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Subject: Where is The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 16 2004, 4:59:31 pm PDT

Hello and {{hugs}} to all.

I felt a vibration in the force, tracked it here, and found season 4 "Buffy" talk - which is good, since that's the season my local station is showing on Saturday nights at the moment. (Though they are annoying me by skipping episodes...but that's a separate issue.)
I have always really liked this season. Not just for the great episodes, but because it showed Buffy moving beyond the High School Years and beginning to become an adult. She faced the insecurities of being on her own in a wider world, discovered she was able to handle the changes and challenges of that world, and ended the season with a stronger sense of self and closer bonds with her friends.
I've also recently come to the conclusion that she had her best relationship during this season. Yes, I've become a full-fledged "Ruffy"! "Bangel" was a touching story about first love and heart-break, but if you really think about that relationship it was a little "off" from the beginning. He fell in love at first sight? I think he fell in love with his chance for redemption. As for Buffy, I feel the only reason she was drawn to him in the first place was because he was mysterious, unattainable (well...at first ), and dangerous. Just what every girl her age wants.... before they know better. (At least, if you believe the movies and my dim recollection of youth.)
"Spuffy" was never a relationship. It was two people with emotional problems who lusted after each other - and a lot of that lust was an outcome of those same emotional problems. I myself was blinded by the incredible charisma and acting ability of James Marsters, but "Spuffy" never had a real chance of becoming something worthwhile until Spike got his soul - and it just didn't happen. They became good friends and comrades, but nothing more - whatever Spike may have wanted.
Buffy and Riley met as "normal" people and developed their relationship over time. When each learned the other's secret, it brought them closer together. Unfortunately, when they hit the first serious "bump in the road", they didn't talk to each other about it. (But then, Buffy always did have a tendency to keep things to herself, and I guess Riley had that trait trained into him by the Initiative.) I think we would have had a completely different outcome if she'd only run a little faster during "Into the Woods" - (spoiler for A:tS season 5) and she wouldn't be the trophy girlfriend of a certain Immortal now. (And can I just say here - that really bugged me. After the beautiful promise of a normal future at the end of "Chosen", I felt cheated to be shown how Buffy had regressed during "The Girl in Question".)(end spoiler)
I did think Maggie Walsh would have made a better Big Bad than Adam. She had the "I may be human but I'm really powerful and sliding downhill into evil because I'm concerned with nothing but my own agenda" quality down pat. He was too much the stereotypical Frankenstein's monster. The method the Scoobies used to defeat him made the arc worthwhile, though.

Jewel Staite, who played Kaylee on "Firefly", has a blog. Go here.

There is a rumor going around that Charisma Carpenter will be on "Charmed" as the new Seer. Unconfirmed as yet, but it seems the source is reliable.

Did anyone else catch the Style Channel's show called "The Ultimate Blond" (or something to that effect)? SMG was one of the people featured, and a slice of an (older?) interview was shown. She said, "BtVS was a dream job. I got to do action, drama and humor." (I didn't write it down, but I think that was a fairly accurate quote.)

That's all I've got from the Jossverse right now. I'll have to do some responses/comments at a later date, 'cause right now I gotta


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