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Subject: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 9:25am

Hi everyone,
I have finally decided and some what came to a conclusion. I am going to have the baby and take care of it, no matter how bad this child was brought up to be. i went to a clinic to see how far along i really am and to see how the baby is doing. So far the baby is healthy and maturing just fine and i'm 11 to 12 weeks pregnant so i was off by a couple weeks. I still havent told my mom or anyone elsa, kind of scared to. I just wanted to thank you all for your suport and help i dont think i could have gone through this with out you guys. also i was wondering how far along do you have to be to see what sex they are?i have a couple names i have already picked out. And is there anything elsa i need to know about being a mom and being pregnant cuz so far the sickence sucks. Well hope you all r doing good.


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[> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 10:38am

Hi Shelby,

I'm glad you've been able to make a choice you're comfortable with. Congratulations!

I sure do wish you had another adult you could bring along side you in this. If not your mom then ??

If you do decide to tell your mom and you think it would be helpful to you, you can have her come with you to a free counseling session at your local Pregnancy Resource Center. They do that all the time - have either parent, boyrfriend, spouse or whoever is a significant other to the woman in an unplanned pregnancy and allow for both to adjust to the news in a safe and sheltered setting of an understanding counselor.

Let me know if you'd like more information.

What a blessing that the baby appears to be healthy and happy. I hope you'll take good care of yourself, too, and get lots of extra rest and good food. Right now, in the first trimester, you need it the most.

Regarding morning sickness, boy I empathize. I had that with my first to babies and it's NO FUN! But the good news is it usually goes away for most women after the end of the first trimester, so you're not too far away from that horizon.

Determining the gender of the baby is usually possible around 13 weeks or so, but much more definite by 17-18 weeks. This is a really ideal time to get another ultrasound.

As far as other misc. pregnancy things to know - by all means come on here and ask whatever specific questions you have! Also, I can't recommend highly enough a book called 'What to Expect When You're Expecting.' It's designed for first time moms and answers every conceivable question a woman could have. It's very common and would be available at any bookstore.

Well dear one, this is not as it should be, you have suffered an injustice that ought not to have happened and I do so hope you'll seek responsible legal protection and get the safety you need and deserve at this point, but I am very thankful for the kind and thoughtful person that comes out in your posts and I will praying that God will carry you through this time in grace and peace. If you seek out the help that is available to you, you can do this. Don't be shy about getting that support, though! You weren't created to be abused and mistreated, nor was your baby.

Many hugs for you,

[> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 12:51pm

Hi Shelby,

IT must be a relief to finally have made a decision. I am very glad to hear that you did seek medical care. You do still need to tell someone. It won't be easy, but it has to happen. It won't just "go away".

I would recommend that you consider following Heather's advice for telling your mom. Under the circumstances you might not want to do that alone.

As for the sickness, most of the time it starts to wane by about 14 weeks, not always, but usually. There are things you can do to help reduce it. First of all, do not let yourself get hungry. Eat small frequent meals rather than larger meals less often. If you experience sickness in the morning, you should keep something by your bedside and nibble a little before you even get up. Once you get hungry it's too late, so don't wait too long to eat. Sometimes ginger can help. If you are experiencing a lot of nausea, you can ask the doctor about a doxylamine succinate and vitamin B6 combo. Hopefully you will be through with that part of the pregnancy within a week or two.

From what I recall, the gender can be determined by about the 16th week or so if the baby is co-operative and in the right position to "be seen" so to speak. :)

[> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 7:07pm

Hi, Shelby,

I am glad you have made your decision, and I pray that God will protect and comfort you during this time. Please go to a crisis pregnancy agency so they can help you tell your mom. Your dad will have to deal with his abuse, but he should never have been doing it in the first place, and people wouldn't be doing him a favor to let him get away with it. Hopefully he'll seek some help. It is better to put a stop to it. Tell the Crisis Pregnancy personnel you don't want your family disrupted, if that is the way you feel (and I assume that is the case).

Melanie offered good advice about morning sickness. Yes, you should be close to the end of the problem.

I have had five children, so feel free to ask questions. We'll be here for you all the way.

[> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 7:20pm

Hey there Shelby. Glad to hear that you have made a decision and can move forward. Have you decided what you're going to do from here? Who you're going to tell? Is there any one single adult in this world that you feel you could turn to? The morning sickness should go away in a couple of weeks. Where you allowed to see your baby on the sonogram? I am a little over 18 weeks now and i found out the sex of my baby a couple of days ago on the scan but you can sometimes tell at 16 weeks as well. Even if you initially hope for one sex over the other i garuntee when you meet your baby none of it will matter one little bit. You'll just fall instantly in love :) What names do you like so far? Oh and how are your horses going?
I agree with Heather on the book she suggested. But if you have any specific questions regarding pregnancy ect we would be happy to help answer those.
[> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/18/06 10:18pm

I haven't really decided where i want to go from now but whatever happens happens. I think i might tell my sister no she's not a complete adult(shes 20) but im hoping she will understand but if not i think i can figure it out. Yes i have seen my baby on a sonogram and it was very rewarding i'm glad i have decided to keep my baby.so far for names if i have a girl i like Paige or Mackenzie, for a boy i like the name Wyatt Matthew or Levi.
Also my horses are doing great i'm getting in another one september 12 shes coming from miami taking care of her and selling her for the owners, hopefully i can handle it which i'm thinking i can. My horses are a joy to me and i think they will help me not be so stressed.

With my dad i know its a bad decision but i'm going to forget about it yes he has done something very wrong and he has for a long time but i don't want to screw up my family no matter what. when my mom finds out i'm pregnant then i'll figure something to say. no matter what, both him and i know what he did was wrong and i hope this baby will get that through his mind.But one thing is for sure he will NEVER lay a hand on my baby he can do what he wants with me but not my kid. I'm sorry i cant tell on my dad i guess even tho what he did he is still my father and i cant hurt him like he did me.

I want to thank you all for your help i think some how i will get through this and i figured it out today my baby will be born either march or febuary. I heard that some teens give birth way early for some reason so if that the case i will have a febuary baby but if its on time he/she should arrive in march. But can you beleive i start school wednesday its going to be scary being a 9th grader, but ill laugh at the face of danger hahaha (off the lion king):^)
Have a great night you guys i need some sleep.

[> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/19/06 12:47am

Hi Shelby,

I think telling your sister is a great idea. It's a start! I think you should let as many people know as possible so you are not left feeling alone.

I can't express how hard it is to read that you consider it love to stay silent about your father. Love sometimes looks like being strong enough to fight for what is right. Statistics don't seem to agree that your father will finally get the message that what he did was wrong, even with a baby. He will most likely push very hard for you to get an abortion to conceal what he's done. My heart aches for you, dear one, and for the freedom you should have to be in the light about everything. If you don't feel comfortable causing a disruption in your home, then is there anywhere else you feel safe moving to? Your sister's? There are COUNTLESS free living quarters for single moms, again your local Pregnancy Resource Center can get you connected to them.

If your father exhibits anything in the way of violence towards you (coersion, physical abuse, etc) please know that it will not stop with your baby. The sexual abuse will not, either, without intervention and if you haven't been able to seek intervention on your own behalf, you won't be able to for your little one, either.

I hope you're able to find another living situation soon. One where you and your body will be respected.

Please don't hesitate to ask any one of us for help, Shelby. If you feel comfortable emailing anyone privately we can help you get to the proper route with the authorities and safely transitioned into a place where you are not being abused. Even if it doesn't feel like 'abuse' to you now, it will many years later and the price of enabling your father will be inexpressibly expensive.

Take GOOD care of yourself! And congratulations on the blessing of the new human life growing inside you. I will be praying earnestly for you.

With Kindness,

[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/19/06 7:17pm

I agree with Lori 100 per cent. I fear for your safety once your father finds out that you are pregnant. He very well may try to harm you to conceal whats been going on. He may try to hit you in the stomach to make you lose the baby, god only knows. You are the one who has been and is being hurt here your father is the one in the wrong. Not telling anybody doesn't change that fact! How do you know that he didn't do this to your sister as well? Or anyone else. I was abused sexually as a child not by a family member though.. But in any case i wouldn't dream of letting my child anywhere near such a person family or not much less live under the same roof as them. Please consider at the very least getting out of there. You have alot to deal with right now, i do understand you not wanting to bring his abuse out in the open at this time. Maybe you can wait untill some time after your baby is born. But as a mother you need to protect both yourself and your child and get as far away from him as possible. It's your job to protect your baby. You have no responsibilty to protect your father from his wrong doing -it was his responsibilty to protect you! I worry when i read that you feel you would be making trouble for your family by telling anyone what has happened. It sounds like you are blamming yourself for being abused and it is in no way your fault!
[> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/19/06 1:31pm

Hi Shelby,

I'm glad that you have decided to have your baby. I, like Heather am very concerned for you and the baby. I think living with your father is going to be very hard for you when your father finds out that your pregnant. I think telling your sister is a great idea. Does your sister live on her own?

