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The Quest Continues...
Frodo and Sam have destroyed the ring, Sauron is defeated, evil has been overcome. Right?
Perhaps. That however, is beside the point. Aragorn, Legolas and co. are coming back for the sequel, and this time, we're in charge. Please feel free to read and participate. (Note-the beginnings of the story are actually in the archives. It's reverse order- archive 1 is the most recent. Confusing, I know.)

To join, please visit the Quest website, where all necessary details can be found. From here you can also access the rules and character lists, view the story so far, and much, much more. (Ok, a little bit more).
N.B. The rules etc. are being constantly updated, so you should check back every now and again.

To skip straight to the bottom of the page, click here.

To talk with other writers, visit The Quest Soapbox. Alternatively, go read The Extended Adventures of Gimli for an, errrm, less serious spoof.

Important announcement: On August 3rd, Quest was picked up by Gamejag, a gaming and writings group. We can now be found on www.gamejag.com, in the Middle Earth forum.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

Subject: After the end...

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Date Posted: 17:31:18 03/20/02 Wed

The king sat in his study and glared morosely at the pile of papers in front of him. Peace was alright, Aragorn reflected, he had fought for it even, but did it have to be so boring? I
It was afternoon and he was trying to fill out the pile of forms that thretened to dominate his desk. He sighed and allowed his eye to wander until it rested on the sword hung to the wall.
Anduril, flame of the west. Once it had cleaved orc heads and united the armies of the rightous. Now its main job was to gather dust, only emerging for the odd state festival. Aragorn smiled wryly, he and his sword were linked in more ways than one. The perfect metaphor for himself.
A gust of wind flew in through the open window carrying stray leaves into the dismal room. They reminded him of times gone passed. He missed the life he had lead as the anomous ranger, Strider.
This is no way for a king to behave, he thought angrily to himself. There had to be a way to pick himself out of this dejection.
He picked up the leaves that obscured his work and looked at them. An idea came to him.
What better way to relive old times than with a gathering of friends? He called out to the valet, who hovered continually outside his door. He claimed to be waiting for a chance to serve the king but Aragorn expected he had been placed there to make sure the paperwork was finished on time.
The door opened and a nervous young man entered, "Yes, your majesty?"
"Ah, Vomyr, yes. Do come in further, I won't bite I promise." The youth looked shocked at the thought of the king doing anything as undignified as biting people but moved closer to his monarch.
"Would you be so good as to fetch Legolas the elf and Gimli the dwarf?"
"Is that all?"
"For now"
The valet left and Aragorn sat back in his chair. He would ask that Legolas and Gimli fetch the hobbits. Things were too quiet around here and hobbit laughter would lighten things up. Aragorn remember that all three of them were important men now. The thought of Pippin in charge of anyone brought a smile to his lips. The thought of them was helping him already.
His eyes rested again on his beloved sword. After the meeting he would take Aunduril and go out to train with the new recruits. It would help moral, stretch his muscles and lift his spirits. The thought pleased him.
It would be a long time before the valet returned with his friends so his majesty, King Elessar, lent back on his chair, closed his eyes and remembered the time when he had only been Strider.
Subject: summonned...

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Date Posted: 20:47:40 03/20/02 Wed

The blonde elf walked towards the throne room at a leisurely pace. Not many people would dare to keep the King of Gondor waiting, but Legolas was sure of his limits. He trod lightly, his soft-shot feet making no sound on the stone floors. Beside him tramped the dwarf, Gimli, sounding as usual like a batallion of knights approaching. The two made an odd pair, one tall, handsome and graceful, one...well...less so.
Some distance in front of them followed the harried-looking Vomyr. Two weeks in the company of Aragorn, and already a nervous wreck. Not that it was the king's fault of course- it was simply that nature had seen fit to give him the patience span of a small terrier, and all the tact of a grizzly bear. Occasionally, Legolas felt some sympathy for his friend, but most of the time he preferred to smartly remind him that it was a course he had chosen for himself. Many would have thought the elf brave to try that and it was true, he was. Practically however, the reason he tried iot was because he knew he could move faster than Aragorn, and get out of the way in time. Another man might have been exiled for such stunts, but the lighthearted elf brought a touch of humor to an otherwise solemn court, so his friend let it pass.

The valet opened the door, and Legolas entered. Bowing low with a flourish (unnecessary between the friends but another point that could always be used to bait the frustrated king) he asked reverently
"You sent for us, my Lord. How may we be of service?"
And if it weren't for the smile twitching on his lips and the faint hint of sarcasm in his voice, it might have sounded genuine.
[> Subject: The meeting

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Date Posted: 21:30:58 03/20/02 Wed

Aragorn moved his feet off the table and regarded the two very different people standing across from him who had become so important in his life. The dwarf had his axe belted onto his back although there was no need for it. He stood silent waiting for Aragorn to speak. The cocky elf next to him finnished his floral bow and opened his mouth to speak but Aragorn held up his hand.
This meeting was informal but that was no need to disrespect a king, or one of your best friends for that matter.
"I trust Vomyr explained the situation to you."
Once again Legolas started to speak, once again Aragorn waved him silent.
"Obviously he has. You are both from great families of your own. You know the pressures of ruling. They have fallen on me hard."
Aragorn tried to ingore the snorts of laughter but it was infectious after weeks shut in this room.
"Oh gods, how I've missed you"
"And we you, lord." The ever curtious Gimli replied.
"My dear dwarf, can I not be your friend rather than just your king?"
"Aye, Aragorn you can."
"Good. As your king I could command you to go and retrive the hobbits from their holes but as your friend I ask it of you. Will you travel to the Shire and arrange this meeting to help a weary king?"
Subject: overacting much?

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Date Posted: 21:41:52 03/20/02 Wed

Legolas surveyed his old friend intently. And that was just it. Old. In the past months, it seemed to him that Aragorn had aged beyond belief. In spite of the absurdity of the simile, he really was wilting like a flower, despite all the elf's efforts to revive him. Something needed to be done. Of course. Just not yet, perhaps.
He allowed his mirth to overflow in tumultous laughter. The king looked faintly alarmed.
"Aragorn, my old friend, stop being so melodramatic. You are no more weary than I am. Are you suggesting that the lazy weeks you have spent in this room have weakened you to a state that you can no longer muster the energy to rise from your throne?"
Subject: Reprimand

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Date Posted: 16:12:16 03/21/02 Thu

"Be careful Master Elf or I shall lock YOU in this room and travel myself with Gimli to fetch Merry, Pippin and Samwize. I fear after the month I am gone your spirit will be much depleted and you will think again before mocking a king."
Legolas' eyes flew wide and Aragorn could almost see the elf remembering the Mines of Moria. The land without sunshine, a month without grass under his feet and the wind in his hair.
Aragorn eyes moved past Legolas onto the elf's best friend. Gimli was quietly sniggering into his beard. Aragorn winked at him and moved back behind his desk.
"Oh calm down, Legolas. I will do not such thing. Just please do this small thing for me. Besides I'm sure both of you wouldn't mind a trip out of this dusty city."
He sat down and pretended to be busy with his work for a while before looking up. They were, as he'd expected still standing there.
"You are dismissed," he told them calmly before returning to his work.
Yes, he felt much better already.
"May the gods go with you," he murmured as his two friends turned to leave.
Subject: watching

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Date Posted: 16:30:11 03/21/02 Thu

Faeirex stood alone, as she had done for centuries. She gazed into the palantir. For now, the world appeared quiet. The beautiful elf watched, and waited...
Subject: Waiting...

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Date Posted: 16:55:36 03/21/02 Thu

Vomyr listened intently through the thick wood of the king's door. It was hard to make out. The king was bored and so he was sending for his friends in the Shire. The hobbits. Small, furry and intent on filling the halls with smoke, they disgusted the valet. Still, gossip was gossip.
He moved to the key hole. The king stood at his desk, infront of the pair that Vomyr had brought.
Suddenly the view was obscured. Vomyr pulled back from the door, blinked and pushed his hair out of his face before reapplying his eye to the slot. This time he could make out a pair of shoes, green leather and well made advancing towards him. With a flurry of swear words he staggered back from the door. But he was not quick enough.
The door was flung open knocking the startled valet onto the floor. Rubbing his eyes he looked up into those of an angry elven prince and an angrier dwarf lord.
Subject: Caught in the act

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Date Posted: 17:01:16 03/21/02 Thu

Legolas stared coolly down at the man they had just caught snooping. All traces of a mischeivous nobleman has fast disappeared, and the elf resembled a cat about to pounce. His face was calm, and every feature alert.
[> Subject: Re: Caught in the act

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Date Posted: 17:18:14 03/21/02 Thu

Gimli raised his axe. He was in as equal a sense of anger and concentration as Legolas.
For a dwarf, he was beginning to show remarkaly Elf like demenour.
Subject: Oh dear gods

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Date Posted: 17:34:59 03/21/02 Thu

Vomyr's life flashed before him. It was not a bad life, he reflected, considering it was the only one he had. One blow from that axe would reft it from him and it struck Vomyr that no amount of gossip would be worth that. He felt something slide down his cheek and released his was blubbering. Desperately he tried to compose himself but the evil looking axe hovered just above the fagile skin of his neck managed to drive all thoughts of calmness from him reducing the young man to a weeping nervous wreak.
[> Subject: Re: Oh dear gods

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Date Posted: 17:40:26 03/21/02 Thu

Gimli held the razor sharp edge of his axe against Vomyr's neck.
He could hear Legolas shouting to Aragorn, but was in too high a state of concentration to listen.
Vomyr whimpered as the weapon drew a little blood from his neck. He crawled back an inch, but Gimli's axe moved with him, still pressing down into his windpipe.
Subject: Mercy

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Date Posted: 17:43:23 03/21/02 Thu

Sighing, Legolas placed his arm on his friend's shoulder and firmly moved him aside. Jerking Vomyr to his feet, he dragged him back into the throne room. That's not to say instant execution didn't have it's attractions. It was just that the servants got so upset when the blood got into the draperies...
Subject: Betrayal

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Date Posted: 18:06:57 03/21/02 Thu

Aragorn looked up as the door opened. In came his friends. About to say, "I thought you'd left" he caught sight of the almost un-concious youth who was stumblingly behind the elven prince who's hold on his hair made it understandably difficult for the valet to walk. The elf released him and Vomyr stood, trembling infront of his king.
Aragorn sighed, while he did not want to complete his paperwork it was preferable to dealing with treason.
The room was silent as the charge was explained. An immense saddness consumed Aragorn. While something like eavesdropping might appear trivial Aragorn dreaded to think what would've happened if he had been discussing something important.
It would've been spread around the castle within days. The anger built in him and he turned to deliver a blistering reprimand to his disgraced man-servant.
The man flinched and his anger faded away. Vomyr seemed truly repentant and although the axe still firmly clutched in Gimli's hand might've contributed a little to this, Aragorn felt for the man.
He obviously had not realized the gravity of the situation. Patiently he explained to the terrified man the cosequences of his actions.
This time there would be no punishment, but, Aragorn continued, it was however his last chance.
Bowing obsequiously Vomyr hurried out of the room. Aragorn hoped he had learned from the experience instead of harbouring a resentment against the elf and the dwarf.
Subject: Arwen

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Date Posted: 18:11:59 03/21/02 Thu

Legolas didn't trouble to hide his disgust that the man had got off so lightly. Giving a cursory bow, he turned and left the room.

Vomyr was still outside. Much as Legolas may disapprove of Aragorn's decision, he had to respect it. Keeping his voice as calm as possible, he asked,
"Would you be so good as to direct me to the quarters of Queen Arwen?"
The already trembling man visibly paled even further. In the past months, as Aragorn had become more immersed in paperwork, Arwen, his queen, had become more distant, gently withdrawing herself from public life. What the problem was, few knew. Legolas wasn't entirely sure that the heavily burdened king had even noticed.
Oh well, Arwen wasn't his problem. Aragorn, however, was. And one of his idle threats, with modifications, might just be viable. He looked with barely concealed disdain at the nervous Vomyr, becoming in seconds the noble Elven prince, who would be obeyed.
[> Subject: Re: Arwen

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Date Posted: 18:25:40 03/21/02 Thu

Gimli sighed and rested his axe next to the window. It felt good to have held te weapon to a live throat again after so long, even if he had not kiled Vomyr.
Gimli picked up a cloth and preceeded to wipe the small drops of blood from the end of his axe, staining the pureness of the material until it was crimson.

As Legolas left to seek Arwen, Gimli lowered himself onto a stool near Aragorn, and closed his eyes slowly...drifting off into sleep.
Subject: Terror

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Date Posted: 18:38:23 03/21/02 Thu

Vomyr hurried along the ornate corridors. The obnoxious elf strode behind him silently, and Vomyr had to turn around to check he was still following.
They arrived at the door of the queen's bedroom. He bowed trying to conceal the loathing he felt for the other and set back off for the king's chamber.
The king. Once again Vomyr's heart was filled with hatred, this time directed at a man who until recently he had idolized.
While in King Elessar's presence he had been honestly grateful. The king had spared the life he was so sure he was going to lose. But outside the door it was a different story.
In his mind he conjured up looks of contempt of the king's face and remembered the pity the man had thrown at him.
Vomyr wanted pity from no man. He conveniently forgot that it was that same pity that had saved him and concentrated on the building need for vengence in side of him. Vomyr wanted pity from no man.
Subject: The Queen

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Date Posted: 21:19:32 03/21/02 Thu

By the time he had reached Arwen's bedchamber, Legolas' usual aura of calm had reasserted itself. He would watch Vomyr closely, but Aragorn had been fair, and there was no reason to believe that the man would reoffend.

Left alone at Arwen's door, he considered his options. It had been some months since he had had a proper conversation with the Queen, and judging from the palace talk, that was a good thing. Recently Arwen had been decidedly short-tempered and stand-offish. That would be natural behavior from many queens, but not this one. She was, after all, Elvish.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
Subject: A Visitor

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Date Posted: 21:25:44 03/21/02 Thu

Arwen turned at the knock on her door. She considered ignoring it, and continuing to wallow in her melancholy, but something in the tone of the knock stopped her. It wasn't the timid tap of one of her silly, fluttering ladies-in-waiting, but the firm, assured knock of someone there on more important buisness. She felt a momentary hope that it might be Aragorn. He had been so busy recently, and she felt so lonely.
"Who is it?"
Subject: Rank

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Date Posted: 21:32:16 03/21/02 Thu

"It's Legolas, my Lady" the elf waiting outside replied. He chose not to use the customary 'your highness'. Arwen may be a queen among mortal men, but he was an elf, and among elves his rank equalled hers.
[> Subject: Re: Rank

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Date Posted: 21:36:45 03/21/02 Thu

Arwen's heart sank slightly, but not much. Legolas may not be Aragorn, but he was an elf, and knew her far better than all the courtiers who swarmed round her at every oppurtunity. His omission of her title was not lost on her. It was oddly comforting somehow, for someone to treat her as she had been before she gave up her immortality for love of a man.
"Come in."
Almost without realising it, Arwen understood something. Legolas was the only person in this entire city of her own race, perhaps the only person in the city who could understand her.
Subject: Enter

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Date Posted: 22:01:23 03/21/02 Thu

With some trepidation, Legolas pushed open the door. Arwen looked every bit as beautiful as when he had last seen her, but her eyes were shadowed. He saw instantly that the elven queen was not simply short-tempered, she was unhappy. Instantly he changed his tactics. It was clear that Arwen's problems were more serious than the palace gossip maintained.
Without asking permission, he sat down and looked at her with his usual calm.
"Arwen" he said gently, "What's wrong with you?"
Subject: From the ashes a fire will be woken

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Date Posted: 22:14:41 03/21/02 Thu

Arwen sat and looked at her hands rather than at the handsome elf opposite her. Her fingernails were in terrible condition but it was that or look at the face of home.
She had given up her immortality, her chance to go with her kindred into the Grey Havens for a cold king who ignored her, devoting his time instead to forms and numbers.
A tear rolled down her cheek and a gentle hand brushed it away. She smiled but with no good humour.
Legolas could leave if he wanted to while she was confined in this role as Queen of Gonder. With the perfect man as her husband, unfortuately it had turned out to be pefectly awful.
Vaguely she heard Legolas say, "What's wrong with you?" A fire awoke within her from the ashes of her soul.
He was accusing her! After all she'd been through he was accusing her, while knowing nothing.
She stopped looking at the hands, which she vowed to tidy up, and directed her steely gaze at Legolas.
"I am fine Master Elf, but would you be so good as to fetch my husband. I fear that in his absense my spirit withers."
Subject: No Chance

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Date Posted: 22:24:45 03/21/02 Thu

"I think not, my lady. You are Aragorn's wife, and Aragorn is dear to my heart. He loves you, and if you're not happy, what chance does he have. You and I both know that I would walk through fire for him, and if I need to solve your problems to solve his, then that's what I'll do." He paused, hoping that his tone of voice didn't sound as absurdly righteous as it did in his mind. Lightly he added,
"Besides Arwen, you know I'm not an errand boy. Did you really think I'd meekly follow your orders just because you said so?" His voice hardened. "I'm a lot stronger than you Arwen, and I'm going to keep you here until you stop all this melodrama and tell me what the problem is."
Inwardly, he cringed, but outwardly, he kept his face impassive. "Maybe, just maybe, I can help."
Subject: Help?

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Date Posted: 11:37:18 03/22/02 Fri

Help? Pah! And not her errand boy? Who did he think he was?
Seething with surpressed anger she looked up into his eyes and saw the saddness that lay just behind the usual sparkle. Then she knew who he thought he was.
One of the few survivors of a forgotten race, burdened with sorrows equal to her own.
In the first moment of unselfishness she had experienced in ages, Arwen suddenley realized that it was unlikely Legolas would ever find love.
Their kindred had sailed away leaving behind few of their number, but the earnest young elf opposite her had stayed for the sake of his friendship with her husband and the remainder of the fellowship.
Her anger melted and her eyes started to leak once more. This time not only for herself but for the other opposite her as well.
They shared the same fate.
Sobbing she clung to Legolas, who, while surprised at the young queen's mood swings, comforted her as best he could.
"I'm so sorry" she sniffed and smiled weakly, "this is so undignified. I forgot what you'd been through and I ... I just miss Aragorn so much .
[> Subject: Re: Help?

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Date Posted: 17:54:50 03/22/02 Fri

Meanwhile, In Aragorn's study, Gimli was snoring loudly.
Subject: Words of comfort

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Date Posted: 19:55:55 03/22/02 Fri

It was only until he heard the words "what you'd been through" that Legolas realised just how much he missed his own kind. Now sharing Arwen's pain, he held her close, murmuring what words of comfort he could.
The barriers between them had been broken down, and suddenly he could see the source of Arwen's unhappiness. She had forsaken her own kind to be with Aragorn, she relied on him, but the pressures of ruling kept him apart from her, and when he wasn't with her, she was truly alone.
The forced reflection brought him more painful thoughts. The numbers of Elves who chose to remain on Middle Earth ever dwindled, and it occurred to him that Arwen, now mortal by her own choice, was his only link to his past. They were held together by a bond neither of them could see, and each knew, with every certanity, what the other was feeling.
"Arwen,"he murmured, "Aragorn loves you. You're his strength, his life. He'd never intentionally hurt you. I know he's under a lot of strain at the moment, but between us, I think we can change that, and bring your husband back."
He gave her one final embrace, and at that moment, the door flew open...
Subject: Remorse and a change

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Date Posted: 14:21:49 03/23/02 Sat

With a florish Aragorn finished his signiture and brought the royal seal down, closing the last dispatch.
This paticular one was about the amount of carrots a farmer was allowed to cultivate each year.
Apparently the people could find no better use to put their king to than lock him in a room and force him to sign vegetable degrees until he went mad.
For the moment however it was over. Trying not to wake Gimli Aragorn removed his sword from the wall and hung it round his waist. The weight felt good on his hip after years of absence.
He padded out the room, silently closing the door behind him.
Vomyr was back. The earlier incident did not appear to have changed the man and Aragorn's soul rejoiced.
"If the Lord Gimli awakes before I am back would you be so good as to tell him I have gone to the training ground to practice with my men"
Vomyr bowed, all memories of his previously interview with the king apparently forgotten, "Of course, sire"
"Thank you"
Aragorn turned to leave but Vomyr called him back.
"Sire, if I may be so bold," he stopped evidently embarressed but Aragorn waved his hand and the valet continued.
"Well, your majesty, it seems to me that what with all the work you've been doing you might want to pay a visit to the Queen Arwen before you go off to practice."
Of course the man was right. He had neglected his wife, Aragorn's face became a mask of mortification which Vomyr interpreted as anger at his improper speech.
"It was just a suggestion" he added feebily.
Aragorn assured him that he was in no way offended and thanked him for his concil.
Then almost running he moved towards Arwen's chambers in the other side of the palace.
Just the thought of seeing her again brought a new rush of joy to him. He started to run faster, anxious not to miss a single second that might be had with his beautiful queen.
Panting he arrived at her door and reflected that he was definately not as young as he used to be.
It was lucky he had not gone straight to the practice courts or some young buck might've beaten him and then been overcome with remorse at the thought that he had upstaged the king.
Aragorn chuckled and flung open the ornate wooden door.
Arwen was inside but she was very far from alone.
Subject: Oops

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Date Posted: 14:40:45 03/23/02 Sat

Turning, Legolas saw Aragorn standing in the doorway. A range of emotions flashed across the King's face. Puzzlement turned to betrayal, then quickly to anger. Moving quickly away from Arwen, he tried to explain,
"Aragorn, we were just..."
He was cut off.
Subject: Meanwhile...

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Date Posted: 20:14:21 03/23/02 Sat

Meanwhile, in the shire, Sam was sittin under a tree staring across the rolling hills and fields. He was remembering the adventures that he and all the others had had and missing them all. Over the past few weeks he had been remembering them more and more, a growing ache inside of him to reunite everyone again, to see everyones smiling faces- aragorn now king of Gondor, Legolas, Gimili now dwarf lord, Gandalf and of course Frodo. His greatest friend who had gone off with Gandalf. He was missing him terribly, after everything they had been through they are no longer together. Of course he still had Pippin and Merry, but he didnt even see them as much now. Pippin is now Thain and Merry is master of Brandybuck hall. The last time they actually spent time together was a week ago at the local pub. They had got so drunk, rolling around the floor with laughter, that they had to be almost carried back to their homes. That was fun.
Coming back from his trance he saw that the sun was gettting low and that he needed to be home to his family for tea. He loved his wife there was no doubt of that and his children, but..........something was missing.
Subject: Out

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Date Posted: 20:16:33 03/23/02 Sat

Aragorn's joy evapourated as quickly as it had come.
The woman he loved was enfolded in the arms of another man.
Legolas's face had been inches from Arwen's as the king had flung open the door.
Now he had withdrawn but the dreadful image still filled Aragorn's mind as the elf blustered trying to explain what seemed simple enough to the king.
Even in his youth Aragorn had only been a moderatly attractive man and now being mortal he was aging, slowly but surely.
Legolas on the other hand was an elf, eternally young and eternally handsome.
He cursed himself for not realising sooner, but somebody else had. Obviously faithful Vomyr had noticed the goings on that he, as king, had been blind to, trusting to friendship rather than common sense.
"Aragorn, we were just..."
"Don't tell me what you were just Master Legolas, I am not as blind as I have been." While soft his voice carried the menace that he felt within his soul. Suddenley his composure left him.
"How dare you!" he yelled trying to intimidate the elf but his voice broke into a sob and he was forced just to mouth pathetically, "why?"
However before Legolas could even begin explain a troop of soldiers led by a breathless Vomyr burst into the room.
"I heard the shouting my lord," he breathed, taking in the scene before him. "Is everything alright?"
Tears running down his face Aragorn turned to them.
"Fine," he lied transparently. "Would you please escort Prince Legolas up to my office where he may collect his belongings and Master Gimli before leaving my castle." He turned to the elf who had till recently been one of his closest friends. "I want you out by sundown. You will go to the Shire and collect the hobbits. When you return with them I will rediscuss this matter further. Now get out of my sight. For it is only the regard I once held for you that keeps you alive and I fear that unless you leave immediately then my resolve will waver and Anduril will have work to do again. Now go."
Rising from the bed Legolas bad farewell to Arwen and left with as much dignity as he could manage, the soldiers surrouding him.
After they had left Aragorn managed one look at the woman who had betrayed him, tears streaming down her perfect face before rushing out the room, unable to bear his pain any longer.
Subject: Meanwhile...

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Date Posted: 20:17:48 03/23/02 Sat

In the topmost room of one of the many palace towers in Minas Tirith, Eowyn looked wistfully out of her window, reminiscing. Since she married Faramir and became 'Stewardess of Gondor' she had spent almost all of her days and nights in this tower. Faramir was away supervising the rebuilding of Helm's Deep, and she had spent too much time just thinking of days gone by. Mainly thinking of Aragorn, the King of Gondor and a lost love. Well the love was never really found as, though she tried everything she could to make him bend to her charms, he did not feel the same way as she. She sighed and descended the stair, to return to the turmoil of palace life below.
Subject: How could he?

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Date Posted: 20:44:50 03/23/02 Sat

As he was escorted from the room, Legolas' emotions were a mix of anger and deep hurt. He and Aragorn had been friends for such a long time, how could he for one moment think that he could betray him like that?
In growing silent fury, he strode onwards, so fast that the heavily armed soldiers had to run to keep up with him. Aragorn had told him to go with Gimli to fetch the hobbits, but he couldn't face that right now. The straightforward, honest dwarf would never be able to understand his feelings, or what had passed between him and Arwen. Right now, he needed to be alone.
On entering the office, he saw Gimli sitting there, still snoring gently. He would leave him to sleep further. Taking only his bow, he turned to leave, the soldiers only just catching up with him. Behind him, he heard Gimli awaken at the crashing of their armour. Before the dwarf could stop him, he rushed from the room.
As he moved through the palace at a pace approaching a run, the escort gradually dwindled as one by one, less fit men were forced to reduce their pace. Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, the tears streamed freely down his sculpted cheeks. For Legolas, there was only one thought, Aragorn, his closest friend bar one, trusted him so little that he would accuse him of having an affair with his wife. The years of friendship and loyalty meant nothing to him.
Reaching the palace stables, he turned. The only man still with him was the man Vomyr, the only man who did not have to bear a full suit of armour. Looking at him, thee appeared to be a smug expression on the man's face. There was no doubt in Legolas' mind that this had been planned deliberately. Keeping his voice as steady as he could, he said icily
"This is how you take your revenge? By destroying your king's life? He showed you mercy, and this is how you repay him."
Without waiting to hear the man's answer, he left. Vaulting on to the bare back of the nearest horse, he galloped through the courtyards and through the gates to the surrounding countryside. Aragorn could add horse theft to his list of spurious charges. He would find solace in the nearby forest amongst the trees that he missed so much. Controlling the horse with a single word, he sped towards the distant trees, still weeping for Arwen, for Aragorn, and for himself.
Subject: Watch and wait

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Date Posted: 14:33:01 03/24/02 Sun

A faint twinge of a smile appeared on Vomyr's thin lips as he watched the blond rider gallop away on the king's favourite horse, Ringbearer.
"Oh dear oh dear," he chuckled quietly, remembering the look on the elfs face as he had charged Vomyr with ruining the king's life. "How little you know Prince Legolas" he whispered with contempt and grinned inwardly. "How little it has begun."
He felt a splash of water on his face and realised it was starting to rain. He shivered, drew his thin coat around him and pictured with satisfaction the elf's perfect hair sodden and wind tangled.
Mouth still twitching into the smile that could betray him, Vomyr turned and headed back inside to console the king.
Subject: Lost

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Date Posted: 14:55:28 03/24/02 Sun

In the sanctuary of his study Aragorn broke down completely. He had fled here, ignoring all the questioning eyes of his courtiers and barred the door.
Gimli was gone. Off with the traiterous elf no doubt, as he had ordered.
This morning there was nothing he had wanted to do more than escape from this room and be amoung company again, now he just wanted to be alone and allowed to disappear beneath his misery.
Through his tears he heard a gentle, revered knock. He gathered himself together suffiently to call out, "just leave me alone Vomyr."
"Yes sire" came the valet's muffled reply.
"Wait, Vomyr"
"Thank you"
"My duty, your majesty."
His metal shod heels clicked away from the door and Aragorn returned to cotemplating the misery that had befallen him. If only he had just gone to the training grounds none of this would've happened, or rather it would've but he wouldn't have known about it.
Aragorn smiled wryly and thought: ignorence is bliss.
Subject: Alone

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Date Posted: 21:38:13 03/24/02 Sun

Arwen watched her husband in disbelief, her tears still flowing freely. This was what had become of her marriage? They had been together so little he could think, no accept that she would seek solace in another man. Her throat was choked with tears, she couldn't speak. Dimly, she heard him accuse the elf who had been trying to save his marriage of destroying it. She struggled to get herself under control, to explain matters. He may not be willing to listen to Legolas, but he would listen to her.
At that moment, soldiers crashed through the door, and Arwen wavered. It was one thing to pour out her feelings to the man she loved, another entirely to inform the whole palace of them. She couldn't face it any more, their endless gossipping, the endless lies.
Dear, loyal Legolas accepted Aragorn's sentence without a word. She said a silent thank-you to him, thank-you for not disclosing what she had said to him without her permission. Their worlds had collapsed around them, but still he remained true. As he said goodbye to her, she saw the hurt in his eyes, but also read his message to her- "Be strong." How could she be strong, she asked herself. But she knew the answer. She had to be strong, or this would rip all three of them apart. She had to make him believe.

The look Aragorn gave her before he fled struck her heart. It was so filled with hurt, anger, and accusation. Despite her innocence, she still felt pangs of guilt. Left alone, Arwen wept for what her life had become.
Finally, she rose and composed her features. Wishing that she could avoid the accusing eyes of the courtiers, but knowing she couldn't, she went swiftly to the study, to try to win back her husband. But the door was blocked, and the self-righteous valet wouldn't let her pass.

All semblance of dignity gone, Arwen begged for entry, and again and again she was denied. Finally, in desparation, she raised her voice and screamed, in a voice she was sure could be heard by the entire palace, "Aragorn..."
Her voice gave out, and, still on the wrong side of the door, she curled up and sobbed.
Subject: In the forest

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Date Posted: 22:22:46 03/24/02 Sun

As Legolas rode, the rain mingled with the tears on his face, streaming in salty rivulets over his cheeks. He scarcely noticed the storm at his back, chasing him, it seemed, further and further from his friends, or rather, the people he had thought of as his friends. The melancholy that he had felt since entering Arwen's chambers had grown, and he felt suddenly suffocated by the life that he had been leading. The horse was swift, and he rode it fast, putting himself as far away as possible from all the lies, the trickery, the deceit of the petty courtiers in Minas Tirith. For the first time in months, he had something approaching freedom. Well almost. The cold accusations of Aragorn weighed heavily upon him, and already he was beginning to regret leaving Gimli behind. Freedom could not be freedom without his closest friend to share it with.

