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Date Posted: 20:38:07 03/25/06 Sat
Author: TastingTheBlood
Subject: Specter Heads!!!
In reply to: KathyT 's message, "What I am getting at..." on 18:01:57 03/23/06 Thu

I always liked getting teachers on the "seperation of church and state thing". They'd always say it was in the constitution, then I'd ask where. I think only one ever knew what the constitution and the bill of rights said. His argument was that it is implied from the first amendment... All others simply shrugged their shoulders and CONVENIENTLY changed the subject really quickly. ; )

My Dad is quite a hypocrite at times. Sometimes he's like me... "Any politician voting against the constitution deserves a traitor's death!" LOL... Other days, he totally does just that... goes against the Constitution. He'll say, "Every damn muslim in this country needs to be imprisoned... and killed if they resist." This is where I bring up freedom of religion and the Bill of Rights. "No one has a right to practice a religion of hate!" Then, I say, "Of course they have a right to practice a religion of hate! Hate is not a crime! ( or... shouldn't be... LOL )" LOL... We can really get into it sometimes. : [

Once in school, I asked a teacher why they didn't just allow ALL religions, instead of prohibiting all religions in school and he said, "That would mean wiccans would be allowed to practice, etc..." I said............"So?" and he just stared at me. LOL.

Another thing I used to bring up... Why is it ok to take away religion, when that only gives atheists the power to worship? LOL... In other words, how come THEY can have it THEIR way, but no one else can?

"..........The people in Pennsylvania (darn, I can't remember their religious name right now)..............."

Specter heads??? You know, the conservatives who continue to vote for him, a 'fellow conservative'... is that who you mean? LOL!!! J/K!!! I assume you mean Amish/Quaker. LOL

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  • Salient points for consideration... -- Deborah, 23:38:38 03/25/06 Sat

  • Ok... -- TastingTheBlood Clark, 14:43:33 03/26/06 Sun

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