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Date Posted: 10:46:44 07/07/06 Fri
Author: Melissa Rice
Author Host/IP: 71-212-63-137.tukw.qwest.net /
Subject: miniature mule

I have a miniature mule. He is only a year old but has not had the attention needed. I bought him from an older couple who had them in their field but they were not able to interact with him. I have been trying to just get him to used to being around people. I go in every day and just sit. He charges, kicks, and bites. I need some advice on what else I should be doing. I may be interested in selling him if some one could train him better than I can. He is very cute. Thanks.

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[> Re: miniature mule -- Cheryl Orlowski, 04:46:18 07/09/06 Sun (h12.56.40.69.ip.alltel.net/

I fostered a mini mule for the North Carolina Rescue League. Buck was one of 14 equines that was seized in Hoke County. There still might be the newspaper article about the seizure. Buck was of course distrustfull and because he was starved he really defended his food. When he came he was young but started with the hormones and started trying to mate with everyone. He was very hard to try to keep contained. I couldn't get him gelded because it was still in court. He ended up at Windgait Farms with Karen. She raises Islandics and has done wonders with Buck. It sounds like he was never imprinted so it is going to take a lot of patience. If you want to ask Karen I can send you her website. She might be able to help.

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