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I am a member of a group of spirtually advanced alien souls!
Welcome to my forum... I can reveal to you information that is unknown or not commonly known on this planet...I can reveal to you why my group of alien souls is here among you... Our ET souls were transported to Earth & we started birthing as humans among you... I can reveal to you future events that will soon occur on planet Earth... I will answer sincere questions !
Alien Souls Living Among You

Subject: aliens

emma evans
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Date Posted: 15:08:30 05/16/03 Fri
Author Host/IP:

How many aliens are in your group here on Earth (number)?Are you geographically scattered or concentrated in the more technically advanced regions of the world? Do all of you work in positions of control and power within various government organizations or are you employed throughout the various lower and middle classes? Can you tell (and how?)who is human and who is alien? Have the aliens bred with humans and are there children? Do these children have any special abilities? How is it possible to remember your home world after thousands of years of reincarnation? None of the humans can remember their reincarnations. Why do you think this is your last lifetime? What is your group mission?

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[> Subject: Re: aliens

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:06:05 06/13/03 Fri
Author Host/IP:

Hi Emma,

It's refreshing to see your post..
You are the very 1st person that has asked any intelligent questions about my group, since i opened this forum...
I have not approved 98% of the posts submitted to this forum because they were just flaming me...

I'm not asking anyone to instantly accept everything i say.. I only hope readers & posters will objectively consider what i reveal as having the possibility of truth...
I have been considering going PUBLIC in the real world, with my knowledge & understanding & teaching people about my group & why we are here... SO i opened this forum as an experiment in seeing how many people are open to considering the things i have said so far & the things i can say as possibly having any truth...


Your Questions With The Answer Below Each Question:
How many aliens are in your group here on Earth

ANSWER: I do not know the exact number, but there are from several hundred thousand of us, to several million of us, allien soul volunteers in my group, being born as humans..

Are you geographically scattered or concentrated in the more technically advanced regions of the world?

ANSWER: We are scattered throughout all the countries of the entire world...

Do all of you work in positions of control and power within various government organizations or are you employed throughout the various lower and middle classes?

ANSWER: NO.. Having a position of power and/or control within ANY government or any other power/control position is NOT necessary for me or anyone in my group..
Most of us are employed throughout the various lower & middle classes...
We are here to assist, not control...

Can you tell (and how?)who is human and who is alien?

ANSWER: Bear in mind, our ET souls were transported to your world, about 150,000 years ago... So none of us came here in any physical form... Then our ET souls began being born as humans & living lives as humans..
So we can't necessarily know or recognize any Et's who were born as ET's on another world...
Myself & the others in my group can usually detect another ET soul from our volunteer group...

NOTE about physical Et's coming here from other worlds:
We have NO connection with any ET's that were born as ET's on another world & came here or come here as physical Et's in UFO's..
The ET's who secretly interact with the governments of your world, or kipnap humans are NOT part of my group..

Have the aliens bred with humans and are there children?

ANSWER: Myself & all those in my group have NEVER had any lifetimes in your world, physically, as anything but a human...
Our ET natures are within & part of our souls & minds, NOT our human bodies...
I have lived thousands of lifetimes among you as a human...
By being born as a human for so many lifetimes, all of us have fully experienced what being human is like...
SO all of us have mated & have had children in thousands of lifetimes, BUT we do NOT pass on any ET qualities or capabilities to any children in any lifetime, because our ET natures are part of our soul natures & NOT part of our physical human genetic DNA...

Do these children have any special abilities?

ANSWER: Does NOT apply, as explained in last answer....

How is it possible to remember your home world after thousands of years of reincarnation?

ANSWER: It has to do with our ET soul natures... ALL souls contain within it, memories of any & all lifetimes, that soul has experienced, this applies to human or ET souls...
I have never met a human, who can consciously remember themselves on a soul origin level & previous soul experiences level, so i have come to the conclusion that this is one of our ET capabilities...
Myself & each of my group members has our ET soul memories activated in each of our lifetimes as a human...
Plus we consciously remember many of our lifetimes as a human...

None of the humans can remember their reincarnations.

ANSWER: You are incorrect.. there are humans who can remember a previous lifetime or a few previous lifetimes...
Humans who can do this are called "unveiled"

Why do you think this is your last lifetime?

ANSWER: A few of my group members in my geographical area, had a gathering of us ET volunteers, a few years ago...
This is the only time in this lifetime, i met with a number of my ET group brothers & sisters...
It turned out that each of us had the strong feeling that this is our last lifetime in your world...
Each of us feels that our group mission will be completed in this lifetime...

What is your group mission?

Your species development was adversely affected by the Lucifer/Satan spiritual rebellion,which occurred about 250,000 years ago... One reason we are here to spiritually help offset the negative affects that event had on planet Earth...

Myself & each member of my group were not just ET's from a species on a distant planet, on a similar level of species development to humans... Myself & each member of my group had to originate from a planetary ET species that was very spiritually advanced as a physical species..
Life on my homeworld planet in a distant galaxy, did not remotely resemble life in your world..
The human species is only about one million years old...
My ET species was about 5 billion years old as a species...
So my species had 5 billion years to advance versus humans only having had about one million years to advance...
So live on my physical homeworld was more like life in your heavens, where some of you go, when you die...
We had eliminated all wars in the 1st few million years of our species development...
We had a TRUE planetary wide permanent state of peace & brotherhood throughout our entire planet...
We volunteered to come here as souls, to use our soul understanding & knowledge of our own individual species advancements, from our ET homeworld planets, to help your young species benefit from our personal knowledge & experiences we had in our own ET species advancements...

Myself & each member of my group volunteered to stay on planet Earth, living & dying & re-incarnating just as you do, until such time as your species advances beyond wars, hatred, selfishness, greed, and power & control mentality...
We have been assisting you towards that ever since we 1st came here as souls about 150,000 years ago..

Myself & every team member of my group will be very happy when the human species has spiritually advanced on a planetary wide basis..
Myself & each member of my team misses our homeworlds & being with our own native species...


You may think that the human species can't possibly advance as i just described, within the scope of my lifetime...
The truth is that the human species will have outside
intervention to make this occur sooner, rather than take millions of years more for your species to advance to that point..
Myself & my group can not give you this outside intervention i refer to... So your outside intervention will be DIVINE INTERVENTION from GOD Himself...
Myself & each member of my group eagerly await this DIVINE INTERVENTION of GOD...
Myself & my group have been helping you as much as we can, these last 150,000 years of time, waiting for GOD to complete what ONLY He has to power to do !


Please do not think that anything i say is intended to convey to you that myself or anyone in my group is better than or superior to any humans... WE ARE NOT !
We are all from a species that is more advanced as a species & we all are more spirtually advanced as souls, than humans, which does NOT make any of us better than a single human..
It was simply necessary for each of us to have this soul background in order to qualify, to be accepted as volunteers for the mission we volunteered for...

REMEMBER all souls are EQUAL to GOD... so species advancement or spiritual advancement on a soul level, DOES NOT make that soul any better than an unadvanced soul...
ALL SOULS ARE EQUAL TO GOD .... so myself & those in my group are just serving GOD, in our own way & within our capabilities...
Just as those humans who choose to serve GOD, do so within their own level of soul growth....

Emma, hopefully my replies have answered your questions..
If you have any more questions, feel free to post them...

Ancient One

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[> Subject: Re: aliens

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Date Posted: 18:53:01 08/02/03 Sat
Author Host/IP:

>WHY is this our last time? And what if we don't fulfill the purpose that we were given to fulfill here on Earth?...Dz

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[> [> Subject: Re: aliens

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 13:12:01 08/03/03 Sun
Author Host/IP:

>>WHY is this our last time? And what if we don't
>fulfill the purpose that we were given to fulfill here
>on Earth?...Dz

Hi Dzstar,

The way you word your questions, i will assume you are a member of my group...
If so, you are the 1st one that found your way to my forum..

We are comitted to staying here, until GOD comes to planet Earth, to make this world the beautiful place it should be... He will come to end all suffering, pain, hunger, sickness, disease, injustices, & evil...

Myself & those in my group, whom i have met in this lifetime, all believe that GOD will come in our present lifetimes...

If you are not aware of having a specific mission, until GOD arrives, then you don't have a specific individual mission... Just be the best person you can be, until then..

After HIS coming, each of us will return to our home worlds...

See You On The Mother Light Ship !
Ancient One

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Subject: Other forums

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Date Posted: 12:59:14 07/05/03 Sat
Author Host/IP:

Ancient One,

Are you or others in you group on other message boards? I can think of many that are very active with people interest in lust this type of information.


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[> Subject: Re: Other forums

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:04:32 07/14/03 Mon
Author Host/IP:

>Ancient One,

Are you or others in you group on other message
boards? I can think of many that are very active with
people interest in just this type of information.


Hi Truly,

You are more than welcome to refer anyone to this forum that might actually be interested in what i say...

I am a member of other forums, but i don't post about this subject there...

All the members of my group are operating independently, within their own lives & will continue to, until we are all summoned for our group mission...


We will only operate together as a group, if we are called upon to implement a planetary wide wake up call to the human species... In which case, at least 200,000 of us, would be beamed up to what are called light ships,manned by spirtual beings from higher dimensions...
We would be empowered on the light ships, to return to this planet & conduct "show time" such as has never been witnessed on this planet...
Our "show time" would clearly demonstate the spirtual power & authority myself, & each of those in my group has...
Being on this planet in an empowered state, would cause millions upon millions upon millions of people to take up a new past time all over this planet, of SEEKING THEIR CREATOR...
Because all humans would ALL know that your Creator was going to be coming to this planet shortly after our planetary wide "show time" demonstration...

I'm almost certain hardly anyone will pay any attention to what i just told you..
I'm not certain that our group mission will manifest in my present lifetime, but i have sensed for many years that it will...

Actually i opened this message board as a experiment to see how many people are open to the higher levels of truth that i can give them, than the masses are exposed to...

So far, i can count on one hand those who have showed any serious interest in what i have said or could say... Which is fine with me, because i have absolutely nothing to impose on anyone...

I had concluded long before i opened this forum that we truly live in a "show me" world & obviously i can't show or prove anything to anyone at a forum...
I am preparing myself to give my own individual version of "show time" a few years down the road, just in case our group mission doesn't manifest in my present lifetime..

Blessings To U,
Ancient One

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Subject: The existance of crop circles

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Date Posted: 11:56:47 10/15/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:

I have always had an interest in crop circles, can you please tell me how these are created and why. I know some of them are obvious hoaxes, but some still remain a mystery.

Another question is the pyramids, how did they get constructed? Did your group help, were the egyptions a spirtually advanced form of life on earth?

