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Date Posted: 11:10:19 08/22/13 Thu
Author: edy
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Subject: Chapter 13: 1920-1936: History of the United States of America

*My Grandfather, born 1890, was never rich, and had only a 6th grade education. He told me in 1972, “Always vote Democrat.” [The New Deal, Mr. Roosevelt, did make our country rich.] “The Democrats protect the poor.” Those who do not understand the New Deal, are held accountable to understand the New Deal. Truth is true is legal only.

Chapter 13: 1920 - 1938: History of the United States of America

President Wilson couldn’t persuade Congress to go along with his urgings to join the League of Nations. Regardless, the United States sent a visiting representative anyway. In general however, it was felt that the U.S. may be pulled into unnecessary wars, if they join.. The League of Nations however had 60 countries involved; thus, it was absurd to see the USA does not need to join. Although, the League wasn’t very powerful particularly; but at least countries were communicating better.

Bolshevik Russia became the Soviet Union, 1922. [U.S.S.R., Union of Soviet Socialist Republic]. This country did honestly scare the Wilson administration; because the rhetoric had it, that there will be no homelessness, health care for all. This confuses the American public very much early on. As we do note that the Soviet Union was merely one more dictatorship; a poverty state, certainly does not pay living wages, this is for certain.

The Red Scare. So frightened now, the U.S. government is, concerning Marxism, socialism, solely due to the social justice propaganda, that the public may believe, as if true. While the Soviets did have a buffer now, against homelessness, and did offer health care to everyone, their social justice ended right there. These are the two things the Soviets did right. Everything else they did wrong. Thus, nothing to be scared of here.

American Communists mostly, desired social justice, not ruthless dictatorship. It would have been better to advertise how ruthless the Soviet government is; not, how ruthless the Unions are for wanting moral wages. Every political election, from this day forward, will pretend wanting moral wages equals being a Communist, -- is lying.

1924, Vladimir Lenin dies, and Josef Stalin takes his place. Josef Stalin was a ruthless dictator. Stalin, can be compared to Hitler; his murderous temperament also represented how the government treated their own people. At this time, American Communists did not understand that the Soviet government was nothing but a fierce dictatorship.

1920, and many people were connected to electricity. So electrical gadgets were born: the wash machine, the vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, toasters, electric irons, fans, ranges, phonograph /record player. Recorded voices! The movie theatre! Generations of people are now on film. In consequence, today, we can watch silent films, and see for ourselves the way people were sociologically, during the 1920’s. This is truly amazing. Latter 20’s, talkies!, motion pictures with a voice. [D.W. Griffith produced the silent film “Birth of a Nation.” ] ….Chemical industries created 1,100 different products by 1930. Rayon, synthetic resins, plastics. …With motor cars comes garages, service stations, trucking firms. …Aerials, single wire antennas were placed in homes to receive radio signals. …Milking machines, electric water pumps, power-driven machines, better farming methods. ….The milk man is here! Now, diets are changed from cereal to milk, butter, vegetables, fruits.

On the down side, streets went from horse driven carriages and pedestrians, to noisy, congested, dangerous streets. Car companies killed the Trolleys, -- is now the evolution. Besides ruining our cities foremost, and the pedestrian traffic deaths, and car wreck deaths, poor people actually, are denied their basic safety rights, or rather, are told if you wish to get there, and get there at a reasonable time, then buy an expensive vehicle, which is also expensive to maintain. This is abusive to the poor, thus unconstitutional.

[I met an elderly woman, 1990’s, in a park in Corpus Christi. She told me that as a teenager, during the 1920’s, she and her friends drove up and down the two main streets [drags], “socializing”, as teenagers were shown doing, in the movie, “American Graffiti“ depicting the 1950‘s; and also what I personally experienced during the 1970‘s.] The modern era is here.

1920’s, in Florida, there was a huge real estate boom. 1920, the population of Miami was 30,000; by 1925, 75,000. Land bought in early 1900’s, in Florida went for as little as $25. In 1925, that same property sold for $150,000.

