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Subject: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/14/07 9:50am

I am so confused. I am 40 years old, divorced and have a 10 year old and a 12 year. I found out on Friday I am pregnant... 9 weeks. I have told 3 friends and my step father. They all are pushing for me to have an abortion and seem annoyed when I talk about having the baby. I feel like I must be wrong for thinking maybe I can do this. How can all these people who care about me be wrong? Then I think I should listen to them because they have my best interest at heart. I need help and have been trying to get a counselor to meet with me but haven't had any luck yet. They all talk about my job, it being hard on my kids, that it'll be harder to meet someone, that I am not married, what will I tell my kids... and everyone elses for that matter, financials, etc. I am so confused!!!!

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[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/14/07 3:02pm

Hi Beth,

I'm so happy you came here! Unfortuately, I'm headed out the door right now. I'll post as soon as I can. I just wanted to let you know this board isn't completely dead--you will get responses!

Talk to you soon!

[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/14/07 6:15pm

Hi there Beth,

Welcome to the board and congratulations on your baby! I think it it wonderful that you are having a new little addition!

I was 35 when I had my little unplanned baby. She is now 3 years old. I will be 39 in May. So you and I are really close in age. I was so worried about being able to make it also. She was my first child (will most likely be my only, but you never know!) Sophie has been the best thing to ever happen to me and when I look back and remember those early feelings of not being able to take care of her, I realize that it was really the fear of the unknown that I was feeling.

You can do this. You do not need to have an abortion. You do not mention a few things that are important. Where do you live? Where is the father of the baby, how does he fit in? Are you working now, or in school?

These things can all be dealt with. I (as most of the women on here are) am living proof.

I was in school full time when I got pregnant, I hoad a job working one day a week, I had a car and a nice apartment. Things fell apart quickly and I lost a lot. I struggled and was very sad. Heck, I still struggle with financial things.

I could tell you my story if you are interested, but my point is that if I can do it, and I hit rock bottom when I had my daughter, you can do it.

I brought myself back up and my daughter was there for me the whole time. She is the light at the end of the tunnel for me.

I hope you will stay here and let us know more of your situation. You only need to tell us what you feel comfortable with, but if we know a little more, we can give you a lot more answers.

I ended up with medical care, WIC and a lot of free things for my baby. Plus my friends threw me a baby shower and I received a lot of things.

My daughters father who I did not stay with, now pays quite a large amount for her child support each month, after I took him to court. Plus he pays over 2/3 of her child care bill each month. Plus he has her on his medical. So she does not want for very much.

You will do just fine. Let us know how you are doing. We all care about you and your new little one!

[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/14/07 6:16pm

Well, I had made up my mind after I posted this morning to have the baby and tell the father. When I told my cousin she flipped. She talked to me for over an hour about everything that I was doing wrong. Made me feel awful. My kids would be embarassed, how could I tell them not to have sex or babies out of wedlock when I had set such a bad example, how I would never meet anyone, how I was taking the easy way out and being selfish thinking only about myself by avoiding the guilt of the abortion, etc.... Then she had my step dad talk to me and he was distraught, too. So, I told the father not to come over after all. Now I feel that I should just have the abortion and live with the consequenses. If they are so dead set on this being wrong for me, maybe it is.
[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/14/07 6:44pm

Hi, Beth,

Let me see if I understand the situation correctly.

All these people are telling you that you should get an abortion because, yada, yada, yada, and you think they have your best interests at heart? Hmmm.

Let's examine each of these, if I may. You have two children, aged 10 and 12, who are old enough to help you with the baby. And it would be GOOD for them to do so, because they will learn to help others. And that's their sibling you're carrying. There has been some pretty conclusive evidence that having an abortion impairs a woman's mothering skills. And either the children will know or figure out about the abortion, in which case they'll always wonder subconsciously if you'll get rid of them if they don't measure up, or they'll feel survivor guilt. Why do people think it will be hard on your kids? Because they'll have to help? Well, we raised seven children, and they are very close, and they REALLY help each other. I am so proud of them! So I guess I find it hard to understand why anyone would offer that as an excuse to get an abortion. And what if the abortion causes you serious harm so you can't take care of your other two anymore?

What about your job? Are you a valuable employee? Then why would they want to fire you? And if they do, isn't that discrimination? And maybe you could find a better job, with someone who treats you like a human being. What if you have to work reduced hours? Well, they still have a valuable employee who can be an asset even on fewer hours, right? And if not, there are different ways babies can be taken care of. Do you have day care at work? Will they let you bring the baby to work? Some people will. We used to allow it, when we had a company. The only problem we ran into is that an employee refused to discipline her child, but since it's important to discipline a child anyway, that doesn't make any sense, and if the child had been disciplined, I don't see why there would be a problem. Take a playpen to work, and some toys, and when the baby gets older, keep your door closed and let the baby play on the floor. There are different ways to deal with this. You don't have to submit to an abortion (which is really a deep invasion of your body) because of something like that.

