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Welcome to

The Magic Box

A home for the now defunct UPN "Bronze"
Dingoes ate my board!

Welcome! This message board was designed to replace "The Bronze" linear message forum at the UPN's official website for Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Subject: WATCHER

tarasapprentice and apprentice to tarasapprentice
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Date Posted: Thu, Aug 12 2004, 8:51:49 am PDT


Subject: fly-by

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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 11 2004, 8:11:58 pm PDT

well well... *looks around* did anybody see my goat? o_O

oh and did u get to save that loose cow, goddess? *muchos smoochos* hehe *s*

i'll be back...
Subject: reminder

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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 11 2004, 12:07:56 pm PDT

two weeks until the last Succubus Club on klbc.org
Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 10 2004, 12:12:38 pm PDT

I can't imagine any of the Buffy people getting tired of see Amber Benson is person. Somebody needs to have a talk with that girl. She is a goddess of the Buffyverse.
Subject: just a reminder

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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 04 2004, 12:31:10 pm PDT

3 weeks until the last Succubus Club
Subject: oh my goodnes..

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 12:59:33 pm PDT

I just had to come in to say...The dutchies are getting Wonderfalls in September!
Subject: Settle youselves in for a longish and rambly post

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 12:27:07 pm PDT

Sorry i never finished with the whole con story. I ran - you got that part already. I waited in line for a few minutes (trying desperately to catch my breath). I talked to her sister Danielle for awhile in the meantime - for those of you who don't know she's a wonderful artist in her own right. If you have seen Chance then you should know all the artwork seen in it was done by Danielle. I ended up getting one of her tee shirts and she said she wanted me to choose the "Lame Party" shirt since it was her favorite and also, the very last one - she also threw in a copy of Chance (which a big whoo hoo for me because I still only have on loan Rack's copy on dvd - sorry Rack! I will send it back soon!!). Amber looked super tired, and as previously discussed, very thin. The tired part is totally understandable as she had been at the con all three days and ahd been there since morning. She said next year she thinks she'll take a break from it - she said the believes people are getting a little sick of seeing her! (SO untrue!). She gave me a hug but was not nearly as talkative as she usually is (like I said the girl must have been exhausted). Pics were taken, things were signed and I love Amber *s* Oh, I forgot to mention this was the first time I had seen her selling things. I know it's been announced that all copies of Chance have been sold out but she was selling them at the con. She also had pics of herself for sale.

rack Amber is always at the Inkworks booth every year. I think the new set is "The Women Of Sunnydale" among other things. I was really happy with what Eliza said. She's wonderful and I'm grateful to her for saying things like that.

Has anyone seen The Village? I'd like to hear your thoughts on it but please, spoiler font them! Thanks *s*

And now onto the highlight of my day...apprentice was here!!! (tanti baci per te! e un grandissimo grazie *s*). Actually, I will go back and watch these last few episodes and write about them in here - if anyone wants to participate they showed "Yoko Factor" in Italy today. dogtrot, I agree about season 4 - I was so appreciative of the issues addressed in the arc of the season and the developments throughout and I know the warlock hates it but "Restless" is on my favorite episodes list. I'll go into it more later. Amore, now it's funny that you choose that song. It's written by Cole Porter yes, but what i think you don't know is that it's from a musical called "Kiss Me Kate", which is a sort of story within a story that revolves around a musical version of our dear sponsor's "Taming Of The Shrew." The song "Too Darn Hot" was composed especially for the movie version though and done by the incredible Ann Miller. Why is this an "again"? Because first of all it's Shakespeare, and second of all the role Ann Miller played, a "dual" one of Lois/Bianca was one of my first "leading" roles in a show where I didn't play a minor or supporting character. I love that show, it's great fun and Lois/Bianca had some really wonderful songs. In the meantime keeping my fingers crossed for October with happy anticipation. X

A special hug for Mandorla!
And to mazzy, I keep saying I have to write to you...I miss you and hope you're doing great *s*

...Oh dear someone just called to tell me there's a cow who escaped (no I don't know from where!) and is running loose on a freeway in Florida! I have to go save it!!

Subject: Rack the Warlock, ApptoTApp

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 10:46:48 am PDT

I must be one of the minority who really likes season 4. I thought there were a lot of funny bits there. I can never get too much "funny". (I like Beer Bad, I say with a bit of a red face).
Subject: The Dawson's appreciation society

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 8:59:48 am PDT

ApprenticeTotarasApprentice : Hay nice to see you posting again. I think that the most reasonably priced flight to LAX from London Heathrow is with American Airlines. >Click here to visit their web site.< . Corsa has been to the states more often that I and may know of a better deal. But I think American is a reasonable price.

I'm going the states myself in October. Although I'm going to New York first I should be in California for late October. Maybe I'll see you there.

Josh Jackson's making a film with Harvey Keitel in Italy? Wonder what it's going to be about?

Buffy season four had two episodes that are worth watching again. Namely, "This years girl" and "Who are you" (which happens to be a title of a Who song). "Restless" just puts me to sleep I'm afraid and "Hush", whilst good, is a little over rated in my opinion.

Ciao <--that the only Italian I know other than spaghetti
Subject: IT'S TOO DARN PROLIX (this post)

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 6:16:44 am PDT

Good morning Magic box !!!
...just passing by to confirm that in spite of the subtropical temperature here (not sure how subtropical climate precisely is but the word kinda matches today's unbearable hot!),a quite hard job and my protracted absence in here im still " alive and lurking " from time to time and i often ask TARASAPPRENTICE (ciao amorosa miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! + tantissimi baci :) about you guys...moreover theyre finally rebroadcasting (uncensored!)Buffy in here (Italy) after lunch time everyday (at last year's "the great" Dawson's Creek timeIoI <--note for RACK...by the way i heard that Pacey was in Italy to shoot a movie with i don't remember his name...Mr. Wolf in Pulp Fiction anyway...interesting news uh?) anyway, sorry i lose myself inside parenthesis, i was saying that im lately getting a lot more into Buffy (which i know for you all is almost a vague memory by now but hey im in Italy! lol)and im torturing the poor TARASAPPRENTICE (ancora baci!) by making comments, asking questions and her own opinions on episodes shen has already gone through a thousand times in the past (sorry amore mio ! *lowers ears in shame*)...hey you all were right, it is a definitely ingenious and enjoyable tv show!...can we start with the comments and everything all over again pretending you guys are watching the fourth season for the first time with me??...ok i stop it, i just will scroll a thousand pages all by myself.
While im at it, question for RACK (ciao Rack!)and CORSA (ciao Corsa!)as veteran England/USA voyagers : what is the best price i can get for a ticket from England to LA in october as far as you know?...because since prices from Italy are quite high i was pondering a crazy plan such as flying to London with one of those low cost "rubber band shot" companies like Ryianair (not sure it is spelled right) spending i guess about 50 dollars to say the most and then to take a regular flight to LA from there...not sure it would be worth but trying do no harm!
Id better go now, Buffy is gonna be on in 10 minutes...i know you all envy me because im watching these episodes for the first time!:)…but I feel kinda old fashioned…
Anyway a big hug to everyone i know in here and especially to dear MANDORLA and also i take a bow before THE IMP...why i feel like ive met them already somewhere?...( i love the pretty bunny lol)
...RACK i used to like Faith No More too...i remember i had the Live at the Brixton Academy record...it was fun and i loved Patton's way to sing...What is it ? It's it !

Song of the day for me : TOO DARN HOT by a composer i love very much, Cole Porter and, oh well, no comment over the singer...ELLA!...im posting the lyrics even if im not sure if theres some hidden meaning i DON'T mean...i just mean that it's too darn hot today !

It's too darn hot,
It's too darn hot.
I'd like to sup with my baby tonight,
Fulfill the cup with my baby tonight.
I'd like to sup with my baby tonight,
Fulfill the cup with my baby tonight,
But I ain't up to my baby tonight,
'Cause it's too darn hot.
It's too darn hot,
It's too darn hot
I'd like to coo with my baby tonight,
And pitch the woo with my baby tonight.
I'd like to coo with my baby tonight,
And pitch the woo with my baby tonight.
But sister you'll fight my baby tonight
'Cause it's too darn hot

P.S....i'm in here also (and mainly) to wish a little perfect day to TarasApprentice from ...this corner of the earth ! Buongiorno Principessa!!! (you know iam)
Subject: Rack the Warlock

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 30 2004, 10:08:32 pm PDT

I saw Amber at Buffyfest in San Diego last fall, and she looked slender then. In fact she looked fantastic. I got a little weak in the knee talking to her. But not as thin as she did in tA's photos. I too hope she is in good health. I know that Show Biz seems to put awful pressure on women to be terribly thin.
Subject: What is this...?

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 30 2004, 1:47:55 pm PDT

Well it looks like the imp has graphically demonstrated just how deadly those fury, floppy eared rodents are.

I checked out the pictures of Amber that Mazzy thoughtfully posted. It’s a little hard to tell how much weight Amber has lost, but she does look leaner in the face. I quite liked Amber the way she was, I hope she’s a “healthy” slimmer Amber and not heading towards Mary Kate Olsen trouble.

I also found this on the same site as those Amber pictures. It’s a comment by Eliza Dushku on Plastic surgery. I was gonna post the link but I decided to post the item here instead…

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER actress ELIZA DUSHKU has blasted Hollywood for pressurising young stars into having plastic surgery, something she would never do.

Dushku refuses to have her body operated on for aesthetic purposes, instead believing a strict diet and exercise regime should be encouraged.

She says, "I’m not getting Botox or a boob job. Hollywood is a very cosmetic city and people always commenting on looks can be overwhelming and wacky.
"But exercise and diet is a better option than surgery."

"I just hope they’re happy in the end with what happens, because that would be really hard to reverse," Dushku added.

Speaking of Ms. Dushku, my limited edition Fith plate arrived today. There’s only 500 of them in the world…I wonder if eating my strawberries of it will make them taste even better?

Okay, I know that this is the highlight of your week so without further ado …Rack’s track of the week Delving back in time again, but not too far back this weeks choice is Epic by Faith no more
FNM’s fusion of heavy metal, funk, hip-hop, and progressive rock earned a substantial cult following for the band. Many vocalists had come and gone by the time the band record their first album in 1987, amongst Them Courtney Love. But it wasn’t until In 1988, when then lead singer Mosley was replaced Mike Patton during the recording of "The Real Thing" album that things really took off for them. Patton proved to be more versatile, easily switching between rapping and singing. He also added a more bizarre slant to the lyrics. With the new vocalist installed the band had tightened its attack and the result was the genre-bending hit single "Epic," which established them as a major hard rock act

Epic..just what is it, I hear you say. Well, Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?
If you can’t, then it doesn’t matter anyway
You will never understand it cuz it happens too fast
And it feels so good, it’s like walking on glass
It’s so cool, it’s so hip, it’s alright
It’s so groovy, it’s outta sight
You can touch it, smell it, taste it so sweet
But it makes no difference cuz it knocks you off your feet..ermmm, Sorry getting a little distracted there. What “Epic” is is a very good, catchy rock song that has survived the test of time, unlike the band themselves.