1920. The Democratic Party decided to take the Republican Platform, nominating Gov. James M. Cox of Ohio. The Republican’s nominated Senator Warren G. Harding. Debs ran on the Socialist ticket in jail. He earned a million votes; but Mr. Harding won. 1920 was the first year women could vote; however, the political parties rhetoric did not alter, during what was, a “postwar” depression. As, the communists were here. And everyone was exhausted after World War 1. Happy days are here again.

Congress passes the “Emergency Tariff”, 1921, raising tariff rates on agricultural products. To reduce waste in government; to provide a more efficient and economic way of balancing the budget: Now, government agencies all have to submit their requests for funds to the Director of Budget. ..Secretary of Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon began to reduce the $25,000,000,000 debt with surplus revenues. By 1929, $16,000,000,000 was still owed.

August 1921, Congress created the Veterans Bureau, to handle claims for compensation and hospitalization. And then, after even more pressure from Veteran groups, the bonus bill, 1922, came about. Harding vetoed this bill because it wasn’t paid for. 1924, Congress over rid President Coolidge’s veto, to grant War Veterans a $25,000 insurance policy. …..And then, later, another tariff raising act.

President Harding had placed a man from his home state of Ohio, [part of the Ohio gang], as Attorney General. Well, it was discovered that he had protected violators of the prohibition amendment. [As we know, alcohol now not legal, opened up a great business for gangsters. Al Capone, being one infamous name.] Another Harding official defrauded the government as he sold U.S. owned foreign property. ….And another, the Head of the Veterans Bureau could not find $200,000,000. ….To continue, the Secretary of the Interior persuaded the Secretary of the Navy, to give him control over the Teapot Dome, Wyoming oil reserve, and the one in Elk Hills, California. In return for bribes, the Secretary of the Interior leased this land to speculators. The Teapot Dome Scandal.

The Teapot Dome scandal did not break out until after the President died suddenly, 1923. Vice-President Calvin Coolidge, from Massachusetts, became President.

Calvin Coolidge, as President Harding, believed in rugged individualism, or rather, survival of the fittest, instead of the golden rule. So farmers and wage earners should not receive help. Or rather, the rich should receive help only, and regulations must be taken off of business. Yes the wealthy will make the poor rich, if you allow the wealthy to be left alone to prosper. Didn’t consider low wages.

As the era was grotesquely bigoted towards black people foremost. The “negroes” had to deal with Jim Crow laws, since the 1890’s. Equal but separate public restrooms, schools, drinking fountains, transportation; black people were not allowed in many white establishments of business. Separate neighborhoods.. Many African Americans would immigrate to the big cities, receiving only the lowest pay and the most difficult jobs. Businesses would send in negro strike breakers; and this caused race wars, in Chicago, Omaha, and Tulsa:
“the Tulsa Race Riots: A hysterical white girl related that a nineteen-year-old colored boy attempted to assault her in the public elevator of a public office building of a thriving town of 100,000 in open daylight. Without pausing to find out whether or not the story was true, without bothering with the slight detail of investigating the character of the woman who made the outcry (as a matter of fact, she was of exceedingly doubtful reputation), a mob of 100-per-cent Americans set forth on a wild rampage that cost the lives of fifty white men; of between 150 and 200 colored men, women and children; the destruction by fire of $1,500,000 worth of property; the looting of many homes; and everlasting damage to the reputation of the city of Tulsa and the State of Oklahoma“. -- Walter F. White, "The Eruption of Tulsa," The Nation, June 29, 1921 ---- pasted from http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/raceriots/default.html

The attitude of the hysterical white girl: as we know criminally lying white people had no justice in a court of law, for the black person. The Scottsboro boys are one example of this; as 2 white female prostitutes accused 12 African American young men of rape; one only 12. Completely a false charge, (a false charge this fierce is murderer level behavior). The one woman especially, was very wicked; but she was white; so open range here to ruin all their lives. The 12 year old boy, when an elderly man, was pardoned by President Carter, latter 1970’s, in a ceremony.

There was a bit of progress in the African-American community, as those who were able to receive a college degree did find their way into some clerical civil service jobs. How many doubled between 1910 and 1930.

