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Subject: 10th Anniversary!

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Date Posted: Sat, Mar 10 2007, 6:15:47 am PST

The bell rings, and Almond struggles through the front door of the Magic Box carrying an overflowing armful of party supplies. As she heads for the counter, she leaves a litter of brightly colored party hats on the floor - like a trail of bread crumbs pointing an escape back to daylight and normalcy.
Dumping her load of festive goodies on the counter-top, she arranges things such as werewolf-shaped cookies and napkins emprinted with the Buffy logo in a less scattered fashion. That done, Almond climbs the ladder to the lurker loft to hang a banner that reads:

Happy 10TH Anniversary BtVS!!!

She then nods hello to the panther, descends to her comfy chair, and debates pouring herself a drink.

Hello, all! What a nostalgic day! I didn't realize it was 10 years ago today that a Slayer appeared to change our lives (and save more than a few) until dogtrot was kind enough to clue us in to the fact. For those of you who'd like to check out the celebration at the Bronze:Beta, here's a link to teleport you straight there. Don't forget to have some cake before you go! And put on a hat - I bought way too many of the darn things. :)
Still here? Well, pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and check out this Wikipedia article about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's chock full of information on the series and great links to related material. Enjoy!

dogtrot: The S8 comic is mentioned in the article link I posted. Quote:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an upcoming series of comics based upon the television series of the same name, set to serve as a canonical season eight. It is to be produced by Joss Whedon who will write the first arc, The Long Way Home. The first issue is to be released on March 14, 2007. The series was originally supposed to consist of about 25 issues, but Whedon said in an interview that he thinks there will be "well over 30" issues.

Sounds great! I'll try to keep an eye out for them. :)

I really think you'd like Heroes. If it did conflict with something else, maybe it no longer does - given the way schedules are constantly shuffled. Maybe you can find it on-line or catch up during summer reruns. It's worth it, and you've only missed one season so far.

I'm frustrated with Gilmore Girls precisely because I love the characters so much. Whoever took over the show this season has turned them into pod-people. They may look the same, but then they do something completely out of character. Gah!

So what have you been up to lately? How's Dodger and the daughter? :)

Almond sips the drink she decided to indulge herself with, but has second thoughts about that choice when she thinks she sees the goat ghosting past wearing one of the party hats. At least the red matches its eyes.....

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