He felt the power almost as soon as he entered the forest. Every leaf, of every tree seemed alive in a way he had not experienced since departing from Lothlorien all those years ago. The very air had a magical, restful quality about it, but rather than reassuring the distraught elf, it set his teeth on edge. Someone, something was in the forest, changing it by their very prescence. With the departure of the Elven ring bearers and the defeat of the Dark Lord, no one with that kind of power should remain on Middle-Earth.
Legolas was torn. Above all, he needed a place to be alone, to brood. However, his remaining loyalty to Aragorn forced him to investigate the strange power dwelling but a short distance from his capital city. Every sense alert, he dismounted the horse, and bade it remain where it was. It would not disobey an elf.
He trod softly forwards, his feet making no imprint on the grass, not a single leaf rustling under his step.
Subject: A forgotten heart remembered

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Date Posted: 15:38:38 03/25/02 Mon

He had ignored her desparate screams but the almost silent sobbing tugged at the heart he had thought was forgotten.
It was forgotten, Aragorn reminded himself firmly. No heart meant he couldn't love and without love there would be no chance of him feeling this hurt again.
His sentimental soul cried out but stubbornly his head insisted it was for the best and with his eyes wet from crying, Aragorn was ready to agree with it.
Outside it was raining hard and he moved to the window. The gale was strong and it took all his effort to force the shutters closed. But before he did Aragorn cast one last disparing look at the forest that now housed his former best friends. His eye was drawn to a patch of light in the centre. Aragorn blinked, the light was gone and he dismissed it returning to his desk.
There desparately he moved the papers on his desk around, trying to find something, anything to occupy and distract him from this afternoon's event and the pitiful sounds outside his door. He knew the serch was fruitless however, he had completed this weeks work earlier and there was nothing, nothing save one unopened letter that he had dismissed earlier due to its lack of offical markings.
It was marked however on the reverse side, three times infact.
A letter from the Shire, his heart rejoiced.
"Dear Strider" it began in a somewhat illegible handwriting. The word Strider had been crossed out several times and replaced by King Elessar, but then this too had been scribbled over and the letter was once more addressed to Strider. It was as if the writer had been unable to decide which greeting was proper and had therefore put down both, just to be sure. Aragorn suspected that the letter had been written by 3 people, 3 hobbits infact, and there had been some disagreement about his title.
He grinned, without realizing it his diminutive friends had helped him once more. The pain in his heart lessened and he looked back down at the letter.
The bulk of it seemed to have been written by Pippin, and his hurried srawl dominated most of the page. However there were many footnotes from Merry and Samwise, whenever Pippin forgot something which happened unsurprisingly often.
It mainly detailed what was going on in Hobbiton and the Shire. Their new responsiblities were stated and almost endless descriptions of rustic family life [mainly Sam's] were included. As Aragorn had noticed on his last visit to the Shire, everyone seemed to be related to everyone else and so there were almost as many stories about Merry's 2nd cousin 3 times removed as there were about Elanor, Sam's eldest daughter.
It was mainly cheerful nonsence but the last paragraph caught his eye. Like most of the the letter it had been written by Pippin.
"That's about all that's been happening here. Truth be told it's really quite [here the word boring had been deleted in favour of] peaceful here. Just remember if you ever need our help, if you ever find it too "peaceful" being king you can always call on us.
We've also included something else. It was my idea, although Merry made it. [I] We think you'll like it.
All our love
Pippin, Merry and Sam.
[Thain, Master and Mayor, respectivly]"
Aragorn shook the letter but nothing fell out. Once again he hunted through his desk and produced a small brown package marked "Private, for the king's eyes only"
Gently Aragorn untied the string. Inside was a modest painting of the Fellowship.
Smiling he set it upon his desk and examined the faces of those dearest to him.
Some had sailed away never to return or perished in their task, some lived miles away never to be seen, and some, some lived in his very castle. Or rather they had done until he had banished them without a second thought.
In the portrait Legolas stood with one arm around a stupidly grinning Aragorn's neck, the other hand on Frodo's shoulder, a quirky smile playing over his lips and a rougish twinkle in his eye.
As he looked at the pciture Aragorn wept again as he saw what he had become, the embodiment of all he had hated back when the picture had been imagined, a king with a heart of stone and little need for companionship and love.
Subject: Mordor

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Date Posted: 20:59:17 03/25/02 Mon

Staring intently into the palantir, Faeirex was oblivious to what went on around her. It was to Mordor that she looked, and the orb before her glowed with images of orcs, of fire, of Uruk-Hai and of destruction. Mount Doom boiled and seethed beneath her gaze.

As she stared into the heart of evil, the expression on her face was inscrutable. Deep in the forests of Minas Tirith, Faeirex wove complex plans. She held the fates of the free peoples in her hands, and a single breath could extinguish them completely.

Subject: Stranger

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Date Posted: 11:58:23 03/26/02 Tue

It was now several hours since Legolas had entered the forest, and as yet he had seen no sign of the mysterious entity who had disrupted the very air by their prescence. His sharp eyes pierced the undergrowth, looking for a trail of some kind, and his pointed ears were alert to the slightest sound. He walked softly onwards.

At last, a dim light seemed to glow in the distance, where all other light had long ago been extinguished. Instantly, the elf halted. The hunter had nearly found his prey, and nothing must be done to alert the intruder of his prescence. Step by step, he inched closer.

Rounding the final tree, he stopped. Standing with her back to him was a girl, staring into a glowing orb. Her hair was long, very long, and a richly vivid brown that seemed to glow from within with the fires of the earth. Although he could only see her back, something in her height and build suggested that this was no mortal girl, but a she-elf, one of his own kind.
Still, he didn't move, unsure if her could trust her. Most of the elves had already crossed the sea for the sanctuary of the Grey Havens, yet this one had remained behind. Not only that, but he was sure he had never met her before, neither in Mirkwood, nor in Rivendell or Lothlorien, and her secrecy suggested that she may be an Avari, an elf on the side of Evil. There was only one way to find out. Swiftly drawing his bow, he crossed the clearing. The girl spun, startled, but by then it was already too late. His arrow was pointing straight at her heart.
Subject: Caught

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Date Posted: 15:01:57 03/26/02 Tue

It was only until the elf was nearly upon her that Faeirex noticed him, so engrossed had she been in the visions the palantir showed her. Startled, she turned, already preparing to fight, but the archer was quicker, and he had an arrow to her heart.
Silently, she cursed herself for not paying more attention. If he gave her away, he could ruin everything. It was probably best to play dumb. He was male, and could be manipulated. She opened her eyes wide, and allowed her lips to part slightly in a frightened gasp. Acting the fragile elvish handmaiden for all she was worth, she shrunk back from his arrow.
"Don't shoot- please!"
Subject: Repenting and atoning

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Date Posted: 16:06:14 03/26/02 Tue

Legolas was gone and it was too late for repenting. He had been rash and stupid and in a fit of insane jealousy he had exiled his best friends.
Aragorn consoled himself with the thought that they would be back within a month and he could apologise. Whether the elf would accept the apology he would leave to fate.
However more immediate problems were pressing on Aragorn's conscience.
Legolas was gone but the soft sound of sobbing outside informed him that Arwen at least was still waiting for him.
His hand moved up to the chain around his neck and the pendant that hung there.
It was a beautiful piece of work, pale opals shimmered in between strands of mithril. Arwen had given it to him in Rivendell, along with her love and her promise that she would become mortal for him.
Not for the first time that day Aragorn cursed himself for his stupidity. If Arwen had wanted Legolas surely she would've remained immortal and gone to the Grey Havens with him rather than forsaking her birthright to live with Aragorn.
He rose from his chair and lifted the heavy metal bar that's effectivly removed him from the world. The door creaked open and he looked down at Arwen who had not noticed the door's change in situation and was still lying, heart broken on the floor.
Vomyr on the other hand had noticed Aragorn's presence and he rushed over.
"My lord, are you alright"
Arwen looked up at the use of her husband's title and stared at Aragorn with eyes glassy with tears.
"Yes thank you Vomyr. I think the fit has past."
A slight twitch in the valet's eye proffessed him to be less than overjoyed at this news but then the moment was gone.
"I'm glad of it sire. However I regret to inform you that I have failed your majesty."
"Failed Vomyr?" Aragorn asked with mild interest.
"Yes sire. You asked me to escort the Elven Prince out of the palace but I'm afraid he escaped us and rode Ringbearer into the forest."
Aragorn fought back the wave of anger that accompanied the horse's name, his favourite horse damnit, any other one you could've had with my blessing Legolas!
You forced him away nagged the quiet voice in his mind and the anger subsided again.
"I'm sure you did your best" he assured the man in front of him before turning back to his stricken wife.
Kneeling he looked into her eyes, red from crying.
"Arwen..." he started but stopped, realising how childish I'm sorry really was, as if he could make it better with two words.
It was a start however.
"Arwen I'm sorry," now the difficult one, "I love you."
She smiled and he got to his feet.
"I think we need to talk about this."
Subject: Gimli meanwhile....

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Date Posted: 17:30:52 03/26/02 Tue

Gimli felt a pain in his side as he fell out of bed and onto the stone floor three feet below.
Confused as to how he had came to be in a small hobbit sized top bunk, Gimli wandered outside stroking his beard. He stretched his arms and walked over to a servant who was tending his young horse 'Gloin'.
"Where is the elf lord Legolas?"
The servant shook his head, and quickly jogged off.
Gimli could remember being woken up by the guards as they marched passed looking for Legolas. When the noise had ended, he had been led to the room and for the second time that day had fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Now he stood outside, next to the stables with Gloin. His heavy axe swinging from a strap across his shoulders. He stood briefly thinking of what to do next...but within seconds his decision was made and he was pushing open the doors to an Inn. Patience is for the foolish

As he entered, the tables of men roared with laughter. Gimli wisely ignored them and leaped up onto one of the barstools.
"We don't often see your kind in here dwarf" The bartender said unkindly.
"You don't often see this sort of thing in here either" replied Gimli, as he wrapped his hands around his axe and pulled it from the shoulder strap.
The bartender lept back a foot and cowered against the wall. The Inn fell silent.

"I'm looking for an elf... Legolas Greenleaf. He was part of the fellowship of the ring, and is a close personal friend of the King." Gloin said powerfully.

"The kings guards are looking for him. If I were this Legolas, I'd be far away by now" said the terrified bartender.

Gimli put his axe back into the harness, and exited the Inn. Within seconds, normal conversation had been resumed. Back outside again, Gimli was clambering onto Gloin. It was difficult for the short creature to mount an animal of Gloin's size, but not impossible, and after a brief moment of thought...Gimli was riding off into the distance to find his friend.
Subject: Who are you?

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Date Posted: 18:23:58 03/26/02 Tue

Legolas looked hard at the girl in front of him. When she had first turned, her face had been set, every nerve poised to battle him, then in an instant, she had become merely a frightened maiden. Such a sudden change made him slightly suspicious of her apparent fear.

He had definitely never seen her before. Her face was the loveliest he had ever seen, lovelier even than Arwen's. Its features were both delicate, but strong at the same time, and breathtakingly beautiful. The starlit eyes that widened when she saw the arrow were a fabulously deep blue, but there was also a disquieting flicker of intelligence there that spoke of far more than she was prepared to admit. For the second time, Legolas got the impression that the elf was not the delicate flower that she seemed.

She whispered to him not to shoot, and the corner of his mouth twitched in a slight smile. No matter if she was good or evil, she was unarmed, and honor forbade him to hurt her whether he wanted to or not. He lowered his bow, but clasped one hand firmly around her wrist. She looked like a frightened rabbit about to run, and he wasn't about to let his prey go quite so easily.
"Steady, I won't hurt you. What's your name?"
Subject: Forgiveness

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Date Posted: 18:44:53 03/26/02 Tue

It took some time for Arwen to realise what was happenning. Incredible though it was, it seemed that Aragorn, while perhaps still believing in the non-existant affair, was at least prepared to talk to her. His impassioned assertion that he loved her seemed to erase so many of the doubts and problems of the past months, and she dared to hope that perhaps they could resolve their problems.
"I think we need to talk about this" said her husband. Arwen agreed absolutely. If he harbored any suspicions of her, however small, they could never truly be together. She began to lead him back into his study, but paused suddenly. She turned to the valet.
"Vomyr, Ringbearer is my husband's favorite horse. It must be retrieved. I would be grateful if you yourself would undertake this task. Any horse in the stable is at your disposal. Please go at once." As an afterthought, she added,"Prince Legolas is not to be harmed."
Not that the horse was important. It was just that she didn't trust the man. She didn't want him around her, to spread more lies. For there was no doubt in Arwen's mind- the man had planned this deliberately. Turning, she walked into the study.
Subject: An unwanted mission

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Date Posted: 19:39:08 03/26/02 Tue

Vomyr stood in shock as the king and queen left the corridor. Then one of the near by shutters came unloose and jolted him back to reality.
He closed it and drew back into the warmth of the room. In the seconds his head had been outside the fiercesome wind had soaked his lightbrown hair.
He wondered if the queen had meant him to wait until the morning before retriving the horse and knew she hadn't.
Silently he cursed himself for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the queen for sending him on this rediculous quest and the elven prince for running away with the stupid horse in the first place.
As slowly as he could manage Vomyr collected his belongings and the sturdiest cloak he could find. Still muttering darkly he headed for the stables choosing the second best horse the king had to offer.
Hopefully the elf had stopped for the night in the forest due to the rain. If he hurried he could catch up with Prince Legolas, swop horses and be back in the castle ready to keep an eye on the king.
Vomyr dug his spurs into the animal's side and galloped out into the storm.
Subject: Reunited

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Date Posted: 20:10:21 03/26/02 Tue

Aragorn sat on the edge of his desk and looked at Arwen. Quickly he realised she was standing and hurridly got off the desk and fetched his chair for her. Arwen's eyes overflowed at even this small show of regard and Aragorn sat back down, hating himself.
"I can't believe I've been so stupid" he started. She smiled indulgently if weakly.
"Alright so obviously you can." When she started to protest he interrupted, "no, let me finish. I have sat in this room for weeks on end. Nice isn't it?" He gestured vaguely around the room before smiling and looking at her puzzled face. "You don't like it? Well neither do I and yet I have sat here for all those weeks.
So let's recap. I have spent ages in a room I don't like doing paper work that I don't like when I could be spending time with my wife who I adore."
A blush rose to her cheeks that had been too pale for too long. Pushing himself off the desk Aragorn knelt at Arwen's feet so their eyes were level.
"I love you Arwen Evenstar and nothing, not work, not courtly rumours will ever change that. If you love me too i will be the happiest king," he stopped and reconsidered, "the happiest man there ever was."
Subject: Curiosity

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Date Posted: 20:32:14 03/26/02 Tue

For the first time since Faramir had been called away, Eowyn walked the rooms and corridors of the castle. Curiosity had made her leave the sanctuary of her room - she had heard many rumours spreading through the castle, mainly centering around Aragorn and Arwen. From what she had heard, the King had fallen out with his wife and if there was a remote chance she would find him distraught and alone, ignoring the fact she was married, she wanted to make sure it would be her shoulder he cried on.
Rounding the corner to Aragorn's office, she quite literally bumped into one of his many manservants. She didn't really know this man, but he would probably know what the situation with the King was.
"How is His Majesty?" she enquired, with the air of one only asking because she felt obliged to. The servant looked as though this wasn’t the first time he had been asked this question, but he replied patiently, while struggling to balance the load on the tray he was carrying.
"The King is very well. He and Her Majesty have settled their differences and got to the bottom of this ridiculous confusion." Eowyn's face fell for a second, but she let it pass and smiled meekly. There would be another time.
Subject: unhappy thoughts

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Date Posted: 21:41:36 03/27/02 Wed

Sam was getting very exasperated with all his ‘duties’ as mayor, he had to get away. He realised that he seemed to be spending more and more time out in the fields and sitting in trees.
Normally big, ancient oaks as they were the oldest and perhaps wisest trees around. They get so big, that you suddenly realise that they have been around so long that they probably know so much of what was going on around them, more than the people know themselves. They look upon the world around them in silence just watching.
That is what Sam felt like doing just standing and watching the world in silence. No tension, no worries, just the feeling of calm surrounding you as you watch others with their worries.
His wife was getting annoyed with his disappearances everyday, just coming back for meal times. He understood what she meant, he really did…but he couldn’t help himself. He was missing his old adventures still with his dearest friends. He kept meaning to write to them but with all his mayor duties he hadn’t had the time.
Making him sign things, open things, make speeches, make appearances just for the sake of making them. He just couldn’t handle it at the moment.
For now Sam knew that he had to sort out his small argument with his wonderful wife so it couldn’t get worse. He’d have to go home, say he’s sorry, say he won’t go away as much and do more things at home. Anything. Gardening? Odd jobs around the house?
He wasn’t looking forward to it.
Subject: Wet through and miserable

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Date Posted: 21:43:26 03/27/02 Wed

The rain beat down on him with the intensity of a thousand blacksmiths. Shivering Vomyr reflected how much he hated being outside, especially when it was raining and especially in dark mysteriously looking forests like the one he was in now.
Desparately Vomyr cast around for the prince and Ringbearer. His own horse bucked and whinnied with fright as a roar of thunder echoed around the skies but of Ringbearer there was no sign.
Quickly Vomyr dismouted before he was thrown off. Moving to the beast's head he tried to comfort it, but the quivering animal remembered the scars it had along its sides and flinched from his touch.
Muttering "stupid horse" he lead it away on foot.
After what seemed like hours but was probably just minutes of slow patient walking Vomyr reached a clearing.
As if his luck had suddenly changed there stood the king's horse. There was no sign of the elven prince which Vomyr considered to be an added bonus.
"Prince Legolas is not to be harmed" he simpered in a cruel but accurate immitation of the queen. As if he could. A youth of less than 20 years against an elven lord with a grudge against him.
Silently the valet moved towards Ringbearer and valted onto his back. Then swiftly he rode out of the clearing, leaving his own horse behind.
Purely because the animal seemed to have formed a resentment against him and refused to return with him rather than from any good will towards the elf, who would have a long hard walk up to castle without a horse.
Vomyr smiled at the thought of the prince trying to ride the obnoxious beast and pulled his cloak further down over his eyes.
Subject: Lómódë

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Date Posted: 22:12:17 03/27/02 Wed

When the bow was lowered, Faeirex relaxed slightly. Instead, the elf wrapped his hand firmly round her wrist. She felt a flutter of amusement, now that there was no arrow to cope with, there was no way he could stop her if she chose to leave. She was confident that her battle skills would be sufficient to overcome him if necessary. Unfortunately, that wasn't really an option. Now that he had seen her, running would only result in more people being sent after her. Killing him might work, but if he went missing a search would almost certainly be mounted, with the same results. Subterfuge appeared to be the only choice. He wanted to know her name. A name, a name...
"Lómódë," she lied quickly.
[> Subject: Re: Lómódë

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Date Posted: 22:24:07 03/28/02 Thu

Lómódë. Summoning up memories of high elvish learnt in his long ago youth, Legolas translated the name. Faithful one. Her name was perhaps significant, perhaps not. The time for speculation could come later.
"What are you doing here?"
[> [> Subject: Re: Lómódë

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Date Posted: 22:58:54 03/28/02 Thu

Another of those questions with no readily explainable answer. She hesitated, then realised that hesitating simply made her look more suspicious. A lie would not work this time. There was no time to make up something that sounded plausible.
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. I made an oath, please don't ask me to break it. I can't go against my word."
There. She hadn't actually said what the promise was, or who she had made it to. Knowing perfectly well that it wasn't actually the case, she tried to reassure herself that it wasn't really a lie.
Subject: Questions without answers

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Date Posted: 13:29:56 03/29/02 Fri

That put him in a difficult position. Of course, he couldn't force her to go against her word, but if something he wasn't supposed to know about was going on, potentially it could put the king in danger.
He sighed. "What about all the power. You're doing something to the forest- it's changed. And don't tell me you can't say either. You have to tell me, or I'll have to arrest you and take you before King Elessar. I can't take the risk of letting you go if I'm not sure you can be trusted."
[> Subject: Re: Questions without answers

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Date Posted: 17:47:10 03/29/02 Fri

>Damn! Of all the people to catch her, it had to be an elf, didn't it. Anyone else wouldn't have noticed her power but no, nothing was ever that simple. A half-truth, maybe, would satisfy him. She stepped back slightly, allowing him to get a proper look at her. Infusing her voice with a faint note of truculence, she said,
"Isn't it obvious? I'd have thought you'd see it instantly."
[> [> Subject: Re: Questions without answers

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Date Posted: 21:28:07 03/29/02 Fri

No, it wasn't obvious. Not to him anyway. He stared hard at her, searching for that detail that he had apparently missed.
There wasn't anything. He was sure of it. All he saw was her remarkable beauty. Then it hit him. It was her beauty that he should have noticed. The line of her jaw, the shape of her eyes and the slant of her cheekbones, coupled with her lithe, delicate figure and cascade of hair- her looks were not that of the average elf, but that of a slightly more ethereal being.
"You're a High Elf."he breathed. Now that realisation had dawned, it was crystal clear. "I didn't think there were any left on Middle Earth. They all left for the Grey Havens thousands of years ago."
Legolas was slightly stunned, and unsure of how he should react to her- High Elves had been, in essence, the nobility of earth. All other creatures were secondary to them. They were the first beings created by the Valar, cast in their own mould, and as close to perfection as any living creature could get. Long ago, these perfect beings had left for the peace of the Grey Havens, and yet it appeared that one was left. Why? And did High Elves really have as much power as this girl seemed to have? So many questions needing answers. Answers which, he realised ruefully, he was unlikely to get.
Subject: Lost Races

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Date Posted: 11:13:37 04/02/02 Tue

With the pang of sadness that she always felt with the remembrance that she was alone on this earth, Faeirex nodded. "They did all leave. All except me."
Privately, she was amazed that the elf was willing to accept her race as a reason for her powers. It had been so long since her kin had walked the earth, they appeared to have passed into legend, and in legends, anything is possible. The misconception served her well though. As long as he believed it, she was safe from further prying. She pulled her wrist from his grasp- he didn't resist. Turning to look him squarely in the face, she looked at him carefully for the first time. The elf's long, blond hair was rain-drenched, but drying fast, still perfectly smooth and sleek. He was handsome, she realised. He had chiselled, even features, and looked out from beneath level, straight eyebrows with eyed almost as blue as her own. It was with some surprise that she noticed the tear tracks on his fair cheeks. Hesitantly, she reached out and touched them. It seemed so incongrous in this setting, in this atmosphere, but a reminder to her also. She had been cut off from others for so long, knowing only her own thoughts and emotions. Calm as this warrior may appear, he clearly had problems to equal her own. For a second, her defensive demeanour softened. Just a second, before she recovered her guard. Turning sharply, Faeirex walked to the other side of the clearing and stood with her back to him, trying to get her feelings under control. She wasn't ready for this, for dealing with another. Her years of solitude left her vulnerable, and she knew it.
[> Subject: Re: Lost Races

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Date Posted: 16:26:51 04/02/02 Tue

Legolas was puzzled. For a single moment, Lómódë had shown a side of herself that she appeared to keep hidden. There had been pain, compassion, fear, loneliness and regret all in that one glance. He remembered the gentle feel of her hand as it had brushed his cheek. In the short time that he had been speaking to her, he'd seen flashes of so many different characters. Which was the real her? Could she be trusted?
Of course she could be trusted, he reminded himself. She was a High Elf. He didn't know much about them, apart from what the legends told, but they were definitely on the side of good, weren't they?
Aragorn would have to meet her, of course. He needed to know that she was in the kingdom, and, obviously, that there was a High Elf still on the earth.
Apologetically, he spoke.
"I'm sorry I doubted you. I believe you. I have to introduce you to King Elessar, but once the king's seen you, we'll leave you alone. It's not a long ride to the palace. We can get your presentation over with before dark if we leave now."
Subject: bedtime story

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Date Posted: 21:28:08 04/02/02 Tue

“…so then the hobbits escaped from the pirates, crocodiles and ruffians, pulled up the drawbridge of their high and handsome castle, and got clean away.”
“Yay” cried the delighted Ryna. “But what about the parrots”
“Forget the parrots, well, there they were in the castle, which, as I have said was high, wide and handsome…”
“You never said wide.”
“But unfortunately it was creepy.”
“There were many ghosts and pictures with moving eyes, but-worst of all-a Thingy was in the moat.”
“What’s a Thingy?”
“Nobody knows,” Sam let his voice get deep and echoey, “or ever lived to tell…”
“Hang on, if nobody knows, how can you say it was there?”
“Because it was,” said Sam exasperatedly
“You’ve contradicted yourself there” pointed out Ryna
“Ryna I don’t know why I bother telling you a bedtime story. You always point out the faults and you are too clever for your own good. It is time you were asleep.
“But daddy I wanna hear the end of the story!”
“Tough. Time to sleep, you’ll hear the rest tomorrow night.” Sam kissed his daughter, tucked her in, turned out the light and turned to walk out of the room.
“Nightie, nightie” whispered Ryna
“Pyjama, pyjama” whispered back Sam and he left pulling the door to behind him.
Subject: Cil-Gamir

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Date Posted: 10:38:09 04/03/02 Wed

As Anawiel rode across the silent plains the setting sun shone like fine mithril on her pale cheeks. An eye that shone with an emerald-gold light let a lone tear spill from it's inky depths, a whisper of the events she was trying to escape, yet knew she could not.
The family of Cil-Gamir had been finally defeated even after the passing of the War of the Ring. As she thought this her hand moved to the black scabbard under her scarlet silk cape. A hatred boiled inside her, hotter than the earth's very core, tearing at her injured soul. Although she tried to fight back the salty tears that threatened to overcome her, it was all her battered and bruised body could do to merely stay upright on her horse.
Sobbing with pain, Anawiel clumsily dismounted and sank to the damp ground. Over the vast plains came a mournful wail that contained all the anguish Anawiel had bottled up over the past fortnight of journeying. Her now straggly flame-red hair stuck ot herface as she retched, shaky and trembling.
Her father was dead, one of the last ot go after the battle. He had choked out his last words to her through the river of blood that had flown from dry, cracked lips.
He was dead and had left Anawiel with nothing save the clothes on her back and his blood-stained sword, Qoille, that hung at her slender waist. She had to get Minas Tirith to warn King Elessar.
As her eyelids began to droop shut, a half-formed thought passed through her mind. 'Where are they now? The riders?' And before Anawiel could remeber what the significance of 'the riders' she sank into fitful sleep.
Subject: Guilt

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Date Posted: 11:49:49 04/03/02 Wed

Go to the palace? Still with her back to the elf, Faeirex's eyes widened. The emotions that she was struggling to control flooded back up inside her. The guilt that she thought she had put behind her was back.
They had been right, she reflected grimly. A woman wasn't suited to do this. She had the power all right, power enough to do the deed. It was the aftermath that she couldn't handle. The solitude, the endless knowing what she had done, and what she had yet to do. She wasn't strong enough to go through it alone. How long had it been since she had had someone to support her, to love her and give her strength when she needed it? So long, ever since-
It all tied together, didn't it. A single moment in time where everything changed, where she had to change too, or die with the rest. And now he asked her to go to the palace, to look into the face of Elessar, knowing what had happenned. She couldn't stand it, the guilt. Sorry would never be enough, she couldn't change the past. No past, only the future. Her future. She couldn't let all the years of waiting go to waste. She had to continue.
She walked back to him. The time for disguises was over.
"I can't go to the palace. Please, don't make me. No-one can know I'm here. No-one - do you understand me?" Faeirex could hear the powerful emotion in her voice. Would he listen?
"You have to trust me. If I come out into the open, everything I've worked for will be lost. I'll die. Don't make me do that."
No lies this time. Just the need for somebody, anybody, to erase that deep feeling of loneliness. There were tears on her cheeks, she could feel them. Stepping close to him, she tilted her head- he was only about an inch taller than her- and gently kissed him full on the lips. Then she stood facing him. She looked defiantly into his face, but her body quivered as she tried to hold back the tears.
Subject: A kiss

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Date Posted: 15:00:29 04/03/02 Wed

For the second time that day, Legolas was confronted by a crying woman. Why him, he wondered in exasperation. What was it about him that made him such a target?
He was helpless. She didn't want to go to the palace, and he wasn't about to force her. On second thought's, he realised, his willingness to give her her own way might have something to do with him not wanting to have to face Aragorn yet. It didn't matter that he was innocent, he had hurt Aragorn anyway, just by appearing guilty. And the hurt at not being believed still rang true.

She kissed him. Not properly, just a light touch, but it was still a kiss. And then she stood there just watching him, and all the loneliness and pain was etched on her face. Yet her spirit was still there. Legolas realised that however fragile she might appear, there would be no giving in over this. He smiled at her, not the usual quirky smile filled with humor, but one showing compassion.
"Ok," he sighed, "You win. I won't make you come to Minas Tirith."
Hesitantly, he raised one hand and stroked her smooth, beautiful hair, almost as if quieting a fractious horse. Still, he was filled with questions. Aside from that glowing stone, the clearing was empty. There was no sign at all that someone lived there.
His hand froze. Looking at he stone, he suddenly realised what it was- a palantir. Those were forbidden- the Dark Lord had controlled his servants with them. They were dangerous. And in the heart of the orb, he could see the fires of Mordor still blazing.
"What are you doing with that?" he cried, suddenly angry."You're a spy, aren't you?"
He caught both of her arms firmly in his grasp. She moved to struggle, but the warrior was far stronger than her.
"You're under arrest!"
Subject: Revelation

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Date Posted: 15:16:29 04/03/02 Wed

Arwen's eyes shone deep with tears of love and relief. It seemed this was the first time she had spoken with her husband for weeks. Perhaps now it was the time to tell him. She had been keeping her secret for weeks, and she knew if it was left much longer it would be visible to all. He had to know. But how to tell him? How would he react? Her eyes glazed, in deep thought. A sudden wave of embarrassment swept over her, and she again questioned what she was doing. The silence in the room seemed endless, she felt a need to speak, but what to say? It was time to reveal the truth which she had known for some months. She met his gaze with glassy eyes. "Aragorn. I'm..." She uttered the final word in a whisper barely audible to her lover's ears.
Subject: Eavesdropping

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Date Posted: 15:47:31 04/03/02 Wed

Eowyn gasped. Her ear pressed against the hard oak of the door. She had guessed what was going to be said before the words came. Perhaps it was the feminine tone that spoke the words, a tone which many years ago she had imagined herself speaking with. Was there any hope left for her now? With Faramir gone for so long, she had made herself believe that her imaginings would come to pass. She had let the trivial matters slip her mind, and had never once thought that Arwen would get in her way. She had truly believed, with all her heart, that Aragorn would love her and need her. She hated herself for being so inquisitive, for carrying on down the corridor to find for herself the situation, for not going back to her quarters. She could have saved herself this pain. A tear filled with remorse broke the perfect symmetry of her face. Get a grip she told herself. She never would have had a chance. But this didn't mean that she still wouldn't try. Patiently, but desperately, she waited to hear the King's reaction.
Subject: Initial combat

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Date Posted: 18:52:47 04/03/02 Wed

She was trapped. The elf's grip was too strong for her to break free of him. Weakly, she struggled to free herself from his grasp.
Why hadn't she hidden the palantir? She couldn't afford to make mistakes. One single slip up could prove fatal. Right now though, she had to deal with this. The sudden necessity made her mind clear. The emotions that she had been struggling to conceal fled from her thoughts, and she was immediately poised and focused. She stopped struggling, and stood still submissively, waiting. Then it came- that fractional reduction in his grip. It was enough. With the speed of an eel, she flipped backwards, twisting her arms over, so that he was forced to let go. One slender ankle hooked around his own, making him fall to the floor. Moving fast, she pulled a long dagger from his belt and held it to his neck. It was all over in little more than a second. The elf looked shocked as he lay still beneath the blade.

Faeirex let him lie there for a few seconds, making sure that he got her point. Then she moved away, stil keeping a warning hold on the knife. She watched him rise.
"I could have killed you the moment you entered this clearing. Doesn't it say something to you that I didn't?" She kept her voice low. Would sparing his life convince him that she wasn't a spy?
"Please just leave."
[> Subject: Re: Initial combat

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Date Posted: 19:37:48 04/03/02 Wed

Legolas stared at the knife currently resting on his throat. When was the last time something like this had happenned to him? Not in recent memory, that was for sure. Well, that was what became of being overconfident- you got caught out.
He felt a definite feeling of relief when she stepped back, but confusion as well. Why let him go when she had him in her power? He listened to her speak.

Even after this though, he couldn't just leave her. She'd just shown herself to be a dangerous adversary, and in all conscience, he couldn't let her remain in the forest with Aragorn unawares. Saying that though, returning to the palace was just as clearly out of the question. Also, the brief glimpses that he'd seen of her emotional state showed that she herself was in no condition to be left alone either. There seemed only to be one option left to him. Swiftly, he picked up the palantir and put it in his pocket. The she-elf's eye's narrowed.
"Alright Lómódë, you've made your point. I can't make you come to the palace with me. Can we compromise?
I have to go on a journey, and it'll probably take a couple of months. Come with me. That way I don't have to worry about leaving you here alone, and you won't have to meet anybody. It'll just be me and a dwarf. You can have all the privacy you want." He smiled, and this time it was the mirth-filled grin of old. "Please?" The smile widened wickedly. "Maybe when we get there I'll give you the palantir back!"
She took a step towards him and he skipped backwards, laughing now. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but it seemed that a smile ghosted at the corner of her mouth. Impossible as it seemed, her moods appeared to change almost as quickly as Arwen's. Hopefully though, she was considering his offer.
Subject: An interesting proposal

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Date Posted: 09:43:28 04/04/02 Thu

This was ridiculous. She was a High Elf! How dare this stranger speak to her like this. Of course, he wasn't really a stranger to her, but she was a stranger to him. Wood elves weren't supposed to laugh at her!

With a start, she caught herself. The only thing that was ridiculous here was herself. She had been alone for too long to remember how to react to people. The elf had shown compassion and loyalty while he was speaking to her, qualities that she would do well to imitate. Moreover, he appeared to have cured her of that overwhelming melancholy.
Her conflicting emotions gave in, and a giggle escaped from her lips.