Take care all!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Pretty bunny!

the imp
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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 29 2004, 8:24:59 am PDT

Subject: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 28 2004, 2:36:34 pm PDT

Kung fu: Hay nice to see you around. I was in two minds whether or not to see “King Arthur”, which opens over here at the end of the month. I’ve been trying to find out what they have bases their claim to this being the “true story” of Arthur. Ther e are some scant references to similarly named roman soldiers particularly Gildas’s 6th century work “De Excidio” which makes reference to a 5th Century military leader in Roman Britain. But it’s near impossible for anything to lay claim to being the true story, besides everyone knows that the definitive legend has already been told in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”. Once seen, the fearsome knights who say “Ni” can never be forgotten.
“I, Robot” is one film that I shall definitely be going to see, again it’s not on release over here yet. But I have to admit I wish they could stay closer to the spirit and feel of Asimov’s book.

TarasApprentice: If only you could see how green with jealousy I am. I look the Hulk minus the bulging muscles and the purple pants (or trousers as we call them). I never get to met anyone famous, personally I think it’s teddy. Celebs find a foot high brown teddy bear just too intimidating.
What was amber doing at the Inkworks booth? Was she helping to promote the new issue of auto cards? I think I read somewhere that there’s a new Tara one out, but no new Fith, which is a good thing as I’ve only got two of the three available for her and the last one’s proving difficult to track down.
Please pass on my best wishes to apprentice when you talk to them next.

Almond: I’ve read some of your lj. I have to admit I find reading people’s live journals a little like reading their diaries..only without the fun part of sneaking into their bedroom whilst they’re not looking. I hope that it works out for you and eases whatever distress is going on in your life.

Waves and {{{Wobbly Hugs}}} to all.

TIM: There he is!
ARTHUR: Where?
TIM: There!
ARTHUR: What, behind the rabbit?
TIM: It is the rabbit.
ARTHUR: You silly ***!
TIM: What?
ARTHUR: You got us all worked up!
TIM: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit!
TIM: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
ROBIN: You ***! I soiled my armour I was so scared!

No wonder Anya’s afraid of them!!!!

Take care all!!!!!
Subject: Hey All!

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 11:30:41 pm PDT

Ok there were actual people here, I know I saw them...

I've seen three movies recently:

"King Arthur" was ok but lacked any real impact. It tries to tell us the "true story" of King Arthur and then proceeds to get all of it's dates mixed up so that none of it could have happened. OK so let's say Arthur was a Roman general but lets leave the rest to the legends.

"Spiderman 2" was very good. I agree that as a rule superheroes seem to arise from lives that are filled with loss and sacrifice, but I think that's what allows them to make the hard choices.

"I, Robot" was great, apart from only taking a basic premise from Aasimov's book. The mystery component was quite enthralling, and it was refreshing for hollywood to leave the romantic interest alone.

getting back to Spiderman, I think it's hilarious that Stan Lee actually gets into all these movies adapted from comics he helped to create. It's great that he only acts as an extra though.
Subject: T'app!

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 10:29:49 pm PDT

You're so lucky girl! Damn, I'm jealous.

Very sad to see those words that Angel is over and that Gunn's dead (I'm in DENIAL people!) with no immediate plans to bring it back. I keep hearing about the animated series. It's my last shining hope. Dammit!

Anyway, interesting about Amber.

I found this pics at Buffy.nu from the con. Wow, she's thin. Almost Mary Kate Olsen thin? But I hate to think/believe that.


The pressures of Hollywood, though.

I do *heart* Amber though and hope someday, I'm lucky enough to meet her.

Got to see her beau (former beau? Don't know if they're still together) Adam Busch at Common Rotation show in my hometown last Thursday. That was fun, and hey... FREE! They were great!

Big {{HUGS}} to Gothic Woman (thanks for the update!)

and Almond (if I LJ'd, I'd definitely "friend" you. Maybe someday...)

Wavies all around!!!

Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 7:43:32 pm PDT

Dead Like Me is now one of my very favorite shows.

It sounds like you had a great time.
Subject: tarasapprentice's Comic Con Report (it's low carb)

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 7:26:50 pm PDT

This will probably be be all fragmenty and rambly but what can you expect the day after con madness?

Ok, I get the the con nice and early (I learned my lesson) and first thing to do was - find Amber! Saw Diane (her mom) at the Inkworks booth and said hi and was told Amber would be there in a few, which she was (heartbeat increasing..). Lovely as always but I gotta say holy canoli - that girl has lost SO much weight :( . Made me sad...I didn't wanna bother her as she was not officially "working" yet so I just stood around all stalkery,stealing glances. I was amazed that I was the only one waiting on her...
Amber goes (noooo!) and I turn around and who walks right by me? Joss. apprentice asked me if he looked like he slept in his clothes and I said no you'd be really happy as his outfit was all matchy and hair had gel in it and the clothing was ironed :) Some people asked him for autographs and I, again didn't wanna bug him but was mad at myself for not. I wandered around for a little bit but then it was time to head upstairs for the Dead Like Me panel - I won't talk about it here as I don't think any of you watch it - if you like Wonderfalls and really who couldn't like it? Then watch Dead Like Me as its from the same creator - Bryan Fuller .
I met up with some friends, all fellow Wonderfalls fans including the amazing Amy, the girl behind the curtain of Savewonderfalls.com who had been so kind to invite me to a thing on Friday night where she brought along two unaired episodes for us to watch (I only stayed long enough to see one though).
I went back down to see if I could catch Amber again but the line was so long I knew I'd never make it (insert a teary eyed face here) so I ran back up to where the Serenity panel was. Joss came out and the thousands of folks in the room went crazy - the guy had a standing ovation for what seemed to go on and on...you could tell he was really touched by it and jokingly told us "And I thought you'd forgotten me", followed by "I brought something to show you" - crowd goes wild. So, I was lucky enough to be among the first to see a little trailer for Serenity they had put together just for us folks at the con. It looks great everyone, I cannot wait to see it with my fellow browncoats. After the trailer showed Joss told us that he brought another 9 somethings he wanted to show us and of course, the entire Firefly/serenity cast was there. I have to say Nathon Fillion is hysterical - the guy has a truly great sense of humor. People asked plenty of questions here's what I can remember (sorry, this is the first year i didn't take notes!), Angel is over. The rumors about those buffyverse character-centric movies with the WB are not gonna happen anytime soon if ever. He hopes something will be done in the future in the world of the Buffyverse but really there's nothing at all in the works in the near future. They are already in talks with dark Horse to bring Firefly/Serenity into comic book form. We were also told that Gunn died for sure - but at the very end he said well...maybe he could come back. Joss asked the cast to go one by one and tell us what's the one thing they like most about their character (if you guys really wanna know I can tell you one by one), and also to tell us what they hate most about Jewel (poor girl!). Cast also talked about future plans or projects. Joss showed us the trailer again and then it was time for the Wonderfalls screening and panel.

I was really really lucky to be invited to sit in the VIP section with the people from the show. Beth Grant who did a guest role in the show and from Donnie Darko and Angel was a total sweetheart and told us all kinds of things about DD, as was Scotch Ellis Loring who played Dr.Ron on the show (you know the doc with the monkey?). He intoduced us around and was genuinely happy to talk to people who knew so much about the show and appreciated it so much. Tim Minear is always putting himself down but we love him anyway and Todd Holland loved my necklace and told me I looked like Arwen lol . They showed two amazing episodes and a great time was had by all.
My phone buzzed and I answered thinking it was my apprentice but it was family downstairs yelling at me saying "Where are youuuuuu???!!! Run! Run fast! We are two people in line away from seeing Amber !" So I ran...fast...for like 15 minutes! But I made it...I gotta go make dinner now so I will continue tomorrow.
If you have any questions in the meantime - ask me!

Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 2:16:15 pm PDT

I hope you get to have the Firefly DVD set. It really is a lot of fun to watch. And there are some good extras too. Plus it'll get you ready for the movie. Glad to hear that your dad's situation re his room is looking up. Sorry about the other stuff that isn't.

I hope you've had a nice summer, weather-wise at least. Even though the winters are very mild here in San Jose, I do miss the long summer evenings when winter comes.
Subject: Good morning, all.

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 6:33:54 am PDT

I scrolled a little to catch up, but can't really think of anything to say. I haven't seen the second "Spiderman" movie. As for "Joan of Arcadia", those episodes aired awhile ago here and most of the details have slipped from my head. I'm glad to see Mazzy is feeling better and stopped by to visit. *s*

I got a new LJ. You're welcome to stop by. It might be a little confusing in future, as some of the posts will be "friends only" for various reasons (I'll add you if you get one, though), and I've recently "me only locked" some of those - sharing too much information, as usual. It's here.

Rack and dogtrot: No, all is not well, but I can't go into it here. It doesn't matter, because talking about it won't change anything now. Thanks for asking, though.

Rack: No, I don't plan on seeing "I, Robot" until it comes out on dvd. My younger daughter and a friend saw it this weekend and liked it. The friend is a sci-fi/technology fan, and said it was well done, and my daughter said the story was good. I've also heard good things about it at the Baen board, so maybe it won't be too disappointing. *s*
Let me know what you think if you go to see it.

dogtrot: Guess what? We may be getting the "Firefly" dvd set! Dad decided each of his kids should get some money before the nursing home eats it all up, so he had my brother write us a check.
Speaking of the nursing home - good news. They're trying to put him in a semi-private room, in which case he won't have to move. He needs to be able to settle in and get used to things without disruption, so I really hope it happens soon (he's at the top of the list, according to my brother). *fingers crossed*

Not much else to say, and I've got a lot to do this morning, so I have to fly. {{Hugs}} to all!
Subject: teddy

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 26 2004, 1:04:02 am PDT

hey hunny!

glad you are well.

i like your track of the week. i've been listening to placebo a lot lately for some reason, but also rhcp's.

talking of football games, i saw "bring it on" last night with eliza dushku. i really enjoyed it, and it really made me want to go back to america, but this time, i want to go to a game with proper cheerleaders! it looked really fun and you just don't get that sort of thing over here.

