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Date Posted: 22:50:40 04/20/08 Sun
Author: John Viens
Subject: Walton Family Tree

You know, in light of all the posts lately about Grandpa
and his folks, I was thinking about their family and for fun
I wrote down what I think would have been somewhat of a family tree of The Waltons. Now, I got this info from what I remember from various episodes where they mention the family and I kind of filled in gaps with assumptions. Here it goes. The first Waltons on the mountain were Rome and Rebecca Lee Walton. Rome Walton came and settled what came to be known as Waltons Mountain in 1789. He brought with him, an ax, a mule, a plow and a rifle. He cleared his land for planting in the Spring of 1796 and went all the way to Buckingham County to get a gurnsey cow to put on it. Sometime that Spring he married Rebecca Lee and brought her there to settle on the mountain. They had at least two sons, one being Samuel Walton, the father of Zeb and the other, the father of Zadoc Walton. Rome and Rebecca Lee raised their children on Waltons Mountain and the family flourished. The work was hard but the evenings were spent with Rome serenading the family with tunes on his fiddle. His favorite tune was Razin the Bow. He would teach this to his young grandson Zadoc, who would inherit not only Rome's love of music, but also his treasured fiddle. Zadoc would one day pass this treasure on to his cousin Zeb's grandson Jason Walton, who shared in the Walton musical talent.

Samuel Walton grew up and married Zula Tyler. They settled on Waltons Mountain and they had at least six children. First was Henry in 1841, then their came sons, Ben, Charlie, Matt and Zebulon Tyler. They also had a daughter Melissa, that Zeb mentions to Jason in a later episode. The name Tyler is mentioned several times in the series, including the episode The Pony Cart, where Martha Corrine mentions the Tylers. Zeb was the youngest in his family. He was a full twenty years younger than his brother Henry. All the Walton sons grew up and inherited their piece of The Mountain. Not all of them stayed there though.

Henry fought for the Army of Virginia in the War between the States. He came home and married Martha Corrine Tyler, a cousin on his mother's side. They settled up on Blue Rock Creek. They had two sons, Boone, born the same year as Henry's baby brother Zeb, 1862 and a baby boy, named Henry who died in infancy. Henry Walton died in 1921 at the age of 81. His widow Martha Corrine and his grown son Boone continued to live on Blue Rock Creek Boone married and had a son. There was a flood and Boone lost his son and daughter in law. They raised their grandson Wade after that. Henry Walton's family was forced to move from Blue Rock Creek in 1934, after the Government confiscated their land for the Blue Ridge Parkway. Martha Corrine Tyler-Walton spent the remainder of her years in Brightwood. Martha Corrine died in 1939 at the age of 91.

As for the other Walton brothers, Ben married and moved to Goochland County and it is said, had a large family. Charlie Walton stayed on the mountain but no real mention is made of him except in the episode The Deed, when Zeb talks about Uncle Charlie meeting up with a bear. Matt Walton married and had a daugher Cora, who grew up and married Hamilton Denbee. They had a son, Job and spent many years in Kansas, moving back to Virginia during the Dust Bowl years. They attemtpted to settle on Waltons MOuntain again but ended up going on to New York and farming the Mowhawk Valley after learning that Matt Walton had sold his land to his brother Zeb.

Zebulon Tyler Walton was the youngest son.
He stayed on Waltons Mountain, married a young girl they called Sissy Morgan. Sissy came from a very proper family with a strict Baptist up bringing, which was quite a contrast to Zeb's footloose and boistrous personality. She would pretend to scold but Sissy or Esther which was her Christian name, loved him for it. Even as a young couple, Esther took to calling Zeb " The Ol Fool", which had love in every syllable. Zeb and Esther married in 1883, when Zeb was 21 and Esther 17. Esther had wanted to be a seamstress and open her own dress shop but she gave that up to stay with Zeb on the mountain. Their first home was the log cabin on the mountain where Zeb had been rasied. They took care of Zeb's folks in their later years.

At some point, Zeb and Esther built their own home at the foot of the mountain. It was a big white two story house and they built it with their own hands. For several years it didn't seem as Zeb and Esther would be blessed with children even though both had hoped for a large family. But
finally, in about 1889, their first son Benjamin was born.
They ware over joyed. About two years later, they had another baby but it died at birth. The third and last child of Zeb and Esther Walton was a son born in 1897. They named him John. John would share his father's love of the land and would spend his life on Waltons Mountain.

To be continued..........

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