What are auras specifically? Can babies and infants see them more than adults and children? Babies always seem to look or stare at me even if im not looking at them, I have always found this weird as they dont usually stare at people this much.

You must get this alot, what happens when we die? Will we remember our past lives? Where do we go?

Thanks and I look forward to your reply. I keep an open mind on everything in this world and would greatly appreciate your reply.


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[> Subject: Re: The existance of crop circles

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:33:48 11/18/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>I have always had an interest in crop circles, can you
>please tell me how these are created and why. I know
>some of them are obvious hoaxes, but some still remain
>a mystery.
>Another question is the pyramids, how did they get
>constructed? Did your group help, were the egyptions
>a spirtually advanced form of life on earth?
>What are auras specifically? Can babies and infants
>see them more than adults and children? Babies always
>seem to look or stare at me even if im not looking at
>them, I have always found this weird as they dont
>usually stare at people this much.
>You must get this alot, what happens when we die?
>Will we remember our past lives? Where do we go?
>Thanks and I look forward to your reply. I keep an
>open mind on everything in this world and would
>greatly appreciate your reply.


Hi Rob,

I pay no attention to crop circles as for the most part, they are created by the same groups of ET's that kidnap & experiment on humans...

They were constructed by technology, brought to Egypt by positive scientists & high-priests that escaped from the ancient continent of Alantis, before it sank under the ocean...
The positive scientists & high-priests from Alantis, never taught the Egyptians the secrets of how they could levitate the building blocks of the pyramids, so the secrets died when the scientists & high-priests from Alantis, died out...

The Alantians were probably the most advanced society that has ever lived on this Earth... Some of the Alantians were very spiritually advanced, but some scientists let the scientific advancements go to their heads, and turned to evil in their power trips..
These evil Alantian scientists, were conducting experiments in cloning & genetic DNA manipulation that would stagger your imaginations... They were creating horrible human/animal mutations... This playing GOD on their part is the direct cause that led to the destruction of Alantis...
NONE of the evil scientists escaped from the destruction..

Getting back to the Alantian high-priests who escaped to Egypt... These Alantian high priests did teach much of their higher knowledge of Astrology, Astronomy, Mathmatics, and genuine magical secrets to the Egypian high-priests..
So from the Alantian high-priests, the Egyptian high-priests learned such things as changing a cobra snake into a wooden staff & being able to change the wooden staff back into a cobra whenever they wanted to...
Another thing the Egyptian high-priests were taught is to be able to control invisible beings from the 4th dimension to do their bidding.. This is the secret regarding how even in our modern times, sometimes when a new tomb of a Egyptian King is discovered & the tomb is opened, the people who open the guarded tombs meet with mysterious & swift deaths... This is because the Egypian high-priests had invisible 4th dimensional beings guarding those tombs, with instuctions to kill any who dare to open the tomb of the King that they guard, & these beings have been guarding these tombs for thousands of years...

There are several things to consider pertaining to an aura...
One...Every person has an aura, which is the electrical energy field of your physical body...
Two...Everybody's energy field operates at a certain frequency... Your frequency is determined by your level of spirituality... The more spiritual you are, the higher your energy frequency is..

I would say that babies, infants,and children have more of a natural tendency to see aura's than adults do... So some children can & others can't...
LOL... Babies always seem to stare or look at me too...
I'm not inclined to make any specific interpretation on babies staring at me... If the child is around 3 to 5 & stares at me smiling, then that child is usually either seeing my aura or feeling my energy field frequency...

I could take hours just to answer this question...

One of the 1st things that happens when people die is they are taken to a place where you receive what is called a "life review"...

If you are given a life review, you do not have a choice as to weither you want to see it or not, as you have no free will choice on this matter... If you are given a life review, then you are compelled to watch it in its entirety..
Almost everyone has a life review, an exception would be some people that are bound for one of the worse astral hells, who wouldn't benefit from a life review until or unless they get released from the astral hell they were sentenced to...
A life review is usually quite long, and can last as long as 100 years of time... For most people their life review is not a pleasant experience for them & is more like a puratory to them... For some people they think their life review is hell itself... IT'S NOT...

The actual purpose of your life review is for you to gain insights during & from your life review that help you gain further understanding on your soul level...
It is not really a punishment but a learning experience for you..

Some people are allowed to remember their past lifes, by having access to their soul records of all their previous lifetimes.. Not all people are given access to their soul records after death... There are many factors involved, in weither you get that access or not... Those who have authority over you after you die, make decisions on exactly what happens to you, weither you have a life review, weither you go to an astral heaven or an astral hell, and which specific astral heaven or hell you will be escorted to...

There are literally thousands of different astral heavens & astral hells in the astral plane...
Some heavens are more beautiful & wonderful than others,but all astral heavens are positive experiences for you...

There are many variations on astral hells, no astral hell is an enjoyable or pleasant experience..
The WORST astral hells are really "Hell's Fire"...
The astral hells with flames, are a torture beyond your wildest imagination...
Keep in mind when you die, that you can still feel pain, just as clearly as you can now in your physical body..

So just for a moment, try to imagine what it would feel like, if you were put into a giant oven, in your physical body, a oven with a temperature of 5000 degrees, and you could not die or pass out from the pain, and you couldn't burn up like a piece of charcoal... And all you could do 24/7 is scream at the top of your lungs & hear your own screams & the screams of those in the flames with you, as you have to endure un-imaginable pain of 5000 degree heat 24/7..
Keep in mind that you can be sentenced to something like that for as long as 10,000 years of time...

The real purpose of an astral hell is that the person sentenced to whatever astral hell they are assigned to, will be purged of whatever evil tendencies they utilized & demonstrated in their life... In the case of an astral fire hell, their very souls are purified by the torment & pain of the flames... In most cases the person never ever repeats in any future lifetimes, the same evil that got them sentenced to that astral fire hell... Though that person could commit a different evil that will also earn them another sentencing in another astral fire hell, after a future lifetime.. Hardly any souls are such gluttons for torture, that they ever do any evils that will get them sentenced to an astral fire hell, more than in 3 different lifetimes...

Those people whose very souls are filled through & through with evil, such that they will never repent of being evil, are PERMANENTLY sentenced to a astral hell of fire... Some have been there over 200,000 years now...

The astral plane has geography just like you have geography in this world...
Except the astral plane contains much much more geography than all the square mileage of the entire planet Earth...
The astral plane has as much territory as the equilancy of seven planet Earth's..

Humans who die are not the only inhabitants of the astral plane..
There are numerous non-human inhabitants that were never human & never will be human...
ALL of these non-human inhabitants are native to the astral plane... Your previous world of life in your former physical bodies is not the natural residence for these non-human beings...
Some of these non-human beings are very positive & others are negative or evil non-human beings...
Many of the non-human inhabitants live & reside in their very own kingdoms in the astral plane...
You won't have to worry about any of the non-human beings in the astral plane, if you are sent to an astral heaven, as the negative ones can't do you any harm, if you go to an astral heaven...

Ancient One

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Subject: Can I come with you?

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Date Posted: 19:43:12 09/10/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:

Hey do you have some kind of spaceships? I would like to go to a different world.

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[> Subject: Re: Can I come with you?

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 01:43:16 09/11/03 Thu
Author Host/IP:

>Hey do you have some kind of spaceships? I would like
>to go to a different world. Can I come with you?


Hi OlharaK,

NO... You can't come with me when i leave this world & return to my home world... My home world is in a very distant galaxy, many hundreds of billions of miles from Earth... HOWEVER your opportunity for travelling through the stars will in fact come in the future of this planet...

When the human species has advanced beyond the conquer & kill mentality & when there are no longer any wars on your planet... When humans no longer have power & greed as their strongest motivation... These things would indicate that the human species has advanced spiritually as a species...

THEN positive & spirtitual ET's will come to planet Earth to give Earth new advanced scientific technology & teach humans how to build spaceships that travel at speeds in excess of the speed of light...
Planet Earth will be invited to join the Galactic Federation Of Planets at that time & be permitted to have representatives on the Galactic Council...
Only planets that have advanced beyond war like mentalities are eligible to join the Galactic Federation Of Planets..
Each galaxy has its own Galactic Federation Of Planets..

THEN you can travel to any worlds that are members of the Milky Way Galactic Federation Of Planets... Presently there are many thousands of planets in this galaxies federation of planets...

There will be many other wonderful surprises in store for Earthlings when that time comes...

Ancient One

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[> [> Subject: Re: Can I come with you?

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Date Posted: 07:50:39 10/15/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:


I am a bit skeptical since I have not seen any proof of the change in our planet however this does not mean that I do not believe something will occure. From what I have read, we will ascend by Dec 21, 2012. If this is true, would we fully understand and be capable of joining the council at that time and have a full understanding of our galactic friends?

King Regards,

>>Hey do you have some kind of spaceships? I would like
>>to go to a different world. Can I come with you?
>Hi OlharaK,
>NO... You can't come with me when i leave this world &
>return to my home world... My home world is in a very
>distant galaxy, many hundreds of billions of miles
>from Earth... HOWEVER your opportunity for travelling
>through the stars will in fact come in the future of
>this planet...
>When the human species has advanced beyond the conquer
>& kill mentality & when there are no longer any wars
>on your planet... When humans no longer have power &
>greed as their strongest motivation... These things
>would indicate that the human species has advanced
>spiritually as a species...
>THEN positive & spirtitual ET's will come to planet
>Earth to give Earth new advanced scientific technology
>& teach humans how to build spaceships that travel at
>speeds in excess of the speed of light...
>Planet Earth will be invited to join the Galactic
>Federation Of Planets at that time & be permitted to
>have representatives on the Galactic Council...
>Only planets that have advanced beyond war like
>mentalities are eligible to join the Galactic
>Federation Of Planets..
>Each galaxy has its own Galactic Federation Of
>THEN you can travel to any worlds that are members of
>the Milky Way Galactic Federation Of Planets...
>Presently there are many thousands of planets in this
>galaxies federation of planets...
>There will be many other wonderful surprises in store
>for Earthlings when that time comes...
>Ancient One

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[> [> [> Subject: Mayan Calendar & Planetary Wide Ascension

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 00:12:45 10/21/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>I am a bit skeptical since I have not seen any proof
>of the change in our planet however this does not mean
>that I do not believe something will occure. From what
>I have read, we will ascend by Dec 21, 2012. If this
>is true, would we fully understand and be capable of
>joining the council at that time and have a full
>understanding of our galactic friends?
>King Regards,


Hi Roy,

Your post touches upon some areas I haven't discussed, when you make reference to ascending by Dec 21, 2012...
I do make it a point to keep myself informed on many things going on in this world... Including predictions made by major past & present psychics & seers.... And some of the different theries that emerge, such as the one pertaining to your date...