Subject: "Quick Pantalaimon..change into a teddy bear. They'll never know the difference"

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Date Posted: Sun, Jul 25 2004, 8:01:55 am PDT

Mazzy: Nope, we haven’t been to the Big Apple yet. In fact we don’t get there until late October and we’re only there for five nights. I wanted Rack to take me to the top of the Empire state building so that I could pretend to be King Kong, but he’s not too keen on heights and I doubt if I can persuade him. I think the hotel we’re staying at is near Broadway so we might take in a show if we can get tickets. I think Rack’s gonna see if we can pre-book before we fly out. If we’re really lucky we might be able to squeeze in a football game. Detroit are playing the Giants the Sunday after we arrive (October 24th), again we’d have to get tickets prior to going or have them sent to the hotel and have them hold them for us. I think Rack said something about going to the Guggenhiem. I don’t know what it is but it sounds painful, I think I’ll let him go there on his own. BTW what’s the weather like that time of the year?
Nice to hear that you’re on the mend after your hospital ordeal.

Gothic: Hi! I’m well thank you for asking. I over did it a little with the “Charmed-a-thon” and guzzled down quite a few cookies and gallons of milkshake. But Rack thoughtfully put me on a strict training regime by tripling my housework, and people say he doesn’t have a heart.

Okay a little late…and one of the few times that I have actually got to pick a track of the week so I bring you …teddy’s track of the week…."The Zephyr song" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

This is a more slower and possibly less “funky” than most Peppers tunes, but none the less powerful. For some reason the video reminds me of the opening credits to a Bond movie with its psychedelicness (is this a new word?). I must confess that the lyrics to this and indeed most RHCP songs sometimes more than a little mystify me, but this does have a charming sort of hypnotising effect and a fairly catchy hook in much the same way as “By the way” has. All in all a nice gentle way to relax on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Subject: Succubus Club

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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 22 2004, 4:39:28 pm PDT

The very last ever episode of Succubus Club is scheduled to air on internet radio (klbc.org) on 8/25/04 from 6 to 8pm (Pacific Daylight Savings Time).
Subject: wow

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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 22 2004, 3:54:30 am PDT

have just re-read that last post - wow, there were a lot of exclamation marks!!!!!!

here's some more for good measure!!!!!!

Subject: Mazzy

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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 22 2004, 3:52:31 am PDT

hey hunny bunny!

i know - it's been ages! i pop in here now again to randomly update ppl on my rl (not that they probably want to hear it but i still post just in case anyone wants to know.) my latest news was that i split up with my boyfy of a year and a couple of months, but we are still friends and we're going to see how it goes. also, my brother's wife is pregnant and i'm really excited i'm going to be an aunty!

in other news.....yay! common rotation! have seen them 4 times i think now. i wish they would play near me. i'm on their e-mail list but their gigs always seem to be in america. bah humbug! if you see them, tell them to play some more london gigs! lol

ooh - a buffy convention! i miss all that. it seems i really ought to move to the us, that's where all the action is!

Rack - thanks for clearing that up for me. how's teddy lately?

i suppose i better get back to work. grr arg!

Subject: Look I came back!

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 21 2004, 10:45:42 pm PDT

Gothic It's been an age! So good to see you. I feel so out of the loop with what's been going on with everyone.

Rack Did you ever come to NYC? And how come you did not look me up or anything like that if you did in fact. Me back to full fitness? Well never quite there to begin with. Just kidding. I'm pretty much healed from my surgery and have some scars. General health is good. Thanks for asking!

So what's everyone talking about in here? General topics of convo? Someone bring up to date on hot topics. (yes I'm too lazy to scroll).

And how is that T'app Are you going to Vegas?

Next week is Buffy's Writers Convention in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. Jane Espenson will be there (as will myself, Spikegood & Magista). Should be filled with plenty of Buffy fan fic writers etc as well as he usual crazy Vegas peeps.

Tommorrow night I get to see Common Rotation (Adam Busch's band) in my hometown...basically within walking distance of where I live. So that should be cool.

Ok, off to bed. Will pop in again soon!

Take care all!

Subject: Rackman returns......

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 20 2004, 2:11:03 pm PDT

Gothic: what do you mean who are those people?

Bruce “Evil Dead” Campbell played Ash in all three “Evil Dead” flicks. These were the films that got Sam Raimi noticed. Bruce plays ** The theatre usher who wouldn’t let Peter in to see the play when he arrived late. **

Stan “Marvel comics” Lee is (or was) editor in chief of Marvel comics and along with Steve Ditko he created Spidey. Stan has a small non-speaking part playing ** a man in the street dodging debris**

Ted Raimi is Sam’s brother, but he’s also an actor in his own right. He play’s Hoffman (in both films), who works for J Jonah Jameson and is the one who actually came up with the name Doctor Octopus.

BTW the new batman film should be out later in the year. This one is much darker and closer to the Frank Miller “Dark Knight” re-definition of the batman. American Psycho star Christian Bale is the new batman. This is one film that I’m looking forward to seeing.

Mazzy: Just to echo Gothic’s comments that it’s nice to see you again and hopefully your back to full fitness.

TarasApprentice: I heard on the new that there forest fires raging around the Los Angeles region. Not close to your neck of the woods I hope. Is it a perennial problem? I recall there was one around this time last year. If you want I can post you some of our rain.

Some more JoA comments… activate that cloaking device we nicked of the Romulans Teddy ***

I think that people are sometimes a little harsh towards clowns. I don’t think that they were a device to signify any devilish involvement, but an in joke. Jason’s line “Who are those clowns” is similar to one spoken by his father John Ritter in a film called “Real men”, he was addressing real clowns at the time too.

In fact the only episode that I felt really dealt with evil was “The Uncertainty Principle” . God informs Joan that no one is born evil but descends into “darkness” by repeated acts until they are transformed into a person with no consciousness. AT the end of the episode God explains to Joan that without her intervention to reach the Light (i.e. good) in Steve Ramsey then something like nine people would have been killed, Steve included. This implies that God was able to foresee the outcome if Steve was left to continue unchecked. Bearing in mind what happened to Joan’s mother Helen. God was either oblivious to it or chose not to intervene. This implies that “evil” is somehow “masked” from God other that God allows bad, or as it was described “evil”, things to happen to people. Perhaps as part of the big picture.

Big pictures are after all made up of lots of small detail, stitched, woven, combined and brushed so that together they create a larger work. A work so large and intricate that to view it as a whole would beyond the human mind to fathom.

The only episode that make any reference to the “Devil” as such is “The devil made me do it”. God has never confirmed the existence of a supreme evil creature. It is Grace’s father a rabbi who explains that the Devil likes to make people believe that they are dealing with God. But what if there is no devil and what is perceived to be the “Devil” is merely another side to God’s persona? If people have good and evil in them and are made in God’s image that wouldn’t it follow that God too is both good and evil? Some people have immerged from adversary stronger (be it of character, mind, faith, will) and the better for it. Others have not faired so well. Does anything test faith greater than a problematic situation? But I don’t expect a television show like JoA to delve too deeply into theological aspects and they certainly won’t confirm or deny if Jesus was indeed God’s “son”.

But consider what fate befell the Joan of Arc, the inspiration of the show. God asks her to raise an army to free her country. This she does and as a reward becomes a powerful, enduring icon. But would that icon have been as powerful if she wasn’t allowed to be burnt to death at the tender age of nineteen?

About the whole school finding out about Joan and Adam in the hotel room, the only possibility that I can come up with is if Friedman somehow found out by either Luke or Grace letting slip or maybe overhearing a conversation between Luke or Grace and Joan prior to the meeting taking place.

Certainly in the second season Joan’s belief in her “Gift” will have to be re-established and I wonder if God’s appearance to Helen in her dream will be developed further. As for the relationships between Luke and Grace and Adam and Joan…only God knows.
** okay Teddy you can turn it off now..What do you mean you can’t see it to find the off switch? Oh…hum.

Better be off..

Take care all!!!!
Subject: just a quick one!

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 20 2004, 8:29:58 am PDT

hullo peeps!

Rack - who were those people and what characters did they play?

Mazzy - big hugs! haven't seen you for ages. glad to see you haven't forgotten us!


Subject: Boo!

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 11:04:27 pm PDT

I've been terribly neglectful of the ole Box and all my friends here.

I'm sorry. No real excuse, but I will say that I think and miss you all very much and will really try and make more of an effort to be around and visit with you guys more often.

I really want to--really! But as it is, already 2 in the morning right now, I won't have a very good opportunity to scroll.

I keep thinking I'll be able to take the time to scroll and catch up on everything, but I just keep losing the opportunity.

Anyway, I'm sure that rambly apology was fun for all.

I'm not totally gone from the net or Buffydom. You can usually spot me in the usual haunts.

But other than that, I will at least be lurking when I can!

{{{HUGS}}} and cookies all around!

Still with the Oz and Spuffy love!
Subject: Web of intrigue

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 2:40:56 pm PDT

Gothic: Small world indeed, I saw Spider-man 2 yesterday too. I had read somewhere already that Mageina Tovah was going to be in it (Thought that I mention it here – but obviously not), but I have to admit that I didn’t spot the asian guy from W&H. Some other people that you can try and spot are Bruce “Evil Dead” Campbell, Stan “Marvel comics” Lee and Ted “No, I haven’t got the part because Sam is my brother” Raimi.

Some Spidey 2 comments in spoiler stuff ***

Have you notice that most of the super heroes that have made it on to film seem to go through similar crises. Batman, Deredevil and Spider-man have all witnessed family members being killed. They all seem to go through a point where they want to give it all up – Batman in “Batman Forever”, Superman in “Superman II” and Spidey in this one. But is the lure and kudos of being a super hero that easy to give up?

