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Date Posted: 15:27:47 12/23/02 Mon
Author: Mark
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Subject: Cyclo-crossing issues...your views?

Hi, as we are in the midst of the cyclo-cross season, here some toughts and questions on it. First of all a question for all you non-Belgian or Dutch ppl, (which is more or less linked to my second statement) how much do YOU see or hear about cyclo-cross? (apart from e.g. the daily peleton which covers about every aspect of cycling, of which i'm grateful too) And/or can you name 5 international crossing stars from the top of your head?

All this has a purpose, before you think i'm putting on some kinda survey here.:) Thing is, there has been a lot of quarreling at the start of the cyclo-cross season over here (Belgium). Because of the absurd dominance of the Belgian riders (together with Dutchman Groenendaal), the UCI imposed some new rules to try and limit this dominance, as you may know. For example: The starting line-ups were arranged so that riders from different countries would also get a good spot, but by this pushing some (mostly vastly better) Belgian riders back in the line-up. At which they (=Belgians) complained that they had to spend half a race trying to pass by these riders. And other big or small adjustments. (And since Groenendaal hasn't got much of competition in his own country, he always gets a good spot, so he's not complaining, so it's turned into a "Belgium vs. all" dispute more or less)

So the deal is, if cyclo-crossing continues to be dominated by one or two countries like this, it obviously wouldn't be good for the sport. But is it right to place riders that are in fact much better (and not to mention professionals that have to make a living) back because of this dominance?
Even though there urgently has to be done something about it, i don't think measures like these will do any good. Rather investing in youth-development and promoting the sport in these countries seems to be the way to do it. Blah. Maybe my crappy English makes the point of my post a bit unclear, but i hope you know what i mean.:)

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