So I am definately familiar with where the date: Dec 21, 2012 originates from...
I have read the books pertaining to it, where the date Dec 21, 2012 comes from deciphering the Mayan language, and calander...
According to the Mayan calander, the Mayan's break everything down into cycles... And Dec. 21, 2012 is the beginning of a new cycle thats something like 35,000 years long... According to the Mayan's near the very end of a 35,000 year cycle, the earth goes through some major earth changes, prior to the beginning of the new cycle... The new cycle beginning on Dec 21, 2012 is suppossed to be an age of peace, with no wars, a golden age...

As far as to when a planetary wide ascencion will take place, NOBODY but GOD himself, knows when it will occur...
Even when a planetary ascension does take place, everyone will not ascend... Some won't be capable of ascending...
The planetary ascension will take place at the time of the 2ND COMING of Jesus... He is truly the Son of God...
It doesn't matter who believes that or not, as the entire population of planet Earth will know this for a fact, when the 2ND COMING occurs...

You or nobody else is required to personally be a christian or believe that Jesus is the Son of God, at the time of the 2nd Coming... So any person can have whatever religion they want, as GOD truly does not care, what religion anyone has or what someone's conception of GOD is...
What is important is that you do love GOD, within your own religious beliefs or traditions, in order to qualify for ascending...

So the Mayan date of Dec. 21, 2012 has nothing to do with a planetary wide ascension...

I myself, used to think that the 2nd Coming would occur by the year 2000... But obviously 2000 has come & gone... I am still inclined to think it will still occur in my present lifetime... But since NOBODY can really know, it might not take place for another 1000 or more years...

The human species, will in fact be members of the Galactic Federation Of Planets after the ascension takes place...
Planet Earth could well become eligible for admission to the Galactic Federation Of Planets, before any planetary wide ascension...

Ancient One

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Subject: I Have Returned To My Forum

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Date Posted: 12:46:20 03/18/08 Tue
Author Host/IP:

Greetings Everyone,

I haven't given any attention to this forum for several years...
But now I have returned to my forum...

I am ready to resume operating this forum...

Ancient One

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Subject: the illuminati

jason darcy
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Date Posted: 15:57:22 12/16/03 Tue
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You mentioned that some negative ET's are working in co-operation with some governments on Earth. Are you talking about the illuminati? Who are these people and what are they working towards?

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[> Subject: Re: the illuminati

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 21:40:33 01/17/04 Sat
Author Host/IP:

>You mentioned that some negative ET's are working in
>co-operation with some governments on Earth. Are you
>talking about the illuminati? Who are these people and
>what are they working towards?


I do not know for a fact that negative ET's are working in co-operation with some governments on Earth..
You can read any of the same material that I read on this subject... There are thousands of pages of discussions on this, all over the internet... There is so much detailed info on the internet on these things that sound quite convincing..

I do know this much, if it is true that negative ET's are working in co-operation with some governments on Earth...
THEN... They would be wanting to turn planet Earth into some kind of slave colony....

However..I am not the least bit concerned about this, because higher powers than anything on this Earth, would not permit such a thing to ever occur on this planet...

Ancient One

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Subject: Proof of life ?

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Date Posted: 22:36:04 10/03/03 Fri
Author Host/IP:

will we see any substantial / exciting proof of ET life in the near future?

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[> Subject: Three Different Catagories Of ET's

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 16:02:20 10/21/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Will we see any substantial / exciting proof of ET
>life in the near future ?

Hi Brad,

1st.. There are 3 different catagories of ET's that come to or in the proximity of planet Earth...
Please keep in mind, there are ET's from many different planets & from different galaxies in each catagory...

1)...OBSERVER ET's on scientific observation missions, which only observe... They do not land on our planet, or attempt any interactions with any people... They are neutral towards us & have a strict policy of non-interference with a young species like yours...

2)...POSITIVE ET's that come from scientifically & spiritually advanced planets... These ET's are members of the Galactic Federation Of Planets... These are the positive ET's... They too have a policy of non-interference, BUT they are also prepared to come to our aid, should the negitive ET's try to take over your planet...

3)... NEGATIVE ET's... The negitive ET's are the ones that have ONLY advanced scientifically as a species... Their species has NOT advanced spiritually... These are the ET's that kidnap & experiment on humans... These are the ET's that secretly work with different Earth governments... These are the ET's that want to turn Earth into one of their slave colonies, with the assistance of Earth governments, who are promised by these ET's that they will be the slave masters... These negative ET's are conquerers,
just like infamous conquerers in the history of your own world... Some of these negative ET's have conquered all inhabited planets in numerous solar systems, throughout many galaxies... Almost all of the different negative ET's do not resemble us, & some are very hideous looking...

Why: Because the positive ET's will protect us from that ever happening... The negative ET's are outnumbered 10 to 1 by a massive fleet of star ships, consisting of star ships from thousands of planets that are all members of the Galactic Federation Of Planets... These positive ET protectors have been in our planetary atmosphere for a number of years... They also have a number of mother ships, which can be up to 3 miles long & up to one mile wide... One mother ship can house a population of 100,000 occupants...

You might ask, if there are thousands of positive ET's star ships, with numerous mother ships filling our skies, THEN how come you can't see ANY of the positive ET star ships or mother ships...
FOR A VERY GOOD REASON... THEY ARE INVISIBLE TO YOU & TO THE NEGATIVE ET's.. The positive ET's can actually move in & out of different dimensions... So the postive ET star ship fleet in standing by in our atmosphere in a higher dimension, which the negative ET's have no access to...

The negative ET's don't have the slightest realization that they are outnumbered at least 10 to 1 .... The negative ET's will find out this is reality, when they mass for their takeover of planet Earth... The positive ET's will blast the negitive ET star ships & mother ships into oblivion...

Brad... I think the above will give you your substantial proof when it occurs... However I can not possibly give you any dates...
All I can say is this event could be eminent & could happen at any time, or it could still be a long ways off...

Ancient One

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[> Subject: Re: Proof of life ?

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Date Posted: 14:44:40 11/08/03 Sat
Author Host/IP:

>will we see any substantial / exciting proof of ET
>life in the near future?
Joke if you like but we do exist and I am a son of positive ET's living here on earth. I have the power to read your thoughts at times. It comes and goes. Being a half breed has something to do with that reaction. yes, we are protectors of your race. Please believe me we mean you no harm. Black outs all over the world are happening because we are being studied and there ships are so powerful that they interfer with our electro magnetic balance. I am brown and I love people that are kind.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Proof of life post by MG

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 00:00:13 11/13/03 Thu
Author Host/IP:

>>will we see any substantial / exciting proof of ET
>>life in the near future?
>Joke if you like but we do exist and I am a son of
>positive ET's living here on earth. I have the power
>to read your thoughts at times. It comes and goes.
>Being a half breed has something to do with that
>reaction. yes, we are protectors of your race. Please
>believe me we mean you no harm. Black outs all over
>the world are happening because we are being studied
>and there ships are so powerful that they interfer
>with our electro magnetic balance. I am brown and I
>love people that are kind.

Hi MG,

I have been quite serious about everything I have posted at this forum... So what do you mean by joke if I like ??

I clearly understand that any postive ET's would mean no harm to the human species...
I had no knowledge that any positive ET's were on the surface of this world, living among humans... As all the positive ET's I know about and have some telepathic contact with, are not living on this world, and aren't from & don't live in our 3rd dimension... They can materialize themselves or their star ships into physical form anytime they want to from their higher dimensions...

If you are half ET & half human, then that means only one of your parents could have been an ET... Since I am an allien soul in human existence, I have ET capabilities in my soul, that manifest for me in all my lifetimes as a human... Which I'm sure has similarities to your half-breed nature...

I have conscious rememberence of my home world in a very distant galaxy.. I can consciously remember what life was like on my home world... Life on my home world was considerably more advanced in ALL ways, than life on Earth is, primarily because my species had existed on my home world for about 10 billion years... My home world has libraries that contain recorded knowledge billions of years old... The human species is only about one million years old, which as you must know, is the primary reason the human species is still engaged in wars & military conflicts... As you also should know from your ET parent, it is a normal process for any young species from any world, to go through a similar process of species evolution that the human species has been & is going through... In my estimation however, the spiritual evolution of the human species, is lagging behind the scientific evolution of the human species...

Has your ET parent told you some of the things I just talked about ??
Is your ET parent's home world in this galaxy ??
Is your ET parent's home world a member of the Galactic Federation Of Planets, which could only have occured if your ET parent's home world species had made enough species spiritual evolvement to qualify for membership...

Does your ET parent know about me & my group of ET souls, who were transported to Earth as souls, in non-physical form, between 150,000 & 200,000 years ago, to undertake a mission of assisting the human species over thousands of lifetimes as humans...

About how many ET's are here in this world from your ET parent's home world ??
Did they originally come here on a specific mission to help the human species like me & my group did ??
Does your ET parent occassionally get picked up by star ships from his home world & get to wizz around at faster than light speeds... What a rush, I haven't been on a star ship since I came here 150,000 to 200,000 years ago...

By the way...I assume that negative ET's would be studying you & interferring with your electro-magnetic balance, would that be correct ??
I think there might be something you can do to minimize or cancel the electro-magnetic interferrence, based on what I know about my own electro-magnetic field...

Ancient One

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[> Subject: Re: Proof Of ET's Surpressed

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 22:57:43 11/12/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:

>will we see any substantial / exciting proof of ET
>life in the near future?

Hi Brad,

As I understand it, plenty of substantial proof of ET life already exists in the hands of most or all major world governments...
ET's are very likely working with major Earth governments & giving allien technology to major Earth governments in exchange for governments not revealing ET proofs to the masses of the world...
So the real question is when will the major Earth governments stop pretending they know nothing about ET's & show us common people the complete proof of the ET's they have agreeements with...
Bear in mind, to the best I know, only negative ET's are working with major Earth governments...

I won't discuss ET's & Earth governments at my forum, any further than this brief post..
If you want to check out the massive amount of info on this subject on the net, just type allien-government conspiracy into any search engine...

Ancient One

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Subject: Very Interesting

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Date Posted: 15:58:24 02/09/04 Mon
Author Host/IP:

Hello Ancient One and thanks for this forum. I find it a very interesting read.

Just a couple questions I have for you.

When we are reincarnated, are we born into the same family that we are with now or does that change from life to life?

