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Date Posted: 13:17:09 10/04/02 Fri
Author: karen
Author Host/IP: tnt-206-53-254-220.orl.blueriver.net /
Subject: New Donkey Owner

I have been "donkey sitting" for my friend for over 2 years and have become a donkey fan!! Eeyore, my friend's donkey, is returning to his former "mom" and I have purchased 2 jacks that will be keeping my quarter horse company. These jacks are very gentle and have been handled a lot but I will have them gelded. Indy is fairly small, guessing 40-42", and is 4 years old and Woody is large, guessing again 50+", and 2 years old. Donkeys are "well endowed" compared to horses!! Can I expect a more difficult surgery and recovery from castration? Is there anything I can do to make recovery easier for them? It is okay to geld them at their age isn't it?


Karen & Boxer Boys
John & Schuller
Paoli, IN USA

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.blueriver.net/~boxer/MyBoyz/">http://www.blueriver.net/~boxer/MyBoyz/</a>

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[> Re: New Donkey Owner -- Leslie, 08:49:19 10/12/02 Sat (cache-mtc-am06.proxy.aol.com/

I had bred my 2 donkeys and had a jack baby,( he ended up being an orphan) i sold the baby to a lady i thought would have him for life. Things in her life changed and she called me to ask if i wanted the jack back at no charge. I took him back without giving it much thought. He had no manners and needed to be gelded. I made the appt. but my vet ended up passing away before getting him gelded. No other vet in my area would do it because donkeys tend to bleed more than horses. I've read about it in books and from other donkeys boards.Good luck to you and your donkeys,
they are fun.

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[> Re: New Donkey Owner -- Tex, 18:06:40 10/12/02 Sat (netcache-2003.public.lawson.webtv.net/

I've had donkeys, horses and mules gelded thru the years. Most were youngsters at the time, 6 months old, but I had an older donkey gelded also. He was 8 years old. Gelding the donkeys wasn't any different than the horses and mules. Very little blood dripping. Just enough.

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