The election of 1924, the Progressive party came about, because the two mainstream parties were believing similarly, -- in the fasted growing economy in world history, it surely seemed, with all the new gadgetry; and the fact that all who were used to a middle class existence, were prospering very much so. Skyrocketing real estate prices, or other investments, could make you suddenly wealthier then you thought possible. ….Senator Robert M. La Follett was the nominee. The Progressive Platform: federal credit assistance for farmers, social legislation, laws to protect labor, and government ownership of railroads and water power sources. [La Follett won more votes then a 3rd party ever had.]
John W. Davis, a corporate lawyer was the Democratic nominee.
Republican, President Coolidge won overwhelmingly. “Keep cool with Coolidge.”

President Coolidge was for frugality in government, every time anything for the lower classes is suggested. He vetoed a bill providing bonus payments to veterans of WWI. This veto was overridden for the Veterans. President Coolidge also vetoed a bill for government to buy agricultural surpluses and sell them abroad.

1928, President Coolidge is said to have been popular; but he chose not to run. Herbert Hoover from California, had been the Secretary of Commerce since 1921. Coolidge chose Hoover personally, to be the next Republican nominee for the presidency.
The New York Governor Alfred E. Smith was the Democratic nominee. He did advocate federal farm relief; however, it is said he was prejudiced towards the Roman Catholics, he was opposed to prohibition, and he was connected with the Tammany political machine in New York. This gave Hoover an edge; thus he won. …Hoover won 444 electoral votes, -- the most ever. He was also the first Republican to win 5 southern states since the old confederacy.

Meanwhile, in the deep south, Poll taxes, poll tests, and the Ku Klux Klan terrorist groups existed in hopes of keeping black people from voting. And foremost, the Red Scare was promoted, to hoodwink anyone who is or is not concerned with their own low wages. Poverty will simply go away with all this accelerated wealth the industrial revolution is continuing to create. Not with low wages, will this occur.

The same old economic mess was occurring actually. If people cannot afford, simply make it easiest to get a loan. This of course, always delays a bust; although the bust always arrives anyway.

President Hoover declared: “…changing from the full dinner pail to the full garage…” In full fairness, Coolidge and Hoover thought the economy was so good, that our country may grow directly out of poverty. (If you allow business the courtesy of help..) Again, with low wages, a great economy is impossible. Yet, during Hoover’s administration the heaviest consumer spending in history occurred for about 6 months.

However, Hoover did sign a bill to help cooperative farm groups; $500,000,000 to help them store or market crops in order to keep prices stable.

The “Golden Twenties”. Prohibition, speak easies, Jazz, and women in short dresses, verses my own grandmothers who were both in their 20’s during the 1920‘s; yet, neither one of them would wear pants, (even in 1980), much less mini skirts during the 1920‘s. The entertainment industry will show you the flappers; but the differences in attitudes among the same age group became enormous. Women typically wore midi length dress. But the flashy women were here also; the Hollywood women were now wearing pants.

“We are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before,…” said the President.

Meanwhile, farming costs were up, for all that new, neat machinery; yet, the demand was not there, because the supply was too much.

The banks, the markets, had paper, but there was not any real money. Liquidity issues, such as occurred exactly 2010: found out on one very specific day. Everyone cashed in their stocks, and the stock market crashed 1929. Then a run on the banks occurred; everyone needed their money now, and there was no FDIC yet, to protect their deposits. Millions of dollars in savings were lost. Deposits in banks were literally, stolen by the banks; or rather, investments went bad, thus, those deposits simply now, do not exist.. Businesses went under, and large unemployment occurred somewhat suddenly. …..To calm everyone, Secretary of the Treasury announced, “Business is fundamentally sound.” But it certainly was not.

Investments melted away over night. People were wealthy one moment, poor the next. But it was the working man, who worked earning demeaning wages, -- as if their time is not worth, -- who did all the suffering. Low wages are why we have busts only.

It is said that 25% of the people actually went homeless. One third were jobless.

Living in Hoovers Ville homes made of cardboard boxes, scraps, in a homeless village outside of town. Some people went nomadic. Government ran some homeless shack towns; the government workers there, were cruel people, who maltreated, grossly disrespected the homeless people. They had bread lines for the starving. And there are many stories of people too proud to take assistance; thus people died, even babies. ….While President Franklin Delano Roosevelt waited too long, he didn’t know to do what he did; the right thing occurred only because Hitler’s Germany invaded Austria. For a decade lives were totally ruined, because rich people caused this depression by paying low wages, and then put the load of suffering upon the ex workers.