You also spoke of Astral Hells. Is that the same hell as with the devil? Or a God given hell? If you go to the devils hell is it only a sentence you have to serve or is it eternity?
I am saddened by satanists. They are such misguided fools. I just read about what some death metal band did in poland I believe. It's just not right.

You said that animals only have one lifetime. Please tell me they have souls. They sure seem like they do. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see my dogs again.

Also I read in another post someone asked if they could meet you. I would also like that honor. Please let me know how that may be achieved.


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[> Subject: Re: Very Interesting

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:24:38 02/14/04 Sat
Author Host/IP:

Hi Mike,

I'm glad that you get benefit from my forum... :-)

The main reason I even started this forum, was to get a feel for weither anyone out there in the world, was ready to consider what I say as having any truth..
Plus.. this forum gives me the chance to experiment with different ways of saying or presenting to others what is truth for me...

I already realize that many more people, than I had hoped for, are open to the profound things that I have revealed in this forum...

Getting back to your questions:

>When we are reincarnated, are we born into the same
>family that we are with now or does that change from
>life to life?

NO.. it is possible for that to occur, but it almost never happens...
Each person has some choices presented to them, before having another lifetime, as to who your mother will be..
The choices of mother are based on what specific soul lessons you need to learn in your upcoming lifetime & you will have several mothers to choose from that would fulfill your soul lessons....

>You said that animals only have one lifetime. Please
>tell me they have souls. They sure seem like they do.
>I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see my dogs
>again ??

Mike... I will try to explain how it is...
Each animal does not have a SEPARATE soul...
BUT... every species of animal has a group guardian soul that all the animals of that species share...
So through the group soul of the Dog species, you can see your dogs again in your afterlife..

You also spoke of Astral Hells. Is that the same hell
>as with the devil? Or a God given hell? If you go to
>the devils hell is it only a sentence you have to
>serve or is it eternity?

When each living person dies, they either go to an astral heaven or an astral hell...
Each person has what is called a life review, prior to going to where they are supposed to go...
There are astral heavens & hells for each religion or belief system...
Satan is what is called a fallen angel...
There are NO fallen angels what-so-ever in the Astral plane... So Satan does not exist in the astral plane..
There are however astral demons in the astral plane, & most people think that these astral demons are actually fallen angels...

Being sent to an astral hell after death, is in most cases a SENTENCE.. It is not for eternity... The usual sentence to an astral hell is anywhere from 100 years up to 10,000 years...

Not all astral hells are the same... None of them are pleasant.. Souls are not in constant pain & torture in the lesser astral hells...
BUT the worst astral hells are places of un-imaginable constant pain, torture, and suffering..

Try to imagine what it would feel like if your physical body was in a steel furnace, with a temperature of about 5000 degrees farinheit, 24 hours a day, and you could not burn up or die or pass out from the flames, but you could feel every bit of the pain, every second that you are there... If you can imagine that,then you got a good idea of what the most evil people face when they die... Imagine a 10,000 year sentence to something like that...

All I'll say is that anyone that gets released from 10,000 years in there, will NEVER ever do evil in any future lifetime... Somehow HELLS FIRE cured them !

So if Satanists or anyone else thinks they will enjoy what I just described, I'll reveal that ALL souls sentenced to
that, are begging for mercy, less than one minute after
they get there... BUT..there is NO release from such a hell until you have served your full sentence...

There are however some people that are so evil, that they are sentenced to remain in their astral hell until the 2nd COMING... There are some who have already been in their astral hells for the last 200,000 years... So it probably seems like eternity to a soul thats been there that long...
Ones such as Hitler gets a sentence like that....

I am saddened by satanists. They are such misguided
>fools. I just read about what some death metal band
>did in poland I believe. It's just not right ??

Mike.. I am not endorsing Satanism in any way, by my following statement..
My personal viewpoint on Satanists, is that I'm not in this world to judge them or anyone else... GOD gave those who are Satanists the free will to choose Satanism if they wanted to... So if I meet a Satanist & he treats me with respect & doesn't make judgements on my dedication to GOD..then I will treat him with respect & won't make judgements on his choice of religion... Personally I think that we all should be more tolerant of each other, no matter what our religion is...
There are many more evil people in this world than there are Satanists... In fact some Satanists are far better people than the likes of some of the people in positions of power, who are not Satanists, & who sit behinds their desks, and order all kinds of terrible evil to be done on hundreds, or thousands of people...

ALL those who truly commit evil on others, will face horrible karma, irregardless of what religion they practiced or if they even had any religion...

>Also I read in another post someone asked if they
>could meet you. I would also like that honor. Please
>let me know how that may be achieved.

I am open to considering meeting someone in the real world,
who is truly seeking higher truth & knowledge...
I have occassionally taught one-on-one for over 30 years...
I studied under two personal different personal teachers over 30 years ago, who opened my mind to who I am & why I am here in this world...

So if you are sincere, in your request, then e-mail me & tell me where you are from, and what you would like to learn from me, if there is anything you seek to learn...
Mention this post, when you e-mail me... Then I'll give your request consideration...

Ancient One

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Subject: Aliens Visiting

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Date Posted: 20:16:56 11/17/03 Mon
Author Host/IP:

I don't really have any questions for your mission here on earth but I was wondering if you could tell us why we are being visited by other aliens that are not so friendly and what is the Creator doing to prevent these abductions and genetic tampering. Recently, I have had some very strange experiences which I do not wish to go into detail. If you have some explanation could you please share it with me.

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[> Subject: Re: Aliens Visiting

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 16:43:41 11/18/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>I don't really have any questions for your mission
>here on earth but I was wondering if you could tell us
>why we are being visited by other aliens that are not
>so friendly and what is the Creator doing to prevent
>these abductions and genetic tampering. Recently, I
>have had some very strange experiences which I do not
>wish to go into detail. If you have some explanation
>could you please share it with me.


Hi Janie,

With the present destroy, conquer, kill, control, power tripping military attitudes that exist all over this world & if the governments of planet Earth, had the scientific capability to build star ships that could travel at the speed of light, just how do you think that Earth governments would treat the inhabitants of any planet that they found in their star ship journeys ??


The CREATOR does not prevent alien abductions for the same reason that he doesn't prevent human from slautering & torturing each other... IT'S CALLED FREE WILL !

FREE WILL exists on all planets in creation & even in heaven itself...

If you are personally having some problem with not so friendly aliens, as you hinted, there are things you can do to end any problems like that...

Do not let fear predominate your thoughts...

Make a sincere prayer to your Creator to give you the grace to fill you with His peace & love...
You may not know that you do have a "guardian angel"... BUT you do... Call upon your guardian angel to free you from all fear & protect you from all harm from any source, human or alien, visible or in-visible...

Let me know if this ends your problems.. It should if you do the above things very sincerely...

Ancient One

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Subject: Regarding Messages Not Posted Yet

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:12:53 04/23/04 Fri
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Greetings Everyone,

My Apologies !
I have not been online much for at least a month...
I have had pressing matters to attend to in the real world... And that will take most of my attention for a few more weeks...

There are a number of pending messages that I haven't even read yet, so if your message has not been posted or answered, please bear with me, as I will get to them when I can resume having more time online...

Ancient One

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Subject: It is almost time.

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Date Posted: 17:55:40 11/08/03 Sat
Author Host/IP:

Ancient_One It is almost TIME for us to share the truth with this world...

It is coming near...

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[> Subject: Re: It is almost time.

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 00:21:58 11/13/03 Thu
Author Host/IP:

>Ancient_One It is almost TIME for us to share the
>truth with this world...
>It is coming near...

Hi Bishop,

I have been sharing truth with everyone through this forum & quite often I share the truth in the real world..
I do want to point out that there is more than one level of truth & I present truth on multiple levels of reality...

However you said it's almost time for US to share the truth with this world...

Are you planning to join me in telling truth to those who are ready to read it or hear it ??

Ancient One

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Subject: So whats in store ?

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Date Posted: 22:32:31 10/03/03 Fri
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So whats in store for planet earth, what direction am I likly to see this planet take in my lifetime?

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[> Subject: Simple Solution To Your Worlds Problems

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 12:39:43 10/22/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:

>So whats in store for planet Earth,what direction am
>I likly to see this planet take in my lifetime?

Hi Brad,

lol.. You got the easy part... asking a one sentencequestion... Now I got to write a small book to answer you...

I will attempt to give you other considerations in this post, that I haven't mentioned before..

One of the biggest problems that has existed in your world, prior to me & my group coming here to help the human species, is that your human species, is NOT undergoing a normal species development, as usually occurs in the advancement & growth of a very young species, such as you are... Species development of your species, was tampered with, at least 100,000 years before me & my group brought our advanced spirtual understanding to your planet, to help offset the species interference that had taken place 100,000 years before we came... The way in which your species was tampered with, was some evil beings, taught some powerful knowledge, to a minority your species... These evil beings, taught their extra-terrestrial knowledge, to those humans that would follow their every order...

These evil beings engaged in spreading their evil influence on your planet for about 50,000 years of time, which was a long enough period of time, for your human species, to be permanently NEGATIVELY affected by the influence of the evil beings... Those evil beings who were here then, were
imprisoned for their crimes against your world, about 50,000 years before me & my group arrived, and have never been permitted to return...

So here you are, 250,000 to 300,000 years later, in the year 2003... Look around your world, which presently has over 6 billion human souls...

If you look back over the last 50 years, the following things pretty well define the most prominent human traits & characteristics of the human species at this time:

confusion, hatred, fear, greed, wars, religious persecution, torture, apathy, murder, rape, cruelty, terrorists, suicide bombers, there is little or no unity among family members anymore on this world... parents killing their children, children killing their parents, children as young as 7 or 8 killing other children, race against race, religion against religion, men against women, women against men....

I am amazed that in the world of today, planet Earth is filled with this new fad of suicide bombers... This is a new
maninfestion of evil, that has come across the world scene... It's amazing that millions of followers of Islam ( Moslems ) as well as multiple millions of non-moslems, can be so deluded, as to believe & think that it's a spiritual act, to kill as many innocent women & children, as you can by blowing yourself up... These suicide bombers get off on bloswing up school busses... Then these mis-guided bombers, are actually convinced, that their murdering of innocents, is the act of a martyr & they will be rewarded for their cowardly murder of innocents by going straight to heaven as a reward... Unfortuately for the suicide bombers, once they die, and find out that their real reward for murdering innocents, is not the heaven they were expecting, and instead they get the true reward they deserve & earned for themselves, of getting sent straight to hell's fire...The religious men who convince people to become suicide bombers, will get their rewards when they die, a worse hells fire, than the suicide bombers got...

