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Subject: Where angels fear to tread

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Date Posted: Tue, Sep 28 2004, 7:59:32 am PDT

Slowly...inch by measured inch a caterpillar makes it way from the shadow of a small wooden table in the corner of the Magic Box. At top of the table is an attractively decorated plant holder which houses, not surprisingly, a plant. A "weeping fig" to be precise, which had served as home to our little adventurer until recently. Seconds become minutes and minutes in turn become hours. The caterpillar makes towards the door, sensing as it does that something great is soon to happen to it, a magnificent and wondrous transformation. Suddenly it pauses. Head raised it peers into the middle distance. "Ohh" it thinks to itself as what appears to be a tear appears in midair. It watches transfixed as the tear appear to widen, brilliant white light streaming in through the new aperture, bathing the little insect below. Through the portal a dark show appears, casting the small caterpillar into semi-darkness. A boot emerges through the portal and begins to descend towards the floor. "I wonder what that is?" ponders the inquisitive little one. Unfortunately for the caterpillar the boot is heading for the poor little chap. "Ugh!!!" thinks the owner of the boot "What have I trodden on?" undeterred the warlock quickly makes towards the darkness 'neath the stairs

Hi everyone!!

Gothic: Good luck with the job hunting, hope that things turn out well for you. Don't forget that Giles started of working in a museum, come to think of it, which I do, there's a few old fossils where I work too.

Kung Fu Good luck in getting into university. I'm sure that you'll make a far better student than I ever did. What subject(s) are you looking at taking?

I know that I'm gonna be in a minority with this, but I always found the star wars films a little lightweight, especially the first (or fourth in the story as it would/will be). It seemed like little more than an updated fairytale with a space setting. When they were rescuing the princess from the castle dark star I almost expected them to come across a dragon.....and maybe shrek. "Empire" was probably the best of the initial trio. I didn't care much for "Return..", and those little furry creatures were far worse than a teddy bear. Still, "Revenge of the Sith" (I think that's what they're gonna call it) sounds like it sound be better.

*the warlock ducks a few wooden fish and a wooden millennium falcon*

Almond Hay nice to see you again. You'd be pleased to know that I actually finished reading "Warriors Apprentice" some time ago. Must get round to doing a follow up post on the second half. I'd certainly consider reading another book in the series when I get the chance. Since then I managed to complete the first two novels in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy and I've made a start on the last book "Amber spyglass". Which is pretty good going seeing as I only really get to read at the weekend. Thanks for the piccies of her most gorgeousness, I might use one on my mobile as I think I worn the one out that I have on it at the moment. I caught the Packer -Colts game on Sunday. Two of the best quaterbacks - possibly ever - going head to head. A pretty good game to watch...unless you're a packers' fan I guess.

Extra Evil Flamey Goddess Firey one I caught a (T.V.?) movie based on "My life at Rose Red", although this was simply called "Rose Red". I watched it thinking it would be about Snow White's sister but it turned out to be about some haunted mansion. Reminded me a little of "The Legend of Hell House". It had Julian Sands in it who is best known for playing the warlock in the film erm.."Warlock". Poor teddy had nightmares from watching it.
It appears that Britany's marriage may just be ha hoax to detract the press from the real event or to generate more publicity. Teddy has a theory that she's addicted to wedding cake and couldn't hold out to get her next "fix".

Last week was pretty sad for those of us who live in Nottingham and follow football. Last Monday Brain Clough died, he was the manager of Nottingham Forest when we won the league and two European cups back to back. He managed to get a small football club to punch well above it weight and challenge the bigger well established clubs. My favourite Cloughie quote is the one when he's talking about how he reckoned he did as a manager..."I wouldn't say that I was the best manager in the world - but I was certainly in the top one.

Must dash....

Take care all!! (especially caterpillars)

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