What about meeting someone else? Well, wouldn't you want someone who would treat you right? What do you think such a person will think if you don't treat your baby right? Maybe he'll accept it, maybe not. What if you don't feel you can tell him? Won't that drive a wedge in your trust of each other? It depends, too, on how you go about meeting someone. There are a lot of places you can go to meet someone. Maybe at work, or at church, or at a folk dance club, or some other interest where you are with people. Or maybe the grocery store. Who knows? Do the right thing, and let that problem take care of itself. Your kids can take care of your baby while you have a little time with people once a week. Lots of single mothers have met and married a fine man who was a father to their children in all the ways that matter, and we have several of them right here!

What will you tell your kids? That you're having a baby, and they'll be having a sibling!

So being unmarried isn't the best circumstance in the world. But why compound that with something that is wrong and harmful? Lots of women have been unmarried and had the courage to have their babies, and in the end, things worked out. We have a grandson whose parents aren't married, and I love all three of them deeply. When I first met her, I thanked her for having our grandson and for letting him be a part of our lives. The whole family accepts her; she is made to feel welcome, and she always comes to family get-togethers. I even got to babysit him for the Christmas party, and it was wonderful!

An abortion is a deep invasion of your body. It is dangerous and can seriously harm or kill you. Your baby is already fully formed, just tiny. If you could see your baby, you'd probably see a family resemblance! And your baby is depending on you for your protection. Please protect your baby.

Yes, you can do it. It may require some creativity on your part, but there are people out there who are willing to stand by you and help you. Go to a crisis pregnancy agency. They can help you find solutions for the financial problems. While actually having the baby COULD be expensive, they can help out there. Actually raising the baby doesn't have to be expensive at all. A baby mostly needs food, love, a place to sleep, and clothing. Breastfeeding is really cheap, and it's best anyway. There are places that will help with diapers; there may be one in your area. You may already have many of the other things you need, but if not, the agency can help you with that. We bought almost exclusively used clothing for our kids, and they still do that to some extent, now that they are grown. I actually prefer used clothing because the selection is better and more interesting and I can't see paying the ridiculous prices they charge for new clothes. And the agency can also help you with clothes.

So if you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one! Tell everyone it's YOUR decision, and you have made up your mind. If they persist, just keep repeating yourself. Eventually they'll leave you alone. Have courage. Take one day at a time. You CAN do it. After all, you're already raising two!

Other people don't have to live with your decision. You do. Follow your heart. You will never regret it.

[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/15/07 7:44am

Hi Beth,
I'm so glad that you have decided to keep the baby. This will be a decision that you want regret. I know you may be scared and confused but that is really normal were your experiencing a unplanned pregnancy.
You will be able to raise this child, after this child is born you want be able to imagine your life without this child. It can be scary when you start thinking about the financial end of things but you can do this. There are a lot of programs that are available to single moms. Have you tried contacting your local crisis pregnancy center? They offer free counseling and they also can give you information on what resources your local city, state has to offer.
To find your local crisis pregnancy center go to http://www.pregnancycenters.org/ . Just copy and paste this address in your web browser. You should be able to find a pregnancy center close to you.
If you need anything, someone to talk to or help finding a pregnancy center please feel free to email me any time. I will be praying for you.

God Bless,
[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/16/07 2:24pm

Hi Beth,
I am so glad that you came to this board. I really feel drawn to respond to your posting. Gosh I know I'll never get this out with as much meaning as it has behind it. But I'll try to explain.

First, I am so sorry that your family is not being supportive of your decision to have your baby. I would NEVER try to advise anyone to do something that if I were faced with wouldn't do myself. It would be soo easy I assume for some to simply advise to get "RID" of the problem. Would they do it for their own lives and baby? Probably not ! You mentioned that you are 40...I can relate because I am 45 now. I want another child more than anyone can imagine. I can't have one because I had to have a complete hysterectomy 10 years ago because of severe endometriosis. My husband and I are turning to adoption and praying for our future little angel to make their way to us...but the reason I mention this is because when I shared the news that I wanted another child, it wasn't necessarily my imediate family that had concerns but it was some of my closest friends that questioned my decision. I think comments such as you've heard and that I have heard come from Society's views on what we need to do with our lives when we reach the age we have..Like how in the world could you think of wanting a child at this age. Isn't it time to travel, to enjoy life without little ones, etc. I think Motherhood lies within each womans heart. There's no other person in the world that can "tell" another woman how they should feel if "We" want to be a mother again. It's painful when you don't have the support you long for when it comes to something that means as much as longing for a child means to a woman. You've experienced motherhood more than once. You know that in choosing to keep your baby, there will be many many wonderful things happening in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. I think it would definetly be more easy to tell your children that they are going to have a lil brother or sister verses telling them that they were but you decided to abort it because cousin so and so thought I should. They will witness what a person does when they are faced with some adversity and they will learn great lessons in how you handle this situation. They are of the age where they will enjoy this baby soo much.
Yes, there will be circumstances to figure out, but even in the most perfect marriages, when a baby comes along, there are circumstances to figure out...such as child care, finanaces, etc.
With your decision behind you to parent your baby...I say Congratulations Beth on making one of the best decisions you could have ever made ! I would tell all the family that you've made the decision that's right for you ! The right man for you and your family will come along wait and see !
Many Blessings,
[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40. Beth, YOU know best!!!