Brad... I ask you does all the above WORLDWIDE human traits I outlined above, sound like I'm descrbing the human species that is presently about one million years old ???

The human species has made good scientific advancement for one million years, BUT because of the interference with your species, between 250,000 & 300,000 years ago, you tell me where your human species is at as a whole spiritually ???
To determine the answer to that question, you look at the predominent traits that are evident in your daily newspapers & television, which are EXACTLY the traits & characteristics that I outlined above...

If me & my group hadn't been here the past 150,000 years, your situation would ACTUALLY BE MUCH MUCH WORSE...


Brad...You did ask about what's in store for planet Earth & what direction are you likely to see this planet take in your lifetime... So the following information is a HINT on what very likely lies in store for you & the entire human species...
That is without the direct Divine Intervention of your Creator, to save all of you, from yourselves...


The human species must wake up, as to the truth, or else the human species, is most likely going to become permanently extinct...

I'm not talking about me waking up 6 billion people all by myself....
I know that only a few people will read my posts & fewer still will give this post any thought or consideration...
BUT... any people who make up their mind, that they will PERSONALLY stop exercising the worldwide traits I clearly outlined that presently define your human species as a whole...

BE DIFFERENT...forget greed, stop your own cruelty to your wife, children, neighbors, and your fellow male & female members of your own species... stop hating anybody of another race, stop hating any other religions...

If the human species doesn't want to end up becoming extinct as a species, EACH of you desperately needs to concentrate on CHANGING YOURSELVES ... forget about changing the world.. CHANGE YOURSELF...

Change your personal traits.. stop exercising the below traits just because everyone else in the world exercises them... If SOME of you don't start changing yourselves soon... Me & my group can't do it alone, just by our own spirituality & us not exercising all the prominent negative traits your species strongly exhibits...

Here's the earlier list of traits & characteristics that presently define the human species:
confusion, hatred, fear, greed, wars, religious persecution, torture, apathy, murder, rape, cruelty, terrorists, suicide bombers, there is little or no unity among family members anymore on this world... parents killing their children, children killing their parents, children as young as 7 or 8 killing other children, race against race, religion against religion, men against women, women against men....

I personally endeavor to sow spiritual seeds of truth, knowledge, understanding, compassion, caring,kindness, ect, to people who come into my personal life... Including business people that I interact with on a regular basis, in my daily life, such a waitress'es, bank clerks, grocery store checkers, business owners, my insurance agent, ect...
I don't care what anybody's religion is, or what nationality or race someone is... All I care about is are they a good HUMAN BEING....

Do you think the scientifically & spiritually advanced species in your own galaxy & throughout all the galaxies, are still fractured & divided on their own planetary homes, on such things as hating another one of their own species, just because the other member of their species has a diffent color skin ???
Do you think that spiritually advanced worlds consist of countries trying to conquer & enslave each other, and governments exist to use & exploit the very members of their species, that they are pretending to care about ??

Following is a general description of how life is for a species, that has set aside all the un-spiritual species traits that still exist on your world, when they shouldn't exist anymore...

1)...Spiritually advanced species still have different countries or something similar on their world...
BUT countries are not competing with each other, except perhaps competing to see which country can contribute the most to the betterment of the world...
2)...Spiritually advanced species still have different races & skin colors...
BUT they realize that all races, nationalites, and skin colors, are EACH members of their planetary species...
3)...Spiritually advanced species still have governments....
BUT the govenments on spiritually advanced worlds do not exist to control their citizens..
Their govenments do not exist for power & control over their citizens..
The role of government is to genuinely serve their fellow citizens...
4)... Not one single member of the entire species on an spiritually advanced world ever has to worry about starvation or not having enough to eat...
5)... NO WARS...& throughout the planet low crime & murder rate...
6)... The entire planetary species works together, with countries individually endeavoring to care for all the needs of citizens & when that is accomplished, then contributing to the betterment of the entire planet....
Everyone works together to doing their small individual part in industry, manufacturing, ect, so that everyone on the planet benefits from accomplishing all those things on a planetary level by the simple co-operation of everyone effectively together... So each member of the species only works about 2 days a week for their individual job role... which leaves 5 days a week for study, contemplation, devotion to their Creator, family unity, travelling, spending quality time with just about any member of their species, and worshipping their Creator...

Brad... that's how it could be for your species.. BUT not if some of you don't either wake up through my message or wake up through another member of my group,or through your waking up & speading the truth of how simple it could be for the human species to litterally transform themselves overnight... CHANGE YOURSELF... BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE OF A HUMAN BEING... LET OTHERS KNOW THEY NEED TO STOP EXERCISING ALL THE PRESENT NEGATIVE SPECIES TRAITS !

Brad... How can you ever see a better world in your present lifetime or in any future lifetime, if you & all the rest of 6 billion people just keep hating each other & governments just keep trying to use & abuse each other & their citizens... Do you really think you can EVER expect a better world continuing like this as a planetary species ??

When can you fully understand that ALL 6 billion plus of you, are all EARTHLINGS... no matter what country you are from & no matter what color your skin is ??

Me & my group would hate to see you & your species continue with all your planetary wide negative & un-spiritual traits that you Earthlings are literally destroying each other with...
Truly there is absolutely nothing spiritual about members of the same species, being in such a terrible state of hatred & cruelty & greed & evil to one another...

Brad.. with all the information in this post... it should be fairly simple for you to have a general idea of the answers to your questions you posed to me before I posted this...

Brad.. Will you & any other human who reads this infomation, just shrug your shoulders & say to yourself, that there's no point in you or anyone else trying to change yourself & start contributing POSITIVE traits and characteristics in your own lives ???

All I got to say, is that if I believed that, I wouldn't bother to spend many hours trying to give you & all the other people posting constructive sincere questions, detailed answers to your questions... It has taken me many hours to write this post, so I really hope some of you can recognize the importance of the many things I'm telling you in this post, and that some of you will actually begin on changing yourselves for your own good & for the benefit of the rest of your species...

Believe it or not, myself & the members of my group have NOT given up on you & your species yet... BUT we do know,
that if some of you will just make up your minds to STOP personally exercising the WORLDWIDE human species traits & INSTEAD EXERCISE THE OPPOSITE POSITIVE TRAITS... in your own daily lives... THEN.. that's the beginning of a better world for ALL..

If ONLY 100 humans did this starting right now...
And those 100 each got only one person to also do this...
Now you got 200 doing it... 200 becomes 400... 400 become 800... 800 becomes 1600... 1600 becomes 3200... 3200 becomes 6400... 6400 becomes 8400... 8400 become 16800...
So if this doubling kept occurring, there could be millions of humans changing themselves,
within a short span of time, & within the next 5 years, these new positive species traits would be starting to show all over your planet... You would see things getting better every day... And that little group of 100 humans changing themselves & doubling their number over & over until the human species is finally starting to manifest spirituality as a species...

Then planet Earth & it's human species, would be at the beginning of a new spiritual age, something that has never yet occurred in your species... Then me & my group can finally return home after this long 150,000 years we have been with you... We will be with you as long as it takes you, if you don't destroy yourselves as a species, which myself, my group & many spiritually advanced worlds would consider a sad & tragic event, that only occurred because your species refused to unite as one planetary group, all having the common denominator that all of you are native residents of the same planet...

One thing you can be sure of, even if you humans won't stop your species & planetary wide negetive traits, and end of destroying your own selves & probably the planet Earth too in the process... Me & my group won't personally be affected, if your species continues on it's path of self-destruction, because me & my group would go home if that did occur...

You may think or say to yourself, how can the Ancient One really know what he is talking about... Brad... It's like this, since the 1st human souls were created about one million years ago, the oldest soul in your species can only be one million years old...
I have been born, lived, & died as one of you for thousands of lifetimes, during the past 150,000 years... So I truly know & understand quite fully just what it's like to part of your species...

BUT.. in spite of my long term stay & mission here, my own extra-terrestrial soul nature is always part of me... One thing that causes me to be very different from any human, not in appearance, but in my mind... I have the benefit of having human reasoning processes, as well as my extra-terrestrial reasoning processes, all within my mind & they work together... Plus for all souls, no matter what world or galaxy they originate from, usually continue making spiritual progress, the longer they have existed as a soul...
Myself I am about 5 billion years old as a soul... I was created by my Creator, before your own planet Earth, your solar system, or even your own sun came into existence... So my soul was was created by a different God, than all of you of the human species.... But while I am here on my mission, my alligence has been & is to your God, until I return to my own home, at which time my alligence is transferred back to my God...

If you humans want to believe that one Creator, could possibly personally manage a domain consisting of about 700,000 galaxies, with about 10 million inhabited worlds in each galaxy, then you better think again, because that comes out to 7,000,000,000,000 planets inhabited by God's children...

Now there is the Supreme Creator, who always was & was never created,no beginning or end, who is the one source & beginning of all things, including GOD's that he had the right to create if He wanted to, which is what the Supreme Creator did... So the one Supreme Creator created his GOD Sons, to assign them their Creator kingdoms, throughout all the 700,000 galaxies....

So truly my 150,000 years as a human, is such a small fragment of time, in my overall span of time that I have existed as a soul... I was created as a soul over 5 billion years ago...
I suppose that me telling you that I am a 5 billion year old soul, sounds staggering when the entire Earth species is only one million years old...
Believe me when I tell you, even in your own young galaxy,there are souls, native to a planet in your galaxy that are about 10 billion years old, as your milky way galaxy is a very young galaxy, compared to the oldest galaxies...
There are very ancient galaxies very very very very distant from here, that have planetary species that are hundreds of billions of years old, so to tell you the truth, I still feel like a pretty young soul when I'm 5 billion years old & other souls are hundreds of billions of years old...

Because for myself & every member of my group, we are all spiritually advanced enough, to truly understand how very little & insignificant each of us truly is in the cosmos of thouands & hundreds of thousands of galaxies, containing billions upon billions of worlds inhabited by intelligent species, created by their Creator, & having souls just like you do...
So in the cosmic big picture, anything that myself or anyone in my group has done or does, we are fully aware that nothing we could do, has any significance, in the scope of all of creation...

The primary reason that I & those in my group did volunteer to come to Earth, on this 150,000 year long mission,
is because each of us did this out of love of & for our Creator...

I myself now fully understand how difficult it is to face all the challenges that I have had to face, in the past 150,000 years as one of you...
Life in your world has been & is much harder than I thought it would be before I came here... The reason being is that my home world species was very spiritually advanced as a species... So life on my home world is actually about the same as being in one of your astral heavens, between my lifetimes...

