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Date Posted: 14:26:27 06/14/10 Mon
Author: Page
Subject: I'll see your lazing about and raise you Complete Non-Productivity for over a month. However... >>>>
In reply to: debikm 's message, "What's up Docs?" on 17:16:40 06/12/10 Sat

I must fall right now at your feet and express my undying love and gratitude because your HW prompts have stirred me to write! No, seriously, I've had the worst case of I-Don't-Wannas for so long I thought every bit of creativity or inspiration had dried up forever. I'd gotten to the point where I thought I couldn't write anymore. But when I saw the new HW post, I heaved a sigh and thought, "Well, I'll give it a shot." (Actually, I did the same thing on the last HW, but ultimately didn't do a thing with it.) So I opened MS Word and sent out a plea for one of my characters - any of them, I didn't care which - to please, for the love of God, to talk to me. And Katie came to the rescue.

This is something new and won't end up in the book since it's too effing long as it is, but it explains a bit of something we knew but never saw. We all knew Adam had been divorced twice, but none of the details came out in the book. Well, here's a tiny bit about his first divorce, although he doesn't strictly make an appearance.

Excerpt from Carey On
©2010 by Juli Page Morgan
Posted for purposes of critique only and does not constitute publication

A quick check of the hallway revealed that no one was about, and Katie let out a sigh of relief. All she needed was for someone to see her exiting Adam’s room with her clothes rumpled, her hair mussed and her lips swollen.

As she scurried down the hall like a thief sneaking from the scene of a crime, she dug in the front pocket of her jeans for her room key. Her hands were shaking so much the key skittered around the plate before sliding into the lock, and a part of Katie’s mind observed this with surprise. She hadn’t realized she’d been so affected by what happened. But then, it was the closest she’d ever come to being raped and it would be odd if she didn’t have some sort of reaction to it. Even if she did understand Adam’s motivations.

Opening the door in small increments, her gaze darted around the room trying to see everywhere at once. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. “Jay?”

No answer. Tiptoeing across the floor, she peeked into the bathroom, only to find it empty. She let out a sigh of mingled relief and irritation and entered the small room. Picking up her hairbrush from the counter, she smoothed her hair while taking stock of her appearance in the mirror.

In spite of their throbbing, her lips weren’t as swollen as she’d feared. After the crushing pressure of Adam’s mouth, Katie had expected them to look like she’d had a bee-sting right to the kisser. In reality it looked more like she’d just been worrying her lips with her teeth, so that was okay. The lips in question tightened, though, as she observed the rip in her blouse. Dammit. She’d bought that blouse at The Family Dog right after she’d moved to London, and it was one of her favorites. Dropping the brush, she leaned closer to the mirror and fingered the rent in the fabric over her shoulder. No, she decided. Not even Stephanie would be able to fix this one.

With a sigh, she met her eyes in the mirror and stopped. She’d seen an expression like that once before; the time a deer had darted out onto the road in front of her father’s car and then frozen in fear, pinned by the oncoming headlights. That look of mingled panic, fear and yes, inevitability stared back at her from the green eyes in the mirror, and Katie shuddered. Her father had managed to stop the car before they hit the motionless animal, and Katie only hoped she’d be able to bound away like the deer had, shaken but unhurt.

As she changed her blouse, Katie hoped Jay would be able to do something for Adam since she was at a loss. Yes, she’d lived with him, slept with him and loved him, but she never really knew him; at least not enough to know what kind of help to offer at a time like this. Jay had known Adam for a long time, so maybe he’d know what to do now that Adam’s cold-hearted, calculating wife had just announced over the phone from 5,000 miles away that she’d filed for divorce and sole custody of Alex.

Wadding up the ruined blouse, Katie thought it was just her dumb luck to be the first person Adam had seen after that phone call. She’d been devastated for him, but hadn’t been prepared for his attempts to drown his sorrows by making love to her. The whole thing was blurred in her mind, and she still wasn’t sure how she’d managed to get away from him. One thing was sure, though; she wasn’t going near him again until someone else had calmed him down.