What about his proposal? If she were to remain here, he would almost certainly alert others to her presence, whereas if she went, he would keep temporarily quiet, and she could use the time with him to convince him to say nothing at all.
It wasn't only that though. There was a longing in her for company, of any sort. She could look upon her time away from this place as a break, a time to gather her feelings and, for a short time at least, feel like part of the world again.

The decision was made. Laughing now, and glad of the lighthearted feeling it brought her, she nodded.
"I'll come."
Subject: A journey in the snow

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Date Posted: 14:51:17 04/04/02 Thu

Softly the snowflakes settled in her hair, coating her and the surrounding woodlands. It had been a long journey from Bree but it was almost over. In a matter of hours she would see her father again for the first time in years.
Fondly she recalled his familiar face and the wild stories he used to tell her buy the fire when she was little. It would be good to be with him again, even in such distressing circumstances.
A howl echoed through the trees and she started. It's just the wind she told herself firmly and delved deeper into the fur lining of her cloak.
One furry foot infront of the other she pressed on towards the cluster of lights that indicated Hobbiton was nearby.
Another bloodcurdling wail caused Lily to shiver. The wind had picked up and the snow now swirled threteningly around her.
Suddenley even with Hobbiton in sight she found it too hard to continue. Her strenght gone Lily fell to the floor and into a deep sleep.
The snow continued to fall.
Soon the hobbit maid was covered in an icy blanket of snow but she neither knew nor cared as she slept on, oblivious.

Subject: Pregnant?

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Date Posted: 15:24:23 04/04/02 Thu

She was pregnant?
The words reached his ears but Aragorn's fuzzy brain did not register their meaning.
A moment ago everything had been clear. He remembered sitting, telling Arwen he loved her, that he had never suspected her [a lie, but a necessary one,] then this.
How could she be pregnant? His ears reddened slightly as he realised he had not lain with his wife for over a month, possibly two.
Aragorn's dull mind painfully reached a conclusion: She was well into her pregnancy, and he had not even known, had not spoken to her even.
She had sat alone in her chambers, knowing that she was carrying the heir of Gonder beneath her heart and that her husband did not love her enough to question her about her unreasonable melencoly.
The heir of Gondor. The part of Aragorn's brain that was Elessar suddenley became alive again.
He had an heir.
The other part woke.
He had a child!
Somewhere inside the woman he loved grew a tiny life that had been created by that love.
A wave of joy swept over him, they were pregnant!
He pulled Arwen into his arms and kissed her soundly before reaching down to touch her belly where their child lay.
His eyes gleaming with tears of happiness and love he whispered softing, his voice husky with emotion, into her ear, "I love you so much that I fear my heart will explode. You complete me."
Subject: Loving Thoughts

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Date Posted: 16:14:24 04/04/02 Thu

The tears of remorse in Eowyn's eyes turned to those of happiness. Her feelings had greatly changed since she heard this revelation. She was no longer jealous, but a new light glowed in her mind. She suddenly realised just how much she missed her husband, and what a misguided fool she had been. It dawned on her how she hadn't seen how lucky she was to have someone like Faramir to love her. She had let materialist matters like kingship and fame clear her mind, and hadn't seen the love and admiration Aragorn held for his wife. She had someone to love and admire her, and being parted from him had led her astray. She realised how much she needed him. She turned from the door and headed to her room in the castle.
Subject: A journey

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Date Posted: 19:22:17 04/04/02 Thu

Legolas was relieved. The problem was dealt with- for now. As quickly as it had come, Lómódë's sadness had vanished. He would clearly have to tread carefully though- the she-elf appeared to be highly strung, and changeable as the wind. He wondered briefly how Gimli would react to her. The plain-spoken dwarf had been stunned by the beauty of Lady Galadriel; he would be defenceless to the charms of this vision of loveliness. What could be described as a wicked grin spread across his face as he imagined his friend trying to negotiate the treacherous waters of a conversation with someone who could change direction before he had time to blink.
What worried him a little more was how she would react to Gimli. Would Gimli have enough tact to steer clear of subjects that might upset her, and would he have the patience to pacify her when she entered one of her moods? It was doubtful.

Ah well, he'd cross that bridge when they came to it. For now, she was happy, and he wouldn't risk ruining that. Two bouts of tears were more than enough for him to deal with today.
"I'd like to leave as soon as possible. Will you get your stuff?"
Come to think of it, where was her stuff? The clearing was bare of anything but grass and moonlight. Neither of those could she carry with her on the journey.
Subject: Hopes & Fears

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Date Posted: 11:31:48 04/05/02 Fri

Arwen lay, warmed by the heavy weight of blankets as she recalled the days events. So full of tears- of both joy and sadness. Of course, her mind was fixed on the time she had spent earlier with her husband. The heir to Gondor. He had been young man again, the man she had married. Not King Elessar, not Strider, but the man she had vowed to spend her life with. The man she had seen to little of in her months of pregnancy, and snce the duties of kingship fell upon him. The duties of kingship! That made her smile- signing crop cultivation orders! The thought her husband spent more time with paper and figures than he did with her, still hurt. Not wanting to stain their newly re-kindled love, she then blamed the self-righteous valet for Aragorns absences. Vomyr. Arwen had a feeling somehow, he was part responsible for what had happened wit Legolas. Where was he now? The elf could be anywhere, not knowing of the eventful goings on since his dramatic departure. Arwen hoped, somehow, word would get to him, so that when he returned to Minas Tirith, it would be in peace.
The bright light of a ful moon shone through the soft cotton of the curtains. Arwen remembered times before when she had gazed at its enchanting light. Of these many nights however, she had never felt like this. A new emotion, a mixture of love, joy and fear. Her, a mother? Aragon, a father? She could see Aragorn with a child, in its different stages of life. Playing with a young baby, teaching them to fight with a sword, discussing matters of state, and Monarch responsibility with them. Soon, Arwens visions turned to dreams. Aragon was playing with the child, but in the dream she could not catch up. She could not join the games. Her, a mother? When she finally awoke with the sun, she began to doubt her ability to parent a child.
Subject: A wet and seething return

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Date Posted: 17:17:42 04/05/02 Fri

He was wet through to the core of his being and in no mood for conversation.
Kicking the sleeping stable boy awake, Vomyr handed him Ringbearer's reins before stalking out of the dingy hut. The boys disgruntled shouts followed him but Vomyr ignored them, knowing the boy would recognise the horse and stable it accordingly.
The light of dawn touched his face but he had no pleasure in it or the calls of the morning birds which, frankly in this mood, sickened him.
The rain had ended some time ago but his heavy woolen cloak had absorbed too much water to dry out thouroughly and so, still dripping Vomyr entered the palace in a dark mood.
He had not slept that night and his legs ached from continual riding. The grudge he had against the king now paled in comparison to Vomyr's hatred of his wife and the other elf.
Infact, elves in general . Worse than hobbits with their high brow condesention and their weak emotional outbursts.
But, what really made Vomyr seeth was that during the time he had been taken a "long drawn out bath" in the forest, the king and queen and probably become reunited, despite his careful efforts to the contary.
It was sickning and his plans were wasted.
Subject: Time to leave

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Date Posted: 17:57:45 04/05/02 Fri

Leaving so soon. Actually, Faeirex approved. She had never been one for hanging around, and it seemed the centuries of enforced waiting had not cured her of that impatience. Walking softly to the tallest tree standing guard around the clearing that had temporarily been her home, she withdrew a longbow and a quiver of arrows. Turning back to the elf, brimming with childish excitement at a new adventure, a habit that all the millennia had failed to erase, she spoke.
"I'm set." There was a quizzical look on his face. What was it...oh yes. Get her stuff...
"This is, my stuff. It's all I need." All that she would allow him to see anyway. The interrogations had gone far enough for the day.
"Let's go."
Subject: If you go down to the woods today...

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Date Posted: 18:28:04 04/05/02 Fri

Deciding not to press the issue, Legolas turned and began to walk back through the forest, Lómódë by his side. She looked far more alive in this light than anyone he had ever seen, her very skin glowing with rekindled inner fires. Neither of them spoke, silently appreciating the beauty of the forest around them.
They had been so deep in the forest that it took many hours to emerge from the trees and, by the time they did, rosy pink dawn was lighting the sky, bathing everything in a soft glow. Legolas moved to where he had left the horse.

Except that it wasn't the same horse now. Where he had left a precisioned warhorse stood a horse of equal quality, but shivering where a careless person had let the sweat dry cold on his coat. It's eyes were lacklustre, and spur marks showed stark against the smooth hair. He gave a cry of anger. Who had done this?
Subject: At peace

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Date Posted: 21:05:07 04/05/02 Fri

As he lay next to Arwen, with the morning sun dapling his closed eyelids, Aragorn's soul was at peace.
Though he was awake Aragorn did not yet open his eyes, savouring this rare moment with his wife and soon to be mother of his child.
He could hear her softly moving next to him and knew that she too was awake; still he lay there, smiling as if in sleep.
She leaned over and kissed his cheak before making to rise but Aragorn's hand snapped out and caught her wrist.
Then grinning like a school boy he tackled his giggling wife. She was not going anywhere, not yet anyway.
Subject: A Watcher in the Forest

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Date Posted: 02:00:47 04/06/02 Sat

Laeriel stood crouched like a cat behind a tree at the edge of the forest. Her large, brown eyes were unmoving, transfixed on the figures she could barely make out in the distance. She breathed quietly and tried not to make a sound, not even to blink, she knew they would hear her. She knew Legolas at least would hear her, she could not say about the girl. That girl, she didn't like her. That girl gave her a queer feeling. Lómódë, or thats what she called herself (Laeriel was sure she had a different name), was not telling Legolas the whole truth. Whether or not the whole truth was bad, she could not say. All she knew was that she must get to Legolas, and this girl was in the way. From what Laeriel heard of their earlier conversation, she knew that Legolas and Lómódë were going to the palace, that meant not getting Legolas alone for a long time. Maybe she should just go back home and tell her father it was useless, she didn't have much time to tell them now anyway. Whatever the danger was that was coming, it couldn't be very far off now. Perhaps it was best for her and her people to sit quietly in the forest and leave this to the Elves and Men. Our time is over, she thought to herself, Why chose now to make our presence known? Laeriel let these thoughts spin in her head for a few minutes. She spent so much time thinking that she let her mind wander from the task at hand and she carelessly shifted her position; her foot stepped square on a large twig. The snap echoed through the forest, it was the single loudest sound Laeriel had heard in days. Damn it, stupid me, she thought to herself. Legolas and Lómódë turned around and looked square at Laeriel. Though they were far away, she knew they could see her, their vision was just as sharp as her's. Legolas began to walk towards her. Laeriel was completely unarmed and helpless. As she watched Legolas reach towards his bow she suddenly remembered the last words her father said to her before she left, "Be wary, Laeriel. Don't let your guard down, not for a momment. Their safety depends on you, the knowlege you keep could save their lives." Laeriel suddenly felt very childish and stupid. Why didn't she just keep focused on her task at the momment? Now her cover was blown and she would probably be killed before she could have a chance to speak with Legolas, or King Elessar for that matter. With a deep sigh, she stood to her full height (which was not very tall, she barely reached 5 feet), brushed a strand of blonde hair from her eyes, and walked into the clearing towards Legolas and Lómódë.
Subject: New faces

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Date Posted: 16:23:39 04/06/02 Sat

Roused from her reverie by the cry of the elf, Faeirex looked round. The horse was in bad condition, obviously, but there seemed to be more to it than that. Swiftly, she moved to the trembling creature, resting a calming hand on its hide. She turned to Legolas (Had he told her his name yet? She didn't think so. Mental note to herself- don't call him Legolas until he's introduced himself.) However, before she could begin to extract the reason for his anger from him, she heard a sharp crack whistle through the silence of the dawn. As one, the two turned to look in the direction of the sound. Crouched there was a girl. How many people were walking in this blasted forest today? Had all of Minas Tirith decided that now was a good time to descend on her quiet solitude and spoil her plans?
Looking more closely, her heart gave a sharp twist. The girl was a faery. Why now? The sudden appearance had to be more than coincidence. Silently uttering every curse known to Man, Elf, Dwarf or Hobbit, she firmly grasped Legolas' bow arm. He could shoot the irritating little creature later, once she knew what it was doing here. Cellius was going to have a lot of answering to do. Time for another personality shift, obviously.
"Stay here." she murmured quietly to Legolas, leaving no room for argument. No need to confuse him any further.
Faeirex walked forwards, her face set, until the little creature was right in front of her. She bent down, bringing her own blue eyes to the level of the faery's brown ones. Keeping her tone low and menacing, she spoke.
"I don't care who you are or what Cellius has sent you here for. I'm just not interested any more. Keep your tidings of evil doings to yourself. I'm sure you know better than to bother me, so I can only conclude that you're here to send the Elf off on yet another meaningless quest. Don't bother. He's busy."
The girl wouldn't spoil things for her now, she couldn't. Beneath her icy shell, Faeirex was a tumbled mass of conflicting emotions, desires and fears, and the faeries would not claim the one thing that she had to look to, the one thing that her confused mind had to hold on to in her time of turmoil.
She caught herself. She couldn't form attachments. She had known him for a bare few hours. Faeirex reminded herself, once again, that by the time she was through, he might be dead. She couldn't go through the stages of mourning again- it would destroy her.
So he had helped her- helped her through her brief transgression into the downward spiral of self-pity and fear. Just don't forget that it was his appearance that had started it off. Standing tall again, she gave the faery a carefully contrived look of disdain.
"Run along."
Subject: Dawn on the Brown Lands

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Date Posted: 17:04:01 04/06/02 Sat

Dawn came soon. Too soon for Anawiel. Her body was sodden with icy dew and she ached all over. Her scabs had slowly turned from a burnt red to long purple scars reaching from her shoulder blades to the centre of her palms. She was hungry,having lived on wafers of lembas for nearly a month, and the feeling consumed her mind. Glad of her horse, a jet black stallion, Anawiel rose and began her journey again.
She was nearing Anduin, the Great River. The Grey Mountains of Mordor were in her sight and already she felt the chill that surrounded that land creeping up her spin.
Anawiel had been so busy thinking that she did not hear the clap of seven sets of hooves. It was already too late when she did. A black knife was plunged into her abdomen, in a rush of pain she was dragged from her horse.
Water mixed with bright red blood as the hooves rode off into Mordor, Anawiel's motionless body lying among jagged rocks.
Subject: First Sight

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Date Posted: 17:15:47 04/06/02 Sat

After Aragorn had left her, Arwen rose. She washed, and dressed herself. One finally glance in the mirror, and she was ready to face the world. She stopped. As she walked past, something had caught her eye. In the five months she had carried the child, the only way anyone could tell was if they were told- which only one person had been. Now for the first time her eye was drawn to the place when the baby lay. There was now something to see. Something to show for what she had claimed. She was about to rush to Aragorn, show him his child, when it came to her. All the fuss, all the announcements, and gossip. It was her and Aragorns baby, not all of Gondors. She sat, and worried about what might be, and how she would cope.
Subject: Departure

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Date Posted: 17:58:28 04/06/02 Sat

Eowyn was dressed to ride. She had in her saddlebag a light pack, containing all the food, clothes and other provisions she would need for the journey. Mounting her chestnut horse, Mellon (elvish for 'friend'), she rode out of the castle grounds. Nudging the horse forward, she rode at full speed around the base of Mount Mindolluin and out through the gates of the city.
Subject: A strange waking

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Date Posted: 18:54:45 04/06/02 Sat

Lily awoke in a soft feather bed. For a moment she couldn't remember where she was.
Then it hit her, she didn't know where she was.
The last she could remember was falling asleep in the snow and by all rights she should be dead by now, not lying under clean white sheets with the sun on her face.
Trying to rise she found that her arms and legs didn't work, she had obviously been outside for a long time. Sighing she settled down to wait for a sign of life. Outside the room she could hear the shrieks of small children but none of them entered to check on her. Unable to move she lay there in the immaculate room and waited.
After half an hour the door opened. Lily looked up expectantly as a matronly figure descended on her.
"How ye feeling, love?"
"Sore," Lily admitted "and confused. I hope you don't think me rude, but," she paused, "who are you?"
The lady giggled. "Oh of course, I should've introduced myself, Rosie Gamgee."
Lily started, "you're married to Samwise?"
"You know my Sam?"
Lily shock her head slowly. "Did he find me?"
"Covered in snow you were and half dead. It's lucky Sammy was out walking or you would've died."
Rosie watched her for a little while but Lily offered nothing more about herself.
"I suspect you tired."
Lily nodded again, siezing onto the welcome lie and settled down in Samwise's house.
He would be back soon and after rescuing her he would want to talk. Well she would welcome that. Snuggling back down into the covers she closed her eyes, pretended to be asleep and waited.

Subject: Top of the world!

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Date Posted: 19:26:03 04/06/02 Sat

Aragorn stroled down the halls of his castle, a spring in his step. For the first time since he had become king, he was happy. The windows were all opened and Aragorn leaned out, breathing in the fresh morning air, listening to the joyous bird songs that seemed specially for him.
The outside world seemed to be glowing, last night's rain still glistened on the folliage. The king felt his spirit soar as he forgot he was the king. He was a man, a man in love, in love with a wonderful woman who adored him back. Life was good.
A passing servant greeted him, "Morning your majesty" and Elessar returned.
He pulled back from the window, an unspoken sigh on his lips and smiled at the man who had jolted him, painfully, back to reality. "Good morning..." he trailed off realising he'd forgotten the man's name and moved away.
The man shouted it after him but Aragorn wasn't really listening so he nodded vaguely and kept on walking.
Since his plans yesterday to train with the recruits had been unexpectadly cancelled Aragorn headed towards the practice area. He left Anduril behind, knowing the study wasn't on his way and that Vomyr, having returned by now, would probably find more work for him to do if he visited.
So with a spring in his step Aragorn bounded down the stone stairs into the city streets. The training grounds were some way away but it was a beautiful morning and he did not mind the walk.
Waving his hand he acknoledged a little boy, his head stuck out of a third flood window. The boy was soon dragged out of sight by his mother, who only recognised her king after he had moved on. Grinning Aragorn turned into into the alley that was the shortest way to the grounds.
Humming a tune he did not know either the words or the tune to Aragorn felt on top of the world.
And so he did not see the man lunge out of one of the nearby slums.
Subject: A strange new figure

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Date Posted: 19:26:55 04/06/02 Sat

Already suspicious about the mysterious change in horses, Legolas was wary of the strange new figure. He stood poised to shoot, until Lómódë stopped him. There were mixed emotions on her face, but none seemed to bode well for the diminutive girl now walking towards them. Not really wanting to, but unwilling to start an argument, he obediently remained where he was while Lómódë approached the stranger.

He wondered who she was. If he hadn't known better, he would have said she was a faery, but everyone knew that they were just a legend.
Come to think of it, High Elves weren't supposed to exist any more either, and he'd just been proved wrong of that theory.

Curiously, he watched them. Lómódë had her back to him, and she was speaking in a low enough voice that even his sharp ears couldn't catch much more than a murmur. Feeling slightly guilty of even attempting to eavesdrop, he returned to a study of the strange girl's face. She was actually rather pretty, in her own way. Blonde hair to almost match his own, and huge, luminous brown eyes framed by long lashes. This was getting ridiculous. How many more strange figures would be appearing today?
The girl hadn't spoken yet, but the expression on her face suggested that when she did, the scene wouldn't be pretty. He'd seen enough of Lómódë by now to realise that she was unlikely to take insult lightly. Prudently, he backed up, well out of range of the two widely contrasting girls. He had been involved in enough conflict for one day. Raising his eyes to the heavens, he wondered what all of this was about.
Subject: A Confrontation

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Date Posted: 03:56:58 04/07/02 Sun

Laeriel stared for a momment at the figure that stood before her. Lómódë towered over the small faery as a mountain to a foothill. Yet, Laeriel stood, stern and brave as ever, staring into the eyes of Lómódë. "How dare you order Me around," she said. "You are not above me, I walked this earth before you were a glint in your mother's eye. I am not leaving until I speak with Legolas." Lómódë was silent. Legolas perked up at the mention of his name, no doubt wondering how on earth this strange girl could know who he was.
Laeriel brushed passed the still stunned Lómódë and walked up to Legolas. "I can see by the look in your eye that you are wondering who, and what, I am," Laeriel said to him. "As you probably first suspected, I am indeed a faery," she said with a small bow, "The very same being that exists in the legends your people used to tell their children."
Laeriel looked at the bow Legolas heald in his hand. She frowned slightly. Quietly she said, "Please, Legolas, put away your weapons, I an unarmed," She looked up at him through her thick, black lashes. "You must hear what I have to say. I understand your alarm, so I will allow you to ask me one question before I tell you why I've come," She said. She turned around, her back towards Legolas. "Ask me anything you like," She turned back around to face him, "Be warned, though, what you hear might suprise you. If you ask me how I can be real, how faeries exist, you will learn that a part of history has been lost, even to a people such as your's. The history of elves is not exactly as you believe it to be."

*authors note, I forgot the font color that this story is written in, so I just used green. Many apologies!!
[> Subject: Re: A Confrontation

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Date Posted: 11:43:40 04/07/02 Sun

Outraged yet at the same time amused by the audacity of the child, and yes, in comparison to her she was but a child, Faeirex began to laugh, a low throaty chuckle. It seemed there were things that needed to be said.
"Legolas, the girl and I need to talk. There are things she does not understand yet, and she needs to know them. You agreed to respect my wishes not to tell you more about myself, so I have to ask you to leave us alone again."
Despite the formal, civilised tone of her voice, there was no mistaking the order implicit in her words. With a long, hard look at her, Legolas turned and strode off into the distance.

The faery made a move to follow him. Faeirex gave an almost imperceptible movement with her hand, tightening her will. She froze the air around the little creature, holding her immobile.
"I know that part of history has been lost, girl, and part of that history is my own. It will stay that way. I know of the faeries, and nothing you have to say can surprise me.
Look beyond what your eyes tell you. Elves were the first beings to walk this earth, and I am one of the first of those Elves. You see a part of my power now for yourself. Even if you do not know my name, be sure the faery king does. I am thankful that Cellius has followed his pledge to keep silent about me, but now he has erred. If he knew that I was involved, he would never have sent you here.
Go home, and tell him that Faeirex knows of the danger, and Faeirex will deal with it as she sees fit. The time of faeries and of elves is over, but be sure of one thing, my time is just beginning."
She released the air holding her captive immobile. How would the faery react? Faeirex couldn't be sure. It mattered little. However the girl responded, she would be thwarted. The she-elf had control over the oldest of magics, and she would use those ancient powers to ensure that the faery returned home, her message undelivered.
Subject: Wanted?

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Date Posted: 13:17:45 04/07/02 Sun

Again, Faramir wondered why he had to be here. Helm's Deep was being rebuilt, but after the initial plans it was so straight forward. Faramir supposed he had been placed there by an over territoral king, to keep him out the way. Faramir didn't mind having a king, the only way it affected him was that now, someone else did the paperwork! He still lived in the Palace of Minas Tirith, so all that changed was that he now had more free time. Or should do, if he wasn't here.

His mind was cast to Eowyn. Strong and Striking. Although he missed his wife, they had had so little time together, with both of them well that is, that his lifestyle had barely been affected. He still lived like a batchelor, in his long absence from Minas Tirith, doing as he pleased, what, when and where. She had such a quick temper, and would always jump to conclusions. He was thankful she was not here, only missing her company at night. No, he liked his wife safely back at Minas Tirith, like a good Stewardess of Gondor.
Subject: Ambush!

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Date Posted: 14:23:52 04/07/02 Sun

There were five of them, excluding the man who had jumped at him and was now lying unconsious some distance away.
All of them supported beards, numerous piercings and had not, if Aragorn's nose was any judge, taken a bath for a considerable length of time. Murder gleamed in every eye, including the king's. He was not used to being set upon by armed ruffians and now they were going to find out why.
He carried no weapons but as his trained eye weighed them up he knew he could win. Their main strength was brute force, his? years of combat training and wars against the armies of Morder. For a moment Aragorn almost felt sorry for them, then he remembered that they were here to kill him and the pity vanished.
The nearest and largest man lunged at him clumsily, Aragorn ducked and aimed a kick at his groin. Doubling over in pain the second man was out of the fight.
The others seemed a little less sure of themselves now. The one groaning on the floor must've been their leader. Aragorn shot a look at them, a look that froze their blood. It was the look a lion gives to the antelope just before he pounces and it said, you are nothing to me and I will defeat you.
As they backed away uneasily Aragorn stooped and gathered up the first man's knife, now he was armed and didn't need to rely on their terror. While he was better trained if they all ganged up on him at once, he was finished.
The rat faced man ran at him, deflecting the knife thrust with his own Aragorn dispatched the man with a series of punches and he fell the the floor.
As he stood triumphant the king reflected that this was the most fun he'd had in days, I really should get out more he thought quietly. The defient gleam back in his eye Aragorn beckoned the other men on, testing their courage. He was one man against three, they could take him.
Then the arrow slammed into his back. One of the men had gotten behind him, carrying a miniture cross bow. The wound was not fatal but Aragorn felt his strength falling from him and he cursed his lack of observation.
Whirling round he flung his knife at the man who had shot him. The blade lodged in the man's heart and he fell, dead.
Another man down but he had thrown away his only defence.
His shirt stuck to his back, clammy with his own blood but Aragorn refused to give in, to accept he had become less than he had been.
He faced the two men left standing and watched the victory in their eyes and smiles. He had lost.
Suddenly still grinning, even in death the last two slumped over, arrows protruding from their chests.
The king swung round, ready to face this new threat.
"Is that you, your majesty?"
A wave of relief swept over him and he recognised his captain of the guard.
"Yes your majesty. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Aragorn grinned foolishly, then fainted.
Subject: one mysterious guest

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Date Posted: 20:43:35 04/07/02 Sun

Sitting outside one of his children’s bedrooms, head in his hands Sam was going over what had happened over the past day. Rosie had just gone in to check on the little girl that he had found unconscious on his walk and for some reason he felt a connection with her. She had to be okay, he would be devastated if something had happened to her, she looked so helpless.
Rosie came out of the room.
“Is she okay, does she need anything?”
“She is fine, I think she would like to speak with you. She knew that I was your wife when I told her my name.”
“Do you know hers?”
“No, I didn’t get much out of her.”
“I’ll see what I can get her to say” and Sam walked into the room. “Hello,” he said gently “my name is Sam. What’s yours?”
Subject: A fuzzy awakening

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Date Posted: 21:37:40 04/07/02 Sun

Aragorn awoke and was suddenley aware that he was lying on his side and that his back hurt like he was being lashed with all the whips in Morder. A gentle hand was applying some kind of ointmen and Aragorn recoiled from it's sting.
"Stay still sire," the voice was young and boyish. "It'll only hurt for a second." Still he squirmed, it really hurt! The voice became fiercer. "Look your majesty, if you don't stop moving I'll have to knock you out again."
"You'll do what?! Who are you? Who's in charge here?" Twisting round he tried to catch a glimse of his torturer.
"He's at it again father," the boys voice said.
"Let me talk to him," a new gruffer voice had entered.
"Aye and the one trying to heal you is my son, Bergil."
"Pippin's friend?" This was answered in the affirmative and Aragorn tried to keep still. "Why does it hurt so much? It would be better if you just left me, I'm fine."
"Sire," Beregond's tone reflected what was left of his patience, "It has to remove infection, you were shot, remember?"
Not really. The last few hours seemed hazy. He remembered going out for a strole down to the practice yards, probably where he was now. Then, he fought against another wave of nauser, then he'd been attacked! Yes, it was all clear again.
"Did I get them all?"
"One was dead when we got there, two more we killed and three are now in custody, ready for questioning."
"I'll see to it personally." Aragorn rolled over ingorning the spasms of agony and Bergil's shouts to be careful. His captain of the guard looked slightly pained as he suggested that maybe his majesty would be better suited to go back to the palace, where he could be properly treated and see his wife.
His wife? Of course, Arwen would be worried. Aragorn made to get up and fell back down again. "I think," he said carefully "that you will need to find me a carriage."
Beregond bowed respecfully and left, leaving the king with his disgruntled healer.
"I was only trying to help" the boy muttered.
Aragorn surveyed him. A youth of about 15 years, strong and determinded. "I was wondering if you could help me, Bergil"
"Of course" was the earnest reply.
"Would you like to see Pippin again?" Bergil's face shone.
"I see that you would, so would I but I am unfortunately incopacitated at the moment. It would please me greatly if you could travel to the Shire and fetch Pippin and his friends Merry..."
"Meriadoc the Magnificent?"
"The one who injured the Witch King?"
"Yes that Meriadoc and Sam and yes that's Samwize Frodo's companion. I have already asked two of my very dear friends, [he stiffened remembering his parting from Legolas] to accomplish this task but," he paused, "I do not believe they will. I know for a fact Gimli [yes Gloin's son] has not left the castle. So I'm asking you, if you father agrees of course."
Beregond had just entered and his stern gaze quenched his son's seemingly unstoppable enthusiasm. "Is it alright with you, captain?"
Not one to speak against his king, Beregond agreed and Bergil left in high spirits.
Aragorn collapsed under the effort of the speech. "I think, he said wearily, "that you will have to carry my out to the carriage. Gods, this is humilating."
Subject: Disbelief

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Date Posted: 21:57:57 04/07/02 Sun

Aragon was hurt? Arwen stared in disbelief at the guard who had brougth her the news. Aragon couldn't be hurt. Well, he could, but she had always seen him as somewhat invinsible.
"He was shot in the back, your highness, and is being cared for by the guards. It's not fatal." The man told her.
"Please," there was a note desperation in her voice, " just leave." Her eyes became swollen with tears, and she barely noticed the man go.

It's not fatal That was what he had said. But how bad was it? Was he even awake? Aragorn was strong, she knew that, but would he be alright? More of the guards words came back to her He was shot . Someone had tried to kill the king! Someone had tried to kill her husband! She didn't want to think of it. All she wanted now was for him to be safe in the palace walls, where she could care for him.
Subject: Is that all you got?

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Date Posted: 02:19:20 04/08/02 Mon

Laeriel stood, stunned for a momment. Lómódë knew her father? Why had her father not warned her of Lómódë? He must've known she'd be here. Laeriel was a bit confused, but not in the least scared of Lómódë. Whatever power this elf thought she could hold over Laeriel, she could not sway the will of this faery.

Laeriel was not leaving until she spoke with Legolas.

"I don't know what power you think you hold over me, or over my people, but let me make it known that I am not easily gotten rid of. I am not fond of you, Lómódë, but I am willing to help you if you stay out of my way. Legolas will probably want an explaination. After all, I am part of a race that is supposed to be dead, and yet I stand here before him. He most likely will desire to know how we survived. Although you must know our history, you obviously have ties to my father, I would like to tell Legolas myself.
I know nothing of you or your history, and I do not intend to tell Legolas that you know my father.
I do, however, intend to acompany you and Legolas to Minas Tirith, and to see King Elessar. I promiss you, I shall stay out of your way if you stay out of mine.
Let it be known, though, I do not trust you, Lómódë. Do not, for one momment, think you can send me home so quickly. I am not easily controlled." Laeriel paused for a momment, waiting to see how Lómódë would react.
"Furthermore," she added "If you try to grab me like that ever again, I shall break both your wrists," she finished with that, glaring at Lómódë. Laeriel waited a momment, looking for a response. She obviously annoyed Lómódë, but she also seemed to suprise her. Laeriel was so small, people often underestimated her. She was the size of a mouse, with the courage of a lion, and was not easily swayed from a task. She would speak with Legolas, with or without cooperation from Lómódë.