It's kind of normal, for a young species such as you Earthlings are, to think in terms that your species is the one & only planet, inhabited by intelligent life, that was created by God & that you are God's only creation, possessing souls...
To each GOD, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever between a Earth soul, my soul, or the soul of any other child of God, on any of the trillions of planets in creation...
Sooner or later, you humans are going to have to change your conceptions of just how vast each GOD's creation actually is...
Even your own Creator, the GOD who created all your human souls, is much more powerful & has a much bigger kingdom, than this one small planet called Earth, which even at this moment is only one of the approximate 5 million planets that are presently inhabited in your GOD's kingdom...

I think Christians will have to revise their concept & belief that the Son Of God came to the planet Earth to be crucified on the cross, to redeem humans from some kind of sin...
If that's really so, then that would mean that your God would have to do the same thing on each of the other 5 million worlds with his children, who are created with exactly the same soul status as you humans...

So in other words, the Son of God never had to be crucified on a cross on this world, any more than he would have to be crucified on all the 7 trillion worlds in creation...

That was just a small idea, of how the realities of all of creation, just don't quite fit in with planet Earth religions & the infinate realities of GOD & the Supreme Creator that almost none of you got the slightest clue of...

Brad... As you can see, I can give you a much more beautiful picture of the Cosmos, than I can give you on planet Earth, that is until humans BEGIN to change themselves for the better, & then encourage others to change likewise... In my estimation, this simple process of each one of you 6 billion individual souls, will start experiencing species wide spiritual advancement, as a result of a very small number of humans, commiting themselves to changing themselves to POSITIVE & SPIRITUAL TRAITS & THOUGHTS !

Some of you could send a link to this post, to a friend, telling them to join you & change themself as you are doing !

Brad... If you personally would like to see the dawning of a new spiritual age of Earth, then it is absolutely essential that the human species itself, finally start a spiritual advancement as a species... You did it with science, now do it with spirituality...

Ancient One

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Subject: Forum Introduction

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 01:05:21 03/18/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

Greetings Everyone,

I am well aware that what i say in my Forum Message at the top of the page will be extremely controversial, as will be just about anything that will be discussed here or anything i say to you!

Some of you will probably decide that it's not possible for there to be a group of spirtually advanced aliens living among you!
Some of you will decide that i'm just totally insane & if thats what you decide, then thanks for stopping by & just
don't post here & there's no point in you returning to this forum!

BUT for those of you that can be objective & open to the things i can reveal to you, welcome to my forum !

We are actually alien souls who volunteered to come here
about 150,000 years ago!
We aliens in my group come from many different planets in this galaxy & distant galaxies... Aliens on the majority of planets in GOD's creation have physical forms identical or very similar to you humans, so our alien physical bodies looked like yours do...
I myself come from a very distant galaxy & i fondly remember my home world !
So we have each had thousands of lifetimes on your world...
We have been born, live, die, & re-incarnate on your world for 150,000 years now...
We will keep re-incarnating into your world until we complete our group mission...
HOWEVER myself & many of my alien group members are inclined to believe that our present lifetimes, will be our last ones here...
We are inclined to believe that our group mission will finally be completed in our present lifetimes...
Which would mean that myself & all of the aliens in my group can finally return to our home worlds after over 150,000 years!

Ancient One

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[> Subject: Re: Forum Introduction - 11/28/2003 Update On My Group

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 20:48:56 11/28/03 Fri
Author Host/IP:

Greetings Everyone,

The Time Of My Group Starting Our Mission Is Now Near At Hand.... The Time Has Finally Come !


It has just recently been revealed to me, that myself & the other members of my alien soul group are starting to have our individual missions within our group, revealed to some of us...

I myself have had my own role in our group mission, revealed to me in the past week...

1st I want to make it clear that my group will not be ushering in this new age by ourselves, as there are a number of humans, who have made considerable individual spiritual progress, who will be assisting me & my group in this tremendous undertaking we volunteered for almost 200,000 years ago...


An End Of All Wars & Military Conflicts On Your Planet..

An End To All Religious Wars & Religious Divisions...

An End Of Hunger & Starvation Throughout This Planet...

A Real & True Brotherhood & Sisterhood Of Your Human Species
Will Occur....

The Human Species Will WORK TOGETHER In Achieving Positive & Spiritual Planetary Goals...

An End To ALL Conflicts Over Race, Religion, or National Boundaries...

An End To Greed...

An End To Selfishness...

An End To Deceit & Lying As An Acceptable Way Of Achieving Any Goals...

An End To World Wide Hatred....

An End To The Masses Of Humanity Being Controlled By The Rich & The Powerful & Elite Of The World...

All Governments On This Planet Will Have The GENUINE WELFARE Of Their Citizens As Their ONE & ONLY Priority...

ALL weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION On This Planet Will Be Destroyed & ALL secret government projects will either be brought into the light of day or shut down...

All MONEY Previously used For Armies, and Military Weapons & Military Aircraft Will Now Be SPENT EXCLUSIVELY On Improving The Quality Of Life On This Planet...

A World Government Congress Will Be Formed...
It Will Be A True Democratic World Government, With Each Country On This Planet Having Members On The World Government Congress... Countries Will Still Be Permitted To Have Their Own DEMOCRATIC Governments, BUT All Countries Will Fall Under The Jurisdiction Of The World Government Congress... No Countries Will Be Permitted To Have Dictatorships As A Form Of Government...

Many Misconceptions That Exist In This World Regarding
Your Creator & GOD Will FINALLY Be Cleared Up...
For The Most Part Your Species Only Understands GOD From The Solitary Standpoint Of Your Planet Earth, You Tend To Think That The Human Species Is GOD's Only Creation...
You Will Receive Knowledge Of GOD As It Pertains To GOD & GOD's Relationship To HIS Children Throughout Creation In ALL The Galaxies...

New Medical Advances Will Be Introduced To Your Planet, Resulting In Better Health & Much Longer Human Life Spans...

Present Oil & Gas Energy Sources Will Become Obsolete In The New Age, As Much More Efficient Energy & Non-Polluting Energy Sources Will Be Introduced To Your Planet...

Electricity For Purposes Of Lighting Will Become Obsolete As A Brand New Source Of LIGHT, That Is Unknown To Your World Will Be Introduced To Your Species...

There Is No Power or Forces or Weapons In Or On This Planet That Can Stop My Group From Completing Our Mission To Make
The Above Things Occur On Your Planet... As Our Mission Was Ordained & Sanctioned By GOD... And Man Can Not Possibly Stop The Manifestation Of Anything That GOD Has Sanctioned ....Approved... and Decreed....

I am not going to explain to anyone just exactly how my group will cause all of the changes to occur that I outlined above....

PS.. Any of you that don't believe that what I'm telling you will in fact occur... ALL you have to do is just wait & see...

Ancient One

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Subject: the meaning of life

jason darcy
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Date Posted: 15:28:21 12/16/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

hi, I know this is the ultimate question but what is the meaning of life? And what happens when we die, and why? Also, do you have any powers that differentiate from normal humans?

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[> Subject: Re: the meaning of life

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 23:42:17 12/16/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>hi, I know this is the ultimate question but what is
>the meaning of life? And what happens when we die, and
>why? Also, do you have any powers that differentiate
>from normal humans?


Hi Jason,

It will take me at least an hour, just to answer this post... I will need two or three hours to answer all your posts.. I won't be able to answer them until probably next week or after the holidays....

Ancient One

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[> [> Subject: Re: the meaning of life

jason darcy
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Date Posted: 13:55:38 12/17/03 Wed
Author Host/IP:

>>hi, I know this is the ultimate question but what is
>>the meaning of life? And what happens when we die, and
>>why? Also, do you have any powers that differentiate
>>from normal humans?
>Hi Jason,
>It will take me at least an hour, just to answer this
>post... I will need two or three hours to answer all
>your posts.. I won't be able to answer them until
>probably next week or after the holidays....
>Ancient One

Ok that's fine. I will check back after the holidays. Thanks.

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[> Subject: Answers To Your Questions

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 22:19:57 01/19/04 Mon
Author Host/IP:

>hi, I know this is the ultimate question but what is
>the meaning of life? And what happens when we die, and
>why? Also, do you have any powers that differentiate
>from normal humans?

Hi Jason,

You get the distinction of having made more posts & asked more questions than anyone else...

Jason... that is a very vast subject, but I'll give you a response.... I will assume that asking me the meaning of life, is the same thing as asking me for what purpose were you and everyone else in this world created...

1st... I will begin by explaining several things pertaining to creation:
1... There are a few different levels of creation...
For instance everyone has heard of angels, weither you believe in them or not...
Angels are a specific creation...
Just as humans are a specific creation...
Humans do not become angels by going to heaven...
Humans are not angels who left heaven...
2... Humans were not formerly lower forms of life...
Rocks, plants, and animals do not become humans in the future, just as you were never any of these things in the past....
3.. Humans were created as humans... You are all children of the CREATOR, just as the CREATOR has created similar children throughout all galaxies in creation... So yes, ET's are also the CREATOR's children, just as humans are..
4... The purpose of life is the same for ALL of the CREATOR's children, on all planets, in all the galaxies...
5... The planet where each child of the CREATOR is created as a soul & has their 1st lifetime is eternally your home planet... Just as where ever on Earth you were born in this lifetime is your birth place... So too, what ever planet a soul has their 1st lifetime, is their soul birth home or home planet... Earth is very definately not my soul birth home...

You & all humans, as well as all ET's were created for the purpose of making spiritual progress...

The goal of all of the CREATOR's children on Earth or on any other planet, is to seek to know & love the CREATOR with your whole heart, mind, & soul...

Until you do that, you will remain on the wheel of life & death... You will have your present lifetime & if you don't progress enough to graduate from the wheel of life & death, then you will go to the astral plane, which is also known as the 4th dimension.... When you die & go to the astral plane, there are no errors, justice will prevail & you will be taken to exactly where you are supposed to go... Either a beautiful astral heaven as a reward or a horrible astral hell as a punishment... An astral hell can be a million times worse than the worst experiences you ever had in your life... Yet, an astral hell is exactly where many humans do go after death... SOME SOULS DON'T SEEM TO EVER LEARN !

After your prescribed time in the place you were sent to after death, then in almost all cases, you will be born back into this world for another opportunity to make spiritual progress....

When a person finally does graduate from the wheel of life & death, then you never again have to be born into life in this world or any world...
Graduation means you proceed to the HEAVENS of the CREATOR..
Only goodness prevails in the HEAVENS of the CREATOR...
It will be more fantastic & beautiful than you could ever imagine it to be...

So far, in the entire history of the human species, not too many people have graduated from the wheel of life & death...
Most people do not put much importance on spiritual progress or the CREATOR, when they live any of their lives in this world...

