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Date Posted: Thu, Apr 22 2004, 14:36:55
Author: MST Meg
Subject: Re: It's like a sig-line archive.
In reply to: Karmyn 's message, "Re: It's like a sig-line archive." on Thu, Apr 22 2004, 11:49:10

><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.britslash.co.uk/">http://www.britslash.co.uk/</a>
>There's a Keeping Up Appearances Richard/Onslow fic.

*mind boggles* whaaaa?! *bats away godawful mental images*

Why, but why would anyone want to write that? Scrap that. Why would anyone want to write that *seriously*. I mean... if the aim is to parody slash and squick people, I suppose I get it. It could vaccinate anyone from slash forever (this from someone who enjoys Snape/Filch fanfics). But if the story is remotely serious... er... that scares me a lot.

>Stuff like that makes my brain cry. People write
>creepy stories like that and I'm the crazy one? At
>least the characters in my fandoms clearly had some
>sort of relationship that was plausible.

It's hard for me to imagine that there's a fandom behind Keeping Up Appearances, or at any rate, a fandom that would want to write fanfiction other than parodic (it's in the show's nature to be a parody, after all).

On the other hand, randomness of the pairing seems to be something that some fans don't care much about. Japanese "yaoi" is expressly designed to take any two characters who appeal to the author and put them in bed together without worrying if the couple makes sense or if they act in character. If I'm not mistaken, "yaoi" is an acronym that loosly translates as "no meaning, no resolution (which is why yaoi and shounen ai shouldn't be mixed up). And you *do* find extremely weird pairings in yaoi doujinshis (comic strips by fans), but that's part of the Japanese culture. I think that Occidental fanfiction has its own traditions, and being in character/following canon is one of them.

(who's wondering if there's any Basil Fawlty/Manuel fics out there, or perhaps Knights Who Say Ni getting it on)

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