I know you need some time for this all to sink in but I really think you should start thinking about the future and how your going to protect yourself and your baby. There are plenty of places that will help you including a crisis pregnancy center. If you ever want to contact your lcoal crisis pregnancy center go to www.pregnancycenters.org . You can find a center close to you and they will be able to help you in so many ways.

I understand that you don't want to hurt your family, but you have to realize that your not hurting anyone by coming out and telling the truth. Your making this your burden and eventually the truth will come out and I'm worried that your dad may cause you harm or the baby harm. Please consider talking to someone. If you go to a crisis pregnancy center they have qualified counselors who can assist you.

If you ever need to talk please feel free to email me anytime. I will continue to pray for you and your circumstances. God bless you!

With love,
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/22/06 9:37am


What I'm seeing as I read your posts and the replies from the other women is that the women on this board have the benefit of being older and wiser and have seen many things in their lives (some of them having been victimized themselves.) Their hearts break for you because they can see that you are having to deal with the world around you and the circumstances you find yourself in with the reasoning of a child who has been abused. I know you love your father - and I know you believed him when he told you the lie that that was the way fathers showed their love to their daughters. And I know he may in fact love you, but he HAS to know that most certainly is NOT the way fathers are SUPPOSED to show their love for their daughters. What he did was supremely selfish - he not only used you for his pleasure but he basically ruined your ability to experience 1) a healthy relationship with your father and 2) a healthy sense of sexuality that you might one day experience with your husband. The women on this board - some of us having survived abuses by males when we, too, were children - are seeing what so often happens in the cases of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse: the victim comes to see themselves as responsible (for not telling, for not fighting, for not resisting, for maybe somehow "inviting" the abuse by being too pretty or too loving - whatever) because it's just TOO PAINFUL to see a person who supposedly loves you psychologically HURT you. It's actually easier - and somehow makes the world appear to be a safer place - if the victim feels he or she is somehow responsible for the abuse. Then, at least, the world sort of "makes sense". But, this was senseless what happened to you. And, unfortunately, all too common.

So, I know it sounds like we're maybe coming down heavy on you by thinking your dad might be violent and warning you to seek some sort of refuge. But, normal people can do irrational things when they feel truly threatened. And, your dad has shown that HE can rationalize using you, so it at least sounds plausible that he MIGHT rationalize coercing you to abort (by saying you'll ruin the family, or he'll get rid of your horses, or whatever).

I was abused by a medical student who was renting a room from us when I was 5 years old. I told my parents about it, but my father was afraid that if word got out (this was back in 1965) that it would somehow impact people's perception of me. He was afraid it would somehow be an embarrassment to the family and me. So, they let him continue to live in our house. I don't remember any more incidents happening, but I do know I get chills when I go in a particular room where he used to live (and not where the incident I remember occured) - so it may be that I'm burying other memories. When I grew to be an adult, I found that memories of what was done to me haunted my normal sexual activity with my spouse. It made me angry that this man was able to continue to impact my life and affect me during the most intimate moments. It was very fustrating. But, more importantly, I knew that after graduation, he went on (I thought) to become a pediatrician! I felt EXTREMELY guilty for not having said something (even though I was a child and couldn't have been expected to have said something to the authorities) because I knew my silence might indirectly be responsible for some OTHER child being victimized by him. (I later found out that he changed his speciality, becoming a gynocologist instead.) It wasn't until I was in my early 30's that I thought of a way to what felt like "make things right". I found out where he was practicing and I called the office of social services there. I gave them my name and told them what had happened to me back in 1965. I explained that I knew the statute of limitations had long since run out for my particular case, but I told them I wanted them to keep my story on record in case they ever heard of any OTHER charges being brought against him. That way, they could know that sort of activity had been going on since he was a young man. It might bolster a case for another child, helping them prove he was guilty. Once I did that, miraculously the haunting images left.

