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Subject: From the darkness 'neath the stairs

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Date Posted: Tue, Mar 27 2007, 3:23:46 am PDT

I don’t know what it is but I used to keep getting an error message whenever I tried to post here. Anyways I’ve been successful this time!!

I had to preorder the Buffy comic from the states as I couldn’t find a UK outlet that was supplying it. Still haven’t got my copy yet, but as I preordered the first two issue together they may ship it when the second one come out. With luck I should be able to join in any discussions then.

Almond: tarasApprentice has some pictures from our trip to NY on the web somewhere, if you ask her I’m sure that she will provide you with the link. I haven’t really been up to much since I got back last year. I completed the final course I was doing for the University Certificate in Web Applications Development and managed to pass it, which was quite an achievement as my powers of concentration appear to have deserted me. Despite the fact that the final course finished in December I only got my result last week.

I was thinking of taking a break from studying to rest my lone surviving brain cell. However, things change and I find myself at a bit of a loss after last year; so I decided to do a course in Java (the programming language not the coffee).

The exam for this course will be sometime in October and I’m still planning on going to Wisconsin some point after that. I haven’t made any plans yet as plans and me just don’t seem to workout for some reason. I may only be in the States for a week, but I’m trying to squeeze at least a couple of that there as there is a strong possibility that this will be my last vacation to the US for quite sometime, maybe even last ever. I have to ensure that I get to see my beloved Juventus next year, they need their fans.

One thing that you could help me with is; are there any airports near to where you live that do domestic flights and does Wisconsin have an international airport?

Hope everyone is well.

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