Hoover felt local charities should take care of the poor. He did not want to make certain the real help was there; he simply wants the costs off of government. His call for criminal neglect: empathy is our very soul. Vicious to see people will be in harms way, and, can just go begging.

However, President Hoover did instruct the Federal Farms Board to buy up agricultural surpluses. He began work programs, to create jobs. The Great Depression brought forth the fact that his philosophy best alter to the truth. The government, for this reason, began to build Boulder Dam, [Hoover Dam], and other projects, for job creation. ….Congress created the Reconstruction Finance Corp., 1932, to pump money into big businesses, such as banks, life insurance companies, railroads, farm mortgage associations. ….These were maintainment bills, which likely had to occur; but there is only one way out of a Great Depression. Always easy to attain money for rich people, in a country over ridden with crooks.

Congress also passed the Home Loan Bank Act, 1932, to do the same type of maintainment, -- feeds money to big business where needed.

1932, happy days are gone. President Hoover, the Republican nominee, blamed the depression on international conditions, as the depression was world wide. Teddy Roosevelt’s relative, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, governor of New York, became the Democratic nominee. The “forgotten man” needs a New Deal. ….Roosevelt advocated direct relief to the needy and farmers. A big public works program, -- create jobs by creating programs to improve the infrastructure that does need to be created anyway.

Safe guards to prevent wild speculation and fraudulent stocks. …..Roosevelt won the election, with the highest electoral count ever: 472 votes.

At this hour, in some Midwestern states, desperate farmers used force to keep sheriffs from foreclosing on their mortgages. [The dust bowl, an extreme drought, coupled with soil erosion caused by not rotating crops, devastated Oklahoman farmers.] At one point: Marshal Law in Iowa.

Meanwhile, after WWI President Wilson helped European countries pay their war debts to the U.S. by extending the time required to pay out their loans.. …Then Germany declares they cannot afford to pay their debts; thus, 1931, President Hoover, put a pause on the loan, a moratorium on payment of war debts. [Germany never did pay this debt off.]

In Latin America, U.S. businessmen greatly invested in these countries. If there was any upheaval, the U.S. supported whoever was friendly to U.S. business interests, which always opposed who ran for office on the platform of helping the poor, -- who were name called communists, just because they wanted to help the poor.

Nicaragua for instance, was invaded by the U.S. during the Taft administration, because there was an internal government struggle. President Coolidge withdrew troops, 1925, and then sent them back, when another internal problem occurred. He partially pulled troops out 1927. President Hoover finally, 1933, withdrew all troops.

In Mexico, the government said all land belongs to Mexicans only. The Catholic Church, who owned much land, was very upset, as were U.S. business men. …..To President Coolidge’s credit, he began a new policy of understanding and communicating. Mexico became an ally; and he extended this policy to all of Latin America. No longer was the Roosevelt Corollary or the “ancient” Monroe Doctrine in effect.

Japan and Great Britain had been big buddies; however, the U.S. was not happy that Japan occupied the Shantung Peninsula in China; as the U.S. wanted to keep all foreign powers from taking over control in any part of China at all.

As early as 1920, Great Britain, the United States, and Japan began to build up their naval forces. So Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes proposed a 10 year naval holiday, at the Washington Naval Conference. Great Britain and the U.S. would now have equal power, while Japan would have a little less naval power. Japan added the stipulation that the U.S. will not take over any country in the Pacific, except Hawaii.
The 5-Power Treaty. …The 4-Power Pact, honored each other’s rights in the Pacific; to communicate and consult with each other. …. The 9-Power Treaty guaranteed China’s territorial rights, and to continue the Open Door Policy, [fair trade with China], for fairer trade period. ….1928, Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg and the foreign minister, Aristide Briand, created a petition outlawing war. 62 nations initialed this document.

1930, at the London Naval Conference, a naval holiday was agreed to by Japan.

1931. Japan simply invades and takes Manchuria from China. Very serious. The U.S. sent a representative to the League of Nations in order to deal with this bad action. But the League did nothing.

