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Date Posted: 11:48:53 09/14/06 Thu
Author: good circumstance would have been anyone
Subject: hold contempt simply does not care about you: no right holding contempt
In reply to: the very essence of emotional health 's message, "Philosophical Truth -- Self-Evident Fact" on 10:44:04 09/13/06 Wed

judgment is the great lie that you can hold contempt,--- treats a fellow as if he will refuse to learn better when he learns better. simply knowingly chose to reject god.

hold contempt just does not care about you. to care about you is true only. To care is our soul literally.

Know this, and you still aren’t on speaking terms? This does suggest one of you is a sociopath.

If you did deny, you would have done right if you had cared about the person at all. if you did know you were rejecting your soul if you deliberately made someone feel unsafe? you didn’t get away with it, if you do not now hear (fear still hears) once and for all, moral truth is not up to you. Taught we should care, but don’t have to. This is what deny thought. To fear the Lord is only because you betrayed/holds someone in contempt still. Resent forever doesn’t hear. People who are a true victim of circumstance still, will agree it is fair people have to behave.

good people do care, is why they would rather bother with the un-fun reality that they were wrong, is wrong only; would rather make it up to who you hurt, if you can.

*regard the interests of others equally with your own, is true only; would rather be inconvenienced for your sake, if need be, so that a fellow is safe; is true only. stick with the facts; do not deviate from this; be wrong to have been wrong, no excuses. if you do, this proves it would have been any me in your exact same circumstance. is self-correcting only. is TRUSTED, is given TRUSTS. Only the self correcting, are trustworthy.

a caring person will never teach who seems to actually be a sociopath that moral truth is not true, by being hurtful at all. a true danger to society does need to be in lock-up, to protect society; but to punish, hurts him, teaches moral truth is up to me,--a mere opinion? now you know is expected to know, or you look like him. self-correct on this matter, gives a damn if a fellow lives eternally or not; proves you were honestly stupid on this one.

intent is the law: keeps who is a true danger to society in lock up, (before the crime even, if lock up is home sweet home); and keeps good people are clearly of good intent, from being persecuted. ~~quit misbehaving (misbelieving), gives a damn for real, is all anyone needs out of anyone. behave and I’m good with you.

if you did distort facts, as a "professional", or as an employee/employer, you hurt big.

to use a school teacher as an example: if you ignored reality, lied, to cover up that you were wrong, -- which is why you refused to teach properly: the rich kid goes to another school; the poor kid is refused a proper education; because you were of bad intent. a student either can be taught, or he is of the gorilla’s spiritual destiny. A slow fellow is of our destiny, will earn all there is to know also; he merely progresses at a slower pace. Get this, now understands that if a student isn’t learning, it is the teacher who must change tactics; certainly not the student’s inability. But if you denied is so, you need to admit you were of emotionally ill motives, so that you will be self-correcting genuinely = only a good guy bothers. To do so, is why you are now trustworthy to hold the position, -- will be a Great school teacher for now on. ~~ By the way, schools: student to teacher ratio is presently incorrect, better bring in the parents then. A correct ratio best occur.

the employee/employer who does wish for you to understand that he will pretend you are not a good employee? You know you need your job to pay your bills. Gives the impression you get off on hurting people; and hurting them murderer level, will have you in harms way! Get: if i can't do the job; i won't wish to do it. everyone can be taught to do their job perfectly. you don't like a fellows personality, doesn't like God. he just won't do right, is you, if you hold contempt. only the good admit they were this emotionally distraught to have denied, (knew you were altering reality). prefers to make it up to who you hurt, if you can. is trustworthy now.

To the prisoners: society owes you an apology, to pretend it is okay status quo that you can be locked up and then be unsafe in the lock up; because bad men will attack you,--as they are loose inside the lock up. Future generations will find it bizarre, and need to put forth real effort to understand our ill societies, just so they can see how society could have been this stupid. Of course knowing, who gets this is serial killer behavior, was merely stupid. Now we are taught.



To have been taught that you can make up your own moral truth, is why at the age of 4 you already betrayed is terrible circumstance: unfair to you is an understatement! It is also true that one never heard to deny, is why he naturally turned into a happy is well adjusted is self-correcting only is a wonderful person who is trustworthy in every way: was pure luck alone.

If you fiscally succeed, it is no credit to you personally that you are of a special talent / mr. high i.q., has no attention deficit is you; college was easy for you; or money received you the proper education, -- allowing you to see you can make it through college. Always, someone gave you a lucky break. Give that fellow the credit. Stop patting yourselves on the back for what isn’t credit due you. sure you did what you were supposed to do; so does everyone else, unless they are a psycho. ~~ food for the grower, during meditation/prayer hour.

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