For most of the beginning part of the film Peter is full of angst, being Spider-man is ruining his life. He is fired from is job as a lowly pizza delivery boy, college work is suffering and his love life is so far gone on the critical list that they are just about to pull the plug on the life support machine. I often wonder why they do it. Long hours, pay - there isn’t any, life in peril situations on a daily basis. The only benefit that I can see is that you get to wear a natty costume – rubber, leather or spandex, whatever takes your fancy….hmmm almost seems worth it now come to think of it.
But just as being spider-man is ruining is normal life, his desire to lead a more normal life is beginning to effect is alter egos ability to function. I thought that this was a nice touch making the loss off Spider-man’s ability to fire webs psychosomatic rather than saying the effect of the spider bite wearing off. Will this desire be his “kryptonite” to be exploited in future films by some evil person? In quite a few films there is the use of a film or play or novel to emphasise or highlight certain idiosyncrasies (some examples “an affair to remember” in “Sleepless in Seattle” and Kevin Costner’s liking of Japanese films so that he can watch one called “Yojimbo” – which means bodyguard.) in this we have “The Importance of Being Ernest” . I always thought that this was a clever title for the play given that earnest means sincere or honest and Ernest is the fictional brother created by Jack Worthing to add spice to his life and give him an excuse to flit between the country and the city, his alter ego if you like. But I digress.
Freed from his double life Peter seems to be enjoying a bit of an upturn in fortune – this is accompanied for some reason by the song “Rain drops keep falling on my head” – grades are up and home work is actually being done. Peter also decides to confess to his Aunt the events that lead up to his Uncles death. As you’d expect she takes this pretty bad and I thought that there may be a rift between the two that wouldn’t be able to be mended. Personally I thought that there would be more mileage in that. However, Aunt May subsequently forgives him and commends is honesty, the importance of being earnest I guess. Strangely though, things don’t stay so bright and sunny for Peter and those rain drops begin to turn into a torrent. He turns his back on a mugging victim and even when he risked his life to save a little girl from a burning building the subsequent discovery that there was someone else trapped in there leaves a bitter taste for Mr. Parker. In addition to this the main reason for his decision to give up being Spider-man, the chance to win the heart of Mary Jane appears to becoming derailed as she becomes betrothed to John the son of Daily Bugle proprietor J.J. Jameson. Life, it seems, can be just as difficult even without the trappings of being a super hero to complicate them. You have to wonder if it would have wiser to give up being Peter Parker and just be Spider-man.
Fate, however, has a few more cards to play. Realizing that Spider-man was the idol of millions of small kids (and a few grown up ones) and that M.J. was beyond his reach he decides to revert back to being both Peter Parker and Spider-man. His attempts to revive his alter ego are quite humorous albeit unsuccessful. This about turn also coincides with a change of heart by M.J. and as her wedding day approaches she arranges a meeting with Peter. Events turn worse when the films main villain puts in an all too rare appearance. Having done a deal with Harry Osborn to exchange Spider-man for much needed tritium, he nabs M.J. and leaves Parker to disappear and find Spidey. Notting guaranteed to bring back a super hero quicker than having the one you love whisked off by a super villain. You could almost hear the audience cheer above the sound of teddy munching on his popcorn as he reclaimed his suit and set off to rescue yet another damsel in distress. During the ensuing battle with Doc Ock, Octavius sets a speeding street train heading towards disaster. Spidey removes his mask due to some oil obscuring his vision, not really very security conscious and I can’t help thinking that the fact that some of the passengers have seen his face will comeback to haunt him. Exhausted from preventing the train from plummeting to a watery grave he is captured to taken to Harry. Shocked to learn that the person that he holds responsible for his father’s death is none other than is friend, the news appears to push the rather unstable Youngman a little too close to the edge..or maybe over it. Anyway, Harry fails to kill Peter, just as well really as that would have been a pretty strange ending, and Mr Parker is off again to save M.J.. The fact that Spider-man seemed able to locate Doc Ock without any trouble makes you wonder why the police couldn’t. Otto even states that the reason he won’t release M.J. is because she will lead the police straight to him. No surprisingly, Otto’s experiment fails again and threatens to destroy half of New York. It is often said that Doc Ock is spidey’s greatest villain in that he’s not a megalomaniac nor is he an out and out looney as is the green goblin. No, he remains an intelligent man and only turn to robbery to fund his experiment. Encouraged by Pete he helps destroy the unstable fusion. But in doing so is he condemned to a watery grave or have we not heard the last of Doctor Otto Octavius?
Harry Osborn in the mean time has discovered his father’s spare goblin outfit, guilder and pumpkin bombs – no prizes for guessing who he’s gonna go after. But for me I think that John Jameson, jilted at the alter, could pose as much a threat to the future happiness of Peter and M.J. He’s rich, connected and I can’t imagine that he would take to be shown up like that too easily. However, in most films these kinda people are dismissed without a mere second thought and I suppose that M.J. doesn’t have to face some sort of consequence for her action. So in the end Peter gets the girl when she realises that he is also the masked web slinger..The importance of being Spider-man I guess.
Indecently in the play Jack finds out that his real name is in fact Ernest and this enables him to marry his beloved Gwendolen, how has her hear set on marring someone of that name. When I had to do this in English many moons ago, I found out that “Ernest” was also a slang term used by Homosexuals to describe themselves. No doubt this was one of Mr Wilde’s jokes.
So was that film any good? Special effects were top notch and the action scenes were well constructed but a little to few and far between for my liking. Doc Ock to my reckoning only makes three appearances of note and is used too sparingly. Harry doesn’t seem to have much to say other than the fact that he blames Spider-man for his father’s death. There are some nice comic touches, I especially like the wheel coming off Pete’s scooter and bouncing out his apartment window. But nothing seemed to come of the possible love interest between Ursula and Peter and you almost wonder why it was put there. Also, given the fact that Rosalie Octavius died during the first experiment Otto appeared to show little concern for this. I thought that he may somehow blame the intervention of spider-man for her death, but this is one possible plotline that wasn’t considered. Toby Maguire has the ability to convey emotions with his eyes and you can almost feel his torment at times. It is a good way to spend a couple of hours and it’s entertaining enough, but offered little in originality.
** end spidey comments

Almond: Hope things are well with you and your family. Are you planning on seeing “I,Robot”. As an Asimov fan I’m not sure that I’m gonna like what they’ve done.

I think that I spent longer on this post than most of my English essays..quick teddy to the Rack mobile there’s strawberries out that that need liberating…..
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 12:33:41 pm PDT

Sorry I missed you. Is all ok?
Subject: Leaving then.

No name
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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 6:41:02 am PDT

Sorry, I can't do responses today.
Subject: Is anyone here?

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 5:43:22 am PDT

I need to talk to a live friend.
Subject: just a quick one

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 19 2004, 1:11:55 am PDT

i saw "spiderman 2" last night and i noticed that the skinny geek girl with blond hair from JoA is in it as the daughter of the bloke with the flat and the asian guy from wolfram and hart is in it too when the doctor octavious loke does his experiment.

small world!

Subject: A quick post about JoA

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 16 2004, 9:31:10 am PDT

As this is just a thing I wrote awhile ago after veiwing the finale I will spoiler font it incase someone has not yet seen it
* Now that the majority of us have seen the Season one finale and had a chance to reflect and comment on it I thought it would be good to start a thread to discuss the second season and predictions and any speculatory goodness to boot.

It is a little difficult for me to do too much speculation because I have never seen a Barbara Hall show before, so I do not know how she writes or plans story arcs. Maybe she is the sort of writer who, like JoA's God, is all about the hints, or maybe things are just put in a single episode and we are asked to never look back. I guess In season 2 I will find out.

There's some loose ends I have been wondering about that I hope were not simply plot devices or "throw - aways." The biggest one is when God allows Joan to see some of "the Big Picture" - it would be a waste to ignore that this has happend - Joan saw something and passed out in the church. This has to come up again at a later time I think.

Glynnis, is another loose end. Was she just a plot device? I sure hope not. What will happen to the angry butterfly? The writers really need to delve into such a big change in a character - if they don't it will be a disservice to us and the character and the themes explored in the vanity episode.

As for the earlier discussion in the Silence thread regarding the Devil, it is natural for it to be brought up by Joan. I hope it is not verified by any means though, as I tend to agree with meremirror's pov. If anything was representative of the Devil in the show, it was those clowns

Another huge question mark for me was exactly how did everyone know about "the hotel room" ???

Regarding the lyme disease - I think some things will be a result of it yes, i.e: Price's eyes going all reptilian and i think the mascot God was not really God. BUT, if it was just what does this mean: "My name is I am, not I was." Like I said before I am not familiar with how Barbara Hall works so maybe that line was simply thrown in there to add to the freaky factor - I hope not. I still think the Price thing is a red herring. At some point it will be revealed that he is misunderstood and our empathy will be evoked (or should that be invoked?)

I think we all know that God is real. If not then we kind of don't have a show anymore right? Proof to point - God as CBG in Helen's dream and the closing scene with God touching Joan's forehead.

As for why did Joan see most of the manifestations of God all at once? He told her "you see me as you want to see me" - she wanted to see Him, needed to so much and with such an intensity - she really wanted to see all of them making all the various manifestations present.

As for Luke and Grace? I'm not even gonna speculate. I already stated my feelings about it in the Silence thread.

I think the theme for Joan in the first half of the season will be "desolation" - she will refuse to believe any of the prior manifestations of God are actually God and will blame it all on the tick. She will not do what God asks of her this time around and it may go okay at first, reinforcing her stance that she is NOT talking to God, until something big happens and then an epiphany will ensue. At this point we will probably all cry.

I think the theme will be the same for Adam and Joan's relationship. They will have lost faith in one another. Adam is no longer confident he even knows who Joan is and I bet Joan will also loose faith in herself. In the end I am sure it will turn out fine but it will be a rough road for them presently.

For Will and Helen on the other side I think all of this will give Helen her period of "consolation" and for non believer Will the door has now been opened.

I also wonder if anything will be done about Adam saying he gets visons sometimes when he does his art...

Also, the show is nominated for an emmy and Amber Tamblyn is nom for best actress.
Subject: Almond!

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 16 2004, 6:58:51 am PDT

Almond, there is no possiblity of me getting another horse. I would but there's the whole space and parents issue. I figure I've got enough to get a car, I just need to get my license, I want a Honda Civic or CRX, but it looks like I'll probably getting a 60's mustang or something of the like. But the great thing is, my dad is a mechanic so I know I'm getting what I want.
Subject: have just given blood - ow!

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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 15 2004, 3:25:28 am PDT

hullo fellow boxer's!

Rack - thanx for info. i hope they only show the next series once a week though - it got a bit much having it on every week night.

Almond - you cheeky monkey! well, it worked for me! lol

listened to "once more with feeling" CD last night as i hadnt heard it in a while. i never get bored of that album. it cheers me up and always reminds me of the pbp. that was so good - i miss seeing everyone there. hope i can do something like it again some day, although it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Subject: Rack the Warlock

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 14 2004, 7:58:31 pm PDT

I liked Party of Five too. Even Jennifer Hewitt hasn't really become a big star, although I thought she was really good in Heart Breakers with Sigourney Weaver. It must be a really tough business.

If you get a chance to catch the first season of Everwood, I think it will give you a better appreciation of the show.

Besides, now that there are fewer really good shows to watch, the second tier starts to look a little more attractive.
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 14 2004, 7:51:49 pm PDT

I'm really excited about the WonderFalls DVD's too. I surely hope you do get a Nielsen Box. And yes it's too bad this didn't happen a while ago.

I'm looking forward to the animated series but really wish it was live actors too. I'm hoping the voices of Alyson and Tony will add enough life to the show. I hope the show actually winds up being shown. I haven't heard anything for sure.

I hope your dad gets into the place he wants to be soon. It sounds like things may finally be smoothing out in that regard.
Subject: Hello all!

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 14 2004, 9:25:49 am PDT

The front door swings open, allowing a flood of brilliant sunlight to invade the Magic Box. There's a sudden scurrying as various unnamed creatures run for cover. Are they fleeing from the evil-destroying light, or the figure that follows it through the door? She drops a box of jelly doughnaughts (variety of fillings - some strawberry, of course *s*) on the counter, which may lure some of them back out of the shadows. As she plops into her favorite chair, a stick-thin, ash-grey hand reaches slowly for the lid...