Had the League done a thing, except speak against, as the U.S. had done, likely we would have ended up in war, anyway. However, George Seldes, 1890-1955, a well know American Investigative journalist, who was interviewed in his book, concerning the Spanish Civil war, beginning 1936, suggests that indeed, we may have avoided WW2, especially in Europe, if the Western powers had dealt with Hitler then, instead of deny reality.

When the Great Depression hit Spain, the King took off, but gave power to the people; thus a real democratic republic existed. The advances for the extremely poverty stricken Spaniards, were slow going, as the party for the wealthy kept voting against any progress; however, the poor people of Spain knew not to vote for this party representing money interests, for whom befriended Hitler, -- Francisco Franco‘s party, named the Fascists. …So Francisco Franco’s group, with the Army Generals, decided to overthrow the government; they went on a murder spree. The Spanish Civil War began. The Pope of the Catholic Church it is true, could not possibly have been his own man anyway; as he was stuck in the country of Italy, run by the Fascist dictator Mussolini. The Catholic Church in Spain owned much land; and any call for taking land from the rich to give to the poor, was pretended, as communist talk. [This old idea isn’t constitutional; but neither are wages that won’t support you, affords you a place to live while you work full time.] The Catholic Church sided with Franco. Hitler wanted to practice for WW2; so he helped the Spanish Fascists by bombing the poor people in Spain. The Spanish Civil War was spoken of by the Press in the United States and Great Britain, as a war against Communism. It was not at all; this was an absolute lie; although it is said, at the end of the war, Stalin did try to meddle for his spoils; but otherwise, it was a civil war to save Democracy, not communism. France did support the Democrats of Spain; but the leaders of the U.S. and Britain lied. …Mr. Seldes blames the News Papers who were concerned for their advertising revenues, if they don‘t go with whatever the Catholic Church sees on the matter, who also leads over Catholic voters; as the government did the same. Famous writers, Ernest Hemmingway from the U.S. and George Orwell from Great Britain, were about the only voices, who went to Spain and reported to their countrymen, yelled, that it was a fight for Democracy. But the other press voices overwhelmingly crowded over their voices. As the same is: Why did the U.S. and Great Britain leaders do this? That they did lie, is why the Spaniards, especially the poor, are still owed an apology from both the United States and Great Britain. As Hitler could have possibly been stopped early. Franco was in full charge, at the beginning of WW2; and he murdered many Spaniards up through the 1970’s. …The truth is, I believe, Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill were afraid of Hitler. More then we can imagine. [If you have a sociopath in the family, simply disappearing from that guys need button is a typical reaction.]

President Roosevelt, FDR he still tends to be called, gave direct relief to families; or rather, states were given money to create jobs, or they can give directly to the poor. At one time 8,000,000 people were on direct relief. These programs came in two New Deal waves, -- In 1933, and again, 1935.

The National Industrial Recovery Act, 1933, to revive industry, and to create re-employment, to raise wages.

Federal Land Bank for home and farm owners, who can borrow $5000 to pay mortgage with low interest and a 50 year loan. ….And although it seemed to be a “Trust” idea, Roosevelt encouraged like companies to get together and create a co-operative trade association. …..They created a “Code of fair practices”. 44 hours a week, is now 40 hours a week, and a minimum wage, which brought many wages up. The right for employees to bargain. You can’t discriminate against Union members; can’t force people to join a Union against their will. ….1935, the Magna Carta of Labor was in, with the Wagner Act. The right to organize and bargain collectively. To raise wages, which will create spenders.

1933, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. …Work Relief Programs: Works Progress Administration, the WPA, 1935, created government jobs: to build roads, repair buildings, new construction on school houses, and other government buildings, putting 4,000,000 people to work.

….1933, the Civilian Conservation Corp., employed 500,000 young men. The Second New Deal, 1935, created the National Youth Administration, for needy students who needed work; money was given for schools to pay wages to these students.

…Special Low interest rates were given to farmers. In hopes of raising farm prices, the government paid farmers money for every acre not farmed, to help reduce supply, so that prices would rise. The price of cotton doubled.

U.S. v Butler. The Supreme Court said you cannot control prices in this way. The States were in charge of agriculture, not the Federal government, is why.

President Roosevelt, 1933, created a banking holiday for an indefinite time; and they can not open until proven solvent. Nothing can occur if the banks are not even open. As so many people did not ever get their money back from the banks, [My husband’s grand father in Fort Worth, banked his money in a can he buried in his backyard, before the stock market crash ever occurred even.]