Her search for Jay ended in Stuart’s room. In fact, her search for anyone ended there since it appeared the entire population of Los Angeles was crowded into the room, all their attention seemingly riveted on the bathroom. Frowning in confusion, Katie elbowed her way through the mass of people until she was able to squeeze into the tiny room where she was brought up short by the sight in front of her. Two naked groupies writhed and squirmed as they made love to each other in a bathtub filled with – dear God, was that creamed corn? A closer look verified that it was, and Katie made a face of disgust. She’d always thought creamed corn looked like squashed bug guts and the two girls thrashing about in a bathtub full of it did nothing to alter her perceptions. The thought crossed her mind that creamed corn did make sense because, after all, Ann Margaret had already done the whole baked beans thing in Tommy. With a feeling of horror, Katie wondered if she was losing her mind.

She stiffened as arms slid around her waist, but relaxed when Jay’s voiced tickled her ear.

“Interesting little diversion, innit?”

Katie shook her head. “I’ve seen a lot, but I’ve got to admit that freaks me out a little. I mean, where in the world did they get enough creamed corn to fill up a bathtub?”

Warm breath warmed her cheek as Jay laughed. “That’s what’s on your mind?”

“Well, that, and wondering how they’re going to get it out of their hair and, um, other places.”

After a brief pause, she felt Jay shudder. “Yuck,” he pronounced. “I didn’t think of that.” He seemed to dismiss it as he pulled her back against him, and she realized, yuck or not, he was mightily aroused.

The combination of near-rape and public sex in creamed corn was enough to make Katie consider taking a vow of celibacy, and she knew she had to get out of the room before that happened. She turned in Jay’s arms and caught his eye.

“I hate to break up the fun, but we have a little problem.”

Jay’s smile faded to a look of concern. “What is it?”

Katie glanced around at the people surrounding them and shook her head. She doubted if any of them were paying any attention to what she said, but she had to get out of that room. The smell of corn and the thought of squashed bug guts was bringing her panic close to the surface again, and she slid her arms around Jay’s waist and began pulling him toward the door. “Come on, we’ll talk somewhere else.”

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[> [> This is great! -- Debi, 18:33:54 06/14/10 Mon

Ewwww.....! I can see the scene and I think I'm nerly as repulsed as Katie! Way to create an image!

And the whole situation with Adam... well. I can totally see him seeking comfort in Katie, needing to be proven worthy of some sort of affection. But that's the wrong way to go about it. With Katie, I'm surprised she didn't exit the room with his testicles in her hand.

I'm so glad Katie came to your rescue. I need to see who will help me out here shortly.

Woo hoo!!!

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[> [> [> Why, thank you. And a big thank you right back at you. >>>> -- Page, 18:46:26 06/22/10 Tue

I know sometimes posting a HW and having limited response is discouraging, but man! They do help me out. Even if I don't do the assignment. They get me thinking, and more times than not something comes out of it, one way or another.

I'd been very, very depressed about Carey On since I whittled it down to 128,000 words. It just wasn't right and it killed me to know it was just sitting there slowly bleeding to death. I was doubting my abilities, seething over the word count and...well, frankly, had just about given up. And here came this HW. And Katie popped up.

After I wrote this, I opened my CO file and took a long, hard look at it. And I decided not to let it die. I love that story and those characters, dammit, and I'd dedicated almost two years of my life to that book. Damned if I'd let the current publishing situation kill it! So since I wrote this bit I've been rewriting the book. Yes, I'm still cutting words and scenes, but I'm doing it without letting it affect the story. I'm combining certain things which cuts out words, but still lets the story move forward. And with those words cut, I have a bit more leeway to flesh out certain bits of the book I felt from the beginning were rushed.

So Carey On still lives. And it all came from a HW.

Bless you.


P.S. Yep, Katie was a little too shocked to leave Adam's room with his testicles gripped in her fist, but we can't count out Jay. Heehee.

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[> [> [> [> Carey On was meant to be. As proof, we radiographed a dog today named "Katie Carey" No BS, I swear. -- Debi, 14:51:59 06/23/10 Wed

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