When I posted last, I thought I'd be back a lot sooner. You know the old saying, though..."the best laid plans of Bryce and Ben"...btw, who are those guys, and why are they filling my schedule with their plans? *g*

Actually, the holidays and out-of-town company distracted me. My Dad's brother and his son came up from North Carolina. They couldn't stay very long, because my uncle runs his own business and things were Falling Apart back home, but it was really nice to see them. It made Dad very happy.
Speaking of Dad, he moved into a nursing home yesterday. It's not the one he was waiting to get into, unfortunately. This is a nice place, but they put men three to a room there, which is why we weren't considering it. It became urgent to find him a temporary place, however. He's still planning on moving to the place he wanted when they have an opening. I hope that's soon.

I got an interesting phone call the other day. Someone from Nielsen called to ask me about my family's tv viewing habits. I told them we liked sci-fi and shows that were off-beat. I said we really loved "Angel" and "Wonderfalls", until the networks irrationally cancelled them. They said they might be getting in touch with me again in the future. Why couldn't they have called a few months ago when it might have done some good? I think the phone call was the universe having a joke at my expense! *g*

Dogtrot: I'm more excited about seeing the "Wonderfalls" episodes we missed than I am about the animated "Buffy" series. I'm not a big fan of animation, unless it's a movie. Series just don't seem to hold my attention like real live actors do. Do you remember a cartoon series called "Gargoyles" that was on a few (quite a few *g*) years back? I really liked that, but I could never seem to get into the habit of watching it regularly. Maybe because it was on in the afternoon, which is a busy time of day. Do you happen to know when they plan on airing "Buffy" when they bring it out?
My hubby's eldest son was visiting a couple of weeks ago, and just for fun we watched the tape of the "Wonderfalls" episode with the pink flamingoes. (It's the only one I hadn't taped over - now I wish I'd kept them all!) When it was over he started shouting, "This is great! I'd watch this! What happened to this?" See, they should have given the show more time for word-of-mouth to spread. He'd never even heard of it until we got on the subject for some reason that day and showed him the tape. Everyone I told about the show who had a chance to watch it loved it. (Except girl-child. She thought it was "strange". *g*)

Fire: I'm glad to see you're still watching out for Willow, even if your sister did take her back. You may want to think twice before you disrupt a potential sale, though. If your sister doesn't take care of her horses, they'd be better off in a good home.
I hope you'll be able to save your money and buy a horse that is indisputably yours. Is that a possibility? Or are you more interested in saving for a car? *g*
The fund I once mentioned that hubby and I had started for girl-child's future wheels has since disappeared, btw. We spent so much trying to save Butterscotch that we had to dip into it to pay bills. Animals are expensive, aren't they?

Gothic: I was going to say I was glad to see you were happily moving on with your life, but then I saw you moved on to Ray! *g* Hey, whatever works for you - that's the important thing. I can just see that advice column now, though:

Auntie Gothic's Advice for the Lovelorn

Dear Girls,

Are you having trouble catching that Certain Someone's eye? Some might suggest a new hairdo or frock, but I've found that throwing a drink at the man of your dreams will achieve the same results at a fraction of the cost. For a real attention-getter, try something that stains. He'll never forget you!


Rack: Thank you for your kind words - I can see that you understand how much I miss the little guy. I'll always be grateful for the time we spent together.
I gathered all the photos I could find with him in them and made an album. When I start feeling lonely I look through the pages and smile at some of the silly things he used to do. My daughter recently developed a roll of film that had a picture of him sitting at the bottom of the trash can looking up at the camera. I think it was taken during one of his many chicken-bone-hunting-trips. *s*

I watch "Everwood", too. It gets a little syrupy at times, but then the storyline veers away from becoming too Waltonesque and back to being an interesting study of human relationships. I particularly like the dynamic between the father/son and the father/other doctor. (cc Dogtrot)
I'm also a big fan of JoA! *s*

Whoops, got to run. Girl-child needs the phone. I may be around later, though. She's going to spend the day with older-daughter (who's not speaking to me at the moment - long story), so I'll have some free time on my hands. {{Hugs}} to all!

Subject: Wolf’s at the door….

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Date Posted: Wed, Jul 14 2004, 3:48:19 am PDT

Dogtrot : I caught the second episode of Everwood yesterday and it seemed a little bit of an improvement. I guess not having seen the first series that it takes a little time to get to know the characters. I read somewhere that Scott Wolf from “Party of five” is joining the cast for season three as yet another doctor. I used to like PoF and Bailey was my favourite character. I always thought that Scott would go on to enjoy some film success, but Neve Cambell and to some extent Jennifer Love Hewitt were to ones who went on to have some moderate big screen success. Scott was even engaged to teddy’s favourite witch-player Alyssa Milano at one time.

Gothic :Yep, Joan of Arcadia was picked up for a second season after the initial success of the first season. I would be surprised if shooting was underway very shortly for it.
Subject: rack the Warlock

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 13 2004, 2:09:24 pm PDT

I've been watching Everwood pretty regularly. It's definitely "Family TV", but I think it might be worth the investment of a little more time.
Subject: Rack

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 13 2004, 3:51:22 am PDT

yeah, it was just water. i'm not that mean or i would have chucked some blackcurrant juice over him - that would have stained!

thanx for comments, i take your point. do you know if they are going to make another series of JoA?

Subject: A restless silence

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Date Posted: Tue, Jul 13 2004, 3:39:53 am PDT

Gothic: Well, I don’t know if you would call it a step backwards…so long as you’ve happy that’s the main thing. Ray was probably just glad that it wasn’t a strawberry milkshake that you threw over him and considers him self lucky.
D’you know I actually applied for a vacancy working on an agony column. But it turns out that you’ve not supposed to offer advice on how to cause agony, pain and suffering. I think “agony column” is a bit of a misnomer and could easily confuse a poor warlock.

I’ll put some comments on the Joa finale in spoiler font incase anyone hasn’t seen it yet ..quick teddy activate the invisi-scrawl device **

“Silence” reminded me a little of BtVS’s season six episode “Normal Again” in the way that the main character was “infected” and their altered stated questioned the reality of what was happening in their real world and created an explanation that it was attributable to a form of “mental illness”. In Buffy’s case the demon’s poison caused her to imagine that she was in a mental asylum and that what we had been watching was the result of her insanity. For Joan, Lyme disease can in extreme cases cause personality changes and mental disorders. It is this that gives Joan a perhaps more rational explanation to the appearances of God. Other parts of “Silence”, namely Helen’s dream at the beginning, maybe likened to BtVS disappointing season four finale “Restless” ( Rack ducks as a few wooden fish wiz by) but I believe that they were to reaffirm that what Joan had experienced was in fact real. I think that by appearing in Helen’s dream as “cute boy” God and having the gun shot Mother appear to Will after she had passed away God was handing Joan a means of confirming her faith that what she had thought was real was in fact real. After all for Helen to see God in the same guise as he first appeared to Joan would be stretching coincidence a little. I guess it may have appeared a little surreal but in my opinion was far better than “Restless” as a season finale. There were some dodgy JoA episodes that I didn’t quite get the purpose of, especially the one where Joan sprains her ankle cause she has her foot in the washing machine – Joan isn’t stupid and wouldn’t do something that daft. **
end of “Silence” comments

I caught the season two (I think) opener of a series called Everwood, which is from the creators of the fantastically brilliant (well at least Apprentice to tarasApprentice and myself liked it) Dawson’s creek. However, I found this far too sacchariney (like sugary but far worse) for my liking. Still I’ve only seen one episode and shouldn’t judge too early Anyone here watch/like it?

Okay…have to dash teddy’s still recovering from his weekend Charmed-a-thon. I’ve always told him witches are to be avoided.
Subject: rack

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 12 2004, 8:24:12 am PDT

hey rack! yay me too! although, i've taken a bit of a back-step - went clubbing on friday and ended up throwing a drink all over ray! we're back together now though, so he can't have been too annoyed at me! we're just going to see how it goes.

i am indeed gonna be Aunty Gothic, although i doubt very much i'll end up writing an agony column! still, you never know.

did you see the last Joan of Arcadia? what on earth was all that about? i was very unimpressed. i think it went a bit silly really.

Subject: The wait is over…….

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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 09 2004, 1:30:22 pm PDT

The few weeks of relative peace and calm that the Magic Box has enjoyed over the past few weeks comes to a crashing end as a deafening roar and the sight of the fabric of time and space bring torn asunder revealing the dark, inky blackness of a portal. The blackness, almost as black as the heart of the visitor it brings, caries with it a sense of foreboding and dread. Fear and panic hold hands as they run through the Magic Box, for they know who is coming…yes the warlock is back

As tomorrow, in fact the entire week end, has become another “Charmed” weekend on Livingtv, Teddy is getting prepared by stocking up with even more cookies and strawberry milkshake. I don’t know what the little furball sees in it myself. A show a bout witches..where’s the interest in that?

Speaking of magical stuff, whilst half the world was out watching some flick about a midget of a wi*ard, I managed to get my hands on a film called “Young Warlocks”. This was about a warlock a some sort of expensive boarding school in America. Was it any good I hear you ask…you are asking, right? Well, no it sucked beyond the telling of it. It must be one of the worst films it has been my misfortune to see. Still, there were some points in the film that will make me tread a little more wearily. I never really got on with the teachers at school and Luc the warlock’s opposite in the film was a teacher. Scary.

Almond : I’m sorry to hear about the sad loss of your beloved cat Butterscotch. It’s impossible to estimate the tremendous value that pets bring to the family and as you say they become members of the family themselves. I still miss Charlie my beloved chinchilla, who helped me through some difficult time. I have cherished memories of him that will stay with me forever and because of that in a sort of way he is still with me.

Gothic : Yay you not letting recent events get the better of you and for getting on with your life. From what I read it looks like you going to be becoming Aunty Gothic…does a future writing an agony column beckon I wonder?

Caring Goddess Flameiness (A.K.A. fire) : Willow (horsie Willow that is) is lucky to have someone who actually cares about her to help look after her. I hope that one day you’ve in a position to have a hose of your own that no one can take away from you. I would have thought that clean drinking water was essential to any animal and I surprised at your sister’s offhand matter to it. I hope things workout for both you and Willow.