Congress authorized the Secretary of Treasury to call in gold coins. There will be a $10,000 fine and jail for who hordes gold coins. Then the Gold Standard, was traditionally to imply, that paper currency was redeemable at face value in gold, upon request. But Roosevelt devalued the dollar against gold: Originally, one received 100 cents worth of gold, for a dollar, is now you only receive 59.06 cents of gold for an entire dollar. The U.S. had to do this, to compete in the international markets, because others countries were doing this same thing. …As every country was doing what they could to gain more gold; thus a program to buy and sell gold was put into place. [U.S. will purchase gold only from countries who are more devalued then he. Cheaper costing gold therefore. But U.S. needed to compete to sell, --although the government was hording gold. However, they had hoped this trick would increase farmers profits, by inflating the cost of their goods, overseas; however, domestically, “increasing the money supply“, does not mean anything unless you are speaking of creating loans that are not backed by “government owned collateral“; and if costs rise in Europe for goods, then it is only because the demand for a product is greater then the true supply. So this idea did not work.] Economic fact, was fuzzy also, up until now. Economic theory, is only theory, if fact is not in. Facts are in; are self evident.

Concentration of wealth. Is the true cause of Depression. Is caused by paying poverty wages. Redistribution of Wealth. Why, the Communists use this term; except, the Communists never paid living wages. Again, not paying a rich man for his property properly, at true market value, is unconstitutional; and so is telling a man he can work full time and not even afford an apartment for his family. It’s called stealing to do either. Devalue a man’s time and efforts, devalues the man; devalues others feels personally devalued within.

Roosevelt primed the pump. That is to say, he simply gave stimulus money, (maintain-ment actually), to big businesses again.

1933, the Bonus Army marched in Washington D.C., 43,000 strong. Veterans demanded their service certificates be cashed in early. Attorney General William D. Mitchell ordered the army to remove them and their property. Shelters were burned. …At first, when the Bonus Marchers witnessed General MacArthur and General Patton’s troops arrive, they had thought it was in their honor; but to their horror, they were bayoneted and they used ademsite gas. …. “Shame” they yelled. 55 Veterans were injured. William Hushka, who sold his business to fight in WWI was murdered, as was Eric Carlson, who had fought in WWI, on the Western Front. General MacArthur called the protestors communists. So cruelly treated, Congress over rid Roosevelt’s veto, and gave them their bonus money.

1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority was created to help the area that was drained of water, as well as create employment. 21 large dams were created. Power Plants were built, as were transmission lines. Flood control; prevention of soil erosion.

The Home Owners Corp handed out refinancing at lower rates and longer period loans, so that home owners can keep their homes. …As one third of the companies went broke, railroad rates were lowered to attract customers, [cars and planes took a good deal of business from the railroads as well], and this worked; as the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered all lines to have the same rates, and gave money to the railroads for machinery.

The National Labor board was created to settle disputes. …Some businesses raised prices to make up for wage increases. Which is illegal. Which should have been announced as such. [Stimulus is actually friendly to business anyway, instead of insisting business afford these higher wages before they can.] …The FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance was created, to protect personal savings, -- as millions of dollars from individuals savings accounts were lost. …The power of the Federal Reserve was increased. Industrial and savings banks were government supervised now. They also regulate credit as a check upon reckless speculation. …Laws were put in place to protect the public from worthless stocks. Severe penalty upon who isn’t honest about the worth of a stock. …1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission was created to administer these laws and regulate the stock exchange. ….Social Security was created, to protect the safety of the disabled and the elderly. Life saving, is why social security is one the most important Acts from our Government.

The Gold Sterilization Program began. Any inflow of Gold into our country was not placed where a loan could be made against it. ..Normally, they print gold certificates for this inflow of Gold, and deposit them in the Federal Reserve Accounts. Instead, now, they’ll place this gold in an inactive account. This program ended in Sept. 1936.* 1935. The Revenue Act, levied taxes on gifts and estates. A tax on corporations regarding profits not going to stock holders. In 1938, they did cancel this last part.