Subject: A detective in the making

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Date Posted: 16:50:38 04/08/02 Mon

A week had gone by so far of helping around the house and he was exhausted. He had begun to realise how much she did. Of course that didn’t mean that he was going to take more work off her shoulders and work harder. Of course not, he was the mayor! He said allowed to himself “I am an arse” at which point his little daughter, Ryna, said “I thought your name was Samwise daddy?” looking so puzzled that Sam laughed, swung her on his back and told her not to worry about it. And just to make sure she definitely forgot so as not to repeat this to her mother, he took her for a piggyback round the house with Ryna giggling all the way.
After they had gone twice round the house they were called in for second lunch. A huge spread with a roast boar set in the middle as a centrepiece. Vegetables smothered with butter, mouth watering roast potatoes and a huge gravy boat full of delicious gravy (obviously) all pots were steaming from just coming out of the oven and Sam realised he was extremely hungry after having just 3 jacket potatoes 2hours ago!!
Sam washed his hands at the sink (getting in the way of Rosie, his wife) and sat down at the head of the long table waiting for the troops to appear.
From all directions at that point Sam could hear many voices and pairs of feet as all of his children walked or were carried in and sat down round the table leaving a space for their mother. It was pandemonium with each child having a different conversation with one another and each trying to be heard over everyone else. This happened every mealtime.
Looking round the table Sam could see each of his children looking healthy and happy. Elanor, age six now, then Ryna, Frodo, Rose, the twins, Merry and Pippin and finally baby Goldilocks.
Rosie took in a huge breath and shouted “QUIET!” everyone shut up and looked towards their mum. In a quieter voice she said “say grace” everyone round the table put their hands together, bent their heads down and said in unison “GRACE”. With that everyone grabbed forks and spoons and began ladling as much food on their plate as possible.
Within the hour all the food had disappeared as if an army of locusts had come in and devoured it all. Belching Sam patted his tummy and asked what everybody would be doing this afternoon. “Frodo is going with J…” but what Frodo was going to do with someone whos name begins with J they never found out as Ryna had just screwed her face up in pain and yelped. Sam using his amazing detecting skills came to the conclusion that she had been kicked by Frodo as he didn’t want everyone to know what he was doing that afternoon. Feeling pleased with himself that he figured this out all by himself he was about to ask questions when he was cut off by Elanor "I’ll help you tidy up mummy." and everyone left, before they were roped in to help.
Subject: Courage of a lion

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Date Posted: 16:35:48 04/08/02 Mon

Faeirex almost laughed out loud at the faery's words. Break both her wrists indeed! That single statement erased much of her worry; if she thought she could do that, she had clearly not seen the altercation in the forest a few hours ago, and was therefore far less of a threat to her own safety. In her first thousand years, Faeirex had received extensive combat training, she was among the most skilled of fighters whether unarmed or with bow, sword, or knife, mounted or on foot. The statement also assured her that Cellius had been true to his word - no-one in possession of any facts at all would make such a ridiculous statement.
Reassured, she considered her options. The girl - she had spoken of Cellius as her father, which meant she must be Laeriel, his only daughter - would not be deterred from delivering her message, and to oppose her much further would simply undermine her own credibility. The time was drawing near when it was essential that both the elf and the King had trust in her, or all would be lost. She couldn't risk that because of mere dislike and insecurity. Regretfully, she realised that she would have to face the meeting with King Elessar. Laeriel needed watching, or she might say more than was appropriate. Faeirex had faced untold of horrors in the many thousands of years she had lived for, she was strong enough for this. Hopefully.

Giving in as gracefully as she could, she walked softly to where Legolas waited in the distance. His back was to her.
"Do you know the legend?"
He turned, a questionning expression on his face.
"The legend of the faeries, I meant." she supplied. "Never mind, I daresay she'll want to tell you. Faeries can talk forever once they get going."
Inwardly, she regretted that. Spite was childish. Although her spirit may be as young as the day she first came into existance, some outer semblance of maturity was expected in an elf, especially a High Elf.
Almost automatically, she stepped in close to him, turning her perfect face gently upwards. He did not seem displeased by the closeness, but neither did he react to her.
"She has a message for you. It will be a warning of great danger approaching, it always is. They are a weak race, but some have visions of the future. If the seer is accomplished, the warning may turn out to be true."
There. She had said her piece. Laeriel would have her say, however grudgingly given the assistance was. Now she could attend to the other matter- she must win the elf's trust. Things were moving faster than she had anticipated. For a brief few seconds, she dropped her guard and spoke from the heart, her feelings shining clearly in her eyes.
"Things have changed, haven't they? We're going to have to go to the palace after all." No answer from him. Swiftly, she plunged on.
"I've been alone for so long. I'm not sure if I'll be able to cope surrounded by so many people." As she had done so many times with her lover in the days before the battle of Barad-Dur, she rested one hand on Legolas' shoulder and looked deep into his eyes, speaking in a voice that was filled with emotion.
"Will you do one thing for me - don't leave me alone there. You're the only one of my kind within a weeks ride of here, you must understand what it's like to be surrounded by strangers. It scares me. Please Legolas, just promise me you won't desert me there. This is hard enough for me as it is."
Laeriel was forgotten now, all her thoughts were concentrated on this one instant. She had shown Legolas her heart- how would he respond?
Subject: An escape

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Date Posted: 19:18:10 04/08/02 Mon

The carriage was old but sturdy. Aragorn lay back in the plush velvet cushins and waited for Beregond to return. Closing his eyes he rested and tried to pretend he wasn't in enormous pain.
The shouts of the surrounding guards penitrated his solitude and the king poked his head out of the carriage. "What's going on?"
Everybody continued running around, nobody stopped and replied. Startled at this lack of disrepect Aragorn cast around for Beregond who appeared, panting moment's later by the door.
"Sire, there's been an escape."
There was no need to ask who had escaped, it was obviously one of his attackers. "Which one?"
"Tall, burly."
Aragorn waved his hand, needing more information.
"The leader."
Ah, that one. "How did this happen?"
Beregond muttered something.
"What was that? Do we not have the finest guards? Are they not trained expertly from childhood?" Aragorn was incredulous. He had downed the man himself and knew him to be clumsy and slow of wit.
How on earth had such a man escaped?
Subject: An entreaty answered

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Date Posted: 19:21:31 04/08/02 Mon

Legolas struggled not to react to the beautiful girl standing so close to him, close enough that he could feel her breath on his face. He reflected on her first words with some consternation- a new danger? Could Gondor survive yet another attack, a scant six years after the siege of Minas Tirith has claimed the lives of so many men?
His thoughts were erased by her next action. Emotion and truth radiating from her voice, Lómódë let him see, briefly, straight into her soul. His heart melted with pity for what he saw there, and he felt a sudden urge to protect her from whatever further pain he could.
She finished speaking. Gently, he raised a hand to his shoulder, where her own palm rested. Grasping it, he said,
"I promise you that I'll look after you. And I always keep my promises. Don't worry, you'll be safe."
He saw the grateful look in her eyes before she broke away, her guard up again. Flushing slightly, he walked back with her to speak to the faery.
Subject: Failure

The silent watcher
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Date Posted: 20:45:49 04/08/02 Mon

Like a cat, he waited in the shadows for the man to run past. When he did, the cloaked figure had to stick out his leg, tripping him as the man seemed in no mood to stop.
"Oh, it's you," he grunted from down in the dust. "Look I did my best, we attacked the king but he's like some sort of demon."
The watcher glared but the hood obscured his face and the grumbling assasin didn't see.
"I'm not going back," he declared resolutely. "We were 6 against his one and he was winning!" Then suddenley he remembered something. "Hey, why'd you trip me."
The watcher spoke for the first time, obviously before now he had felt that his breath was better wasted on someone more worthy. "You were running fast. If I hadn't done something you would've missed me."
The man on the floor seemed to think it would've been better if he had missed the foot but was silenced by an idle kick.
"You've failed me and I don't tolerate failure well. But as I'm a generous fellow," this was accompanied by an unseen lear, "I'm willing to offer you another chance. You'd better take it, I'm not a patient man."
Stumbling to his feat the brigand gazed into the dark folds of the cloak and swallowed the imminent, "who are you?"
"Better," said the dark one. "Now here's what you do."

Subject: Gentle interogation

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Date Posted: 21:06:42 04/07/02 Sun

With great difficulty Lily pushed herself up into a sitting position and examined Samwise who was sitting, perched on the end of her bed. He was just as she had imagined him, auban curly hobbit hair, trusting brown eyes and an expression that spoke of fatherhood and love. Lily's thought's flew to her own father, every second she was here was one she was not having with him.
"Lily," she muttered quietly to his earlier question. Then realising this man had saved her life and that she probably appeared very rude and ungrateful, she smiled shyly. "I want to thank you for saving me."
Sam blushed, clearly believing it was nothing, what any hobbit would do, but Lily who had grown up in Bree knew otherwize. Sam was special, and it was not only her he had saved. One of the stories she had been told was "Four fingered Frodo and the Ring of Power," her father had always laughed at that title.
Reminded of him she struggled to get up, "I have to leave." But she was apparently too weak to rise and Sam chuckled and told her she was not moving until she was well again.
Dejectedly Lily sat down again. Was there anything he could do? A letter, could you deliver it?
She rumaged through her packs next to the bed, produced a thick wadge of paper and handed it to Sam.
"It's from my mother," a tear welled in her eye, "It's the last thing she wrote, before she died."
Before she started crying she shoved the letter at Sam.
It was addressed to a Mr. Frodo Baggins.
[> Subject: Re: Gentle interogation

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Date Posted: 21:05:50 04/08/02 Mon

Sam couldn't believe it. Another one. Another letter for Frodo. He already had many of these. Of course he hadn't opened them. Not really had the heart to, let alone pry in his private life. Yet he had never thrown them away either. Thinking about it though, somewhere in the back of his mind he realised he was keeping them just in case Frodo came back.
Not wanting to think about this anymore Sam turned back to Lily."I don't understand. All these are from your mother? What is going on?"
Subject: The letters from no one

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Date Posted: 21:25:20 04/08/02 Mon

Was he stupid? She had definitely explained that already, then something registered.
"All these are from my mother? There's only this one."
Sam shook his head and disappeared for a moment before returning, clutching a stack of letters, all adressed in her mother's flowing script.
"How come you have them?"
Slowly Sam explained. After they had destroyed the ring Frodo seemed changed, distant. He took no pleasure in the Shire anymore and had left Middle Earth for the Grey Havens when the elves departed.
Sam and his family lived in Bag End now and had recieved almost constant letters from an unknown writer, now revealed as Lily's mum.
Suddenley the girl burst into tears. She was not a baby, coming up to 20 and Sam recoiled in shock, mumbling condolances for an unknown sorrow.
Sniffing Lily dried her eyes. "I always hoped...but then in my heart I guess I've always known. How long has he been gone?"
At the answer, 6 years, Lily broke down again.
"He could've told us, written if he couldn't come personally. It's so unlike him," she sobbed.
"You knew Frodo?"
Glumbly she nodded, "he's my father."

Subject: Over Long Absence

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Date Posted: 21:31:59 04/08/02 Mon

Arwen was getting anxious. Aragorn had been gone too long. She had ordered he was brought back to the palace, consious or not. Her knowledge of Elvish medicine could be useful, she had no idea how bad things were.

She hurried down the corridor, to his study. Arwen was not sure why she had come to this room- but as he himself had said he had "sat in this room for weeks on end." Maybe she could feel closer to him there. To her surprise, Vomyr, was not standing guard at the door as he usually did, with or without the kings presence inside. Actually, there seemed to be very few people around in general, so she thought no more of it.

As she knew in her mind, but in her heart hoped differently, the study was empty. Anduril hung on the wall. She ran a finger down the blade, wondering and desparing at the fact Aragorn had not taken his sword with him. That was it . The absence was too long. She would go and seek him, and drag the carridge to the castle herself, if needs be. She rushed out the back of the palace and ran (as much as she could without looking un-elegant, of course)to the main station area of the guard. People flew in all directions, shouting for order, new messages about some escape, or something. Completely un-organised chaous. Breathless from her swift arrival, she caught sight of a lone carridge in the centre of the courtyard. Rushing to the window, fearing the worst, she peered in. Her heart leapt.
Subject: Maybe she's not so bad...

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Date Posted: 02:40:38 04/09/02 Tue

Laeriel cooly stared at Lómódë. Arrogant wench she thought to herself as she saw the way Lómódë reacted to her. Her speach did nothing for Lómódë, save to slightly ammuse her, Laeriel could see it in her eyes. This always happened, always. Yet again, Laeriel had been pushed aside, dismissed. Underestimated. As she watched Lómódë walk towards Legolas, she bit her lip to stifle a wave of anger that swept over her. You may have been here longer than I, Laeriel thought to herself, But we were here in the beginning, Lómódë, and so shall we be here in the end. Laeriel was tired of being ignored.

She was about to start speaking again when she saw Legolas and Lómódë turn back towards her, she had been so busy controlling her anger that she missed their entire conversation. She could see, though, a definate change in Lómódë. In the momment that she caught her eye, Laeriel felt her feelings towards Lómódë change-slightly. No longer did she seem annoyingly arrogant and condescending, she seemed almost scared and alone. It was at this time Laeriel let her guard down, and let Lómódë and Legolas truly see her. There stood before them no longer a pushy, overconfindant girl, but a strong, determined faery. She had the appearence of a human girl of about 18 years. Her eyes were very large, and the deepest brown imaginable; perfectly contrasting her sandy blonde hair. Her hair was long, it fell well past her lower back, and was wavy at the ends, as if it would curl if only cut a bit shorter. She was extremely small of stature, but not stringy and weak looking. She obviously had well developed muscles in her arms and and legs, most likely from climbing trees all of her life. Her skin was pale ivory and flawless, with a few freckles accross her cheeks. She would be considered a great beauty, if it not were for the way she carried herself. Though well past 1,000, she seemed but a child, uterly innocent and free. Her garb was not that of sophistcation either. She wore a dress made of a muslin type material. Her arms were bare, as were her legs up to just above the knee. Her dress was all one piece, and would have been shapless, if it not for a thin, golden rope looped just under her breasts and criss-crossed down to where it tied at her waist
(think roman style toga). Overall, she gave the apperance of someone who did not know, and did not care that she was beautiful.

Laeriel watched Legolas as he came towards her, he was still wary of her. No doubt because of the way Lómódë acted towards her arrival. He seemed to trust Lómódë; And Laeriel began to wonder if maybe she was judging Lómódë to harshly.
Legolas and Lómódë stood now before Laeriel. She straightened up, took a deep breath, and prepared to speak.

Subject: mr.dwarf

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Date Posted: 16:40:12 04/09/02 Tue

Gimli had been riding for hours, and the hot sun was burning down into his scalp, and causing thick beads of sweat to run off Gloin's furry head and onto the harness wrapped around it.
Gimli clambered off the animal and unscrewed his bottle. He took a shot of drink and then poured some over the horses back.
There was no chance they could make it to shelter before nightfall. With little supplies and no more water, Gimli had no choice.

He climbed back onto Gloin, turned around, and began to ride back to the city.
Subject: Shock

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Date Posted: 18:46:48 04/09/02 Tue

The carriage in front of her carried a man. She could not make out his face through the smears on the glass. About to open the door, Arwen stept upon a large wheel, to aid her grasp of the handle. As she did so, the horses, who presumably had been there for some thing, became aware of the change in weight. They bolted, dragging the cart and its passenger with them. The wheels turned at immense speed, and with no warning she fell. As her back hit the cobbles she caught a glimpst of the man inside. A mass of black covered his face- a beard and moustache. Tiny beetle eyes were nestled amoungst these tangles. Unless the impact of the floor had affected her memory, she had never seen the man before.

Arwen lay on the coldness of the stones for only a split second before lifting herself, and hobbling, bent double, into the shadows down a footpath that led from the main courtyard. As much as Aragorns attack had shaken her, she felt no fear being alone in darkness. As a child (and until the age of 700) she had never feared death, for the idea was too alien for an immortal. Now, mortal, she still was not afraid. This could, however, have been helped by her pearl topped knife. She wore it always, hidden in a secret pocket inside each of her underskirts.

Now alone, she reached for it, and tried to make her way back to the palace without being seen, or beaten home by her husband. Wherever he was.
Subject: Journey through the city

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Date Posted: 19:54:51 04/09/02 Tue

The carriage rattled as it trundled through the streets. The suspension was long gone and every bump in the road jolted Aragorn, causing him additional pain.
Gritting his teeth against it, he peered out of the window, or the space where a window would've been 10 years ago. A crowd of people had gathered around the alley where he had been attacked. Hearing the noise of the old vechical they turned and caught sight of the king, who quickly withdrew his head, not wanting to be seen in this condition. The damage was done however.
Women ran along side, lifting their pox ridden children to be touched by the healing hands. Young boys followed swiftly behind, immitating his battle with Morder and jumping to get a glimspe of the famous king. Leaning back until he was almost horizonal Aragorn sank into the chair, desparate to disappear from view.
The carriage picked up speed as the driver whipped his horses and gradually they left the screaming crowd behind. The increased speed meant increased uncomfort but Aragorn had ceased to care.
Swerving violently they pulled into the palace grounds, in time to see another coach leaving, just as rapidly. He thought nothing of it and called out to the driver to fetch a servant to assist his ascent into the castle.
Vomyr's anxious face appeared at the window.
"I've been waiting for you, your majesty." He spoke swiftly tripping over many of his words. "The news of your attack has spred like wildfire" Great "The queen is most distressed as are the rest of the court. If you'll just follow me sire."
Leaning heavily on his man-servant Aragorn stumbled up the stairs. From there he was helped into his own quarters.
"Wouldn't it be better if I stayed in the queen's..." he started but Vomyr shock his head.
"What you need is rest, sire."
"I only thought," Aragorn added lamely, "what with her being an elf, ex-elf" he corrected himself, "she could help with my healing."
Vomyr nodded, acknowledging this argument but left the king where he was before exiting the room.
Aragorn stared at the ceiling, too tired to move, though having his entire weight on his back was causing him great pain.
Sighing he lay back and waited for Arwen's visit.
One things for sure he thought dryly, that's the last time I try and vist the training ground.
Subject: disbelieving

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Date Posted: 21:44:35 04/09/02 Tue

No Way!Frodo her father? No. Can't be. Frodo would have told him. Wouldn't he? Of course he would. But if he never knew. That couldn't bear thinking about. No. No. "Frodo? Your father. I'm sorry that can't be. You must be mistaken. I'm sorry, unless...NO, no hes not."

Sam looked down at the letter in his hand.
Subject: Heaven?

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Date Posted: 16:02:29 04/10/02 Wed

Cool water was gently lapping around her and gentle sunlight blinked overheaded through rich green leaves. Anawiel could barely remember where she was, what she had been doing, even who she was. She must be dead, in heaven, if such place other than the Undying Lands exisited. She rolled onto her back to see she was in a river and a large one at that. The Anduin. Struggling, Anawiel pulled herself over a muddy bank and tried to sit up. Something rippled through her nerves, a short stab of pain from her gut. Inspecting her stomach, Anawiel saw a large shard of black metal like an arrow tip or a sword. Like the riders had. Rememberence flooed into her like an icy tidal wave. The riders had overtaken her. Gasping for breath with every slight movement, Anawiel forced herself up, stifling a scream of agony. Her saddlebag lay near a smal clump of yellow flowers, but she found herslf unable to hoist it onto her shoulder. Her horse had long since gone and to Anawiel's horror, Qoille lay in two pieces nearby. Biting hard down on her lower lip she grabbed at the worn leather strap of her bag and began to walk purposfully towards Minas Tirith. Or at least as well as any human could with a sword stuck in their stomach.
Subject: Champion

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Date Posted: 16:59:01 04/10/02 Wed

Politely, Legolas waited for the girl to speak, pondering the meaning of Lómódë's words. What had the faery said to her? It must have been something, to get round the steel he had seen in his lovely companion's face. Lómódë had been carefully neutral with what she had said to him, but was he imagining or it or was there an undercurrent of warning there? He couldn't be sure.
It was more than that though. The she-elf had seemed so fragile and child-like, appealing to him for protection. Although it had been from a distance, the looks of dislike on the faces of both females had been apparent. Did the faery wish harm to Lómódë? Did she have some sort of hold over her?
He glanced quickly at the girl standing next to him. Her expression was set into a polite mask, but he thought he caught a glimpse of uncertanity in her deep blue eyes. Trying to look as nonchalant as possible, he shifted his body to stand in front of her- a defending champion, he thought wryly. But a champion who has no idea who he's defending, or even if he's defending the right person.
Subject: Absence makes the heart grow fonder

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Date Posted: 18:51:14 04/10/02 Wed

The sun shone brightly on her face as Eowyn re-mounted her steed. Owing to her determination and the speed of her horse, she had covered a great distance in a much shorter space of time than she had expected. Although, this is not accounting for the fact that she had had only one short nap and continued riding in darkness. When she set her mind on something, she would put all her effort in to gaining it, and with Faramir now seeming so near, her heart ached for him and she rode ever faster.
It had been so far back now since she had crossed the Mering Stream and the great noise from the Falls of Rauros could no longer be picked up by her sharp ears. It would not be long until she reached Edoras and she knew that then, the man she longed for would be practically in her reach.
Gritting her teeth, she bared her numb face against the harsh wind that had picked up as she continuosly gathered speed.
Subject: The search

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Date Posted: 20:35:31 04/10/02 Wed

Someone was creeping round the Gamgee house while everyone was occupied with the new visitor. Searching every nook and cranny. Everything in cupboards was brought out, looked through and then put back exactly where it was found before moving onto the next cupboard or drawer.
This had been happening a lot lately. Rosie had noticed it before when she found a box upside down with its contents coming out. Just like someone was looking for something and then left in a hurry.
The whoever-it-was left the room as Sam was taking the letter off Lily and stopped their creeping for the night.
Subject: Mistaken Identity

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Date Posted: 20:45:35 04/10/02 Wed

It was only as she made her way back home down the narrow side street that Arwen noticed a lack of people. For this, she was thankful, she wanted no-one to see her, what if they noticed her pregnancy? (This chance was small, but she felt very self-consious.) She knew she would stand out in a crowd, so panicking she did the only thing she could think of. Disguise. Checking again that there was nobody around she began cutting her dress. All underskirts off, and she slit the arms and the hem at odd angles. Not knowing how realistic it looked, she continued to cut sections from the dark blue cloth. From a dress worn by a Queen, it had become a peasants rag. She roughly tied a strip of material around her hair, which was most unflattering, she knew. Now the peasant woman made her way up the alley, to the main street.

This was where the people were gathered, lining the sides of the roads. A beefy woman carrying a small child stood beside her.
"Excuse me," Arwen asked, still sounding rather regal,"but what's happening?" The woman gave her a puzzled look, knowing the girl who had spoken did somehow not fit in.
"The King was shot with an arrow. Didn't you know? He came this way just a minute ago. Didn't look well an all."
That would mean Aragorn would be back at the palace by now, how long before they noticed her absence? She hurried along the main street to the palace gates, which was swarmed in people.

Arwen drew closer, and noticed the gates were bolted tight. A single guard stood stationed, not letting anyone pass through. She pushed through the crowds, and up to the man, other peoples dirt and grim rubbing onto her.
"Please," she whispered in his ear, "I've got to get inside. Don't you know who I am?" The guard looked, and saw a pushy peasant woman intent on probably empting the palace of its valuables, not the elegant Queen Arwen had prayed for.
"Sorry love. No one in, no one out. That's my orders." The man replied, having dealt with many more like her.
Arwen drew on her last option. Grabbing the knife with her left hand she forced it to his throat. Through gritted teeth she spoke.
"You let me in, or you won't get any more orders, understand?" She pushed a litle harder, making him squeak in fright. Suddenly, there was a new voice, and Arwen felt her right arm shoved halfway up her back.
"I don't think so, madam," Her captor said, "now, we'll have less of that. Don't struggle, you're outnumbered four to one. Come with me."

The guard lead Arwen a long walk down from the centre of the city. She kept her head hung, now not wanting to be recongnised by guards. When she did glance up, she noticed they where nearing the city walls.
"Why are we going here? Don't you know who I am?" Was her desperate plea. The guards had hear it all before I'm important you know, they'd squeal, I'm a relation of the King.
"We've coming here, because this is where the gates are. And yes, I know who you are, you're a trouble maker!" The guard answered from behind her. They stopped near the group of guards stationed at the gates. Pulling Arwen roughly round he spoke to them. "Keep this one outside the walls for a bit, untill the crowds die down, and longer." The last phrase had been said with a malicious glint in his eye, and purely done to scare his prisoner. A small door next to the gates creaked open. Her guard forced her forwards, through the hole. With a slam the door shut, causing her to fall- outside Minas Tirith.
Subject: observations when in hiding

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Date Posted: 21:15:07 04/10/02 Wed

Ryna's breath was held throughout the whole of the episode. She had been playing hide 'n' seek with her dad and he had been taking a long time to find her. She was about to leave her hiding place when the door had opened a crack and someone had come in.
There wasn't enough light to see any details on the face of whoever it was but she could make out that it wasn't her dad, mum or any of her brothers and sisters.
Whoever-it-was was looking through all boxes, cupboards and drawers and Ryna had started to feel nervous as they were getting closer to where she was hiding.
But suddenly they straightened up, enclined their ear like they were straining to hear something and then rushed out of the room.
Ryna waited for a few minutes to make sure they had gone and then creeped out of her hiding place.
Subject: White Walls

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Date Posted: 21:47:09 04/10/02 Wed

Anawiel reached the foot of a hill. On the top was the city of Minas Tirith, the chalky walls nearly blinding her with the light it reflected into her pale face. There was a crowd gathered around the main gates and she could hear shouts in the distance.
She didn't want to be confronted with a crowd of insane peasants wearing her blood-stained dress. She began to climb the hill, circling round to the East wall, hoping not to be noticed.
She heard a man's voice to her left and Anawiel dived down behind an Athelas bush. A second voice came - female this time and vaguley familiar. She peered over the bush and saw a young beared guard practically dragging a young peasant women. The woman hair was held back by surprisingly clean cloth without any fraying at the edges. She was also, Anawiel noticed, pregnant - about four or five months gone.
"Don't you know who I am?" cried the woman "I'm a relation to the king!!"
And suddenly it hit Anawiel - she knew this woman. A wry smile played on her lips. 'Now this,' she thought, 'could be fun.'
Patiently Anawiel waited. The male guard left the woman in the 'care' of a foot soldier. A call came from nearby and without any hesistation the soldier ran off towards the caller, leaving his captive alone. The woman looked around nervously, not sure as whether to leave or stay.
Anawiel straightened up, brushing herslef down and stepped out from behind the bush.
"Hello Arwen," she said. Arwen, for it was her, turned shocked to look at Anawiel, her eyes widened in disbelief. Anawiel relished this moment before she spoke again.
"Long time no see."
Subject: What the.....?

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Date Posted: 07:23:14 04/11/02 Thu

"What the hell is going on today?" Arwen though. "First my husband gets shot, then I get chucked out the city, then Anawiel turns up!"
"Anawiel, what are you doing here?" She stopped and glanced to survey the woman. Her dress was blood stained and ripped. Worst of all, there was a shard of a black blade protruding from her stomach. Although, Arwen reflected, she seemed to be coping remarkably well with it. Still, she was injured, badly. "Who did this to you? Come on we'll get you inside." Anawiel didn't answer, Arwen suspected her body had given up on her, after her long trip here.

Arwen pulled her hair out the cloth, hoping someone would at least recognise her face. "Help!" She screamed, "Help! There's a woman out here with a sword in her stomach. She won't last much longer. Please. Help!" The distressed Queen hit her fists against the wooden door. To her suprise it creaked open. A guard peered round, and saw Anawiel.
"I think you two had better come in." When he saw Arwen, his eyes enlarged.
"Come on," She said, and grabbing her cousin by the hand pulled her through the door.
Subject: Incompetent fool

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Date Posted: 17:23:34 04/11/02 Thu

Strong arms carried her through dark stone corridors and Anawiel could hear Arwen fussing behind her. The she-elf hadn't changed, previous she-elf anyway. Alway's wanting to know what everyone was doing. She could faintly recognise Arwen asking her how she felt.
'What do you think, you incompentent fool,' thought Anawiel. 'I've got someone's sword stuck in my gut - how would you feel?!'
"Arwen," she croaked, getting the queen's attention (at last) "Just shut up. I could be bleeding to death and all you're worried about is who stabbed me in the first place. I mean, really," Anawiel sighed "I was a little too busy dying to notice."
This had the desired affect to make Arwen keep her mouth shut, but Anawiel knew it wouldn't last for long. For the while Anawiel savoured her silence and concentrated on the soldier carrying her. Much more enjoyable.
Subject: Healing Houses

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Date Posted: 17:51:40 04/11/02 Thu

Anawiel hadn't changed either, Arwen though. She hadn't seen her for some years, rendevous with relations on her fathers side were avoided, Elrond was half human. It had been that side that Anawiel came from. Still, it was no time to talk about family ties.

After the final realisation that Arwen was who she claimed to be, the guards had brought both of them inside. Arwen had insisted Anawiel was brought to the healing houses, not the palace. She avoided speaking about her family, particully the human side. Even Aragorn, who knew relations existed, would need forewarning before bringing a badly injured cousin to the palace. They were neary there. Anawiel managed a few words, but nothing of any comfort.
"Lay her here." Arwen said, pointing to the first bed they came upon. "It's not ideal, but carrying her around won't help. Gods." She said, examining the wound closer, "This is serious. But she should be alright." The Queen turned to the healers who stood huddled around the injured woman. "Give her your full attention. I'll be back as soon as I can." Then whispering in her cousins ear, "Hold on. You'll be alright. I've got to go and find Aragorn, I mean, Elessar, we'll try and move you to the palace. You'll be alright."
Subject: The letter

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Date Posted: 19:15:34 04/11/02 Thu

The look of horror and disbelief on Sam's face cut deep into Lily's soul.
At the moment he was blustering, telling her she couldn't possibly be Frodo's daughter.
"You must be mistaken...NO, no he's not!"
Softly she mumbled, "why not?" The tears dripped slowly down her cheaks and Sam realised his mistake, apologising frantically.
Smiling she watched him suffer, before laying her hand on his. "I'm sorry Sam, but it's the truth."
He grinned weakly. "It's just that he always seemed so...and I would've known..."
"He talked often of you. You were his bestfriend and he loved you."
She looked at the letter still grasped in his hand. "With dad gone I guess we should read it."

Subject: Challenging the Champion

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Date Posted: 22:33:15 04/11/02 Thu

Laeriel noticed Legolas shift his position. She narrowed her eyes. I am truly alone in this, he seems to trust her, she thought to herself. For the first time that day, Laeriel felt incredibly venerable. If she said something wrong, they would both team up on her and she would have no one but herself to rely on; She must make this short and to the point.
She cleared her throught. "I see now that my presence here might not be necessary, but I will stay and tell you what I came here to. It has come to the attention of my people that some great danger grows near," Laeriel cast her eyes upward, towards Legolas, "We know not what it is, or where it might be, but we know it's there. We see the future in bits and pieces, fragments of what might be. We are no help if you desire to know when or where this foe will strike. I have only come to tell you it is there," Laeriel paused, "And to extend the olive branch, to offer the friendship and help of my people, if you need it. I come not to offer this to you, instead I wish to speak with King Elessar. He is the only one who can refuse our help. I've come to ask you to help me get to the king. I assure you though, I shall speak with the king, even if you chose not to help me." Laeriel moved her gaze to the ever rising sun. "The day grows long," she said, "I desire to tell you more, but I haven't the time. If you decide to help me, I shall be happy to answer your questions on our way to the palace. I am in haste, though, and I wisht to leave as soon as possible. So tell me now; am I coming with you, or am I to journy alone?"
Subject: Fevered sleep

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Date Posted: 16:11:31 04/12/02 Fri

The clash of sword against sword. The ring of axes swung against metel helms. The sounds of war.
He stood in the middle of choas, leading his troops into battle, but where was he? Then he turned and saw the fire of Mount Doom. The battle of Pelinnor Fields.
But this was six years ago, it had already happened. Struggling Aragorn tried to hold on to the present but the past swept him up in its soft embrace.
"Onward men!" he found himself yelling, just as he had all those years ago.
Drawing Anduril from it's sheath at his side Aragorn led the way across the famine stricken ground. An orc charged at him, its replusive face set in an evil grin. Without thinking Aragorn raised the weapon and beheaded it.
He was being watched.
The eye of Sauron, red and lidless, contemplated him from his dark abode, weighing him up and the king shivered. Except he wasn't the king.
Pulling away from the serpant promises the eye offered Aragorn returned to the battle.
The White Rider, Gandalf, galloped through the rows of men, inspiring all who gazed upon him. But Gandalf was gone, Aragorn thought furiously, gone to the Grey Haven's.
A rouge arrow flew from the ranks of the orcs into the mass of elves and Gandalf fell.
Crying out Aragorn tried to run towards him, but the press of his allies held him back.
"This isn't right!" he yelled. "It didn't happen like this!"

Then he woke.