The warlock notices that the thoughtful imp has kindly left a picture of her most gorgeousness (has she got a Xander style twitch with her eye?). As a means of thanking the little one he looks for some token to repay it with. Undoubtedly, the imp won’t like strawberries and would prefer some cheese. Cheese is a currency that the warlock doesn’t deal in. Luckily, he spots a mousetrap in the far corner of the Magic Box. Having scuttled over to the ‘trap he pokes a pen into the small (only slightly nibbled) block of cheese and frees it from the apparatus before it snaps shut. He then leaves it on a little saucer (the non-flying variety) on the counter next to the till and returns to his lair

Okay people…it’s Friday and I know how much you’ve missed this…Rack’s track of the week Due to the recent death of one of Mr. Warlock’s favourite actors this week it’s …..Luck be a Lady by Marlon Brando

As you may know I’m not the biggest fan of musicals. In fact until recently the only musical that I had purposefully watched all the way through was “Guys and Dolls” and the only reason for that was because Marlon Brando was in it. That’s the reason and not because I heard Jean Simmons was in it and mistook this to be Gene Simmons (bass player with Kiss). Despite the fact that Lady Luck and myself appear to have parted company some years ago, I still hate losing and love that trampling all over everyone else feeling that winning brings. Brando’s character, Sky Masterson, appears to embody this philosophy – although I’m pretty sure that I could beat him. It’s not exactly Brando’s best film, I still think of “On the waterfront” as his best, with others like “Streetcar named desire” and “The Men” close behind, but hay, a film with Brando in…what more could you want?

Just a quick visit today I’m afraid.. so waves and hugs to all!!!

Take care everyone!!!
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Mon, Jul 05 2004, 1:06:38 am PDT

the baby's due on december 15th - eep! it's so exciting!

i had a good weekend for a change. went clubbing on friday and got a couple of boy's phone numbers, went to a party saturday and went to see shrek 2 last night. it was really fun! see, i don't need ray!

Subject: Dropoff for the Warlock...

the imp
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Date Posted: Sun, Jul 04 2004, 4:08:04 pm PDT

Subject: Almond's Back!

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Sun, Jul 04 2004, 6:55:01 am PDT

Almond, she took her away because I forgot to feed her horse once. She said (and I quote) "If you can't show me that you're responsible enough to remember to feed my horse, I don't think you should have one." I was working that day so that I could pay for Willow's winter feed, and if she is so dang worried about her horse being fed, she shouldn't leave. Right before she "reclaimed" Willow, I cleaned out her waterer, like I do every week, I went back out a few days later, and it was so dirty I couldn't see the bottom. I told her it needed cleaned and she said it was "Just fine" and that her horse's water was just as dirty. So I freaked out and cleaned it myself. I told her, Willow may not be my horse, but I'm not going to let her suffer for her incompetent laziness. I act like I don't care, but if ever a potential buyer, I will stop them dead in their tracks.

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty I think I've taken that one before, and got the same answer.
Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Sun, Jul 04 2004, 12:51:40 am PDT

Are you a No Doubt fan?

My daughter has recently been to No Doubt concerts at Shoreline Theater, Marysville (Sacramento) and Chula Vista. And yesterday she had an extra ticket to the Santa Barbara concert, so we drove down to see it. It's the first concert I've been to since I saw Willie Nelson and Emmy Lou Harris at the Circle Star Theater in San Mateo, California in 1976. I really enjoyed it, and there were quite a few middle aged folks there. I've never seen a crowd so energized. But driving down and back in the same day was a little much (we didn't get home until 4 am). They put on a terrific show.
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Sun, Jul 04 2004, 12:42:44 am PDT

You come bearing gifts of good news I see! Talk about making an entrance.

I sure hope the animated Buffy series actually is realised. And I can't wait for the Wonderfalls dvd's.
Subject: Wonderfalls

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Date Posted: Sat, Jul 03 2004, 4:17:47 pm PDT

Meant to post this earlier, but ran out of time. Here's a link to an article at Ain't It Cool News about the Wonderfalls release date tarasApprentice mentioned awhile back.
I was really, really excited to see at the end of the article that Tim Minear is working on a big-screen version of Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"! That has always been one of my favorite novels by him. Wonder who they'll get to do the voice of "Mike"?
Subject: Hello all!

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Date Posted: Sat, Jul 03 2004, 7:36:31 am PDT

Thanks to everyone who expressed sympathy for the loss of my cat. It hit me really hard, but I'm dealing with it now.

Oooo, a quiz! Let's see what I get.

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

You know, in a lot of ways, that fits. *s* Fun quiz, tarasApprentice!

Dogtrot: This may have been the one you already read, but here's an article about the Buffy cartoon series.

I'm not on vacation. I just haven't had anything good to say lately. And if you can't say anything good......*s*

Fire: Your sister took Willow back? Harsh! I'm really sorry to hear that! Was it because of the "breeding disagreement"? Are you OK?

Hi Gothic! Congratulations to your brother and his wife. When's the happy date?

Almond is very glad to see shecro the goat is no longer stuck in the wall, and gives it a big smile and wave. She also waves to Kung Fu, Lionhunter, Watcher (and his surfing dog *g*), Rack, and Teddy. She has run out of "chat time", since she's late for an appointment, so unfortunately has to


Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Thu, Jul 01 2004, 4:47:58 pm PDT

I didn't realize it was your Birthday. Belated Happy Birthday to you.

Angela and Tara do seem to resemble each other a bit, especially in those poses. Did you ever see (her real name escapes me)"Angela" in the movie "A Polish Wedding"?
Subject: Pretty horsies and stuff

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 30 2004, 4:41:29 pm PDT

First of all THANK YOU to everyone who wished me birthday happies! Once the work part was over it was actually a great day, thanks and {{hugs}} to those of you who were part of my day - I love you guys.

*s* the goat was here I see...

I am on a quiz frenzy - you do it too!

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Subject: Forever Sunset?

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Date Posted: Sun, Jun 27 2004, 5:14:56 am PDT

That's not Willow ... that's a horsey. A nice horsey though. Pretty. Alyson is now riding horsey away ... chasing the setting sun.
Subject: I no longer have a horse?

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 25 2004, 6:08:34 am PDT

It just as the subject implies. My sister took Willow away for selfish reasons. I can't do a thing about it either.
Subject: kinda very belated birthday flowers...

the goat
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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 24 2004, 8:09:18 pm PDT

*the goat gallops in with a bunch of flowers in its mouth and drops it at the godess-altar* ... *a card drops out saying: 'the goat was here...'*
Subject: Joss Whedon's "Serenity" finally has an official website!

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 24 2004, 9:13:49 am PDT

For those that don't already know, Serenity is the big screen continuation of Joss Whedon's short lived but fantastic TV show Firefly. If you're already a fan or have any interest in his work check it out.

Serenity: The Official Movie Website

Subject: hey peeps!

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 23 2004, 8:45:01 am PDT


have taken the afternoon off today, i went out for a nice meal with my dad, aunts and uncles in whitstable. we told them the news - about my brothers wife being pregnant - they're so excited!

just thought i'd say hey, hope everyone is well.

Subject: Heh ditto on the wishing

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 23 2004, 7:35:20 am PDT

Summer is not for enjoyment to me, working as a farm hand is tough. I wish I could have a vacation, just for 3 days or something.
Subject: I wish!

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 22 2004, 9:31:34 pm PDT

I wish I were on vacation now! Wow. It's slow in here so I thought I'd post. I guess everyone must be enjoying their summer. Over here it's hot but most of the days are perfect for going out to the beach or just cruising around the island. I'd like to take my puppy out to the beach and teach her how to surf! But it seems like the only time I get to do anything like that is when there's guests visiting. Isn't that how it always is?
Subject: Vacation

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 22 2004, 9:48:06 am PDT

I'm thinking everybody must be on vacation, right?
Subject: bah

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 17 2004, 6:48:46 am PDT

I still read, but I'm not much for posting anymore. I've been so busy I barely have time for Willow. Shes so darn pretty now!
Subject: animated Buffy

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 16 2004, 8:46:39 am PDT

Someone posted at the Bronze Beta about an animated BtVS series. If the information is correct, Alyson Hannigan, Nick Brendon, Anthony Head, and maybe Armin Shimmerman will be doing voices. It sounds like the project is under development and the program hasn't been sold to any network yet.

I think this was at the "Whedonesque" website.
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Mon, Jun 14 2004, 12:14:23 pm PDT

I'm so sorry about your cat. My goldfish I can recycle without too much concern but my 8 year old border terrier is the heart of the house - he was our baby before we had babies. Despite being a terrier the only time he ever killed vermin was when he stepped on a mouse (this is absolutely true), he slept through our car being stolen from outside the kitchen where he was sleeping but can hear the biscuit tin being opened from two floors away and he won't eat salami, ham or pringles crisps but will eat a marshmallow or cold cooked broccoli. God bless the small and furrys - cats, dogs, teddys, etc.

Have a great day everyone.

Lionhunter exits, stage left.
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Mon, Jun 14 2004, 8:29:42 am PDT

I'm sorry about your cat. My dog is a little over 10 and still seems ok, but I know one of these days he won't be around anymore and I'll be crushed. Animal companions become family members.
Subject: Tarasapprentice

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 12 2004, 11:50:19 pm PDT

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes! See what you miss if you don't check in for a few days? [me not you]

Almond I am soory for the loss of your cat. Although I am more of a doggy type person we have always had cats in the household too and my fostermum has a special place in her heart for cats so I know how you feel.

Lionhunter I think people underestimate the value of having goldfish. They do make good pets [you just have to remember not to hug them too much], and they do have personalities. On the upside I suppose people tend to not get too attached to them. It's good you have a replacement already.
Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 12 2004, 10:34:15 pm PDT

As Lionhunter said, "better late than never", so please let me add belated birthday wishes. I hope your day was memorable, and the coming year brings you many more just as special.

I'll be disappearing for awhile, folks. My cat, Butterscotch, died today. He was more than a pet. For eight years he's been a member of our family and my best friend. He had a loving heart, a quick mind, and a gallant spirit. I'll miss him more than I can tell you, and I need to mourn him.

Take care of yourselves.
Subject: tarasapprentic

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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 12 2004, 7:41:23 am PDT

Better late than never -

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wondeful day.

Bad news - Spike is dead. We buried him under our apple tree, hopefully deep enough so that cats don't dig him up. He fought valiantly to the end but he is now dust to dust. Buffy is inconsolable. Oh, did I mention he's our goldfish? We had three - Buffy, Angel and Spike. Angel died within two weeks of his purchase and Buffy and Spike have lived with us for the last 2 years. We added the inventively named Nemo last year. But Spike developed a huge tumour and went the way of all things last weekend. So we now have Finn. A grey and black spotted goldfish - not the prettiest one I've ever seen but different.

Well, thats my excitement for the day.

Rack good choice with Five by Five. *smooch* for teddy.

*waves* to dogtrot.

Hasty vistas!
Subject: tarasApprentice

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 12 2004, 5:19:12 am PDT

tarasApprentice, Forgive me if your happy Birthday wishes are late!
Subject: tarasApprentice

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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 11 2004, 3:32:33 pm PDT

A little birdie (actually a teddy bear) told me today is your birthday! Salutations!
Subject: Help! Help! Here comes the bear…

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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 11 2004, 7:29:20 am PDT

The pitter patter of tiny little feet alert the Magicbox that the troublesome fury one is back. Weaving in and out of the bookshelves and steering past the book his way past the display cases he makes for the retreat in the darkness ‘neath the stairs

Hi folks!!