How many people do you personally know who consider GOD as being the most important thing in their DAILY life & also live their life demonstrating that GOD is the most important thing in their DAILY life ???

So... Jason.. If you wanted to know what you should be doing in your life... I JUST TOLD YOU !



1st..however I should explain several things...

Basically all humans are capable of doing things & having powers that they know nothing about !

BUT.. only a person who is genuinely spiritual can ever acquire or be capable of CERTAIN HIGHER POWERS !

Now regarding me personally:
YES..I PERSONALLY DO HAVE POWERS THAT NO HUMAN HAS OR HAS EVER HAD simply because my power & authority is from beyond this world... I can only say that whatever power & authority I have were given to me by my CREATOR...

What powers that I have that humans do not have or never had, I will not reveal in this forum or at this moment in time...

When I'm ready to reveal & demonstrate all of my powers, then I'll do it publically, for one & all to see with their own eyes...
At that time you too, will see what my powers are & why I have whatever power & authority that I do have...

You will then see others in my group step forward & publically display the powers that they too have....

Jason.. When I do reveal these things publically in the future, I will mention that some people know me as the Ancient One... Then you will remember the words I am posting here now & know that it is me you are seeing !

As I have said in other posts, myself & my group are here to make this world a better place to live in for the masses of people all over this world...
We can only accomplish this by a demonstration of our power & authority, such as this world has never seen...

We will assist the people of planet Earth in achieving a true sense of equality for each & every person on this planet...

We will create equality for all people of Earth, it doesn't matter to us what religion you are, or what nationality you are, or what country you are from or if you are a man or a woman... We are here for ALL of you !

We are here to correct the widespread injustices that exist from one end of this planet to the other...

We are here to put an end to all wars & military & religious conflicts...

We are here to put an end to hunger, where ever it exists on this world...

We are here to end the unjust & terrible & horrible crimes that are constantly committed on innocent victims..

We are here to bring real justice into the affairs of man...

We are here to end the greed, selfishness, exclusive self-interest, hatred, ignorance, lack of caring, and Godlesssness that exists from one end of this planet to the other... These factors are what has made this world into how it is at present...

We are not here as conquerers to kill & destroy...
We are here to make these things happen by demonstrating our power & authority & when we do, then this world will change for the good of the masses of the world very quickly...

Those people in this world who like the world as it is & are responsible for making this world as it is, will simply change their ways of their own free will, or face severe judgement & be stripped of their power & authority...

Ancient One

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Subject: to the admin

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Date Posted: 05:19:17 02/17/04 Tue
Author Host/IP:

Hello Ancient One, i was wondering if i might be able to ask you a few questions over email?
forum is not really my thing at this moment.
in love and light

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[> Subject: Re: to the admin

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 21:36:03 02/17/04 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Hello Ancient One,
i was wondering if i might be able
>to ask you a few questions over email?
>forum is not really my thing at this moment.
>in love and light

Greetings PerceptiOn,

YES... Feel free to send me a private e-mail..
You can e-mail me by just clicking on my name...

Ancient One

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Subject: how do negative ET's manage to leave there worlds?

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Date Posted: 01:52:10 01/28/04 Wed
Author Host/IP:

Hello my name is Cesar im very happy to have found this website I have read I think all ur messages and replies I am very happy to know im not the only one to know this information what I don’t understand is u have talk about negative aliens I will be very confuse if this is truth I will not longer have the answer for all my questions I don’t understand how negative ET’s have manage to get out of there worlds I thought a negative world will destroy it self before reaching the high technology to leave there worlds, I don’t understand why have this happen, have there been any mistakes by the leaders of the evolutions, according to what I know is that a negative human world will take century’s to reach a high technology that allowed to leave there worlds, as a fact the humans will have to survive hundreds and hundreds of wars while technology grows I only know that it is possible and easier for negative worlds to reach a high technology to build weapons of destruction and even to find out about small energy’s like the atomic and nuclear u and me know that intelligence is also got to do with the spirit and a world divided by selfishness I think there is no way even for a safe departure
What I know is that the government is working to give a bad picture of our aliens brothers because they know we r all looking for the truth and we r finding it and they don’t want to loose power in the future because of all the planet coming together, the government’s nightmare is that we the people ever come to listen to our brothers because our brothers wants to guide as to a different organization.
U seem to know a lot I donno if u have got ur infor by research by ET’s or by ur pass life’s but please explain to me how a negative world of ET would manage to come out of there worlds

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[> Subject: Re: how do negative ET's manage to leave there worlds?

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 00:50:51 01/29/04 Thu
Author Host/IP:

Hello my name is Cesar & I'm very happy to have found
this website...
I think I have read all your messages and replies...
I am very happy to know I'm not the only one to
know this information....
What I don’t understand is u have talked about negative aliens & I will be very confused if this is the truth...
I will no longer have the answer for all my questions...
I don’t understand how negative ET’s have managed to get out of their worlds...
I thoughta negative world will destroy it self before reaching the high technology to leave their worlds...
I don’t understand why this has happened...
Have there been any mistakes by the leaders of the evolutions...
According to what I know, is that a negative human world will take century’s to reach a high technology that allowed them to leave their worlds...
As a fact the humans will have to survive hundreds and hundreds of wars while technology grows...
I only know that it is possible and easier for negative worlds to reach a high technology & to build weapons of destruction and even to find out about small energy’s like the atomic and nuclear...
U and me know that intelligence is also got to do with the
spirit and a world divided by selfishness....
I think there is no way even for a safe departure...
What I know is that the government is working to give
a bad picture of our aliens brothers because they know
we are all looking for the truth and we are finding it and
they don’t want to loose power in the future because
of all the planet coming together..
The government’s nightmare is that we the people ever come to listen to our brothers because our brothers wants to guide as to a different organization...
U seem to know a lot I don't know if u have got your info by research by ET’s, or by your past lives, but please
explain to me how a negative world of ET's would manage
to come out of their worlds..


Hi Cesar,

I have friends from all over the world, so I can tell that English is not your native language...

I myself had a little trouble reading your post, so I am correcting your English errors, just so myself & forum visitors can find it easier to read...

So I will answer your post in the next couple of days...

Ancient One

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[> [> Subject: Re: how do negative ET's manage to leave there worlds?

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Date Posted: 07:41:48 01/29/04 Thu
Author Host/IP:

thatnk you very much for replying and for understanding my english dificulties and sorry

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Subject: how can i conmunicate with aliens, and how should i do it ?

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Date Posted: 16:59:35 08/17/03 Sun
Author Host/IP:

Hi, my names Jas, I strongly believe in the existence of aliens and other life forms.
Could you give me any tips on how I can achieve a connection with an exterritorial?
In any form. So I can gain more knowledge on what and who they are and what message they have got for humanity.

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[> Subject: Re: how can i conmunicate with aliens, and how should i do it ?

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 22:35:19 09/09/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Hi, my names Jas, I strongly believe in the existence
>of aliens and other life forms.
>Could you give me any tips on how I can achieve a
>connection with an exterritorial?
>In any form. So I can gain more knowledge on what and
>who they are and what message they have got for

Hi Jas,

Let me give you a little bit of an education on 3rd dimensional extra-terrestrials... So i'm referring to ET's with physical bodies who come here in spacecraft from other worlds similar to Earth...

ALMOST all of the extra-terrestrials that visibly come into our Earth atmosphere & land on this planet, are NOT any ET's you want to have ANYTHING to do with... WHY.. because those are the ones that do not have any good intentions towards human beings... They come from worlds that are scientifically advanced, BUT they are on about the same conquer & control power trips as humans are on this planet...
These negative ET's are secretly working with some governments on this world... It would be very dangerous for you to make contact with any of those ET's... They do NOT like humans...

There are some postive minded ET's that observe our planet, but these positive ET's do not usually land on our planet and they do not interfere with humans or anything pertaining to humans...
The positive ET's look very much like humans & you probably couldn't tell that they are ET's, if you did see one...

Myself & my group did not come here in physical bodies...
Our souls were transported here from our home worlds that we originate from... After spending thousands of lifetimes as a human during the last 150,000 years, i feel pretty human in many ways...

Ancient One

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Subject: hi

Seon ferguson
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Date Posted: 23:11:43 12/20/03 Sat
Author Host/IP:

Hi I keep checking this forum and Ive noticed that my message hasnt been posted, I appologise if you think I wasnt sincere (incase it never posted I asked if you could take me aboard your ship). I really did mean it. All I really want in life is to explore space on a space ship. I'm not smart enough or fit enough for NASSA and I'm not creative enough to write storys about it (believe me Ive tried). Is there like a stafleet acadamy type thing I can join? I would love to be the first human to join but I supose thats out of the question. Oh well a guy can always day dream. Also I was just wondering is the law of karma true? also what do you think about Witchcraft? is there such thing as magic? can human beings actully cast spells or is it all in our minds? Ive experianced both things for myself so I believe in them but I was just wondering what your opinion is. Sorry for all the questions but I'm really curious. Oh and if my last message was posted and you were just busy or I did something wrong and I didnt even post I'm sorry for that to oh yeah and merry christmas.

Thanks for your time


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[> Subject: Re: Your Questions

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 20:24:27 12/22/03 Mon
Author Host/IP:

Hi Sean,

I took your questions seriously...
Sorry but I have been overloaded with things to do for the holidays... I will answer your post as soon as I can after the holidays...

Ancient One

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[> [> Subject: Re: Your Questions

Seon ferguson
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Date Posted: 00:02:16 12/23/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

Hi thanks I appreciate it. I look forward to reading a reply. Merry xmas


>Hi Sean,
>I took your questions seriously...
>Sorry but I have been overloaded with things to do for
>the holidays... I will answer your post as soon as I
>can after the holidays...
>Ancient One

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[> Subject: Here's The Answers To Your Questions

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 22:45:17 01/17/04 Sat
Author Host/IP:

>Hi I keep checking this forum and Ive noticed that my
>message hasnt been posted, I appologise if you think I
>wasnt sincere (incase it never posted I asked if you
>could take me aboard your ship). I really did mean it.
>All I really want in life is to explore space on a
>space ship. I'm not smart enough or fit enough for
>NASSA and I'm not creative enough to write storys
>about it (believe me Ive tried). Is there like a
>stafleet acadamy type thing I can join? I would love
>to be the first human to join but I supose thats out
>of the question. Oh well a guy can always day dream.
>Also I was just wondering is the law of karma true?
>also what do you think about Witchcraft? is there such
>thing as magic? can human beings actully cast spells
>or is it all in our minds? Ive experianced both things
>for myself so I believe in them but I was just
>wondering what your opinion is. Sorry for all the
>questions but I'm really curious. Oh and if my last
>message was posted and you were just busy or I did
>something wrong and I didnt even post I'm sorry for
>that to oh yeah and merry christmas.
>Thanks for your time


Hi Seon,

You probably haven't read all the posts I have made at this forum, because then you should have known that I do not have a spacecraft at my disposal...