A throng of servants gathered around him, trying to soothe their agigtated king. He thrashed around trying to escape, to reach Gandalf. Murmers of "it's all right your majesty" penitrated through to his tired brain and Aragorn allowed himself to be lowered gently back onto the bed, the covers pulled up to his chin.
Closing his eyes he heard the whispers of the doctors.
"Is he asleep"
"The fever's getting worse. I fear we may loose him."
"He's the king!"
"Don't you think I don't know that?"
"He can't die."
"We've nothing left. The fever's too strong, he's already hulluinating. No one here has the power to heal him. The queen might've done it but nobody knows where she is."
One gave a wry chuckle, "he could've healed himself if we'd caught it fast enough."
"Don't blame yourself. There was no way to tell it would become infected and it probably wouldn't have worked anyway."
"Let's leave here. This place depresses me."
"Agreed. Nurse? Tell me if anything changes."
The left quietly.

So he was dying and Arwen was lost.

The wind swept up and the battle started again. Once more he lead the first charge...
Subject: Concessions

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Date Posted: 16:16:43 04/12/02 Fri

Faeirex felt a surge of gratefulness at the elf's action. So small, but it was so reassuring to know that someone was prepared to defend her. A lump grew in her throat, and she choked it back. No more tears.

The warning of a foe she dismissed, she of all people didn't need to be told. Luckily, the information the girl had to offer was patchy and inconclusive. Once assured that she was safe, Faeirex listened tolerantly. The faery was, after all, just a minor inconvenience.
At Laeriels next words, however, she grew angry. Friendship and help of her people indeed! Where had the faeries been through the reign of Sauron, when the free peoples of Middle Earth had struggled to repel the Dark Lord again and again? They had hidden in their forests, refusing to join the fight, afraid for the safety of their own forgotten race.
But to reappear now, for the final confrontation. How dare they come out now, when the battle was almost won!
She struggled to hide her anger, growing white hot under her skin. It would not do to antagonise the girl right now.

When Laeriel had finished, she spoke to Legolas.
"It seems that I must bend to you. I have no wish to travel to Minas Tirith, but I understand that you must escort the faery there. In this I will submit."
There. Said properly, with a due air of submission. The matter of whether or not she went to the palace was out of her hands now, she could not prevent it however hard she tried. She refused to let Laeriel see how the prospect terrified her though. Willing Legolas not to expose her true feelings she waited for his reply.
Faeirex allowed herself one quick glance at the diminutive figure before her. While keeping her features beautiful and serene, her eyes conveyed a message she knew the faery could read.
Be careful what you say. I'm watching you.
Subject: The love of a father

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Date Posted: 16:58:00 04/12/02 Fri

Taking the letter from Sam, Lily prized open the seal carefully. Inside lay 2 folded sheets of paper. One addressed once more to Mr. Frodo Baggins the other to Lily herself.
Deciding to read Frodo's lette first Lily started to unfold the note. It was not long, a single side, her own was 3 sheets thick. Sam mumbled something about it being rude to read other people's letters but Lily ingored him, reasoning that it was from her mother and therefore her right to read it. The ink had run with the waters of emotion but the writing was clear enough to make out.

Dear Mr. Baggins,
or maybe dear my darling Frodo. These days I am so confused that sometimes I think I would forget my head, were it not firmly stuck on, I am therefore baffled by these formalities. I never saw a need for them actually.
Rumours have spread to Bree. They are saying, that you have gone, left with the elves. I have tried to conceal it from Lily, telling myself it is for her own good because you should not listen to idle gossip that most certainly is not true.
Except I am not sure now whether I am right. You have not written in years and even the most steadfast of hearts must have a limit.
It is time to tell Lily the truth.
I am dying and I cannot face the thought of telling her face to face, so like the coward I always was, I have sent her to you.
If you've gone, the other letter will tell all that I could not.
I remain as always,
yours Blue Brandybuck

Tell her the truth? That was weird as was the confusion about the titles. Lily read the last line out to Sam who sat, wide eyed.
"Let's see what the next letter has to say," she said, dropping the one to Frodo into her lap and reaching for the other.

Subject: Here at last

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Date Posted: 17:27:07 04/12/02 Fri

Eowyn stood by her horse at the top of the valley. The wind whistled through her long blonde hair as she surveyed the seen below her. Her eyes picked out a man with sandy hair, his hend bent over a book, sitting on a low wall. Her breath caught in her throat. He looked so peaceful sitting there, removed from the general hustle and bustle that was going on around him. Faramir. Her Faramir.
She galloped down the side of the valley, branches whipping her as she tried to dodge the trees. When she reached level ground she was cut in several places, but she did not notice. She dis-mounted and walked slowly over to where her husband sat. The fallen leaves beneath her feet rustled and the sound caused him to look up.
Subject: The palantir

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Date Posted: 17:30:18 04/12/02 Fri

Once more he woke from the dreams of war.
The human maid beside him noticed and left to alert the doctors.
Soon they came running in, out of breath, as doctors they had seen little need for exercise.
"Your majesty, you are awake."
Aragorn glared at them in what he hoped was a patronizing way but which was actually barely noticable.
"Palantir," he whispered, exerting the maximum amount of energy he body would supply. "Bring it to me."
They nudged each other, clearly thinking someone else would get it. "Now, please."
They both left again and the king was left with his nurse, who straightened his sheets and laid her cool hands on his brow, feeling his hightened temperature.
Aragorn smiled gratefully but did not speak, he had to conserve his strength.
The doctors returned, panting considerably more than before. Aragorn held out his hands, eagerly and the blue stone was deposited into them.
"If you don't mind," Aragorn croaked, "I'd like to be alone."
They left, the nurse reluctantly, the doctors desparate to collapse on the floor outside.

Gazing into the stone he called on his last reserves, bending it to his will. "Arwen", he whispered.
A pale picture of his wife appeared in the stone's core. She was bending over another woman, who looked like she had a sword embedded in her middle. Obviously Arwen was needed there. Softly he blew her a kiss and murmered "Know that I will always love you." She didn't turn. He wasn't strong enough for her to hear him. Drawing back with regret from what could possibly be his last view of the woman he loved Aragorn soared above the city and over the forest.
This was freedom. Freedom from the tattered shell his body had become.
Suddenley he stopped floating. A sharp pull dragged him in towards the forest floor. In horror Aragorn pulled himself back into the body that was lying in the hospital bed and looked into the stone.
In it swam the face of Legolas, he was talking to someone but Aragorn couldn't see them. Gathering himself together he called, "Legolas." The elf moved, maybe he had understood. "Legolas it's Aragorn. I want you to know that I have forgiven you and that you must return here in all haste. I am dying. I need you." The Legolas in the palantir tugged at something in his pocket but it was at that moment that Aragorn's strength failed and he gave up.

He could only wait and hope that Legolas had heard.
Subject: A sudden return

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Date Posted: 21:45:56 04/12/02 Fri

Legolas was surprised by Lómódë's words, but he understood too. She didn't want to show weakness when the faery seemed so antagonistic towards her. He appreciated her gesture though. Obviously, he had to escort the girl, and it made things so much easier for him if he didn't have to persuade Lómódë into coming.
Just as he prepared to tell the faery that they would come, he felt a powerful surge from the palantir in his pocket. He'd almost forgotten about that. Yet another unpleasant thing that would have to be dealt with later. Legolas was about to ignore the distraction when he heard Aragorn's voice. It was weak, so weak that the fragile vowels were tossed and turned on the light breeze, but the words were there nonetheless.
Shocked, he listened. It took a moment for the words to sink in. Finally, frantically, he pulled the palantir from his pocket, but it's surface was dull now, and no image of the King appeared there. It was unresponsive to his touch. Quickly, he looked at Lómódë. Her wide eyes indicated that she had heard the message too. Reaching out one slender hand, she brushed the palantir's surface. It flashed blue briefly, but then it's fire died again, like the fires of the King were dying. Suddenly, all that mattered was to get back to him. He looked up.
"You both heard that, so you'll understand that we must leave as soon as possible. No time can be lost. We leave immediately." He turned to the faery.
"It looks like your message will have to wait. Elessar is dying. We may already be too late."
Swiftly, he crossed to where the traumatised horse was still waiting. There was no time now to puzzle over the strange disappearance of Ringbearer, he had to get back, had to make his peace with Aragorn while he still had the chance. Something struck him.
"There's only one horse here. I can't carry both of you. Do either of you have a mount?"
He realised the foolishness of the question as he said it- one thing the legends of the faeries hadn't mentioned was any riding ability, and there were clearly no other horses nearby. And he couldn't leave Lómódë here, but he didn't think the faery would consent to being left behind. With a pang, it struck him that he may never see Aragorn again, and they had parted with the king still believing his friend was a traitor.
Subject: Suprise!

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Date Posted: 22:24:50 04/12/02 Fri

Eowyn? Here? I mean, Faramir loved his wife, but she could have at least warned him of her arrival. He wasn't sure what to say. Dropping his book, he rose. Running over the leafy ground he embraced her, lifting her off her feet. Her hair smelt travel-worn, and reminded him of the long journey she had made to be with him. She was perfect. Whispering softly in her ear he said, "I can't believe you're here. Gods, I love you. I've missed you so much." He kissed gently before setting her back on the ground. Leaves were tangled in her hair, she was perfect. She was his. And he loved her.
Subject: Too Late

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Date Posted: 22:48:44 04/12/02 Fri

Arwen ran down the palace corridors to Aragorn's bedchamber. She had rushed from the healing houses as soon as Anawiel had been fit to leave. At least the sword was out now.

Arwen pushed open the door, Aragorn lay, unmoving. Only a maid, who left at the Queen's entry, was in the room.
"Aragorn," she whispered, lowering her head to listen to his breathing. No air moved on her cheek. No breath came from his lips. Was there even any life in the man she loved? Was it her husband she saw, or just a corpse, a reflection of who he had been.

A palantir lay on the table beside him. What was he doing with that? Shadows filled the smooth surface. She grabbed it. Where she was going, this could be her only link to the outside world. Bending low, she let her lips brush his skin. Turning on her heel, she went. Down the stairs, out of the world of pain, everywhere hurt. Before she could realise where she was going she was in the stables. Grabbing her horse she mounted, galloped through the gates and rode. As far from Minas Tirith and her life of tears as possible.
Subject: Healing when one shouldn't

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Date Posted: 23:09:18 04/12/02 Fri

Anawiel watched Arwen through a tower window. The wound on her stomach was swifly changing from a cut to a faint scar. She knew more about healing then any of those humans in the healing houses.

A smile reached her lips. So,the king was dying and the plan would succeed. Anawiel couldn't let that happen - even though the feud had raged since the founding of Middle-Earth, before even the palantirs had come into existance. She knew something would have to be done. The elf was coming, but would be too late - it was obvious. She had watched the elf for the past month, taking interest in her converstaions with the Prince. He had fallen for her and didn't even realise it. The magic had been woven in too deep since the first age. The prophecy was being played out. Soon the Codex would activate and the three would rise.

Hurriedly,Anawiel picked up her skirts and tip-toed down the stairs. The king's bedchamber was guarded, but she took care of them with a mere snap. Aragorn was still. Arwen didn't know he was alive. It was an illusion she had learned since her instruction had begun. Melmonu would be proud, thought Anawiel grinning. The other girl would be useful soon, a human but one with power - greater then she knew, or Anawiel at that matter.

Swiftly, she smothered his dry mouth and pinched his nose. Blood-shot eyes flew open, exactly what she needed. Releasing her grip she muttered under her breath in the tongue of Nazgul. If an elf caught her, she would face the death penalty.
"You will last," she whispered to Aragorn, "but Greenleaf can do the rest. Wouldn't want to deprive him now, would I?"

Rising from the chair, she ran from the room, the guards blood spattered across the floor.
Subject: Home at last

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Date Posted: 23:47:36 04/12/02 Fri

Eowyn walked hand in hand with the man she loved. Suddenly the world, which had seemed so cold, bitter and harsh was now bright and rich with hope. For such a long time she had seemed so detached. She had never had a certain place to be, but now, with Faramir by her side, embraced in his strong arms, she was home at last. This was how life was meant to be, how it should be, and she didn't want it to end.
She turned round to face her husband and she saw love and content in his eyes, but they were clouded. With what she couldn't tell. Looking closely at his face she saw the features - shapes, lines and curves that seemed etched in her mind.
"Come back" she whispered. "Leave this place - they don't need you here any more. I need you. I need to wake up and see you lying next to me in the morning, and to look upon your face before I fall asleep at night." Faramir's expression was hard to read. He seemed to be fighting many emotions, each putting across an argument to him and each being pushed to the side. She had to make the choice clear to him.
"I love you. I can't live without you. You're my air, my heart, my soul. I want you to be with me, and I know that if I have to leave here and you're not with me, I can't make it through another loneliness in that castle prison. It tears me apart. I can't think straight - my emotions take a hold of me and I become a puppet, trapped inside myself but not able to pull the strings. Please, come back to me."
Subject: Winged

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Date Posted: 23:58:12 04/12/02 Fri

Laeriel saw the look Lómódë gave her. She didn't take kindly to it. There was no time to protest though, they were in great need of haste.

Suddenly, all three of them heard something. Laeriel did not completely undertand at once, but then the words sank in. She saw the look of horror upon Legolas's face, and she felt her own heart sink. Why must this all happen now? She thought to herself. Then Legolas spoke to her, and asked her if she had brought a mount. She shook her head. "I do not need one. You must know some of the songs that elves sing of our people. Didn't you know that we can fly, if need be? No matter, no time to explain. I'll follow you from above, I'll stop flying when we reach the city, no need to draw too much attention to ourselves, I think. We shall go at once," Laeriel stopped talking and closed her eyes. It took Legolas and Lómódë a momment to realize that wings sprouted behind Laeriel. Laeriel opened her eyes and her wings fluttered, they were so large that they looked as if they didn't belong there. "I'll be just up here, I'll stay just within site of you," she said as she rose up into the trees.

Laeriel looked down to where Legolas and Lómódë still stood. I know your watching me, Lómódë, Laeriel thought to herself, but I'm watching you too.
Subject: Wairrior at helms deep

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Date Posted: 01:05:48 04/13/02 Sat

Something was wrong. Everyday before animals had been everywhere in Helms Deep. They were gone. No bird song, no beast cries. Something was wrong. Sharp ears caught a sound. It was unaturel, strange. He slowly turned around. Orc! Orcs were sideling around him. He pretended not to see them. They were surrounding him! No chances. He grabbed his bow pulled out an arrow and fired.
Subject: Ride Hard

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Date Posted: 12:18:17 04/13/02 Sat

Legolas took no time to absorb what he had just seen. Nodding, he vaulted up onto the horse's bare back. A moment later, Lómódë had mounted behind him. She sat comfortably on the horse, seeming almost like part of the beast, at ease with it's every movement. Feeling her hands grasp his waist lightly, he asked the horse to gallop. They moved like the wind, eating up the miles, the faery keeping perfect time with them up above.

After what seemed like eternity, they reached the gates of Minas Tirith. Recognising him, the guards threw open the gate instantly. Again he urged the tired horse onward, not stopping to check if the faery was behind them.
Once again, when he reached the palace, the gates were opened to his command. Turning the horse over to a guard with instructions to have it looked after, he ran through the corridors to Aragorn's bedchamber.

The guards outside the door were dead. With a curse, he threw open the door. Aragorn was there, still alive, but only just. Walking swiftly back to the door he called for the doctor. The man was there quickly, panting, and now almost retching at the sight of the dead guards.
"What's wrong with him? Isn't there something you can do?"
"He was hit by a crossbow bolt in the back, my Lord." the doctor answered. "We've done all we can for him, but still the fever rises. It's beyond my skill to heal."
No- Aragorn couldn't die. He had to live, had to go on. In desparation, he turned back. Lómódë was waiting in the doorway, a strange expression on her face. Behind her, the faery had just walked up.
They both had power- maybe one of them could help. There was no time to question them now to ensure that they were good, he would have to trust them.
"Isn't there something one of you can do?" He pleaded. "Please."
Subject: Leaving so soon?

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Date Posted: 15:31:06 04/13/02 Sat

How could he refuse her? Her words were so heartfelt, and they touched him greatly. But he did not want to appear weak.
"Eowyn, we shall leave at once. I have many matters I wish to discuss with King Elessar, and will enjoy time away from this dreary fortress. Come, let us fetch the finest horses! Why should we wait? I have little to do here. Is that alright?" He took a step back to study her expression, then he smiled. Taking her by the hand he led her to their make-shift paddock. "I must gather a few belongings, then we can ride. I have spent too long away from the White City. I will see you are fed and tended," At this point he ran a finger over the cuts on her cheek. "We shall ride, and stop for no man!" Kissing his wife he ran into the shadowed area of tents.
Subject: Tender loving care

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Date Posted: 15:38:37 04/13/02 Sat

Eowyn was slightly dissapointed. She would have liked to have a look around the place her husband had been staying for the past three months - but leaving was fine with her. As long as she could be with him then she didn't really care.
A friendly hand guided her to a large tent. Inside were two rows of beds, each covered with spotless white linen. She was led over to a bed where she sat down while her cuts and bruises were attended to. The pain suddenly registered when a swab covered in medicinal oils was wiped across her cheek. She winced slightly but then Faramir walked in and she brightened up. Pushing the healer aside she went to him and kissed him lightly. "Let's go."
Subject: Riding

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Date Posted: 19:17:41 04/13/02 Sat

With the palantir heavy in her pocket, Arwen rode on. Tossing thoughts through her mind, she became focused on only one. She had given up immortality for six years. Six years with the one she loved. Tears of anger, and grief blurred the road. You don't need this, she told herself, Leave in behind. Get away. That was what she did. Riding North, seeking solitude in her own company, her way coping with what was going on. But what about the child? In the afternoons events Arwen had forgotten she carried the heir to the Kingdom. Wiping away salty tears that threatened to completely obscure her path she rode on. She would stop for nothing. Food was unimportant. She would leave the world of men, the world she had chosen to be part of. She was leaving everything behind.
Subject: Laughter

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Date Posted: 20:09:11 04/13/02 Sat

Anawiel laughed silently to herself. The look of horror on Legolas's face when he'd seen the guards. Like he was scared or something. She had never understood fear, especially when she'd felt it in the past. But that was just what it was - the past. And Anawiel had absolutely no intention of dwelling on it. 'Like Arwen' she thought scournfully. 'Poor baby. She must be so frightened all on her lonesome in this big bad world. No daddy darling to look after her now.'
"And the world's a scary place, isn't it sweetheart?" Anawiel said softly to the image of Arwen riding away from the city. "But don't you worry. Mummy'll look after you alright. Make everything better."
She giggled like a little girl. "Yes Arwen," she sadi sweetly, carressing the image of the she-elf's tear stained cheek, "Everything will be just perfect."
Subject: Healing

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Date Posted: 21:17:11 04/13/02 Sat

A refusal rose in Faeirex's mouth- no, she couldn't, or rather, wouldn't heal him. Elessar would almost certainly die anyway, if not now than in a few months time when-
But then she caught Legolas' eyes, and the words died on her lips. Deep within her she still felt beholden to him for the way he had supported her and given her strength back in the forest. Maybe in this she could repay that debt.
Also, maybe the act would help to atone for her actions to the house of Gondor. It wouldn't be much, but it may help to lessen her deep feelings of guilt. Slowly, she nodded.
"I can try."

Buisnesslike now, she surveyed the room critically.
"I can't work with him on the bed- there's not enough light."
Her gaze fell on a large desk near the window, the sun's rays coloring the dark wood a rich golden hue.
"There will do. Have it cleared, then move him onto it, face down. I need to see the wound."
Coolly, she waited as the two doctors followed her orders. Unemotionally, she glanced at the two dead men still lying in the doorway, before stepping up to the still unconscious king. Gathering in her power, she sent a probing thought through his body, searching for what was wrong. Something called out to her- iron!
"There is rust in the wound, and it's caused an infection. I need a knife and some tweezers. You'd better call some men to hold him down- this is going to hurt. Oh- and have someone come take away the bodies."
She gave her orders calmly, with total certanity that she would be obeyed, but inside, she was less confident. Faeirex had never had any aptitude for healing, and it had been thousands of years since she had even been confronted by an injury, let alone tried to heal one.
Taking the knife, she sliced through the neat stitches of the puncture. In his sleep, Aragorn writhed in pain, but was held still by two powerful warriors gripping his arms. Trying not to retch, she allowed the pus to drain away. Then she called to the iron with her power, holding out her hand. Slowly, it moved onto her outstretched fingers, away from the weeping flesh. With tweezers, she carefully removed a fragment of cloth.

Chanting spells of healing vaguely remembered from her youth, she cleaned the wound again, then flooded the king's body with her strength, willing him to fight the infection. Time ticked by as she struggled to free him from the shadow of death hanging over him, teeth gritted in concentration.

At last, she broke away, motioning to one of the surgeons to stitch the wound up again. She was trembling.
Not waiting to see the effects of her labors, Faeirex dashed from the room. Leaning against a wall outside, she stared dully ahead. Aragorn was saved, but at what cost to herself?
Subject: answers

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Date Posted: 21:26:32 04/13/02 Sat

She actually opened the letters and started to read them. He wanted nothing to do with this. Except he did want to know what’s going on. Frodo her father? Sam still wasn’t sure.
Lily read the letter, he could see a confused expression appear on her face as she read the letter through, she read him the last line and then threw it on the bed, before picking up the next one.
Didn’t the last one explain anything? Did she have to go so fast? He was having trouble keeping up.
Sam picked up the letter himself and read it through. 'Time to tell Lily the truth'? Now he was so curious he couldn’t wait for Lily to read the other one. It held all the answers.
Now they would find out.
Subject: Watching

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Date Posted: 03:53:33 04/14/02 Sun

Laeriel stood in the doorway, watching the drama unfold in the room before her. She felt removed, as if she didn't belong there. She began to regret coming along, she felt like she truly was no help to them. Perhaps Lómódë was right, perhaps she should've just taken her tidings and went home.

What Laeriel told no one, though, was that she greatly desired to leave the forest, she wanted to see elves, humans. She wanted to see Minas Tirith, to walk in the sunlight outside of the forests she grew up in. She wanted to be free. Now that she was here, though, she felt trapped and helpless. She looked at the king. She did not want him to die, she wanted no one to die. She had seen all the hurt and pain death caused, and her heart wept for all who were close to the king. Most of all, for Legolas. She could see the pain and desperation in his eyes when he looked at her and Lómódë and asked them for their help. She would've turned around and ran home and brought back all the healers of her city if he'd asked her to then.

Lómódë brushed passed her as she left the room. Laeriel stared numbly ahead, searching for something to do. There must be some way she could help. She could feel the shadow of death hovering in the room, but it would leave soon, Elessar was safe. Laeriel could feel the shadow slinking away, she let herself breathe again. She remembered the last time she felt death, she had hoped then she'd never feel it again. There were many spirits she enjoyed, but death was not one of them. It was cold, and clamy, and whispered nasty evil things in her ears. She wished now for the whispering of the trees, the sweet, soft voices to wash away the dark hisses that rang in her ears and clouded her mind. There were no trees in the castle, though, and Laeriel still felt unpleasent. Moreover, Laeriel had a strange feeling that would not be the last time she would feel death before this adventure was through.
Subject: Thanks

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Date Posted: 12:39:56 04/14/02 Sun

Scarcely daring to breathe, Legolas watched Lómódë struggle to bring Aragorn back from the threshold of death. The way in which she had looked at the king, the same callous way that she had looked at the dead guards, as if they were lumps of meat, chilled him, but her calm and detatched manner was reassuring.

As she worked, he could feel the power in the room, radiating from her slim body. The air seemed to crackle with the magic, cutting through the silence. The only sounds were those made by Aragorn himself, as he struggled and writhed in pain.

The work was done. Lómódë herself had left as soon as was possible, not waiting to see if she had been successful. Laying one of his hands on Elessar's brow, he sighed in relief. The fever was gone. Legolas stood vigil until the exhausted king was put back to bed, to sleep away the remainder of the illness. Mind at peace, he left to seek out Lómódë, still mindful of his promise to care for her. He couldn't leave her alone to wander in a strange palace.

He found her a short distance from the king's bedchamber. She was still shaking violently, head resting on the wall, as if her exertions had tired her too much to even hold it aloft. He rested a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you." he said simply.
Subject: Empty words

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Date Posted: 18:29:29 04/14/02 Sun

The elf's thanks stung her ears like fire. Kind words, but devoid of meaning for her. Reluctant as she was to admit it, if Aragorn had died she would have been relieved. If he died of an arrow wound to his back, it would not be her fault, and she would not have to cope with the stomach-clenching guilt she had already battled for over three millennia. She had saved him now, but he would still die, and when he did, she would be there, with the knowledge that she herself had caused his death. What use were his thanks to her?

Flinching from Legolas' touch, she pulled away.
"Don't thank me. I care not whether he lives or dies. I've repayed my debt to you, he is no longer my responsibility."
Harsh words perhaps, but it was best to leave him with no illusions about her. She needed him to trust her, but that was all. Faeirex knew that later she would hurt him enough, without twisting the knife deeper by letting him believe that she cared. She made to leave, anywhere to get away from this, but the amount of power she had sunk into Elessar had weakened her. She staggered, falling weakly into the arms of the tall elf.
"Don't bring me back there. I can't face them. Let me be alone." She was whispering now, angry at her lack of strength, but helpless to fight it. Summonning her last reserves she stood straight, resting her light weight on his strong arms. Her smile flashed out like a beacon, defiance against her weakened condition.
"I really need to rest." she confessed, allowing him to help her down to the main rooms of the palace.
Subject: Problems

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Date Posted: 20:05:39 04/14/02 Sun

She was a High Elf? A High Elf! How could she have been so stupid! Anawiel paced her room nervously, occaisionaly glancing out of the window or towards the door. All the time that Anawiel had watched Lómódë, she'd known that there was something else there, but hadn't bothered to think what it was. Also the reason that she lied about her name. Why would any elf do that? If there was a High Elf in the city, then she was in trouble. Big trouble.
"She'll see me," muttered Anawiel to herself, "Gods - she'll know and
she'll tell the king and....and...."
She groaned as she tossed herself down onto the bed in exasperation. With Arwen gone, there was nobody to vouch for her, no albi or reason to be there. And they'd think it was her doing it all. 'The guards were one thing.' thought Anawiel, 'And if push comes to shove I can admit to that, but they'll accuse me for the other things. Who'd believe me - a murderer, nessercery murder or not.' She pulled at her hair. Melmonu had warned her, time and time again not to let things get out of her control. Exactly what she had done.
"So annoying! Why does it always happen like this!" Anawiel yelled at a raven on the wind ledge. "Can't anything go right for once! The one time when I actually am being good!!!" But the bird just stared at her with one pearly black eye. Anawiel threw a book at it. "Stupid bird." she muttered under her breath. Soon, as the midday sun rose higher in the sky, Anawiel came to a conclusion: She had an advantage over Lómódë. She knew much about the she-elf - enough to keep her out of the way. Also, Lómódë didn't know she was here or that anyone else like Anawiel was here for that matter. She'd just have to avoid her at all costs.
'After all,' she thought 'High Elfs don't take too kindly to witches.'
Subject: Missing the Stewardess

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Date Posted: 20:39:14 04/14/02 Sun

Legolas was puzzled and more than a little hurt by Lómódë's words. If she didn't care, why had she tried so hard to save him? It didn't make sense.
A thought occured to him- she was clearly exhausted, maybe she didn't know what she was saying. Holding her upright, he led her down to the great hall, where most of the nobles were gathered.

Once there, he flagged down Riesan, a minor nobleman, and a notorious gossip.
"Friend, where is the Lady Eowyn? Her services are required."
Riesan shrugged his shoulders.
"She left here some time ago, dressed for riding. Hasn't been seen since."
Legolas cursed softly. Eowyn was Stewardess of Gondor, responsible for the daily running of the palace. Ah well, there was nothing to be done. He cast about for a replacement. Something struck him- almost every woman in the hall was looking at Lómódë with expressions varying from warning and jealousy to uninhibited dislike. He glanced at her himself. The reason became clear. Even when exhausted, Lómódë's beauty easily outshone that of every woman present. Not only that, the greater majority of the men were eyeing her with unconcealed interest. The noblewomen thought of her as a threat to their own security.

Bearing that in mind, he picked out Lady Tania and Baroness Iorla from the throng. Both were older women, in secure marriages- less likely to feel threatened by a younger, prettier woman.
"This is Lady Lómódë, a High Elf who journeyed here to heal King Elessar. She requires lodgings for the night. Would you two see her settled and make sure that she has everything she needs?"
Tania nodded- she was a pleasant woman and could be relied upon to care for Lómódë as if she were one of her own children. Legolas smiled his thanks, then beckoned a maid over.
"Please have the apartments in the West Tower arranged immediately for her Ladyship's use. I'll bring her up there myself."
The maid bustled away immediately. Despite his recent problems with Aragorn, it appeared that the elf still commanded the respect of the court. Turning, he lifted the weakly protesting girl up into his arms, ready to carry her to her rooms.
Subject: The truth

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Date Posted: 20:58:01 04/14/02 Sun

The truth.
A concept highly prized but one that rarely brought joy. The letter in Lily's hand contained the truth, but would it destroy her? There was only one way to find out and the now over eager Samwize egged her on as she opened the second envelope.

Dear Lily,
If you are reading this it means Frodo has gone. I feared that it would be the case and I am so sorry for concealing it from you.
But I thought, well I don't know what I thought but be assured that I acted out of love. Always out of love.
The truth.
I had hoped it would not be me to tell you, but I suppose fate will have her jests.
The truth.
I am so sorry.
The truth is, as you may have guessed, that
Frodo is not your father...

The rest of the letter lay unread.

The sun shone in the sky of turquoise blue, the birds cheeped

and Lily's world collasped.

Subject: unfair judgement

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Date Posted: 21:21:20 04/14/02 Sun

Lily picked up the other letter aprehensively and started to read. She couldn't have gone more than several lines before all the life died from her already weak body and she fainted onto the crisp white sheets.
Sam was shocked. She was sitting there reading the letter and then suddenly it fell from her grip and she fell backwards onto the bed.
He called for Rosie who was sitting outside and they tucked her in.
"what happened?" demanded Rosie "what did you say? You can be tactless at times Sam, I mean she has been through a lot already..."
"I didn't do anything. She was reading the second letter and then suddenly she fainted."
"Second letter?" repeated Rosie. Sam made sure Lily was comfortable and then pulled Rosie outside to tell her all that had happened, still annoyed that she had jumped to her own conclusions, leaving the rest of the letter on the floor beside the bed.
Subject: Painless awakening

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Date Posted: 21:44:50 04/14/02 Sun

A cool breeze blew over his face and the king awoke.
The first thing that struck him was that he was alive. The second, that he felt no joy at this discovery.
Something was missing.
His eyes flicked open and someone grasped his hand. Legolas sat by his bedside watching him anxiously.
Aragorn smiled at him weakly, "you came". His hand was squeezed, "I knew you would."
A moment of silence passed before Aragorn asked, "has Gimli returned?" A head shake.
"How about Bergil?" Aragorn asked, to fill the void rather than out of any real desire to know the answer, after all Bergil had only left that morning.
"And Arwen?" he asked, heart in mouth.
"I do not know."
The heart fell and once more a there was a fatal silence.
He could not just lie there and enjoy Legolas's company.
"I'm sorry, he whispered. "If I could just..." Aragorn stopped, lacking the words to continue but they both knew what he meant. "Thank you for returning."
Subject: Unusual to say the least...

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Date Posted: 22:14:27 04/14/02 Sun

As Faramir entered the tent, Eowyn rose. They could leave now, and arrive tommorow. He lead her into the bright sunlight, to where the horses were ready to leave. After a final check Faramir mounted. As he did so a guard ran panting, before collapsing at the horses feet.
"Sire, Orcs! They attacked a warrior! Our men dealt with them, but there were near one hundred, the rest escaped. We fear there maybe more. This was no coincidence." The man stopped speaking, gasping for breath. Faramir's mind reacted quickly.
"So now Eowyn, the trip to Minas Tirith is no longer a mere social call. We must warn King Elessar. It may be nothing, but it cannot go unmarked. I fear we shall not be able to stop at night, if Orcs are abroad. If we ride hard, we shall see the White City at dawn!" Without waiting for an answer, Faramir nudged his horse into a light trot. "I'm sorry Eowyn. This couldn't have come at a worse time. Come, let us leave." The hooves of the two horses left Helms Deep, in a rush to reach Minas Tirith.
Subject: Wandering About

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Date Posted: 04:18:56 04/15/02 Mon

Laeriel felt the momment between Aragorn and Legolas to be private, so she left the room. She suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable and out of place. She was in a strange city, with strange people, very far away from home. It had never occurred to her she might become homesick.

