other surprises Meade has created and which I will try not to spoil.

WARNING: Skip the next paragraph if you don’t want to find out one of the novella’s plot twists.

Before he’s killed, Osama in Howard Hughes mode indulges his yen for school girls in uniform by watching marathon TV screenings of the St. Trinian’s film series (1954-2007) about a fictional English boarding school for delinquent girls.

Osama’s behavior out grosses a similar but tamer (!?) scene in the South Park animated feature film where Satan and Saddam Hussein have anal sex in hell.

Julian Faversham, the title’s zombie, is a gentleman of the old school who happens to be a member of the living dead cohabiting with Meade’s alter ego and narrator. The fictional Meade, which a police inspector’s report says “claimed to be some sort of a writer, although neither of us had heard of him,” unwittingly invites Julian to share his apartment.

Faversham pays the “rent” by playing Chopin nocturnes and Mozart sonatas on his music-loving roommate’s piano.

“The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” follows the style of classic gothic novels but adds modern-day anachronisms that lend the book its unexpected wit.

The description of Julian is reminiscent of Anne Rice’s blood-sucker Lestat’s – only more nauseating – and I mean that in a good way:

“The figure at the piano got up…and gave me an old-fashioned, courteous bow. He was not a pretty sight. The skin seemed to have dried out and it was shrunken, so that it barely covered the outlines of the skull. If there were any eyes, they were sunk so far into the sockets as to be invisible. Some of [Julian’s] parchment-like epidermis clinging to his neck had come away and was hanging loose like wallpaper…

The hand the cadaver extended to me to shake was green with mould, and the skeletal tips of the fingers emerged from the crumbling remnants of skin that covered the palms and wrists.

“Julian Faversham at your service,” it said.

I declined to shake the decaying appendage”.

WARNING: The next paragraph has another spoiler.

Like all zombies, Faversham craves human flesh, which Meade recasts in 12-Step Speak as an addiction rather than cannibalism. While the clueless author/narrator presumes Faversham is having a “one-night stand” with a female cadaver he’s invited back to their apartment from the local cemetery, it turns out that poor Julian has had a relapse and has resumed eating humans instead of Zombies Anonymous’ recommended alternative, cat food. Julian’s literally cadaverous sex partner turns out to be a fellow member of ZA who sits with him until the urge to cannibalize passes.

One final spoiler I can’t resist: The narrator informs us that Gulliver’s Lilliputians are real and migrated to colonial America, where their descendants commit identity theft and other white-collar crimes.

Meade uses this “historical fact” to satirize the corruption of post-Soviet Russia’s Wild West Capitalism where even the treasures of the Kremlin Museums are for sale to the highest bidder – or stolen by clever Lilliputian thieves.

A series of laugh-out-loud appendices in the book satirize conspiracy theorists by blaming most of the world’s crises on various villains, among them Santa Claus’s psychotic sibling, Anti-Santa.

(Tim Burton needs to read this book. The Anti-Santa story within the story would make a great animated segment in a live-action film about the other characters.)

My only disappointment was that Meade hasn’t given us more. “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” is one of those books that you wish would never end.

Contact the author and urge him to write a zombie trilogy. It may outsell Anne Rice's!

Available on Amazon.

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Subject: Buy and sell vehicles (NC10041)

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Date Posted: 18:55:07 10/05/12 Fri

Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)

Subject: Buy and sell vehicles (NC10051)

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Date Posted: 01:06:41 10/07/12 Sun

Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)


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Date Posted: 03:40:37 10/08/12 Mon


Hank has had nothing but bad luck when it comes to sharing an apartment in the City. After his last male roommate put the moves on him, Hank is determined never to share space with a man again. So he places an ad in the Village Voice for a new roommate - straightforward and to the point: Female wanted to share apartment with musician/photographer. No males allowed! He expects the usual parade of weirdos, but what he gets is much more than he bargained for. New York Roommates is a wild and entertaining romp through midtown New York and the characters who live there - welcome to the jungle!

Subject: Buy Wholesale clothing (NC10051)

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Date Posted: 04:19:33 10/14/12 Sun

Order from One 2 Wear you’ll get cheap wholesale clothing but you also get first class customer service and fast shipping wherever you are, and all orders in the UK delivered free of charge. (http://www.one2wear.co.uk)

Subject: Buy Wholesale clothing (NC10044)

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Date Posted: 06:17:51 10/14/12 Sun

Order from One 2 Wear you’ll get cheap wholesale clothing but you also get first class customer service and fast shipping wherever you are, and all orders in the UK delivered free of charge. (http://www.one2wear.co.uk)
Subject: How to get pain medications without a prescription online?

Dr Steven (*!* Alert)
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Date Posted: 09:07:53 10/15/12 Mon

Brand name pain medications without a prescription online, fast delivery, good prices. For more information mail us at: drstevenpe@gmail.com

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Subject: Illuminati revealed. Obama and bin Laden connection. Not Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter

Christopher Anton (Laughing myself inside out.)
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Date Posted: 03:29:21 10/21/12 Sun

One of the most pervasive conspiracy theories in the world today is the notion that there is a shadowy organisation called The Illuminati, ruling all behind the scenes. Many books have been written about the influence of these malevolent secret elite, but none describe their history in a way that will have you falling over with laughter. None that is, until “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by Christopher Antony Meade exploded on the literary scene.
This book can best be described as a comedy horror/scathing political satire. There are few figures on the international stage that don’t feel the lacerations of the author’s tongue. Characters, as diverse as, Barack Obama, Osama bin Laden and Larry the Downing Street cat are pitilessly lampooned. There is a particularly funny and original explanation of the origins of Barack Obama. The “real story” of how Osama bin Laden met his end is as funny as it is shocking.
There is an Illuminati connection here as well, also in the death of Adolf Hitler. (It is worth reading for the account of the death of the German dictator alone).
I don’t want to give too much away in this short review. I will just say that, if you are the type of person who enjoys laughing at those who claim to be our betters, this is the book you should read. You are guaranteed to fall off your seat from laughing.

Available on Amazon.

United States.


United Kingdom (Amazon UK)


You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes.
Subject: Buy and sel vehicles (NC10408)

fgd (dfg)
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Date Posted: 10:19:52 10/23/12 Tue

Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks, evry type pf vehicle in UK with Good price. (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
Subject: Buy and sell vehicles (NC10366)

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Date Posted: 09:52:51 10/31/12 Wed

Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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