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Date Posted: Fri, Apr 23 2004, 3:45:55
Author: Just another dude
Subject: Re: The evils of NoES, D&D, and other criminal based fandoms.
In reply to: Christian Soldier (in more ways than one) 's message, "The evils of NoES, D&D, and other criminal based fandoms." on Thu, Apr 22 2004, 23:19:30

>It is interesting that GAFF, a board that has chosen to ostracize such fandoms as Otherkin and Furries, would take a pro stance on criminal fandoms because of a few new members.

Since when have we ever discrimated on fandoms? If somebody likes Freddy, they like Freddy? If they like jason, more power to them. If they like Strawberry shortcake. Good for them.

>Maybe even spent a few hours role playing with friends for laughs. It is another matter to watch it repeatedly and become obsessed with the characters to the point we “fangirl” or “fanboy” them.

So you're saying that nobody should take their fandom seriosuly? What so different about NOES as say apposed to Cowboy Bebop, or Lord of the Rings?

>It is another when we start to write fanfiction about these occult topics and begin to have them regularly enter our lives.

Gotcha. far be it for any of us to write FANFICTION of things we are FANS of.

>Sadly, most of these fandoms attract mentally disturbed people who have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality.

You seem to be the one with a problem there. It seems tou can't differentaate "bad fandom" from "serial killer".

>If someone thinks a vile character like Jason or Freddy are cool or interesting because they kill, than why can’t we make the assumption that the unstable might engage in the same behavior the characters indulge in to seek pleasure?

The unstable? David Berkowitz got his inspiration to kill by listen to his dog talk to him. you can't judge anything by the unstable. Unstable people will always find a reason. Ed Gein cut people up and made clothes and funrtiaure out of them. he didn't even HAVE electrity.

>The FBI has been studying this issue for years. Manson’s mind heard “truth” in perceived messages in the Beatles’s White Album. Could something similar occur with slasher movies, violent games, and D&D? Well it already has. The school massacres of the late 90's are proof of our culture becoming more influenced by violent media.

Because we all know that nobody even decides to kill a person prior to watching horror movies. That's why Hitler exterimanted the Jews. Too many horror movies.

>Unfortunately, it seems there are those of us out there that would rather encourage this subversive behavior instead of discouraging it. To me, this is a serious issue and very relevant to GAFF.

To me it's a way of trying to place scapegoats. Some people are just screwed up in the head. And vioplence isn't nayworse that it's ever been. Go read about Capone if you don't belive me.

>Walk with the light and not with the darkness.

Agreed. Now take your own advice. Stop standing around in the dark and talking about things you have no knowledge of.

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