Still, though, her heart was happy to be here. In all the thousands of years she'd walked the earth, she had never dreamed she would leave the forest. However much she loved the forest, she always wondered how the rest of mother nature's creatures lived. And even though she really did miss the wispering of the trees, she had never seen such spectacular halls of stone, such beautiful tapestries, such people. Laeriel suddenly realized this was the first time she had ever seen humans. They were strange creatures, tall and clumsy, but beautiful in their own way. She also realized that, until she saw Legolas, she had never seen an elf. Now, elves seemed much closer to her own kind than this race of men. Although her people scoffed at elves for dealing so closely with humans, she secretly was curious of them. Now that she had seen an, she desired to know so much more about them. Her only regret was that they were leaving, passing out of Middle Earth, never to return. As her people too would leave, but in a differnt way.

Laeriel was so deep in thought that she did not realize she had left the castle and was now walking in the courtyard. She was called back to reality when it struck her that she was outside. Now she felt more at ease. She prefered to smell the air and walk with dirt under her feet. Her feet, that's right, she was barefoot. Laeriel suddenly felt a bit foolish. It is not proper to run around barefoot in a place such as this. She also was not wearing proper clothing either, her bare arms and legs were most definately not suited to be around people. No wonder people in the castle were giving her queer looks.

Laeriel decided not to let it bother her, though. She wouldn't let anything bother her. All that mattered was that she was here, seeing something new. She yawned. Laeriel was quite tired, and hungry. Yes, very hungry. She hadn't had anything to eat in days. Laeriel looked at the sun, it was getting late, almost 5:00. It was just that morning that everything happened, it seemed like days ago. Laeriel hoped that Legolas and Aragorn were saying all they needed to in private, she needed to know where she was staying for the night, and if there'd be food. Her stomach grumbled loudly as she made her way back to the castle.
Subject: Awkwardness

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Date Posted: 15:59:17 04/15/02 Mon

Although she protested at being carried from the hall, Faeirex was secretly glad to get away from the hostile looks of the noble women. The years had left her unsure of how to behave aroung other people. Sighing, she'd given in and allowed herself to be carried like a little child up to her new rooms.

Once there, Legolas deposited her on a chair while maids prepared the bed. Murmuring something about going to see Aragorn, he spoke quietly with the Lady something or other for a moment, then left. Too tired even to eavesdrop, she waited obediently.

As soon as he left, the two women began to bustle, giving orders in clear voices- clucking like mother hens, she thought. A maid was called to take her measurements, and from somewhere a nightgown was spirited. Faeirex was puzzled by the idea of wearing something to sleep in, but too tired to argue. Not that the gown made much difference- the flimsy white fabric was practically transparent. At any other time the strange ways of the mortals would have amused her, but not now.
Wait- one of the women was talking to her.
"..and while we're at it, my dear, we'll have the dressmaker make you some more suitable clothes..."
More suitable clothes? She glanced at what she had been wearing. A short tunic made of a light, shimmering material, worn under another, beautifully embroidered tunic of green, open at the neck. Then leggings in palest green, and long calf boots made with the softest hide. Her long hair was unbound and she wore no ornaments or jewellery. Granted, it wasn't elegant, but it was practical.
She looked at what the other ladies wore. Long dresses. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen a single other woman today who wasn't wearing skirts. Her own tunic barely covered her rear- yet another reason for the court ladies to be scandalised, she supposed.
Meekly, she submitted to their fussing. It wasn't only her body that was suffering from the effects of the huge amount of power she had spent today, it seemed. Her spirit was exhausted, a single candle flame wavering in the wind.
Again and again, the women tried to engage her in talk, but she was unforthcoming- morose even. After what seemed like an eternity, they left her. Gratefully she curled up under the sheets, a roof over her head for the first time in how long? She didn't know. Lost in her thoughts, Faeirex sought the blissful peace of dreams.
Subject: Quite a party.

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Date Posted: 16:22:07 04/15/02 Mon

The elf was with Lady Tania and in the highest tower - as far away from Anawiel as the palace walls allowed. Things were going well for the moment. Also the faery seemed to be having doubts about staying in Minas Tirith. Not that faeries could harm her,thought Anawiel, or sense witches the way High Elves could - but still. The less creatures to deal with, the better.
Anawiel descended the warped stone steps down from her room at the south of the building. It was nearly time for dinner. At least the king was alive - she had to talk to him soon. Helm's Deep would already be under siege from the orcs. Probably not many, enough for the humans there to deal with anyway.
As she crossed the flagstone courtyard, Anawiel felt a tingle in the base of her spine - right where her dreaded mark lay, etched into soft skin. She spun around looking up at the walls, searching for a face, a voice, anything to describe what had happened. Her eyes rested on Lomode's tower room and Anawiel realised the elf could see right into her room.
Subject: Night

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Date Posted: 16:28:14 04/15/02 Mon

Night was coming. Arwen could feel the heat drop, and she shivered. She would not stop. Her journey was long, and she hoped the King had sensed her coming. If not, she was sure she would be welcomed. It was the only place she could think of to turn too. Maybe when she was there she would use the palantir, to see Minas Tirith. Maybe she would try and see Aragorn.

Arwen knew she had arrived too late to save him. Only powers of healing stronger than her own could have helped. All people possesing those had gone to the Undying Lands six years before, or more. Another tear fell from her sapphire eye. What was to happen to Minas Tirith now? No King would mean Faramir in control. Unless...? The child. What about them? She thought of Aragorns upbringing. Not knowing who he was until twenty years of age.

As the final fiery tongues of day disappeared over the plains to her left she sighed. The day was too painful to think about.
Subject: Danger lies ahead

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Date Posted: 17:28:59 04/15/02 Mon

For the first time since the War of the Rings had ended, Eowyn was scared. Having ridden to Helm's Deep at almost top speed, she knew that they would not make it back to Minas Tirith before dusk, and Faramir knew it too. Perhaps he had been trying to give her some hope, but it was false hope. Surely he didn't think that she would just swallow his story and everything would turn out all right in the end? It was quite possible that they would find themselves facing an army of Orcs and their only weaponry was her small, jewel-encrusted dagger, which she carried with her at all times, and Faramir's sword. She hadn't even had any combat experience since she had swapped her sword for a sewing needle. Sure - Faramir was good, very good infact, but not good enough to fend off an entire army. If they were attacked, and to her it seemed inevitable at that point, then they would be outnumbered and practically defenceless.
A tear threatened to spill from her tired eye. Little more than an hour ago, everything had seemed so perfect. She shook herself. What was she turning into? Crying wouldn't solve anything - she had to be strong. It dawned on her how different she had become. In the several years she had been married to Faramir, her independence was gradually slipping away. Not that she blamed him, of course. But sitting in that dreary castle, day in, day out, with practically no-one to talk to was making her become just like any other little wife. She needed to be out in the open. To breathe the fresh air and do the things that she used to do. To get away from the depressed, over-emotional person that she was turning into. Now was not the time for self-assessment, however. She leaned further over the neck of her horse and rode with vigour, as she had in the battlefields.

Eowyn looked sideways at Faramir, but he was nothing more than a blur due to their haste. Her eyelids began to droop. It was so long since she had had a proper rest and time was starting to catch up on her. She gave a little shiver. A strong wind was picking up, more and more with every step they took. The light was beginning to fade. At any moment, she expected Orcs to jump out from the trees and set upon them. She knew it was silly, but as the light faded she began to become gradually more conscious of the rustling of leaves and the noises made by animals in the forest. Her horse was beginning to slow down. She had not wanted to leave her fine stallion behind and so had taken the horse she arrived on, not thinking that it would be just as tired as she. Before long, they had lost speed greatly, and the sun had set below the horizon.
Subject: Reassurances

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Date Posted: 21:07:19 04/15/02 Mon

Watching over Aragorn, Legolas struggled to find the words to say what was in his heart. Weak as Aragorn may be, he had to know, and understand the truth. It was all very well to be forgiven, but how galling to be forgiven for a transgression he had not committed.
"Aragorn, there's something you must understand. I can't bear it that you might think badly of me. You say you forgive me for what happenned with Arwen, but please, accept that there was nothing to forgive. I give you my word that I never once looked at Arwen in that way, and that I never will. I would not do that to a friend. And, although it saddens me to say it, if you can't trust me enough to believe that, what future can there be for our friendship? It's up to you my friend. Know though, that whatever you decide, I won't leave you here like this. I will be here until you are strong again."
Silent now, he watched his friend's face, wondering what he had just done. Perhaps it was too soon, perhaps the pain was still too close to Aragorn's heart. Who knew? Only the king's answer would tell.
Subject: Suddenley, less painless

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Date Posted: 22:19:12 04/15/02 Mon

Obviously he was loosing his touch. What had started out as an earnest offer of forgiveness and friendship had now turned sour on him.
"If you can't trust me enough to believe that, what future can there be for our friendship?"
What future indeed, if the elf couldn't leave him enough time to recuperate before delivering such an ultimatum.
Fighting down the anger that had destroyed him before, Aragorn lay as if in sleep.
Hopefully Legolas would leave.
After a while though the elf still remained and Aragorn broke off the show of fained sleep.
"I admit I made a mistake," the words emerged through clenched teeth. "Are we not all human?" He smiled at his own weak joke before continuing. "I was wrong and I do not expect you to forgive me, when I have not totally forgiven myself. However," the innate anger threatened to overwhelm him but stubbornly he pushed it back down and repeated, "however, I would first ask you what kind of friend you believe yourself to be. You throw me your pity which I do not want and brush my forgiveness away. Like you I wish to repair the breach between us, but I wonder whether during the space of two days we have changed too much. I am sorry for it for I loved you once.
Can we still be friends? We can only wait and see."
Rolling onto his side so his friend wouldn't see the tears that once again corsed down his cheeks Aragorn murmered, "Now, if you don't mind I am exausted. Goodnight master elf."
The door creaked open then closed.

And he was alone.
Subject: A place to stay for the night

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Date Posted: 01:40:06 04/16/02 Tue

Laeriel shivered as the sun began to set, the temperature was dropping slowly. Her clothing came to her mind once again. The nearly sheer fabric of her dress was not sutible inside cold, stone walls. She looked around at her surroundings. She had been lost in the castle for almost and hour and a half and she was beginning to get very tired and hungry. She felt her stomach grumble, and her limbs ached as she walked. People were staring at her in a queer way and she had no idea where she was going; all in all, she was having a bad day. Still, though, her heart pounded with excitement everytime she saw something new. About twenty minutes before, she had seen her first human child. He couldn't have been more than five, with big soft brown eyes and black hair. She smiled at him, and his mother gave her a dirty look. She tried very hard not to let it bother her though, the mother had no idea who, or what Laeriel was, after all.

So, Laeriel walked on, tying to remeber where she was earlirer that day. She was too timid to ask anyone for directions, simply because they seemed to want nothing to do with her. She was about to give up when she recognized a tapastry on the wall. She must be going in the right direction. As she walked, she thought of home. Of her father, and her sister and brothers. She missed them so terribly. Right about now, they would be eating evening meal together. The would sit on a table low to the floor with many pillows around it. Her father, Cellius at the head of the table, her brother's, Derrion and Arracus at her father's right and left hand, and her sister Sahrien on the left, next to Arracus. They would probably have a place set for Laeriel, next to Derrion. Oh, how she missed her family. She hoped she would see them again soon.

Laeriel rounded a corner and found herself almost face to face with Legolas. He was standing outside the door to Elessar's room, he did not seem very happy. She timidly walked towards him, this was quite obviously not he time to bother him, but she needed a place to stay. Laeriel took a deep breath, "Master Legolas," she said in a meek voice. He turned to look at her, she saw no hint of emotion in his face. She swallowed, "I was wondering, well, I-" he looked at her expectantly, "I was wondering where am I to stay for the night?" she said.
Subject: Alone

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Date Posted: 16:02:23 04/16/02 Tue

Eowyn was now surronded by total darkness. Not even the silvery light of the moon was shining on the road. Her horse plodded along, now going no faster than a trot and she was finding it hard to stay awake. She pulled it to a halt.
"Faramir, this is ridiculous. We are going to have to stop and rest." There was no reply. "Faramir?" she called. Again, not a sound. She turned round quickly, but she could not pick out the glint of his eyes. She realised that she had not heard the sound of horses hooves next to her own for quite some time now, just she hadn't noticed it before. Even the fierce wind was silent, yet a shiver ran up her spine all the same. She had a feeling of being watched, but the darkness hid everything from her. The was an eerie quiet and the air was completely still.
"Faramir!" she called again, desperately this time. No reply came back to her and she realised - she was completely alone.
Subject: Rejection

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Date Posted: 17:29:07 04/16/02 Tue

As Aragorn spoke Legolas felt a sharp twist of hurt at the base of his spine. Maybe Aragorn was right. Maybe they had both changed too much. Narrowly escaping death certainly didn't seem to have done much for the king's temper.
Numbly, he listened, unable to respond. He had rushed back to be with Aragorn when he was needed, only to be brushed aside and chased away. Truly, he wanted the rift between them to be mended, but how could it be when Aragorn was so irritable, ready to take insult at the slightest comment.

So that was it? He was dismissed? He opened his mouth to speak, to apologise even, but the king had turned his back. Defeated, he left, only to be confronted by the faery. About to brush past her, he stopped. She was as new here as Lómódë. He couldn't just leave her here alone.
He cast about for a servant. There was no-one in sight. Of course- it was very late. They were probably all asleep. Despite his own melancholy mood, Legolas shied away from spreading the pain by waking some innocent servant up at this hour. He sighed.
"The servants are asleep, so there's nobody to prepare a room for you. You can stay with me tonight. I won't be sleeping, so you can have my bed. Come with me."
The lef wasn't in the mood for conversation. Silently, he lead her through the maze of corridors to his own set of apartments. Gesturing to the bedroom, he sat down at his desk. His own mood tonight was not suited to sleep. Brooding over times gone by, almost absently he began to sketch. The faces of his dearest companions slowly emerged on the paper, lovingly recreated by his deft hand, every detail noticed. But the most carefully done drawing was not that of man, dwarf or hobbit. It was of a she-elf.
Subject: Mirrors

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Date Posted: 20:55:27 04/16/02 Tue

After dinner, Anawiel walked away from the people exiting the hall. She didn't really want anyone to see her go down an empty - and previously locked- corridor. It lead staight up via a wooden staircase to her room. Being particularly careful to close the blinds, Anawiel went across the room to a large guilded mirror covered in a lilac silk cloth.
"Melmonu?" she whispered at her reflection, "Are you there?"
The mirror became clouded, as if covered in thick white snow and a face came slowly into veiw. An old woman - yet with thick black hair that cascaded over her shoulders, marked with a single white streak on the left.
"What have I told you, Anawiel?" said the woman, "Never, ever put yourself in this sort of position!"
"I know - I'm sorry, but..." Anawiel began, but the face cut her off.
"No. You were sent to do a job. Several jobs at that. You haven't even done one yet." the woman frowned at Anawiel.
"He's fallen for her already though! And I can't exactly go up in the dinner hall and tell him can I?" Anawiel ran long her fingers through her thick hair.
"That does add a few complications, I grant you. But you can still talk with Elessar. Can you not?" the woman looked questioningly at the petite redhead.
"He's been ill. And Arwen's ridden off northwards. It's just the High-Elf I'm worried about. She'll see me." Anawiel tugged at the hem of her dress nervously.
The woman in the mirror suddenly looked behind her.
"I must go. The guards are coming. I'm so sorry, but we'll talk soon - I promise." she whisperd hurriedly to the younger witch.
"But, please! I can't do this alone! Melmonu!"
But the woman in the mirror had gone. Anawiel choked back a lump in her throat.
She stood up and brushed her hair through. She looked at the now empty mirror.
"Right Anawiel. You're going to do exactly what Melmonu wants you to. He's only one elf after all. He'd never harm a denfenseless young maiden, would he?" she spoke quietly to her reflection, before reaching out to the glass. Lightly touching the surface, the mirror turned to a soft silver liquid. Anawiel stepped through and into a corridor far away from her room.
She walked a few paces and found herself outside a door. She tapped it several times and waited for Legolas to answer.
Subject: No way out

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Date Posted: 21:14:06 04/16/02 Tue

Eowyn was getting very worried. She turned round and round but the was no shout for her, and she could not see a thing. Their was a rustle in the bushes.
"Faramir?" she called yet again. Her voice was wavering, and still there was no answer. She wanted to ride on in the hope that she would find him somewhere up ahead on the road, but she had been looking in every direction and now she had become disorientated and didn't even know which way was forward. The bushes rustled again. In sheer panic she headed the opposite way to the noises. She knew she had headed into the wood beside the road because tree branches kept lashing her. Many of her healing cuts were re-opened and she could feel droplets of warm blood running down her cheeks, arms and legs.
She turned her horse round and tried to head back to the road but the surounding trees seemed to be endless. Again she turned around, and again she found nothing but trees. She could hear rustling and she knew it was not her horse or the wind because both were still. Tears began to mix in with the blood on her face. She was alone, defenceless and blinded by darkness. She dug her heels in to Mellon's sides but he stayed rooted to the ground.
"MOVE!" she yelled at him in desperation. It was no use. Shakily, she dismounted and began to run. She ran in every direction but she could have been going round in circles for all the good it was doing. She probably was.
She tripped over a tree root that was sticking out from the ground and was sent flying. Her head hit the trunk of a tree with a dull thud. Weakly, she pulled herself on all fours. Her head was starting to spin. She was about to give up when she heard the sound of horses hooves. She scrambled towards the sound and was amazed to find her hands touching the gravel of the road rather than the sharp grass and wood of the forest floor. She tried to stand but her legs gave out beneath her. With a yelp of pain she collapsed to a heap in the ground. The last thing her brain registered before her body gave up was the fuzzy silhouette of a recognisable figure leaping off a horse and running towards her.
Subject: A night outside

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Date Posted: 22:40:05 04/16/02 Tue

Laeriel wanted to turn and run when Legolas spoke to her. He seemed annoyed and in no mood for company. Why hadn't she just slept ouside in the courtyard?

As he led her through the maze of corridors, she made mental note of all they passed; she had no plans of staying in this castle. She had never heard such a dead place in all her life. She was so used to the underlying wispers of trees and constant conversation of animals that the silent stone deeply frightened her and she wanted no part of it.

She choked back tears as Legolas motioned to the bedroom. She quietly slipped between the sheets and pretended to sleep. She could hear Legolas drawing at his desk, the pen was so loud, this would be easy. As quietly as she slipped in, Laeriel carefully slipped out of bed and on to the floor. She crouched on all fours and silently moved towards the window. Her shadow made more noise than she. The window was open, it was a nice night; she hopped out of the window and clung to the wall. She dared not look towards the ground, she already knew how high she was. She slowly and carefully made her way down. It took a long time, but Laeriel was patient. Finally, she reached the cool earth. Laeriel could hear the quiet whispers of animals once again.

She made her way to the garden, or one of them, she wasn't sure. This palace could have a million gardens for all she knew. This one had a large, dark tree in the center, perhaps the oldest one in the garden. She didn't have time to find out. She climbed the tree to it's largest branch, just big enough for her. There, she curled herself up, nestled among the trees friendly braches. The tree, was in fact the oldest among this particular group of trees, and it was very grateful for Laeriel's company. It carresed her gently with it's leaves, trying to comfort her. Laeriel tried to sleep, but no sleep came to her right away. Soon, silent tears began to fall. Laeriel was so frightened, no one seemed to care. She had never been so lonely. Lómódë quite obviously hated her and Legolas had so many moods that Laeriel thought him to be insane. Humans were nasty, judgmental creatures; not to mention arrogant and selfish. There were hardly any trees here, and none of them talked much. The animals were shy. All in all, it was a cruel place.

Just then, a squirrel heard Laeriel's weeping, and scurried over to see what was the matter. He thought her to be quite nice, and had been watching her for sometime. Laeriel noticed him and smiled. Then the thought struck her, everyone would wonder where she was in the morning. She beckoned the squirrel to come nearer, "If you hear that someone is looking for me, try and find the one they call Lómódë, or one called Legolas, and show them where I am. They are elves, so they should listen to you," She wispered in the squirrels ear. The squirrel understood, and scurried away back to it's own nest. Laeriel hoped that Legolas and Lómódë would follow a squirrel. Being elves they should have enough sense to listen to animals. Feeling a bit better, Laeriel finally closed her eyes. Soon, Laeriel was sleeping soundly, for the first time in days.
Subject: Terror in the night

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Date Posted: 16:02:16 04/17/02 Wed

Faeirex woke with a start. Where was she? What was going on? The memories came back to her in a flash. She was in the palace.
Looking around her, Faeirex felt a sudden stab of irrational fear. The walls were all around her. She was closed in- trapped! Stone surounded her. Cold, solid, looming closer and closer...
She couldn't breathe. Terrified, she rose from the bed. The exhaustion was gone now, her body had grown strong again as she rested. Feverishly, she opened the door, desparately trying to escale from the cloying, choking fear that threatened to overcome her. She stepped into a corridor, and still the stone was there. They meant to imprison her- lock her up. She would never see trees again! She began to move from door to door. Each was locked. Faeirex began to move faster and faster, flitting through the corridors, a pale ghost in white. Onwards she ran, losing herself in the maze of passageways. Up stairs, down stairs, left, right, north, south. Direction had no meaning to her. All there was was the desparate need to be free of the stone cage, and this unnatural terror. She was alone.

At last, in her tangled mind there registered a faint recognition. She had been here before, hadn't she? This was where- Aragorn. From her trembling lips there arose a whimper. Suddenly, she heard movement inside. She backed away from the door as if the room inside housed all the terrors of Mordor. Like a wilted flower, she continued on, stumbling often. That mind-numbing fear robbed her of all sensation, only the desparate desire to be out of the palace, to be free.

There- ahead. Someone was standing there. Shaking, Faeirex started forwards. Hearing her heavy footsteps and the dry sobs at the back of her throat, the figure turned. Through her fear, Faeirex saw a red-headed girl. The face was unfamiliar to her, but even in her state of near collapse, a warning note was struck inside her. She stopped, struggled to get a hold of herself, to face this apparent new danger.
The girl was looking at her, and the expression on her face suggested that they were not the strangers she had supposed.

At that moment, a door opened. Wordlessly, the redhead melted back into the shadows, leaving Faeirex standing there alone and terrified out of her mind.
Subject: Closer to safety

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Date Posted: 19:28:32 04/17/02 Wed

The she-elf had seen her. Anawiel wasn't sure if Lomode had been in any state to harm her at the moment. There had been huge binding snakes twisted round the crown of her head. Not real ones of course - a vision.
Legolas had opened the door just as Anawiel had seen the she-elf, for which she was grateful.
The room she had stepped into was grand. It had wood panelled walls that almost like fresh cut timber. There was a huge fire place where the remainder of a once tall, roaring fire, sat in a pile of glowing embers. It was still warm in the room. Roasting compared to Anawiel's tower room. She moved closer to the dying fire, drinking in the heat.
The blonde elf stood by the door watching her curiously. He hadn't spoken a word to her yet but followed her movements carefully. It was like he wanted to ask who she was, but somehow knew he wouldn't get a straight answer.
On a low desk lay a series of pictures. Beautifully drawn in the fairest hand Anawiel had seen in a long time. She shuffled through them. Mainly humans. There was one of Aragorn, she noticed.
Several rooms lead off from this main one. Anawiel was tempted to see what they were, but knew she had already been incredibly rude by barging in and rifling through Legoals's things.
She sat herself down on an ottoman near the fire, still cold. The elf still stood by the door. Anawiel wasn't sure whether to invite him to sit down.
'Can you really invite someone to do something in their own dwelling?' Anawiel thought not.
Luckily, Legolas seemed to either get the drift of her thoughts or just get tired of standing. He sat on a couch opposite her.
"I have to talk with you," Anawiel began, " Not now. But soon. The question is will you talk with me ?"
Subject: Ride On

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Date Posted: 07:30:48 04/18/02 Thu

This was good. Wind in his hair, moon light shining in his eyes. It was Faramir's first proper ride since he had been sent to Helms Deep. He glanced round to check on his wife, earlier on she had been lagging behind. No sign of Eowyn anywhere. 'Is there even any point in going back to look for her?' He wondered. 'She's probably stopped for the night anyway. Eowyn's perfectly capable, she rode all the way here didn't she?' And so, with much faith in his wifes abilities, Faramir continued up the muddy track to Minas Tirith.
Subject: Stranger in the Woods

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Date Posted: 07:52:39 04/18/02 Thu

The night carried on, close yet comfortable. Arwen shivered. In her blind panic to leave she had brought nothig to aid her on her journey, so at night, her lack of cloak was quite a disadvantage.

She had turned from the path many hours ago. If she travelled throught the forest, there was far less of a chance of meeting anyone. There was a rustling behind her. Then a crunching noise, as if something was eating. Arwen turned, ready to run if needs be. It was only a horse! However, the horse was saddled, yet riderless. People didn't just leave horses in the alone middle of a forest at night. As she drew nearer, she noticed the saddle was that from Minas Tirith. All their saddles were given distinctive markings. Who had let a horse from the palace out here, in the forest around Edoras?

As much as Arwen wished to avoid company, her curiosity was too strong. Where there was a horse, meant there was a rider. Carefully dismounting, Arwen led her own horse and this new one to the road. It was more likely the horse had strayed away, then been set loose. Still, maybe as thanks for returning it Arwen could have a little food. It was worth a try.

Something moved. Ever so sightly, but not with the wind. Running towards it, Arwen gasped. A woman lay face down on the ground. Collapsed. Although it was dark, she knew this person. Eowyn! Turning her around, and smoothing her hair, she lay the Stewardess back on the floor. Eowyn's cape was long. Arwen unfastened it, and lay it over Eowyn. At least she would be warm. The cuts on her face were full of dirt. Nothing she couldn't sort out though. Smiling sadly, Arwen though, At least there's one person I can help.
Subject: Cornered

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Date Posted: 16:55:28 04/18/02 Thu

Faeirex took a step back, then another. What was Legolas doing with this strange girl? She turned to run back the way she had come, but there were footsteps from the corridor behind her. She was cornered...
A ragged gasp escaped from her lips as she backed to the wall, fear coursing through her slender body.
Subject: Sounds in the night

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Date Posted: 17:23:08 04/18/02 Thu

About to reply to the strange redhead who had invaded his rooms in the middle of the night, Legolas paused. Sounds were coming from the corridor. Curiously, he got up to investigate.
"Wait a moment," he told the girl. "Someone's out there."

The 'someone' was Lómódë. But a Lómódë who was shivering and trembling uncontrollably, fear written on her face.
"What's wrong? What happenned?" he asked, moving towards her. She was backed into a corner, cowering from his touch. In the few hours since he had left her, someone had clearly managed to frighten the she-elf out of her wits. Her eyes were blank and unseeing, the thin nightgown that she wore doing little to conceal the spasmodic shaking of her limbs. He reached out to touch her and try to comfort her. Lómódë made to run, little more than a frightened animal, but he blocked her way. Taking her in his arms and holding her too firmly for her to escape, Legolas felt her collapse into the embrace, sobbing as if her heart was breaking.
Subject: Not Well

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Date Posted: 22:05:47 04/18/02 Thu

Laeriel awoke to the pleasent sounds of birds chirping. She streached and yawned, she slept late. The sun had already risen well into the sky. She was about to leave the tree that had been her shelter for the night when she realized something was wrong. She felt strange. She usually awoke fully energized and ready for anything, but today she awoke tired and feverish. Her head swam and her limbs ached. She felt cold, but her skin was very warm to the touch. She thought hard, what could be wrong with her? Then, she thought back to the last time she drank or had something to eat. She hadn't had proper food or drink since well before she met Legolas and Lómódë. She cursed herself for her ignorance of her own bodily needs. She knew what happened to faeries, men, and even elves without proper drink: dehydration. How could I have been so foolish? She thought. The very last thing she needed was to be sick. She jumped down from the tree branch. Normally she could've easily landed on her feet, but today she landed sprawled on the ground. She moaned and rolled over on her side; she had to get up. Shakily, she rose to her feet.

She just barely made it into the castle. She hardly made it three steps before she fell to her knees and vomited on the floor. She moaned in pain. She crawled over to the wall and colapsed, leaning against the wall with her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms hugging her stomach. She was so thirsty, so hungry, so tired. The world started to go foggy. The lines of everything were blurred, her eyes began to close. Laeriel desprately tried to hold on to consciousness. She couldn't faint now, not when no one knew where she was. Then she realised, no one had come looking for her. It was late in the morning and no one knew she was gone. She truly regreted coming now, she really was unimportant. Her last thought as she slipped into unconsciousness was that she would leave as soon as she was well. Her eyes closed, and the world went black.
Subject: Shadows

Legolas and Faeirex (collaboration)
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Date Posted: 16:41:56 04/19/02 Fri

Faeirex could only watch as Legolas approached her. Through her clouded mind, the only thought that penetrated was: enemy. Could she fight him? In this state, probably not. She tried to run, but he caught her.

And as he touched her, she heard a cry of anger in her head, far, far away. The terror was easing, she was safe. Relieved beyond all measure, all she could do was sob. Finally, she looked up.
"Someone's playing with my mind," she said tearfully, "The stone..."
Faeirex began to weep again, still struggling to explain what had happenned.

Legolas listened to Lómódë's incoherent explanation. From what he could gather, she thought someone was using witchcraft against her, playing on her fears and her weaknesses. Predominant was the terror of being closed in, it seemed. Overwhelmed with sympathy, he began to guide her back through the palace.
"Why don't we go outside. You might feel better with trees around you."

Once under the open, starlit sky, Faeirex began to feel calmer. Ready, anyway, to give a proper account of the night. Her throbbing heartbeat slowly returned to normal as she spoke.
"...I feel violated." she shivered. "Someone was in my head, they knew enough about me to use my own fears against me. You were lucky. Somehow, you broke their control. If you hadn't, I might have killed you- or myself."
Legolas cut her off.
"What do you mean? Surely it can't affect you that badly?"
"You don't understand. It's terror that you can't control, it leaves you powerless. All you were to me was a threat, and I could have killed you to escape. And eventually, I might have suicided to free myself from the fear. All rational thoughts are gone, I could have done anything." Musingly, she added, "They must really want me dead to try it in this way. I couldn't cope with it."
Legolas looked at her enquiringly.
"When you touch someone's mind, you form a kind of link with them." she tried to explain. "It's very personal, they become almost like a part of yourself. And then, if they die, it's like a part of you dies too. They would have to be prepared to go through great pain to get me out of the way."
"So if there's a link, why don't you use it to find out who it was?"
"I can't. Any more contact will just strengthen the bond. And eventually, whoever it was will have to die. I have to spare myself as much pain as I can. When you lose someone you're close to..."
"It's happenned before?" he asked gently.
Looking down, she nodded. "Three thousand years ago. I loved him- or at least, I thought I did. And when he died, I fell to pieces. It nearly destroyed me." And you can't imagine how much evil has come out of that one moment she thought to herself.
Filled with sympathy, Legolas took her hand.
"Im sorry." a thought occurred to him. "Wait- 3000 years ago. Wasn't that the siege of Barad-dur?"
Faeirex averted her eyes, angry at letting that slip. "Yes, I was at Barad-dur." she said flatly. No more information offered. "Let's talk about something else now. I don't want to think about the witch. It won't happen again, you can be sure. My mind was weak tonight, I put too much strength into Elessar. I won't be caught out a second time. All the same, " she added after a moment, "I'm not going back into that castle tonight."

Legolas and Faeirex remained in the gardens all night, talking. The mutual sadness at the departure of their race was apparent on both faces, but this time neither of them was alone.
Subject: The truth amoung the lies

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Date Posted: 17:12:11 04/19/02 Fri

Three days had passed since she'd read the letter.
Three days had passed and now the immensence saddness was just a dull ache.
Three days had passed and she had not uttered a word to anyone but Rosie, and then only to thank her after meal times, where she ate little.

Concerned looks followed her, but they were ingored.
Frodo was not her father: nothing mattered.

Her pristine bedroom was still pristine but this no longer registered, as Lily sat and stared with unseeing eyes at the door. Although she did not admit it to even herself she was waiting for one of her parents to walk through it, Frodo, not some man she had never met.
I am the daughter of Frodo Baggins she thought quietly, but the fire that had filled her before when Sam had questioned her about her father was gone. She no longer believed it. She had grown up and it was time to stop believing in faeries.

Three days had passed and the unread letter on her bedside table called to her, don't you want to know who your father is?
"No!" she shouted and in ran Sam.
He looked at the somber girl with red eyes and then meaningfully at the letter. Sam was, of course, too polite to read it himself but Lily could see the conflict that was raised within him. On one hand, it was really none of his business, on the other: here was a lost child in need of a father and if their was one thing that he was good at, it was this.