First of just wishing a very happy birthday to our proprietoress (is this spelt right? Is it even a word?).

Happy Birthday tarasApprentice!!!

Blessings on your day ~ as someone I know would say.

LionHunter: We have a liking for the Angel episodes “Five By Five” and “Salvage”. Probably “Salvage” would win because it has both Angelus and what’s-her-name in it. JoA is worth catching if you can and not forgetting Charmed. On Saterday LivingTv are showing all the season finales back to back prior to this season finale on Sunday…I’m in teddy bear heaven!!

FieryFlameyGoddess: I empathise with you. Once you’re got high school out of the way, along comes college and after that you get a job and have even more of a workload. But cheer up! It could be worse. You could be a familiar to the worlds laziest warlock.

Well for a change I get to pick the track of the week..so paws crossed and here we go with… teddy’s track of the week

In honour of Birthday girl it’s Cinnamon Girl by Prince
Okay…I haven’t actually heard this song as the mean old warlock that I work for doesn’t have any Prince records….plenty of Lawnmower deth though…warlock’s really have no taste in music…or anything. Wonder if any of those Charmed witches could use a familiar…

C-YA ….
Subject: LionHunter

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 3:04:31 pm PDT

Do not berate yourself! The lure of BtVS is irresistible. Even though I've seen every episode many times, I'll watch it at any opportunity.
Subject: Holy humidity batman!

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 1:39:14 pm PDT

Ah, a typical brit. No conversation other than the weather!

*waves* and {{hugs}} to all and Sundry (I saw him the other day, he's lookin' fiiiiiine).

Uselessly scrolled as ever so here goes;

Have watched two episodes of Joan of Arcadia and enjoyed it but....dastardly Sky One started showing Buffy from episode one, season one directly opposite Joan. I thought..."I really want to watch Joan but I'll just check in with Buffy for 5 mins as JofA starts at 6.05pm - I'm hopelessly hooked on Buffy all over again - I can't turn over, I NEED my BufWilXanGilAngCor fix. Of course it doesn't hurt that Angel is in the first episodes looking all young and angsty and immortal and impossibly sexy.I did say it was hot in here, didn't I? (fans self with well thumbed copy of The Watchers Guide)

Re: Ronald Reagan. I feel quite sad at his passing - not least because he was President for all of my teenage years and is mixed in with all the high school nostalgia. I seem to remember going to "Mile Square Park" to see him, Glenn Ford and John Wayne when he was on the campaign trail before his first presidential election. Not sure about putting him on Rushmore though.

UFO's: I'm a believer (copyright The Monkees c.1970's) but have not had any experiences myself, however when we lived in Calif. we had an outdoor jacuzzi and my parents used to sit out there at night and amazingly enough, the number of UFO's they spotted increased in direct correlation with the number of glasses wine they drank.

tarasapp I too had never heard of Gina Gershon and googled for pictures which gave me a few moments to ponder the gravity defying marvel that is she! I do like the OC girls hair so if thats what it looks like - yay for you!

Life is eventful as ever here in the lair - my identical twin girlcublets made me laugh today because they couldn't tell who was who in a photo of them together in the newspaper. They get so cross when teachers and family and friends don't know! Of course - I knew! (said in smug motherly fashion). Boy cublet asked me how old he has to be before he can watch Buffy - I told him not till his age ends in "teen". I know I'll give in before then but at least it gets him off my back for a while.

UK's Sky TV are asking people to vote on their favorite episode of Angel, with this in mind - would anyone care to give theirs?

Mine would have to be "I will remember you" for all the obvious reasons but I also love the one (sorry too lazy to go and look it up) when the aging movie star gives him drugs and turns him in to Angelus. I do love the boy when he's bad.

Okay - end of ramble. Special love to Teddy. Lionhunter out.

After a long absence while investigating the seamy and steamy urban jungle, the panther pads back in to the Magic Box. Casting a toothy smirk in the direction of half the goat, he winds his way behind the bar and starts drinking the beer slops out of the drip trays - he's been a bad bad panther.
Subject: Oh, got it now…

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 7:11:24 am PDT

Meredith Monroe was in the JoA episode “Double Dutch” where she played Michelle Turner. She was the writer who Kevin….Kevin “interviewed”. I had to look that up, I didn’t recognise her…I only watched the episode a few days ago…..I’m sooooo ashamed.

*warlock hangs head to stare at feet and stands in the corner whilst rotten fruit (no strawberries) is thrown at him*
Subject: sorry

Evil Goddess Fire
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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 6:53:28 am PDT

Sorry I haven't really been around since the Angel Finale. The workload here just keeps growing... literally. Thank goodness I managed to get a break for Frmr. President Reagan's Funeral Procession. Granted I was very young when he was in office, he did more for this country than most of the other presidents.

Anyhow, I'd better get going.
Subject: The Mystery remains…but have a Scooby snack anyway.

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 10 2004, 6:22:01 am PDT

TarasApp: Iris/Andie.. I think things have gotten a little confused. In JoA Iris is the dark haired one that Adam when out with for a short while – correct? In Dawson’s Creek Andie McPhee is a blonde haired girl who was Pacey’s girlfriend until they split up and she later went to France. Her Brother, Jack, remained on the show. Jack was the gay character. Andie McPhee was played by actress Meredith Monroe, who does look a little like the actress who plays Glynis Figliola, Mageina Tovah. Glynis being the one who Joan’s younger brother Luke went out with for a little while, right?

Oh I could talk about Dawson’s all day…but work keeps getting in the way ~ oh hum.

Here’s a bit of JoA/Buffy trivia. Both Mageina Tovah and Amber Tamblyn have appeared in Buffy. Amber in season six’s “All the way” and Ms Tovah in the season six episode “Wrecked”.

Anyone else have any U.F.O. experiences?

Teddy sometimes has lapses of time that he can’t account for…these usually follow disappearances of my red wine vinegar…is there a connection I wonder?

Okay people, thinking caps on. We could do with another quiz to replace the one that appears to have stumped everyone. Format is multiple choice, Yes/No or True/False. Please try to make these Buffy/Angel related questions although the odd Tru Calling, Joan of Arcadia, Dawson’s Creek, Charmed..Charmed? Sorry teddy only you watch that. Erm… where was I? oh yeah, please send your questions to me along with the answers and I’ll upload them. Then you can take great delight in causing much head scratching and bemusement amongst your fellow poster.

Currently leading with the current quiz is KungFu Cowboy and the poster with no name (dooweedoooohhh attempts silly Clint Eastwood man with no name sound from “the Good …”) who both have 90. Almond, Jemma and another poster with no name (or it could be the same one) and LionHunter have a very respectable 80.

Back to work…oh hum.

Take care all!!!
Subject: Mystery Solved - can I be a scooby now?

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 09 2004, 3:58:07 pm PDT

rack, apprentice : Ok, I finally got the name of the character From Dawson's creek that the actress who plays the character of Iris from Joan Of Arcadia - (even I'm confused and I know what I'm talking about :P ). The Dawson's character was named Andie who was a writer/author I guess.
Subject: Random responses

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 09 2004, 3:43:36 pm PDT

First, gotta chime in on the UFO thing. Now I have two stories the first one may not have been as it took place while I lived in Vegas and Edwards Air Force base is in close proximity but still...I was sitting outside in front of a friends house talking and another neighbor who was there, along with myself looked up at the exact same moment to see,a triangular object in the sky, it was of a slate grey color and hovered there in the sky for maybe 30 seconds before it took off so fast and was comepletely gone from range of sight so rapidly we could only think "UFO." It was bizzare. I have been to air shows before and all but I just could not fathom something human made that was capable of moving that way.
The second story took place when I was maybe 12 or so. My father and a very close extended group of friends ventured up to some remote mountian area in California one evening and remained there through late night. At one point in the night I was lying on a blanet on the ground with two other girls a few years older than myself and we felt what we assumed was an earthquake. One of the party was missing soon after and everyone in out party could honestly not account for maybe 10 - 15 minutes of time. We all had a similar strange feeling that to this day I really cannot describe. Typical abduction scenario eh?

LMBO! Oh dear I bet teddy's eyes popped out! I am really sorry about that as she has some pretty uh...adult material. I actually didn't even know of her until a few months ago when I saw a documentary on her band on either Sundance or IFC and I loved the hair which looks like this:

So, this is what i really wanted just a longer version. Things did not go as planned - at all. Instead I look like that girl from that tv show The OC :

Even the haircolor! Oh well at least I look like I fit in here now :P Yes, it is quite a bit longer than hers. I guess i got about 1/3 of it chopped off.

I'm really sorry you never heard back from her rack. If she comes to class on Friday then I will ask her about it.

The L Word is a new show on American cable tv - I guess it's being labeled something like "Sex In The City for lesbians." Other than that I couldn't tell you anything. I wouldn't be interested in SitC so I seriously doubt I'd like this much either.

Some things will never ever happen..

*tarasapprentice tries to run away as the wooden fish flies back accross the room*
Subject: Just a quick flyby

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 09 2004, 2:13:10 pm PDT

Gothic: Nice to see that you’ve decided to watch JoA. You never know, you may find it up lifting. Do you find “God” a bit annoying in it, coz I do. BTW, Joan is on everyday this week at 18:05 right after repeats of teddy’s favourite show, Charmed.

Almond: Thanks for the info on Tru. Would be good if it was correct, some of the earlier plots were a little transparent and the show would certainly benefit from their expertise. You know I saw a U.F.O. once, U.F.O. being Unidentified Fleeing Object. But it turned out to be teddy making off with some cookies.

TarasApprentice: Ahhhh I knew it…my evil influence is turning you into a Kennedy fan. You’ll be begging me to let you join D.O.R.K. next. A wooden fish bounces of the warlock’s thick cranium. Or maybe not. Just what is “The L Word” anyway?
Neither teddy nor I had heard of Gina Gershon, so we search the net looking for some pictures. We had some trouble finding some decent ones (in more ways than one), but in those that didn’t make poor teddy’s eyes pop out her hair appears to be quite stylish. It’s shorter than yours though, are you losing some of the length or are you keeping it long? Are you happy with the result?
My hair has a mind of it’s own, unfortunately that mind is more than slightly insane and crazy. Regarding the ticket situation, I did send an email to that addy that you gave me but didn’t receive a reply. I guess it was a bit early to book anyway. It’s not really a problem, Corsa gave me some useful websites and I have the American Airlines website that I’ll probably use, but I’ll leave it to about a month before I go before I do anything.

Okay folks, must dash as I’m off to see the latest Harry Potter film – as if

Take care all!!
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 09 2004, 12:21:57 pm PDT

No, I can't say I've ever seen a UFO. But there was I time in my life I really wanted to believe. (Maybe still do.)
Subject: Driftin' through...

