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Subject: Weirdness.

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Date Posted: Fri, Oct 14 2005, 6:00:06 pm PDT

Every place I've been since I came on-line, I'm being stalked by big words. Not the "expand your vocabulary" kind of words, but the "what the heck happened to the font!?!" kind of words. It's like my computer screen took a really deep breath......and is just holding it. Forever.
This is a bit disconcerting.

Also, my back hurts. Really, really, REALLY bad. I want to cry. (I pulled a muscle that refuses to heal.)

Dogtrot: It was a silly theory. It's fun to speculate, though. *s*
I liked the end, too. ["Lost" spoilers - most recent eppy] It was nice to see the group spending time together doing something other than running from danger. They need to bond and become strong. I have the same feeling you mentioned that something really horrific is coming.
Also, did you notice in Hurley's dream at the very beginning of the episode, Walt was the missing kid on the milk carton he was drinking from?
[end spoilers for most recent "Lost"]
I hope they can keep up the good writing, too. So far, they're doing a good job being original and unexpected.

When are you going to Serenity? I'm excited for you. You are going to love it so much!

Gothic: Which "Lost" episode are you up to?

"Firefly" actually pre-dated the actors' roles in "Buffy" and "Angel". They did those after the series was canceled.
Mal and Zoe are much nicer than Caleb and Jasmine, don't you think? *g*

I have to get off now. "Threshold" is coming on, and it hurts too much to sit here, anyway. {{Hugs}} to all.

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