Faining bravery that she did not feel, Lily picked up the object that had caused her so much pain with only one line Frodo is not your father. She had not more tears left so none fell down her face, though many in her heart.

The truth is, as you may have guessed, that Frodo is not your father, at least not by birth. In everyway that matters he was a father to you.
But I can see that that does not mean anything to you. Blood is thicker that fireside stories and forehead kisses while you slept.

You know the man who is your biological father but I made sure that neither you nor Frodo ever found out. You would've been heart broken and I did not want to sully his gentle soul with the consquences of the resulting anger.
Anger? At what? you may ask and rightly.
This is the bit that I hoped would never see light.
I suppose it starts with one simple fact:
While I adored Frodo Baggins with all the fibres of my being, he could only bring himself to be fond of me.
As time passed this has changed but it was the case 20 years ago.
Then one night, during a birthday party, I went to Frodo and I asked him if he loved me. He did not lie and the pity in his eyes crushed my spirt: suddenley life was meaningless to me.
Fleeing from Frodo and the anguish in his voice [for we were friends, even if he did not love me] I ran.
With sobs wracking my body I lay under a tree heartbroken, and that is when he came to me, plying me with drink until I was senseless enough to admit to my spurned love and seek his consolation. Then it happened...

Of course you were born 9 months later and I moved to Bree to excape from the accusing gazes and taunts that were thrown at an unwed mother.
Naturally Frodo blamed himself and offered to accompany me, but I could not do that to him.

So Mr. Baggins stayed in the Shire while Bluebell Goodbody and her illigitamate daughter moved away.
Frodo visited every month and eventually adopted you. Then one day when you were 4, playing at our feet, he uttered the words I have waited a lifetime to hear, "I love you."
Suddenley I had all I had ever wanted but it was fragile, so fragile that I feared the truth would shatter it.]

So I never told Frodo about the man who moved to Bree with us, lurking just out of sight.
Bill Ferny.

Please don't remember me in hate for being weak or Frodo for not being what you believed him to be.
We both loved you so much.
I just wish I could be there to watch you finish growing up but it seems that even that will be reft from me.
All my love, Mum

So there it was. That was the truth amoung the lies.

Subject: Morning walk

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Date Posted: 19:24:25 04/19/02 Fri

The king ambled through the courtyard towards the gardens. His aching muscles protested violently but Aragorn kept his stride strong, willing to look in the peak of health for his subjects.
Actually, apart from his complaining legs, he didn't feel that bad. Aragorn paused, momentarily considering his miraculous recovery, his wounds should still be giving him pain; but they were not. Brushing over this seemingly impossibly situation he continued on. Various people congratualated him on looking so well and Aragorn smiled and waved as a king should, while feeling dead inside.

He was alone.

Still the day was young, the sky still tinged with the pink of sun-up and the morning dew still clung to leaves and branches. He reached the garden gate, stopped to chat to the gardener about his primroses and walked on, across the lawn.
The beds were a riot of colour, roses of red and palest pink, carnations and poppies. Spring had come, and the garden glowed. Something was wrong however; there was no birdsong. Where the sound of exultant music should've been, silence prevailed.
A faint feeling of unease touched him and he swung around, checking no one else was there.

No one was.

Then he felt a slight touch on his shoulder, whirling around in panic Aragorn still saw nothing until the bird by his ear pecked him severely.
He grinned and stroked its downy chest but it took off again, before returning, pecking him again, and flying away in the same direction.
"You want me to follow you?" he asked incredulously. Birds on the whole did not communicate with humans and definately did not demand to be followed. But, that was exactly what this one appeared to be doing.
Rubbing his forhead in dismay Aragorn gave in, muttering, "I must be getting soft" he followed the airborn messenger.

Slumped against a wall lay a little girl, who had to be no more than 10. She appeared to be sleeping and Aragorn looked at the bird, "this is where you wanted me to go?" The bird chirped and Aragorn sighed.
Kneeling he prodded the girl gently, "hey, wake up." She made no reply save to roll over exposing her face. Aragorn started, she was far older than 10, she was just tiny and he noted, still unconcious.
He prodded her again, less gently, but she refused to wake. A soft moan escaped her lips and he noticed that she was not so much asleep as seriously ill.

Picking her up in his arms, which screamed against the unwelcome exercise, Aragorn started to make his way back to the castle.

The doors of the healing house were open and he strode through the corridors till he reached his own room. The adjoining chamber contained a bed with fresh linen and gasping for breath he didn't have, Aragorn laid the unconcious girl upon it before collasping on a nearby chair.

"Dehydration" he whisped at the doctors who had just entered.
"Not me!" he yelled through the water that was being frantically poured down his throat. "Her."

Who was she? he thought as the doctors administered his water to the protesting child. Not human, elf, certainly not dwarf.

She was a mystery.
Subject: Palace Life

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Date Posted: 20:02:50 04/19/02 Fri

As soon as Legolas had left to see Faeirex, Anawiel had slipped silently back through the mirrors.
Now dawn had risen but the world felt dark. She was unhappy and if she wasn't happy then no one could be. Anawiel had silenced the birds - clamping their beaks together with her mind to stop the awful twittering that penetrated into her skull. She had skipped breakfast, not in the mood to listen to stuck-up women complaining about a crease in their nightgowns.
Apart form anything else, Anawiel was bored. She considered going and trying to talk to Elessar - but the mere thought only added to her boredom and misery. Not that she thought the king at all boring.
Eventually, after her pathetic wallowing in self-pity, Anawiel dressed and walked out into the castle grounds. The place seemed eerie without the birds. In the distance lay the mountains that surrounded Mordor and the ground was covered in a low, swirling fog.
'Faramir' she thought. 'Where was he now?' Anawiel had not seen him for years - at least not since.... She grinned. If only his wife, Eowyn, could see her mind. The idea almost made Anawiel laugh out loud.
Still, there was no time to think of memories. She had other things to think of.
Like what she was going to do about Lomode.
Subject: Glances

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Date Posted: 23:36:52 04/19/02 Fri

Having left Legolas, Faeirex wandered through the sculptured palace gardens. The last vestiges of fear had finally been chased from her mind, but the hours spent with the elf had only served to increase her melancholy. Necessary as it was, she hated the lies, hated having to conceal herself. She liked Legolas, it wasn't fair to him or to herself to continue to weave this web of deceit. But she had no choice. She'd got herself into this, and she had to see it through.

Passing several men, she was uncomfortably aware of their appreciative looks. Glancing down at herself, she blushed. The flimsy nightgown appeared, if anything, to be concealing even less than it had when she had first put it on. Cursing stupid women with their stupid nightgowns that were stupidly designed to reveal far more than they hid, she tried to retrace her steps back to the rooms she had been given the night before, and find a change of clothes.

It was actually fairly easy for her to find her way back to her rooms. Elves had a naturally good sense of direction. Once there, she dressed quickly in her own, familiar clothes. About to leave in search of food, her gaze fell on the delicately carved bow resting in the corner. Yes, a few hours training could be just what she needed. A chance to get away from everything, just her and her bow, moving in perfect synchronicity. Swiftly, she swept up the weapon, then slung her quiver of arrows over her shoulder. There must be a training ground around here somewhere...
Smiling in anticipation of the release from her frustration, she set out into the city.
Subject: Dreams of Home

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Date Posted: 05:37:25 04/20/02 Sat

Laeriel was barely conscious when she was found. She could faintly hear someone coming behind her. She wanted to turn and see, but she could barely move. Her stomach hurt her greatly and she was so tired, so very tired. Even after a full nights sleep, the stress on herself was too much. She had been traveling for weeks on end, barely sleeping at night and surviving only on herbs and berries. Now all she wanted was to be home.

The person behind her came ever nearer, all of Laeriel's instincts told her to run away. Her body would not respond to her brain, though, and she remaind still. She felt someone poking her side, it hurt. She shifted a little, exposing her face. She could just barely make out someone in front of her, a man. He picked her up, which she did not like, but she was too weak to protest. All she could think of was how much she missed her family. She also thought of why she was so very sick. She knew she had some sort of dehydration, but was that enough to make her so ill? Perhaps she had some type of exaustion, maybe the stress of being in such a strange place affected her body somehow. Whatever the cause, she would not worry now.

She felt herself being laid upon a bed. A clean, soft bed, that smelled quite nice- especially when you're so tired. She tried to sleep, but strange people were now surrounding her. Poking and prodding at her, saying things like "What have we here?" and "Looks to me like she's exausted. Has she travled recently?" Laeriel did not like these people, these humans. She tried to push them away. They would not leave her, though. "NO!" she screamed, "Away, away with you all. Leave me alone!" but they would not listen.
"There, there dearie, we'll make you better. Here, drink this," Someone said to her, offering water. In her anger she pushed it away.
"No, please, just leave me alone. I'm so very tired. Father! Sahrien! Help! Where are you?" Laeriel's feaver rose and she was becoming delerious. She just wanted to be home, she needed her sister. She longed for companionship. Deep in her heart, she was lonely. She protested a little longer, but her body was not up to it. Eventually, sleepiness took hold again, and she was very tired. She drank a little, but they wouldn't let her drink too much. Her dry mouth pleaded for more, but she was thinking clearly now and knew too much at once would make her sick.

Laeriel couldn't remember much after that. She knew she slept, because she could remember dreaming of home. Her dreams were so real. She could hear the trees, smell the clean air. She was walking among her own people, in her own city. Well, hardly a city. It was now a pile of ruins, but it was beautiful to her. At times she did wonder what it was like when it was new and grand. She was walking home in her dream, to see her father. They lived in what was left of the palace, just a few towers and some rooms. It was mostly in ruins. But the ruins were covered in beautiful green vines that criss-crossed around the toppled stone pillars. She walked up to what was left of the once grand stone steps. Instead of walking in the obvious entrance, though, she climbed up a tree that cut through large doorway. She glided through the branches of the tree, straight to the top. Her climb was not done yet, though. She then climbed up the bare stone wall, using vines to help her. Her father was in the window. Her heart lept when she saw her father. He was tall for a faery, nearly 5'7. He had dark olive skin and black, curly hair. His brilliant, emerald green eyes peeked through his bushy eyebrows. His thick, curly beard grew down to his chest. He had rosey cheeks, and a rather large nose. A beautiful, large nose, Laeriel always thought. A jolly, happy nose. And on his head, he wore a crown of leaves and flowers. Laeriel was happy to see him. She was about to embrace him when she awoke from her dream. Her heart sank. It had all seemed so real. She could still faintly hear the sounds of the forest echoing through her head. Her lower lip quivered. No, she would not cry now. She had to be strong. Inside, though, she was confused and sad. She had always been the most independent of the family. Now all she wanted was to be back with her people.

Laeriel couldn't have slept very long, there were still many strange people in the room, fusing over her. She could hear their conversation.
"Well, I've never seen anything like her," one said.
"She's not human, elf, or dwarf. She's not a halfling either," another replied.
"She is like an elf, though," someone else added, "Only she's so small. She can't possibly be more than five feet tall!" They continued to debate amongst themselves. Laeriel was worried. What would she tell them? She couldn't possibly explain about faeries to people like this. She would need the help of someone skilled in elvish lore. She didn't know where Legolas was, though, and she couldn't think of anyone else who would have a clue to what she was talking about.

Laeriel pretended to be asleep for a while, desprately thinking of a way out of her situation. She was not strong enough to leave her bed, but she did not want to stay. She alreadly could feel herself growing increasingly nervous at the constant staring of the cold stone walls. They loomed above her, like iron bars to a prison cell. They kept her in. She burried her head in the pillows, refusing to look at them. No, she thought, I will not let myself act this way. I'm the daughter of a king, not a scared wild animal. It's best for me to stay in here, safely inside. No matter what Laeriel told herself, though, she was just a scared, wild animal. She wanted someone to talk to so badly. Anyone at all who cared. Human, elf, dwarf, whatever happened to take notice of her. She couldn't stand being alone any longer.

Slowly, Laeriel let her conscious thoughts slip back into dreams. She dreamed of her home again. Of a place where people cared about her. In her dreams she talked with her sister, and told her everything that had happened to her. Her sister comforted her, told her it would all be okay. A small part of Laeriel's mind knew it was all a dream. But, oh, how she wished it was real.
Subject: Leaving (Again)

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Date Posted: 12:42:36 04/20/02 Sat

Arwen shrugged her shoulders.It was late morning, an Eowyn was still asleep. It was a if something inside the Stewardess was keeping her unconcious just to spite Arwen

Arwen had hoped that she could have left by now, it as still a long ride away. The 'camp' area was fine for when Eowyn awoke, and there was nothing more she could do, and she really did need to be leaving...

Removing the saddle from her horse, she mounted. Bare-back was so much easier. Nudging the horse onward, Arwen gave a final glance to the sleeping woman, before continuing through the trees on her journey
Subject: Leaving the healing houses

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Date Posted: 14:41:30 04/20/02 Sat

"Send a messenger for me when she wakes," he murmered before sidling out of the room once more. Theoretically he should've stayed himself, having only recovered this morning but the healing houses always had the curious effect of making one feel worse.

His stomach rumbled and Aragorn remembered that he had not eaten since yesterday lunch. The sun was now well into it's journey through the sky and he made his way slowly towards the Grand Hall, dreading the questioning eyes of the nobles.

Large, ornate wooden doors were opened by immaculately dressed servants and Aragorn surveyed the enormous room. Torch brackets graced the walls but due to the morning light, no torches were hanging from them. Heavy wooden beams and marble pillars supported the ceiling which was a good 20 feet above his head. Long tables ran the length of the room but there was only one other person sitting there, someone else who had also forgotten to eat that day.

The cooks looked rather disgruntled to be asked to make another meal at 11 o clock, well after breakfast hours were over but they couldn't refuse their king and employer and so soon Aragorn had a steaming plate in his hands. Careful not to slip on the highly polished floor he made his way back to the occupied table and sat down opposite Legolas.
"So, how are you?"
Subject: Changes

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Date Posted: 15:33:35 04/20/02 Sat

Legolas looked at Aragorn in astonishment. A few hours before, the king had ordered him out of his rooms, their friendship hanging by a thread. Yet now he sat there as if nothing had happenned?

"I am well." he said noncomittantly. The truth be known, he felt, well, empty. The hours spent with Lómódë had been like a breath of fresh air. She charmed without knowing it, refreshingly innocent after the worldly court ladies. The extreme vulnerability that she had shown to him touched his heart, coupled with the immense sadness in her eyes when she looked upon him. He forced himself to concentrate on Elessar, tearing his mind from thoughts of her.
"How is the injury? Surely you shouldn't be up and about so early. You were near death when we arrived-"
He caught himself. Aragorn so far knew nothing about either the faery or Lómódë. Again he thought of the she-elf. Her reluctance to meet with the king was still in evidence. Perhaps it would be best to avoid telling Aragorn of her involvement in the matter for the time being. Just until she was ready to speak with him of course.

But then he might have to lie to Aragorn. And he wasn't prepared to do that. Reluctantly, Legolas admitted to himself that if he was asked directly, he would have no choice but to explain everything.
And what about the faery? Come to think of it, where was she? Surely she couldn't still be sleeping?
With a pang of guilt at neglecting her, he waited for the king to speak. Elessar would be told of his strange new visitors- once he was fully recovered.
Subject: At the training grounds

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Date Posted: 20:26:15 04/20/02 Sat

Keth lounged idly against a fence in the training grounds, watching the activities of the other men with interest. Carefully, he noted their fighting styles, their strengths and their weaknesses. In a battle, it was always helpful to know the shortcomings of those around you, in order to compensate. And Keth was battle-hungry, anxious to prove himself. Youngest son of a minor nobleman, he had little in the way of rank here. A hardened and powerful warrior, yet doomed to remain a footsoldier, his talents unused.
Keth knew, with total confidence, that he could probably beat almost every man here in single combat. He had a quick mind for tactics and strategies, ideal officer material. Apart from his low status. That, coupled with a strong independent streak that often lead him to challenge the orders of his commanders, meant that he had been consistently passed over for promotion, in favor of lesser fighters of higher rank. At 23, Keth had already realised that his only hope of being given a chance to show how well he could command would be to prove himself in battle, bathed in the blood of Gondor's enemies.

Nearby, a group of warriors were talking. Tiring of reflecting on the frustrations of his chosen career, Keth strolled over to join them. They welcomed him gladly; his quick wit made him a popular companion. Currently the conversation appeared to be about their various female 'conquests' in the city. With a sardonic smile he joined in, a quick jibe here, a subtle dig there.
Shaking the laughter from his eyes one of the men, Merrian, turned to him.
"What about you Keth? Have you tried your luck with the, er, willing maids?"
Keth smirked. "Well, I can't say I haven't had a few offers." More guffaws.
"And you didn't take them up? What's wrong with you, friend?"
The subject was a difficult one. Keth may only have been a minor nobleman, but he still had pride. The idea of bedding a whore repulsed him. And never yet had he met a woman he felt compulsed to spend the rest of his life with. Not a woman who would have him, anyway.
Forcing a smile now, he replied, "Nothing, my friend. I'll wager a woman would pick me over you any day."
"A merry jest. But would you be prepared to put it into practise?"
The guffaws of laughter were obvious now. Well, he reflected, he had got himself into this. Good-naturedly, he laughed. "Aye, I would. Name me the lucky girl and we'll see."
"That one over there." The speaker was Daim, new to the ranks. Blue eyed and fair skinned, but not much of a fighter. He was pointing over to where a slim figure had just entered the training grounds. From this distance, all Keth could see was her long, dark hair. What on earth was a woman doing here? She must be a commoner, a huntsmans daughter perhaps?
"Done. Watch and learn."
Bidding a confident farewell to the spectators, he sauntered over to try his luck. After all, a man had his reputation to think of. It wouldn't do to pass on a bet.
Subject: Waking

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Date Posted: 21:21:18 04/20/02 Sat

Faramir yawned. Looking starled at the sun, he realised had slept late. It was nearer lunch than breakfast!

He had stopped in under an hour of realising his wife had gone. He didn't mean to have left her, but it was like some kind of spirit inside him had taken over, like he was, well, free.

Anyhow, he had stopped for the night. Eowyn was only an hour behind him, she should have caught him up by now... He had done the right thing leaving he behind, hadn't he? Whenever they were together, she would always complain at his lack of faith in her. Now, the one time he left her to cope he felt guilty! It was no good.

Mounting his horse, and feeling rater foolish, Faramir returned up the road, re-tracing his steps.
Subject: Palantir

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Date Posted: 22:17:13 04/20/02 Sat

It was as if someone had pinched her. Everything was clear. The forest was not her home. Seeking solace with others would not solve her problems, they would find her. Again her path became cloudy. Tears fell. Those words again. Know I will always love you. Where had they come from? They echoed around inside her head. They echoed around inside her heart. Tugging. Pulling. Like a sudden realisation. When she went home, Aragorn would not be there. Her child would have no father. She was alone, not only in the forest, but in spirit. With each tear, more and more she knew she could not leave him. Maybe physically, but not in her heart.

The palantir lay in the grass. Her voice laden with emotion, thick with tears, could bearly whisper. "Aragorn, show me him." The cloudy cleared. There was a picture. His face. Just as she had left him. Where was he? Over the sundering seas? Did he feel alone? Was he as alone as she?

Pressing her hands hungrily against the orb, silent tears turned to sobs. Shaking she could only whisper "Aragorn. Wherever you are, I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know, Aragorn. I don't know who I am anymore. I renaidlin ne mor nuithannen. Manan elye etevanne norie i melanelye?"

Slipping into Elvish, Arwen finished her cries. Be strong. She told herself. You can face them. You can get through this. You can go back. She could. She could?
Subject: Overtures

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Date Posted: 11:41:39 04/21/02 Sun

The girl had her back to him, and she was scanning the training grounds. Close up, she was almost as tall as him, slender as anything. She was an enigma. Oddly clothed and carrying a bow, yet her carriage was that of a noblewoman. How should he address her?
"Excuse me ma'am, but I think you've come to the wrong place. This is where the warriors train."
The girl turned to look at him. Keth bowed low, at his most charming.
"Perhaps you would permit me to escort you to the correct destination?"
Subject: Serving

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Date Posted: 12:37:58 04/21/02 Sun

Struggling to carry the heavy jug of water, Namün walked over to where her king sat speaking with the elf. Without speaking, she filled both their glasses, keeping her eyes downcast the entire time. Namün knew her place. The injustice that had left her a servant still made her angry, but she had learned to control it. Dropping a submissive curtsey, she retired to wait by the door, ready to serve the king if he wished. Not that he would wish. In the months she had been working here, not once had the king even looked at her. He had no time for serving girls.
Subject: Divine visitation

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Date Posted: 13:48:54 04/21/02 Sun

The king had left the healing houses and was now nowhere to be found. While cursing himself for not keeping a closer eye on the wounded monarch Vomyr was secretly realived. There was nothing he could do about Elessar's absense and it meant that the day was his, to be spent doing anything other than standing outside the blasted man's door.

The sun risen higher in the sky by the time he had reached the training ground. A group of vulgar soldiers lounged around on a nearby fence whistling and cat calling as one of their number approached a woman with her back to the manservant.

Paying them no more attention than was necessery Vomyr strode past them onto the archery green, longbow in hand. Drawing an arrow from the quiver on his back he fitted it to the string, gazed down the shaft, aimed and loosed. The arrow soored majestically into the sky before falling a full 4 feet from the target.
The leering soldiers stopped watching the pathetic attempts of their friend and started to call out to Vomyr. Face crimson with embarressment he ignored them and tried again. Once more the arrow missed the target, the soldiers whooped with laughter and Vomyr's tenuous hold on tranquility broke.

"I don't suppose any of you oafs own a crossbow?" Grinning one of them produced the weapon and offered it to the fuming valet. He gripped it securely, the weight felt good in his hands. He kept his voice as light as possible, hoping it's erratic nature wouldn't betray him, he asked "any of you any good?"
Several of the men made mock announcments of horror but finally they pushed one to the front. "Yer, I'm ok."
"Then sir I challenge you to a crossbow tornament. 3 shots each. There are no stakes. Agreed?"
They chuckled in what they obviously believed to be a macho way and the "crossbow expert" smiled patronisingly. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Alright. I go first." Vomyr handed him the crossbow in his hand.
Squinting against the sun the man aimed at the target and shot three times in quick succession. Vomyr examined the target, 2 clung to the outside circle but one hung just 2 inches from the bullseye. The target was a substantial distance away and Vomyr raised his eyebrows, "I'm impressed."

The crossbow was shoved roughly at him. The sun's glare blinded him and Vomyr's bolt flew wide of the target. Once again his onlookers roared with laughter.
"Move the target back!"
They stared at him in amazement. Didn't this little man realise what he was doing? Surely he should just retire gracefully now.
But Vomyr stood firm.
"Back 10 feet."
Lowering the weapon again he loosed twice.

Quivering in the bullseye were two bolts.

Silence filled the air. He swung around ready for the accusations and hissing. Instead his back was clapped and cheering rose around the stadium.

The woman standing on the other side of the court turned and regarded him with lumisnant blue eyes and Vomyr's heart missed a beat. Her face was perfect as was everything else about her.

She was a goddess and though he knew what happened when mortals fell for the gods, his heart thought different.

Subject: Breakfast

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Date Posted: 12:41:08 04/21/02 Sun

The elf stopped in midsentance, obviously unwilling to continue in whatever he'd been about to say. Politely Aragorn concentrated on the food infront of him and pretended to not have heard the intriging we.

So where there had been one there was now two, three. He couldn't tell and Legolas had now returned to the salad infront of him, lapsing into silence again.

Personally Aragorn made it a rule not to touch the stuff. It seemed unnatural, wrong even to survive on leaves, to eat the same things as rabbits. The sausages on his plate were cooling rapidly and their delicious smell called to his empty belly.
He ate as one possessed and a faint look of disgust crossed the face of the elf opposite him.
"Did you want some?" he asked after he had satified his immediate hunger. Legolas looked like he was about to excuse himself to go and find a quiet place to be sick.
Aragorn shrugged and finished his breakfast.
Much better.
The plate was removed by an attractive serving girl who smiled shyly at him. He returned it broadly, feeling much better after the meal. Keeping her eyes low the girl bobbed and exited.
His eyes followed her trim figure as she walked away. Mentally he weighed her up, pretty face, nice smile, beautiful figure ... not his wife.
Suddenley he felt replused with himself, unclean. He turned back to the elf, but Legolas was no longer eating his salad quietly and the look in his eyes spoke of pure loathing.

Aragorn's heart sank, it would've been nice to make up with Legolas but with one foul look he had once again ruined his chances.
[> Subject: Re: Breakfast

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Date Posted: 14:01:18 04/21/02 Sun

Legolas didn't trouble to hide his disgust. Aragorn had just recovered from a serious injury, it appeared his wife had gone missing, and yet here he was, smiling, eating butchered animals and ogling young women.

Then, he felt guilty. If, as it appeared, Arwen had left him, Aragorn would be lost. Then again, it wouldn't be much of a shock. Legolas had been, well, surprised when Arwen had made the decision to give up her immortality. And while she may have loved Aragorn, she was also a most unsuitable wife for him. What tricks fate played. Instead of a capable noble who could have stood beside him and helped to rule Gondor, he had loved a flighty she-elf ruled by her emotions.
Keeping his tone neutral, he asked, "It's true then? Arwen has left you?"
For that could be the only explanation for Aragorn's strange behaviour. Legolas let the icy curtain between them drop. If that was the case, Elessar would need his support, not his enmity.
Subject: Arwen

Unusual Dreams
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Date Posted: 15:47:56 04/21/02 Sun

The sun was high. She had not slept since her departure, and every limb felt weary. The palantir showed nothing that she did not know. She knew his face. She knew him. But now, she needed to rest...

Odd dreams came to her. Twisted pictures, distorted images flashed before her eyes. Aragorn. Legolas. Her. A baby. Her baby. Her child. Know I will always love you. Aragorn again. Not with her. Who was she?

Her father in Imradis. Galadriel at Lothlorien. Why were the all here? Whipering in elvish to them she said " Mornie utilie. Tiro! El eria e mor, aniron, aniron, Elessar." Then the images were gone. So were her unrestful dreams.

She awoke, but not where she had fallen asleep...
Subject: Realizations

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Date Posted: 17:29:27 04/21/02 Sun

He wanted to shout, "of course it isn't true!", to bellow, "she's only been gone for a day" but the words stuck in his throat.

Had she left him?
No one in the palace had seen or heard of Arwen.
She hadn't left him.
She loved him, was carrying his baby, she loved him...
The arguments died in his mouth before they could burst out at the elf.

Arwen had left him.

The cold hard truth suddenley dawned. She had abandoned him in his hour of need, taking his yet unborn son with her.

But she loved him, didn't she?

Aragorn wanted to shut out the doubt, what Legolas had said, but he had planted the seed of suspicion and now it gnawed at his soul as he sat in the noon sunlight.

The elf still sat across from him, waiting for the answer to a question he had asked in a different age, an age where the king had been secure in Arwen's love.

"Yes," he mumbled slightly, his voice breaking. "I believe she has."
It all made sense.
Well actually it didn't but his grief stricken heart fitted circumstances to solutions. His palantir gone, her isolation, the suposed affair, the way she had giggled that night in bed after they made up, alright not that, but a thousand other memories of her filled his head.

"She's left me."
Subject: Archery

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Date Posted: 18:53:50 04/21/02 Sun

Faeirex heard the man behind her, and stiffened. Keeping him waiting, she watched the little man with the crossbow score two perfect bullseyes in succession. A clever shot, from a man clearly hungry for glory. Looking into his eyes, there was ambition there, ambition and a dreadful malevolance and hunger for revenge.

A sorry sight to contemplate. But the cheek of the man behind her. Sighing, she fought back the temptation to show him just how different from a "ma'am" she was. Besides, antagonising the warriors here would not make for pleasant practise time. She would have to put up with it.
Turning, she looked the man square in the eyes, taking in his tanned, muscular frame, chiselled face and black hair. Not handsome, maybe, but certainly attractive.
She kept her icy gaze on him for several seconds, waiting for the charmng smile on his face to flicker with uncertanity. Then, still looking at him, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and fitted it to the longbow. In one quick movement, she turned and loosed.
The archery butts were some 500 yards away, and she watched clinically as the arrow whistled through the air to come to rest in the dead centre of the circle, tail quivering slightly in the breeze. A slight smile touched her lips as she turned back to the man.
"You were saying...?"
Subject: Friends again?

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Date Posted: 19:16:04 04/21/02 Sun

Legolas' heart filled with sympathy, and also guilt. This was probably all his fault. If he hadn't spoken to Arwen that day, Aragorn wouldn't have got the wrong idea, and all this wouldn't have happenned.
Rising, he clapped one hand onto his friend's shoulder.
"I am truly sorry Aragorn. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."
If the two of them were to remain friends, it was clear someone would have to give. Right now, it had to be him. He couldn't let the stupid bickering continue when Aragorn was going through something like this. Swiftly, he left before Elessar could answer. Better give them both time to calm down before they spoke again. He would seek out the faery. He'd been neglecting her, and she was at least one person he could help.
Subject: Interesting developments

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Date Posted: 19:42:58 04/21/02 Sun

He stood alone in the hall.

Legolas was willing to forgive if not forget, that was a start.

But was it worth it for the revelation about Arwen's disappearance? His heart twinged again and he fought back tears that had fallen too often over the last few days.

Did she still love him?
Did he still love her?

Long dark hair falling over eyes of sea blue that twinkled with laughter and glistened with sadness. The joy he felt just being close to her.

He didn't know.

Suddenley he felt the emptiness of the hall. Thanking the servants he left to check on the girl in the healing houses. The visit didn't last long. She was still asleep and when it was suggested that he take a lie down in the ward, Aragorn made a rapid exit and headed up towards his chambers.

They provoked more memories of times he had spent with Arwen and deflated he collapsed on his bed.
It smelled like her.
Closing his eyes he blocked out the delicate fragrence that clung to the sheets and curled up in a ball, shaking silently.
Subject: Awake

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Date Posted: 20:55:14 04/21/02 Sun

So they had brought her here. Arwen wondered why they had not let her be, instead of bringing her here. Still, it saved a long journey. They were quicker at coming to and fro, even when she was on horseback.

Turning and climbing out of the make-shift bed they had prepared, she took in her suroundings. It was a circular room, with no windows, or a roof. Instead were a few bronze bars, arched over the top. The walls were a creamy, off- white, and appart from the bed, the only furniture was a single chair.

On the chair lay a dress. Lifting it, she smiled. They had been unsure whether to give her the tunic of an elf, or a dress of a lady. The compromise was a white gown, loose and floating, that trailed along the floor. As she held it up against herself, a letter fell out.

Opening the wax seal she read:
Arwen Undomiel,
My apologies for interupting your journey to bring you here. Some of our men had found signs there were large groups of orcs in the forest, so it was not safe to be there. I am afraid your room is the best we can do. We have not met with outsiders for some years.

I am sory for not being here. I have been called away on a matter of some urgency surrounding the Northen boarder. I will return as soon as possible.

We hope you find the dress useful. It was noted the current one was in rags, so we had our best needle workers on task. The cloth was given to use by the people of Lothlorien many years past. It was never seen fit to use, but I thought you might like some home comfort!

Here the letter stopped, and was finished with a very messy signature, which Arwen could not read. Still, she knew who had written it. Then she noticed a PS:

When you use the palantir, be careful. What it shows you many not be all it seems. Trust me. We can se things a palantir cannot, like inside a man's heart.

What did that mean? The palantir? Now she felt more compelled to use it. "Aragorn." She summonded. The clouds cleared. Where was this place? It was almost like Minas Tirith. But Aragorn could not be there? Unless...?