The Supreme Court ruled 1935, that the golden rule is not true, or rather, the whole NIRA program, the New Deal, is unconstitutional because Congress delegated too much power to the President. In Schechter v U.S. …The Supreme Court in fact, struck down 7 acts, and state laws, including minimum wages for women and children. ….All the court justices were elderly. Roosevelt attempted to enlarge the court with 5 more justices, for which he would personally nominate. No one would allow this. …Regardless, dishonesty on the courts, or anywhere, first of all, is to acknowledge ethics isn’t up to you or me. Knows a self evident fact is one, all of us. The golden rule is fact only, protects all citizens equally, or anarchy occurs, -- defined, Wild Wally says what, instead of God the Big Guy.

A little later, the Court did give its blessing for a national minimum wage for women and children. By 1941, all but two of the justices were no longer on the Court.

The Rural electrification Administration developed a plan to hook up everyone to electricity. At this point, only a third of the population had homes hooked up to electricity. …The Public Utility Holding Company Act regulated electric and gas.

The election of 1936, the Republican nominee was Alfred M. Landon of Kansas. A “liberal” Republican, as many people were helped by the New Deal; and the economy seemed back on track. In fact, the middle class bolted from the party. Roosevelt won the largest electoral count ever! 523 votes to Landon’s 8 votes.

Balance the budget was being pushed by the business people and Roosevelt was persuaded. As it was decided not to create anymore stimulus programs. The economy after all, did seem to respond to all those stimulus programs, and now seems to be on good footing. The Monetarist views verses the Keynesian view is this: Maynard Keynes explained that it takes spenders to keep an economy going. His solutions were to infuse money into the system to get the economy going. The other, balance the budget; protect the money supply. Or, manipulate it. “We have the largest national debt in history!” This will not help a bad economy, and in fact will make it worse, if ability to spend is lessened.
Only raised incomes will be rid of a huge deficit.

A little bit of gold left the country, was sold, but it was replaced by the reserves that had been on hold. To place loans against genuine assets, is common sense, but cannot be done if you’re going to pay low wages. Or rather, the real estate market will simply stall out.

So it was, they cut the budget and handed down no stimulus. 1936. 1937, the stock market crashed all the way back to early 1930 levels.

When the depression is this bad, the infusion of maintainment money helps a little; as, stimulus that is somewhat, will help as well; but if it isn’t given to the low wage citizens, it won’t work all that well. 1937, the stock market was back to crash levels. The moment the stimulus went, so did the economy. Keep infusing and infusing cash forever, to the middle or high income individuals or companies, forever, unless the lower classes are paid to afford first. Is that simple. When the people are paid fairly, business will have a huge upsurge in profits and will be able to evolve into paying those wages without being personally affected. [Is what government must do now 2012: raise minimum wage to living wages that truly are; the extra wage costs government should pay. When economy is 100% inclusion, businesses will make far more profits then they ever made before in all of world history. They will more then afford to pay living wages. True full employment makes societies problems go away.]

Well, the crash of 1937 is why they gave more stimulus, in 1938. “Roosevelt’s Depression” the Republicans said. Also, it just so happened, that the economy now must revert from a peace time economy to a War Economy; not only because of Japan, but Germany, who just now invades Austria and the Rhineland. ….Taxes were raised on who can afford, or rather, whose purchasing power will not be bothered. And to raise wages. [He already empowered Unions more, which will raise wages.] They gave a 2 billion dollar stimulus, the “Spend-Lend” program:

Transferring to a war economy 1938 also; thus a stimulus did occur with government contractors, to compensate workers paychecks, so that they will earn more, and consumers will be created, -- among other things, they had done previously with stimulus money. [Tax money Government receives also increases.] The economy improved 1938; however, it did not fully improve, until World War 2, when many people were included in the economy, due to the needs war creates, -- why government opened up the purse.

World War 2 is a reminder that we don’t need a war to get out of a depression; I say, only because the New Deal era was also not understood truly at the time. Except in Academia.
In fact, a postwar depression always occurs after every war, except for World War 11. Instead, the economy was going greater then it ever had in all of history, directly after the war; because, at wars end, spenders were there to spend, is why war industry commodity easily switched over to other industries at wars end. Today, our Depression had the saving grace of the FDIC, which protected savings accounts, 2010 crash.

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