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Subject: how can i conmunicate with aliens, and how should i do it ?

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Date Posted: 16:59:35 08/17/03 Sun
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Hi, my names Jas, I strongly believe in the existence of aliens and other life forms.
Could you give me any tips on how I can achieve a connection with an exterritorial?
In any form. So I can gain more knowledge on what and who they are and what message they have got for humanity.

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[> Subject: Re: how can i conmunicate with aliens, and how should i do it ?

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 22:35:19 09/09/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Hi, my names Jas, I strongly believe in the existence
>of aliens and other life forms.
>Could you give me any tips on how I can achieve a
>connection with an exterritorial?
>In any form. So I can gain more knowledge on what and
>who they are and what message they have got for

Hi Jas,

Let me give you a little bit of an education on 3rd dimensional extra-terrestrials... So i'm referring to ET's with physical bodies who come here in spacecraft from other worlds similar to Earth...

ALMOST all of the extra-terrestrials that visibly come into our Earth atmosphere & land on this planet, are NOT any ET's you want to have ANYTHING to do with... WHY.. because those are the ones that do not have any good intentions towards human beings... They come from worlds that are scientifically advanced, BUT they are on about the same conquer & control power trips as humans are on this planet...
These negative ET's are secretly working with some governments on this world... It would be very dangerous for you to make contact with any of those ET's... They do NOT like humans...

There are some postive minded ET's that observe our planet, but these positive ET's do not usually land on our planet and they do not interfere with humans or anything pertaining to humans...
The positive ET's look very much like humans & you probably couldn't tell that they are ET's, if you did see one...

Myself & my group did not come here in physical bodies...
Our souls were transported here from our home worlds that we originate from... After spending thousands of lifetimes as a human during the last 150,000 years, i feel pretty human in many ways...

Ancient One

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