Controlling the emotions which threatened to hide her voice she spoke calmly, "Aragorn. It's Arwen. I'm here." Then her voice broke. "I don't know if you can hear me. But I love you. I always have. Aragorn, I love you..." Her voice trailed off. She had not time to see if the image had heard her before the picture was engulfed in clouds.
Subject: lost for words

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Date Posted: 21:05:12 04/21/02 Sun

So. Frodo wasn't her father after all. Sam felt an overwhelming sense of sadness for Lily. All her life she had believed that Frodo was her father and now all her beliefs had been taken away from her in just one letter.
Sam walked over to Lily, sat next to her on the bed and took her in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say." Sam was lost for words. He wasn't ready for dealing with this. Talk about the unexpected. I mean. Bill Ferny!!! She really must have been drunk. Eugh.
Sam didn't know what else to say so he just sat there with Lily in silence and hoped something would come to him soon.
Subject: in case ny1 is wonderin

sam or ali i spose
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Date Posted: 21:07:45 04/21/02 Sun

just in case any1 is wonderin the purple is the same story line as the white but u cant c white on white so i have changed it 2 purple. If that makes any sense at all. i dono. jsut explaining that white story is now purple.
this is hard work
Subject: Off to see a King

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Date Posted: 21:21:24 04/21/02 Sun

Anawiel walked away from the walls. She had decided that now would be a good time to talk with Elessar. She inquired to a nearby servant to the king's whereabouts and was told he was in the healing houses. 'Great' she thought 'Go visit the gross people.' The healing house were across the main courtyard, but she skirted around the edges so as not to attract anyones notice. At least not for long enough for them to become curious and try talking to her.
Smiling sweetly at the nurse on duty, Anawiel was shown into a small room, just off the main ward.
Aragorn was lying down - not asleep, but crying softly into his pillows.
"What's wrong?" Anawiel questioned gently, sitting beside the king on the bed. "Is it Arwen? She's gone."
Elessar nodded, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. Anawiel plucked a cream handcercheif from the folds of her dress and his face lightly, carefully carressing the worn skin.
"I'm Anawiel - Arwen's cousin. I'm from the human side though." she said. Confusion bloomed on his face.
"Guess she dosen't say much about me then." Anawiel laughed.
"You'll be alright, Aragorn," she whispered leaning in closer, "You don't need to worry about a thing." But Aragorn looked doubtful. "I could try contacting her if you want - but I don't think she wants to talk to you. You hurt her badly, see. She's sensitive."
The king looked shocked as Anawiel said her last few words:
"I doubt she'll be coming back."
Subject: Awakening

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Date Posted: 02:07:12 04/22/02 Mon

Laeriel awoke with the sun shining on her face. She noticed that the pain in her stomach was gone and her fever had subsided, but she still felt lethargic. She moaned a little and rolled over onto her other side, facing the window. She wished she could sneak out of the window, like she did her first night in the castle, but she could barely move. She was slowly growing accustomed to the quietness of the walls around her, accustomed. She still didn't like being inside.

Laeriel's head still swam with dreams of home. She wasn't so homesick now, somehow she felt calm. She let her worries slip away and drank in the afternoon sun. The afternoon sun, it was afternoon and no one had come to look for her. Save that strange man who brought her here. That was another question, where was here? She was in a clean bed, in a clean room. It was not a clean place, though, it smelled of sickness. It must be some sort of a place for healing.

A crow came flying and sat on the window sill. It was a lovely shade of ebony. She smiled at it. It acknowleged her and flew away. She rolled over onto her back. The air that was streaming through the window was refreshing. She lay in bed for a few minutes, trying to remember the last time she saw Legolas or Lómódë. They seemed so busy with their own problems, they probably had not given her a second thought. Laeriel hoped she had not been forgotten.
Subject: Wrong impression

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Date Posted: 17:46:08 04/22/02 Mon

Keth's jaw dropped. From this distance, he could barely make out the rings on the target, let alone hit it. Ruefully, he wondered if this girl had been sent here just to give him a dose of humility. Nobody had any buisness looking like she did and being such a good shot. He glanced around. Every man in the courts was staring at her with varying expressions of shock.
Pulling himself back to the present, Keth bowed low.
"It appears I have been mistaken, my Lady. I can think of no more suitable place for you to be than here- save perhaps on the arm of a King."
The polished phrases fell neatly from his lips, but accompanied by an impudent grin to reassure the girl that his sugary words were meant neither to offend, nor inveigle. He offered her his arm.
"Perhaps you would condescend to show these low- mannered curs what true archery really is? I assure you, we could all do with the knowledge. That is, if you have nothing better to do?"
Subject: Memories

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Date Posted: 18:47:44 04/22/02 Mon

Namün took a deep breath, then opened the door. Predictably, the room was empty. She had been ordered to give the room a good cleaning, change the sheets, air the beds. It appeared the room was destined to remain empty for quite some time. Queen Arwen's room. Palace gossip must be true. She felt a sudden surge of sympathy for the king, a man who, until today, had never even adknowleged her existance. She remembered his smile.
Thinking about the Queen's leaving made her feel rather guilty. Hadn't she just done exactly the same thing? Well, not really she supposed, but similar.
She thought of Madjael. Was she right to have left him? He was rich enough; marriage to him would have guaranteed her security.
Marriage to him would have been wrong though. Not that he'd ever suggested it, of course. Inside, Madjael loved himself far more than he could ever love her. Did he realise? He'd been a good enough lover, matching her passion, but that was all. He treated her like a possession, took it for granted she would be there for him when he wanted, out of his way the rest of the time.
Although, Namün admitted, it hadn't been entirely his fault. She was still searching for someone, her satisfaction with Madjael had died all too quickly. Namün wanted someone who made her heart race when she saw him, someone who made her feel alive in a way no one else could. Once she had realised that Madjael wasn't that man, they had never stood a chance. She wouldn't settle for second best, her fiery nature and deep passions did not suit her for a man she was not a hundred percent committed to.

She shook herself. Now was not the time for introspection. She had work to do, had to work now to keep a roof over her head. Beginning in the absent Queen's sitting room, she started to clean.
Subject: A mysterious visitor and new grief

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Date Posted: 21:37:05 04/22/02 Mon

The woman on the end of his bed stared at him compassionatly. Her words were soft as was the hankerchief she dried his eyes with but it did not hurt him; the words cut into his already wounded soul with new daggers.
"She doesn't want to talk to you." She doesn't?
I hurt her badly?
"I doubt she'll be coming back."

So it was confirmed. Confirmed by a beautiful girl who was a complete stranger but confirmed none the less.

Was she a stranger though? Through his grief Aragorn sensed a faint flicker of recognition. She seemed familiar. But he was in no state of mind to persue it future, attributing it to her ralationship with Arwen.


"I love you Arwen Evenstar"

"I doubt she'll be coming back."

"Aragorn, I'm pregnant."

"I doubt she'll be coming back."

"Know that I will always love you"

"I renaidlin ne mor nuithannen. Manan elye etevanne norie i melanelye"

The last words, a memory from a dream, were the ones that haunted him.
The redhead watched him carefully and Aragorn rose.
"If you'll excuse me" he said stiffly, bowed and left the room.

His own suite was located on the west side of the building but his feet didn't lead him there.

Arwen's door stood open, it was strange but he thought nothing of it. The window stood open, letting the spring air flood the room, Arwen's essence was everywhere. He could feel it in the very furniture. The bed, when he sat on it, was much softer than his own and gently he stretched out upon the pure white sheets and closed his eyes.
Subject: The messenger

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Date Posted: 21:56:28 04/22/02 Mon

She knew not how long she lay in the comforting circle of Sam's arms. Her mother's final words seemed firmly lodged in her conciousness. Pushing them down she concentrated on feeling part of a family, though it was not her own.
She didn't have a family anymore.

They sat in silence until Rosie bustled in. "Sorry if I'm interrupting." She was, but they both thought too highly of her to mention it. "Sammy dear there's a young man, waiting to see you. Bergil, his name was."

A man? Now that was strange. King Elessar had passed a law, secluding the Shire from outsiders and yet there was a man waiting outside.

Lily withdrew from Sam's embrace and looked up expectantly, hopeing she didn't look as awful as she felt.

Subject: Reflection

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Date Posted: 22:07:52 04/22/02 Mon

On entering Arwen's dressing room laden down with silken outfits, Namün was instantly confronted by a huge, brightly polished mirror. She stopped. When was the last time she had seen her own reflection full length? Certainly a very long time.
Critically, she looked at herself, not sure if she liked what she saw. She'd lost weight, she noticed with surprise, and some worry. Her gaze rose from her figure, stopping self-consciously on the still clear scar running from the base of her neck along her collarbone and down towards her right breast. The white blouse she wore was not enough to conceal the harsh evidence of her tumultous past. Namün studied her face. To her mind, she was not attractive. Certainly no rival for the elaborately dressed and made-up court women. Her face had no softness about it, every feature stood out starkly- flashing black eyes framed by long dark lashes, full, pouting red lips, strong jawline and cheekbones. Everything about her spoke of passion and fire, but she saw no beauty there. Long, loose curls in raven black fell haphazardly over her shoulders, uncombed. She looked wild; dramatic contrast to the delicate noblewomen she served under. They were pale flowers, living sheltered lives. Namün had skin far closer to golden, and had no one but herself to rely on. She was, she admitted to herself, far more of a bramble than a flower.

She heard movement in the rooms outside and instantly deposited the gowns, before going to see who had invaded her workspace. Lying on the bed was a man who, on closer inspection, turned out to be the king. Namün hovered in undecision. What was she supposed to do?
"My Lord?"
Subject: Eowyn in the Forest

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Date Posted: 07:50:29 04/23/02 Tue

Faramir wandered through the edge if the forest. Eowyn's tracks had lead him in circles, but know he could see signs of where she appeared to have set up camp for the night. As he drew nearer, he noticed how organised the whole area was. There was firewood stacked up, a small amount food, her horse was tied to a tree branch with plenty to eat, and she, lay under her thick travelling cloak. But she was not sleeping.

Rushing over, she had collapsed. Perhaps exhausted. But then why had she set up all of this? He knew not, but did realise that she could not stay here. Lifting her gently he placed her on his horse. There was a slight groan, but he had not woken her. Tying a rope between his and Eowyn's horses he rode. He had only gotten to the roadside when he stopped.

There was a saddle. Too small to be that of a male rider, but, he noticed it carried markings from Minas Tirith. The palace stables! What was that doing there? Faramir would have liked to exercise his curiosity, but another sigh from his wife reminded him that she needed proper care.

Turning, but making a mental note to ask Elessar about the saddle, he rode.
Subject: Arrows

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Date Posted: 16:13:09 04/23/02 Tue

Faeirex hesitated before taking the arm of the smooth young man in front of her. She felt much better now. All her fear, anger, pain and frustration had been poured into that one arrow and dispelled from her body with the release of the bowstring. Here, nothing mattered. She was neither elf nor girl, friend or foe. Here, she was a warrior, and nothing mattered more than the feel of the weapon in her hands, the blending of mind and body with polished steel. Here, she was free of the burdens she carried.

"My name is Lómódë." she told him. The man murmured pleasantries and compliments, mixed in with jokes and witty remarks as she walked with him. He was good, she had to conceed. It wasn't long before he brought first a smile, then pure, unadulterated laughter to her lips. It felt good to laugh.
Strange as it may be, here she didn't feel like a fraud. She didn't feel false bearing the name Lómódë. Laughing like any normal girl, Faeirex was herself, herself before all the changes took place.

She was introduced to the men watching the archery. The one who had spoken to her was Keth, she noted. The names of the others were lost to her.
"Was that a fluke?" one of them asked her. Not really a man this one, little more than a boy.
Normally, a remark like that would have angered her. At the moment though, Faeirex was content to let it pass.
"No more than this will be." she answered easily. Turning back to the targets, she loosed a dozen arrows in quick succession, her arm a blur.
Done, she stepped back, surveying her handiwork. Each of the twelve arrows had landed in the outermost circle of the target, forming a ring. Each was perfectly spaced apart, neatly circling the arrow she had previously placed in the centre.
"Doubt me now?" she asked, eyes sparkling with mischief.
Subject: Not Arwen

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Date Posted: 17:06:22 04/23/02 Tue

The voice that was not Arwen's broke through his concentration.
His eyes opened on the woman who had the audactiy not to be Arwen.
"My Lord?"
He looked down from the face that was not that of his wife to her clothes. Great, a servant.
"I don't mean to be rude but would you mind leaving?"
He assumed her answer with out hearing it and returned to meloncolly thoughts of Arwen.

After about a minute he heard the sounds of dresses being moved. "I thought I told you to go."
"You asked if I minded leaving, I do" was the impertinate reply.
"I'll rephrase it for you: leave me alone, please"
"I have to clean this room. I don't know about you but I'm not partial to whipping." So the girl was educated and remarkably striking too he reflected, but still an annoying servant.
"Look, you may not have noticed but I'm the king. I will order you not to be whipped. Happy?"
No. I like to do my work, not have others do it for me."
The girl was insufferable.
"You don't have to go" she called as he got up.
"It seems you have no intention of doing so and so I must."
"I don't mind, it's nice to talk to someone while you clean."
A smile played around his mouth, "you're aware I could order you exucuted for this cheek?"
"Of course."
He sat down, resigned to his fate.
"Alright, I'll stay. So why don't you tell me how you got that interesting scar."
Subject: A refusal

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Date Posted: 19:43:56 04/23/02 Tue

Namün stood firm. It had taken only moments for her to realise that the King wouldn't make more than a token effort to get rid of her. She had known enough men to be a good enough judge of their character, and the man who ruled her country was already too emotionally exhausted to put up any battle against her will. He wouldn't have her harmed, she could see it in his eyes.
It was more than just curiosity that kept her there though. Namün could see the deep hurt barely masked in his face. She didn't want to leave him alone. From her own experience, alone was not a good place to be.

He asked her about the scar. Namün looked down at herself self-consciously. She had been told that in time, the scar would fade to a pale line on her skin, but right now it was still a narrow but angry red score, a vivid gash against her smooth skin. She tried again to pull her blouse over to hide the mark, but failed.
"I was attacked. Three men, one of them had a knife. The- usual thing happened, and when I tried to fight, he cut me."
The simple, bare truth. Told like that, it didn't hurt. It was only when people tried to delve deeper into the issues surrounding it that she felt the recurring stab of pain and anger.
She took a deep breath and looked defiantly into the monarchs eyes, watching the emotions flash across his face as he registered what she'd said.
Subject: A scar with a history

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Date Posted: 20:18:22 04/23/02 Tue

"The- usual thing happened, and when I tried to fight, he cut me."
The usual thing? The usual thing?
"This happened in my kingdom?" She nodded. His outrage rose as understanding dawned.
What really disturbed him was that she seemed to accept it as the usual thing. How could it be usual if he, the king, hadn't even been aware of it.

He knew of course.

The years spent in the study had distanced him from his people. While signing the decrees that should be enhancing their lives he had been blissfully unaware of what was going on in his perfect kingdom.

His colour rose as he pictured how she had got her scar. Embarressed he murmered "I didn't know...I wouldn't have asked...I apologise..." He died off, not knowing what else to say. "I can't believe that happened; in my kingdom!

"Was this a recent thing? Do you want to talk about it? If you don't it doesn't matter, but I haven't anything more pressing to do if it would help."
Subject: Darkness

The silent watcher
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Date Posted: 20:37:58 04/23/02 Tue

Silently he watched and waited. The time was not yet right but it was approaching.

The man, Vomyr, had great potential. An anger that appeared unquencable, sparked by nothings. He would be easy to corrupt unlike the rest of the staff who seemed sickeningly devoted to their monarch.

The shadows grew around him as the sun moved into late afternoon and he welcomed them, abosorbing their darkness into his soul.

Soon everything would be ready.

Subject: Hard facts

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Date Posted: 20:53:27 04/23/02 Tue

"You don't need to apologise," Namün reassured the king, "you couldn't have done anything to prevent it."

But a chance had come, and she took it. This could be her one chance to make a difference. Indifferent to her own pain, she opened the king's eyes to a whole new world.

"I never knew my father. From what my mother told me, he was a nobleman. He had an affair with my mother, then left her when he got her pregnant." Her voice hardened with contempt. "He paid her to keep quiet, to save his honor. She never told anyone the truth, not even me.
I think part of the deal between them was that he would pay for my education. Mother wanted me to be able to do something with my life. Someone tutored me- I wasn't allowed to mix with the nobles in their own schools."
The hurt of that rejection was still in her now, amongst all the other hurts done to her. Sadly, she continued.
"I wanted to become a healer. I wanted to help people. I grew up amongst all this poverty, and I thought I was in a position to try to make their lives better. My father was going to pay for the training. But then my mother died. And once she was dead, I got nothing. I have no idea who he is, so I had no way of exposing him. As soon as he knew he was safe, I was cast out like rubbish.
I still had a little money left, so I began my training anyway. And then this happened." She touched the scar.
"Healers fees are expensive. Before he would save my life, the man took all the money I had. Even now, I'm still in debt. I had to take the job here to try to pay it off. I'm trapped."
She leant in close to him, emphasising her every word.
"That's what life is like for the people out there. You sit in here, telling me you have a little spare time in which to listen to what's happened to me. And it's nothing. It happens to girls like me all the time, and there's no one to help. And for the people in the slums it's far, far worse. Only those with the money to pay for healing get it, the rest are left to die. Everyone's out for what they can, in order to survive. They have nothing else. Don't sit here and tell me you're sorry, do something about it. Please."
Subject: The girl and a new life

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Date Posted: 16:51:34 04/24/02 Wed

She had ripped the veil away, he knew he should be grateful, but he was not.

The comfortable world, where people respected each other, helped the poor and clothed the sick, had crumbled away never to be replaced.

Of course things like this happened, but in Gondor? The White City had seemed immune to this fate but Aragorn's paradise had fallen with the others.

"If you still want to be a healer I will pay." The words sounded hollow even to him, pointless and condesending.

"Everyone's out for what they can, in order to survive. They have nothing else.

The lavishness of the appartment hung in stark contrast to the ordeals she decribed and he was sickened by it.

"Don't sit here and tell me you're sorry, do something about it. Please." The desparation in her voice touched him.

"You care about them don't you," he said softly. "The people, my people. I can understand if you don't believe me but I care about them too. All of them.
I care about you..."
"Namün," she supplied.
"Beautiful." She started and he smiled slightly, "as it should be if it belongs to you. You think me improper? Don't deny it. I apologise if I have caused you offence, I meant it purely as a compliment."

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"I mean to help." A disbelieving snort and he raised his eyebrows, "you don't believe me? I mean it!" He held out his hands for her inspection. She looked critically at them before quoting: "The hands of a king are the hands of a healer."
"Precisly. I mean to use that power. Set up a clinic, not just me but loads of other doctors too." His face lit up like a child with a new toy. "We will be the White City once more." He stood up so as to be eye to eye with her. "It's all thanks to you." He felt her breath on his cheek. "Thank you."
[> Subject: Re: The girl and a new life

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Date Posted: 17:11:32 04/24/02 Wed

Namün could hardly believe her ears. A healing clinic! And training for herself, if she wanted it.
Her face fell. Did she want it? She shook her head slowly.
"I don't want your charity. If I become a healer, it will be because I earned the money to buy myself out of debt and pay for the training myself. I won't be in debt to anyone."
His face fell. Quickly, she reassured him.
"A hospital for the poor is a wonderful idea though. Do you really mean it?"
Her eyes were shining in excitement and triumph. She had made a difference! In some small way, she could make the lives of her people better.
The king nodded. Namün looked steadfastly into his eyes, the full realisation of what she had just done dawning in her face. Solemnly, she rose on her tiptoes and gently kissed his cheek, lips lingering on his skin.
"Thank you."
Subject: The kiss

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Date Posted: 18:21:08 04/24/02 Wed

Red lips brushed his cheek and his heart stopped.

What shocked him was not that she had dared to do it; rather that he was excited by the tingle that rushed down the nerves from his skin.

Namün was not Arwen and he was not in love with her, he didn't even know her for gods' sake!.

So why was he feeling like this?

A hot fire filled his veins and a rush of emotions boiled in his soul. Fighting to keep it from showing in his face, he smiled down at the petite brunette, "you are very welcome I just wish someone had come to me sooner. I wish you well in your quest to become a healer. You are a very determinded young woman Namün."

The temptation to bring his mouth to hers overwhelmed him and he moved towards her slightly before pulling back, horrified. "I hope we shall meet again" was all he could manage before striding out the room quickly.

I love Arwen he thought furiously to himself. But does she love you? The irriating part of his brain asked "Yes of course" So where is she? "I...don't know" That's right. And your talking to yourself

The face of a girl with wavy dark hair, skin the colour of honey, lips red as the sunset rose in his mind. The symbol of her tumultous past, the scar that went where he could not, under the pure white blouse, tormented him.

Namün. She would destroy him.
Subject: Lómódë

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Date Posted: 12:34:18 04/25/02 Thu

A talented archer as well?

The woman wowed him, left him breathless. At the moment she was laughing and joking with the soldiers that surrounded him. He didn't feel like part of the group despite their insisting to the contary, but oh how he wished he could be.

To be the night haired Keth, his arm resting lightly around her shoulders, his charming comments more than making up for his lack of looks or social position.

Vomyr smiled slightly whenever she looked at him but it was not often and the gaze did not last long if it was met at all.


Even the elvish name sent shivers down his spine.

The air vibrated, the sound of a giant bell ringing out across the courtyard. Groaning the soldiers pushed themselves off the floor or away from the bence and started back for the barracks after muttering apolgies ["Sorry, role call"] to Vomyr and Lómódë.

In less than a minute the archery greens were empty, all save for Vomyr and the now silent elf.

Subject: Hidden feelings

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Date Posted: 16:47:29 04/25/02 Thu

Namün stood perfectly still in the center of the room, thinking. He had been about to kiss her- she'd read it in his face.
That was surprising in itself, and not just because she was a servant. Her thoughts lingered far more on the fact that she wouldn't have minded, would have kissed him back even.
I am a bad person, she thought. He's married, he's my king, he's far, far older than me. I should not be thinking about this.

All the same, she was thinking about this. She remembered the smell of his skin and the rough texture of his cheek under her lips. No matter how old he was, the king still had many attractive qualities.

Shaking her head suddenly to banish her monarch from her thoughts, she pushed several unruly black locks back from her face. Namün turned back to her cleaning with a vengeance. Perhaps she would meet with the king again, perhaps not. Right now though, to avoid a whipping, she had to see to the chambers of his wife.

His wife.
Subject: A missing faery

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Date Posted: 17:20:54 04/25/02 Thu

After quite some time, Legolas managed to ascertain that not only was his diminutive guest not in the bed where he had left her, but she didn't appear to be anywhere in the palace either. Wonderful. He had brought two strangers to the palace with him; one had been possessed by an evil being in the night, refused to tell him anything about herself and had, according to palace gossip, last been seen heading purposefully into the city carrying a weapon, the other seemed to have vanished entirely. This was not the way to treat guests under his protection.

Well, the faery seemed to be a lost cause for now. At least she wanted to be here, she would probably find her way back when she was ready. Not very satisfactory, but he could do nothing about it right now. Lómódë on the other hand, couldn't be hard to find. She wasn't exactly inconspicuous. Resignedly, he headed out into the city to try to locate her.
Subject: Holding court

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Date Posted: 18:25:56 04/25/02 Thu

The stuffy air of the study, the smell of the books that stood like soldiers on his walls, the stacks of fresh forms on his desk. It all seemed like a different life.

Vomyr was absent and Aragorn was glad of it, not just for his own sanity but for Vomyr's health as well: The man should live more.

He pulled at his state robes in annoyance. The dublet in paticular made him feel more of a fop that a warrior king. The lavender silk had always been one of Arwen's favourites, saying it brought out the blue in his eyes. He had worn it to feel close to her but instead he felt irrated and uneasy. Picking the crown off the table and Anduril off the wall he moved out of the hateful room and into the corridor that lead to the Throne Room.

Typically it was full of a crowd of brightly dressed nobles who didn't seem to realise you couldn't hold court with out the king present. There was silence as he entered. Cloak flaring out behind him Aragorn walked dramatically through the centre of the room before seating himself on the throne, waving his hand and calling "continue" to the watching musicians. A lively tune filled the hall and the chattering began again.

He tried to sit still but during the months of paper work he had forgotten how uncomfortable both the crown and the throne really were.
The crown had been a wedding present from Elrond however, a thin band of gold, set with a diamond star. The throne was a heirloom, the white tree symbol of his family inlaid into the dark wood. It was still very hard and in dire need of some cushions, which would apparently spoil it's line and were therefore not allowed.

Various petty noblemen approuched him with their petty rivalries and problems. Wearily Aragorn passed judgment and new laws before finally calling for quiet and announced his plans for the poor hospital. It was met with universal distaste. No views were aired publically but Aragorn had expected no less. More disputes, more laws and then court was over.

The room emptied rapidly and he removed the crown with relief. Lifting himself of the throne the king stretched out his aching muscles, a couple of odd looks were shot at him from the musicians but he ignored them before walking out.

The corridors were lined with with candles as the light was failing. As he strolled along trying not to think about the servant girl her image rose in his mind once more.
Who sins most
The tempter of the tempted?
Do I desire her foully for those things that make her good?

He did and the guilt consumed him.
Subject: Unwanted Advances

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Date Posted: 22:09:42 04/25/02 Thu

Namün trod carefully along the passageway, a large porcelain bowl held carefully in her hands. It was filled with sweet rosewater, by orders of one of the many over-pampered noblewomen currently living in the palace. The bowl was very heavy, and Namün was very tired. How long had it been since she was allowed to rest?

She turned a corner and came face to face with a nobleman. He was unshaven and smelled strongly of ale. Seeing her, he approached.
"You there- girl. Fancy a bit of fun? I could do with something to relax me."
She kept her eyes down, trying to get past him before anything else could happen. Too late. Strong hands pinned her against the wall.
"Didn't you hear me, girl? I said I want a bit of fun, and I think you can provide it."
Still looking down, she replied quietly. "Please just let me do my job, my lord. I don't want any 'fun' from you."
Namün was trapped, and she knew it. While holding the bowl, she didn't have her hands free to defend herself.
He wouldn't be deterred, and continued trying to persuade her. Again and again, she politely refused. He leered at her, the smell of alcohol on his breath, hands on her body. Helpless, she cringed away from his touch.

"Come on, everyone knows you servant girls are ready, willing and able." His voice became cajoling. "Perhaps I can make it worth your while..."
Her head snapped up, eyes blazing. This had gone too far.
"I may be a servant, but I am not a whore. My body is not for sale, not to you, nor anyone else. However poor I may be, I will never go so low as to be willing to crawl into bed with you!"
As soon as the words were out, she regretted them. She had lost her temper, and had probably made the situation worse.
"You little bitch! I'll see that you lose your job for this. You'll regret crossing me. Soon you'll be begging for my favors!"
He raised his hand to strike her, shifting his body to the side as he did so. Looking past him, Namün's eyes widened. The king was standing in the corridor, a shocked expression on his face. How much had he heard? Would he help her?
He hadn't moved. Would he turn a blind eye to the behaviour of his courtiers? It looked like it. Her heart sank and her eyes shifted back to the drunkard. Namün closed her eyes and readied her body for the inevitable blow to her face.
Subject: King in shining armour

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Date Posted: 22:52:36 04/25/02 Thu

Cold candlelight flickered in the passageway. Crown in hand he moved, silent as a hawk through the night air. His body, not fully healed, was in agony after the day's exertions and all Aragorn wanted to do was curl up and sleep for a week.

One of the courtiers was hastling a girl in a dark corner. Normally he would've gone to help but for the moment he was too tired, and so he sidled past as best he could, trying to not to hear the sounds emerging from the shadows. But soon the voices were raised in anger and faintly the wind brought him snatches of conversation.

"Come on, everyone knows you servant girls are ready, willing and able."

He cringed in disgust, trying to recognise the man's face from this distance but his eyes couldn't penetrate the gloom. Then a new voice, a woman's:
"I may be a servant, but I am not a whore. My body is not for sale, not to you, nor anyone else. However poor I may be, I will never go so low as to be willing to crawl into bed with you!"

Familiar and yet not familiar. The slightly accented vowel sounds belonged to Namün and suddenley he could not ignore the cry for help.

Running back he stood shock still as a man he could now identify as Deollyn, a well known drunkard and abuser of women, held Namün against the wall shouting curses at her as she cringed away. The girl's eyes moved off the courtier's face and onto Aragorn's. He heard the silent plea: help me and wondered why he was still standing there.

Velvet cloak flying the king hurled himself into the fray before Deollyn could even register his presence. Aragorn didn't give the man time to recognise him, knowing that Deollyn would stop fighting if he knew who he was fighting monarch and whirled his right fist into the drunks eye. Grunting Deollyn staggered backwards before pulling a knife from his belt. Namün gasped and Aragorn lunged at the man before he could bring the dagger into play, knocking him to the ground, bringing a shower of punches down upon his head. Deollyn brought his knee up into Aragorn's groin and it was his turn to collapse, groaning. Knife retrieved the attacker advanced on the wounded man, his laugh manic, his eyes wide. Looking up in horror Aragorn was in time to see Namün raise the bowl of water she had been carrying above her head and bring it crashing down on the courtier who collapsed, the insane grin still firmly in place.

Drousily Aragorn pushed himself to his feet and stood looking at the servant girl's arms which were bedecked with bruises and the small trickle of blood that run from her mouth: She was beautiful.

"Namün, what a pleasant surprise," he kept his voice light. "I seem to have had a pretty nasty fall and I was wondering..." his vision blurred and Aragorn felt the faint coming on again, "I was wondering if you would help me back to my quarters."
Subject: Tent

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Date Posted: 08:07:46 04/26/02 Fri

Okay. For a start, where was I. Eyes open. I could tell I was in the hospital tent but the the way it seemed to be spinning around me was obviously a bad sign. I closed my eyes again. I strained to remember what had happened. The orcs had surronded me. I had blown my horn so the others would come to help. Why was I here. An orc had almost slashed my arm off. That explained why it was so stiff. I decided to try and get up. Eyes open. All right. No more spinning. There was a pair of breeches and a loose shirt that would be easy to put over my injured arm. I put them on an tried to get up.
Subject: Fury

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Date Posted: 16:32:33 04/26/02 Fri

Namün swayed slightly. Fury raged within her. She didn't dare speak- she would either burst into tears or else vent all that built up anger on the King. She looked at the prone noble on the floor, then on to the broken bowl. She was going to be in so much trouble.
Quickly, she went to the King and helped support his weight. He tried to speak.
"Not now." she said quietly, struggling to get her emotions under control. Slowly, agonisingly, the pair made their way to the royal chambers. Namün stayed resolutely silent.

Once in the royal apartments, Namün helped her King to a chair. She looked at his bleeding knuckles and a cut over his eye.
"Those will have to be cleaned."
Quietly she left, returning with water and a cloth. Pinning her hair back behind her head, she set to work. Gently, she cleaned the cuts on his knuckles, feeling his eyes on her all the time, yet refusing to meet them. As she worked, she gradually calmed down, her anger lessening.

As soon as the cloth touched his bleeding forehead, Aragorn winced and stood up quickly, moving away from her. Namün reached out and caught hold of his arm.
"Stand still!" she ordered imperiously. Standing to face him, she tilted her face upwards towards his. This time, when she carefully began to clean the cut, he didn't move away. He looked her full in the face, smiling gently. Namün's own face was serious, her lips half open in a slight pout, eyes narrowed in concentration. She tasted her own blood in her mouth- the man's fist had clipped her before being pushed away. Bruises were already beginning to show on her arms, and she could feel the dull ache in her sides where his fingers had dug deeply into her delicate skin. Slowly, carefully, she worked, trying to wash away her own pain along with her monarch's blood.
Subject: Admiration and Love

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Date Posted: 16:55:09 04/26/02 Fri

They stood together and Vomyr tried to ignore the growing emotional chasm between them.

He tried to comment on the weather but she seemed uninterested and cast around the grounds as if looking for something, anything that was not him.

The subject changed to archery, minor comments were exchanged but soon the uncomfortable silence resumed.

Vomyr tried to lean upon the fence in the unrestrained manner he had seen displayed by the soldiers but it felt strange and soon he stood back up again and tried to draw the maiden into conversation once more.

Once more she nodded vaguly at all he said and smiled slightly, possibly to herself over some trivial matter but to Vomyr that smile betrayed her true feelings.

She was mocking him.
He exploded.

"Enough of this! In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

Subject: Letting him down gently

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Date Posted: 17:34:42 04/26/02 Fri

It took a moment for the words to sink in. When they did, Faeirex fought back the urge to bolt. This shouldn't be happening...

The feeling of belonging that the warriors had given her still lingered. The part of her that still thought of itself as Lómódë lent her compassion. Laughing at him would not help the man, nor would crushing his feelings. This would have to be dealt with the hard way. With a sigh, she sat down, gesturing for him to sit next to her.
"Vomyr," she said gently, blue eyes on his face, "don't do this. You'll only get hurt. Even if I was looking for it, love isn't an option that's open to me. I chose my path long ago, and love doesn't feature.
Besides, you're a mortal. I'm not. You'll get old, you'll die. I won't. It could never work between us. You've only just met me, what you're feeling isn't love. It's lust. Spare yourself the heartache and find yourself a different girl. All I'll do is hurt you."
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