I hope and pray that you will save our posts and perhaps read them when you are in your 20s or 30s and that they might help you to heal and to KNOW in your heart that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you could have POSSIBLY done to be any ANY WAY responsible for the sexual abuse you've withstood (even though that's extremely hard to believe right now, at your age.) It's a testimony to the strength of the human spirit that you've survived. But, surviving is only part of the battle. Healing is the other part...and that will take time and perspective that perhaps you won't gain until you're much older.

So, please don't feel attacked by us...our heart goes out to you in this extremely challenging time. And we are all SO proud of you and happy for you that you've decided to bring your little one into the world. It's not going to be easy, but we will be praying and cheering for you the whole way!

God bless you.

[> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/20/06 2:05pm

i dont get it..Why does everyone think my dads going to hurt my baby or me, he told me he'd never hurt me that he loves me and i will always be his baby girl. why would he hurt me if he loves me? Luka, truly me getting pregnant and all of it is my fault no matter what anyone says. And i know that my dad never hurt my sister b/c my sister and brother have a differant dad from me and im 7 years younger. Then my dad left when he found out i was going to be born and didnt come back till my sister was 14 like me and i was 7 that when it started, and he always told me this is how dads show there little girls love, even tho it hurt i still did it, for 7 years ive been doing it for him never complaining never fighting back and that my fault but i cant do anything elsa about the past. My family isnt even a family to me and they never have been both my parents drink way to much my sister left at the age of 15 never came back till this past year and my brother drinks alot to. And personally to me all of it was my fault i screwed my family up and i cant do it again after the first time... I'm sorry i wasted your time i really am i just didnt know where elsa to turn


P.s if u need to get a hold of me just email me
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/21/06 5:52pm

Well all i can say is that when you have your baby hopefully you will realise what it truely means to be a parent and know that you wouldn't ever dream of doing such a thing to your own child. Then you will see how wrong you are about any of this being your fault Shelby or whoever you are. You will see that your father was wrong. For starters it is against the law what he did to you. Even if hypothetically you stripped naked and begged him to sleep with you it doesn't matter that stuff should never happen you are a minor and this is your father! There is a reason why this kind of thing is illegal why a girl of your age is not permitted to have sex with anyone let alone your father. I think you know this deep down. I understand that kind of denial i really do. It's quite common with anyone who has been abused. In one sense there is more hope for you to be able to blambe yourself. That way you can see things getting better if you change somehow. The reality that your father molested you and got you pregnant and how undeniably wrong and sickening that is paints a very grim picture, one that no body in their right mind wishes to feel about the world. It says to you that the world can be an arbitrary place where not even the ones who created you are worthy of your trust and that they have abused you. So beter to just blambe yourself ? No! not at all, that is a victims mentallity that will only ensure that you are abused again and again which is good for the person abusing you. If even you blambe yourself then they don't have to feel responsible for what they have done. This is not an attack this is just one woman trying to help another to get out of a bad situation. And if your father reacts badly to the news will you blame yourself for that too? I can only tell you what i see and try to help. Emailing you privately wouldn't change what i would say either so it seems pointless to do so. I hope you are able to have some type of counselling so that you can move on from all the abuse. I wish you all the best.
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: i've decided

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Date Posted: 08/24/06 10:40pm

Hi Shelby,

Well I think you have enough on your plate right now in adjusting to the news that you are pregnant. I commend you for eschewing abortion and honoring the life of a new human being. I will be praying for you.

My thoughts still run along the lines that it would be a very good thing to tell your sister, and maybe ask if you can live with her for awhile? If not her, then another trusted relative. Once you let someone else in on your world, you will be surprised how much support will surface for you, I'll bet.

As for not ruining your family, dear Shelby that is not up to you. You are not responsible for your father or your mother or the family unit staying together or happy. You are responsible only for what is in front of you. It may be uncomfortable to put things in the lights, but setting a broken bone is uncomfortable, too. Once it's done, though, healing can take place properly. If you leave a setting and cast off a broken bone you escape the uncomfortableness of that treatment, but the bone can't heal.

Regardless, one day at a time for you dearest. You're doing a great job so far just coping. Please know the door is wide open here for you to post as often/freely as you like.

With Kindness,


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