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 08 2004, 9:09:06 pm PDT

Hello all. Just stopped by to see how everyone's doing, and thought I'd let you know I'm still alive. Haven't been on line much this past week, 'cause my arm's been hurting me a lot again lately. Couple of quick responses, then I'm off to my inbox to delete like a madwoman. No, I don't want to buy your product, thank you very much. Nor do I want various nonexistant parts of my body enlarged. You have the perfect match for me? My husband will be interested to hear that. And while it might be nice to earn thousands of dollars a week from the comfort of my own home, somehow I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Don't you just love spam?

dogtrot: I couldn't resist the urge to google NICAP. Found an interesting website and look forward to scrolling it when I can. So, did you ever have a close encounter of the unusual kind? I saw a UFO once. At first I thought it was a shooting star, then it zigged off at an angle. No one stopped to say hello, though. *g*

Rack: I heard a rumor that a couple of BtVS people were joining the staff of "Tru Calling" next fall, but I don't know if it's true. If so, it should go a long way toward giving the show a boost.

Tired and heading for bed now. *poof*
Subject: Heaven help me...

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 08 2004, 10:06:52 am PDT

First of all - I am off to go get my Gina Gershon hair and I'm terrified - laugh if you must but keep your fingers crossed it turns out ok will you? *s*

Thanks very much for recording it etc. And oh yeah - I blame teddy too. Now, I would only do this for you...I found this bit of info: Iyari Limon has just auditioned for a part on the series The L Word so...maybe you'll get to see her on that *s*
BTW, did you ever get the ticket thing sorted out?

That's it!
Subject: Heaven help me...

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 08 2004, 9:59:40 am PDT

First of all - I am off to go get my Gina Gershon hair and I'm terrified - laugh if you must but keep your fingers crossed it turns out ok will you? *s*

Thanks very much for recording it etc. And oh yeah - I blame teddy too. Now, I would only do this for you...I found this bit of info: Iyari Limon has just auditioned for a part on the series The L Word so...maybe you'll get to see her on that *s*
BTW, did you ever get the ticket thing sorted out?

That's it!
Subject: Hanging on the telephone......

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 08 2004, 8:16:27 am PDT

TarasApp: My video plays NTSC tapes in addition to PAL, but will only record in the format that the signal is transmitted in.
Converting the tape isn’t really any problem, in fact I think I already have the solution available. I should really have applied a bit of logic to the problem prior to my last post. Personally I blame teddy, I don’t know how, but I’m sure it’s his fault.

I was a little disappointed with the documentary, it seemed a little repetitive in as much as Amber states that the programme isn’t “preachy” (as do most of the other cast interviewed) more than once and that it’s not about religion but about God. It definitely would have benefited from having some fans state why they appreciate the series, especially if they were a cross cultural/religious section of the community.
I did find the interview with series creator Barbara Hall interesting and would have preferred it to be longer and a bit more in depth. Still, you can judge for yourself when you see it.

I’m slightly stumped as to why people would ‘phone a warlock, we’re not exactly renowned for helping people. I suspect that it’s a “spoof” advertisement for something.

The warlock opens the door of the mini fridge and selects a plump, juicy strawberry. Closing the door, he then dunks the strawberry in the ‘shake (warlock’s do have some disgustingly awfully habits) and proceeds to scoff it.
Subject: hullo

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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 08 2004, 8:13:23 am PDT

hey peeps!

thankyou for your kind wishes and hugs, they are much appreciated.

saw the first joan of arcadia last night. it wasn't bad. i'd say it's got potential.

Subject: Warlock Hotline?

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Date Posted: Mon, Jun 07 2004, 6:48:41 pm PDT

Okay Rack, yesterday apprentice and I were having a convo about Italian television (well a bit of American tv too) and claims were made that in Italy there's a commerical that says you can call up a warlock - have you guys been holding out on me? Can I get a job?? *s*

Thanks so much for sayiong you would tape the doc for me - I did not realize that you had a regualr PAL tape vcr and not an all region one - I really don't want to make bothering requests so PLEASE my dear dark lord, do not trouble yourself with converting etc!!

That is all for today - more later (cue the scary and threatening music!)

*tarasapprentice leaves out a strawberry milkshake and a plate of cookies*

Subject: It’s a wrap folks....

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Date Posted: Sun, Jun 06 2004, 11:40:29 am PDT

tarasApprentice: Regarding the documentary consider it taped, although you do realise that it will be in PAL format not your NTSC. I’ll see if I can get it converted before October. By the way I’ve seen up to episode 17 "No bad guy" now and Iris (actress Misti Traya) does look a little familiar. I’m pretty sure that she wasn’t in Dawson’s, but she does remind me a little of the character Abby (played by Monica Kenna) who drowned in the season 2 episode "A perfect Wedding". Not too sure if that’s who apprentice was thinking off, but it’s the best that I can come up with.
Yes it would be nice to meet apprentice and go "trick or treating". I’ve still got my ring wraith costume from last year’s Halloween ball that I can bring, so long as the moths haven’t eaten it.
Please pass on a "good luck" to Italy when you talk to apprentice next. I just hope that they don’t meet England in the up coming Euro 2004 tournament and knock us out.

Ciao... (that's the sum total of my Italian used up)
Subject: Rack

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Date Posted: Sun, Jun 06 2004, 8:58:11 am PDT

Glad to hear JoA is starting there soon. Great series up until the February sweeps period and then it was not so good. The finale was great thought fans of "Restless" (which if I remember correctly you did not care for so much) will enjoy. Will be interesting to see how the show evolves. Amber Tamblyn is pretty amazing either way and it would actually surprise
me if she didn't walk away with the Best Actress award when the Emmy's come around.
I was wondering if you would be so kind as to make a copy of that documentary for me, I was actually asked to participate and at the last minute the producers were allowed much more time with the cast and crew than they had thought, so I got dropped :( . Anyway, I'd like to see what they did and would be grateful if you could do that. Thanks *s*

I was also told that they are trying to set up something Wonderfalls related at the comic con so I am keeping my fingers crossed *s* Speaking of which, Rack, next year you should see if you can get time off at the end of July so you can come too. It would be fun! apprentice would like to come during Halloween so maybe we can all go trick or treating together when you come?! I have to admit I can't wait to see your faces during our American Halloween *s* I think it will be more fun for me!
Subject: gothicwoman2001

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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 05 2004, 10:09:21 pm PDT

Sorry about the turmoil in your personal life.
Subject: Rack

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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 05 2004, 10:05:44 pm PDT

Joan of Arcadia luckily got good ratings as well as good critical reviews, so it looks like it might be around for a while. Hope you enjoy it.
Subject: An unconventional convention.....

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Date Posted: Sat, Jun 05 2004, 4:41:58 am PDT

Hummm…seeing how Sarah Michelle Gellar is at a comic convention later this year and Eliza Dushku was at a convention, something called “WizardWorld”, I’ve decided in a bold attempt to lure Eliza to these fair shores that I shall launch my own convention called “WarlockWorld”. Details are still a bit sketchy, but it’s looking like it will be a small, intimate gathering..just Eliza and myself. Event to be staged at the swankiest restaurant that I can afford, which is …erm..Burger King. But they do a nice strawberry milkshake and I can stretch to two straws. So if you’re interested, Ms Dushku, just drop me an email.

almond: You’ve raise some interesting points regarding Tru Calling, hopefully the second series may go someway into explaining the source and nature of their “gift”. Thanks for posting the link to the interview with Joss Whedon. With Angel finishing I was wondering what he was going to do. I had thought for a minute that he may have a Spike spin off planned or even better a spin off featuring everyone’s favourite slayer wannabe turn fully fledge slayer Kennedy…hey, quit throwing wooden fish at me people!!

Gothic: Sorry to hear that your relationship didn’t workout. Unfortunately, cold black hearted warlocks aren’t much use with advice on affairs of the heart, but here’s a strawberry cookie and a {{{Hug}}} . Hope it helps. (Shut up teddy, you’ve got lots off cookies, surely you can spare one).

LdyKnight: A bit late but congratulations on graduating Highschool, although I’d thought that you had already done that seeing as you’re know at college ~ or have I got something wrong somewhere? I remember the day I left school…honestly, I never thought that we would get the tunnel under the barbed wire and into the little wood so that we wouldn’t be seen by the searchlights and the machine gun nests, but we did.

Slightly later than normal and I know how you all have missed it…but it’s back…Racks track of the week

Well summer is here, as you can tell by the rain outside (I live in England, so this probably doesn’t apply to where you are) and summer always means hot sticky days spent on the beach with a bucket and spade. Building sand castles and getting buried up to the neck in sand by teddy, one day he’ll remember to dig me out afterwards and I won’t have to rely on the generosity of others to free me (must remember to talk to him about that). So track of the week is….Good Vibrations by The Beach boys

Okay, so I’m not really into all that surf stuff and I’d be hard pushed to name six songs by the Beach boys, but this is one that everyone has heard at some point. The use of a mellotron on this song (although some people think it’s a electro-theremin) gives a strangely eerie feeling it what is essentially a love song. Although the song is probably best know for the chorus, it’s the verses where Brian Wilson sings in an almost cappella style (sorry I don’t know the proper term if there is one), almost whimsically reminiscing/ fantasying about some love of his life that I find most intriguing. Understandably, this was to be the Beach boys biggest hit and I think their only number one.

Just to remind UK posters that Joan of Arcadia starts on Living Tv this Monday at 6.05 pm. So make sure that you watch it, or set your video. After the pilot episode there is a half hour documentary on the series, which was a big hit in the states. I had a quick look in the tv guide that came with today’s Times and they’ve pick it as one to watch…quality papers know quality programmes.

I got the second half of JoA on Thursday, so I’m planning on a bit of a “Joan” fest this weekend. If only God could get Joan to do something about the England midfield in time for Euro 2004…

Take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: *Happy Dance*

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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 03 2004, 12:01:24 pm PDT

I just found out last night that Sarah Michelle Gellar will be at the Comic Con this year!!! I'm so excited!

I also wanted to say hi to all and special get well wishes for dear mazzy along with a {{hug}}.
Subject: Almond

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 02 2004, 8:33:56 pm PDT

The science fiction book club was a lot of fun, when I first started I think new books were about $2 and they were hardback (not terrific quality) but good authors and good stories. I think I was a member from about 1960 to 1975. I don't remember the "Number of the Beast".

I was also a member of NICAP for about 5 years, from about 1960 to 1965. I was expecting a visit at any minute, you know, from "up there".
Subject: LionHunter

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 02 2004, 8:27:15 pm PDT

Happy graduation!! Will you be going to school next year? Hope you had a memorable graduation party.
Subject: That link doesn't work.

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 02 2004, 3:09:20 pm PDT

Here's the right one for the Joss Whedon interview at UnderGround Online. It isn't spoilery for "Angel" or the "Firefly" series.
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