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Subject: Behoove yourselves!!

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Date Posted: Tue, Oct 04 2005, 7:41:37 am PDT

There was a very interesting and somewhat unintentionally humorous series that just started on television on Friday. I should imagine that its "borrowed" from the states. It's called Rock School and the premise is that a rock star takes some music students and converts in into depraved mini rock gods (okay, minus the depraved bit). I know what you're thinking..this sounds like "School of Rock". Well, yep it does. Now I don't know which came first..all I want to know is why didn't Gene Simmons do this when I was at school?
Gene even told his students that you can be a rock star and barely be able to play an instrument, this explains groups like Winger and Night Ranger. Simmons also states that the lead vocalist isn't necessary the best singer in the band (A sideways snipe at Paul Stanley?) but this explains how Ozzy got to be in Sabbath.
Is there still a chance for me to become a rock star I wonder?

Anyway, this segways into this weeks Rack's track of the week

Bit of an old one this. Cream - a sixties blues/rock combo - are reforming to play a few gigs here and in the states.So I thought it would be nice to pick a tune by one of the forerunners to the mighty Led Zeppelin. So my totw is White Room.

Cream comprised of Jack Bruce on bass and vocals, Ginger Baker on drums and some up and coming guitarist called Eric Clapton on guitar. This was written by Bruce and Pete Brown and contains some nice imagery; "Silver horses run down moonbeams in your dark eyes" for example and indeed later we have
"Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes", obviously they have a thing for eyes. But what makes this track standout is some excellent wah wah guitar work from Mr Clapton...wonder whatever happened to him.

Take care all!!!

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