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Subject: Don't Flatter Yourself on Your Poor Research!

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Date Posted: 06:29:32 10/29/03 Wed
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In reply to: Nadine 's message, "Re: Global systems alert" on 13:01:21 04/26/02 Fri

Dear Readers,

It's sad to see so many of you looking for the negativity in such a wonderful opportunity. Sounds to me like you are all looking for a reason to fail which leads me to thinking that you are only fearful and for what - work? Success? How will you ever know success if you can’t take a chance once in a while?

Global Online is a passionate company that markets amazing products from a company (yes Herbalife) that is as solid as any mountain I know. Both companies are very real and very legitimate and continue to be a success whether you join or not. Personally, working my Global Online business part time I was able to quit a full time government job in a matter of a year!

The negativity you often hear on these message boards are for people who don't dream and simply aren't willing to work hard for themselves to make their dreams come true. It's simply not a matter of getting rich quick - if you want that.. try your odds at the lottery. If you're looking for a legitimate home based business that you can build with excellent training and support than this a company you can clearly count on for success but .... you have to do the work (its' your business). If you went out and bought a $500,000 franchise, you'd go to work everyday and do what it took, wouldn't you? Why treat this business any different?

The only unhappy people that I have seen .... are simply the ones who sat on their ass and complained about all the reasons they couldn't do the business instead of spending their time actually doing it! (with money or without a dime!).

I don’t normally bother myself with these boards but felt strongly that a lot of you are being misinformed and wanted to set the record straight. So before you believe a bunch of people who haven’t actually worked the Global Online System, maybe you should think twice of who they are and what they are doing to change their lives?

Personally, the only attitude is a good one and if you can't get past all of the excuses for not succeeding in this business, you'll never know what you missed!

If you are considering this business, do yourself a favor and actually TALK to someone who has been doing the business before you pass an opportunity that may have been the pivotal point in your life!

And for the rest of you.... best of luck finding success with whatever you do find happiness in!

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Subject Author Date
"Poor research?" "Legitimate BUSINESS oppurtunity"? Who're you kidding, lady?ScammersShouldBeSetOnFire21:44:07 12/11/03 Thu
Fuck you SHILLDawnsfullofshitandonthetake13:38:44 12/16/03 Tue

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