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Date Posted: 10:13:17 11/03/04 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Hi CAB
In reply to: CAB 's message, "Re: Already Married: Second class" on 16:45:05 11/02/04 Tue


Thank you for visiting the forum. We are glad to hear that you all got out together, instead of seeing ubf destroy your family. How di your parents get involved? Were you pushed to invite them or did ubf just try to slip one past you all? Usually they don't want parents to even know the children are being recruited at ubf. They pretend it is none of the parents' business.

That is really amazing what you wrote, if I understand it correctly. So they were telling your parents many warm fuzzies, and they were telling you many cold roughies? And the reason is to have somebody's parents there to lend it an air of legitimacy? If so, that is really cold.

From time to time a parent was recruited at Chicago ubf. Some of them were called to share a message at 'prayer dedication' before conferences, and of course their testimony would sound very different from student recruits. Now, with your information, it makes alot more sense. Their tesitmony was vastly different not because of any generation gap, but because of a ubf false teaching gap.

Among parents who I can remember who were being recruited was Joe C's two parents, Maria peace's father, David R.'s father (his real name was Ismael so they changed it to Abraham, he really ate it up for awhile), Ms. Van Allman, Goldie C., Mrs. G who is Kevin A's mother in law.

There have been so few parent recruits, almost none. ubf would rather the recruit doesn't have any parents or family. They think it would make their job of isolating the recruit alot easier.

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