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Date Posted: Thu, Apr 22 2004, 17:06:32
Author: The Site Guru
Subject: So here's where we're at right now

So at this point I'm looking at parking the web site at a pay host and running the forums from there. I hate the idea of paying for the GAFF site which, when all is said and done, was supposed to be just a fun little hobby. I will get out of paying if I can so I'm still hunting for freebies. Either way, the site and forums will still be free for you to use. If we go with a pay host we'll probably accept donations from anyone that finds a fiver down the back of the sofa that they don't know what to do with.

I won't be available for the next week. Someone will be monitoring the board for spam, malfunctions, etc but if you send me an email it will take a while for it to get answered.

And now that business is out of the way I'm going to break a six year tradition and make my personal feelings clear on a couple of points.

Matt and Heywood - taking private email public without the sender's permission is bad netiquette and, speaking personally, I don't appreciate it. Not here, not on other boards.

T.E.O.W. - This board is unmoderated. That doesn't mean the position is vacant. Threads are active because people are still interested in participating in them. Bumping multiple threads without adding to them in a meaningful way just to remove a thread you don't like is unnacceptable. It's unnacceptable for anyone to try to moderate the board in that way, including me or lurking Team members.

Everybody - A reminder; Adding to threads that you think should die just increases their life expectancy. You all know this.

That said, this IS an unmoderated board and will remain so. You are all free to continue to post whatever you like without fear of getting that post deleted. I am only suggesting you think about what you are posting and your reasons for posting it, not forcing you to do so.

Play on.

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