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Subject: ** All About Aries + Starcast & Astrolesson

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Date Posted: 02:21:44 03/20/10 Sat

** All About Aries

Aries was named after the Greek god of war, and its patron planet is Mars, Aries's Roman counterpart. Astrologically speaking, the red planet has long been associated with 'red' qualities: assertiveness, aggression and passion. Those of you born with the Sun in this hotheaded, temperamental sign are also passionate, impatient and perpetually predisposed to leap first and look later ... if at all! But don't let anyone convince you that any of those traits are liabilities. In the right hands, they're all assets.

That impetuousness is part of what makes an Aries such charming, exciting company. It's a sign that's always brave enough to try anything once -- at least once. If you're an Aries, you're the perfect playmate; if you're not, you've probably enjoyed good times with one!

The impatience associated with the sign also fosters a straightforward trustworthiness. Aries are big fans of the 'cut to the chase' strategy, so anything that gets between point A (where they are) and point B (where they want to be) just won't do. This definitely includes lies and deceit. For the Ram, it's better to just say what's true and get it over with. Aries certainly aren't afraid to take responsibility for their actions. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

For Mars's favorite sign, stress equals excitement, excitement equals adrenaline, and adrenaline is what makes it all worth it! So, getting involved with an Aries, even platonically, isn't a job for the faint of heart. Romantically speaking, anyone who decides to take on a Ram had better be a brave, spontaneous and unencumbered companion. But an Aries will also want a worthy opponent, someone who's not afraid to disagree with their partner -- or with the rest of the world -- when the need arises. Aries are natural-born warriors who respect that quality in others. In short, anyone with fearful tendencies just won't do.

An Aries's lucky partner will be rewarded with a life full of adventure, passion and surprises. To say there will never be a dull moment when Aries is involved isn't even scraping the surface!

** Your Starcast for March 20 - April 18

March 20: Sun enters Aries
As the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, we mark the Spring Equinox for those of us above the equator, and the Fall Equinox for those below. Wherever you're located on the planet, this is a great time to embark upon a new journey. Mars, Aries's ruling planet, recently ended its long retrograde, which means you now have more than a few irons in the fire. It's time to do something with them!

March 22: Mars sextile Saturn
As Mars, now direct, picks up speed and connects in this beneficial aspect with responsible Saturn, you have plenty of opportunities to implement those plans and projects you've been tweaking over the last few months. With Mars in bold Leo and Saturn in social Libra, reach out to others to help you succeed!

March 25: Sun squares Pluto
Are you ready to modify your original plans and goals? Powerful Pluto in ambitious Capricorn weighs in, and whether it's the environment, an organization or a person, you must take something into consideration that alters your original plan. Listen carefully to make this time work for you. Do you need to stand your ground? Or will you benefit more by integrating others’ concerns? You’ll know what makes the most sense for you if you take time to think things through.

March 26: Mercury square the nodal axis
The impulsivity of the communication planet’s transit through Aries is questioned by this contact to the nodal axis in Capricorn and Cancer. When you speak, are others listening? If you want an audience for your ideas, plans or projects, you will need to demonstrate their validity and usefulness. Keep your ears open for an important message that can give you helpful information -- even if it's not easy to hear.

March 29: Full Moon in Libra
Whenever the Moon is full in relationship-oriented Libra, the Sun is in the opposite sign: self-oriented Aries. At this time, the dynamic between self and others is highlighted -- so your needs and desires, and those of others, need attention. Because of the full Moon, this may occur within an especially emotional climate, or even through confrontation. Pluto, currently in Capricorn, forms a major aspect -- a T-square at this full Moon -- which means something has to give ... or go. Look at where this aspect occurs in your own chart for more information.

March 31: Venus enters Taurus
As the planet of relationship heads into the sign of values and money, expect plenty of conversations with loved ones about your finances and the material aspects of your relationships. This is a perfect time to work out a plan for spending and saving with your partner, your child or your accountant. Get more clarity about your values -- where they match (or don't) -- and if necessary, work out a compromise.

April 2: Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury’s entrance into Taurus is a welcome relief! It gives you a chance to slow down your thoughts and the tempo of your life. Take your time and be deliberate in your thinking and planning, for the communication planet in this earthy, practical sign provides you with an opportunity to figure out what works, and what doesn’t. With all the changes going on in your life, this transit brings stable, sensible energy. You will help yourself every time you ask: "Is it practical?"

