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"...Society has found a billion ways to 'force' the heterosexual lifestyle on its children so the rest of us losers can feel like a total reject if we don't participate. The result being yet another generation of gay kids that would rather live a lie, live alone, or simply not live at all, than be who they really are inside." - Taryn, "Taryn's Song"

A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Thank You all for helping us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer had help with.
It made a huge impact and was very much appreciated by her!
The campaign is now closed at her request. You can view the campaign here: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

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