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Subject: oooh! A quiz...of sorts

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Sun, Jun 12 2005, 1:03:52 am PDT

Hi guys! I tried to post a few days ago but it wouldn't let me. Even when I tried to use the post link it wouldn't let me, so I think the problem was on my end but anyway...

I love the complex character question. The depth of the characters was one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's strengths. Here's my answer:

I believe that Xander was the most interesting character in the series. I suppose I liked Xander so much because I'm very like him but he always seemed so interesting to me because he was the Zeppo. In the final series the First saw him as a threat because of the fact that he saw everything from the outside, and I suppose to some extent this is a kind of "super-power" as most people in this world and the Buffyverse are quite used to looking inward all the time. Xander's primary motivation throughout the entire series was love for his friends. He would readily lay down his life for them if it was necessary [it just never really turned out to be so], and wasn't afraid to tell it like it is when it needed to be said. The episode "The Zeppo" where the Xand man had to deal with the zombies [or whatever you want to call them] showed that although he only wished to help his friends, he was capable enough to deal with the sort of problems one has to deal with on the Hellmouth, moreso than I think even he would have admitted at the time.

I had thought about trying to do Oz for this but it's difficult to take an in depth look at a character that typically speaks 10 lines or less in any episode he appears in. I love Oz and I do think he's extremely complex but any character deconstruction on him would take pages and I have neither the correct material to work from nor the inclination to do that right now, so I guess you'll have to be happy with Xander. He was always my favourite anyway :)

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