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Date Posted: 03/17/07 11:17pm

Hi Beth,

First of all, I want to apologize for not getting back to you sooner. The day I posted I was getting ready to leave for Missouri that night (I live in California). I came back that day to this forum, posted to Mary, then discovered I was out of time. I'm using the hotel's internet to post right now. I just wanted to explain why I didn't come back sooner. Please know that you've been on my mind and in my prayers.

I just read your second message, and I can't tell you sad it makes me to know that the people you love and trust are the same people who are leading you to a choice that would obviously hurt you. The crazy thing is, the same people who are so opposed to your baby right now, will be the very same people who will love this child to pieces, later. But they won't get this opportunity if you abort. But really, this isn't about them, it's about YOU and YOUR baby!!!!

The same man who can love you and your 2 kids, can love you and your 3 kids. Trust me, there are plenty of men with a big enough heart to love 2 preteens and a little baby, in addition to the woman he loves.

After talking to women in unplanned pregnancies for several years, I can say with certainty that you would have serious grief and regret if you abort. It's a proven fact that women who abort to please others are the women most likely to suffer afterwards. Another sad aspect is that these women usually resent the people who lead her to make the choice to abort. So she's left with grief, pain, regret, a baby she'll never get back, AND ruined relationships with the people she loves the most.

I urge you to listen to YOU!!! You know what's best. Have your baby, prove your friends and family wrong! And when these people beg to hold your baby, smile to yourself for not listing to bad advice. You can do this. You're already this baby's mom!

Post anytime. Feel free to email me directly too!

Take care,

[> [> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40. Beth, YOU know best!!!

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Date Posted: 03/21/07 5:17pm


There is not much that I can add to what Shellie wrote. Have your baby, you know what is right in your heart. You will never be sorry that you had your baby, but you will most likely be sorry that you had an abortion.

There are many men out there who will want you and your children. That will all come in time, there are many things that you need to concentrate on right away.

I do not know how old your other children are, but for your cousin to say such terrible things makes me very sad. A baby is a baby no matter how that baby is conceived. My daughter is the same flesh and blood that she would have been if I had been married. It makes no difference there. To look at her as anything different because I was not married to her father is crazy.

Your family will come around. My Dad was upset initially, and he now dotes on my daughter, his only grandchild. He adores her. I look at him and think of what he would have missed if I had not gotten pregnant.

You know what is right for you. Do it and you will be just fine!

We are all pulling for you!

Lisa and Sophie
[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/23/07 1:42pm

Hi, Beth.

I'm sorry I didn't get to the board sooner. I'm hoping this gets to you in time.

First, these people are concerned about the WRONG thing...embarrassment is pride gone awry. Your kids will be PROUD of you (the RIGHT kind of proud ;-) for doing the right thing and having their little brother or sister. They'll LOVE him or her. And if any of us as parents felt we couldn't tell our kids to NOT do something we ourselves did (and paid the consequences for), then we'd be relegated to not guiding them AT ALL! We've ALL don't things we don't want our kids to do - and sometimes that's the best lesson for them.

Also, all of the things these others mention (finances, dating, etc.) are things that tend to fall into place. As for the dating question in particular, it will tend to "weed out" the guys who aren't good fathers. A good man, one who REALLY loves you, will APPRECIATE the fact that you stood up in the face of obstacles and chose to give birth to your little one.

Plus, no one EVER regretst NOT having an abortion, but MANY women regret HAVING an abortion.

Be sure to visit some of the post-abortive sites to read the stories of women who've had abortions and later regretted them. They are heart-wrenching. One of the indicators of whether or not a woman will regret her abortion is if she felt pressured into it. So, you are a prime candidate for later regretting an abortion if you let them push you into one.

I'd strongly echo some of the other posts that encourage you to find a crisis pregnancy center. You need support from people who value your baby's life like YOU value it. Your little one has no one but you to protect him or her right now.

I'll say a prayer for you and your family...and I'll pray that those around you will stop pressuring you toward abortion. That is SO unfair. They might THINK they have your best Maybe you should encourage them them to visit some of the sites (Priests for Life and the Center for Bioethical Reform at http://www.abortionno.com are two) where they have pictures of what an abortion does to the fetus and tell them THAT's what they're wanting you to do. Maybe they'd realize that you need their SUPPORT to help you PROTECT your baby, not kill him or her.

[> Subject: Re: Help!!! Single, pregnant and 40.

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Date Posted: 03/23/07 1:44pm


I forgot to mention in my last post, I had my last baby (he's 6 now ;-) when I was 40! He's such a blessing ;-)


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