There is nothing like a starfleet academy thing, available for planets that are still engaging in wars & hatred on such a large scale as it still exists on Earth...

ONLY... when planet Earth & MOST of it's inhabitants have spiritually advanced beyond the present worldwide evil things that people do to each other, will such a thing as something similar to a starfleet academy be available to ANYONE from this planet...

If any governments of this world could presently travel to the stars, they would not be out in the stars on peaceful missions... Our governments would be out in the stars to CONQUER other species and to kill & destroy, just as some of the negative Et's do...

Besides, it is necessary to be able to travel at least as fast as the speed of light, like the negative ET's do, in order to go beyond our immediate solar system...

The only good news I can give you on this matter, is that the human species will in fact spiritually advance enough, in the not to distant future, in order to have such things as something similar to a starfleet academy actually become something that some Earthlings can choose to do, if they are qualified...


YES...there very definately is such a thing...
Each & every person in this world & on any world have to answer for their actions... If someone does not adequately answer for their actions while they are alive, you can be very certain they will be answering for their actions after they die... After death punishments can be beyond your imagination...


The truth of the matter on witchcraft is that it is a very ancient religion on this planet... The principles of the religion of witches is based on LOVE...
However, the religion of witches has been portrayed as evil & involving devil worship in movies & many books...

There are witches who choose to be evil persons because they have the free wills to do so, BUT the religion of the witches is a POSTIVE religion based on LOVE...

An analogy would be Christian priests & ministers who sexually rape small children... Doing that is an act of EVIL... BUT doing that is totally against the principles of Christianity.... So any EVIL witches are likewise totally going against the LOVE principle of witchcraft...



I will not go into this subject very deeply, especially when there are so many conceptions & differing opinions of just what MAGIC is....

I do not know what your defination of MAGIC is, or what you think MAGIC involves...

So I will give you my defination of MAGIC...
MAGIC is understanding the hidden laws of science, which have never been fully printed in any book in existence...
MAGIC is understanding how to use these hidden laws of science...
The highest MAGIC there is... can only be mastered by one who is very dedicated to GOD in thought, action & deed...

Acually the only ones in recorded history to publically display higher MAGICAL ACTS was Jesus & Moses...
Walking on water is an act of true MAGIC, but as I said earlier it is actually extremely scientific, utilizing hidden & very secret scientific laws...

There are other acts of MAGIC that no living person has ever been able to do, simply because no living person has been spiritual enough to be able to do them...
Jesus was able to do these other things that no living person has ever done, but he choose not to show everything he could have done.. NOBODY else before or since Jesus has been spiritual enough to do ALL things that could be done with real MAGIC...

Hardly anyone says anything about my answers or even says a simple thank you after I answer their questions, but it would be nice if more people did do that...

Ancient One

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[> [> Subject: To DAN who submitted several posts

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 19:19:23 01/25/04 Sun
Author Host/IP:

Hi Dan,

I removed the posts between you & me from this forum...
BUT.. I did save copies of our communication...

I would be glad to carry on a communication with you regarding the subject of the two posts you submitted, but not on my forum message board...

So if you want to discuss this privately with me, then e-mail me at my e-mail address for this forum & please use a different e-mail address than the one that has "send your junk" here, as your e-mail name...

There are several things that I will privately share with you if you contact me by e-mail...

Ancient One

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: To DAN who submitted several posts

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Date Posted: 11:26:19 01/27/04 Tue
Author Host/IP:


The email I supplied is really mine though.


>Hi Dan,
>I removed the posts between you & me from this forum...
>BUT.. I did save copies of our communication...
>I would be glad to carry on a communication with you
>regarding the subject of the two posts you submitted,
>but not on my forum message board...
>So if you want to discuss this privately with me, then
>e-mail me at my e-mail address for this forum & please
>use a different e-mail address than the one that has
>"send your junk" here, as your e-mail name...
>There are several things that I will privately share
>with you if you contact me by e-mail...
>Ancient One

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Subject: life and direction

jason darcy
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Date Posted: 15:46:52 12/16/03 Tue
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Hi, I feel like a lost soul sometimes and cannot seem to find any direction in life. I have good intentions and I want to be of help in life, but I know I am not. I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I lack energy a lot of the time. I worry that I will be punished in the after life for wasting my life and not achieving much or showing much religious interest. I do believe in a higher power, a 'God', and the value of good. So I know I am not evil, but is that enough?

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[> Subject: Re: Life and Direction & What You Can Do

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 03:13:57 01/20/04 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Hi, I feel like a lost soul sometimes and cannot seem
>to find any direction in life. I have good intentions
>and I want to be of help in life, but I know I am not.
>I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I lack
>energy a lot of the time. I worry that I will be
>punished in the after life for wasting my life and not
>achieving much or showing much religious interest. I
>do believe in a higher power, a 'God', and the value
>of good. So I know I am not evil, but is that enough?


Hi Jason,

NO... that is not enough...
What you just described about yourself is a state of APATHY !

I basically gave you many of the answers in another post where you asked me the meaning of life.... But I'll give you more answers in this post....

It's very easy to feel like a lost soul with the strong atmosphere of confusion that exists on this world...

If it makes you feel better to know this, a large percentage of people are wasting their lives.... Sadly, quite a few people are born into this world, live out their lives into old age, and then they die, without having made the slightest spiritual progress in their life... They basically leave no better off than before they were born...
Personally I consider that a waste of the precious gift of life...

Nobody is in this world to see how much money & possesions & power and control over people they can accomplish before they die...
LOL... They will have absolutely no power or control in the astral hell that is waiting for them, where demons will power trip & control them & let them see what they put people through when they were alive...

Nobody is in this world to see how many people they can victimize...
LOL... Wait until they die & go to an astral hell where they will be constantly victimized as their punishment...

Nobody is in this world to torture others...
LOL... They have a very special astral hell waiting for them, where they will be tortured day & night without end for hundreds of years of time...
LOL... By the time they get out of that hell, they will be premanently cured of ever torturing or harming anyone again...

Actually nobody is in this world just to satisfy their every thought & desire, but you sure wouldn't know that nobody is in this world for those reasons, when those are the very self interests & self pursuits that almost everyone is pursuing...

So truly it doesn't surprise me one bit that the world is in it's present condition... The human species instead of seeking their CREATOR.. they just spend their lives seeking to fulfill their every want & desire...

Look at the state of the world, if you want to see what has resulted from living & thinking exclusive for ones own self interest & making ones own self interest as more important than anyone or everyone else... This type of thinking leads to selfishness, greed, love of money, love of power, love of controlling others, love of self, apathy, hatred, murder, torture, terrorism & any other problems you see everywhere in this world...

The world has been getting progressively worse for a long time now, BUT me & my group will be fixing this terrible situation before too long.... So all these ways that most of you take for granted as being how you should be, will soon be ending... This planet will be drastically changing for the better in the not to distant future...

Jason.. there is no middle of the road path or sitting on the fence for much longer... You have to decide which side of the road you want to be standing on, when the changes occur that me & my group will bring into this world... You don't have to be an evil person to be following in their footsteps...

If you or anyone else don't want to believe anything I'm saying, that perfectly ok with me...
BUT don't say you weren't forwarned to start changing yourselves for the better, by me in this forum, prior to me & my group coming forward onto center stage of planet Earth....


Stop hating... Eliminate greed in yourself, Do not seek any power or control over any person, Stop thinking only of yourselves... Start caring about your fellow man & woman... Be kind to everyone you meet... Be respectful & considerate to everyone you meet... Be ready to be help or assist anyone you meet... Love your CREATOR... Seek to know your CREATOR...

I predict you will see us come forth within the next 10 years... 15 years at the most...

Why don't you read all the posts made to me & every post I ever made in this forum, I think that you can get some postive direction from doing that...

Ancient One

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Ancient One
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Date Posted: 01:56:31 01/17/04 Sat
Author Host/IP:

Hi Jason,

I did entirely read your very long post titled:
"A Brief Account of the True Nature of UFO Entities."

I definately will NOT approve that post....

I do not regard much of that information in that post as having much reality to it...
The person who wrote that article has many mis-conceptions of what is real....

For instance, I personally know that such a thing as a Ginn does exist... HOWEVER how the author presents them & what he thinks they are is absolutely incorrect... They are not ET's & they almost never interact with man as the author of the article thinks... The only thing I will say about Ginn's is that they live in a different dimension & they rarely leave their own place & they positively do NOT interfere with the human species in any way what-so-ever...

Jason... Do not ask me to elaberate any more on this, as this entire area has absolutely nothing to do with what this forum is about...


Jason... Maybe you don't understand why I created this forum...

I made it clear throughout many of my posts...
I have lived thousands of lifetimes on Earth, born as a human...
The difference between me & most humans is this:

PLUS.. I originally was transported to your world in my soul form... I was not transported here in any physical body..
So the 1st physical body I ever had on your planet was a human one, when I was born into my 1st life in your world...

Most of you have been asking me questions about
extra-terrestrials with physical bodies who come to this world in their UFO's...
I did not start this forum to talk about them !

I started this forum to let you know about me & the rest of my group who were transported here from other galaxies in soul form, as I was... To let you know we are with you & among you !
I started this forum to discuss & answer questions specifically about me & my group & why we came here...
I started this forum to tell you some things every person in this world can do to contribute to making this a better world to live in !

Ancient One

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[> Subject: Re: Your Post On Nostradamus

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:28:41 01/17/04 Sat
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Hi Jason,

I will be approving most of your other posts when I can get to them..

BUT...I will NOT approve this post on Nostradamus....

I am familiar with much of Nostradamus's work...
I personally do not have any belief in the concept that there is such a thing as an "anti-christ"...
Those interpretations of the quantrains you posted about,
hold no truth at all for me....

I will tell you this about those interpretations, NONE of them will come to pass....

I consider Nostradamus to have been one of the best seers of recorded history...
I just don't agree with all interpretations of his quantrains...

You asked me if I knew of a certain hidden thing regarding Nostradamus...
I will answer you by telling you that I know Nostradamus saw & knew infinately more, than he ever published in his quantrains... I know that some of his most profound information was never published or seen by anyone... Secrets that Nostradamus took to his grave with him...

Ancient One

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