April 6: Pluto turns retrograde Get ready for a thorough review of how and where you're building your power base. (Check your own chart for specific location.) When Pluto entered ambitious Capricorn in November 2008, your attention turned to creating tangible improvements in certain areas of your life. Whether you're seeking the perfect career, looking to make a meaningful contribution to the world, or hoping to further your education, you're now ready to review and assess. Take your time, since Pluto doesn't end its retrograde period until September 14.

April 7: Saturn re-enters Virgo How healthy is your mind, body and spirit? And how does your life reflect this? When Saturn entered relationship-focused Libra on October 29, 2009, it turned our attention away from Virgo, a sign devoted to issues of work, health and service. Now, Saturn retrogrades back into analytical Virgo, and once again your health requires more of your consideration. It's time to de-stress! Restructure your schedule and allow it to add to your well-being. If you're feeling especially ambitious, include helping the health of our planet in your plan. And if you're familiar with your chart, pay special attention to the house where Saturn is transiting for more information.

April 10: Mars quincunxes Pluto Every planet entering a new sign has one of its first conversations with Pluto, since this powerful planet is in the early degrees of Capricorn. All those years with Pluto in the late degrees of Sagittarius meant that our lives transformed in significant ways -- but always at the end of each cycle. Now, we pay our coin up front, so to speak. Think of Pluto as the-powers-that-be, or as a situation that can change your current trajectory. This aspect describes a course correction. Is this good or bad? It depends on how you decide to handle it.

April 14: New Moon in Aries
A new Moon in the first sign of the zodiac heralds a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. This is the time to take initiative, so don't wait on the sidelines for someone else to move you forward! More than likely, you'll feel the drive of this pioneering sign and take the necessary steps to further your goals and dreams. Just keep in mind that Aries is also the sign of the warrior, so be thoughtful of others while advancing your own causes.

April 17: Mercury turns retrogrades in Taurus
Are you prepared for a new Mercury retrograde period? Since we give you notice whenever Mercury retrogrades -- three times every year for approximately 21 days each time -- hopefully you plan in advance! As usual, this is a period often marked by misunderstandings and delays. All the normal rules apply: don't sign contracts, and don't buy communication-related products such as phones and computers, or travel-related items such as cars and plane tickets. That said, life doesn't always cooperate with Mercury retrograde periods! So if you must sign a contract, build in escape clauses. If you buy any of the above items, safeguard the receipts and double-check reservations. Most importantly, go back to conversations and ideas you did not fully explore previously. Keep in mind that this is a period when a thorough review will help you in the long run. One thing is certain: When you know how to work with Mercury's retrograde, you automatically make your life easier! (Mercury ends its retrograde on May 11.)

April 18: The Sun sextiles Neptune
Where are you in the grand scheme of your life? This visionary aspect offers plenty of opportunities to advance your goals, express your creativity and open your mind to ideas that can benefit your life, and the lives of others. Everybody has a part to play ... so play yours!

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Aries!

** Astrolesson: Transiting Mars

Since transiting Mars has finally ended its long retrograde during this solar period, this is a perfect time to discuss Aries' ruling planet.

Mars turned retrograde in bold, dramatic Leo on December 20, 2009, and turned direct on March 10. But Mars will remain in Leo all the way until June 7 -- a long time to spend in one sign! What this means is that Mars has been responsible for lots of energy going back and forth in one area of your birth chart. Hopefully you have used this time well. Review the following Mars characteristics to see what you've accomplished ... and what could use some improvement. Remember, you have until June 7 to complete your projects and plans!

Mars is the planet that shows how you go after something -- what sets you in motion and how you act upon your desires. When you stand up for your needs, and when you advocate for either someone else or for a cause, you are expressing Mars. Mars in Leo gives you a chance to showcase your creativity while treating yourself and others with respect. Leo is a sign of leadership, and it's time for you to demonstrate yours!

Use Mars in a proactive, assertive and healthy way, and you'll have the energy to move mountains! Once Mars enters hardworking Virgo on June 7, your energy will shift. Until then, be creative, bold and generous -- three of the Leo's best attributes!

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